EXTRA! CHURCH CALENDAR M. E. Church Learn About These Travel Extras Sunday School 10 a.m. Morning service 11 A.m. Christian Endeavor ..0:80 p.m. Evening Service .......7 :.'30 p.m. A l no aJJilutitat /«<*. g*l tlt fi iil«M li|n wh«a 1 ’ ioh t h r ai o p n v f r p i i v t h g r * o n i i - d t y t o u n j i i i p l i f k f U h i l w i m n u n v O o g o n points. V is it st s s v t is l pi) mi 11 i m u s d of o n ly out. 1 8. P. T R A I N B C IIE D U A L Southern Pacific lin e s Agoni. Tumor, Orrgun. / W A V V V W W ^ A V A W V A 'W W W W / t ’A '. V A W ; HAVE ON HAND The following »prays for spraying fruit trees, rose bushes, etc. Sure-Knoxem, Arsenate » f le a d _ Dry Lime and Sulphur, Paris Green Tobacco Soap Also have the following poultry supplies: Cholorinc, I jc o Powder, Egg Women’s and Misses Serviceable Coats W ell Tailored Good Materials Plain or Fur-Trimmed $ 1 2 .-4 0 616 0 0 $ 1 9 ." 7 5 $ 2 4 .7 5 U. G. S H IP L E Y C O . SALEM , OREGON. \ Starts at 8 o’clock sharp SPECIAL 1 Welcome! Yes all are Welcome Bcveml of the Bones family *ath- i*red along the banki of Mill creek for the first picnic o f the »canon on Sunday. Jay Denhem ix busy planting mint on his farm east o f town. Several of the farmer» of thig section are try­ ing out the mint indoitry. See Dr. A. C. Futon for ipeeial price» on Krytok leiuu-» during the month o f April. 282 N. Com’l St., updo in. 4-ttf For Sale— Ford »on tractor. * In good repair. J. 1.- Webb, Turner. 4-l-2tp MRS. Q U E S N A L L Evangelistic Services at E N T E R T A IN E D Mrs. Quesnall of San Francisco, was thr honor guest at a social func­ tion at the home of her brother, M. Huuthcru Purifie train» st Turner: T. Miller, on Wednesday afternoon North Bound— By of last week. The invited guests Tniin No. 82, 4:88 am. fcere Mesdames Wes Smith, John Truitt No. 18, 6:28 a.m. Doncan, John Watson, Clinton Tracy, Train No. 18, 0:17 a.m. Jim Tracy, Elliot Ball, Milo Knight, Train No. 14, 1 KM p.m. Geo. Crume and the hostess, Mrs. M. G O S P E L C A R E V A N G E L IS T Train No. 84, 8:17 p.m. T. Miller. In the eour»e of the after­ South Bosincl--- Meeting* Nightly Except Saturday, 8 P. M. noon delicious refreshments were Train No. 17, 10:67 a.m. served. Mr». Quesnall formerly lived ALL- A R E W E L C O M E Train No. S3, 7 ff>4 p.m. in this community and wa* glad o f C. A. Hannon 1» carrying hi» arm Train No. 81, 10:20 p.m. the opportunity to renew old friend­ in a »ling thi» week at the reiult of ships. u badly «mashed thumb. F I N A L AOC’OT.NT OF Dave Kastburn made a bu«ine«s A D M IN IHTH A T iil X trip to Salem Tuesday. BO NES BROTHERS PLA N StUMHt»» < » « « » « « To wfauin It may concern: Nolle* I* Mr». Delbert Hill paused away at MORE IM PR O V E M E N T S lioroby givott that Ilia undersigned, her home in Mill City lad week and E. N. PEETZ W. H. PARKER Cora It. H o lt, formerly Cora H. Houck was buried Sunday. She had »ever- Bones Brother« have been busy the f X aduiliilutrutrlx of tlio estate of A. J. al acquaintance» around Turner. Real Estate and Insurance Ifouek, dreoasrd, lia* flitd In the PIA N O M UST BE SOLD — Will past week painting their garages, j I W e can sell your farm, city or business property. County Court of the Klatu of Orrgon socri&ca high grado piano ia »torago which adds materially to its appear- j f List your real estate with us They have completed filling j X for Matlon County, brr fiual account naar kora for immodiato aalo. Will ance. lu aai>! «-slate, and Ih* Court liou fixed giva easy torn» to an established the lot adjoining the garage in pre-' I 462 State St. Salem, Oregon aud appointed Turodty, Slay 4, I 'JW, homo. For full portWuiart and nhoro pa ration for the addition to the pres-1 ♦ Room 8, Upstairs at the hour of lO.vHJ o'clock A.M. of it may bo «o*n addroa* Portland Mu- ent building which will be built in the j * This addition becomes J «aid day, In tbo County Court ilootn, tic Co., 227 Sixth St., Portland, Ora. near future. necessary owing to the increase in lu ilia County Court House, In Marion 3-11-31 business during the past year. County, Orrgon, aa tho time and place C. M. Mtiler and family o f Marcola for tin.* hearing of objection« to auch were in Turner over Sunday. Anal accouut and for svttleuieut Unro­ Mr». S. Talbott and Mr». Henry T U R NE R M AR K ET of. HANDS CHANGES Dated at Salem, Orrgon, March, 31, Barnett celebrated their birthday» with a picnic last week. 1112«. Dr. J. W. Ransom left Tuesday for CoraH. Scott, formerly CoraH. Houck A deal was closed yesterday where­ V E T E R IN A R IA N a two-day trip to Eugene and Riddle. Admliilatratrix of the Kalate by the Turner Meat Market title was IT IS HERE A G A IN — The Now Day and Night 5«rvkc* of A. J. Houck, docraot-d. passed from W. H. Houghton to H. Modal 4 Corona Portablo Typowritor. A. Bowman and sons o f Falls City, Carry F. Marlin STAYTON OREGON Complain with carrying caaa. Sao It Oregon. The deal has been under Attorury for Kstatc. and try it at tka Tribuoo often. way for some time and was brought Rev. Mr. Hay o f Stayton, who is to a close Friday afternoon. Mr. conducting revival meeting» in the Houghton came here from Portland Christian church, was able to be back some months ago and purchased the again Sunday night biter a few days business from J. E. Barber, who op­ illness with the flu. erated the shop fo r nearly a year. If you do your own repair Mr. and Mr». C. Standlcy and son The Bowmans have leased tl.e Law- work we ca n supply you with I Chas. returned Sunday from a four rence Roberts place near town and a full line of good tools at rea­ day trip to Yakima, Wash., to visit will move here, as soon as arrange their son Earl. inents can be made. They took pos- sonable prices. Co.tr« cur« guaranteed by * •«»•«» the shop Friday evening W . F- Burns— Dan Burns the caae without operation. Dr. “ "d Mr. Bowman s sons Ross and Follow ing i« Um ttchssiul* vi Ol li If, Itomi, Utility Coats J. M. Shelley, Pastor. Wisksnil toundiiip Ikkris to and ftom I’ oitlin.l — wit hum stupuvsr st* gm tlr irdmcd in tost Hoy thsiii for otrtt Sand.y tupi Ktlutn limit isfollowing T utidsy, Ttll out sgrnt yout ttsvfl plsm 11**11 glsdly adriM you ttgjtding s most idviiitsgroui ilintttry. V » * Christian Church you iiHtl. . i Revival Meetings N o w In Full Force at the Christian Church In Our Home Town by Brother Hay, a man out to win souls for God. Sunday School at 10 a.m. Morning Hurvim 11 a.m. Kpworth leugue .... 0 :80 p.m. Evening Service ....... 7 :80 p.m. Mid-week Prayer Service, Thursday..7 :30 p.m. C. W. Pogue, I’aator. EXTRA! Food, ( ’hick Feed, Ground Hone, Poultry Tonic, and Grit. Aumsville E. K. Bailey fi. F. KORINEK, V i ., B.V.Sc. H. L. Earl’s Hardware Store Locals . *** TT T S H V t . » « I W » Phon» 440 Dr. O. A. Olson, Dentist M A S O N IC T E M P L E . »m i SALEM ifs m w k M (N ot brothers, the same man) P. G. Star ran, 309 Oregon Bldg Fl*yd h» ve thar*e o{ thc * ° P High Street at Ferry Salem, Oregon. for th* Prescnt- Salem, Oregon The Turner Meat Market is taking - ELSWORTH’S HAT SHOP Hat Blocking 343' 2 and 347 Court Street SALEM OREGON ».JUaiililL trtjhiM JPwIrfffw» f»»»fwt on a fresh coat of paint. ia wielding the brush. L U L U J. K E LL Y I*atest Styles Millinery î rVAWVW * * WrtWt WWW a ■WtW.V.y.VWftViVS.WiWW*1* ta le n t iflnrtwani Raient, Oregon. EAT ! 2ft) Center Rt. The registration books will clow April 20.- Those who wish to register for primaries please take notice of the time.— H. L. Earl, Registrar. Efficient Work----- Moderni« Prices CM Am erican Hatter Cirstikir of Hits and Clothing C'enning, Pressing and Repairing 141 8. Liberty St. Sitlem, Oregon. Notice — This certifies that the undersigned are the own­ ers, editors and managers of the Turner Tribune, and that there are no other bond hold­ ers, mortgages, or other secur­ ity holders. F. P. and L. J. Rowley, Sworn to and subscribed before me this 31st day o f March, 1926. C AR L T. POPE, Notary- Public for Ongon, My Commi.sion expires Sept. 25, W W W V V J V .W / A W V W .V .W (Seal) I N S U R A N C S. Talbott Mr», l.ulu J. Kelly passed away at The Marion County Veterans As- her home in Turner, Tuesday March sociation meets today (Thursday) at 30. ngrd 60 years and 4 months. Be­ Woodbum. J. M. Watson, Sr., o f sides her husband she leaves two sons, Turner, president o f the aasociation, Harry Prunk o f Aumsville and Ed­ is in attendance. ward Kelly of Turner and a daughter Ploying, Haulign, Light Team work Agnc* Kelly o f Turner. Mrs. Kelly Hollis made many friends during the time < — Satisfaction guarantood. »he lived in Turner who extend their j Bonos. sympathy to the family. Mrs. Mathias has added a new room Master Elwin and Marvin Farris to the north side of her house. are spending the week-end with their Mrs. Emma Moore moved into her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Far­ home, recently purchased from Del­ ris. bert Lon», Monday o f this week. Funeral service» will be held at the house Thursday at 23)0 P. M. Einlialmrni mrî) if mural Dtmtnrn Phone lAVt 4 % Paid on six months J nce spresd It* hoot) as » shade over Buddha while he slept, and was bleeaed hy the ratnt, who placed » mark upon It» hack ns a naming to bird* of prey not to molest It. Little headway can be made against tats superstition In effort» toward eradica­ tion. In P ra ite o f Dancing Dancing the “ poetry of motion,' formerly a type of religious exercise, the Invention of which w* :.ecrlbed to deity, was also highly esteemed as a gymnastic exercise, the practice of which was compulsory with the Spar­ tans, old and young. Old Anacreon most light-hearted of Greek poet» looked upon the dance »a a rejuvgnator of age I.ucile and Donald Riches drove to Silverton recently to visit with Perry Tlie Tribune shop ¿an print yw»f Baker at the Silverton hospital, and found him in the best o f spirits and butter »Taps, letter heads and *n vclopss. "etting ulong good. Anderson’s Salem’s Largest Exclusive Sporting Goods Store gron Salem, Oregon 126 SouthCominercial St. $ W W W Pomeroy & Keene R E L IA B L E J E W E L E R S A N D O P T IC IA N S E Y E S T E S T E D — G L A S S E S State ami Liberty Sts. F IT T E D S*tem Ore ton WEBB & CLOUGH CO. Funeral Directors A N D LICENSED EMBALMEFTS Reliable Service. Lady Assistant 205SO. Chnrch St.— Pay or Night Phone 130 - Salem - Read The Ads and Save Money Subscribe for The Tribune $1.25 per Year