4 SHERIFF'S NOTICE o r SALE OF for it decree dissolving this bonds o f matrimony non ex iting between the REAL PROPERTY ON KORK- plaintiff and «lofendviti that the plain CLOSURE till be awarded the ears', euatinly and Notice U hereby given. That by control o f their minor child, Gertrude > . y. KmuU'ti. tííttnr virtue o f an execution duly i,«»ueu out Betty Uo.se; for the recovery from o f the Circuit Court o f too State o f ; the defendant o f the sum o f $20.00 Issued Every Thursday «t Turner. Marion County, •re«:on _______________ Count; Marion, j month towards the nurture and . . . 13th day I i”.'*' duration o f said Gertrude Belly Hose SUBSCRIPTION $1.25 PER YEAR. Entered at the Postoftue of j* BUi.rv. upon > judge.«, .it until she is sixteen years old; for the at Turner, Oregon, as second-class matter, under the . nd deci..- . d\ reu dm il, efftered o f: recovt ry from the defendant o f the a m a IR 7 0 regard and ¡,*ck* given qiilek n-b'lf by taking mil faniuua remedie«. Am »h—.lnl.ly Imi m l.-., I. lug componi«!- e«l frinii Impiliteli tiorba, routa mill and b iika « bleb am well known fi'f Hu Ir em u lile propellila. MAGAZINES 111011 and eblldren. Eleo eoiieiiltutUn. We (real all dlaorilora of men, wrv. Call or write. 00 enough to say that he is in favor of a change in the method of j ^ f Tiio-So'^uo^cys B. S. MARTIN. taxation, but as yet lia s failed to give any remedy. One thing fee», and the further sum o f $355.fis Salem, Oregon, A ttm n y for Plaintiff. is certain, the owners of real property in the State of Oregon j tJ* ee,u 7»* must have relief of some kind sooner or later. We have n ot. annum from the 5th day o f April, NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL been wholly in favor of a state income tax, but if that will ACCOUNT the remedy let it come. Governor Pierce made statements in $ 42 . 00 , and o * t s and expenses of tn the County Court o f the State his speech in Portland that made those who heard him stop and 2« ^ » b ° nof u^C'at i of Oregon, for the County o f Marion. think. There is no doubt that the farmer must have some re- ^),e hour o f ten o ’clock a . m . of saidi In the matter o f the Estate o f M I. Hen.sel. Deceased. lief and the income tax seems to be the only feasible plan a s. day at the West doer o f the County Notice is hereby given that the yet offered to the people. Governor Pierce cited the lepuoit- t 0 r i . f 0 n , s,,u al public auction t- final account > f r. th. r W an -r. u.i an governor of Minnesota who is strongly in favor of an income tf.o highest bidder for cash in hand ralnistretor o f the ■ *tate o f M. 1. a u » v iv iu v i v i e . , - rn the day of sale all the right, title. Hens,-I, deceased, has been tffed in iax a s a means of more evenly distributing t le burden ot tax:)- anj estate which »aid defend- the Vountv Court c f Mm-ion County I'Jii ■ -M Hlale SI. (Upalalrs.) I'bone r» l Halem Oregon, Or. O. L. Scott Why Pay ¡flore Î l'a im e r C hiropractor P bono 87. Residence H'JbR 236 N. l'nìtcd Slates National Hank G n n e r n l R a n k in g B u t i n e n South o f Range Three (3 I West o f the Willamette Meridian in Marion County, Oregon. PRISON DISCIPLINE COMING BACK Said sale being made subject to re- demption in the manner provided by . v Dated thi* 25th day o f January. 1926. O. D. BOWER, Sheriff o f M arion County, Oregon. ricK Internet paid on Mmo dopuodta and saving* accounts Cor. Stale A Commercial .9ta. pear and file objections thereto in writing and contest same. ESTHER W UtINER. Administratrix SALEM to S e le c t F r o m High Never N-foce and probably never again will you hava auch on rxtrsor dmary monev uv.ng opportunity. Not. carelully tho fl choice reading—all at a price to fit your pocketbnok. Renewal, will be extended one year from date of expiration. No need to wait. The effective h a n d lin g of the recent riot in th e Oregon pen- itentiary has created a great deal of comment (nearly all fav orable) of the way in which Warden Lillie handled the case. Immediately after the quelling of the riot came the announce­ ment in the papers that more stripes had been ordered. War­ den Lillie is taking hold of the situation in the right manner. ______________________________ He is giving the prisoners the feeling that he will do what he s h e r i f f s n o t i c e o f s a l e o f says and maybe more. They probably know that they have a r e a l pr o pe r ty on f o r e - EDW ARD SCHENKE, Administrator o f the estate of different warden than the one who preceded him. One of the I CLOSURE Wm. K. Fallin. first things he did was to place the armed guards back in the - Notice is hereby given. That by O f in A , Slain* ronm. T O , w « « f l f r « W OM ™ ______ , rut out in the regime of prison reform started b y ex-governor .Oregon, for the County of Marion, n o t i c e o f h e a r i n g o f f i n a l West With the armed guards again placed in the dining room ; and to me directed on the 25th day ACCOL. . ________ , I , | . i, i J »L t o t , | U biiuiii) , 1J-6, 1 - u, upon Uj.'.’ii a « judgment juugmcm i n J____ _ j . , oVi^.aA o i i January, County Court o f the State ;;nd the prisoners dressed m strrpes and the feeling abroad that ,ar.j decree duly rendered, enter'd of of Oregon for thi i ounty o f Marion. all riots and uprisings will be handled with an iron hand there ¡record and docketed in and by said In the matter o f the estate of will not be so many pooplo trying to gain admittance to tne i ^ 9 2 5 , in a certain suit then in .said Frank H. Knuths, Ih*c<-asc*I. Noti.e is hen-by given that the state boarding house and it will become a prison in reality. Court pending, wherein Frank Kam- final account o f Gertrude Knuths, ad­ This episode has caused a feeling of confidence in the present j Oollie^fenlnir. Ed! Smith. Admin- ministratrix of the estate o f Frank H. Knuths, daceaaed, lias b'-en filed warden to commence to grow throughout the state. So long ■ ¡strator with Uic Will Annexed o f in the County Court o f Marion 1 "---- ■— deceased. Edna as the womens uplift societies and the different sob-sister or-1 ^re,i Swartzf^Edwin J. Swartx. rartx, County, Oregon, and that the 9th day eep out of the fuss, law and order will continue to '¡>nd Miriam Swartz w ere defendants o f March, ¡926. nt the hour of 10 ganizations keep in favor o f plaintiff and against said! o’clock a.m., ha« been unpointed by improve in the Oregon Penitentiary. defendant«. J. A. Hilmer and Dollii « i d Court for hearing objections to ■utM'ita C l i p J. Hilmer. his wife, by which execu- mid final account, at which time any tion I am commanded to -ell the p r o -1 person inter; .-t- i in -aid . state may Iperty in said execution and herein-; appear and li.r objections thereto in IS PROHIBITION EFFECTIVE after described to pay the sum due writing and contest same. GERTRUDE KNUTHS. the plaint,'f o f $.'!000.00 with inter- A strenuous fight is now on between the wets and the drys eJt th r n at the rat-- o f 7 per cent Administratrix o f the Estate of Frank H. Knuths. deceased. on the Volstead Act (18th Amendment) The wet interests ^ annum from ^ »fM a y . GUY O. SMITH. are bending every effort to bring back light wines ana licer. of ¿ j . j O. oo , attorney - fees, together Attorney for Administratrix. Thev say that prohibition is a failure. The whole business is with the con s and disbursements o f Show 1925 Best in Five Years for Prices to the Fanner propaganda of the foreign liquor exporters to try to build uptttnd exp„ ns„ 0f said execution. I f the market for their liquor which prohibition took away from | will cm Saturday the 27tb d*> of NOTICE TO CREDITORS February, 192':, at th" hour o f ten Notice is hereby given that the un­ them. The United States was the favorite lumping ground j 0.clock A M o f Baid ()iy ft, the W egt| - lit. for their goods, and now that prohibition has been adopted door o f the County Court House •«; o ffit " o f M arioi^County st.it! Marion County, Oregon, ; made and entered off that market has been curtailed. They are circulating the dope h X "’ b T u - 1 ^ of January, 1926, was through the country that prohibition does not prohibit, th a t der for cash in hand on the day o f ¡ , ppoillted «im m istrator o f the estate there is more liquor drank now than ever before that there are , ¿J“ ^ ’dSndinU^and'ai!1 ^ more women and girls drinking than before. \\ hen the saloons pernon* claimir.g under them subse-• J1 ci^jm jl a,,;i n*st said aaicl estate estat are claims against were licensed many of them had private rooms behind the bars l° the c hereby not fit-i to present the same law ,nt where the women and girls could go and get their drinks, hereinbefore mentioned and described the i,uly offices I enr,e'L 1. re^uireu py i o f Guy O. Smith, 403 Sa­ There arc many of us that arc not so weakminded but whati*» *»»■ execution a» follows, to-wit lem Bank o f Commerce Bldg., in the Beginning at the South East City o f Sal- re, Marion County, Ore­ we can remember the days of the open saloon and the drinking j corner o f the West half o f the gon, within six months from the date that took place then. We can remember the time even in South East quarter o f Section of this notice, to-wit, February 4, 10, in Towndiip 9, South of 1926. Salem when one would have to step into the street to get Range 3 Wert o f the Willamette B. J. J. MILLER, around some drunk, who was occupying the entire sidewalk Meridian in Marion County, Ore­ Administrator o f the estate o f and from thence running in his glorious attempt to get home. You do not see such ! gon; H. J. Miller, Deceased. North 3.50 chains along the East GUY O. SMITH, rights now, yet they will tell you that prohibition is a failure! boundary lhie o f the West half Attorney for Administrator. o f the South East quarter o f said and there is more liquor drank than ever before. If this is section; thence North 89 degrees true we would like to have someone tell us why they are put­ ¡37 minute» West parallel with ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE ting up the big cry. It seems that is what they want, more i the South boundary line o f said Section 26.615 chains to a stone IN THE COUNTY COURT OF liquor. There is less liquor drank by the boys and girls than) in the West boundary line o f MARION COUNTY, STATE OF OR­ Fred W. Swartz's land; thence in the old days, regardless of reports to the contrary. In the EGON. South 2 degre-s 30 minutes West In th<- matter o f the estate of old days any older person could and would buy it for the boys, along .aid West boundary line Sarah E. Cahill, deceased. 7.62 chains; thence South 58 de­ nt least some would if they thought they would get a drink out Notice is h< ri by given that by or­ grees 37 minutes East along said of it. The whole source of this cry centers in the fact that some der o f the County Court o f Marion West boundary line 7 chains to County, State o f Oregon, duly made foreign distillers have lost their fat market in this country. a stone 11x7x6 inches; thence and entered on the 30th day o f Jan­ South 5 degrees East along said When the prohibition department enforced the blocade of the uary, 1926, the undersigned was ap­ West boundary line 6.10 chains pointed administrator with the will rum runners on the East coast some four or five English dis­ to an iron pipe; thence East ann-xed o f the estate o f Sarah E. tillers went bankrupt. This is why this cry is going the rounds ! 29.9.3 chain« to the . enter of the Cahill, deceased, and that he has duly Pacific Highway; 'h.-nce North qualified as such. All persons hav­ c f the people. They are loth to lose their source of income, | 20 degrees W :t 14.64 chains ing claims against said estate are along the cert- r o f the Pacific they die hard. hereby notified to present the same, NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the un­ dersigned, by an order o f the Count; Court o f Aiarion County, Slate Oregon, duly made and entered on the 26th day o f January, 1926, was appointed administrator o f the estate o f Harmon Y. Magee, and that he has duly qualified as such- All persons having claims against said estate arc hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as required by law the offices o f Percy A. Cupper, Masonic Temple, in the City c: lem, Marion County, Oregon, within »ix month, from the date of this no­ tice, to-wit January 26, 1926. L. W. MAGEE. Administrator o f the estate of Hannon Y. Magee, Deceased. PERCY A. CUPPER, Attorney for Administrator, 411 Masonic Temple, Salom, Oregon. "oil ; fr « fo'tr rare*/ rtw ; ! fijtum. ' w Highway to the South boundary line o f said .-action; thence North X9 degrees 57 minutes West 4.495 chain.« t i the place o f be­ ginning, and containing 51.40 acres o f land, . tuated in Marion County, Statu Oregon, Said .»ale bein'? made subject to i redemption in the manner provided 1 by law. - Dated this 25th lay o f January, ; 1926. O. D. BOWER, Sheriff o f Marion County, Oregon. duly verified as requir'd by law, to the undersigned at the law office of Bert, T. For-!, Ro ment lor a one yea. : ubw ription to y ur paper and the FIVE Magaxuvee I have marked with an X below. . St er R. F. D. ............................. Q Amerla Q American Poahry Advocate □ BUd. * Lndce □ Capper’s Farmer Q Faro Ct Flrreido n The Farm Journal □ Ladies and tìcnts - T ailo rin g - 474 dour! 84. HALEM M. E. CHURCH 5'u/e- The pastor preached two good ser­ mons morning and evening. Me ia giving some interesting and instruct­ ive exposition* o f the Bible. 0 Mother'« home Ufo At the Kpworth Ix-ugu - Sunday evening Die topic "W hy I am a Chria- limn'' was discuss'd «nth Mrs. Gun­ ning us leader. Many interesting thought* were brought ouL "Am eri­ ca’s d.-bt to other lands" is the topic for Sunday night. On FYiday even­ ing the Kpworth League will give a reception and social for Mis* Ion« Rees o f Corvallis, one o f the many district officer*. At the home o f Mr. nud Mr. G<-o. Moore. All cabinet member* are requested to be present at a banquet to he held prior to tho business meeting Friday night. 0 Pathfinder (weakly) Iff leene. Today's Hooeowife Tractor ê t Gae Engine Review 0 0 0 Woman’. World □ Gentlewoman Masamoe [J] Good Storica d eh n te « e w t C lass Needlewoman [J Homo Friend Q Houeehsld Gnoet □ Household Magoaino □ Illustrated Mechanic. Farm Life 0 Foma Cirdn f '. 'i f i n C F ORBOON Sunday school attendance was goo<| last Sunday. The boys' class is still in the lead o f the contest. From the looks of thinks now they will be dun for n treat next Week. .Va» Tctt-n.......... .......... — l). 11. MOSHRR NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby giv n that the ur dersqtnml. by un order o f the County Court of Manon County. State of Oregon, duty made and entered on the 22nd day o f January, 1926, wn. appointed administrator o f the estate of Wm. E. Fallin, and that he has duly qualified as such. AU pel sons having claims against said estate, ere hereby notified to present the same duly ver.fi -d as required by law, at the offices o f Guy 0. Smith. 403 Sa lem Bank o f Commerce Bldg., in the City o f Salem, Marion County, Ore­ gon. within six months from thu date o f this notice, to-wit January 28th. 1926 H igh HIntel Salem, Oregon Tahe Y our property, tui-gv.«.™ . .. .o. . . . » ....... tto-wit: spiel on the income tax with those words: “ The business inter­ The North hr.lf o f the -louth East quarter and the South half ests had better pinch themselves and wake up, for sure as fate o f the North Kart quarter o f Sec­ there is a day of reckoning coming, and they will find them­ tion Two (21, Township Nine selves having to take castor oil when they could have gotten (9 ) South o f Range Three (3 ) East of the Willamette Meridian away with cough syrup,” which means that there is a radical in Marion County, Oregon: Also revolution in the tax system coming which will be worse for the North West quarter o f the South West quarter c f Section them than the one now proposed. One ( l ) in Township nine ( 9 1 ORTGON TT¿ 9 O V ibi» coupon now end being M „ .» .I g to oar Duoineee Office T h " young |>rnple of the Kpwnrth I . -agile will tiuve eliargu of the en tire nervine Sunday night. WHAT T H E F A R M E R PRODUCED IN 1925 ifotMTil Pftooum*'tUCN 1 ^ ] U WOOL. F L A » . » I t ./ i 1 r f , * , - ft ] SUCJ4B (»On. fO»I5» y / V , \ F* i C»OP4,^ON|y.|TC .T d O A C C O ) l*TK^rzrrl ftlV.OOO000__ )\ J/4aoOOOO<5 / •£» " W T« « 0L« f - X ANIMALS r y -lY 3 '-r i^ | T A B L E S / d a i r y ! RAISED £ti4kooaoo(| p«owcniF j/.yjjonojxwJ CEHEAL 'A»$NUM>tSSoriS^,o] F R U lf s l HAY6 fOfiACi ] iu p ti000.000 f Í7JUKXHOOO 1 r 1.467,000, (XOI ^ * LÜMB 1916 *15.167000,000 1921 I3J691000.000 1917 70.816.000.000 1922 15042.000,000 1918 227)96.000,000 1923 16,614 000.000 1919 2 4 ^ 1 0 0 0 .0 0 0 1924 1920 19110,000,000 1925 17,355000.000 17,154000.000 CHURCH OF CHRIST Many were absent from Sunday school Inst Sunday. We hope to sea you bark nest Sunda). You know the building is nice und warm. The young people lust Sunday even­ ing gave us u few things to think about. One thing was brought out plainly, a person cannot be a trua Christian if he do«-s nut read and study the Bible often. If we say wn are Christians we must show to the world that w - are Christian* ami not hypocrite*. Regular preaching services next Week will he held Sunday by Brother SheTh-y. Come und hcor him. Christian Endeavor topic next Sun­ day evening "Nryh-eUd Areas in tho country.” When you think o f tho UB farmer i»ro«lue«»#1 Ju.st ubout uh much stult In 11125 11 .« In 1(124, and II *n\n worth a humlrcft million dollurn moro, according to Mi" umilili! jeiir- country do you think o f some far dis­ Not so. It lies all ar­ end snrvey of thè Seur* Hoehuck AgrtrtiUurtd Foundation. The average of tant place? all fumi prive* I h now 154 por cent of the pro-war averugo, u* coinpnreil with ound u* and rinse. 140 por cent Inst yenr «t tlds timo Tho rea! Nlgnlfli'iiure of lid i ls lodlcated moro clenrly liy thè rolatlnn of retarti* from the naie of furtn produci* to Wholesale lirico* o f commoilltlea wlilch tho furmor boy and consumo«. Tbl* Kut'u hngas offer promise as a crop moen», statee tho Foundation, tbat tho purcbaslng power of thè farmer'a in Columbia and Clulsop counties, be­ (lollsr bns risili from Od, lite lowest polnt fulluwlng tlic wur, to lui for 1025 lieve Die experiment station. Port­ and Indicate* tluit ngrlcultiire ls rccovorlng. The low peak, prior to thè wsr, o f vaine* o f fsrm produrti cnme In 1014 wlth land use* large quantities of them in n ynlnntlon of $11,517,(XX).( xxmki . The high peak vnliies for forni produets reme years when potatoes are expensive. dnrlng tln- wnr wlth u grò** total of $24,S54j)00,fss) for 1010. Tlien rume th*- The regular market is good. If over- four criticai yenrs In wlilch fumi prlces foli below cost of prmluctlon nnd planting o f potatoes ocrurs this year, valuo* liccerne corrcspondlngly low. the n il« Inga market may be limited. In 1024 tho total vaine of all the fnrm produci* ridurli In thè United There is plenty o f time to tell wheth­ Stato* wa* estlrnnted nt $17,355.000.0110. Tbl* yenr Ilio priMltHdlnn ls estlinnted er to plant them or not, as their at $17.454.0(XI,(»|0. Tlie cash Incoine to thè furnier for hi* 1025 Work wlll ho seeding time is in June. rlgbt around $ 10 .issi.msi,non. T PATENTS! SUMMONS Subscribe for the Tribune irrer \ In the Circuit Court o f the State) Obtained. Send model or sketch 3 iW o f Oregon for the County of Marion. and we wilt promptly send you a Department No. 2. report. Our book on Patents and Have your envelope* printed with Trade-marks will be scut to yon Cora Cooley Rose, Plaintiff, vs. j your return address. The Tribune on request. John J. Rose, Defendant. To John J. Rose, the above-named, can do the wort. defendant: H u ngry! B uy brick ice crea m , Ee- In the name o f the State o f Ore­ -------PATENT L A W Y E R S_____ kim o Pies and D ixies at Kiehes C o n ­ gon : You are hereby required to ap- I The Tribune shop can print your 305 Seventh SI., Washingfon. 0. C* p< ar and answer the complaint filed 1 butter wraps, letter heads and en­ fe c t io n e r y . O n hand at all tim e .. O v e r 34 Y e a r s ’ E u s r i s n t e against you in the above entitled; court and suit, on or before the 27th velopes. I( Give The Tribune credit for what | day o f February, 1926, and if you I Rielics Confectionery hat Brick Ice fail to so appear and answer said , you buy from our advertisers. Have ymir syrslog«« printed with Cream, Eskimo Pie. and Dixies at a|| - compla nt by -rid date, the plaintiff your return arMreua. The Tribune you buy from our advertisire. times. Tiy theii| : w‘" ahf'!y to the court for the relief Give The Tribute credit for what can do Die work- prayed for in aid coinplaint, to-wit, D. SWIFT & CO. FARM REMINDERS From Department Industrial Journ­ alism, Oregon Agricultural College If Oregon farmers wait >efnrc turning row* on the pasture until it gets a goorl i.tart they will be amply repaid Inter, believes the experiment stntion. Advance information from the U. S. Department o f agriculture indi­ cates thut the winter wheat acreage in the United States will be less than I ant year. Considerable injury has taken place in the soft red winter section o f the east. These things in­ dicate that the planting o f spring wheat is justified this year in thosq sections where the crop averages well, hederntion nnd hard federation are recommended by the experiment sta­ tion for eastern Oregon, nnd Huston, Defiance, Federation and Jenkin ara good in western Oregon. Soluble nitrogen fertilizers ul the rate o f I Of) to 200 pound.* per acre have been found by the experiment station to b a desirable top drersing Mr. Irvine, recently from Cannila, ls in ninny Or* yon oreburdg for clover t iking the place of C. N. Itrady, win) j Crops that nre not making n good I* taking a few day* vsenlhm from hi* growth, work al tliu H. P. la-iHit.