The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, February 18, 1926, Image 3

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M. K. Church
Sunday School at
Morning Service
IT IS H IK E AG AIN — T k . New
Modal 4 Caron. PerUbl* Typewriter.
Caotpl.lo » Ilk xarryin« cow-
Soo it
and try II at tk. Tribun, »ffw »
10 a.m.
11 a.m. Th ,
attendance of tho boy* at the
Kpworth League ..... 0:30 p.m. meeting at tho Gym loot Haturday a
GapiUl Food Co'a Htock Mall will I m aold ai 10a per
pouud tu inlrotinca il; and it will kaap your (lock in flau
condition aud inucli inor« tlian pay l*»r tt* (elf.
week ago wo* »tr y gratifying on ac­
Kvvninff Service .......7 :80 p.m. count of the bad weather. We will
Mid-week Prayer
meet again neat Haturday at which
Service, Thuraday 7 :30 p.m. time application will be given out to
thoae who deal re to become membera
C. W. Pogue, Paator.
of the Hoy Scout* of America.
Christian Church
have a child'« rain «oat Goodyear Kuhhar Oompany’a
make. Regular price #5 26; will »ell for #8.76. Call
and examine good*.
Sunday Bchool
Morning service
Christian Kndeavor 6 .30
Evening Service ..... .7 :30
J. M. Shelley, Paator.
S. P. T R A IN H C H E D U A L
Ua schedule o f t8
Southern I'lwiflc train* at Turner:
Norik Boead—
Traía No. 8t, 4 ¡88 u rn.
Train No. 18. 6:28 a.m.
Dr. O. A. Olson, Dentist
I'hnoa « « I
Ito« « U
OU Day* I’rao* HtaiecUon an A 11 Work
Train No. 18, ®U7 o-m.
Train No. 14, 1 ¡04 p.m.
Train No. 84. 8:17 p.m.
!U«th Boomt—
Train No. 17, 10:87 a.m.
Train No. 88,
The next meeting Of the community
club will be held February 23. Thl*
will be th* regular February meeting
o f the Marion County Federation. A
good program will be given and a
large number of visitor* will be pre­
A recent real estate deal resulted
Ip the purchase o f four lota by E. C.
(laker from Willard Hall. Thi* pro­
perty lay* along the creek in the
north part of town.
Goitre cure guaranteed by
the caae
W ,lh #Ä
i ? Oregon
W *
P. C. Stapra
Salem, Oregon.
I f you want good i-gg* for hatch­
ing or a good white Collie pup see A.
T. Anderson'* ad th¡* week.
A few day* ago w* received a letter
from Brother Ralph lu im in who i*
connect- d with tha Yn4ewys mlmtoe
at Tokyo, Japan. We wer* to u*e>ti*
the basis of s story. After reading the
letter we deelbed to lot him tell it
himself. Here ll I*.
17*21 Nukuiio, Tokyo, Japan.
.Jan. 14, UiW.
Mr. F. P. I tow ley
mlltor of Turner Tribune,
Turner, Oregon.
Ihar Kilead:
I reielved yoor letter some­
time In Noremtier and I was glad to
bear from you hut was really sorry not
to hare answered your good letter king
long before ibis. We both thank you
for your iuterest la our work and for
your g>aid w Utica and alao for the
news of what is going on in Turner. 1
was always interested in Turnrr and
I 1» fine people. (Julie a number »till
write to us and we hear from the
, hu,eh every
„ . d , then. As you
“ wofh
*ed « •
« 7 ' • f ~ W ords about our
cau construe* a
price for your [«p e r from what I soy
and from the liltle leaflet I srud you
If you want to. Wa are glad and
thankful to know that people there
will be interested In what wa are do.
Learn About These
Travel Extras
At no mdditmntl tu t, get ru n sdvjatjgcs whea
you travel.
Pro*, by Mopevcr privileges oa I 5 dir roendciip
lickrti bciwira mimy Orcgoa points. Visit *1 sever si
point, instead of only one.
Wrrkend reendenp tickets to and from Portland—
without stopovri— asr gsvatlr rrdarrd ia east. Bey
them foe omt-Senday ngis. Rtf ora limit ■ following
T rll our agtnt yoer travd plans. H t’R gladly advis*
you regarding a moat advanugcoa* iunerary.
Southern Pacific Lines
H I , Bond,
Tomer. Oregon.
7 44 p.m.
F.eer since we came to Japan we
CoL A. C. Baker and wife of Port­
land were week-emi visitors at the have been treated very cordially by
home of Mr. Baker’» parent*, E. C. the Japanese people, in fact they are
overly anxious to do a favor for us
Baker and wife.
“ foreigners" arid e-qecially the Ameri­
cana l( eeetus. We became acquainted
Mr. and Mr*. Arthur Edward* and with Mr. and Mr*. Caoningh*i;: and
A complete stock o f Clo­ Mr». L. J. Kowley wi re in Salem on tlietr «on Hob and enjoyed Being with
Kata cleaned and bloeked.
Iluckrata (ramee, trim m in g « etc. vers, Grasses, Grain*, Gar­ Saturday night attending the inutitu- all through the Hirst winter. In the
tion of the Rainbow chapter for girl* spring of lost year we were given a
carried in atoek
den and flower seeds. If you under the supervision of th<- Eastern honor In Nakano In which to lire.
After repairing earthquake damages
Formerly 4B8 Otturi St. have not received our cata­ Star.
Phon« 3175W
we And If makes a I d « home The Yo-
logue, drop us a card and tell
Siltni, 0r«|M.
117 M end It. Oprtiln.
Uays mission i* at present progressing
us what you want and tve
Cha*. Mote w in Turner Saturday splendidly althongh it* director is
will quote prices by return night attending the basketball game j home In America on furlough. This
an<l social. He left Sunday noon fori y*ar's report will be the beat report
vaUclz, where he is employed
In many waye, by the
i in
— the
i*-“ ' 1 r, er made,
mill at that place.
Day and Night Servies
mission. Tb* miseson work is entirely
All seeds are the highest
evangelistic which make* il diflvrvnt
grade on the market and you
front the work done In Japan by many
Barred Rock Hatchir ; Egg*, other mission*. We are bvudiug every
will find our prices are right. O.A.C. Strain, 50c per -etting;
effort to win the |*npte here tc a faith
Etait tititrr« nuò jitwrral Dtrrrtura
$3.00 per hundred.
A. T. A n ­ In Jesus b'hrist so our effort Is toestab.
Phone I a »
Hat«n. Orego*.
I H (Ynbrv W.
Ii»b oburchc* and equip them with all
the necessities poMsble and to open
F.lfioiont Work----- Moderate Prioee
H. R. Pcctx was a Sulem visitor Bible Schools in ■» many places In To­
sprays and spray materials. Friday afternoon.
kyo ss It it fouud possible. A t present
«m m
we have »lx churches that are jest like
the churchee in America except that
H. W. Smith wai home for the
a different language Is t|>okrn.
week-end from Portland where fie i*
The Out-otalion Bible Schools are
A complete line o f commer­ employed in the mid at that place.
held in the houses of Christians and
cial fertilizers, mixed and
during the aervico tiie chdldren sit on
Cvdikw al NSt ari Clftfelag
straight, also land plaster,
H. R. Peett wa* a Salem visitor the floor in one place till the meeting is
Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing
over. They are not usually divided in­
Friday afternoon.
lime, and sulphur.
to classes ss In America but are taught
I3h R Liberty St.
Salem, Oregon
544 State Rt
by two or three teachers In succession
H u n gry !
Buy brick ice cream . Es­
llirosgh the story method. 1» Is surely
kim o Pies and D isiea at Rich#» C on ­
flue to hear them ting the Christian
fe c tio n ery .
On band at all times.
songs. It would do your hearts good.
The Japanese ministers to our
I(V W W W W W W lW W A W
oburches are the flnesl lot of men 1
H. W. Smith was home fo r the
think I everknew. They are real socia­
week-end from Portland, where he is
ble and good preacher*. A great deal
serving on the Federal Grand Jury.
of emphasis Is being pul on th* value
ofspiritsral le: c iing here in Japan now
E. C. Baker went to Stayton on sop some believe that it will not be so
»»♦ ♦ »»»fr o -»»
Wednesday to attend the funeral of very many year* before the missionar­
To Our F r ie n d s and P a tro n a
| hi* old friend Jim Davey, who passed ies will not be needed os directors of
the work. W e will rejoice lo see that
TSAOf HAW" «W u s a - or*
away at his home in Stayton.
Tho tim e o f the y e a r i s b e t a wlton
day but il is not here yet aud one of W f W W m W f t W l Y V W i Y V W V V V W Y r t V W W W ^ W M W f l W W
j o u r h o u s e s , b a r n s and o t h e r p r o p e r t y
our own ministers said, ip a reception
The Turner Basketball Club played
Gun*— Ammunition
ws held for Miss Urace Farubain, of
s h o u ld bo c o v e re d by in s u r a n c e . Wo a r e
Albany College on the local Gymn
Fishing Tackle
Eugene, ''Please send us all tha inite-
floor Tuesday night.
i n p o s i t i o n w r i t e a p o l i c y on y o u r
E. 8. P R A TH E R
lauaries you can, we need them badly
Athletic Equipment
just now” .
b n l l d i n p s o r your car.
R e lia b le D h h jf is l
The Brat week of January was ob­
served week of prayer and Saturday
evening we held a union meeting that
FOR SALE — R#poiM88«d i no.
Salem, Oregon
th C o m m e r c ia l S t.
wai really a spiritual dynamo of
R«li«hU party may Uk# o?tr contract
Mr. and Mrs Cannon of Salem power.
by paying back ¡aatallmanta.
Easy spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W.
w. have a preacher who does noth,
pyamont on balanco.
W rit« M .rion
ing but preach on the streets. He pros
L. Sbopbard, car« M oor«'» Music
dies out every nighi and many of the
H o u m , Salem, Oregon.
young Christian* from the differed!
Mr. and Mrs. Fay Webb of Port­ churches preach tin the street site.
land, were week-end guests of Mr.
Christinas was very appropriately
Mrs. Kir ia .M x>rc was n waller Pt Webb's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. celecrated by our six churches ami
the Tribune offle*» Saturday anti left
E Y E S T E S T E D — G L A S S E S F IT T E D
* their 22 out out station Bible Schools
the wherewithal to hav# the Tribune
with about So pmgranisiu all to which
Stata and liberty Sts.
Salem, Ore*wt
continued for another year.
over 3,OUO people emir. Four young
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R. Recti anti son people were boru agniu Obrlstmas
Richard of Portland, were week-end morning.
Ye Editor was a Stayton visitor guests of Mr. anti Mrs. C. H. Riches.
Prospects look bright for another
Mr. anrl Mr*. Rutxky, Mrs. Uahn Saturday.
He was accompanied by
year of successful work. Mrs. Isaacson
ami Mr*. Dclxcll spent Tuvsday in Willie Pearson.
and I are studying hard to get th*
language > fell of hard knots) but we
gratified to be able to carry on even a
Dr. and Mr*. J. W. Ransom spent
Mrs. Bond, accompanied by her the week-end with Mrs. Ransom's sis­
If you do your own repair
simple tonversation with the people.
Eater on we shall be able to do real
work we can supply you with father Mr. Waller, spent Sunday in ter near Jefferson.
, . j.
missionary work among the people.
ui .:i*
a full line of good tool* et rea-
W e thank the people of Turner for
voa-ible prices.
A number from Turner attended
for taking the inter *t they do in the
t i r i s i C a n factio n ary h a» Brick l e « the m squerndc party at Stayton on
W . t.. Bum*— Dan Bum*
Y'otauya Mission and In us. We want
Reliable Service.
Lady Assistant
to fissure you all that we do not forget
,N o l brother», the same m « » ) C . Eskim o P ia » » a d D is ia » at all Saturday night.
tim a».
T r y thvrn.
you aud hope you will ooutiuue to re­
Migh Street at Ferry
205 3o. Church Pt — Day or Night Phone 120
member ue.
Salem, Oregon
Mrs. M. T. Miller, accompanied by
Mrs. Earl went to Salem Monday
her undo George Gibson o f Portland
P.H.-We have throe Korean Sunday
for the day.
accompanied the remains o f her aunt,
Helioolt in Tokyo. They are the only
Mrs. Whitehead enjoyed a visit
Mrs. Mary Mcllaley, to Hcppner for
Hunday School work being done in
with an sunt from North Dakota last
Mrs. Aria Matthias is gradually re­ burial last week.
Tokyo for the Koreans by any mission
covering but Mrs. Johnson is still
Alto nine English Bible Classes each
with her.
week, ono English ulght school of »-
Word w»a received here Tuestlay
Carl Duncan was a Turner visitor
nboUt sixty students, three kinder­
o f the death o f Jim Davey of Stay
He says he is a little bet­
gartens sod three special Bible Conns
The 8i)ver Tea given on Wednes­ ter and expects to be home in a few
ton. Mr. Davey wo* a.i old and hon­
This is announcing my eat lidaey closet*.
ored rltnen o f Stayton.
Besides the day the 17th wa* the anniversary o f day*,
in the Oregon Statesman Automobile
Yours very truly for Christ,
family at Stayton he left a sister, the late Frances Willard's biÿhday
Ralph W. Isaacs n.
voting contest and asking for your
Mi»s Mary Davey, and * nieee, Mr«.
Mrs. C. Bones visited with her support. Kindly mail your subscrip­
1 ,. M. Ponili, who reside at Tumor.
The Work Club will meet at the daughters in Salem a day or two last tion to Dr. O. L. Asher. Turner, Ore
home o f Mr*. H. L. Earl Wednesday, week.
( has. Hebel and ilaughter of Salem Feb. 24th.
Subscriba f e r (b * T rib u n *
wäre guesta at tho Dr. J. W. Ransom
We visited the Fraternal Temple
home Tueaday.
H * r L im it
Mrs. Jim Kelly ia »till about the club rooms last week anil were in­
formed li* C. B Shaw, who is in
Landlady (to lodger Just going out)
Mrs. Hahn la visiting Mrs. Delxell
charge, that all membert of the Am­ —"Now, look hare. It was three o'clock l«q a l o i RP»*5 » ° ' ' 11-J. »H i “ »IO
F ir t t R oy a l A ttre n o m o r
Esperanto ts to be the ofllcta! tan
-* j is ;>|4 ap * Jno utojj Anq noA
erican Legion with paid up card* are In the morning when you cam* In the
ami expect* to »perni a week or so.
Mr Delxell i* recovering very nice­
John Flamsteetl, famous astronomer,
gunge of optrltland, according to the
other night, and four In th* mornln
welcome to the club.
ly anti hopes to be able to come home
decision rearhetl by (he International ws* the flret royal astronomer of Rig-
when you came tn last night, and If
Mis* Rena Mickey has been visit­ next week.
ft*» flee o'clock tomorrow moraine
spiritualists congre** In Part*. It I* land. lie was appointed to that olBc*
The Tribune shop can print yew» lo he hoped that no nhettnat* spirit* March 4. 1(179. He was s bitter soeniy
ing her «Istor and will remain for a
Andrew Raker o f Mill City was a when you rotne In tonight, you can sit
will make trouble by Insisting on Vola­ of Newton, l-ecmus* Newton triad to
w'ule longer until she goes to Califor­
Mr*. !.. M. Small was a Salem vis­ Sunday visitor with his parents in up and let yourself ta."—London butter wrap*, letter head* and <
Ido or Ro.—Pathfinder Msgasloe. give him necessary advice.
itor one day last week.
nia in the near future.
M A S O N IC T t M P L E .
The Elsworth H it Shop
Train Nix 31, 10:2« p m.
6. F. kÜKINEK, V.S., B.V.Sc.
¿hr Palpiti Äurtuani
CM American Raiter
4 % Paid on
six months
Time Deposits
251 State St. Salem, Ore.
Fire and
Automobile Insurance Written
Turner State Bank
—A. Y
The Northern A ssuranc Co. Ltd.
of London.
The American Insurance Com­
pany of Newark, N. J.
Pemeroy & Keene
Funeral Directors
- Salem
Read The Ads and Save Money
Subscribe for The Tribune
$1.25 per Year
Spintland Language