' — - ? 30 DAYS SPECIAL : (lnpil.il Knoil C o '« Htork Mult will l>* solil nl 10c rh. WilUmett« V»IUy FU* and C H U R C H CALENDAR / / / .V .V .V / .V / / W / .V / J V W .V ,V W W / / .V .V / J V .V W * V | llain;. tur)H,ralian will ratilia I ida tu fillio* of Ih# rallini vai «I Turner All l,ida lo ha in my March 6 lh. W- Jay Donliam, aocrotary. M K. Church -Vf* SOMETHING NEW/i j o H O L ID A Y , . Snndny School nt 10 n.n,. Morning Servit*: 11 a.m. Mr. W o . ilrnith returned from |Epworth I/cngiie .... 8:80 p.m. KvcniitK Service ., . 7 :J)0 p.ni. Portland on Saturday where he ha» boon doing Jury duty for several | Mid-wt-ok P rayer month«. Service, Thursday 7 ;"0 p.m, |»**r pound to introduce it; mid it will knap you r slunk in tinu - . i i i im , ‘ i»nr-i r - ' Chnati a it Church ALSO Sunday School 10 a.m. Morning aervice 11 a.m. Minnesota Mid Winter Gathering f'hrmtinn Endeavor 6:.'J0p.ni. Whan— March 5lh, 1926, 7:30 p.m I Evening Service ...... 7 :30 p.m. the home manager doeen't want to nerve Hie u m r thing aarli year and ua a cotmeijiienco, »he spend* hour« In hunting recipe* and planolng new WHer*— F|r«l M- E- thureh, Salem I thing« In the menu hue. All former Minnesete people are urg- The apiwnded up-nun for the holiday Imvo .1 rliild'u ruin «out linndy»iar Rubber Com pany’* malto. Kegnlnr prico i r jiTi; m l] m II for $8 7ft. (.'all mol tuumim* fpoi'U. J. M. Shelley, Paator. •d to h« pre»«nt. ha aarvad* Refreshment* will B ru ia R. Linfoot, l i t dinner and »upper may prove 0 we! iuuw clifliigt to your family, Dinner. S. P. T R A I N 8 C 1 IE D U A L Mr* Mayro McKinney ha« gone to Portland, where .he wil) remain for a month to receive medical treatment. H . L . E a r l ’s H a r d w a r e S t o r e Following 1» On* »chedulc of th Houthi-rn Pnrlflc train* at Turner: ' v . V . W / W W . V A W W / . V W A W / W A ' A W W . ' . W W i f l / North B o u n d - Train No. .12, 4:38 a m. Train No. 16, li:Z3 a.m. Train No. IB, 0:17 a.m. •»T m rva T S rsffir'» Train No. 1$, 1 d»4 p ro. !(.» M1J I’tinne IV Train No 3$* 8:17 p.m. D r. O. A . O ls o n , D e n t is t Pi’ -' MASONIC TEMPLE. There will be a Colonial entertain­ ment at the Chraitian church Satur­ day evening. March 13th. IT 15 HF.RE AGAIN — Tba N*w ir, M odal 4 C oron a P o r ta b l« T y p « w riter. Com plete w ith c arry in g c a n . 5 « « II and try l| a t lha T ribu n a o llir«i VW FERTILIZERS T h e E ls w o r t h H a t S h o p || a U cle a n e d an d h loeked. B u c k ra m (ra m e e , Formerly 495 Court St. Phono 217RW 147 1-2 Cold St. Upstairs. a , A litui», Ortgo*. .AV.w»vr...Ah,,‘ ,,w* ■ ..wm »***« » .. «. « * W....V UHtu + m w r »ffiffi» ~ 5lir tyalrm ífímtuary Cmbalmrni and Jfiatrral Dtmtiire Pinne I AVI Bujrtn, Oreg»», Cintali ft ol Hat! as* Clothing Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing Salem, Oregon Found in a certain locality on Route 2, one rubber boot. Owner may have property by calling at Tri­ bune office, proving property and pay­ ing for this ad. Vester Bone«, E. F. Moore and F. P. Row'ey we in attendance at the meeting o f ( .ipitol Post, American Legioi nt Salem Monday nighL Several from Turner attended thr film showing o f the Enchanted Hill at the Oregon theatre Monday night Goitre cure guaranteed by the c a s e without operation. Dr. P. G . S t a p r a n , 309 O r e g o n Bldg Salem, Oregon. D. A. WHITE & SONS 251 State St. Salem, Or«. 044 Stnto Hi. W .V .’.V .W A V .V .’A W /.’.V.VAV.V.* AVAV.ViVAVW AVJ .V / W W A W A V A V .'W / .'.'W Mrs. J. Kelly is reported to be im proving. She is staying with hei laughter Agnes, in Salem. AFTER EVERY HURT L N H U H A N Q IC ! Ì To Our Friends and Tatrona ÏY , ERACOL m o « « a ** Rea u s m t orr Tno timo o f the year i s heto wfen your h'j us is , l*rnr> and other property should bo oovert d by insurance. We aro In posi tlon wrlto n po li cy on your b n ll d i n r o or your c a r . ,1 , Ford for Salo— 192! model; prie« $75 00. E. T. Piaren. A full stock of all the dif. ferent sprays including Liq­ uid Lime and Sulphur Spray, Dry Lime and Sulphur Spray, and Sulphur, Lime and Itlue Stone, If you prefer to make your own spray, Che American Hauer ....... n t. M1MCLMURNS K S. PKATlIKIt Re .'table Divaghi TURNF.lt, OREGON. W. C. T. U. Meeting The W.C.T.U. will meet Wednes lay afternoon March 10 with Mrs Demytt. Members please be presen and help plan for the County Convne ' tion to be held in Turner in April. Eddie Ahrens has been selected a the official referee for the latne-Lim County basketball tournamen at Mil City which is to be held this week-end NOTICE— There will be a basket ball game at the Gym Saturday night between the Turner Scouts and th< Y.M.C.A. Juniors o f Salem. Thi game will be called at 8 p.m. Ail mission 10c. Proceeds to K<> towards If you do your own repair baseball equipment. Looals T h e N o r t h e r n A s s u r a n c C o. L t d . of London. T h e A m e ric a n In s u ra n c e Com ­ p a n y o f N e w a r k , N . J. V W fV V W A W W A % V W .W iV ,W A W A r A W work we can sup-ply you with a full line o f good tools at rea ­ F O U S A L E — Early Ohio potatoes sonable priegg for seed. 6c per lb. Limited «upply. J.M. Bones. W . E. Burns— D an B am s (N o t brothers, th « same m an ) H igh Street at Ferry Registered white Collie pups — A . T. Anderson. Salem, O fog on C R A W FO R D NOTES Mrs. Nipple, Mrs. W itiel, Mrs. Lit­ tle, Mrs. Nelson and Airs. Titus at­ tended the meeting o f the Grange Work Club at Mrs. Earl’s last Tues­ day. I Dr. unci Mn» J. W. Kan*ojn cele- bratnl their thirty-sixth wedding an­ niversary by giving a six o’clock din­ ned to a few invited frien«!**. among whom were Mr. nnd Mrs. Chas. Hebei Suutlay School was well attended ami family o f Sjtlcjn. The Misses Evelyn Archibald, Dor­ is Smith, Maude Johnson. Mrs. Ber­ tha Reeder, Mrs. Briggs, Harold and Herbert Briggs were entertained at dinner on Sunday last at the home of Mrs. Goo. Farris. lust Wiindny. XVv thank you for your Mr. Starling of New York, who has attendant'» and Invite you lint-k again. Interest In the linen industry on the Several members o f tho Eastern Nvxt f'ondy’s lesson I* found In tlio IS Miss lone Rees, one o f the district roust, was a week-end <|Ut-st at the Star met with the Salem chapter on clinptcr of John. officers o f the Epworth League o f the J’. E. Thomason home. Tuesday night. Brother Hltclley I* delivering excel Salem district, held a conference with Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas Little were lent sermons. Hear him next Sunday the Turner Chapter which w h s fol­ morning at 11 o'clock on “ Worshiping lowed by a social time. (Jitlcm visitor* Inst Wednesday. Barred Rock Hatching Eggs, In a Temple liuilt by tlotl.” Iu the O .A .C . Strain, 50c per setting; Mr. nnd Mrs. P. E. Thoma - - .1 evening "T h e Law of Pardon” I)ooe H. R. Pectx has been drawn on the $3.00 per hundred. A . T. A n ­ spent Monduy with relatives at Am- pardon mean unylliitig to yon? federal grand jury and left for Port­ derson. fty Christian Endeavor meeting»ure be. log well attended by young anti old Wo Invlt you to have a part In the dis­ cussions ii ink t .Sunday evening. Tnplu "Persever*: lit What?” W a shall reap what we *ow. Let us sow kind deeds that wu may not be ashamed ou the Mrs. Mayro McKinney is in Port­ groat Judgment day. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. E. Robertson anti children, Margaret nnd Albert of Tur­ ner, and Mr. and Mr*. Thomas I.lttle |ook dinner at the Raymond Titus home Sunday, land for medical treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Titus were business visitor* In Salem Thursday. Mrs. Melvin Nipple was in Salem to visit Mrs. Leonard Walker, who Is in the hospital there. Good Timo at Wedding In Cairo a « editing ceremony 1* fol­ lone:! by Hire« days of feaRtlnx and Joli mention. It Is not considered pond form for the guests to leave while the '(eiljvftj cupi ip it««. PERRY BAKER HURT Terry linker was nerlonsly Injured In the Hi 1 ver Fnll* Tlmlier Company’« ennip near Hll verton, Tuesday afteter- niMin, when a dtdayetl chargentdynn mite exploded. Beker waablnwn almut •i I leet and Is in the Hllvi rton Uoopil.-il In a or! leal condition. Subscriba for th* fiibgn* It You Miss !! New England P rogram C h r is t ia n C h u r c h A d m is s io n Fruit Halud Wit» Whipped Cream Sauor Chc«.ee ''rack .•■ Aeeorted Cakee Nut» Chocolate Pumpkin Pia. 1V4 cupful* pump- v* cupful wafer kin »trained 2 tb»p orange Ti cupful trowq Juice auaar 1 tsp. ginger 2 (*g*re 1 Up. cinnamon 1 cupful evaporated V4 tap. »alt milk Add the *ugar and eeaeonlng to the pumpkin, then add the »lightly beaten •Kg», milk and water. Stir till well blended and pnly one smnriir thlna Im can do, omit the vest. However. If hts smartr.es« rises to the point of genius he will throw In three pnlra of ulioes with the suit. Capper's Weekly. Tho strip along the mill ditch be­ tween C and D streets has been cleaned up und is being planted in roses. Word was received o f the death o f Loui-a Wickham of Logan City, Utah, Fi b. 23. Pneumonia was the cause o f her death. She was a sister of Mrs. \V. M. Harris. I B o om « W orth While Only Doc Mrs. Wes. Smith returned Monday I It time Is precious, no book tli.it from Dr. Staples’ where she has been kill not Impro Improve by repeated reading \ mitiug lop pearly a week. fli-crve* to be read at all.—Carlyle. 0. F. KORINEK, V.S.. B.V.Sc. V E T E R IN A R IA N Day and Night Service i I 4 % Paid on six months Whipped Cream $auca. T im e D e p o s its Fire and Rank Health With Three “ Rfi” Is Plea M A R IE K. A u t o m o b ile JO H N S O N wi t h o u t OREGON ST A Y T O N T h r e e - f o u r t h » cup e v ap or at ed milk, 1 cup w h ip p in g c r »a m . \ cup powd ere d sugar. CM!1 the cream and e v ap or at ed milk C om bi ne and w h i p until stiff. F ol d tp the nugar and ke ep chil led un til ready to serve. By a 10 a n d 25c 'tuiih th.<¿ RED BAND fAGIFPfNC/L CO. RC W YORK.USA. 4 sp r i g s parsley Vt tsp. soda 2 cu p« ev ap or at ed H f* P thyme m ilk diluted le bay lea f w it h 1 t » p peppercorpa 2 cups w a t e r 5 clo ves 2 tbsp. flour t slices onion 2 tbsp. butter klake a w h it e sauce o f the diluted e v a p o r a t e d milk, the butte r and ac] IMuflVd Twinato Balad Cheeee Rtrawe Truln Ho. IT, 10:67 a.m. Train No. RT), 7:04 p.m. Train No. 31. 10:20 p.m. SALEM T - ,* * - • u Qi fp rfru it liaaket« Wot* OUv*c Celery I The Turner HI basketball team Individual Pumpkin Pie WUb wnippn an All Work 1 rfE N U S * Mi»« Ada Thom », who wa» Injured T ' l l o s i , i,|g red letter dnva on Hit tome time ago had an X-ray taken ! ■* calendar mean particularly anmp- tuoua dinner« to the average Aincr of her ankle and found one of the J lean bouaewlfe. tie r fauilly »p a c ta hone« broken, rather than a mere line thing In the nature o f ronat »pr.un an at first thought. turkey, duck or Chicken. O f eourae. C. W . Pogue, Pan tor. condition uiid inurli more tliun p u j (nr it* «elf. ■ In s u ra n c e W rit te n f Turner State Bank Co W .W AVAW AVAW /.V.VA% W vYA\VW JW NSVAW .V,V BASEBALL GOODS — ATHLETIC SUPPLIES 0UAL1TY FISHING TACKLE healthy, sturdy body It Is tmpo*. J Slide fiW the child | to have n healthy, happy mind. Neglect of j childhood defect* miur result Inj permanent physi­ Marls K. Johnson, cal Impairment _____ _ childhood Ills ure later on. . Many traceable directly to malnutrition. High school students especially peed a variety |n foods for nt this age their growth Is rapid. The pro­ tein or "building food” should be abundant for high school boys and girls. When they buy their luncheons, high school pupils are apt to display p preference for chocolate sodas, cream putts and candy. An appetising luncheon put up at home Is much fo be preferred to the sort the boy or girl might nlrtnin at the corner star» pear the school. Meat Is all right for the school luncheon but It should be pnt up la tempting form. If sliced tldn It Is more appetising in sandwiches than Jf ‘in thick pieces. Beverage« or soup piny be carried In thermos bottles but the bottles must he carefully washed and aired dally after using Milk Is recemmi rded for nn Impor­ tant place In the hoy’s or girl's diet be enuse of Its proteins, minerals, phos­ phorus and enlrlntu. necessary for the development of the body and In the case of calcium and phosphorus foi the building of l one and teeth. E-rap orated milk has come Into favor as a health builder for children as well as adult« because by removal of 0C per cent of ihe water It Is rendered more than twice ns rich In food value as ordinary milk and by n prove« culled homogenising more digestible than bettud market milk. Crisp lettuce and celery, carefully washed and dried, may be so wrapped In oil paper that they will be fresh and in good condition at lunch time Lettuce should not he used In sand niches for wilted lettuce U almost |p digestible. A n d e r s o n ’s Salem’s Largest Exclusive Sporting Goods Store 126 SouthComiwirciet St. Salem, Grogan A V .Y V V IW V A V V W A V .3 W ; P o m e r o y 6c K e e n e R E L I A B L E J E W E L E R S A N B O P T I C * AMS E Y E S T E S T E D — G L A S S E S FITTED State end Liberty Sts. Salem. Oregon WEBB & CLOUGH CO. Funeral Directors A N ^ T C E N S E ^ E M B A L M E R S Reliable Service, Lady Assistant 205 So. Church St.— Day or Night Fhone 120 - S a le m - Read The Ads and Save Money Subscribe for The Tribune $1.25 per Year Ancient Dicing Game» Tho Invention of dice Is mythlenllr Iiacrlhed to Pnlnniedes of dree.» about the year 1244 B. C. The game of tall among the Roman« was played with dice. The early English arti- qnary, Stow, mentions two entertain tnents given by the city of London nl wldeh dice were played. FOR SALE — R »p o » »e « » «d p ia »o . T in t Royal Astronomer R elia b le p arty may take o ve r con tract Jobs Flamsteed, fnniou« astronomer, by p ayin g back installm ent*. E a*y wss the flrst royal astronomer of Eig- pvaanent on balance. W r ite M ar,on lund. lie was appointed to that offiea L . Shepherd, care M oore • Mu*ic March 4, 1fl*3. .fin was a blttwr enemy House, Salem, O regon . of Newton, because Newton trie») Ul give hlui ntceysnry advice. *