The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, February 11, 1926, Image 4

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    M r s . M a r y C. Sweet.
does not treasure the more a | trtful along simple lutes quite
book, a bit of pottery, a vase or scribes the present day chapeau.
a picture If It be autographedf With
»'hat a feeling o f satisfaction do we
call attention to the author's or art
Ist's signature. But where, you ask.
I* the connection between works of
accredited urt and spring silks? Just
this—the beat shops, this season, are
showing a collection o f American silk
prints which have the unique distinc­
tion o f being designed by several of
[ our well known contempornrv artists.
I roes It not seetn In the range o f tv is
j slhllttles that, ere long, women o f
i fashion will tie Insisting that the silks
they wear be autographed hy the
' artists who deslgnod them? Why not?
For lustauce, the striking silk o f
' I am «ure Dr. fierce's G-ddm Medi­
cal n tim w n r saved my daughter's lite."
said Sirs. M.iry C Sweet r>! 1514 W il­
lamette St.. Eugene. Oregon
“ When
slie was e 1 t yean e ld. eczema (make
out ian top of tier head and spread un* *:l
it completely covered Iter head. Site
kept pet: :.g worse so we finally decided
to give her Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery. W e is -light $5 00 worth o f
the Discovery and along with it we pave
her l>r. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Tire
'Golden Medical Discovery' improved
her bl <xl, and the hreaktnp otrt on her
head disappeared. The 'Pellets' drove
out the poison from Iter system and sire
was never fvchcrcd after that with
ecrona. ‘Golden Medical Disc- very’ is
tire greatest blood medicuic I lu te ever
Ask your nearest druggist for Doctor
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, in
tablet or liquid form. Good for young
or old.
Write Dr Pierce. Buffalo, N. Y, for
free medical advice.
Most o f the milllirery story Is tol l
In color. Color Irresistible! T o re
pent the list o f lovely tones aud tint.-
which glorify new headgear. Is like
| reciting a beautiful poem
If yon
j doubt It, say lire follow ing aloud:
Thistle blue. iwriw Inkle, tads de rose
cyclamen, rose beige, pale tomato
shell pink, rose geranium, opal gray
mauve, chartreuse, peach, love bird
green, bleu de nil, abslttlhe, artichoke,
lipstick, rouge and orvltld.
T here!
You have In part tire range o f color
be.initial which plays so adorable u
part In the early spring cha|icuu.
Next com es inalerial which Is icry
likely to be taffeta, for tfivordlug to
T w o Mine Victim s Buried.
Pittsburg.— Residents o f the little
town o f Horning Sunday gave up their
watch at the mouth o f Horning No. 4
mine o f ihe Pittsburg Terminal Coal
com pany long enough to attend the j
funerals of two of the victim s o f last
W ednesday's disaster.
Sixteen m en!
are still unaccounted for within the ;
workings. Tony Hern and Reese T.
Bradburn. the latter a foreman, were
these fo r whom services were held.
Made Study o f Necrom ancy
John Dee was an English mathe­
matician and astronom er: born in Lon­
don on the 13th of July. 1527. He was
educated at Cambridge and spent som e
time studying abroad and in Holland
He returned to England and held sev-j
eral offices A fter 157S he became in­
terested in necrom ancy and his philo­
Charming c rcck
sophical re; -arches were concerned i
almost entirely with this study.
He which the charming spring frock here
died in December, 16 j 8. at the age of pictured is styled, is designed by no
less a personage than Neysa Me-
Mein, she o f magazine cover fame.
This gifted woman together with sev­
Causes c f M orjoon s
eral o f her contem poraries are making
A monsoon is a wind that blow s
a candid effort to create for Ameri­
along the Asiatic coast of the Pacific i can women silk prints which are rep­
over the extent o f about 40 degrees ; resentative o f true American atmos­
latitude, in winter from the northeast phere— a challenge to the traditional
(dry monsoont ami in sum mer m ore French domination in the field o f tex­
violently from the southwest (wet tile art. Modernistic art Is written alt
m on soon). The wind is due to the over this brilliant silk, which the de
differences o f pressure between areas signer declares was
thoughts o f Hollywood. Its confusion
o f lard and sea w hich are primarily
o f vividly colored futuristic motifs so
caused by seasonal difference o f tern
Clocks and W atches
T o keep the works o f a watch clean.
and to in ju re that it will run smoothly,
cut a piece o f white paper the size o f \
the cover, and after soaking the paper
in petrol, place it in the inner case
o f the watch. The paper should be ;
periodically rem oved and a fresh
piece, also soaked in petrol, substitut­
ed. The same plan may be adopted
for small and medium-sized clocks.
Earthquakes in Old Rome
There never was any outstanding
destruction in Rom e as a result o f
earthquakes, bu the city did have its
quakes, and some historians contend
that many Roman palaces and tem ples
said to have been destroyed by the
barbarians between the Fifth and tbe
Ninth centuries were really shaken
down by earth tremors.
Locks for French W indows
It will be found that French win-
d u ss. ow ing to their size and being
bung on hinges, are subject to w a rp -:
ing. T o stop this it is well to h av e'
t v o locks or n iches, one located mid­
way between the cen ter and top and
the other between the center and bot­
tom of winuow.
Elephants Slaughtered
Thirty thousand male elephants are
killed every year in the Belgian Congo.
H istoric Death Warrant
The original warrant for the execu­
tion o f Charles I is in the library of
the Briti-h house of lords. It wag pro­
duced by Colonel Harker after the Res­
toration. and was the evidence upon
which those who had signed it were
excepted from the Indemnity act.
Some of the
unconventionally grouped makes not
only an arresting pattern, but consti­
tutes a decoration which reflects some-
thlng o f the exotic nature of the
American colony o f film people.
Never was there promise more fair
for the domination o f gay print
throughout the mode than at this very
Foundation Stone
Truth in the beginning of every good moment. Unusual design Is the out­
standing feature for silk this spring
thing, both in heaven and on earth.— I
Large floral patterns are prominent.
bunches o f popples and huge roses
Sea Shells In Oil Well
contribute their loveliness to silk de­
At 1,900 feet depth, the bailer on sign.
the ('openin g oil well, near Bowie, | “ Simplicity, then art a Jewel/'
Arfz.. brought up a number o f small seems to lie the guiding thought
shells, o f type com mon on the sea-1 among millinery designers this season.
You W an t a
V ery
lle sln .
w ell—T a k e
P o s it io n
» M anagem ent. P riest* !-• r - t s r l
al. Calculator, Com ptom eter, aten .grw
ptife, Penmanship, >/r C oM toW fiâl 1 •»••h
rnr’ C ou rs« At
T h * fereirG.«t Uuulnt-*«! C ol!#f# o f th#
N orth w est which ha* won rr.or«* Accuracy i
A w tr J s and fî-.Jd M edal« than « n y other
«chool in A m cr 1 »’«.
for our f)u rf*a*
Cm»« Inc
Fourth Htrcet nesr IforrlaoQ ,
Portland Or iw ju» M W » lk « r Pr#«.
P- N. U.
Winter Neckwear
YVhen mannish topcoats are worn,
the proper type o f neckwear consists
of heavy silk scarfs very similar to
those worn by men. Them: may be
of plaid as wild as any highland
chieftain ever dared to be. with com ­
binations such as brown, dull yellow
and blue green.
Yellow Chiffon
I'ale yellow chiffon dripping with
rlilm-stones makes n very lovely dance
No. 7, 1926 frock, 't has a wide, circulur skirt.
In Striking Silk.
the Parisian Idea. It ts Immensely Im­
portant Just now. If not taffeta, then
one's bat Is almost sure to be o f belt­
ing ribbon In any o f the exquisite
pastel colorings. The newest o f new
sensations Is the huml-crocheted hat
o f straw, made soft, supple and color­
ful, fitting the head as If molded to
it. Satin and faille have their S| m > ii
sors, too. and as to felts o f soft col
»rings, they are In their glory at this
very moment.
First color, then material and then
the crowning totr«-h 0f genlug la ap
plied with a deft wist here, a pin
i thrust In aslant mix iresto! you have
(<C> b r I b v i r l S t o r y T u b . C o . )
HEY met at (Julniby's unex­
pectedly, fur the first time In
three months, and after the
handshake proceeded to their
old table In the corner.
"W ell, how goes U?" asked Bendy.
"B endy," said Dudd Bronson, Ignor­
ing the question, “ I aiu the greater!
man In the world. I. myself, am for
ham nud cabbage, since it tickles my
feeilugs, but It you waul anything
from peacocks' hearts to marmalade.
It's ou me."
Bemly stared at the roll o f hills
Dudd brought out o f Ills trousers'
poeket. “ Dudd," he said. Ills voice
trembling, " l respect you. IMease put
It tn your breast pocket so I cau see
the bulge. What was the occur­
" I hate to tell It." declared Dudd
"Beudy, t am a modest uinn. When
you admire me most, remember 1 said
"T h e pity o f It la that there was
no one to watch tue. 1 done It lu
“Oue day, about two weeks ago, I
walks into the sanctum o f David Jet-
more. Jetm ore la tbe best lawyer In
Horton, over In Jersey.
"'M r. Jetm ore/ says I. ‘ my name la
Abe lielman. I been ruunlng It a
•ter* over In 1’ aullne with my brother
Leo. W e had a fight over a personal
matter and now 1 want to get my halt
o f the store, aud you should write to
Leo's lawyer, who la Mr. l>evl!n o f
Ifonton, about a settlem ent/
"'H a v e you something for a retain
e r f asks Jetmore.
" 'N o .' suya 1, T n livin' at a h o'el.’
“ 'I'm a busy m an/ says Jetnioie.
‘and how do 1 kuow I'll get any
tuouey T
“ ‘Mr. J etm ore/ says 1. 'that store's
worth three thousand dollars If It's
worth a cent. And If my half ain't
enough, maybe you can get Leo to
give you som e o f Ids.'
"Finally, after 1 explained promis­
cuously why I had to keep at an un­
safe distance from brother I.eo. and
other delicate points, Jetmore says
he'll take the Job. When he says
Devlin. L eo's lawyer In Ironton, Is a
personal friend o f his. I told him that
made It all the better.
‘"That same afternoon about four
hours Iwter I walks into Devlin's ofllce
In Ironton.
" 'Mr. D e vlin / saya I. 'my name ts
Leo Deltnan. 1 been running It a
store over In Pauline with my brother
Abe. We had a fight over a personal
matter which ain't to the purpose, aud
Abe left for parts unknown. Tw o
days ago com es a letter from Abe’s
lawyer^ Mr. Jetmore o f Horton, about
Abe's share in the store, which he
didn't wait to take with him. nnd I
told him to writ* to you. because you
should make It a settlement for me.'
“ 'H ave you something for a retain­
er?’ asks Devlin.
“ 'Mr. Devlin.' says I. T have not.'
** 'Then,' says he. ‘how do you ex­
pect to settle with brother Abe?’
“ I told Devlin I didn't want nny
Pauline natives to know about mine
and Abe's Intimate pertinacities, and
I waits In Ironton for a settlement.
As soon as he got my fifty he wrote
off a long letter to Jetm ore which he
let me read to correct the sentiments.
"It was last Thursday when I got
to Devlin's sanctum Just in time to see
him puttin' on his coat to ^o to lunch
with the stenographer.
"H ello, Delnm n/ says he, ‘I'll see
you In about half an hour. Here's
a letter from Jefuiore., Make yourself
at home till I get h ack/
"W hen he'd gone I read the letter
over just to make sure there wasn't
no changes since I saw It the night
before In Jet more's office. It said
that Abe had decided to accept Leo's
offer o f twelve hundred dollars cash,
provided It was paid “Within three
“ I goes to the stenographer’s desk,
picks out a nice printed letterhead,
and writes on It as follow s;
loiter all ready to malt stowed away
tu my pocket
y o u r produce
“ 'Have you got that twvlv* hun
dred?' say* he.
" 'N o .' any* l. 'but I'll get It to 'hre*
days or bust.'
" 'You'd better,' says he, 'fo r when
Jetmore say* throe day* he dou'l
Compiili Chang« Silurili?
mean four.'
Adults, W eek dsv Matinee
"1 mailed thu letter and check tn
Kvctim.'s, ,16c. i\ui i ino««« I L> 11
Imutoii that afternoon, and next day
p, in. Children 10 cenia all times
that « « a Friday l goes over to
Horton on the very first train, nnd
pedeatrlnate* Into Jetuiorv'a office on
the stroke o f leu.
C la r k * B roa ., P io ? u t a , I»7 M arri*«*« 0 t.
■ Jetmore met me cordial like a mule
Y ou W ill VW I Km h i « I 11.« » lUm
that'* Juat found something to kick.
v* m J («liai
He'd smelled my money
" Did you get « ? ' eays I.
R t r a lU n l ( M t
Ptm rU l W
"H e pulled out the check t'd mailed
Hua y * « U all Traina.
liti» aud H u r l
Hides, Pells, Wool, Mohair,
In Ironton the day before.
" '1 guess ehout fifty o f that belongs
Tallow, Cascara Bark
to you.' L
* 'F ifty !' says he. 'F ifty I'
“ 'No,' says 1, 'I only said tt o a f s '
Horse Hair.
I . . II.« * .» I i . *
f - tu ll.-s 'k a
"T hat's wliat comes o f gettln' Into
m , h . i i. * . . i «n u trì U t il i H u r n t u I
*'« 1» « le « ( « ir fe m .M i* W « .riti M in u r ti
H«md ua rvur »klfnivnUL W e mell you check
the clutches o f one o f them grafters.
»'»•li. \V h I • « G «»«Its
I f* «r* «•-,»
Ihe «Mute 4*y wre i w « m * c •«wtle.
Beudy. But 1 let It go at a hundred
u u t it -ii f u r ( S a li > « - ■ *, b a i l o r
■« m I i i v s I » ' U p i « r n r l t f f i v e » « I m lu g
to preserve my own Inter,*!*.
" 'Wetljt says 1. 'gt\e me the cheek.' q i .’ i : » : n h a t c » u : r v . j «\ i hi
P o r t la n d H ide a W ool C o .
U lo Ilf A V IN U I
H A I T tV "
" 'Give me my hundred,' says he.
in mm . »nwrt ssan. lesnsss. usa
“ 'I ain't got It,' suya I.
Easy On# For Mothtr
“ T h en we'll cash the cheek,' oaye to n in g to tin«
« on vi» run lio n
he, and puts on hta coat and hat.
Th# Fatithful Printer
"Bendy, ain't that pitiful? Ain't It g ro w n -u p «» a » i h ililroti o f t e n d o . R un
Y«'iirs ago. when tho New York n «r-
pitiful? It wna coinin' so easy I ( Nit. fiv«» y v n r« o h ). It'u rm tl th o rn wort»
y owned right tn Ids face. Saya he. itiii'h t h in g s a# • t r p m o t h o r * H o rolhu l aid and James Gordon Bennett, J r.
‘then we'll cash the check.' Oh, the th o Id on u ro u m l In utt uc11 v «* urn! #A gor were In their prime, th* latter U*ued
! U fat boob!
bru in fo r ntMirly an h o u r , w ith o u t got one of his arbitrary orders that then*
"W e goes down to the hank, and
utter th»' name Herald should never
1 tin g n n yw h or«*; t h r u no u gh t I n fo rm a
Jetmore steps up to the window.
uppi'ur unless In Itnlles. One printer
'• 'Good morning, Mr Jetmore,' says 1 1 ion f r o m th«» o n oyt I o p « m I in oft«>n»«Bt
I o o n n u lt d l hy littIt« b o y »
" M o t h e r ,” ho fi llowcil ti almost too literally ('hrtat
the teller, obsequies like.
"Jetm ore takes a pen. Indorses the uuki'U. " h o w d o c * n g t e p a io th o r H « p r mas week can e round and chur«*hea
announi-ed In their programs, "lla rk .
check, and passes It through the win
Cappor'g WVohly
the IB'rald Angela Ming." tho printer
“ ‘Give It to us In hundreds,' says
iluly Italicising
Kansas t'lly Star.
Like « Dream
Whon I reflect on whNt I h a w »eon.
" 'Not for tn*.' anya I, steppln' up
B sech tr Echo
• wlint t have h«*urd. nnd what 1 hnv«
Make It tw enties'
ll la Imp
!•■ lu Indulge In habit­
‘T h e feller counts nut ten twenties 1 done. I can hardly por-umdo
slap« 'em eu fop o f a pile with a ban that all that frlvoloun hurry and bu»tl*« ual severity >'( opinion upon our fel­
duge on 'em, and shoves 'em through o f pleaauro In tho world luta any real low men without Injuring (tie tender-
the window to Jetmore. He counts ; tty. hut I look upon all that '« punned m s s nnd delicacy of our own feeling*.
off five nnd I sticks the rest In my na on# of tho«# rtMuuullc dream* which * Ilenry Ward Beecher
| opium com m only occasion», und I do I
“ 'Better count ’e m / say* Jetmore
1 hy no nreann desire to repeat th«? mum I
Silence Not Always Good
" TU take a ch ance/ eays I. 'The
oouh dc«?'
Lord Cheat erf l#h!
There may be times when silence la
young tnau looks honest/ The truth
gold, and s | m -«'> It silver; but there are
la, I was beginning to get the shivers.
Father o f Saxophone
I lutee, also, when sll<«n«-e Is death, and
“ Me and Jetmore turned to go.
Just as we reacted the door 1 felt
Adolph*« Sax. tiiak««r o f tiiu»lcal In » p e i l i Is Ilf«* (h«« very Ulo o f l'e n te
that pile o f twenties Jump right out Mtruments. lnv«»nt«*d th«* »axnphonn In cost. Max Miller.
o f my pocket and slap me In the face. 1*40, In fu rl«. In trying to produce a
Standln' there lookin' at us was .clarin et that would overblow an oc*
Po»»lbl# Explanation
tave like th«« flute and ohoc. It He
A v*rli«r »ay» Kakltno« tu»v«*r »pank
*' ‘ Hello, Jetm ore,' says he. Good-
cam e popular at once In France and th«»lr children
It pmlmhly would ink«
morning, Mr. Delmun.'
Johann Georg Knatner. a m oil of (ho day to got th# children
'Bendy, stand up. No man ran alt Hclglum.
unrespectful while 1 relate the se­ j mualcal cotnponor. Introduce«! the auv undr «Mod to u degro*» ultore a »pank*
quence. It fill* my eyee with tear* to ophone Into the orche»tra In Par!« In Ing would ho noticed
Kunnaa Pity
think o f It. I'vo been a modest man. | IM44 in "1^* Dernier Itol «1«» Juda.**
St tr
but this t* too much for me. 1 must
tell the truth.
Freddy Scored On*
W hore’ * Intuition?
T was tn a bole, all right, bat I still
Bobby and Fr»»<l«ly »»«'re discussing
W om an’» Intuition Dn't ao Imprea-
had hold o f the rope. I knew that
»ivo when »ho 1« dod din g which way
Devlin thinks I'm Iwo ami Jetmore the r«-latlve t>row«'is o f their tw o big
Rochoatnr Tim«»«-
thinks I'm Ahe, and as long as they brothers. Said Bobby: "M y brother lo turn In traffic
rows stroke on his college rrv v .
I Union.
didn't get a chin on It 1 was safe.
" ‘ Mr. l>evltii/ says 1, T in glad to »uppuso you didn't know that?" Fred
Ho re
see you. There's a little matter I <!y « » • not much lmpr***«<d
Foppish Fighting Man
want to ask you about.'
plltd prom ptly: "W hat o f It?
Th«« world conquering Homan i« gi«m»
"Jetm ore started to *|«out before brother Is too big to get Into the boat * wore fancy clothe» and gorgoou* trap-
Devlin could answer and I lnter- I suppose you didn't know that?"
: {»Ing»
Knr a (hou»nnd y««ara, Homan
ape rood.
masculine «Ire»» »parkled Ilk« a »ap
“ 'It's an Important matter.' saya I,
phtre. while i ho Homan «agio» carried
Odd Natural Freaks
'and I won't keep you long.'
j the empire noith to (iaul. raat to A»la
"Dev tin stood lookin' at us like he
didn't understand. O f course. Jet- brush their teeth after meals and birds Minor and Egypt, weat to Spain and
more knew I knew Devlin, because I'd that sleep upside down ure among the auuth Into Africa
— , ■— — ...
— ■ ■■
told him he wus mine and I.e»'s law­ itrange em tlu re* discovered lu the
yer before the fight.
Malay peninsula, according to a recent
"Jetm ore pulls out his watch and explorer. Another fr«-nk o f this part I
starts to go.
of the world la a fish that flirts
It |
“ T v e got on appointment,' says he.
Is the only swimming animal known t o ,
T il see you later. Drop urouml to
the ofllce about one.' Then he turn* have a real wink.
A n
* v y i\ 1
2 M E
Portland, Oregon.
to me. 'Gome In and say good-by,'
o n the m i c model
"B lo c" and "L o b b y "
say* he, and off he goes.
T t took me uliout two minute* to
In a political »• use, a bloc la a group I
explain to Devlin that t'd com e np to
o f li-glalators organize«! to InMucni-e 1
Horton to try to get Jetmore to chop
off a hundred on the settlement. Dev­ legislation, wbil«. a lobby Is. apeclflcal- J
ly. persona not member* of a leglsla- 1
lin laughed.
“ ‘Jetmore don’t do no cboppln', live body who try to Influence b-glala-!
says he.
" 'R ig h t you a re / says I. "He won't
Everything Worth Whll*
even give me no extra tim e/
" ‘ What was tt you wanted to ask
Thi-re I* no action bo slight nor so
me?' says he.
mean but It may tie «lone to a great i
“ 'Mr. Devlin,' say* L T in a poor purpose, and ennobled thereby. Bus­
man. Whether I get that twelve hun­ kin.
dred I don't know. But I got friends
In Pittsburgh what's got It. and If
W here the "M a c" Came In.
you'll let me have fifty hack for rail­
road fure. I ’ll uiuke It u hundred
"Yea. I'm rather n mixture.
when I settle u p /
father was English, my mother French.
M arch XI, 1X16.
"D evlin blinked hard, and I thought I wus born ou nn Am erican ship o ff
M r D a v id Jetm ore,
he'd Jumped It. But bein' a grafter,
H o rto n , N. J
Naples, und Muepherson's my ib'titlst."
D e a r Sir—
that hundred looked too good to h>ae
"W h at's Macpheraon got to do with
A s per a d v lc s co n ta in ed In you r
fa v o r o f th e 20th I n s t , I a m e n ­
counts out five tens, and hands 'em It?” “ W ell, that makes me o f Hcottlsh
c lo s in g h e re w ith ch eck f o r tw e lv e
extraction ." H um orist
hundred d o lla r s tn fu ll p a y m e n t o f
to me careful-like.
tb s c la im o f A b s D s lm a n a g a in s t
" ‘D elm an/ aaya he, ‘ I know you're
L e o D slm a n .
an honest man. 1 ran tell It hy yotir
Get to Patients By Air
X a h all ba p leased to b a v a you
Gladly Demonstrate; Models $80.
eyes. I feel sure you'll get the
a c k n o w ls d g a receip t o f aam s.
S«-V'-n doctors «if Canterbury, Eng­
00 up. Mail this addressed.
T o u r s v e ry tru ly ,
m oney/
land, have purchased flying machines
“ 'Mr. Devlin,' *«y* I, holdln' his t o be used In visiting patients.
"I had already practiced Devlin's
hand till I was sick o f It, and I hand In one band and the fifty In the
other, 'I will get the m on ey/ And 1 1
signed that letter so that Devlin him
There's Not Enough Made
self couldn't a' told the difference. leave« him standln' there In the bank,
11 Is said that 60,000.000 pounds o f [City
Then I pulls out a blank check, make« watchln' me through the window.
“ DI<1 you go to Pittsburgh?" asked twine are us«-d In Canada to tie up the
It to the order o f Devlin for twelve
hundred dollars and signs It ‘Leo Del- Bendy.
annual grain hurvest, but even this SUNl'STRAND ADDING MACHINE CO.
"B endy," said Dudd, "don't he fac-j wouldn't bo enough to tin on gome 40« Sp.kilns Id*is
man' and Devlin's name on
tlous In the presence o f genius. You men's fingers to make them rem ember
the back.
Spring Hats.
"O f course, I could have done some offend tne,"
Adding Machines, Bookkeeping Machines,
to post a letter.
"F orgive me," said Bendy, humbly.
before you lints fiutterlng!) hecuinliia
o f this work In my own boodwar, but
Cash KcgUtcr Combina! Ions.
hats which proclaim smart style, liutn j 1 wanted to use Devlin's typewriter. “ Let me see the fifty, Dudd. I Just
though they bespeak simplicity Itself
“ When Devlin com e back 1 had the want to touch I t ”
luck not a certain dressy air.
Man Is arrogant In proportion to hla
Ignorance; his natural tendency Is to
The collection o f early spring
egotism ; In his Infancy o f knowledge,
models shown In Ihe picture Include
ut top. new high crowned effect o f
he thinks that all creation was formed
quilted rose lodge taffeta with Jeweled
Lieutenant Girard, who returned re­ to her feet, seized the Imby hy the for Mm
dagger; to right, soft opal gray falll-
cently to Paris from Central Afrb-a throat, swung It several Mines In tbe
silk with whimsical crow n ; profile I
with a consignment o f anlinnls for the air like n sling, and released It. The
By No Manner of Means
view o f love-bird green sllver-ntltrlieil
Jardln des Plantes, told how be bad little one described a great pnrablo
A treasury expert estim ates Glut tho
tuffetn bonnet type; to left above sof
seen a mother giraffe kill her young
life of a dollar bill la seven months,
orchid felt with silver-bound, metal
one to prevent It from falling Into the ground, braakln* all four o f Its legs.
stitched b rim ; flrinl, latest vogue knit
Whan the men reached It it was dead but most «>f ’em we get. don't last as
liands o f the hunters.
straw In artichoke green with fancy
long na that. Exchange.
A SCIENCE—Hot Experiment
The lieutenant had surprise«! a herd The mother nlso perished.
metal rlbboo bund.
o f giraffes In a clearing near the Hu-
That In why there Is no hnhy gl
Y method of treating Piles
Empty Majority
danese village, and the animals had rnffe at the Jardin d«-s Plantes, nc
and other Rectal and Col­
*3b. 111*. S ,i t e r n N .w ,p .p « r Union. ,
taken flight, leaving one baby giraffe cording to Lieutenant Girard.— From
N ever w orry about a "foolish ma­
on ailments Is recognized as the
peacefully grazing.
For a mother gi­ Le Bulgari«', Rolla. Translated for the jority.” If It Is foolish It won't re­ nuixt Scientific anil effective In use to­
raffe to abandon her young Is «*xtrtnie- Kansas City Star.
All in One
day. Among the thousands treated are
main n m ajority very long
many patient* sent to me hy other physi­
Tbe English lingerie designers have ly unusual, and this was evidently a
1 hire is no hospital operation;
evolved a combination petticoat uni
no confimrnt; no rrtention from work.
The petticoat la trimmed part, for the latter atnldcnly burst from
My treatment Is lafr, mild, »m,thing; th«
Beat Not to Crack 'Em
the surrounding
Light play* queer pranks on the
with i cru lace, w ith Iniig-walated cf
cure rapid. And I remove all doubt hy a
desert Often travelers will see. for a
Glass, china and reputation are «"na-
feet and flat plaits on the hips. The dashed back to retrieve her child.
She seized the little giraffe hy the whole day, what looks like s narrow lly cracked anil never well m ended.—
knicker Is nttached to the underside
l o c u r v a n y r . M o f P | | *. o r
re fu n d the p a t ie n t', fee.
W rit,
neck. Just above tbe shoulders and strip o f water, shimmering Hlong the llanjamln Franklin.
and Is similarly trimmed.
(• a » » k>r m y K K R K Y O O -p a e s
*tart«*d off, holding II at the full stretch horizon many miles ahead. Yon may
Ilh i.tralm J ile w r lp llv . booklet.
o f her long neck.
The lieutenant's well Imagine how enticing this looks
Hats of Felt a n d Straw
Heart 8tu ff
negro itetndnnts could not resist the to those who are tired, warm, and
For the South, delicate colors pre
Every woman's heart is touched hy
temptation to fire, ami the mother gi­ thirsty. This I* not water, however,
dominate In Ihe n»w nnides. This vogue
raffe fell with her burden, mortally for when the sun rolls around to the a baby anil a man with a button o ff.—
is refleeted In smini lints which fea
•V h Y**« rUj-SiA« ri OTH A NO PlJTIf
As Ihe hunters drew near, west. It disappears. It was merely a Duluth Herald.
lure u combination o f crin and felt.
however, the dying animal struggled mirage.—OrlL
S u -id s tra n d
Killed Little One to Prevent Capture
: DEAN, M D..lnc