THE TURNER TRIBUNE ginning, and containing 61.40 acre* of land, situated in Marion County, 8 U tc of Oregon. 9. 9- Riunirli. EJittnr Said sale b rin g made subject to redem ption in the m anner provided Issued Every Thursday at Turner, Marion County. Oregon by law. Dated this 25th day of January. S I BS< K I P T I O N f 1.2A T E R Y E A R . E n t e r e d a t t h e P o s to fflc e 1926. at Turner. Oregon, as second-class matter, under the O P. BOWER, Sheriff o f Marion County, Oregon. Act of March 3. 1879. TH E GAME COMMISSION AND THE GAM E LAWS NOTICE OK HE ARINU OF FINAL ACCOUNT I I I the County C ourt of the State' of Orvgon. for tin* County of Marion In the m atter of the Estate' of M. I. He li.sel, I V-evii «>.1. None« is hereby given that the linai account of E sther W arm er, ad­ m inistrator of (he estate of M. t. ITensel, deceased, has bean Bled in the County C ourt of Marion County. Oregon, and th at tho 23rU day of Marcii. 1926, a t the hour o f 10 o'clock a m., has been appointed by said 'o u rt fo r hearing objection» to aaid " rh time any prr- flnal account, a t whir sons interested in said estate may ap­ pear and tile objections thereto In w riting and aontest same. ESTH ER W’A R ISE R . A dm inistratrix. The TRIBUNE ADM INISTRATOR'S NOTICE IN T H E COUNTY COURT OF MARION COUNTY. STA TE OF OR EGON. In the m atter of the estate of S arah E. Cah 11, deceased, Notice is hereby given th a t by o r­ d er of the C ounty C ourt of Marion County, S tate of O regon, duly mad. an 22 mi day o f Jan u ary , 1926, was they shorten the season then that does not solve the problem. Ault, ami Marion County. Oregon, a »1 Jointed adm inistrator of the estate were defendants, in fav <*'■ " ’m. K. Tallin, and th a t ho has Last year they very wisely ( ?) released some thousands of ' o corporation, r of plaintiff and against said da- < jig qualified as such. All person* >irds iust prior to the hunting season so that they could be fondants John Wal ing, Celia J WaJ-1 having claims against said estate arc ling. Fred Straw and Mary L. Straw hereby notified to present tho same. C vi rhtered as soon as the season opened. Why not wait until by which execution I »m commanded duly ver fled as required by law. at ..:t»r the hunting season is over and then release the birds and to sell the propert.. in Slid execution the offices of Guy 0 O. Smith, 403 S a­ herein after describe.1 to pay the* lem Rank of Commerce Rl it did a few weeks ago. America has always been for sane South of Range Three (31 West NOTICE TO CREDITORS o f the W iliam ett- M eridian in and sensible measures to prevent war and there was little if Notice is hereby given th a t the un- Marion County. Oregon. any objection to our taking part in the preliminary meeting at by an order of the County Said sale being made subject to re­ ttersigned of Marion County, Stab- of Geneva. But if the conference is not, or if ft fails to accom- demption in the m anner provided by Court Oregon, duly made and entered on plish anything, the intemationlists in America are going to be la*, the 30th day of Jan u ary . 1926, was Dated this 25th day- o f Ja n u a ry , appointed admin -t rotor of the estate in a bad fix. They won't be able to blame the failure onto the 1926. of H. J. M-.ller and th a t he has duly United States. qualified as such. All persons hav­ O. D. ROWER. The above taken from the National Republic explains the Sheriff of K a n o n C-ountv. Oregon. ing claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the sansr. position of the United States very clearly. The European na­ duly verified as required by law ait tions do not seem to be able to give us the right to run our own th" offices of Guy O. Smith, -103 Sa­ lem Bank of Commerce Bldg., in the business to suit ourselves. They want to meddle with other) S H E R IFF'S NOTICE OF SALE OF City of Salem, Marion County, O re­ nation’s affairs but when they get their toes stepped on then REAL PROPERTY ON FO R E ­ gon, w ithin six-m onths from the dat CLOSURE o f this notice, to-wit, F ebruary 4, the firevorks begin. They have succeeded in getting us into 1926. the Lea; ue Court and are not satisfied with that but are still Notice ¡j Hereby Given. T h at by B. J. J. MILLER. virtue of an execution duly is.iued out harping on the proposition that we are responsible for the of the C ircuit C ourt of the S tale of A dm inistrator of the estate of H. J . Miller, Deceased. failures of other conferences on account of our not taking part O regon, fo r the County of Marion O. SMITH. in them. The very thing Russia is waiting for is the time when and to me directed on the 19th day GUY A ttorney fu r A dm inistrator. Ja n u a ry , 1926, upon tiie border nations will disarm so that she can cram her red i and^eere^duly“*’ tid^ruNiwSTJii propaganda down their throats at the point of the bayonet as 1 record ¡.ml docketed ¡n and by said C ourt on the 12th day of Jan u ary , she has done in China. 1926, in a certain suit then in said C. F. B R E IT H A U P T of this Bst of leading Htiimach Iniuldra gl yen qoluk n-M f hy laklng «tu faiimu« reiiiwtlb-«. Ara aliNilulely bar itili •», l.l u g imiupmtart- rd fnuii lui pui ted buri*, mota m i ! aulì hsika w II lidi are well kiiow» Air llirlr ouratlva ptiqx rlli« MAGAZINES W e Irval kll illacriler* i»f m en, s u . pietà a n d o lili,lin i Km* iw iuaullatlnn. fall or » rii*. $ ^ 0 0 4»| - 426 Miai* RI. (l'patklre.) l'Iuuir 2H3. Halrlli Orvgoa. W hy Pay More? f Or. O. L. Scott l'a l tuer tTi(ro|irnetor Get Your i MAGAZINES Filone H 7 . Hesnlvuc* S'JMU 23 « N. Itigli Street Sulrnt, Oregon N O \N AT COST! l'aitcd Slates National Rank Take Your PICK C en erai B anking 3 ALUM to Select From Never before and probably never again will you hav* *uch an «xtreor- diu.irv money-laving opt»irtunity. Nots caiefully in« Urn* seta (ton of Cho«cs reading—sll at a pcics to dt your pucketbot k. KeoemsU will b« extruded one year from date of expiration. No need to wxiL — C U P UNO US E TH IS COUPON • " Gentlemen: I w uh to tab* sdvnnlag* of vour Magaxia* Bargain Offer I am nw kraog the above am. unt in payment for a on* yv*r sub* riptmo to >our paper and tbs FtVk Magazine« 1 have marked wuh an X briuw. B s H im s i InU reat paid on time ileposHa and aavlngs accounts Owt Stal« A Comm ercial ( l x — OKBCON I>. H. MOSHHR High Cintili Ladle's and Gents - Tailoring - 471 Court H t SALEM ' should take p u t in the d (reunion.— W alter IVtc.won. M. E. CHURCH Stato.. Toten. SL or R. F D . ----------------------------------------------------- □ American N m l b v « * « □ A m e ric a n P o u ltry A d v o c a te □ □ □ □ O □ a □ Biodo A Lod«ov Capperi* Fermar Foret * Firmada Tho Farm Journal Fares Life G estio n en Good Storio« H a m Ciccia choose □ IL m m F rie n d □ H< m o eb eid Ga □ H o u m b o ld □ litueSreSod □ Motlao.'e Homo Ufa □ Q Q □ P m Win d e r w eekly ) M teeuoe T o d a y 's M a c a a a lfc T ra c to r A G oa F a g io » R eview W o m an ’s W o rld z iz f ü z to o by THE LAMB MARKET BEHAVLO IN 192 * TVS' « M Î T TRINO Of f*T L4M■ PRIC f l ZH0 R IÇ IIP T tl .la u e r a u io-’a e o ' Mar 'ju a S a u i z u e ' s r e ' o r T 'é n v 'n c c n u n tn a i» HUMOR CD ra r C ourt pend ng. w herein. Union Sav- “ ' I ings A Loan Association, an Oregon S H E R IFF'S NOTICE OF SALE OF ! Corporation., was plaintiff and P ter SUMMONS Z err ami i.ela Z err, his wife, Albert REAL PROPERTY ON FO RE­ E state, a corporation, and W aiter In the C ircuit Court of the State CLOSURE Stolz, were defendants in favor of o f Oreg n fo* the County of Marion. Notice is hereby given. T hat by- plaintiff and agninst sa:ii defendant D er.t No. 2. P r Z err and Lela Z err, his wif Cora Coo'ey Rose, Plaintiff, vs. virtue of an execution duly issued out by e te which execution I am command- I of the C ircuit Court o f the State of John J. Rose, D efendant. Oregon, fo r the County o f Marion, to sell the property in said execution To John J. Rose, the above-named and to me directed on the 2oth day and herein after described to p s v the d e fe n d a n t: of Ja n u a ry , 1926, upon a judgm ent sum due the plaintiff of Two T i . ouj In the name of the State o f Ore­ and decree duly rendered, entered of and Dollars ($2,000.00), with inter- gon: Y on are hereby required to ap­ record and docketed in and by said est thereon a t the rate of 10 per cent. p ear and answ er the com plaint filed Court on the 14th day of November, p er annum from the 2nd day of April against you in the above entitled 1925, in a certain suit then in said 1925, until paid and the fu rth e r sum court and suit on or before the 27th C ourt pending, w herein F ran k Kam- of $11.50 fo r continuation of ab- day of F ebruary, 1926, and if you, ere r was platntiff and J. A. Hillmer, I ^ r a c l, ar.J the fu rth e r sum of $61.51, Hilm. r, Ed. Smith. Admin- P °id ** delinquent taxes, and the fur- fail to so appear and answ er said I Dollie . ith t ----9EJ— i e Will ................. A nnexed of . I th e r sum o i *150.00 atto rn e . y ’s fees, co npiaint by said date, the plaintiff istrato r ----- will apply to the court fo r the relief Fred W. Sw artz, deceased, Edna j together with the costs and disburse- prayed for ir. said complaint, to-wit, 1- Sw artz, Edwin J. S w artz,' °* , u 't taxed at Fifty-nine fo r a decree dis; Iving the bonds of i and Miriam Sw artz were defendants, • Dollars ($, 9.00) and costs and ex- matrim ony now existing between the I in fav o r o f plaintiff and against said ! Pens''s of said execution. I will on plain :T and - • fe. .. .: :, that th. plain def- nd ants, J. A H dm er an* Dollie Saturday, the 20th day o f February, tiff be aw arded the care, custody and Hiltner his wife, by which ucccu- 1926, a t the hour of 10 o clock a.m. control of tneir m inor child, G ertrude tion I am commanded to sell the pro- 4a,<* ‘k'T a l th* West door of the B itty R e?:; for the recovery from perty in said execution and her« in- VountT (’o u rt Hoi! le in Salem, Mar- ine d efendant of the sum of $ 2 0 .0 0 1 a fte r d< :crib©-l to pay the sum due ion County, O regon, si II a t publie p - r month tow ards the n u rtu re and ¡'h e plaintiff of $3000.00 with inter- auction to the hig. st bidder fo r cs " dcation of sani G ertrude Betty Rose st tm-reon a t th rate o f 7 per oent hand on t .- day o f rale, all the untii she » sixteen ;•> :rs old; fo r the per annum from the 7th day of à ia ). title, interest and estate which TURNER R EPR ESEN TED AT HE prices for lamb hove been relatively high In 1925, with Innih rupplles - co. i frui i the "u endant of uie 1923, until paid, anci the fu rth e r sum «'«1 defendants and all person* claim- nvallalile fur slaughter only slightly below normal figures, iccordliig to an EDUCATIONAL EXPOSITION ■um oi $59.00 plaint :r attorney of $550.90, a tto rn e y ’s fee.', together mK under them subsequent to the 4th analysis of the lamb market by the Hears Roebuck Agricultural Foundation, fees, and for tr e ..lain*. T’s cesti • r.e ! with the costs an i d sburri menta of ,|ay of April, 1925, in, of and to said in the sheep.p'oduclng elates pastures and ranges have been good. Condi­ di.,bune-riii nts of this suit to oe tax -aid suit taxed a t $35.00 and cooto Pr* ' “ lies liereinbefore m entioned and tions In Hie whole ureu west of the Rocky mountains are vastly better than ed. You are f j r th c r notified t h a t |a!>d exm-nsi-s of Slid execut.on j | described in said execution as follows, i to-w it: they were n year ago. this summons is served upon you by j will on S aturday the 27th day of I O. A. C., Corvallis, Feb. 1 1 - Rep i ablication thereof in the T u rn er T ri-■ F ebruary, 1926, at the ho u r of ten! The abeep Indyatry was much more profitable In 1023 than It waa In 1021 resentative.i from T u rn e r high school Lots tw enty (2 0 ) and Twenty- b in * , a new spaper of general circu -| o'clock A.M. of said day a t the West one (2 1 ) in the Subdivision of are attending the third annual E duca­ Lemh prb-es In Chicago averaged $13.V, in November, 1023, ns Compared with -tion published in the County of door o i the County C ourt House in an average of $