The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, April 01, 1926, Image 2

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y . $. Kdutlrg, CMtor
ment No. 2.
Jennie I.icV Hubbard, Plaintiff, vs.
Jasper N R .!l ami Mrs. N Kell. I us
w ife. »Iso all other persons >l parties
unknown claiming any right, title or
inlcivat n the real piopert; described
in the complaint herein. Defendants.
TO Jasper N. Boll and Mrs. N.
Bell, his wife, also all other persons
or parties unknown claiming any
right, title or interest in the real prop­
erly described in the com plaint here­
Issued Every Thursday at Turner, Marion County, Oregon
SUBSCRIPTION $1.25 PFR YEAR. Entered at the Poatoffice
at Turner, Oregon, as serond-elass matter, under the
Act of March 8, 1879.
In an article appearing in the current issue of the Ameri­
can Press it was stated that a survey made by the University of in. IN T H E N A M E OE T H E S T A T E
Missouri showed than in ten years 54 Democratic dailies and OE O R E G O N , You and each of you
hereby required to appear and
84 Republican dailies in eight states had abandoned their poli­ are
answer the complaint tiled against
tical party allegiance and had declared themselves independ­ you in the above entitled Court and
on or before six weeks from the
ent. The states included in this survey were Missouri, Penn­ cause
date o f the first publication o f this
sylvania, California, Montana, Minnesota, New Hampshire, summons and if you fail so to answer,
want thereof, the plaintiff will ap­
New York and Georgia. The above survey shows the tenden­ for
ply to the Court for the relief prayed
cies of the American people to draw away from party lines and tor in their complaint, namely : That
you and each o f you be required to
vote independent of party dictations. This tendency has grown set
forth the nature and extent of
rapidly since the enactment of the direct primary law. The your interest or estate in or claim
elections every year show that the tendency of the voter is to upon the following described prom
isos, to-w it:
vote for the man rather than for the party. The time was
Beginning at a point 23.76
chains South o f tin- half M t i M
when the members of the different parties would vote for the
corner on the W est line o f sec­
party nominee regardless of his moral standing rather than to
tion 14 f . 8 South, R S West
o f the W illamette Meridian. Mar­
vote against the party. The younger generation are beginning
ion County, O r e -o n ; running
to see the fallacy of this plan. The result is the candidate’s
thence East 5 3 .6 5 chains to a
cnee South 23. ' S chain*
record is investigated thoroughly before the vote is cast. The
to a stake; thence W est 53.55
days of the old ward heeler and political bosses are past. The
chain« to the W est line o f sec­
tion 23 in said township; thence
regeneration of politics has been gradually taking place since
North along the W est line o f said
the old days when votes were sold for all the way from a quart j sections 2 8-1 4 , 2 8.7 5 chains to
o f bad whiskey to ten or fifteen thousand dollars, until a few | the place o f beginning containing
128 acres o f land, being a part o f
years ago when the corrupt practice act was made a law limit-' the Donation l aml Claim o f V ir­
ing the amount of money to be spent by each candidate. Al- j gil K. Pringle ami w ife, together
with improvements thereon.
though this act, if enforced, would do away with illegal vote i That
the adverse claims o f each and
getting, some candidates are able to violate it and get by with 1 every o f the above named defendants
by the above named
it, but it is coming to be a difficult task for the crooked politic­ Court and that the
right o f possession
ian to get away with this practice. It is up to the American and the title to said real property be
forever quieted by a decree o f this
voter to study the candidate and vote for the best interests of Court;
and that by said decree it be
ordered, adjudged and decreed that
good government.
Taking the Profit
Your Home Out of War
ffryr im I c .1 frvm r* « suonile l/.wlSI*.
Doting (be final phass of tha World
War no man or corporation or Inatltu
lion could raise money without lb «
tpproval of the t'upltal Issue* Commit-
tea of the Tre*«ury Department, which
roniiiiltteu In turn would not permit
the borrowing of money unlas* the
War Industrie* Hoard approved th«
ns« to which It wa« to be put Thu*
tbe City of New York wn* not permit-
I -d to ipuud $3,000,030 for th# build
lag of school« The City o f liille-lel
pills was prevented from making Ini
proseiuuuta that In reace lime would
have been aoc««*ary, but In war lliue
were not.
Various elates, counties
and elite«, and a vast number o f prt
vat« concern«. w «r« d«nl id th« use
of money and material« f r purposes
not ucceasary for lh « of lh«
war Each part o f U>« community had
to adju«t Its wauls
tho whole great
.»* «■ 1 ■ ■ , m .
I mads thsm III male* and comrade* lo
} tbs men In th* truncha* and ua lh*
j ■•as.*
Thsr* ars many m»n who are afraid
' that Ilia ndopllou of ihl« plan by Con-
I grase would «Iva *u Impetua to bsk -I s I
Ism or coiiiiuiihlam or suurlsllam or
! wbals-vnr they may call It. baoau*«.
1 they *av, “ If you show It ran bs donr
In war Hut« tber« will bs a demand
that It b« don« In psacs lim a *
cannot b« dona la p<-ac* H um T h «r«
can be no grsat undertaking without
1 • strong movln* causa In peac« llm «
th« inovlu* c*u«s I* personal liitttaU**
and payment for ««rvte«« perforated
Tha substitute for that tn war lima I*
th« common danger.
Th* War Industries Hoard waa th*
foremost advocáis of price filing and
distribution, and It had grant power tn
this n«UI. hut when tha Armtstlca
cam s It recognised that psacs condi­
tions wars being restored, and It was
the first to change tha war lima order
o f thing« aud to Iras# to th« psaipls
themselves lh« readjustment of thslr
affn • I am satisfied that It la Im
po««lbls for th« government to da tn
peses tima what I am advocating, al­
though It heroins* absolutely noaos
ssry la order to conduct a modern
war successfully and to conduct It oa
a non profiteering basis.
The application o f Ihl« plan, besides
making the nailon a coherent antt la
time o f war, would tmpre** «pon
• very cl i s In society a sense of Its
own responsibility In such «rent, ft
It ware known that this universal re-
tpnn dh lllly would ba eafurrvd ao
class s - lal. finan i t ! or Im'ualriai —
could toil to understand that In caos
of wa* It would ha»s to bssr Its share
of ths burlen* In volved and would
have to make sacrifices o f profit, con­
venience and perennal liberty córrela-
tlrwly with tho«« mads Hy tha «oldlur»
In the field. To this e itsa t the plaa
would art a« a positive deterrent to
any hasty re-our«e to fore* la aa In­
ternational controversy.
On* thing that has definitely com e
1 from tb« war I» the necessity of
arran*lng affair« so that a portion of
| th« population «hall not be seat tn the
front lo bear all tha physical hard­
; ships and their consequence« while
\ others are left behind to profit by
tbelr absence
If applied at the out­
; break. the War Industrie. Board las
t It was functioning at the rinse o f the
i World Warl would prevent this and
- lessen. If not ramose, the social snd
' econom ic evils I hat com e ss the after­
math o f war.
riiie o f them provided t’ -ut manufnte
turvr*. lubber* and retailor« of »hoc«
eculd make and ««II »ho«« only of a
specified quality at a fl«*d prtc«. cf
fretlv« July. 1(19
No on« who did
not have a card o f lh « War laduslrl««
Heard In his window could *«11 sho««.
and oaly (he standardised »hors could
There have been a great many bill«
b« «old
No Jobber or manufacturer
would sell shoe« to anybody who did Introduced Into Congress nn the »u b
not ba>* this card. The *boc« wire )«ct of Industrial mohllliat Ion. some
to b« «tamped Glass A. U or C and had sponsored by great organisations Ilk*
to b« of th i ip.nitty proscribed end the American ton Ion and others hy
But It te
sold at the price Hied. Tb* country i newspapers and puhllclate
wa* ro organlird In «very district that surprising bow little knowledge there
there could bo Immediately reported j was on ths part o f tboee who drew up
to Washington lh« nam« of any sho« , th« hill* o f ths practicability and fna-
rrt*ll«r who did not carry out the re* slMllty of so nnbtllilug our resources
ulattona o f tho War Industrloa Hoard that It would be Impossible to make
a* to prlra and quality. Throtixh ro as much profit In war as In time of
Take Into consideration th*
■trletlon* on M* labor. nton«r. raw p ««c*
in sterir!« and transportation no man­ fart that the following things were be­
ufacturer w.ntld hnv« b»«n permitted ing don« In 1(11:—
General 'row tor, who woe tn charge
to soli to any dealer vlolatln* th« rvg-
The Armistice «topped lh* of the draft, h* 1 aeked th* chairman
execution of this plan.
of the War Industrie* Hoard whore he
Another plan o f tbl* natur ■; T b « conl-t oM In sddllloaal men nevlod
manufacturers of men’s and women’« for the A r-iy tn O a n oe with th least
wearing apparel had In 1 9 I been call­ pow ible di donation o f the war in i'»lng
ed to Washington, together with the Industrial civilian machinery, and wv
retailer» o f varloa» roods, and nottltod were In the procos* of replacing male
that regulation* would ha • to b« labor with women. Ily a *y»tem of
mad* In r**ard to retail pile«* and prlorltti*! the Hoard waa »¡locating to
our own Army and Navy, to the Al l - *
atandardlsatlon o f clotblnc.
The rulings by the board - « r * mad* and tn the essential war Industrial the
It was making
known through th* Itnuan
-f official thing* they required
bulletin* at Irregular Interval* and priority rulings as to transportation.
plaintiff is the sole, legal and equit­
srerw widely distributed by th« p r ru , and they wore being followed* oat by
able owner o f the above described
o ------------
which co-operated In thta m--*t necc* the It illroad Admtnl«tr*tor. The Fuel
real property, and every part thereof; A ’ A W Y W . Y . W A W W A A N V
«ary work with a w h o le h «* rl-d pur- Administrator dlatrlbuted fuel only nn
There is a concerted movement on foot to institute the old ; and that none o f the defendants above vis that we appreciate this beautiful pose that gave to tho order* o f th« the rulings of tho War Industrie«
named or referred to has any estate,
Ths Board wa* engaged tn
convention s>»tem of nominating candidates for the various right, title or interest whatever, in gift by our attorni-incc next Sunday, j W ar Industrie* Hoard th« Instant and Hoard
disentangling and rem ortrg the many
broad circulation they require«*
i Two special songs will be sung. The
offices for the coming primaries. The convention system may
conflicts and com petitive efforts In
Mr Hoover already wa» doing much
property, or r oy part thereof, and
be the means of bringing before the people the name of a good that each o f said defendants be for­ sermon will be very interesting to to perfect hi* control of food pr dart* volvod In labor and building« that hud
previously occurred because of lack of
• nd price*
Thera wa* aleo **lk of
man who is little known to the public, but it results more often ever enjoined ami debarred from as­ all.
any coordinating agency. It was alio-
serting any claim interest or estate
m putting up men favorable to the political machines. The in or to said real property, or any
Don’t forget the revival now in full |
rating power and making regulation#
was don«
above movement has been styled as a direct attack on the part thereof, ad v en e to plaintiff and force at this church. Brother Hay I If w* w i n to (tart. In th« event of for tho hitching up o f scattered unit»
that plaintiff have such other relief is a forceful speaker and he brings us
of p o e e r
ft was chancing munitions
pri-nar> election plan of nominating candidates for office. Even as may be equitable.
another war, at th« place where « «
some great truths. Everybody should were Industrially when lh« World War orders from rang, »tod to to»» cong«»t-
if it is not meant for this purpose, it cannot help but have its
ed districts
It had actually carried
This summons is served upon you
attend these meetings.
Invite your ended, be President, acting through
by pub! cation *n the Turner Tribune,
Into effect an or lor that no building
irfl^rnce in that direction. When we get to the point that the by
order o f the H onorable L. H. Mc­
C. F. B R E I T H A U P T
Invoicing t i.f lf i nr more could bo un
common people cannot have a voice in who thrv shall have' Mahan, Judge o f the above names! “ Thoughts Suggested by E a ste r." I trie* Hoard. « « uld have the right to I dertsken without tha approvnl o f the i
123 N. Ll!>«riy S ir«««
Court, the date o f such order being W hat does it mean tp you if you are fix prtc«« of all thing* as of a date War Industrie* lloard.
No steel, no
for the various officers of the commonwealth of Oregon only February 2 ' . 1926. nnd the last pub­
no material o f any kind could
after some political organization has picked the men and made j lication thereof will be April 15, 1926. not a Christian ? There will be an when there was a fair pear« time rela- rvment.
be used for any purpose whatsoever I
biaster prayer service nt this church
tlonahlp among thu various activities unless th« W sr Industrie« Board per |
a party contest out of the election, it is a good indication that
You are of tbe natloa. It would b« Illegal to
Plum« 3 *0
Attorney for Plaintiff. Easter morning at 6 :30.
milted It- No «to«l company could
we are falling away from a Democracy, which means a “ Gov­ Postofliice address
and place o f resi­ invited.
buy. sell, serv« or rent at any other sell over fir« tons o f steel unless ap­ SA L E M
O E rC O N
ernment of the people for the people and by the people" to
dence : Salem. Oregon.
than these price*. Bra’ «* would bo proved by the Director of Hteet The .
the ,old Tammany Hall idea of political bosses.
Treasury would not permit the raising
before th« hurtful procos« started An o f money for any Industrial or finsn
Dr*. L. T . D ick A L. M. H u m
Intelligent control of tha flow of men. clal opera'ton unless It was approved
Chinese Medicin« Co.
by tb« W sr Industries Hoard
Tho Htntimt'li trotsM* N # h « n tjult’k rvl»*1f
r - d. Instead o f having the Mind pan­ President Issued an ord«r that no com
Accoridng to an article in the Capital Journal in the form
l»y Inking our frtinnu»*.
The Sunday school showed an in­ ic heretofore ensuing oti the flr*t ap- man-leering should bs don« by the
o f a letter that was sent down the mill race in a bottle addres­
p-nrance of the frnetlc demands of Army. Nsvy. Hhlpptkg Hoard or Food n^«M»lately Imrutl«’*». l-uld* cmuiij *«
In the matter o f the Estate o f 1» crease over last Sunday.
sed to the Capital Journal from the penitentiary .the indica­ M. Bunnell, Deceased.
war The Draft Boa ! would have ho Administration without th* approval r<i front lui|M»rt<»<l lifirl«, root» rui<1
tions are that the new rule of discipline at that institution isj T O : Nellie Bunnell. Arthur L. Bun­ est in the auto race contest is going tore It the rulings o f th* priority com- of thn chalrm -n o f th« War Industrloa nn«t h url« whirl» nr* ««*11 kn ow n *jr
The boy s’ class are ahead
nell, I.. Male dm Bunnell, Cora A. strong.
causing a little embarrassment to the inmates. They have had | Bunnell, and Ralph C. Bunnell, and will 20 miles to go. The pastor de­ mtttco. t..gather with th« estimated Board Every raw material Industry, thrvr ourittlv« |>r«>i«<rtleM.
w e d * of cv*ry business and prof-*- and IndesMt practically every Industry
an easy time of it so long that it is hard to come down to strict, a:l other person* interested in said livered good -i rinons both morning rlon In Ita relationship to tbe conduct in th« country, was organised through
W r tm it nil «!ItMirtlrn» of men, frtv
and evening. Tbe choir is busy re­ e f tb* war. and men would bo «elect
appointment o f com mittees, snd none invo tux) ohildrri). K iw «'oii»u'l»lken.
discipline. They are put in that institution because they are Estate:
Th« Draft Hoard o f the«« Industries wonld do any bust
< '«II or wrtte«
unsafe for society at large. For that reason why should they1 been made in due form to the above hearsing for the special Hunter pro- cd
could mnr* Intelligently dr -Me. with ness egeept under the ruling* p^omol i
named court on the Srd day f March, i gram to be given next Sunday nt
have the same r.ghts and privileges as those on the outside. :9 2 6 by J C. Si- gmund. A- ninistra- j 1 0 :3 0 , which wiM be followed by the th advice of the priority com m ute«, gated hy tho Hoard Htandardltatlon 1 4JO . v:*\ H u t« £t. (I fttUJrm.)
many of the problem* with which It la erery lu deftry was repld'y proceed
i'limie UNH.
So km l>rrff«Mi.
Is it punishment for them to have baseball games with outside tor d< bonis non o f said -state, for Easter sermon by th* pastor
would l>* faced
T h or« wonld be no Ing. Th.-e# rulings wore m «de known
an order and license directing, auth­
teams, moving picture shows and big dinners. As far as the orizing and empowering him to sell
»••ruling of men to the trenches who through the lesuance o f etflclal bull#
The Sunday chool -onvent -n to be
c.ise of those that were shot in the riot of a few weeks ago, they the real estate belonging to the estate
wero rt-vsled for export Industrial war tins at Irregular Internals and were
• held at A umsviile, S m ta y , April 11,
wrrk and then brfngtng them back distributed by th* press.
V.N- wore
brought that on themselves. They thought they could ca. ry
will be Children’s day o f the Santiam again.
lows, to-w it:
Bnnln*r«.-n not mx-cesary to endeavoring to arrange It *« that th«
on just a 3 they had done before but found that conditions had
The children will huve the the winning of the w «r wonld bo rue* fighting force« were to reeelr« those
Beginning at the S.E. corner
I'nlnirr Ch)ro|>r»clnr
of *
in T . 9 S.R. S W .
change 1. Now it is stripes for those who will not yield to
; principal part o f the program. March tailed. Th« Draft Hoard would bav« thing* which they needed snd no
o f the Willamette Meridian in
more. *o that whafoyer » i t not » c
18 the young p ople will sponsor an- that Information b efor« It.
d ; .cipline. The writer of the letter states in one place that
Marion County Oregon and run­
Phone 87 . Ilr iid r a n S 28 K
, other evening of song. This will take
The prices o f all thtn«« bolng fixed, tualty required at tho fr» nt was left
ning thence W est 7 .66 chains;
they will “ do their good time till the May elections.” Probab­
Industries were
the place o f the regular evening ser­ the price fixing oomn (too would make te civilian purpose*
27 k ) N. High b trevi
thence North 3 .3 7 chains; thence
ly if things do not go to suit them then they will put the peni­
curtailed, bat norer dpetr ---d: skele-
East 7 .66 chains to the Township
Rev. II. J. Kimbcr, Secretary «ny necessary adjustments. a* wa*
line; thence South 3 .37 chains to
Under the sys­ tonlssrd. hat never killed. Indeed, lh«
tentiary in their pocket and walk away with it.
o f the Marion County Y M C A will done during the war
the place o f beginning, contain­
tem used In 1913 then« prices were u*e o f men, money and material« wn*
ing 2 .58 acres excepting there­
-------------- o --------------
made public and sdjoetod every throe rapidly being brought Into exactly
by the congregation will be used. Kv-<
from the railroad right o f wuy
month*. *o that any consumer or pro­ that condition w ileh I hav* previously
containing 2 7 /1 0 0 acre*, the am­
eryone who likes to sing and hear ducer had his day In court when h* eluted to h« nc canary In ease of an­
A new star has appeared in the political universe in the
ount o f land hereby conveyed be­
I good singin; is invited.
considered price* nnfnlr
T h o»« who other war.
person of a man named W. A. Carter oT Portland. His name
ing 2.31 acres.
If. la addition to thl*. tho Prmldont
C e n e r a i B a n k in g Bwaineoa
com plained that during the war price*
has been recently proposed in Clackamas county and his fame
were loo high had tbl* ready recourse tn the future h »» the authority to It* Interest paid on time d«j*oatt» arel
the 17th day o f April, 1926, at 10
I price* and distribution of material*
is rapidly spreading throughout the state. He is backed by o’clock A M. in the court room o f this T U R N E R HI C L E E C L U B
to hand.
savings account*
In the meantime all the Industrie« o f and labor, rent, and th« a«« o f man |
several influential organizations in the northern counties o f : court in the Court House at Salem,
T R E S E N T S F IN E PROGRAM th-< country would hav* heon mobilized I power, transportation, fuel and all lb« 1
Marion County, State o f Oregon, as
Cer. Stale A Com m erciai Ate.
the state and his backers are working hard to place his name the time and place for hearing any
by the formation of com m ittees re pro ] things necessary for the conduct of
before the voters of Oregon. It is said by persons prominent and «11 objections to «aid petition and
s-ntatlT* o f each Industry as was j th» war, any rise In price* will t>« pro- ;
the granting o f said order and license
The Turner High School
Glee done In the World War. Oror them ! vented, even !n anticipation o f war !
in state politics that he will be a force to reckon with.
o f sale.
Club put on a program o f songs and would be pl.ired a governm »nt dim e­ ■ There are many who rlalm that war
T H E R E F O R E . IN T H E N A M E OF mus-c at the auditorium Friday night.
ter or com m odify chief. The various I I* caused primarily by the desire of !
-------------- o--------------
T H E S T A T E OF O R E G O N . You and
governm ent department* weald ap­ 1 profit. I am not one of thoae. Hut tf 1
each o f you are hereby cited, direct­
If every driver was a drinker of "Light wines and beer” | ed and required to appear at said time made a fine a ¡«eurancc in their uni­ point com m u te«« representing their there la anythin* tn this contention
; this plan will rem ove the po-islblllty of i
and p ! a " then ami there to show forms o f gr« and scarlet.
the United States would be “ Unsafe for Democracy.”
The pro­ requirement*. *o that on one com m it­ anybody urging war ■* a me ins of
cause, if any you have, or If any e x ­ gram was iliv.dcd into throe parts. tee the resoareor of the nation would
Even If there are no
ist, why an order o f sale should not
be represented and on tho other the making profits
be made ns in the petition prayed for There were three numbers that at­ demands o f the governm ent The gov­ men who dwalrr. war as a means of
The ernment director would stand he'-veou mnkhig pr-flt. th* fact that profit*
and why said petition should not be tracted a great deal o f interest.
granted and said order and license first one was a Japanese number, to decide. In conjunction with Hie pri­ would be 1- •» In war (ban In pence,
should not issue.
“ The Japanese, Sailor M an,’’ by the ority com mittee, to what <1 pertinent and -. eailh end resources would be dl-
recto I by the government, might bar* ! 474 Court KL
W IT N E S S The Honorable J. T.
girls dressed in Japanese costumes. • applies should go.
some active deterring Influence on
Hunt, Judge o f said court with the
Money would be controlled and d l men o f great resonree*
seal o f «aid court affixed this Srd day The other two were “ The Sunrise
Instead of i
C ali,” !ep:c*ing the custom* o f tie- reefed like any other resource. ” T*k
o f March, 1926.
being pasalre, they might becom e ao- ;
ancient sun worshipers, which was tng the profit out o f war" Is not tlv* advocate* o f peace.
U . G. BO Y E R .
with “ conscription of
There are many people who are. for
followed by “ The l,and o f the Sky «ynonyraou*
v i ilth,” ns It la sometimes regarded. vartmi« reasons, afraid to discus« the )
Blue W ater»,” a ballad o f the Om a­
The Intter Is a theoretlral p- ' ct. pro­
For the last two the girls were hibited by onr Constitution contrary *uh|eet during peace time and prefer
to trait for war. There are also «otr.o
The to the spirit r f our social and political
Notice is hereby given that the un­ dressed in Indian costumes.
dersigned, by an order o f the County balance o f the program was made up Institutions, and Impoestbla In prac­ great majiufacturers who oppose any
«arh plan beeauan they were seriously j
Court o f Marion County, State- of
o f choruses, ■ uartettes and solos. Itj tice
Taking the profit out o f war la Interfered with during the war time, i
Oregon, duly trade and entered on
the 18th day o f February, 1926, was was an enter*ainment well worth the! an orderly and scientific development Indeed. It ha* boon the expcrlanc* of
The club expect to present o f the econom ics and conduct of mod­ *om« o f thus« rcvponalhle for the tn- (
appointed executor o f the estate of hearing.
Bel! Shantz an ‘ that he has duly the program at several o f the nearby ern ear. necessary to the effective dustrlal mobilization In th« Wnr'd
mobilisation of national resources a id W ar to remain th* object* of rea
qualified as sucl
All persons hav­
valley towr.”.
The Glee Clubs is un­
ing claims again-c aid estate are here­
Indispensable to eqnntlslng the bur­ otnou* attack b*gnn dnrlng th* tin *
by notified to pr.r-ent the same, duly
den* of war among the armed and that the aeccesttte* o f tha nation made
verified as requited by law, al th - land.
civilian population
Bom o f expe­ It Imperative to control activities and
offices o f M cNary, Keyes and Page,
rience and proved by prnetlee, It re­ profits. Bom* critic* w*r* prominent
in the City o f Salem, Marion County,
move« some o f the most destructive muniifactnror*, who la id :
"T ell u«
Oregon, within
morths from the
concomitant* of modern w ar— the con ­ what tho governm ent want* and we
date o f this notic , to-wit April 1,
will Oil the ord«ra, nut don’ t Interfere
with the sale of th part o f our prod
J. F. S T E E L H A M M E R ,
act that th« g c r rnment doe* not
The V/orthy Grand Matron, Mrs.
Executor o f the estate o f
want to u**.’’ Th .t wa* unthinkable j
Caroline Lewis, paid her official visit-
___________________________ Bell Shantz.
President Wilson ducrwwd that fair
to the local chapter o f the Eastern among thc«e of socialistic tendencies
and a fear among those who, like me. prlrss f..r th« government were fair
Star Wednesday afternoon and even­
believe In our system based upon per price* for civilian*
\ A 7 HII.K farm pr-alii'-tlon box not y*t assumed n proper relationship to con-
I must «ay, how
A reception and dinner was
sona! Initiative and reward, of a Isk evar, that the vast majority of Amer- i
* V sump Ion ns a whole, states the Ken rs-Roebuck Agricultural Foundation,
given for the W orthy Grand Matron Ing of money, without payment, for
Am< rlean agriculture has been more properly balanced during the past year
lean manufacturer* rose to ths sltua |
which was followed by the regular tho use of State.
Neither the hope tton In such a splendid way ss to i
than It has for five years, and Is slowly reaching correct proportion*.
lodge work.
Several visitors were nor the f.,ir |* justified hy tho recoru
bring lh « following cotrmnndntlnn
Only three staple farm crop groups, reports the Foundation, showed a
mendatlon herein contained or by our from Woodrow W ilson: ’’ They turned j
present from outside chapters.
decrease In gross farm prices for 192n as compared with 1924. The crops In- I
W e expect a large attendance at
experience In th* war. The use of aside from every private Internet of
eluded were hay, cotton, corn, wheat and one or two small miscellaneous crops. I
Sunday school next Sunday as it is
money should be controlled and dl their own and devoted th« whole of
On the other ha d, the products which Increased substantially In price for
Easter Sunday and a good program
192?; over 1924 were cattle, hogs, sheep, fruits, vegetables, fluid milk, butter,
Hnve your envelopes printed with reeled In a national emergency. A H air trained capacity to the ta*k* j
man should no more be permitted to
will be given by the classes.
cheese, tobacco, poultry and eggs.
your return address.
The Tribune use his money as h« wishes than he that supplied the slnewe o f the whole
arc- invited to come and enjoy it with
great undertaking.
Thn patrlotlem, ,
The American farmer Is beginning to place some figures on the right-hand
can do the w ort.
•boutd be permitted to ties the pro­ the nneelflahncss, the thorough going !
side of his ledger for the first time In five yesrs and renewed feeling of nn
duction of hla mine, mill or fsetory devotion and dlatlngnlslicd capacity
tlonal fHrm prosperity, due to Incrense of farm prices. Is being reflected In the
exespt through the general supervls that marked tlielr toilsome labor* day
Next Sunday will be onp year sinee
business and Industrial prosperity o f the entire country.
this temple was dedicated to
the ^ Give The Tribun« credit for what Ing agency. This was h ,ng done to- after day, qnonth after month, hav*
wt-rd the end of the wj^f,
Lord s work.
L -t ua show Sister Da
.Y A W W S W /A N W V A S W
The local news
is the barometer of
the community.
It is the register
of the comings and
goings of the in­
habitants of the
A W .% V .V .S W .S S V A W A Y % Y
The Tribune
$1.25 per year
M. E.Church
Dr. O. L. Scott
Salem , O reg o n
United Slates National Bank
llix li C la s s
l.adic's and 6cn<s
- T a ilo r in g -
you buy from our advertiser*.
the Tribun*