The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, February 25, 1926, Image 1

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m c N K ir ,
Work of Mexican Courts Speeded -
Village Sleepy Again.
Tin Juana, Mexico
llolorii Ihn days
<> iu
$381,000,,000 Decrease
Year DT/iûed.
HatiAration by Both Houses Kxprrtrd
Soon: Administration
ported Satisfied.
Washington, I). C.
Tax reduction
$381 this
and $343 000.000 thereafter finally was
agreed upon Saturday by snnatn and
housn conforms on th « revenue hill.
ratified by both branrhns of runxrrsa
before lhr bill heroines law, represent*
an IncroMe of about $50.000.0110 over
the total written Into the blit by the
house, hut Is I75.IHKI.000 less than was
voted by the senate
It was described
at arrepiah l« to the administration as
within the limits thn treasury ran sf
House conferees forced the restore
tton lo the bill, with some modifies
lions, o f taxes on Inheritances, auto
mobile passenger cars, admlssiona and
dues, which the sensln had voted to
repeal Senate ronfereea on the other
hand, obtained greater reductions In
tome of the surtax rules than were
voted by the house.
While considerable dlasaltsfarllun
was apparent on both sides as a re­
sult of the Inheritance tax compromise,
which Involves allowance of a retro
art I vo cut In this tax. leaders expect­
ed Immedlated ratification.
The conference agreement on the
points In dispute follows:
Itestorallon of Iho modified Inheri­
tance tax ratea voted by the houso. In­
cluding the provision allowing 50 per
rent credit on account of stale Inheri­
tance tax payments.
itetroarllve cut In the inheritance
tax whereby the lnrreaeed ratea voted
In 1934 would be elemlnated In favur
of the lower rates In the 1921 art.
Allowance of the Increased reduc­
tions In the surtax rates applying on
Incomes between $2(000 and $100,000
St voted by the senate. This Involves
a saving of $23.000.000 annually to tux
payers In this class.
Repeal of the capital stork tax as
voted liy the senate.
Increase of the Incorporation tax.
now l i l t per rent, to 13 per cent there­
Itestorallon of the to per cent tax
on admissions and dues, but with un
Increase In the exemptions to apply on
tickets coaling 75 cent* nnd less,
rather than 50 cents mid less, as voted
by the house
Itestorallon of the automobile pas­
senger car tax. with the rate reduc
ed from 5 to 3 per cent.
Retroactive reduction In the gift tax
to make the lower rates In effect on
Inheritances In the 1921 law effective.
This tax. as far as the future la con­
cerned. Is repealed by the hill.
Increase from $50,000 to $100.000
the exemption from the Inheritance
Increased reductions voted by the
senate on cigar tnxca were accepted,
but Its amendment to base discovery
depletion allowances for oil nnd gas
wells on 30 per rent of the gross In-
rome was chnnged to make the rate
27 H per cent.
The senate amendment lim iting the
trensury lo two years In which to make
assessments on tax returns was chang
ed to three years. Four years Is now
Constitution To Travsl.
Washington, I). C. The frlgnte Con
stitutlon "Old Ironsides.'* will again
sail the seas under plans the navy de­
partment In making, this time along
thn Atlantic nnd (lu lf coasts nnd pos­
sibly up the Mississippi river ns far
as navigation will permit so that many
of the school children nnd patriotic so­
cieties who are contributing to the
fund for the restoration may see her.
It will ho the first cruise o f the fnmous
frigate nlnco 1579 when she carried
the United States exhibit to the Parts
exposition. She Is now at Iho Boston
navy yard.
Indiana to Get $122.(00.
Washington, 1». C. Klnmnth Indians
nrn to receive a per capita payment of
$100 nut of the receipta from sales
of timber on their reservation. The
total amount to he distributed Is $122,-
(00. Payment will be made In time to
assist thn Indians in spring farming.
Deposit', to the credit of the Klnmath
Indians In the treasury now aggregate
$14(,000 with additional available re­
ceipts amounting to approximately
proliIlili Ion
“ Bits of Best News Items From
aloopy Mexican village. Today It sesm
ed to have csmpletnd tbs cycle of
gambling resort, drinking plant for
thirsty Americans and alleged vice
center and was again u drowsing set­
, Publicity following (he tragic sui­
cide of the four members of the Peleet
family, the remitting cleanup orders of
Governor Itodriguel of laiwer Califor­ Kvvnts o f Noted I'ruplr, Governments
nia. nnd the usual Monday lark of rac­
and Pselffr Northwest, and Other
ing have wrought thn change In the
Things Worth Knowing.
border town.
In an almost bucolic setting. M ix
lean authorities speeded the work of
the courts In the murder ac-cusstlous
Reduction by more than one half In
which may result upon convictions In fees charged for automobiles entering
sending seven men to fa r » s firing the seven national parks w s h annoum
Padlocks were placed on the ed Malurday by the Interior depart
doors of numerous saloons, officials ment.
said, as a result of the i b un up orders
The loss by theft of $ ( ( 950 In Jewels
of Governor Rodrigues.
was reported lo police In Pasadena.
Development, in the prosccutlon of ^
SBmUy b> Mr„ W w . rd r , ' roa.
the seven men accused of responsibil­
sett. She Is the wife of a wealthy
ity for murder in connection with the
Chicago lumberman.
attacks upon Audrey aud Clyde P e te e t:
and the resulting suicide from shame' The executive com m ute« of the na-
of the Peleet family were the ordering
grange haa ended Us tw oday
of examination of the bodies of the two »esslon In Washington. I) C without
girls by Mexican physicians and the Indorsing any of the farm bills now
calling In of American doctors to cor- p en d in g before congress,
rohorste testimony of Zensldo pianos,
The most reverend Paul Kugene
ex chief of police of Tla Juana, deny­
Roy, archbishop of Quebec, and Ro­
ing the attack charges against him.
man Catholic primate of Cunada. died
Judge I ’ rlss of the Mexican federal
Saturday night In St. Krai.els d'Asstz!
court Is expected lo decide soon wheth
hospital here after a long Hint.;'.
er evidence against thn seven men
warrants trial on the murder and at­
Kurh man. woman and child In the
tack charges.
Cniled States cost the federal and
$55.71 In 1923, it was revealed by
Nashville. Tenn. — Roadways were ligure» made public Saturday by the
blocked here Monday morning In su national Industrial conference hoard
effort to apprehend fugitives who shut
Storm clouds appeared Saturday
two policemen to death within (0 yards over the course of the compromise tax
of police headquarters .1 1'ulsx.kl. r(M,u,.((un
to by hHlut,. and
Ti»nn . 81 mil«»* mwmy.
»«•ñutí* conf«*n‘»**. but prompt rutifira
Approximately 150 -hols sw .k en .d ||on of
m f m a m by both.branches
the little hamlet, three while men
early next week was believed certain
were aeeu to dash sway and the two
by leaders.
officers were found lying In an alley-
Hundreds of educators, representing
way. The policemen. Oeorge Dodson
and Rud Jackson, comprised the on- 700.000 school teachers of the I'nited
lire night force. One of them had States, congregated In Washington. D.
emptied his gun while thn other’s pis- C „ Saturday preparatory to the open-
tol had not been taken from Its hoi- Ing of the 56th annual convention of
the department o f superintendence of
the National Kducatlon association.
Bergdoll Facas Ouster.
The senate Friday approved the
Berlin Grover 0. Bergdoll, under
H H j o t X t f g o l utInn previously adopted by
arrest ou the charge of Impairing the ^
.......... b,
morals of a minor, fares Ihe possibil­
the government in Ihe Philadelphia
ity Of deportation, foreign office of- SPWJ0Y t.(.n
"c é lé b ra ,lorn
flclals Indicated Monday, It the govern­
measure appropriates $2.186.500 for the
ment decides he Is an "objectionable
government's part In the celebration,
$ 1.000,000 being for buildings and $1.-
Tho government would not care
186.500 for Its direct participation.
where llergdoll went, hut would have
him escorted by a m ilitary guard to
President Coolldge feels that failure
of the senate to ratify the Italian debt
whichever frontier ho chose.
It has been learned that BergJoll settlement would serve to relieve Italy
la held under the aectton of the penal of any obligation of negotiating an
C 'x lo dealing with crimes against girls agreement. The president Is confident
14 years of age.
that favorable senate action on the
Italian agreement will be obtained, al-
Washlngton. D. C. — Indictments though he Rppearn to lie somewhat dis­
charging ex Secretary Fall, Harry F. turbed over Ihe opposition which has
Sinclair and K. A. Doheny with con- developed,
splrary In ronnectlon with the naval
The arrest In Ihe I'nited Stales Sal­
oil leases were upheld Monday In Dts
trlct of Columbia supreme court.
|nrda’, of
M" xioan 1,01111,R| r,,fu
They were attacked In a demurrer
amon* lh,>m A,fon» ° dp la
filed by the defendants on the ground Huerta, brother of Adolfo de la lluertn.
that Fall had no authority to award who ln 1925 lod ■ " ,vo11 a* aln,,1 l' T•“**
the lease, and therefore that there d,' nt Obregon of Mexlcft. and Jorge
could have been no conspiracy through ,,rlpl° '••ur- n» ' " » . rta's lieutenant,
him to defraud the government, but haa' M« xlco C" * >,aP "r*
™ »der'*d
Justice Stafford, who delivered the • bnrtlv* a" • " " " 'P »
"U rt a revolu
opinion, held them to be validly drawn ,,on ln
ln Mnrt h-
Two Pollcfm sn Shot Dead.
Flre Hits Skyscraper.
thubsdav ,
“ W
Itnlnn have reduced the
»now at Meachain. Back In thn hills
Ihnr« In mill much m ow, hut not so
of n Tin Jumm racetrack nnd Amer-
< ; o
The son of the famous Moorish chief-
, a|n and brigand Raisull. who la fol-
Fire In tho Equitable lowing In his father s footsteps, has
building, one of Ihe greatest skyscrap- * rrlr‘‘d al Ta,roul * ,lh >n lndc‘,,' nd
ent Rlffian contingent.
This will
era. caused four alarms Monday morn-
serve as a nucleus for other conttn-
Ing. The fir«» started In an elevator
composed o f various Rlffian
shaft of the 44 story building, at Itroad- fnlthfuls” whlrh. when sufficiently
way ami Pine street, near Walt street, trained, Raisull'n son asserts, will be
From the shaft on the 24th floor utilised to attack Tetuan.
the fire spread to adjoining offices
Roy 0|maf#, d w p n u d ktnR o( Pa.
and the nam e. Irnpd to the 40th floor. ^
rum runnpr„. am, 20 c(v
Men making repair, at Ihe base of tho doteBdanU
found KulUy
shaft were driven to safely.
attle. Wash.. Saturday of conspiring to
vlolnte Ihe national prohibition law
Dance Causes Fatality.
Eight co-defendants were acquitted.
Seneca, Kan.
Over-exertion while
They were: George Reynolds, patrol-
dancing the Charleston ensued Iho
Mra Kliso ( ) |,„stead, wife of Roy
death last week of 17-year-old Evelyn
charlea w
Myers of Ih l. city, her physician. Dr. ,lo, m|l|l.
0oldMnltlli w u b u r K .
W. Rower, declared Monday.
I Dow, a custom house broker; T.
Dr. Rower asserted that Ihe extreme Takauch, John „
,n. n(.„ro
Physical exercise of the Charleston barb,
reM rt otH<ratnr. and c .
Is particularly dangerous for young W a)kl,r
women and that It may easily Induce
Inflammation of the peritoneum.
A warning that an Increase In taxes
may be necessary at the end of a year
Br'ar Williams-
was Issued Sunday by Chairman Green
If. ns dey say, do sun has got worl's o f Ihe house ways amt means commit
an' worl's ter burn, how come he tee. with flnnl action by congress In
wants ter set dts 111' worl’ on Are? the pending $387.000.000 tax reduction
Kooks ter me lak’ ho might watt till bill In prospect early this week. Tho
It's time for do worl’ ter end, an’ then statement wns aimed at terms of tho
fling de firebrands!-- Atlanta Constltu- bill as finally agreed upon in confer-
enre between representatives of the
senate and the house, nnd Mr. Green.
Chinese Honeet Race
who headed tho house conferees. In-
Tlio Chinese as a race are said to slated that for the condition he pre-
bo the moat honest people tn the dieted, “ the responsibility must rest
| upon the senate."
i» a « .
NO .
V I I — C o n tin u e d
•* normall>' •«
of “ And lie— poor — i devil,
was quite an
thn year.
expert ln hie way. One of the three
With thn addition of con­ men. Mr Atkinson—or what's left of
tracts from the Woodland, Wash., sec­ him. Ginger M artin- an old friend of
tion. the fruit and berry output of tho mine.”
For a moment 31 r. Atkinson's heart
local plant of the Allen-Hendrlckson
Packing company will be doubled this stood atilt. One o f the three m en!
year. Besides this, further plans for Then, where tn lleuveo’s name, were
the other two?
Increase In output are under way.
“ One of the three. Inspector,” he
The work of preparing the said at length, steadying his voice.
“ But what happened to the others?”
plans for the proposed History build­
“That Is the amazing thing, sir,” an­
ing to bouse the First National bapk swered the Inspector. “ I can but think
here began Monday. Actual construc­ that though three men entered the o f­
tion will gel under way early In May.' fice downstairs, only Martin ran have
been ln bere at the time of ttie explo­
It was said.
lie pulled hack the blood­
Eugene.- The first convention of the stained rug. and with a shudder Mr.
Oregon Auto Camp association met, Atkinson contemplated what was un­
at the chamber of commerce here Mon-j derneath. The mangled remnants had
day. Invitations had been sent out by formed one man and one man only.
Melvin Hansen of this city, president Then wbat, he reflected again— what
nf the association, to more than 3i>0 had become o f the other two?
They had been ln there— the lead­
auto camp owners of the state.
er of the Black Gang and one o f his
McMinnville. Mayor Wright and W. pal*. There was no trace o f them
S. Kink, members of the McMinnville now. Wherefore, somehow, by some
water and light commission, left re­ miraculous means they must have es­
cently for I-os Ang- les. where they caped, and the soul of Count Zadowa
will Inspect several plants to gain in­ grew sick within him.
Suddenly he became aware that the
formation before the Installation of a
Inspector was asking him a question.
600 horsepower engine ln the munici­
“ Why. yes." he said, pulling himself
pal plant here.
together, “ that Is so. I was leaving
Eugene. The A. D Kern Construc­ this office here, and had removed al­
tion company o f Portland has started most everything o f value. Only some
work on the new Kugene municipal diamonds were left. Inspector—and
water supply system at the McKenzie they were in that desk. I have some­
what extensive dealings In precious
river end on the eight-mile pipe line
stones. Was there any Dace of them
and good progresa has been made on
a tunnel under the river through which
The Inspector laughed grimly.
the main will extend.
“ You see the room for yourself, sir.
Pendleton. — Information collected But that perhaps supplies us with the
motive for the crime. I am afraid
the last several weeks relative to crops
your diamonds are either blown to
and methods o f farming on the Uma­
pieces, or ln the hands of the otb;r
tilla Irrigation project is being dis­ two men, whom I have every hope of
cussed by farmers of the project and laying my hands on shortly. There !s
speclallata in agriculture during the no Dace o f them here.”
tw oday economic conference that la
In the hands o f the other two men!
under way at HermKton.
The Idea was a new one, which had
not yet come Into Ida calculations, so
Falls City.— A large buck deer, pur­
convinced lind he !>een that all three
sued by dogs, ran Into a fence here men were dead. And suddenly he felt
Saturday and broke tla neck. Henry a tort of blinding certainty that the
Stevenson, deputy game warden from inspector— though In ignorance o f the
Salem, went up the creek in search of real facts o f the case— was right In
s hunter with dogs, but found Instead his surmise. Diamonds are not blown
C. A. McDonald and A. W. W att fish­ to pieces by an explosion; scattered
ing out of season. They were fined. they might be— disintegrated, no. He
$25 each in Justice court. The deputy felt be must get away to consider this
new development.
VaraFn took the deer's carcass. m
■* He crossed over to the Jagged hole
E ugene—The Kugene water board ln the wall and looked out.
“Thi# has rather upset me. Inspec­
has announced a reduction in rates
for home and commercial purpose*. tor," he said, after a while.
South Surrey hotel ln Bloomsbury
While not a great deal ot_ difference
will always And me."
will be noticed in a single month's
“ Right, s ir !" Ttie Inspector made a
bill. IP-was stated by C. A. McC.lain. note, and then leaned out through the
superintendent of the municipal pub hole with a frown. “ Get out o f this,
He utilities, the reduction In revenues you there! Go on. or I'll have you
Tor a year will amount to between locked up as a vagrant!"
“ Or! rite, orl rite! Can't a bloke
$8000 and $10.000, according to esti­
'ave a bit o' fun when 'e ain't doing
no ’arm?"
Salem.—W ith an Increase of 236 per
The loafer, who had been Ignomlnl-
cent over January of 1924 and of 71.5 ously moved on from the front door,
per rent over the same month of 1925. scrambled down from the lenn-to roof
the prospects for a record-breaking behind, nnd slouched away, muttering
harvest of tour1“ !» and home-seekers darkly. And he was still muttering
traveling lo Oregon by motor vehicle to himself as he opened the door o f a
taxi a few minutes later, into which
for 1926 Is very auspicious, if the non­
Mr. Atkinson hurriedly stepped. For
resident motor vehicle registration
a moment or two he stood on the pave­
with the secretary of state for the ment until It had disappeared from
month of January. 1926, can be regard­ v ie w : then his prowling propensities
ed as an augury.
seemed to disappear Is If by magic.
Still with the snnie shnmbllng gntt, but
Ashland.— A new February record apparently now with some definite ob­
was set here recently when 30 non­ ject In his mind, he disappeared down
resident automobiles were registered a side street, finally coming to a halt
at the Ashland chamber o f commerce. before a public telephone-box.
Heretofore 15 has been the highest gave one rapid look round, then he
nember of such cars registered tn any stepped Inside.
"M ayfair 1234." He waited beating
one day In February. Automobile park
officials report that from four to six a tattoo with hts pennies on the box.
Tilings had gone well that morning—
tourists are camping each night ln
very well.
the park, a much higher average than
"Hello, Is that you, Hugh?
at this time last winter.
Peter speaking. The man Atkinson Is
Monmouth.— Representatives of tho the hunchback. Stopping South Sur­
I ’ tah-Idaho Sugar company, with a rey hotel. Bloomsbury. He's Just got
Into a taxi and gone of? to the Rltx.
plant at Bellingham. Wash., were per­
He seemed peeved, to roe. . . . Yes.
suaded by Mrs. Winnie Rraden to look he Inquired lovingly about the what­
over lands adapted to sugar-beet rais­ nots. . . . What's that? Y'ou’ll tod­
ing in Folk county, and after a visit dle round to the Hits yourself. Right
to the Independence district made the ho! I'll come. too. Cocktail time.
statement that there were 500 acres Give you full details then."
The loafer stepped out o f the box
of lund in that vicinity that can be
put to profitable use in the growing and shut the door. Then, still sucking
of sugar beets. Nearly ten yehrs ago a filthy clay pipe, he shambled off ln
the same crop was discussed as a the direction of the nearest Tube sta­
tion. A slight change o f attire before
moans of supplanting hops, nnd con
lining up nt the ltll* seemed Indicated.
side rabie sentiment was aroused over
And It would. Indeed, have been n
the prospect.
shrewd observer w!B> would have Iden­
tified the immaculately dressed young
Salem.— On February 5. there had
gentleman who strolled Into the ltitx
been 135.476 motor vehicle licenses is­ shortly before twelve o'clock with the
sued for the year 1926. which Is 4872 dissolute-looking object who had so
in excess o f the number of licenses Is­ aroused Ihe wrath of the police a few
sued to the same date of 1925. ThU hours previously In Hoxton. The first
number Is In excess o f the number of person he saw sprawling contentedly
licenses Issued In previous years up In an easy chair was Hugh Drum­
to the same time and compares most mond. who waved his stick In greeting.
Peter Darrell took the next chair,
favorably with the progress of motor
and his eyes glanced quickly round
vehicle registrations nnd has been ac­
the lounge.
complished notwithstanding the great
“ Have you seen him, Hugh?” he
amount of additional work required by said, lowering Ids voice. " I don't see
reason of the putting into operation, anything answering to the bird grow­
for the first time this year, of the new ing about the place here."
certificate of title law.
"N o," answered Hugh. "But from
discreet Inquiries made from old plm-
ply-faoe yonder 1 find that he ar­
Easy Method
rived here about ten o'clock. He was
A reputation for wisdom may be ac­ at shown up to the rooms o f a
quired by applauding the opinions of gent railing himself the Reverend
one's neighbors.- Boston Transcript. | Theodosius I.ongmoor, where, as far as
1 can make out, he has remained ever
17. M U St iw c B
since. I want to see the Reverend
Theodosius I-ongrrioor, J'eter.”
A hall o f wool rolled to his feet, and
Hugh stooped to pick It up The own­
er was a girl sitting close by. busily
engaged in knitting some obscure gar­
ment. and Hugh bunded her the wool
with a bow.
“ Thank you so much!“ she said,
with a pleasant smile. “ I'm afraid
I'm always dropping my wool all over
the place."
“ lH>n’t mention It," remarked Hugh
politely. “ Deuced agile little thing—
a ball o f wool. Spend my life picking
up my wife's. Everybody seems to be
knitting these Jumper effects now."
"Oh, this Isn’t a Jumper,” unswered
the girl a little sadly. “ I've no time
for such frivolities as th at You see,
I've Just corue back from the famine
stricken parts of Austria—and not
only are the poor things hungry, but
they can't get proper clothes. So Just
a few o f us are knitting things for
them—stock sizes, you know— big,
medium, and small.“
“ How fearfully Jolly o f yon !” said
Hngh admiringly.
“ Dashed sporting
thing to do. I must tell my wife about
It. She's coming here to lunch, and
she ought to turn 'em out like bullets
from a machine gun— what?"
The girl smiled faintly as she rose.
"It would he very good o f her If she
would help,” sire remarked gently, and
then, with a slight bow, she walker]
away In the direction of the lift.
“ You know, old sou." remarked
Hugh, as he watched her disappearing,
“ it's an amazing affair when yon real­
ly come to think of It. 1 here's that
girl with a face far superior to a
patched boot and positively oozing vir­
tue from every pore. And yet. would
you leave your happy home for her?
Look at her skirts— five Inches too
long; yet she'd make a man an ex­
cellent wife. A heart o f gold probably,
hidden beneath Innumerable strata of
multi-colored wools."
Completely exhausted he drained his
cocktail, and leaned back In his chair,
while Peter digested the profound ut-
"Thank You So Much!” She
With a Pleasant Smile.
terance ln silence. A slight feeling of
lassitude was beginning to weigh on
him owing to the atrocious hour at
which he had been compelled to rise,
and he felt quite unable to contribute
any suitable addition to the conversa­
tion. Not that it was required: the
ferocious frown on Drummond's face
Indicated that he was in the throes of
thought and might be expected to give
tongue ln the near future.
" I ought to have a bit o f paper to
write It all down on. Peter," he re­
marked at length. “ Where are we,
Peter? That Is the question. Point
one: we have the diamonds— more by
luck than good management. Point
tw o: the hunchback gentleman who
has a sufficiently strong constitution
to live at the South Surrey hotel In
Bloomsbury has not got the diamonds.
Point three: he. at the present moment
is closeted with the Reverend Theodo­
sius Longmoorupstairs. Point four: we
are about to consume another cocktail
downstairs. W ell—bearing that Uttle
lot In tulnd, what happens when we all
meet ?”
A slight snore was tils only answer,
und Hugh continued to ponder on the
obscurity of the situation In silence.
That several rays o f light might have
been thrown on It by a conversation
then proceeding upstairs was o f no
help to him ; nor could he have been
expected to know that the fog of war
was about to lift in a most unpleasant
ly drastic manner.
"Coincidence? Bosh I" the girl with
the heart of gold was remarking nt
that very moment. "It's n certainty.
Whether he's got the diamonds or not
I can't say, hut your big friend of last
night, Zadowa, Is sitting downstairs
now drinking a cocktail in the lounge.”
“ Amazing though It Is. It certainly
looks as If you were right, my dear,“
answered her father thoughtfully.
“ O f course I'm righ t!” cried the girl.
"W hy, the darned thing Is slicking
out and barking at you. A big man.
Christian name Hugh, was In Zadowa's
office last night. Uugli Drummond Is
downstairs at the moment, having
actually tracked Zadowa here.
course, they’re the same; an Infant ln
anna could see It. Ills wife la coming
bere to lunch. You remember her —
that silly little fool Phyllis Benton?
And they live ln Brook street,
might be worth trying.
I f by any
chance he has got the diamonds— well,
she'll be very useful.
And If be
hasn't she shrugged her shoulders, “ we
can easily return her If we don't want
The Reverend Theodosius smiled.
Longwlnded explanations between the
two o f them were seldom necessary.
Then be looked at hla watch.
“Short notice." he remarked: “ but
we'll try. No harm done If we fail."
He stepped over to the telephone,
and put through a call. And having
given two or three curt order* he came
slowly back Into the room.
“ Chances o f success very small. I'm
afraid ; but as you say, my dear, worth
trying. And now I think I'll renew
my acquaintance with Drummond."
With a short chuckle he left the
room, and a minute or two luter a
benevolent clergyman, reading the
Church Times, was sitting ln ttie
lounge Just opposite Hugh and Peter.
Through half-closed eyes Hugh took
stock o f him, wondering casually If this
was the Reverend Theodosius Long
moor. And when a few minutes luter
the clergyman took a cigarette out of
bis case, and then commenced to fum­
ble ln hla pockets for matches which
be had evidently forgotten. Hugh rose
and offered him one.
“Allow me, sir," he mnrmured. hold­
ing It oat.
“ I thank yon, sir.” said ttie clergy­
man. with a charming smile. “ I'm so
terribly forgetful over matches. As a
matter of fact l don’t generally smoke
before lunch, but I've bad such a dis­
tressing morning that I felt I must
have a cigarette Just to soothe my
“ By Jove! that’s bad," remarked
“ Bath water cold, and all
“ Nothing so trivial, I fear,” said the
other. “ N o ; a poor man who has been
with me since ten has Just suffered the
most terrible blow.
I could hardly
have believed It possible here ln Lon­
don, but the whole of his business
premises were wrecked by a bomb last
“ You don't say so," murmured Hugh,
sinking Into a chair, and at the table
opposite Peter Darrell opened one eye.
"A ll bis papers— everything— gone.
And It has hit me. too. Quite a re­
spectable little sum of money—over a
hundred pounds, gathered together for
the restoration of the old oak chancel
ln my church— blown to pieces by this
unknown miscreant. It’s hard, sir. It’s
hard. But this poor fellow's loss Is
greater than mine, so I must not com­
The clergyman took off his spec­
tacles and wiped them, and Drummond
stole a lightning glance at Darrell. The
faintest shrug of his shoulders Indi­
cated that the latter had heard, and
was as much tn the dark as Hugh.
That this was the Iteverend Theodosius
Longmoor was now obvious, but nhat
a charming, courteous old gentleman!
It seemed impossible to associate guilt
with such a delightful person, and, if
so, they had made a bad mistake. It
was not the hunchback who bad
thrown the bomb; they were up an­
other blind alley."
For a while Hugh chatted with him
about the outrage, then he glanced at
his watch.
"Nearly time for lunch. I think," said
the clergyman. “ Perhaps you would
give a loueiy old nmu the pleasure of
your company."
“ Very nice o f you. but I ’m expecting
my wife,” said Hugh. “ She said she'd
be here at one. and now It's a quarter
past. Perhaps you'll lunch with us?"
“ Charmed," said the clergyman, tak­
ing a note which a page boy was hand­
ing to him on a tray. “ Charmed." He
glanced through the note, and placed
it In his pocket. "The ladles, bless
them! so often keep us waiting."
" I ’ll Just go nnd ring up," said Drum­
mond. “ She may have changed her
Hugh returned looking worried.
“ Can't make It out, Peter," he said
anxiously. “ Jnst got through to Denny,
and Pbylli 'e ft iiulf an hour ago to
come here."
"Probably doing a bit of shopping,
old man." answered Peter reassuringly.
“ 1 say. Hugh, we’re blooniered over
this show."
Hugh glanced across at the table
where the clergyman was sitting, and
suddenly Peter found his arm gripped
with a force that made him cry out.
He glanced at Hugh, and that worthy
was staring at the clergyman with a
look of speechless amazement on Ills
face. Then tie swung around, and his
eyes were blazing.
"P e te r !” he said tensely. “ Look at
him. The one trick thut gives him
away every tim e!
Blooniered, have
we? Great heavens above, man. It's
Carl Peterson!"
A little dazedly Darrell glanced at
ttie clergyman. He was still reuding
the Church Times.
Hard Luck
She— These Bowers don't seem to
have any odor.
He— No, the florist told me I
couldn't get a smell for loss than
* 10 .
Money lost In speculation Is dropped
by men who are trying to pick It up.