The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, March 11, 1926, Image 4

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• mis P fa CD
Don't forget some coarse sand ot
fine grit for the chirks right from the
v *r> sell—Tak* the Accountancy tw* start. They must have It for proper
Busin.«» Ma-.Agemerit. Private ttecretarV digestion—It’s their teeth.
• l Comptometer, atrnuwca
• • •
phlc, i’> Mnanffhtp, ur Commerotai Teaeh
-re' Co,tree at
keep pullets laying regularly
watch carefully the amounts o f grain
and mash consumed daily and feed a
Th* r»'®m<»«t Huvlti**« Cot log« of the ration that will keep up body weight
You W ant a Good Position
V w th w p ft which ha« worn more A ecunw *
Awn* - mu 4 Gold Medals than u t other
*' h -
£at* <
a a
A hen's digestion simply cannot
handle enough of any single grain to
W aili*~ P r * «
give her what she needs o f Its lowest
feed element for a large output of
No. 11. 1926
America H«nd for our itucrom
P om r it» ftireet n*»r kforriton
White Scours of Calves
So rilled calf cholera or white
scours of the new horn calf Is a germ-
caused disease for which no medicinal
remedy has been found, hot It may be
prevented with a large degree o f «ac­
cess by s thoroughly carried out plan
of handling the cow and calf. A bio­
logic called polyvulent calf dysenteric
serum Is now used to Immunize the
calf at birth.
Rarterln* containing
killed germs of the diseases have also
proved useful, as have vaccines con­
taining weakened hut live germa. . ■
Compiei« Chia|t Silwdif
Adult*, Week day Matinee * h "
Evenings, :U»\ ( oiitlnou* 1 to II
p. m. Children 10 cent* all tiimia
Clark« Urta, rtoHata HT M«rHaoa I t
You WIU r « « l K l«h t « t I I » « » lU r®
lü ir i
R a t«*
( t tcoiWnl t'«f«
Itun Mswta ail Train *.
b|*K'Ul W®«kly
l lt h
«n d H U rk
W ashin gton «t ., Car.
llt h
Krtjnoallv solicita your patruimg»
tttlt hu v« all th« comfort a of your «wu Y «r> i wikiumHti rat«« «ntl prompt i
.«né ivutt «ou n aarvlc«.
Gtv« ua a trial
W I A 11* a* * Rr®*«U frx.u» fhwfe«
M oeat tr e t.v l u m trr Ht®tw Hi*U»-»» I
• lull. « U * uur fs ia u s i« \Y t>« hf Itr. uni
Nt r * IU W h I r « L u t a *
l « | f ® r*t*
u t a l i x a fu r n. t t * r ch U* à *
L r t ie r
«aine*«, b r i tu f «Cf view I r*® « ■ • (• (• «
Lola of Room In World.
There la siili quite a bit o f room In
the world
The whole population of
the world might lie dropped Into Lake
Q i i : i : n i L v r c i t r R V >tovTmi.t
teK> .*’ .vIN U I
it.r n i v
untarlo mid euch person would have
Join "The no less than do square feet to himself
Successful Correspondence Club “ Ite in which lo float or swim or sink.
liable; Descriptions free
BOX MS Even then the surface would rise only
half an Inch So suy* a Canadian pro­
H e i r WANTSO M A L I
Will Holly nkxl alvei III« a than«®?
j fessor of physics, and he has the fig ­
Huhutlt ponto t«» Kmlvrlck Faut, i&Jl ■ ures to prove It
N Mariposa, I loll) « u * h I, i*kütf
Jap Musical Instrument.
The koto Is a Japanese sltherharp
It has a lurge number of airings, hut
(he moat general number Is 13 These
Fnshlonlst* are enthusiastic over
the new woolen rep* and luster twills are stretched over an oblong sound
They are o f a super delicate texture, hoard, each string having a moveable
having a lightsome feel to th* touch, bridge, and the airings are tuned by
which makes them a Joy In the wear moving Ihla bridge hack und forward
The Instrument ha* a compass of
The latest finely textured woolen about two octavea. hut In thla It varies
topcoats add to their exclusive ap­ slightly, some being greater, others
pearance. In that they are detailed lea*
with matching satin revera, collar and
This Is accomplished In a
Number of Best in Swarm.
strictly tailored way
As an example,
a fine gray twill la use-1 for a straight-
The estimate* o f the number of bees
line model. Th* mannish collar aud In a swarm range all the way from
simple turn hark cuffs are of matching ! 10.000 to 100.000. However. It I* ad
gray satin, o f quality klud.
■nltted that a swarm of beea contain
These lighter weight cloth coat* also Ing 75.000 or 100.000 Is an exceeding
often carry Interesting slilrred and ty large colony
The normal colony
flaring collars which are edged with a
contain* between 15,000 and 30.000
flat fur of corresponding color-tone.
Sometimes In the simpler models th* j workers, although swarm* containing
collar Is merely a narrow band ending «0,000 or 50,000 are not uncommon In
In lisa at the front.
While crepe d* chin* Is the favorite drones may number from a tew dozen
lining for th* fin# cloth coat, there la i to several hundred.
also a tendency to us* bright silk for
the prints. Conalderabl* designing Is
Buys Book He Lent.
helog concentrated on th* bark of th#
Charles Gannon, of Washington, had
coat, and clever fuMnssa 1* being Intro
dured with Inverted plaits which as occasion to refer to Max Marntzek’n
! "Crochet* and Quaver.” the romla's
tend from the nock.
! cenaes ot the famous Impresario Gin
* non then recalled that hn had once
< % . 19SC. W ® «t® ra N « w a p * i * r L '«i® a .)
| owned a copy of the book but had
j lent It 25 yeara ago
Like many a
good book lent It never came hack
He went to the bookstore to see If he
could buy a copy lo> and behold, the
clerk handed him his nwu autographed
copy of the book.
(d0, O I S ,
W a s te r s N a w a p s p s r
U n lu a )
” H*d Her Dimmer* On”
Ut l» rl and Rosemary, ago five and
three, have never llkttl an afternoon
So one afternoon when mother
said to Holier!
’’Look at your sister,
how gotal she Is going to sleep." Rob-
ert replied
’’ A » ’ she’s not really
sleeping, she’s Juat got her eyes
dimmed ”
Birds That
A numlter of bird* have the habit of
stealing for the pure pleasure of steel­
ing Cases of golf Italia being tarried
off hy crows and gull* are hy no means
uncommon The magpie * record ss a
thief has been known from lime Im­
memorial and has been celebrated
both In song ami »lory
The magpie,
like Ihe Australian bower bird, seems
to posses* an esthetic sense which Is
gratlflde hy Ihe acquisition of bright-
colored or glittering objects.
Th* Largest Watsrfall,
Chlorine Not Milk Purifier.
able Great car«! Instead of great care
teaanes* will help prevent them.
It I* generally known that chlorine
as a purifier o f water Is an Ideal
agent for killing germs In the water.
It Is not the case with milk, however
It It likely that chlorine cannot pena
trale the fat In milk, and Is therefore
limited In Us action on th© germs.
Owing to the fondness of the Celtic
irlhes for the leek their descendants,
the Welsh, retain It as an emblem of
their nationality. The leek wna an
important vegetable and the Anglo-
Saxons called their garden* ‘Teac gar
color is supposed to he worn with thla
fetching set o f hat and scarf.
Are you an artist with the brush?
See In this picture o f hat, scarf and
hag the posalblllttes which II* before
you. I ’erhaps fine needlework la your
accompllahinenl. Thla lovely set would
be effective either painted or embrold
ered. It o f course requires an ex­
pert with the needle to copy a Spanish
shawl flower design. The reward la
worth the effort, for the allkeu scarf
with gorgeous solid embroidered floral
mollfs Is In especial fashion favor thla
season. A simpler atltrhlng may be
done with bright woolen yarns In #f
fectlve quick patterning*. As to hand
[minting, Its vogue Is on the Increase
In the realm o f fashion.
Wide metal ribbon la uaed fnr the
choker tie-collar as pictured. O f
course It must be accompanied with a
Juat now there la a fad to star the
ends o f evening scarves with rhlne
stones. French flower ribbon work also
effectively decorates the dressy scarf.
Hand painted leather makes a «mart
set, Including belt, collar and cuffs.
Tasmanians Vanished Race.
Near llol rt. In 1970. the last ot
the Tasmanian aborigines died These
people were among Ihe lowest types
of humans ever found, much more
backward oven than the Australian
The skeleton of the last
Tasmanian Is preserved In Ihe Hobart
Kuletcur fall* towers 741 feet from
brink to kettle, end I* taller than
Niagara falls and Ihe Washington
monument together
It I* the largest
waterfall In the world and Is hidden
away In a Jungle In the heart of Itrlt-
ish Guiana. Thu I’oiarlo river, which
Bovine Obetanacy.
tumble* over this drop. Is 309 feet
Just what a row finds to eat cn a wide and slopes o ff At feet more be­
| paved highway Is more than the aver low Kaleteur
Few white men have
! age motorist ran figure out. but still .c m this “ Sight for the Gods.” —
the rows persist In taking up I he ren Selene© and Invention
ter of the road Just for the snke of
! hearing the horna blow fnr them to
Guard Again*! Fir*.
( step aside, it would soetn.
Nine fires out of ten are prevent­
Plane That Will Not Load Up With Ice Projected
Washington.—The I’aat Office depart­
ment has undertaken the creation of
an airplane for Its air mall service that
“ will not load up with Ice.” If success­
ful, one of the outstanding difficulties
of air mall equipment will have beet,
overcome, Comm under R. D. Weycr-
harber, naval conafructor consultant
for tlia air mail service, told the Mitch­
ell court martial of the search for such
flying machines. He said the tendency
P o r t la n d , O r e g o n .
Poultry Notes
IP ®
Every dairyman ha* bis method of
Goosa eggs can tie hatched with In
rubators even to (letter advantage than teaching the heifer to milk. Some
with hens for various reasons. Where heifers break Into milk without a
hens or geese are used, they are apt great deal of trouble, while others are
to break the eggs, and again let them quite the opposite. 1 have never found
chill. The first eggs from your geese one rule that would At all cases,
will arrive while the cold weather still writes Leo C. Reyuolds In the Michi­
continues, aud must he picked up early gan Farmer However, some general
In the morning before they become principles may he generally applied.
chilled; geese invariably lay In the One of these principles Is to study the I
very early hours o f the morutug. or disposition o f the animal, becoming as i
late at night, says a writer In the well acquainted with her a* possible ,
New Yorker.
before It Is time for her to freshen.
W h y H e S u c c ee d ed Uural
Keep eggs In a moderately warm
During my year* of handling a dairy j
From hard work on a farm to th<* * study
location— around .’«> degrees In cold herd at Forest Grove farm, 1 have j
of n-rvhdne in Cincinnati, \%here ho was
weather. When you have sufficient num­ taught a great many heifer* to milk.
kiaduatcd. v>as the course
Dr. R. V.
ber to pui Into the Incubator It should j When I say, “ I waut the heifer to
Fierce took.
In his younger day* he practiced mexh be started. Goose eggs, like hens' eggs, put both feet In the poll when I sit
icine over a large district. U
then the hatch best when fresh, not more than down to her the first time.” It Is a lee
new ( H fit Ids near Titusville* Fa. Finally
ten days old. I'lace your Incubator In son from the school o f experience. I
he determined to put up some of his a moist, hut not too damp cellar, ai can get up then and rinse out my pall,
prescriptions in readv to-use form in order
goose eggs will require much more and know what to expect next. The
to rr;u h a larger number of families.
moisture to hatch them than Is the belfer that acta like an old cow the
He thus moved to Budalo. . N. Y ,
case with hens’ eggs. Run the ma first time she Is milked, has got to he
and established the World's Dispensary,
chine at as near Ilk) degrees as Is taught how to be milked sooner or
where he put up Dr. Fierce*« Golden
possible from start to finish. Turn later. I would rather start the job
Mec. al Discovery for the blood as well as
t hr- Favorite Frescription for women, care­ eggs twice dally after the beginning right from the first. Some o f the best
fully preparing them from roots, barks, and
of tlie third day. Always turn goose cows I have ever milked were hard
fieri»* and placed them with druggists ev­ eggs by hand; handle them with much
propositions to start, tin the other
care. Stop turning on the tweuty haod. I have two or three cows In my
During many years Dr.
fifth day. Goose eggs should be herd that were never heifers, nor
Discovery, for the blood, has been sold in
larger quantities by druggists all over the cooled half an hour each day In n food cow* to milk, either.
temperature not below 00 degrees: l f ! I thoroughly believe In treating the
l nited States than any other medicine,
li is a touic in its effects on the stomach
the cellar seems below this lemper young heifers kindly, l'attence Is In­
and digestive apparatus: an alterative in | ature. remove the eggs to proper point
valuable In accomplishing a good Job.
its . > tion on tli« blood, liver aud skin. It
A fter the third week, sprinkle
increases the appetite, stimulates the di­ warm water over the eggs once dally However, sometimes It Is very essen­
tial to Impress upou the animal's mind
gestion. enriches the blood, and makes both
When goslings begin to pip. If you no that something Is expected o f her.
men and w omen fe d as they did when
tlce shells are dry and hard, there Discipline should always he mliuin- C r l U N l ) topcoat* present a limitless
they were young and care free.
^ opportunity for th* exercise o f In­
A k your nearest druggist for Doctor Isn’t enongh moisture, and unless this I stored with good Judguieut. not to
dividual taste and preference. Among
Is supplied, they will stick In th e ' destroy, but to teach the animal good
Pi< r « '> Discovery, in tablet or liquid
torn . i •: rid 10c tor trial pkg. of tablets to shells. Keep the eggs quite moist
the vast array o f new wraps two dis­
behavior. Never be In any hurry when
Dr. Fit: ** * » Clinic, m Buffalo, N. Y,
tinct fashion trends are emphasised.
while hatching, by adding a pie plate starting to teach the animal to milk.
On the one hand Is th* swagger, some­
o f wet sand to the bottom of machine She la new at the job. Some heifers
All Human
times blsarre novelty woolen coat
I-eave goslings in Incubator until all will stand better while eatiug. while
whose supremacy In th* arena o f
The old saying is that no man is a are thoroughly dry. usually SO hours. others will not. A great many time«
hero to his valet. And a wealth of Remove then to a bog In the kitchen a heifer may be prevented from kick­ fashion la challenged by the conserva­
tive type o f classic distinction, for th*
by the stove, unless a brooder has al
ing by putting the arm agaluat the
wisdom is crowded in that adage. The
styling of which designer* choose ex
ready been provided for. Goslings are thigh In one or two cases I have
g n a t and the near great have their
qulaltely refined reps and twills o f
i easy to raise, and grow very rapidly. I
weaknesses and their frailties just as . Water them In a vessel which cannot used the kicking chain or the figure
subtle coloring.
the rest of us poor mortals do. Hero be overturned, nor Into which they can
There Is no deuytng the genteel
worship is always from a distance; an get their feet. Keep them dry at all
elegance o f a coat of th* latter genre
Fortune favors the wonuu who be­
intimate acquaintance with the idol­ times. Feed sprouted oats, gravel, Sunflowers Studied as
comes the possessor o f Just such a
ized one may make you like him bet­ fine cracked com, or any o f the dry
garment as th* picture defines, for It
ter. but it will inevitably erase much mixed chick feed*, but do not neglect
Studies made hy dairy cattle feed­ Is an exponent o f high class fashion.
of tho glamor of the relationship. — always to keep water before them ing specialists o f the college o f agri­
Th* purchase o f a garment styled
Change this o fte n ; don't let It get
Dallas News.
culture, University o f Illlnota, on the ! along these tines and of like fabric la
Mature geese may be picked, or composition and yield o f sunflowers ; without a doubt a wise Investment.
Oriental Truth Tests
“ plucked” once every six weeks after showed that they produced about 50 This model Is of a superior purl rep.
Hindus have queer methods of find­ the laying has ceased. Remove only per cent more dry matter au acre than | the sort that never retains dost, al
ways looks splck and span, perfectly
ing whether a person is truthful. He the breast feathers—do not take the silage corn grown nearby the tame
groomed, so to speak
Its color la the
is marie to declare a certain thing is down. A little experience will tell you
Not only did the sunflowers pro­ new grsyston*. a sort o f tan gray
so while one of his fingers is dipped when they are “ ripe.” Do not take duce more dry matter an acre than
Is youthfully collared with squirrel
feathers that have blood In the quills.
in i a t - r from the sacred Ganges river.
silage corn but also they yielded much
fur. The sleeves describe each a point
where no Hindu would dare lie.
more ash, crude fiber and crude fat
at the shoulder and there are Insets
Poultry Undernourished
than the com. However, the com pro­ down the sides with stitched ecoras
Under Farm Conditions duced much more nitrogen free ex­ at the hlpe. In the exquisite finesse
of this garment there seems absolute
Poultry, of all farm stock. Is most tract. Also the amounts o f fertilising
A man should fear when he enjoys
elements removed from the soil were
ly no room for Improvsmont
only the good he does publicly. Is it likely to be undernourished under
greater In the case o f sunflowers than
net publicity rather than charity which practical farm conditions. Hue to the they were In corn.
he lov C
Is not vanity rather than nature o f their digestive trs et their
The studies showed that during the
rations must be composed largely of
ben i-volenc*, that gives such chari­
seeds and seed by products, feeds Ill- development o f the stalk portion of
ties?— Henry Ward Beecher.
balanced with respect to minerals, the plant, sunflowers are quick grow­
ing while com Is slow growing. The
proteins and vitamins. As compared
Psychical Drawings
with other animals, the requirements reverse conditions are true during the
development of the seed. It was es­
Fight sketches showing how Glas- o f poultry for some o f the vitamins tablished. therefore, that the sun­
are relatively so Intense that their ra­
toabury abbey, now a ruin, once looked
tions should be supplemented by feeds flower Is Inherently a stalk and crude
and purporting to have been drawn
known to be rich In these factors. fiber crop and ahould be ensiled at an
under psychic domination are the work Vitamins are manufactured by plants early stage o f growth.
o f a Londoner, who never before made only. Green plant tissues are with
an architectural drawing.
few exceptions the best sources o f vi­ Plan Crops on a Dairy
tamins known, being rich in all these
Farm to Reduce Cost
On Speaking III.
Toung chicks are especially suscep­
Records In Illinois row testing asso­
If anyone speak o f thee, consider
whether he hath truth on his side; tible to a lack o f vitamin In the ration ciation* show that a good dairy cow
and will develop the disease known a* consumes approximately 5,9(*> pound*
and if ~o. reform thyself, that his cen­
“ leg weakness,” Including impaired o f silage, l.hOO pounda of hay and 2,-
sures may not affect thee.— Epictetus.
appetite, an anemic condition o f the 900 pounds o f grain daring the year.
comb and wattles, drooping wings, In addition, she Is pastured five and
Continuous Bath.
ruffled feathers and unsteady gait. one-half months. The dairy farmer
To enable firemen to fight fire at Prevention o f leg weakness Is assured would do well to keep those figures In
mind when planning next year's crops.
close quarters, a shower bath suit has hy giving the chicks ready access to
green feed such as green cabbage or
Plenty o f good roughage la o f prime
b<. n invented. The water comes out
lettuce leaves, fresh nlfalfa or clover Importance. The dairyman with a
of a helmet and completely envelops or sprouted oats. I f green feed Is not good supply o f legume hay and silage
the tireman.
available, 3 to 5 per cent of cod liver available throughout the year has the
oil In the mash may be used. In the ! major portion of his feeding problems
maintenance o f health and normal de­ solved. Good alfalfa hay bead* the
No Superstition There.
Railroad crossing accidents continue velopment In the flock the importance Hat o f legume hay* for dairy .cattle. !
to he evidence that the American peo­ of vitamins Is undoubtedly much I f alfalfa la not available, soy bean.
ple are not superstitions and do not greater than is realized. Rations de­ clover or rowpea hay ahould be fed.
ficient in vitamins will give rise to j A small amount o f protein concen­
b elief.• in signs.—Pittsburgh Gazette
digestive disturbances and other forms trate adder] to the farm-grown grains,
of vague III health which can be pre­ snch as corn, barley and oata, will
vented by supplying the necessary vi­ make a good grain ration. Careful
Joke on Tightwad.
tamins and adjusting the balance of planning o f crops on dairy farms will
reduce the feed cost to a minimum.
An unusui joke recently was played the food.
____________ _
T T IS the trend o f the spring mode
on a noted London tightwad.
to complete the picture with charm­
pitals and charity associations receiv­ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Ventilation Necessary
ing accessories. T o this end more
ed cards saying that if collectors were
In providing a warm barn care must 1 than ever are scarves high lighting the
sent to his home he would give them
be taken to furnish good ventilation. I fashion stage A scarf with every cos­
large donations. The tightwad Is still
While there must be no drafts In the 1 tume Is the prevailing style sentiment.
seeking the sender of the cards.
The hen that cackles the loudest is ham, circulation o f air must be pro- I Juat Dow the greatest Interest seem*
to center around the Idea o f carrying
vlded for. A cow utilizes a very targe
not always the greatest layer.
• • •
out a match color «rheme In hat and
amount of air and also exhales large
She cannot
A hen will eat from one to two quantities o f moisture.
Tourist (to the guide at lover’s
property digest the large amount of
Toung girls arc taking keen delight
pounda of oyster shells per year.
le a p )—Aye, It’s a good leap, and riBky.
• • •
feed she must consume In order to
In acquiring h colorful simple felt. In
T ell me. was ’e leapin’ to ’er or away
such shades, for Instance, as bol* de
More eggs follow a ration that con- j produce a large quantity of milk In
from ’or? London W eekly Telegraph. tains the minerals required hy a hen the absence of an abundant supply of
rose, [»each, bright or madonna blue,
pure air.
lovebird or chartreuse green, wild
than can follow simple grains.
• • .
Variety All the Same.
honey or maybe phantom red, or prob­
ably orchid. Then to the «Ilk counter
One restaurant serves an omelet
It Is generally considered proper, In
do they wend their Joyful steps, ask
with h different name every day in the fact, the best form, to refer to pure- I
The cow, due to calve at this sea­ Ing for either crepe d# chine or crepe
week, and they al! taste the same. bred poultry as being standard bred.
son o f the year, ahould he confined
• • •
satin In the self aim « shade as the hat
That’s salesmanship. — Toledo Blade, i
Just purchased. I f one Is bent on
Because o f plenty o f room In the j nlgbta In a dean a-nrm shed nr box
economy three quarters of a yard will
poultry house and less competition I stall. During tlie day It la lies» for
Modesty Out of Place.
autfice or a yard If on* prefers a long
In getting feed, It seems to he more | the cow to run with the herd. Normal
Modest bearing la commendable in profitable to have too few hena than j conditions should be maintained as
scarf. Thla can he cut In two and
far as possible, but the safety o f the j hemstitched end-to-end together at the
human beings, but it’s no recommenda­ too many.
hack. The scurf Is narrowly machlne-
tion for a fruit tree. — Boston Tran­
• • •
Washing «oiled or dirty eggs does be Insured. Just prior to calving the
henimed along the sides Willi a wider
not make them more salable. In fact, cow should he receiving only light lax­ hematltch hem across the bottom Not
washing an egg lessens Its keeping ative feeds such os bran, oata and oil
yet I* the ensemble complete, for a
Contentment la Wealth
qualities by opening the pores so that meal.
Alfalfa hay la always a suit­ rose or chrysanthemum or boutonniere
That is true plenty, not to have, but evaporation Is more rapid.
able feed.
o f aome sort repeating the chosen
• • •
not to want, riches.— Chrysostom.
Character In Thought.
are (he sign o f a healthy
body. K ee p your e y e «
smiling and your body
healthy with BARK BOOT
Nature’s Own Tonic
W on«J®rful R esu lt« Q u it lily
" lla v ® taken your H ark-H not T n n ic fa *
• ® y * r «l w «® k « and fin d il m o n * o f th® !»••«
bow ®l and «tiim a rh lo n ir « I hay® ®y®r taken
A . ( a K R A U S . P o rtla n d
For «al® hy all d r u ««i«t a
Every thought willingly con tern plat
ed, every word meaningly apokeo,
every action freely done consolidate*
Itself In the character, and will pro­
ject Itself onward continually. — H.
Started Popular Phrae*.
The term "slmon pure’’ to dlstln
gulsh the genuine from the false, was
taken from the principal character of
Mr*. C entllevre’s comedy, “ A Bold
Stroke for a W ife,’ who finally worsts
a rival who had assumed bis name
Nature’s Own Tonic
Tho celebrated Poor Robin'* al­
manac*. which were discontinued In
England In 1823, after over a century
and a half of existence, first appeared
in 1663. Tho author of the first num
hers was Robert Herrick, Ihe poet.
Ice Boxes Bare.
Surveys hy the government for the
possible sale of Ice making equipment
abroad revealed that Ice wagons and
ire boxes are comparatively unknown
In England. Some Ice Is retailed by
of aircraft now was to accnmulate Ice
On Being a Bully.
when It encountered rain and h eavy!
moisture In the air The water clings
A brave man I* sometimes desper­
to the «tractural part« o f the plane, ado; hut u bully la always a coward —
freeze« In the higher oltltudea, and con­ Hallhurton.
stitutes a danger which It Is hoped
to overcome.
Advice and Conduct.
French nlrplanea made approxi­
Wo may give advice but we can’t
mately 13,000 voyages during th* year give conduct. Benjamin Franklin.
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