ï COLDS COST MONEY S P O R T H A T S A R E C A Y IN C O L O R ; N E W F R O C K S S T R E S S F E M IN IN IT Y FORTIFY YOURSELF THEM a hat may appear “oh. T O to RK sim sure, ple," hut la It? T l a true, it first glance. to the uninitiated, >von the moat sophisticated hand rorked hat may look the part of i * w t alm pllrtty.” hnt try to copy It. ly e , there'« the t o s t ! Study tho de- ilgn. count tho stltcho*. then lot tho rordlct ho el von. “Stltcho» ' did wo iay? “Strokes o f tho brush.“ would *o Just as correctly spoken, for hand Ft is e s tim a te d th a t a s u ffe re r fro m c o ld s loses th re e d ay s* tim e fro m w o rk ev e ry y ear. D R . P I E R C E ’S G olden Medical D IS C O V E R Y It increases the appetite, stim ulate, the digestion, enriches the blood. II vour dnigyist does not sell the Golden Medical Discovery, in liquid or tablets, you can obtain a pkg. of the tablets by sending 65 cents to the D r Pierce Clinic, in Buffalo. N. Y . S T E E R S A COVAN Announce N orthw est's Most Sensation al Musical Season ! S te e rs & Coman w ill present to m usic-lovers of the N orthw est a series of m usical even ts on a season tiek et plan. Headed by the coloratura soprano. A m elita Galli-Uurci. th e list of nam es include the d ram atic soprano. R osa P a n se lle ; th e Italian tenor. It la tim e to huy a now frock for E astertid e draws near. W hat shall Its führte ho? t'ornes ths answer straight from fnshton's headquarters 1 o n , , n t tp v iv p —choose some one o f tho durable ! ® * * » * * A l ? A I I \ l l i N A t yet sheer m aterials, for th s thlu silk IN SIMUNG BKST weaves are going to bo very stylish this season In tho darker colors When the grass turns green In the they are thoroughly practical, and navy blue p articularly give» promise i spring, farm ers usually tldnk more of widespread vogue. T he last word about live stock and. as a rule, most | beginners In dairying sta rt their new | business during the early spring i months, and there Is very little doubt that the appearance of grass Is an In centlve to this line of thought and no j Hon. concluded J IV L aM asler, ch ief of the dairy dlvlslou at l'ternsou col- 1 lege. A great m ajority o f milk cows In Ih s sta te freshen during the spring, which help* to produce Interest In ; dairying at this season o f the year, be cause when a surplus of mtlk Is pro duced the farm er usually looks around for a m arket for lids product lie soon realises that with one to tliree cows he cannot aspect any very great return, and therefore decides to add three or four more cows to Ids herd. In this way he grows Into the dairy business, which Is undoubtedly • t h e rery best tail Icy However, there are many reasons why It Is best to have the dairy cows freshen In the fall, and for the m in e reason It Is unity th s best policy to sta rt a new ry business at that season o f the IT. W ith th s spring pasture* there uau t.T CORKS certain noxious weeds, such lid onions ami b itter wood, which uce had flavor* and odors In the Ilk o f cows which graze them. A* no satisfacto ry met Inal has b e e n rmlned to ellinluate these objec- Inutile flavors from milk a fte r ll 1» n from the cow. T h e only way farm er can control these flavor* I* « ■ » lth e r destroy the weeds I* the pus ture or rem ove the cow * from pas­ tures Infested with these weed* at least th ree hours before milking tim e Som etim es green rye and oata pas- ture prodace these had flavor» and odors In the milk. T h is can be con­ trolled by the sam e procedure as out- lined above. % At church, in the ‘'movie.** or at any entertainment, if your neighbor has a cold and sneezes or cough*, the air is full cf germs and if you are not in good condition, you may become ill. T he only sure protection your body can have i* blood in good condition. 1 akc that splendid hemal tonic T he T ito Som e Handsome Sp ort Hats. S ch ip a; M ischa Elm an and his own strin g q u artet; Mikhail Mordkin. Rus­ s ia 's m ale dancer, with his own organ­ ization. including E len a Lukom. P ie rre Vladim roff. Hilda Butsova. form er B allerin a with Pavtow a and a symphony o rch estra : the R ussian Na­ tio nal Sym phonic Choir, an organiza- tion of 24 vix-'a! sta rs under the direc- tion of of B B astle asile K K ib ib alch alch ich ick ; ; a a Joint jo in t re- re tion cital by the popular pianist, P ercy ' G rainger, and the New York S trin g Q u artet; Ossip G abrilow itsch. pianist and conductor of the D etroit Sym ­ phony O rchestra. All th ese a ttractio n s will be present­ ed at the Public Auditorium. Portland. •alntlng this season has become a defl­ a t e facto r In the decorative scheme >f fashion. It U colorful handcraft Intmltably •xecuted which gives distinction to h e group of handsome sports hats lere pictured. Straw and fabric. Uke- vUe hand painting and embroidery. liny an intriguing part In the deslgn- o f f the th* ok *!**» *“ ,h »>1* collection of o ------- —" spring ---- ------------— l-“ artest sty les. A note o f outstanding ch ic In the la t o f green openwork straw shown Irs t in the group is Its Imposing ilgh crown with Its gigolo crease. Vote, too. If you pleuse, that Its wee irtm turns up at the back, which, ac­ cording to fashion's decree. Is the proper thing for It to do this season. __ _____ _______ _______ ... The . embroidered flowers are In purple ^ rosCj ind rose, with grPt.n green faille faille silk silk edging edging die brim. Som eth in * very new and extrem ely fashionable Is crocheted straw . Of rach U ,h * oatm eal-colored »ports hat . Makes Humorous Reading. T o read the argum ents against rail- roads in th eir early days gives one a sen se of restful secu rity in th ese days of rapid travel. Jo h n Bull, in 1>35. from F a ria Is for black georgette frocks for very sm art occasion wear. T hese show little trimm ing except a lavlah fluttering o f draperies oud set- on panels and multitudinous godeta shlrrlngs and ruffling». T he extrem e o f the mode finds expression In geor­ gette combined w ith taffeta. Two out­ standing favorites are navy georgette with m atching taffeta also gray. I f your p reference Is for other than a sheer transparen t fabric, the mode recommends any o f the handsome silk crepes, notably flat crepe and crepe de chine. From force o f habit, the wom­ an o f conservative ta ste will select a dark shade, but the trend o f fashion Is Ju st as surely toward Joyous spring time colorings. It will ta k e real strength of mind to resist such allur- Ing shades as the lovely new rose V ines, a rtistic greens, blue*, yellows, manves. grays and many more aa charm ing which may be summed up 1 In one w o rd -p a ste l, asked how women “ would endure the fatigue and m isery and danger of be­ ing dragged through the a ir at the ra te of 20 m iles an hour, all th eir liv es being at the m ercy of a tinplate or a copper boiler, or the accid ental dripping of a pebble or a brick on the lin e of way.” V erily th e tim es have changed! f ib W on't Face the Music h Ju s t th e Opposite Jud Tunkins says the m otor ca r is a prom oter o f civilization, but not of politeness. Good Sealin g Ground T V F u r bearing seals, whose pelts are considered second in qu ality only to the b e tter known A laskan seal, are found In the vicinity of a sm all Island j a few m iles off the coast of Uruguay, South A m erica. T * - *1 7 He had m arried a very sm all wom­ an, and was being chaffed about It 'at th e club. “Now, look here, you fel­ low s.” he said. " I t ’s all very well laughing about this, but I alw ays base my conduct on certain d efinite prin­ cip le*. One of them Is: Given a choice of evils, alw ays choose the les­ se r.”— London T it-B its. You Want a Good Position " ^ «| Sbgws T read to the top at the right in the picture. The flowers are in multicolor, and hand woven Into the background. Hand painting glorifies the charm ­ ing peanut straw sports hat pictured to the cen ter left. The m otif 1» of modernistic Inspiration, expressing ; rlvld yellows, greens and reds. There la a binding o f silver ribbon with a tailored bow of sam e at the back. A touch o f silver Is one o f the mode’s pleasing whims for frock or hat. Quilted m illinery Is a fashionable theme. T he Imported Rports hat shown last In the group Is o f white faille silk, all-over quilted with gold metal thread, then embroidered In green, brown and orange. Behnke-YValker M Dented Crowns Brother and Sister Suit« Feed for the Caives A pollini of cn lf meal (dry welglit) la equivalent to ulmut dine pouiul* of sklmmed milk. Mix (he meal Inlo a gruel or th lrk paste by uslng Inke- warm w ater nnd «tir »11 the lumpa «ut. Add elglit pound» o f holllng wa te r to every pottnd o f mp»l. When the m istu re h«s rooled to ■ tem per­ ature of almut #0 degrees Fahrenh eit, It may he fed In the snrne quantltlea rs sklmmed milk. G rsln and bay are nino fed Just ns Is recmninended when calves are fed sklmmed milk. •NIAT HI OFFERS A M A R K E T fo r your prod uce P o rtla n d , D re g o n . Cheap Transportation F R A N K L IN S IT» 09 AND UP W * tmv« ft fi* w Mir. t cm « Hint » r« Mtf valu «« M«« th em h « f» rr > ou buy K l p r r i i epa Irin » «m l H lutug» by tl*y ur Wrrh A N D K H I O N A MIC ■ M O T O R t t R V I C l F r a n k lin » « rv u # «09 • llo y t Ht . « I N inth. l'u r lU u é . i | I H o * d w » y A L l L V. W >» O u i R i r K x !? 0 t G U A M A '>S N f • » I I ww U UW'S"C Dundee Auto Repair Ai Machine Works T h e O ldest and Beat Equipp ed R epair P lant In Oregon K .i« l W a l e r s lid S a lm o n Mia . p o iila n d . O r e g o n ; VLI NDK- H U M I N O I N O - C H A N K »HAST OHl NOI NO OHN K OVISH CUT FLOWERS 1 FLORAL DEMtNS S U B S C R IB E N O W C la r k * U r s a , r i e r i » Is. M ? M iw iSa aa Season T ick e t Allotm ent Lim ited W E BUY Steers & Coman "T h e sp u rn s W orld's G reatest B arg ain " Hides, Peks, Wtol, Mohair, Tallow, Cascara Bark Horse Hair. Music SffifkU u« y o u r • h u -m rttU W * «M il you rh «# k It»# m i d « vUy « # ruroiv# « « « I * . Headline Artist Attractions $13.20, $11.00, $8.80 $5.00.... .. »... $3.00 It I-: A o T U K N A M l-:s is I k I IM Em tllTM ll S* It* • B in P ortland H ide a W ool C o . is » Schipa Ponselle Mordkin Balle! Russe Mischa Elman ' » ? « £ « Grainger-New York Siring Quartette Russian Symphonic Choir Gabrilowitsch CONCERTS IN PUBLIC AUDITORIUM Su bscription I .lut Now Opt*n STEERS & COMAN Colum bia Bldg Portland, Oregon j W atch All l«*ng r»c «(raw aluff«4 )i>t»l#t on having th« ««»4l»r »Uh th« * ► l«h" I«t*#l If >our « not li«ndl« i iiH i t it! * <»ll*r, writ« to u* dltvvl M R abies. P IH AR K I Y A to N U n io n A v P o r t la n d , O r* . -m .............- ................ .......... . Sa n t« Claua In England. !lr**t lla r te '0 alary. “ Ilow San ta Claua Catno to Hlmpaon’i IUr.** pub ll»h''«l In 1*71. la < r«Mlltt» dl snietera. about h a lf an Inch long lie : neath th s scales th ere are spougy, scabby growths. In which the eggs aud pupae of th# m iles are to be seen j In g reat numbers. T he pupue nr* very sim ilar In shape to m ature mite*, but are very much sm aller, appear j tflg, when viewed with the above- ! uivutloned power, about o iie te n lli of j an Inch In length. T h e disease, being o f a sim ilar ch aracter to the scab In sheep, or the mange In dogs and rat tie. tuay be cured by the sam e (rent ment. Fow ls were cured of (hla dls ease before accu rately knowing the causa, by applying lo the legs a mix- lu rs o f lard with one tw entieth part o f carbolic arid. T h is should he ap piled with a stiff brush, such aa one of those sold with bottles of mucilage A very aniall p ainter's sash brush would answ er the pu rpoae; but some thing muat be used by which the I medicated grease ran be applied thor­ oughly to the crevices between the scales j A m ixture of equu! parts of lard or j sweet oil and kerosene will he equally j aa effective as the carbolic a d d mix ture. It la probable that lard, or oil ! alone, would be effective, but the ; kerosene more easily |>enetrales be tween the scales and Ibe carbolic arid Is aure death (o the parasites. The , remedy being so simple. It will he | Inexcusable If (his d isagreeable affec­ | tion la suffered to remain til a flock ; while, however, one fowl Is troubled with It, It will certainly spread, aa the j m ite* will burrow beneath the scales o f th * oilier fowl*. If precautions are generally naed. th * p arasite can he exterm inated. W henever affected fowls are sent out. the disease goes with them. A study o f the relation of certain factor« In th * single comb W hite I .eg horns at the U niversity o f Idaho agrl cultural experim ent station showed that the more a pullet weighed when th e started laying, the heavier were the first ten eggs she laid T h e larg eet pullet*, as measured l>y their maxi mum weight for the year, laid eggs that averaged the heuvleat for the year. T h is Is an Important consideration because lu the past, early m aturity, as Indicated by a sm all number of days from the d a l* o f batch to data o f first egg. has been emphasised. It la quite natural lo expect that the pullets that begin laying early weigh less when they start to lay than those th at tak e a longer tim e to mature. Rapid bodily m aturity la. therefore, as essential aa rapid sexual m aturity, aa Indicated by the laying o f the firal egg No correlation was found In exist between the sire o f the pullet and her yearly production. T h e large pullet laying a larg e egg would seem dealr- able. T h e large pullet, however, ma tores too slowly and la a less efficient agg producer. Efficient management call« for pullets o f medium sire, inn tured norm ally, both bodllv and sex- ually. T h e Indications are that such pullets have the best chance o f being producers of stundard eggs ns well as an equal chance of being high pro­ ducers. Evas. 15c __ M»rit»un «I I l s»enlli CAUSE OF SCABBY LEGS IN POULTRY R ectu s • feed price* a re lower than la st year and bu tterfa t prices some­ what higher, many dairym en are feed Ing more grain and purchased feeds I than a year ago. D airy division men at U niversity Farm . St. Paul, Minn., say th at the grain ration gives best Wisconsin Experts Give ‘results when fed according to the In Rations for the Chick? 1 milk production o f the cow F o r chick« the first ten rinyaW lscon hen a good grade o f rougliage ■In ei|ivrt« recommend this corn c a k e ; liable- and the cows should Finely ground rnrn, 1 p in t; wheal have all they can clean up— one pound bran, 1 te a cu p fu l; soda, 1 teaspoon of grain to each tliree to four pounds f u l ; «our milk. 1 teacupful Bake one f n t milk produced will he suffleent. In hour and feed four time« n day k ill * a ration without clover or a lfa lfa hay. ■ little dry grain chick feed Into the goodly quantities o f feed rich In pro­ litte r to Induce exercise. tein, such as linseed nienl. cottonseed A fter the flr»t few day« the follow Lineal or bran, muat be added In order i Ing mash Is recommended, eith er fed to balance the ration to the needs of dry or mixed crumbly with w ater oi the animal. ■our m ilk : Corn meul, l.'sl pounds; wheat bran, 100 pound*; wheat mid Some Dairy Calf Dangers dllngs. 100 pounds; rolled oat«, 2fi T h e dairy c a lf cannot run with Its pound«; m eat «crap, 20 pounds; oil mother on the clean p a stu re ; the beef meal. 5 pound«; salt, 3 pound«. c a lf can T h e dairy c a lf must be T h e poultry department o f Cornell - : weaned within a day or so a fte r birth university recommend« Ibis ration for When sucking Its duin, the cow's udder fattening, with milk, nnd fed w et; and teats should best lie kept clean so Corn meal, fiO pound«; white wlieut that the culf will not heroine Infected middlings, 20 pounds; ground heavy with germs that might produce Indlges oat«, 10 pounds. T h is Is to be mixed o f the Mode. tion and diarrhea. T herefore, the cow to ■ hatter, fresh at each feeding, wllb und the ca lf should he kept In n clean butterm ilk or skim milk. It will re­ F abric, l i 'i w .i i - , . ■ ' p l y col orful and us finely te x ti^ ^ P as It Is place— away from filth, m anure and In quire approxim ately two pounds of these days, Is not the only expre.islre fecflon. milk to one pound o f mash. p art o f a charm ing springtim e frock. So much depends upon the m aking Calves Without Milk Hatchahility of Eggs T h is season’s inodes abound In In­ A dairy c x i * r t o f the Missouri sts- • T he lintchabilify of egg* depend» triguing detail which bespeak the con­ summate art o f the stylist. T he frock lion says that dairy calves a fte r the-,- | nioatfy on the coiiatlttitloiiul condition In the picture Is rep resentative o f the are three or four weeks old can be o f the breeding ntock thnt 1» to pro­ trend o f the mode to cre a te types raised successfully without milk. He j duce the egg» Next It might he nnld thnt the constitutional vigor of the which Interpret a charm ingly fem i­ considers the lack o f skimmed milk nine spirit. One of the newest colors, on many farm s the ch ie f obstacle In breeding stock grently depend» on the verdigris green, Is chosen for this raising calves by hand, and finds thnt conditions under which they are kept, dress of crepe Louise. The front c a lf meals, as su bstitutes for milk, that la If they are properly ho lined Hnd shows gathered pnnels In apron e ffe c t are being sold extensively. “They are fed. Hens mid well matured pullets finished with deep hand o f cream lace. fairly satisfactory hnt a re rather high n»uy both be used for breeding pur* Apron drapes are very modish. pose» with success, but great enre In price as compared to home mixed «hould he taken thnt both lieu» and JU L IA B O TTO M LEY . feed which will give equal and often (ft. 1124. w » * t » r n New spaper Ualeo. I pullets ure hcnlrhy. superior result«.” The crown« o f the newest small felt T h e fashion o f dressing the small Very well — Take the Accountancy and Busin*»«« Management, Private Secretari­ hat» »hould be dented. T h at la the brother and slater alike 1» becoming al, Calculator, Comptometer, 8t#*nogra- ¡method by which the wearer« a ch iev e. more and more popular. New models pric, Penmanship* or Commercial Teach­ Individuality o f npftearance since the 1 for these very Im portant young per­ er«' Course at hat» them selves are almost exactly sons have «mocks of red ipid white •alike. Narrow brim» are turned down linen In a squared design, and eith er In front and sharply up In back. trouser« or b rief little skirt« of white Th* for*mo*t Business College of the linen. Northwest which Ime won more Accuracy Awards and Gold Medals than any other Gypsy Girdle« Attractive »• hod In America. Mend for our su'-c-sa H ig h N e c k * T he gypsy girdle that 1« the wide Catalog. Fourth Street sear Morrison, Portland, Or. Inaac M. Walker, Prea. « carf worn low over the hip« 1« ex­ The high neckline I« p issin g out P. N. U. No. 16. 1926 trem ely attractiv e on the very slender rapidly. T he buteuu line Is better figure. for spring. A M H 1 L / iilL / V A U D E V IL L E — P IC T U R E S ä ä Always Pays Dividends No man ever sowed the grain of g enerosity who gathered not up the harvest of the d esire of “is h eart.— Saadi. U ngallant. B ran aud cracked corn m ake very good c a lf feed and whenever possible they should form (he hnsta o f the grain m ixture. Ground oata are like­ wise good but, because they are usual­ ly high In price as compared with other farm grains, their use la not general. Corn has a desirable effect on calves and to a certain extent rep laces the b u tterfat removed from the milk. Many tests prove cracked m ore desirable than when finely ground By the time a c a lf Is two weeks old It will start nibbling grain If given a ehance and a t one month will eat h a lf a pound a day. In case a m ixture of fceils Is de­ sired there are aeverul good one«. 1. T h ree parts cracked corn and one part w heat bran. 2. T h ree parts cracked corn, one part wheat bran and one part ground oats. 3. T h ree parts cracked corn, one part wheat bran, one part ground oats and one part ollincal. 4. F iv e part» cracked corn, one part ground oats and one part blood meal. Feed grain dry In troughs Immedi­ ately a fte r the calves have finished drinking their milk. Calves three months old will eat about three [»ounds of grain a day. it i Finn s' Double C hristm as. i Grain Mixtures Useful for Feeding the Calves Balance Ration of Cows to Need of Individual “ You'd b e tte r be at home when heaven com es to see you.” the prc-ach- e r said to B ro th er W illiam s, s. “ N o t! m e !” he replied. " E f I knows fer sho' it's cornin'. I ll be under de bed, or h a llw a y s up de chim bly. D ar’ll be nobody h o m e!” F o r cen tu ries before the year 1772 the people of Finland had four C h rist­ m as holidays, but a Sw edish royal de­ cree issued th at year abolished the third and fourth, as it was thought de­ sirab le to curtail the festiv al in the In terest o f work. But the Finn s still have two C h ristm as holidays. Decem ­ ber 25 and 26 (S t. Step h en 's day). DAIRY FACTS AGAINST P H P T I l O I \ T h e parliam ent which m et In !4 t6 . «luring th«* reign of ll«*nry VI. wan tail«*! the im rllu iixn l o f bat«, tmeau»«« wh«»n the m em ber« wer«' forbidden by royal doer«*» to carry »word«, they «auiu arm«*«! with l«»ng atavea E «plainad. A judge naked re«*ently, "W h at la (einp«*rnm«*nC“* W ell. In a woman ICa what m akea her »Inin door»; In her hualuind you ca ll It »Imply letnp«»r.— London Cum h * New York record * show th at the Alfonno de Albuquerque, viceroy of poodle doe* m ore Idling than any other India, won for him »«If the till«« of the sort of dog. O ften the poodle bites ’ I'ortUKUeae Mara” by hla f«>«t In 1M)3 for the reason th at a baby crie s In of «apturing (¡o a and auhdulng the protest ag ainst too much pam pering whole of M alahar. Ceylon, Sunda late» and mollycoddling and the M ulacca penln»ula. S trictly Cash. About th» only thing you ca n 't buy on the installm en t plan nowndays la ch a ra cte r. - W o rcester Evening Gn xette. F lr« t Accordion. T he accordion, a sm all free reed wind Instrum ent, wu* Invented In Vienna, the capital of A ustria, about the year 1H29, by a m usician named Damian It was soon a fte r Introduc­ ed Into England. B est for Mental W orker». An E nglish woman scien tist hns die term lned Hint 55 degrees Fah ren h eit is the best tem p eratu re for m enial worker«. Her O bjection . T he doctor was called to attend Ut­ ile Audrey who wns III. tin prescribed for h e r a bottlo of m edicine which he insisted wa« p leasan t to tak e. But Audrey ste a d fa stly refused to Im bibe It. Sh e sm iled slyly a t tho m edicine man and d eclared : "Aw , you can ’t fool me. Doc! I am fully aw are thnt It Is not as good as peach Ice cre am ." K ansas City Blur N O R T O N IA H O T E L SLEEP SOUNDLY eat heartily ami keep healthy with Itarkroot, the tonic that has brought health to thous­ ands. C o r r e c t a R u n -D o w n C o n d it io n " I h a v e m o r e p e p Mat a m b it io n a n d • a n •!" m y u s u u l ila v * » w o rk w ith o u t t h e •• a hit ll i f lo ll I h a d e x p e r ie n c e d fo r «*• •««••■ t im e punt I urn o n ly ti*«> g la d t o r r c fttn m e ttd lt u r k r o .it T o n lo to » n y - o n » whem e h e a lt h 1» Im p a ir e d " MIIM M . I t K Y N O U m . P o r t la n d F o r Kale by All Druggists Nature’s Own Tonic , ï‘ ’J r Y ' I p C c 'Ì ~ rf ' p » R t i S , [ You W ill F««l Right «I Horn« II#r# Sab »ad (aatni KxnelUnt Cat«. Kflir», Uua Mr#t« «Il Traina. h lrt R p#rUI Weekly 11 th «ml Htark. P O R T L A N D . ORKÜON PALACE HOTEL 446 Washington 81., Cor. 12th 8t. Knrurally noll< Ita your patronage You wui havo all the com torta <*f your own home. Very rrnnoruttil« r»(ea and prompt and «‘ourtoouN service. Qlvo ua a trial AU G U ST K R A TZ Manager Colds and roup among chickens oft c ^ ï ï k e i c è *n can be traced to damp poultry houses. T he bouse should he so re­ W. L. êt l!e»#y ft ree«!« from paired that there Is no cliance for Mosel test#» noftor State Hii|>ervl «Ion. n I mo mi r fmnotiN World Her on I rain to leak through Ilia roof, and fumiti Wh. I.ychftrin IM yr#. rep­ ■ome provision also should he made utation for ni-tter rhlrka. better velnea. better aervtre. Free earn log to keep rain ami snow from besting Q U E E N H A T C H E R Y .it a flM t In through (he openings In the front l*JO 1ST AVINUt - SIATTLI k o f the house. Muslin cu rtain s cun Im M A R RY TF L O N E L Y Jo in "T h e provided for the opening* nnd Mad during stormy w eather. Poor ventllu Su ccessfu l C orrespondence Club ” R e­ lia b le ; D u e r tp IlM I free BOX 556, tion also may cause dampness In the OAKLAND, C A LIFO R N IA . house. Your Health Demands It! Y celebrated treatment for Piles and other Rectal and M Colon allmrnH i* to Mire, to safe, so cailly obtained that II Is folly lo post­ pone proper care until your health I* en­ tirely broken down. My new IOO page llltistratcd book, which Is yours for the asking, disciiMca (hose diseases, contain* scores of Id lers from patients, describe« my methods and «lairs my unqualified G U A R A N T E E lo par- manrntly relieve you of Files or refund your frr. W rite or call today. Cl 1 PORI_______ D r n V ;« n B u 3 M TH\AMfL'l O fXilfi LOIlis T - ■■ -".-¿j nniT'iTi DEAN. M.D. Inc. :»&. ."4 m a ttlc o r n c it