The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, February 11, 1926, Image 1

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V O L.
— .
M im Kcnalor Turn, on Mrllon'a
Aluminum Uumpany.
Washington. II. ('
A general In-
la a .In«k holder. appoarod
nlyht aa a poaalblllty.
General Gain in Production De­
clared Undesirable.
Surh an Inquiry wa. proposed to Iho
Jutllrlary rommlttoo by Konator Walah,
domo< rat. Montana, proaorutur of tho
InvoatlRallon to dolorm lno wbothor
tho doparlmont of Juatlro haa proceed-
od with duo dlllRonro In dotormlnlnR
Event* o f N o I m I People. Government. wbothor tho rompany baa violated fed
oral court d o rro c .
• ml Farlffr N o r th * w l. and Othrr
A fter tho rommlttoo hud takon (h i.
Thin g. Worth K n . « i > ( . under advl.omont, Attorney-
Conoral Knrgont advl.od tho aonalo
In an “ Informal" opinion that the jus-
A 20(10 room hotel to bo rallini the tiro dopnrtmont wa. without authority
Uoullilgo. In honor of the president, under pro.ont law to Compel the fed­
will ho atartoil In Chicago within M eral trade romml.alon (o furnl.h ovl-
ilaya I'lolko A liroabjr. builders, have donro in tlto ra .o whlrh Iho rominla
Tin* hostelry will be 25 •Ion hold* to bo “ ronfldentlal ”
Itofu.lnR to furnl.h a "form al" opin­
•torlo, and roal $5.1)00.000.
ion to couRroa. under a pollry which
Ilurlnic Iho world war. E ric Haggard j "haa obtained for more than a cen­
of Ow l.Iioud. Mo., served and escaped tury.” the attorney Ronoral aald tho
on two Ir a n .porla w hlrh worn lor authority to compel production of the
podood. Sunday ho w a . drownod w ith­ "ronfldentlal" evidence furnl.hod by
in >l|lil of hla own homo whon hla tlio aluminum rompany appeared to
lllllo boat, ladon with lo b .lo r trnpa. re.ldo In the aenata. which ordered the
r a palimi In tho hoavy »urf
InvoatlRallon by the romml.alon.
Konator W alah'. propoaal. whh-h la
liuplli-atIon of tho ra h l. from flam
Hold, Vanrouyor (.land, to F a n n in g , to be rnn.ldervd h r . In by
laland. In m M-Pacific. will lio rom ¡ tho Juillrlary rommlttoe. la that tho
plotod by September 30 th l. year Th o .m a te direct the rommla.lon to fur-
work, w hlrh la being dono by tho Tolo- nt.h th l. evidence to It. Inve.ilRatlna
graph t'onatrurllon A Malntnnanro committee. Tho romml.alon withhold
It from tho Jualra department on •
rom pany. will cost £2.400.000
3to-2 volo.
Com rip o rla of aoyrn nallonalllloa
t'h ara ctortiln R th l* action a* "aeuao-
•ro contending for poa.o.alon of part leaa,” Senator Walah. In hla report, re-
of tho famoua Itomanoff croan Jewels, ituo.tod that tho aonato rail not only
which tho aovlot government haa piar for th l. evidence, but for all of that
od on tho markot. Am orlrana aro tho In the poaaoaalon of Iho rommlaalon
noa l active bidders, rloaoly followod upon whlrh that body baaed It a con-
by French and Unitali v ip o rt.
• lu . Iona In 1924 that Iho rompany had
A atlpulatlon that huahand and wlfo violated the 1913 conaolit decree.
bo full partner, and aharo oqually
“ G igolo” H eadge ar S cream .
tholr Joint not Inromo will bo ron
lalnod In a marrlano ro ntrart for
C hirac» Thu latest scream In fern
w hlrh Doria Htcvona. pro.ldont of tho Intne headgear I. entitled the “ Gigolo,"
National Woman'* party and wlfo of a amall felt concern with a high crown,
I>u<lI..y Field Malono. will »oek leg pushed up at tho hack and pulled down
I . látiro .aiu-tInn.
In front over Ihe boylah bob. It origi­
Sweet H em e.- The farmers at Sweet |
Home and around Holley are overhaul- j
Ing their plow. Ibis week. If the good j
weather continue* they will begin i
In- spring plowing Immediately.
Slightly Smaller Crop o f Wheat
dirated W llh jHtocka
Raisin. — Non-realdenl registrations,
of motor vehicles In Oregon during!
January aggregated 1442. according to
a report repared by the «la te depart-'
l lu r denso me. '*
Despite the fracture
of two vertebrae In hi. neck. Marvin j
Kuykendall. 21, o f Yamhill, was Sat ]
urduy discharged from a local hospital,
and pronounced out of danger.
Washington. D. C. — Declaring the
Aloha.— T hieve* entered the grain
farmers generally In a better position
(•slny than al any other time since ^and feed store of J. Shilling Wednes-
1920 , Ihe department of agriculture, day night and escaped with 150 sacks !
In u statement Kunday night on the of feed. A few week* ago 8ldwell‘e gar-
farm outlook for 1926. said: "An y gen age was entered, but the robbers were
eral expansion In production this year frightened away and obtained nothing
would tend to place farmers In a lesa j PorUaad _
„ „
Ioaaei of m 5
favorable economic position than * ‘ 1 prnoun, „ d
$ 1 , 107 . 33 « 96.
13 lives
I were lost. 10 Injured. 33 arrested on
There w s . Utile likelihood, the d«e Bri(on fh a r fe , „ d , 3 » for Yto|a,ion of
purtment said, of a larger domestic ^
p rt. Y e n | j o n laws, according to the
and foreign demand for agricultural annua, report of
Grenfell. fire
predio 1 « (»11 ihe m nirary. there were marshal.
Indicai lens o f a possible decrease In
Independence.— A mysterious explo­
the demand In Ihe latter part of Ihe
sion In the Valsc-tx home of I. A. Hitts,
“ No reduction In farm wages may lim ber faller In camp No. 1 of the (
be expected,“ It wax added, "and the Cobbs Mitchell Lumber company, at 3
coat of farm equipment will probably o'clock Saturday morning, started a
m n it In at p r ie n t le v H .
SufNclect f,r*
l^m onths^ld Pitta
fin d « will I m * avallubl«* for agricultural baby wan burned to death.
Hillsboro.— The Washington County
credit In most regions at about the
Rod aud Gun club unanimously voted
same rates ns In 1925.“
A slightly smaller world crop of to support the movement to close the
wheat was Indicated, wllh world stocks Big and Little Neatucca river* to com-1
at the beginning of Ihe new crop year merclal fishing at a meeting held re-
"not burdensome."
' < ently. The action was taken In the
Domestic stocks were likely to be form o f a resolution,
smaller, and the statement declared
Albany.— Ivan Murphy and Henry
It an average o f hard spring whoa. n *w k are In tho Lina county Jail
equal to that of last year wa» planted awaiting trial on charges of possession |
and average yields secured, export 0f dper meat out of season. The pair :
nnd domestic prices might be expected wng arrested near Brownsville by
to be “ more in line with those In other s h e riff Richard. Deputy Sheriff LU-
exporting countries than at present." |ard anj Deputy Game Warden Hawk
( ’urn i c r e o f f «»qua! lo last year, the
A Sequel to Bulldog Drummond.
C ü f V H í H T VT
11 L O A N OCX
B Y O Jt/ l M c M E ILE SArrtR
E T N O P E I * .— T o a g a t h e r i n g o f
anarc hists In H ark ing , Lond on
suburb, Zab oleff. fo r e ig n a g i t a ­
tor, tel ls o f the op era ti on s o f a
body o f men w ho ha ve be come a
menace to t h ei r ac ti vit ies .
says they are mas ked and wea r
l o n g black cl o a k s and a re a c t i n g
w it h o u t the law.
H e Is I n t e r ­
rupted by the men he Is d e s c ri b ­
in g ( t h e B l a c k O a n g ) . w ho break
up the m ee tin g , se nt en ci ng some
o f the p a r tic ip a nt s to co nd ig n
punishment and c a r r y i n g a w a y
A m em ora ndu m found
on Z a b o ls f f g i v e s an address In
H ox to n, w h ic h the lea de r o f the
a t t a c k i n g pa r ty co nsid ers o f Im ­
Sir ¡«ryan Johnstone,
d ir e c t o r o f c r im in a l i n v e s t i g a ­
tion. hears fr o m Inspec tor Me-
I ve r, sent to a rre st Z ab ol ef f the
n ig ht b ef ore , o f his dlsedtnlUure.
H e had been seised and c h l o r o ­
fo rm e d and his raid frustrated.
H u g h Drummond, man o f leisure,
tel ls Johnstone o f seei ng the ki d ­
napers and th eir victims. H e be­
co mes an unpaid a g e n t o f the
police, under M d v e r .
Wt lltain
Atk ins on , os te ns ib ly p a w n b r o k e r
and mone y lender, r e a ll y Count
Zad ow a. d ir e c t o r o f a na rc hy In
En gla nd , does * business In a n ­
o t h e r L o nd on suburb.
A mys­
ter ious
Inv ad es
D ru m m on d a tt em pt s
to b u r g l a r i s e the premis es to g e l
evidence. W h i l e so eng&gexl, w it h
t w o companions, a bomb Is hurled
at them
T h e exp loMon kill s
" G i n g e r M a rti n ." ex pe r t bu rg la r.
Drum mo nd and hts frie nd escape,
t a k i n g w ith them a b a g th ey
find on the floor.
CHAPTER V — Continued
statement added, would suffice, with
w h eeler.— Early Saturday fire broke
“ Well, there, old son. at the mo­
tY «r i| e ylcldt. to meet fa d in g and out in the roof o f the fuelroom at the
ment you have me beat," conceded
rommcrrial requir^menta ua fully a«
plant of the Westwood Lumber com- Hugh. “ I sort nf figured It out this
in 1925. Relatively low price, prob- ^
hprp bu, qu,ck actlo„ o f the ■ way. Whoever the bird Is who bunged
ably would continue for oats unless .
m„ ,
pnt , hJ that bomb, he recognized me as being
yields were greatly reduced.
\ bIale under control. It was thou* ht | the leader o f our little bunch. I mean
For cattle, the department «.id the |ho, aparkll from ,h# burner ,gnlted It was me he was staring at through
the door, with eyes bubbling over with
"Immediate and long time outlook" sawdust on the roof.
tenderness and love. It was me that
was favorable with a "reasonable con
Hundred« of pernon. Sunday watch
» ‘ ant demand” for beef anticipated. I Salem. Expansion of the plant o f bally bomb was Intended for— not
od tho tranafer of more Ilian 900 prle
The number o f steers was said to t e , *'<> Oregon Fulp A Paper company Ginger Martin, though he was actual­
nnera lo the new I xm AnRolea county
the lowest In many years, hut present here at a cost of approximately $450.- ly doing the work. And If this cove
Is prepared to wreck his own office
Jail. The prlaoner. ataRod a amall riot
1 t .- illnK stocks were apparently large
he made during the present |
Just to get me out of the way— I
before leavInR the old overrrowdod
enough to "supply as*much beef as It Year, according to reports current In
guess I must be somewhat unpopular.“
prlaon. wrerklnK two tank, and en
1 Salem.
Money with which to make
will pay rattle producers to raise.’
“ The reasoulng seems extraordi­
itanRrrlnR the hulldlnR for a while by
The outlook for the hog industry ap- ’ hp Improvement probably will be ob- narily profound.“ murmured Peter.
aettinR fire to a pile of debrla.
peared favorable, with prices main- ,aln<'d through a common stock issue,
"N ow the great point Is— does he
mined at high levels. Iloga In a r e a »1 P end leton— Bridge and road build- know who I am?" continued Hugh.
Chair Y lald. to Solon.
.Information .promt In Rovernment
“ Our greut difficulty before Zaboleff
circle. Sunday that the department of
Washington. I) C.— Senator Heflin of commercial production were aald |nK contractors have received material
was kind enough to present us with
Ju.flre w a. prepared to move quick­ of Alabama look the floor during Mon­
the address of their headquarters was
ly aRuInnt rertaln pliaaea of bread and day's lax debate In Ihe senate, hut not the present "strong domestic demand weather that has prevailed this win- to get In touch with the man at the
fooal produrt. miTRer. The character In the usual parliamentary sense al fi r pork products" seemed likely to ter. according to members of the coun- top. And now the headquarters are
| ty court, and construction work In no more. No man can work in an of­
of Ihe p r o e e e d ln R . remained a care all. He took it actually, fur the chair contlnue most of 1926.
Although rroflts were likely to be Umatilla county has gone forward fice with periodical bowlders falling
fully Runrded aorret and no official In which ho was sitting suddenly col­
of Ihe department would dlaruna II.
lapsed and left him sitting on the less than during Ihe last two years, much more rapidly than had been estl- on his head from the roof, and a large
Ihe doparlmont forecast a "good mated.
hole In the wall Just behind him. I
Word from the alate of Clilapa..
| Port|and _ January whoat exports mean there's no privacy about I t
It happened so suddenly and noise­ year" for the sheep Industry.
•oulhern Mexico, any* (he tomb of
The dairy Industry generally was from PortInnd totaled 1,730.170 bushels And so—unless he knows me— he
lessly that only one or two of hla col
Cuauhtemoc. the Inat emperor of M et
«nid to he In a relatively strong posi valued at $2.793.359. marking a ma- won’t he able to carry on the good
leagues seated near him In tho rear
work when he finds that neither of
Irn. ha. b<>en dt.cuvered In Ihe uioun
Slight Increases in young stock , prlA , ( „ c r e a s e OTPr the same foreign j
of the chamber knew It.
my boots has reached the top o f St.
tain., where Ihe memory of the heroic
A democratic »pooch by Senator during Ihe next two years might be Hh|pmeDta for th„ „peutug month of Paul's. We shall he parted again—
Axlec .till I. revered. ArrordtnR to the
King pf I'tah was in pregre.a al (he
which Is dreadful to think of. Why,
alory, the RuardlnR of tho tomb haa timo.
the present trend In foreign production bnihe|g „ , 493 , 4,0
l „ January. 1924. we might even pass one another In the
been handed down from Roneratlon to
continue upward, however, and con there were 2,169.615 bushels sent for- street as complete strangers.”
sumption In Europe fail to Increase. e |R„. vaiued at $ ;.js i, 63 C.
“ I get you,” said Peter. “ And you
Faculty Women Smoke.
foreign competition In domestic mar­
don’t know him.“
In one of th larReat Irnnaartlona of
Pendleton.— A new era of develop­
Berkeley. Cal. The clubhouse of the
"N ot well enough to rail hint Bertie.
It. kind In tho Industrial hi.lory. In | woman's faculty at tho University of kets would be an important price fac­ ment for the Irrigated district In the
There's a humpbacked blighter up
vo I v I iir
approxlmatoly $165,000,000. California haa decided to permit smok­ tor.
west end o f Umatilla county looms |
there who colls himself a count, and
Rlalr A Co.. Inc., and (ho Cha.o So ing nml to offer cigarette* for *ale.
with the approach of the time when 1 on whom I focused the old optic for
curltlea corporation of Now York. Sat­
Ihe water that will be stored in the about two seconds the other evening.
Irresistible demand Is the explana­
urday acqulrod control of tho Asso- tion of tho move. Miss Marian Han-
McKay reservoir Is available for use But whether he’s the humorist who
clated Oil rompany. ono of tho largest some. manager of tho clubhouse, said
Albany, N. Y. Science has stolen The dam is expected to be finished bunged the bomb or not Is a different
proditrlnR and rofalnlnR companle. on
“ It w a. the only thing we could do,’ another march on mother nature, the this fnll and water will he available nuftter.” lie glanced up as the door
Ihe Pacific roaat.
she declared. "Members o f (he chib stale conservation commission an- from the reservoir In the spring of opened. “ What Is it. Denny V'
“ I found this bag. sir, In the pocket
are mature women and certainly know nounrod Sunday It had learned to pro- 1927.
Prohibition w a. tho forem o.t topic
of the coat you were wearing tonight.’’
whether they want to smoke. Smoking pagate from eggs to adult Rule neck
Salem. — The state prison show,
In Now York church clrcloa Sunday
His servant came Into the room car­
may be Injurious to young people ami «'lams, soft shell clam*, scallop« and which closed a five night stand at the
Sovi-ral mlnlatora dlarua.eri Iho sub-
rying the chamois leather bag. which
perhaps should not be sanctioned In mussels. The commission last Septem- prison here Saturday night, attracted !
Joct In tholr »ormona. reforrlng lo tho
he handed to Drummond.
Stephens union. No students llvo at her announced It had successfully do- more than 3000 persons, according to j The door closed behind him, and
■tatomont Inat wook by Itev. Junto«
the faculty club.”
mcxtlratcd the wild oyster and was the box office receipts, which amount­ Hugh stared thoughtfully at the hug
KmprlnRhnm. aecrolary of tho church
raising It by hand, so to speak. In the pd to slightly more than $1500. A f t e r ! In his hand.
tomporanre .ocloty, who now favors
United States Claim Rejected.
Glenn Uovo hatchery.
“ I'd forgotten about this. Saw It
tho expenses o f the production hare
modification of tlio Vol.toad act to
William Firth W ells, conservation b,,pn pn|d the balance of the receipts lying on the floor. Just before we
legallxe llaht wlnoa and boor.
Washington. I). C.—Controller Gen­
hopped It. Hullo I it's scaled.”
eral McCarl has sot his official foot biologist, perfected the oyster culture K„ to a fund for the betterment of
“ For goodness' sake he careful,
Twonty robbers early Saturday sack­
down on an expenditure o f 33000 by work nml laid the foundation for other prison conditions.
boy I” cried Phyllis. "It may be an­
ed a smalltown railroad office near
| Astoria.— A strange fish which has
the president's co-ordinating commis­ shellfish propagation.
other bomb."
Peoria, III.. aelxInR equipment which sion on national parks and national
The commission believes that Mr.
of ,,,en,lflcation locaUy was on
Hugh laughed and ripped open the
they later uaod to hold up and roll a
forests for a tour made last summer.
bag; then his eyes slowly widened In
Hock Island freight train, from which As a result Jnmes T. Gratiot, owner a failing Industry for Ihe business of Thp f|ah
about el)tht , „ choa ]on(t
amazement ns he saw the contents.
they took about 310.000 worth of al
“ Oreat Scott I” he cried. "What the
of Iho Diamond G. ranch near Yellow taking shellfish constantly becomes wjtb # „hovel-shaped head. The mouth
rohol. Cuttlnft tho air hose on tho 70-
— ,,r
UM a on top of ihe head at the extreme devil have we got here?"
stone nntlonal park, apparently will " " ’r" ........ .
enr trnln, tho robbers held the crow
w lth teeth
He emptied the hag out on to the
receive nothing for furnishing the certnln supply hut will also Increase ,,„u ani,
primmer, while tholr mate* carted the'
T he fish was dug out o f the sand on | table, and for a moment or two the
party with horses nnd camping equip­ a very desirable food.
others stared silently at half a dozen
barrel, of aleohol away In (rucks.
ment during tho 15 days' visit.
the Gearhart beach and was found two
objects that flashed nnd glittered with
Father K ill* Family-
below the surface.
Prem ier Mussolini's speech In tho
a thousand flres. Five of them were
Rail Men Ask Increase.
San Diego. Cal.— Thomns M. Peteet. Vale.— A three-day hearing In the
chamber of deputies Saturday, in
white; but the sixth—appreciably
Applications for wage In­ his wife nnd one daughter are dead W illow creek adjudication matter has lurger than the others, and they were
which ho warnoil (lormany SRalnat tho
anti-Italian cnmpalRn carried on In creases whlrh spokesmen of the rail­ and another daughter In In a serious been concluded before Judge Dalton the size o f walnuts— was a wonderful
tho retch, w a. characterised frequent-, way managements said would exceed. condition as a result o f what police say niggs. In the circuit court. A large rose pink.
“ Wlinl on earth are they? Lumps
ly In polltlcnl circles aa alnioat equ lr-1 In some rases, 1920 peak rates, was fil­ was Peteet’s attempt to blot out his number of Brogan ranchers were
of glass?”
alont lo a declaration of war attain.) ed with Ihe railroads Monday by the
With a hand that shook a little.
In the gaa-flllctl kitchen o f Peteot's were represented by counsel. Tuesday
All day long Mussolini', (rain service brotherhoods.
Toby Sinclair picked one of them up
Officials of (he Chicago A North­ home. An automatic pistol was found and Wednesday was taken up by argu- and examined It.
word, of warning wore discussed, and
hla speech was declared to be ono of western said that their employes In ^nenr Peteet and It wna thought ’ hat ments on what lands were to partlcl-
No, you fellows,” he muttered,
the beat, certainly tho moat signifi­ filing the application, had announced the man forced his fam ily to lie down pate In the distribution of W illow “ they're d'nmonils!"
“ R o t!" cried Hugh Incredulously.
cant. of hla International statement, that the demands were being rande ^on tho kitchen floor while he turned Creek water, and the quantity Tarious
'*fh ey're diamonds," repented Toby.
1 lands were entitled to.
since the Corfu Incident.
today upon all roads of tho country. Ion the gas.
“ I happen to know something about
S liteen citation. Into court for vlo
latlon of (ho 123 year old atato Sunday]
blue law were made In Nashville,
T rim . Sunday. AmotiR thoae aummon
ml for operallna tbolr bualneaa on the
Sabbath were the publlahora of two
new.paper, and tho manaRor of tho
city » ireel car company
nated In Paris and (he name "G igolo"
la a (erm applied to a dancing man
H al« of alx centuries are being dis­
played at the exposition of the Allied
Millinery Industrie*, which opened
Monday. The belle o f 1390 donned a
flat sailor wllh three large plumes
spurting from Ihe sidy o f Its flat
crown when she wanted to he particu­
larly devastating The first tennis girl
wore a rumberaome heavy white lam.
wllh her wide-skirted. full sleeved
" « p e r l»" dreaa and the girl of 1904
thought she was n complete knockout
In her Immense straw cartwheel of
Merry Widow Influeuee.
Medford -Building permits In Mod-
I ford for January are 353.431, for Jan
1 nary. 1925, the total was 312,715.
Aluminum rompany o f
Amorlra. Ill whlrh Hurr'dary Motion
ro.tlR n tlon by th » aonalo of tlio prac-
Bits of Best News Items From
F K IIIt l’ A H Y
W N.V. .riaeWca
| precious stone*. These are diamond*.“
"But they limit be worth a lot."
said Phyllis, picking up* the pink one.
“ Worth a lot.” said Toby dazedly.
Worth a lo t! Why. Mrs. Hugh, they
•ire literally worth untold gold In the
: right market. They are absolutely
priceless. I've never even thought of
such stones.
That one that you're
bolding In yoar hand would he worth
over a quarter of a million pounds.
If you could get the right buyer.“
For a moment no one spoke; then
] Hugh laughed cheerily.
“ Bang g.-e* next month’s drees al­
lowance. old thing!“ l i e swept them
all Into the beg. and stood up. I'm
laying even money that the bomb-
• thrower Is coughing some and then
| again over his bread-and-mllk. This
hag must have been In th* desk.“ ill*
shoulders began to shake.
“ Bow
frightfully funny!"
In Which There Is a Stormy
Supper Party at the Rita
It was Just about the time that
Ginger Martin’s w ife became, all un­
consciously, a widow that the sitting-
room bell of a certain private suite
tn the Hit* was rung. The occu­
pants of the room were two in num­
ber— a man and a woman— and they
had arrived only that morning from
the Continent. The man. whose sig­
nature In the register announced him
to be the Reverend Theodosius Long-
moor— looked a splendid specimen of
the right sort o f clergyman. Tall.,
broad-shouldered, with a pair of
shrewd, kindly eyes and a great mass
o f snow-white hair, he was the type
of man who attracted attention where-
ever he went, and In whatever society
he found himself. A faint twang In
his speech betrayed his nationality,
and. Indeed, he maile no secret of IL
He was an American, born and bred,
who had been seeing first hand for
himself some of the dreadful horrors
o f the famine which was ravaging
Central Europe.
And with him had gone his daugh­
Janet— that faithful, cunttant
companion of his. who since her moth­
er’s death had never left him. She
was a good-looking girl, too— though
perhaps unkind people might have
said glrlhoo.d'8 happy days had reced­
ed somewhat Into the past. Thirty,
perhaps— even thlrty-flve— though her
father always alluded to her as “ My
little girl."
There was something very sweet and
touching about their relationship; hts
pride In her and her simple, loving
adoration for dad.
Undoubtedly a
charming couple, had been the verdict
o f their chance acquaintances — so
simple, so fresh, so unassuming tn
these days of complexity anil double­
A fter dinner, because Ids little Janet
wus tired, the Reverend Theodosius
nml his daughter remained In their
And for two hours until he got up
and rang the bell, the Reverend Theo­
dosius was engrossed In w ork; while
bis little Janet, lying on the sofa, dis­
played considerably more leg than one
would have expected a vicar’s daugh­
ter even to possess. And occasional
gurgles of laughter seemed to prove
that Guy de Maupassant appeals to
a mere catholic audience than he
would have suspected.
She was knitting decorously when
the waiter came In. and her father
ordered a little supper to be seat up.
“ Some chicken, please, and a little
foie gras. I am expecting a friend
very soon— so lay for three. Some
champagne— yes.
Perrier Jouet ’04
will do. I'm afraid I don’t know much
about wine. And a little Vichy water
for my daughter."
The waiter withdrew.
"W hat time do you expect Zadowa?"
Janet asked.
“ He should have been here by now.
I don't know why he’s late."
"D id you see him this afternoon?"
“ No. I was down at the office, but
only for a short while."
The sound of voices outside the door
caused Janet to resume her knitting,
and the next moment Count Zadowa
was announced. For an appreciable
time after the waiter had withdrawn
be stood staring at them: then a
smile crossed hts face.
"Magnificent," he murmured. “ Su­
perb. Madame, I felicitate you. Well
though I know your powers, this time
you have excelled yourself.
I have
the most wonderful news for you."
Reverend Theodosius bit the end
off a cigar and stared at Ids visitor
with eyes from which every trace of
kindliness had vanished.
" I t ’s about time you did have seine
good news, Zadowa," he snapped.
"Anything more d— d disgraceful than
ihe way you’ve let this so-called
Black Gang do you In. I've never
heard of.”
But Ihe other merely smiled quietly.
“ I admit IL” he murmured. “ Up
to date they had scored a faint mea
sure of surer«*— exaggerated, my
friends, greatly exaggerated by the pa­
Tonight came the reckoning,
which Incidentally Is the reason why
1 am a little late. Tonight” — he leaned
forward Impressively— “ the leader of
the gang hlmaelf honored me with e
Aud the leader will lead no
“ Yon killed him." said th* girl,
helping herself tn champagne.
“ I did." answered tb* count. “ And
without the leader I think we ran Ig­
nore the gang.”
“That's all right as far aa It goes.”
said the Reverend Theodosius In a
slightly mollified tone. “ But have you
covered all your traces? In this coun­
try th* police get peevish over mur­
The count gave a self-satisfied
“ Not only th a t” he remarked, "hut
t have made It apt>ear as If he had
killed himself.
Listen, my friend*,
and I will give you ■ brief *t*tement
o f the event* of the past few days
I suddenly found out that the leader
o f this gang had discovered my head­
quarters In Hoxton. I was actually
talking to Latter In my office at th*
time, when I beard outside the cull
o f an owl. Now from the Informa­
tion I bad received, that was the ral­
lying call of their gang, and I dashed
Into the passage.
Sure enough,
standing by the door at the end was
s huge man covered from head to
foot In black. Whether It was bravado
that made him give the cry, or wheth­
er It was a ruse to enable him to see
me, 1» Immaterial now. As I say—
he Is deniL But— and this la the point
— It made me decide that the ofllce
there, convenient though It w a s would
have to be given np.
“ I was completing the final sorting
out of my papers with my secretary,
when the electric warning disc on my
desk glowed red. Now, the office was
empty, and the rail light meant that
someone bad opened the door outside.
I heard nothing, which only made It
all the more suspicious So between
us we gathered up every Important
paper, switched off all lights and went
out through the secret door. Then
we waited.”
He turned to the clergyman, who
sat motionless save for a ceaseless
tapping o f his left knee with his hand.
“ Aa you know, monsieur." he pro­
ceeded, “there la au opening In that
door through which one can see Into
the room. And through that opening
l watched developments
A fter a
while a torch was switched on at the
further door, and I heard voices And
then the man holding the torch came
cautiously in. He was turning It Into
every corner, but finally he focused
It on my desk. I heard him speak to
one of his companions who came Into
the beam o f light and started to pick
the lock. And It was then that I
switched on every light, and closed
the other door electrically. They were
caught— caught like rats lu a trap."
The hunchback paused dramatical­
ly. and drained hts champagne. I f he
was expecting any laudatory remarks
on the part o f his audience he was
Theodosius and his little Janet might
have been carved out of marble, save
for that ceaseless tapping by the man
o f his left knee. In facL had Count
Zadowa been less pleased with him­
self and less sure of the effect he
was about to cause he might have had
a premonition of coming danger. There
was something almost terrifying In the
big clergyman’s Immobility.
“ Like rats In a trap." repeated th#
hunchback gloatingly. "T w o men I
didn’t know, and— well, you know
who the other was. True he had his
mask 00 by way o f disguise, but I
recognized him at once. That huge
figure couldn’t be mistaken— It was
the leader of the Black Gang him­
“ And w*iat did you do, Zadowa?
How did you dispose o f oue or all
those men so that no suspicion Is like­
ly to rest on you?”
The hunchback rubbed his hands to­
gether gleefully.
"By an act which, I think you will
agree. Is very nearly worthy of your­
self, monsieur. T o shoot was Impos­
sible—because 1 am not sufficiently
expert with a revolver to be sure of
killing them. No—nothing so ordinary
as that. They saw me watching them:
'I cun see bts eyes. Hugh,’ said ons
o f them to the louder, nnd I remem­
bered suddenly that lu the passage not
far from where I stood were half a
dozen bombs— What Is It, monsieur?"
lie paused In alarm at the look on
the clergyman's face as he slowly rose.
Evidently th* rsvsrsnd gentle­
man I* quit* wrought up over
something. What’* going to hap­
V a ria t io n in S to r y
Leon Bloy, to whose memory •
monument has been erected In Francs;
was a deep student of Ingratitude. One
day a lady asked him If the children
of this era were usually Ingrate. “ Yen,
innilame. Allow me to tell you a story.
There was 11 young villager who want­
ed to leave tl e parental ro o t and who
pestered his father Into dividing np
the family live stock and giving him
hla share—” “ I know that story," In­
terrupted the laily. “ It Is the parable
of Ihe Prodigal Son. Subsequently h*
returned, repentant, to his father's
home!" “ No. mailorne," said Hloy. “ In
roy story It Is the pigs that retort».“
The birth rate Is higher In Japan
than In any ether country la which
vital statistics art kepL