SH ERIFF'S NOTICE Ol S U T . OT R E A L PROPERTY ON FORK» CLOSURE TU E TU R N E R TRIBU NE C. F. B R E IT H A U P T 123 N. Liberty Street 3r. JJ. Smnlrii. EiHtiir Notici» is htreky iriven, That by! . virtue of txKU(M)ii duly isüuvd out | of the Circuit Court of Oie SUN» of j Is s u e d E v e r y T h u r s d a y a t T a m e r . M H o i * C o u n ty , Q r e s o q Or. ; .»n, for the Count) of Marion,. *iui to mo dir- * t il on tho *Mh day S I T R V K I P Y I O N S I 25 l 'K U V K A R . K n t c ro d at th o ' oste tue© 0f January. upo" I ju»l.»;?nrnt| > Rt T u r n e r , ü î . K o n . as n ^ m a tte r, u n d e r th e « * < - £ *»<-’t of .«L.IKh O. lis i - • --------------—— ---- — -■ ■ There , l»y ih e s o ^ R H e o f l o u â t - ^ ,4 s a Walling, Kn.i Straw b e e n s u c c e s s fu l b u t th e f c W « T < « 5 , 1 * * l b s c v u n W |>«e b e e n th a t th e v h a v e p ro v e n U v b c u n p r o fit a b le , ia o m n u i o.-t f r A n y of tfWs list of tomdinn MAGAZINES Or. O. L. Scott , alJj m,. further sum of 4355.1 • | _. po M ( cost< # r ,, , V1 ,„,«., „r H ie p e o p le o f t h e s ta t e o f O r e g o n w o u ld • « i d «m o tio n . d o w e ll to in v e s tig a te t h o r o u g h ly b e f o r e v o tin g o n a m e a s u re i f ,L.:_ V li'.t ■ - ■ ' 01 in i. m i . u . ____________ _______ ______________________________ _ - “ d n . t t 2 I f t | m . civile ¡,nnum from th,- 5th Ja> of April,) a n d sta te s o v e r th e c o u n try w h o h a v e o jr n o d th e s e » t i l U i e * ' ape setting t h e n out t 4 ‘ p r iv a t e o p e r a t o r s b e c a u s e ot tn e e \ - ' c e n s e o f o p e r a t io n . » «n.i w iv e s C o u n c il « « d o r . h e h e a d i n * " I V s t ,- .- a n d r o w e r O e v e t o r - » j o m en t.M It p r o v i4; t o r the ° t t o to pi|rch;\$e ^ ritt t corpomlioii, w*:ra «WÌVmianU», in lay ' anil allait rt aid do*! a i t i e d , th e or of plantas o r dtevolop 1 ' v o nes. !» w ill iv.oan. ii danti« Johtr Wallmir, C . ’ J. Wal- S a d d lin g on to th e a l r e a d y o v e r b u r d e n e d state, a n o t h e r I d a d liii*, Km l i t a » and M i-y i s t ' » » Ortice D e p V h n e n t . o ... u t ■!.. s c a l e s ' ¡ W o stitutio n s in th e c o u n try , has« n e v e r p a id u s « . 1} . r ^ j J ^ « n & tu H a , j ,(? * “ r of , n 0,fI of s !”. all tho right, title., SUM M ONS u p n i’ F l T Y ON FOl _ • int rest .in«l esti.te which said defend- R E A L v K' ' * " ru - L Dts tf„a ail ,v r ; ons claiming under In the Circuit Court of the tvtate . I th. m subsequent to tho execution of! pf Oregon for the County of Marion. Notice is hereby given. That bv 1 plaintiff - mortgage, in, o f and to . aid j "Department No. 2 a • r««in v * Wane Plaintiff, v • virtue o f an execution duly issued out prem;.u0;, hereinbefore mentioned a n i Com Cooley Rovi. Plaiuua. J . { ^ Circu;t Court of ,*«. state of snhtumvut.on n* M b .vs. John J. Rose, Defendant. v j Orvson, for the County of .Marion, I to-wit : • To John J. Rose, the above-named ^ t» ” " ' rae directed on the 25th .lay The North l.ulf »»f ti e South detemiant; ^ ........... of January, 1926, upon a judgment ) Viast quarter and the South half In the name of the State of OreLmt'decrve July ixmlerrd, entered of of the N'ortli Hast of Sec­ con: You are hereby required to ap- rrcoru and pocketed in and h> sad tion Two (2 », Township Nine^ pear and answer the complaint fib i Court on the 1 Ch day of November, (S I South of Rince Three (3 ) Lminat you in the above entitled is*So, in a ceruin u t the-n in said East of the Willamette Mi rid: in court ana suit, on or before »he ¿Ttn Ccurt pending, where .»i b rank Kam- in Marion Couuty, Oregon; Also dav of February, 1526, and if y*u »rer was plaintilT and J. A. H m-r. the North West quarter ,'f the fad to so appear and answer said Doihr J. Hilmcr, Ed. Smith, Ai.n.m- S»uth West qujtt r of St^tu'T One , l > in Township nine U »l South of Kn: Three (3 ) West of the WilUh a .ts Mettdian in Marion County, Ori-gor,. • ' TU .ite 3J0 O. A (J,, i i*i \ ,illl \ Fi»l> S K* |nv A i n M O R P.nor .♦ciil.itivvi* from Tnrn«*r lili*! school hnvi* hu' rt ifivitinl to r%tt«»net the thlnl uiiauaf CiliiiUltotml 1‘mHilliloi» i*t 0 D is . T . D ic k »je (»• M . H\im A. ( Krhrunrv 111. .*ml ?t '*>> Cahincte M c d i c in s C o. oxpoiitiun i.H I.» givv* «■•I uoh * Situi» tili t i «mid» » given «|tilek relelf tioiiut guitlAHCV to hit*It Ht'hool *»1 tl- by I » v»i'g mir l.iiii'Mri rcnicd|«s. Ac* fVntA who » i*' pUntiing'to t i ahsnlutely hm nil«*«»«, ••»lug »*»>ni|kmiid- tutiont of higher lonrnmg. »«I fioiu linpttrltd herbs, r»nds >*'«A *l»Hh rollege |*rt>|*o ftiiuutiito Hint lurks q |i|, h up' v*i ll known fui blUttrnt thinking to the « nil that more III. 1 1 vuraliin (irojwrlba. «•¡ireful ©nntbleration will h * given l i t VV trial all illannlura of tiu-n, wiv ^election o f a court«* which the tin- dent plant* to pursue» than would man und ilit/divn. F ria* i,onaiiltnllnn otherwijw t»i* th»* n u t. Through Ir»* t all or urlìi'. turoUf lirtitoitgliMtlolrt« exhibits anu I.d » VI Htalr Ht. (U|>.talla ) round table tllMUttlnii the i'X|io«i 1‘I iiiiu ' “s.t :ki|vni Ori'^up. tion plant t»> indicate in u iloltnite »\a> th»* work t»» which a curriculum h'UtU. : Kvery school on the campus will In» cp**u for Inspection. There will | m * »Ii play.*» of work, actixi^iis an l uc I’ aliiiiT l'b ii.i| 'r»c)o r : com pi Uh menu of students in th»* »Ilf- 1*1,0,... S7. Ili'iiili'lice H'Jblt ; fi rent courues, l.ectur« .. will b»* giv­ en by prominent educators from other V i « N. H ig h S Irw | institutions. Small group conform S a le m , O r e g o n roe with professor* in the depart ments in which the students are most interested are expecte»! t»» guide th. n1 in the p'lttlion «»f courses to which l cited S lates ,Njtiuual B a i t they are best fitted. G ' i,u ral B a n k in g liu .iiu iaa Kepiv -*ntativeu will be ent»*itaiiu*»| ■ < nut on in« loth .lay ai ,M»nu4T) . , t92e. in » certain »uit thon ill o il » fropet I cons* tutfinal amendmen^come before th e v o ti rs n f th e sta'.e s p o n s o r e d F 1 0 U I3 T 1 while on the campus b) fn* f | |nterest paid on rime dopoatU and s a v in g « oceounta luiw I hm u arntngi*«l f«»r Ihn* w» « k Cor. Stal« A Comni«r«|il Sts end. A hv>r .i ilu>w, alhl« t * event . — ORRCON ami concerts uro intend«.*»! to « nt«»r- S A U M t.t.:i L 'T i l in. inure irrun. ■ i \« to Select From I). II. MOSHER i l NARY FSH VICE PRECIBENT Ladie’s and Gents H ig h W- .f K forc and prol.ibly never again will yno have such an exirao^ Z S S • v in,: .v A .u m .v Note c a r , « » ^ « » - °* rh ,ce re n' all at a r-iee to » — • N O O T TICE OF SA LE OF of and buetrrioloiry are cooper minont 1 oinbt n of th»* \ipp»*r td. You aie fu rtV r 1 i,fi- i it - v'- ef , *’» v c ■1 r. 1 n p , , I’ROPKR RTY ON FORE- b> Senator Stan ft rid, after th* r«* ha«l|atina in U»i* work this summons is s .n -cd »pon ycu by a .i on i". arday tnv 2rta day of *• r i o c URE SL cr R. F. p . ------------- — publication thertof in ti'c Turr.^r Tri- February, 1326, ut ta: Four ot t» n b* « n much comfiirnt concrriunic t)u- pubnc The potato movement ha-*« al«iwe«l Notice is Hereby Given. That by □ A* rican Needle «O dilo bun., a newspaper of general circu- o clock A M . of said day at the VV f t j bourn for Nichoh»* I <*i»^ a t»rth, pi k up to uome ealeltt alai while pnefl* Q Hocno F riant! ublishod in *he Ceurty of door of tee County l o^rt Hou.-e ir Virtue (1 f an execution duly issued out Intion publish.— ... — ---- ----- . - □ Arsene«»! i’ o.iRrr A d « »«ate cut Rp»’.*kfr of th«* Houic of K<*pr*- Marion and State o f Orvrotv. puisuan: Suivra, 'îar.on C o-rfy , Oregon, s i of the <’ reuit Court o f the State of □ H «* «. hdJ G ate) r« mam about the aam«* the »1« iinind hi □ Biada A Ledger n U liv ff, for pTk »¡«!v*ntl»l honor*. to an order of the Honorable L. H. at publie auction to Lie highest bui- Oregon, for the County of Marion j 1 Hmneholc! Maeaalao not strong an»l the market a»*mi a L Capper’ j F«m«er McMahan, Judge of tr.e above entitled der. fur eas i in hand cn tne da> of and to me directed on the 19th day Scnatory McNary «?nton*«l the n»‘o- □ Illnstrated MerboeicJ little uni«r*a»n. court. sale, all the right, title, interest and of January. 1926, upen a judgment H carta * Firr»iAa ate in 11*17 anil haa Hr*rvci>rtgagc, in, of and to said premises, , 9_.6> ;n a certa.n su.t the:: in said j; 1*»» » U'ction, in Novrinbrr, li»J4. arouml MO to |40 a ton, deprnditijf □ T ractor & G a» L o g ic o R eview L ] G-roct Stnrica o? the L t l same m f will will be t ' on A th Conrt Fending, wherein. Union S u v -, IK* is a tfjfjnbor of u lur^c nambar in |*nrt on it* »|iiality and w hether or cation of Q Wocruin'» World ■aid execution as follows, to-w;t □ K saa Cir-la • - A Loan Association, an Or The need for of comm»ttc«*a which aro b«*n« rtriu! to not it 1 » tvrleun«*«! k4th it»y of February, 1.U6. i Corporation, was plaintiff and Peter) j f t U H n n f ig r M stV llde rsupod now »ö d bring f f f £5 Æ Ü/ Beginning at the South Ea.-t Ocogon*!» intrrvrt. Chief among thrift bir! >* it» wr tern Oregon for liv«*- B. S. M ARTIN, | ¿err ¡.nil Lclu Zerr, hu wife, Albr it i ! „ n,»a it to oor Bulino.» O ifk » corner of tnv West half of the ia b«a h-mling U»e rhairmanah.p of *totk and poultry f»*«*«ling i« alili very Salem, Oregon, i Estate, a corporation, and Walter I South Euot quarter of Section - Attorney for Plaintiff. I Stolx, defendants in fnvor of the Irrigation unit Reclamation Com­ pronounced, nn l growers often lay tn 10, in Townsnip 9, South of ! plaintiff and again-t said defendants mittee, which ia all powerf jl in the .4 good Mippiy of llannch«*n burl« y* Range 3 W est of tire \V illamette I Peter ZerT anu Lein Z err, his wife, Meridian in Marion County. Ore­ a cat. Si nuior >KJSai> woj born irui seed b»*foic U»« feeilef * UWI it up. j by which execution I am commanded N O TICE i y C REDITO RS NOTICE TO CREDITORS gon; anii from thence running raiacil in Or»*jroit. : to sell the property in said execution North 3.5'9 chains along the Fast Notice is hereby crimen tfa» »he nn- Pu d urea in the Willamette valley Notice is I . reby given that the un- | and liercruaftiir described to ¡my the Referring to tho rumor that u boundary line ei the Wert half iereigned, Nv an order of flm t'onatv for finishing, early lambs or for su»w sum due the plaintiff of Two Tnous d rsigned, by an ord r of the County move mu* nt ta on foot for th** nomina­ of trie South Foist quarter of said Court of Marion Lvurrty, Stato ot and Dollars (42,900.001, with lnter- Court of Marion County State of tuning the milk flow of dairy cows section : thence North 69 degrees O regorr-Hulv mode and £•<•» un tion of Nicholas Long worth l«»r the* | est thereon at the rate of 10 per cent, Ore"- n. dulv made nnd entered on can be readily cured in th«* lut« «urn* 57 minutes West parallel with the 26th ifav df'January. If.'26, the 2nd day o f January. 1 *26, *n< j pr» u*loncy in Se nator Stan j per annum from the 2nd day o f April j the South boundary line of sasd in« r wh* re trrigallon is obtainable. appo'nted administrafbr t f the , stnte 1925, until paid and the further sum appoint i ti- cu'.rix o f too ratata o f i h« M Ea>a concerning Senator Mr Section 26.615- chains to a stone o f Harmon Y' Magee, and that he has Sheep w re maintained on tl»A* irriga- ! of »11.50 to r continuation of ab- . Will E. Purdy, deceased, aad that N ary: “ l have be«.n *ntnuutcly am o * in the West boundary line of duly qualified as such. Al! persons All tract, and the further sum of $61.o l. ) she has duly qualified as such. le«| pasture» at the Oregon esperi­ F red W. Swartz's - land; thence having claims against said estate are Iciulcii with my colleague, St-nulor 1 paid as delinquent taxes, and the fur- j persona having claims against saidi rne nt station ut a co-it of 1 and 3-4 South 2 iiegrees-30 minutes West hereby notified to present the same, estate are hereby notified to present j .McNury, f«»r many year« an»l have* 1 ther sum of »150.00 attorney’s fees, along said* West boundary line cents |>«-r heud per day in the last duly verified a, r.-quirel by law. at t together with the costs and disburse­ the same, duly verified ns r quircil by­ seen much of hia ability. I there* C .'h ilc lr e n ^ ^ 7.62 chains; thence Smith 5M de­ the offices of Perry A. Cupn r, 411 iry 9«*asoiL ments o f «aid suit taxed at Fifty-nin* law, a» the Inw oHie- s of It. H. Bas­ 1 fore feel conatrained t*» now aubmit grees 37 minute3 East alon^ .-aid Masonic Temple, in the C t> of Sa­ i Dollars ($ 5 9 .0 0 )-and costs and ex-j sett. Dreyman B ld g, in t C i t y of| West boundary line 7 chains to lem. Marion County, Oregon, within 1 lu.i name to a irroup of K« pubiirtuf ’ penscs of said execution. 1 will on Salem, Main i County, Oregon, with-1 The grain piarket continue» )o fie a stone 11x7x6 inches; thence six months from the date o f this no­ I lcu xport*Ti»ve tnk- South 5 degrees Eas; along said tice, to-wit January 26, 1926. I 1926, at the hour of 10 o'clock a.rn. notice, to-w.t, Jnnunry 7th, 1926. vice pn .Hhlency. .Many promim i.t West boundary line 6.10 chains cii place since tie l»»t radio report L. W. M AGEE, | of said day at the West door of the Ol LIE J. P U R D Y . S (numbers of congreaa, them to an iron pipe; thence East ui.d moie wheat is going out from I County Court House in Salem, Mar- Administrator o f the estate of Ex cutrix of the Estate of j 29.95 chains to the center o f the beinK Senators Wulaon, Goodirig, i iK-ing , ion County, Oregon, sell at pablic Y’» Magee, Deceased. Portland In the linim rinte future. Th« d r’ill E. Purdy, deceased.; Pacific Highway; th* «ce North ' Sliortridge and a numb«'r of otle-r* auction to the highest bidder for cash K<-noral prie level r, mains about the PERC Y A. C LP PE K , 20 degrees West 14.64 chains r- in lmnd on the day of sale, all the R. H. BA.9 - KTT, u well ,xs a number of member-, of Attorney for Adrainistra'or. sun«. Grain, for livestock feedlTiff along the center of the Pacific Attorney for Executrix. right, title, int-‘T*-t nr.d estate w [Lt » ■ ^yìXy-Jj^'L y»*— ,-.'« jlk . lhe lower house have express«,I their I l l Masonic Temple, Salens, Oregon. Highway to the South boundary nominally prier,I in Portland at said dr-fen u and all ¡»ff on- claim­ eppruvat cone- ruing Senator Me line of said section; thence North ing under them subsequent to the 4th ABIES nnd children, the same ns Nary's impending cundalucy and I about }3U a ton, nlthough country »9 d.-grtes 57 minutes W -st day of April* 1925, in, of and to said N O TICE OF H E A R IN G OF F IN A L p rie-* nre subsLintially above that 4.195 chains to the place of be-- N O TICE TO CREDITORS trust it will be received with equal premises hereinbefore m- ntio'n*- I and ACCOUNT ginning, and containing 51.40 figure. • the suine f,H.»l In Hi« »nine wax ell, fl described in said execution as follows, favor throughout tin- country.” »cres of land, situated in Marion In th" Ci inty Court o f the State day. It I* true tlint nu>,t rldldren t*k« Notice is hereby given that the un­ to-wit: of Oregon for th" County o f Marion. naturally to milk, but tliut fiiffs not County, State of Oregon. dersigned, by an order of the County Winter groin on some Oregon land Court of Marion County, State of! Lot.- twenty (2 0 ) and Twenty- Ir the matter of the estate, of mean that they must he Ted It nd A D M IN IS T R A T O R ’S NOTICE with imp< rfert draiting» often has a Sai»! ?»ale being mado subject to! Oregon, duly made and entered or one (2 1 ) in the Subdivision of Frank II. !C nutria. Deceased. nnusenm. On the contrary, that Is trie IN T H E C O U N T Y CO URT OF y, lh,w green color in early spring. g - u2th day of Ja,.uar . 1 (26, v-a« redemption in the manner provid. _ Block - Twenty-eight ^ 2 i) and • Not c« i» hereby fciv< n (hat the very thing to be avoided. M ARION C O U N T Y , ST A T E OF O R ­ This enn be ov, room« and th« yl-lil appointed admit..slrator of tne estate by law. ............. a.iirUf-live ( ) of- Yew J'ark final uccoun’ of Gertrude Knuths, ad* J’cliiitrli Inns advise eoaMiinptlon by EGON. of Malinda Compton deceased, and D at'd this 25th day of January, Ann x No. 2 in the City of Sa­ incrensed by enrly spring application ministratrix of the estate of Frank il at he lias duly qualified as such. 1926. lem, Marion County, Oregon, ns In the ntutler of the estate of of nitrates 69 to 100 pounds to the H. Knuths, deceased, has been filed olili,Iren of a quart of milk a day tn All per-ons having cla.mE against ----- ----------------------- ----------------- - on« form or another. Tiri* dees not per the duly recorded plat of said Sarah E. Cahill, deceased. in the County Court of Marion urre, w II pulvern,-,l and broadcast «aid estate ar- her-by notified to! *'■ « B O A hi,, Subdivision now on file and of County, 0r> on. and that the 9th day m«nn aklm milk, but wbole ndlk. for Notice is hereby given that by or Sheriff o f Marion County, Oregon. toward the close of the rainy period, present the «art,;, duly verihwij a« re­ recori) in the office of tho Re­ the skimmed product I* In,-king both uf March, 1926, at th. hflur of 10 der of the County Court of Marion quired by law, at -the offices of Guy corder of Conveyances in and for Ilesr o’clock u.m. has been appointed by In butler fat and the ess,-filial food Countv, State of Oregon, duly ma,b uilvi- , th ■ i-xpi rlld' fit statidn. 0. Smith, *?3 Salem Ban,: of Com- Marion County, Oregon, more said Court for hearing objection* to element kaown a* v|tnmln A. which urid entered on the 30th day of Jan results nre nbtuilied on land having meice Bldg., in the City of Saletii, particularly described as follows: NOTICE TO CREDITORS aid final account, nt which time any found In butter f.d. Many mother* uury, 1926, the undersigned war up fair ilrnimige. Marion County, Oregon, within six B' ltjnning on the W.-st line of persons interested in said estate nay do not appreciate that removal of point'd administrator w,th the will mor.tns from the date of :hii nohe . Notice i hereby given that the un -1 12th Street in said City of Sa­ appear and file objections thereto1 in annex'd of the estate o f Sarah E. cream from the top of a I,,,til« of to-wit January IT," 1926. • »■-• 'rein ed , by an~or<1« r of the 1 lem, Marion County, Oregon, C',,hill, d r,-me |, and that lie has duly writing and contest same. ____ y..Ilk resoli* In skim milk. • at a poirtf (.hereon 99.¡jO feef ^ sv *w.«j ourt Marion County, Stab* 01 qualified ns such. *11 person* hav­ C. R GRIGGS, G E B T R U B E K N U T H S, South from the Northeast corner In erapom|ed nrilk, n product rec­ ing claim, iirninst said nstnte are A t o l^ r e t o T o f't h T .’ trtat« o f . ' ‘ “ ‘ y n!a'I,c and '. Adner stratrix of the Estate of of Lot 3 in Block 2H o t Yew Mal.Aila Compton, dec-ased. | ■ ‘',_ 1926, was, hereby notified to preaent the name, ommended by many leudlng doctor* Frank H. Knuth*, deceaaed. lappointed administrator of the estat Park Annex No. 2 aforesaid; and for the use of Infimi* and rldldren duly verified a.-, required by Inw, to GUY' O. SMITH, G U Y O. SM ITH, | of Wm. F>. Fallirr, and that he has running thence W -st 210 feet; Attorney for MminLdra*'r. Slid which Is simply pure row’s milk tie U,tiler: lie,I ut tie law ofllr, of Attorney for Administratrix. | duly cjualih d as such. All persons thence South 59 feet; thence sterilized In cans and with sixty per II, rt T. Ford, Room 213, Rush Hunk ' “*------ “*■ ---- j paving c!a»in against said estate are Fiust 210 feet; tierce North ¡/0 | Buifdifig, Salem, Oregon, wrihin six Cent of the water removed, there Is feet to the ' “ 1 to ?r< -n t th« turn-, months from the date of this notice. no »remi) line. The milk In the top , .duly »d as required by law, at Also: I.ot S> n 17) and Eizbt NOTICE TO CREDITORS rhrli,r IMICitr Dated this 4th day o f 1 ,ff)ruurv, Notic- is m re;-« giver, *',a* th- -he office, of Guy 0 Smith, 403 Sa* (fi) in Block One (1 ) of J. My- of n cun I* the same n* It I* In (lie 19S6. Notice i:. - eri by given that the nn- bottom of the container. uncersirn<-d, Kbtio-S. >4 T- th- 'Hiljl ^ Bg-ik of Ccrmmrr Bidg., in th«- n rkm * < n Addition to the City of Sa­ This re­ T. K. FORD, .“Vveikm ilerugni d - an order of the County appointed, qualified and-aciing adnan-: City of Salem, Marioi, County, Or. lem, Marion County, Oregon, as sults from a process railed hontogenlg- Administrator with th- will annexed Court of . ’ Virion County, State of Utrator of the e.tate of Stephen-Hal-¡iron, within six months fFom the date the same appears on the recorded JuHrmfiy of tile estate of Barah E. Cahill, L#*t, d< ceased, has tiled in »he t < qni - r.otici, to-wit Jan iary 2wth, Oregon, * j made and entered on atlon, In which the fat glotmlra In plat thereof on file and of re­ Deceased. Court of the State of OreX''», for | 1926.. the 39th d-i-r o f January. 1926, was the milk nre broken up into sui li Jdtisn. cord in the County Recorder’» Me.ion County, h‘ s fi.*! actou nt » in appointed a ministrato!- of the estate micros'-,,pip bll* that they remain In Date of ftnt publication Feb. I. Office of Marion County, Stale ; A uw la E D W A R D SCH ENKE, the said estasc, apff'tuat the of II. J. Miller and that he ha* duly homogeneous suspension. Every drop Date of lust publication March 4. of Oregon. Court has fixed : lat'irdav» : ha m n Administrator o f the ertale of , All ’ [H-rsons hav­ of homoifenlze»! nrilk has n buttery Afcm. ^ Sa d sal- being aile subject to re­ lualifii-q as such. Jav of February, 1JI2*', »’ in* h o o f |Vm. FJ. F ari in. I demption in the manner provided by ing claim* against said estate are taste been n o If contain* blitter fat. 1., " f Said d;Ü V hi liereijy no aed to pn s n* the sani.-, law. - For this reason, In evaporated milk, But Thi y W on'l Adm it l i the County Court Room in Uarion j Dated thi* 19th day of January, duly verified a* required in law ,at there Is none of the Pat Inala bue County Court Hou • at Salem, Ore- j Sonie of tho ^rugglsts sny II,ni (helr th- offle ,f Guy O. Smith, 403 Sa- N O TICE T o CREDITORS 1926. finds In drinking from tlic bottom of u gon, as the time am( p rie for hi ar-i I m Bank of Commerce Bldg., in the liesf ciisi,uners nt tl„» rnndy coiintera Notice is hereby given that the in# objectioi » to the -»¡d account' (,’it> of Salem, Martori County, Ore- bottle of ninrUet milk. O. D. BO W ER, nro lhe rnflrrled mer». And n go «| mnny and thè «ettlem.-r.t o f thè ,-kid e.-XaL , ! »«' rsiuneq. ny ri i or *er of thè County ; In oWler t., avoid fe,sling th >> baby Sheriff of Marion County, Oiegoti gen, witiiin ox months from the date ,,f lhe murrted mon, It |s auapeeted, ent àt which timu and place 41! persona JUourt of Marlfin County, State of , o f this, to-wit, February 1, or child plain nrilk three or four Urn,-* tvvotlilrda ,,r rh« ràndy tl,ey Imy.— havlr.g sudi oi.jectic o.- niay Sppeari Oregon, dul> mane and cntered un ---------------------------------------- 1926 * " n day, many a,ill,„riti,-* recommend l ’rovldoncu Bulletin. and show c a u ; if any'there b - , why • r-he 3 1 et da; of Decerr.ber, 1925, wasj ' tlu, use of u mix!lire of fruit j rire nnd B. .1. J. M ILLE R , «aid acount ahould not li Ili administrator of thè ertate B r e ’r W i l l i a m • Administrator of t!m e-tate of milk, a highly j alalablp nnd refresh­ be allow. d ar.d :ippr«i 4, ai ■ >> C. BuCkb« and that he ~.Vo,” anld Broli,er Wllllnma "I H. J. Miller, Deceased. ing drink. w ttled ano closed ar.d thè aumi'.i.,-1 1 ->>V qual a-d aa .uch. All per d„„', ()11v s ,,n de i, i.u .n golf"-.' Inf I* n recipe worked out (rator «tiaciiarg. .1, "> htvir.g clam, again-t said estati „ i „ *' , * on " * lnMa" ' G U V O. SM ITH, fteellmven. iho tniniortul composer, Obtained. Send model or vkrtch Attorney for Administrator. by experts for an orange milk drink: wrote only on« opera,’ “ridelIn,” In V , Mn q ir. her» 5/ notified to p r.... nt thè »’ * “ **** < « "«»M and we will promptly send you a E LM O 8. U H IJfc, -am,, dulj v. rifie.i a r. quired bv * r *° 1 " r”n 1 »"*»* •*«’ l » 7 ter JIU In n fruit Jar of a ruf»fill of >'t,l(li he imi,le many allemthHM be­ I’eport. Our bonk on Patent* anil A Iministaator or ir,« estui,- of j . r . 0fyir 0f |» J. Kuntx in 'em."— Atlai.ta Conatltutlon. Trade-marks will be sent to yvu orange Juice, M of a cupful of evap- fore Its production In Vienna, Novem­ ounty, on request. •' * ,rated milk, three ten»|»s>nfuls of ber 20, 1*05. Tbe story wii * ndnpled ELM O g. w m T K ? ’ « « i »1 » « . Marion C Too Am bitious Oregon, wifhfn six months from the Attorney for thè Estate of There nre innsslve locomotives new S’lgar, V4 tr«spoonful of lemon Juice from Bollili)’* comic opera, "Le,more, late of this notice, to-wit, January 1 Stephen Bali.«t, deceaeed. •r Cor,Jugal Love” ' 7, 1926. being bulli (hat cosi mhre than tWO,- nte! a ftAv grain» of salt. Shake woll 403 Masonic liidg., Salem, Oregon. ...... , No Common Knocker (grd cucii nnd yet srink for j y* B . B eeth oven 's O n ly O pera ;lt ti„. ... , PATENTS D. SWIFT ft CO.