MBS. 8RÏANT SUITE SBPT. im , . 1 * * TO T H E P E O P L E O F TURNER and Surrounding Communities Mri. Emrna Bryant o f Hillsboro but announced h' r candidacy for th<- Re­ publican nomination as State Super­ intendent of School«. She wan born at SL Paul, Minn., and was in the city of Portland and i« a graduate of Portland high nchool. She ha* had many yi-ar« experience in the rural schools of this »tat« and Waxhington, haa served as principal o f a city school an>l is now serving her fifth l*rm as superintendent of schools of Washington county. Two o f the big things she proposes to work for if elected i. s more equitable tax divis­ ion for chool administration pur poet» and that of equalizing the edu­ cational opportunities between the urban and rural child. Added to her qualifications is the fact that she Is president o f the State Association of county school superintendents. w Capital Food Co'a Rlo*k Salt will bo told « ( 10« per pound to introduce it; nnd it w ill keep your stock in fino condition and much moro tliuu puy for its soil. - * '$ M. E. Church V E T E R IN A R IA N JAT UPTON SEEKS m C. W. Pogue, Pastor. Clirietinn Church Earl’s Hardware Store ¡Sunday School 10 a.m. Morning service 11 a.m. ¡Christian Endeavor 0:80 p.m. Evening Service ....... 7 :30 p.m. P. P. TRAIN SCHEDIMI. Following Is the schedule of th Southern Fuciflc trains ut Turner: N orth Bound— maos MO Rea. MU Dr. O. A. Olson, Dentist fio Days 1’ rsoe «eduction «ti All Work The Elsworth Hat Shop Hata cleaned and blocked. Buckram frames, trim m ings clc. carried in stock Formerly 405 Court St. Phene S175W Saltiti, OrtfMi. S47 1-2 Crart St. Upitilft. .................r-‘f f " f f f r v r " f i‘nr‘—— *-----'j •tMtirm m i £ln' &alrm JHnrtuant Baleni, Oregon. 210 Center St. Efficient W ork------Moderate Frioca Che flmtrlcait Ratter Custikir of Hitt ind Clothing Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing 136 fl. Liberty St. Salem, Oregon No. No. No. No. No. 32, 16, 18, 14, 84, 4 ¡33 6:28 9:17 1 :04 8:17 a.m. a.m. a.m. p.ra. p.m. Train No. 17, lOdlT a m. Train No. 38, 7 K>4 p.m. Train No. 81, 10:29 p.m. 544 Skate St. What’s Wanted Linking Him With Lunacy National (let «graphic society sm s need of more weather reports. Ret what we really need Is 1res weith­ e r — Providence Journal. “ Hamlet In Plus Fonre,” runs r headline. Folks will stop at nc.ihlng to prnTe thet poor fellow mad.— Boa- Ion Transcript. STAYTON O REG O N FOR l < « 4 % Paid on six months Time Deposits V A L E N T IN E S — D ru g Store. Fire and .. Mr. Alderson of Portland visited a while Saturday with his old college chum H. S. Bond. Mr. Alderson is candidate for the nomination for state superintendent o f schools. Some youthful Turner citizens caught the spirit of adventure Thurs­ day afternoon and started out to make their way in the world. Before leaving town, however, they decided that home was the best place after all. Mrs. J. F. I.ylc was a Portland vis­ itor, last week. Plans are being made for the county Sunday school convention which is to be held in Turner in March. Mrs. J. F. Thoma an, who has been quite sick, s now on the road to re- vorey. Vestcr Bones suffered a painful in­ jury to his knee Friday while unload­ ing a truck o f stock in Salem for J. Kelly. He received a kick from a cow which dislocated the knee joint and he will be forced to resort to crutches for a few days. He went to Stayton Saturday where Dr. Brew­ er made an X-ray picture to deter­ mine the extent o f the injury. Jay H. Upton, o f Bend, has an- ounceil himself for the candidacy for governor subject to the primaries. He says he will be governor o f all the people o f Oregon and will give the people a dignified, efficient and econ­ omical administration. The follow­ ing are some o f the high lights of his platform: abolish the emergency board, fewer laws and better enforce­ ment, harmony between the executive and legislativo departments, reduce the auto license, continued improve­ ment o f roads and highways, read­ justment o f taxation and assessment, no tax exempt bonds, preserve the forests, reforestration, he is against federal game control, game license money should not go inlo the general fund but should be used to propagate, protect and preserve the fish and game of Oregon, aid to the infirm and orphans, abolish tue parole board and place the management o f the prison­ ers squarely up to the warden; better prison management, cooperative mar­ keting, reclamation. Mr. E. W. Swallow and family vis­ ited with friends in Stayton Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Swallow sang at the Christian church service Sunday evening. While there they attended the free show which is put on at the Star theatre every Saturday after­ noon by the Stayton Community club. Tt is a good clean show and the pub­ lic is invited. FO R R E N T — good v a lle y lend. T erm s h a lf cash The Turner Boosters’ meeting on when leased end balance when crop Tuesday night was a sort o f disap­ is harvested. G ood bean and cucum ­ pointment os two o f the speakers ber land. C. S. Stone, T u rn er. failed to show up. An orchestra com I f yon do your own repair S. Talbott o f Portland was a week­ work w c can supply you with end visitors with home folks. a full line o f good toola at rea­ Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Baker and sonable prices. Uncle George Burnett were in Salem W . F.. Burns——Dan Burns Friday on business. (N ot brothers, the same man) IT IS H E R E A G A I N — T h e N ew M qdel 4 Corona P orta b le T y p e w rite r. H igh Street at Ferry C om plete with ca rry in g cate. S ee it Salem, Oregon and try it a t tke T rib u n e office. ■ o Turner State Bank W to 15c ■( ih . Ed Martin and family of Eastern Oregon visited over the week-end with Mr. Martin’s parents, J. M. Wat­ son and wife. The Martins are on their way home from a trip to Cali­ fornia. M. O. Pearson and family made a trip |o their farm near Marion Sun­ day afternoon. • ■ Automobile Insurance Written The Turner Basketball club went 25 acres o f e x tra to Albany Tuesday night for a game. Einbolmrrii atti» jFtmrml Ctrrrtirrn PT mkis tfi-VI Train Train Train Train Train Soi. lb Hound—- SALEM Day and Night Service » ! l Section Foreman Hill has moved | into the Mrs. Peek property, recently 10 a.m. vacated by Mrs. Emma Brown. J. M. Shollcy, Paator. H. L. 0. F. KORISEK. Y.S.. B.Y.Sc. Sunday School at Morning Service 11 a.m. Ur. J. W. wa.v a Portland Epworth League ..... 6:30 p.m. visitor one day last week. Evening Service ....... 7 :30 p.m. I. E. Putnam, who has been quite «Mid-week Prayer sick for more than a week, is slowly Serv ice, Thuredny..7 :30 p.m. gamin?.« - , ALSO hare a child’s rain cent Goodyear Rubber Com pany'» make. Regular price #5.25; w ill 6«11 for f3 75. Call and examino goods. I Goitres cured without op er­ ation. Dr. P. G. Stapran, 309 Oregon Bldg., Salem, Ore. CUURCH C ALE N D AR AjçenL n W. C. Alderson, superintendent of j schools tor Multnomah county, was j in Turner Saturday on business earn- neeted with his campaign for the Re­ publican nomination for State Super­ intendent of schools. Mr. Alderson, who is now serving his third term as superintendent for Multnomah eoun- j ty, is a graduate o f Willamette Uni­ versity and a former resident of Sa It m. TU RN ER, O REGO N. ^ V m W W W V W ifiW fifiW A V A r ^ V W V W V .Y M ' , J Southern Pacificlines M. S. Bond, D E W S ‘ FOR STATE SOFT. A. P. SPEER & CO. 30 DAYS SPECIAL —yet go more often, travel farther, than ever before. G o by train. Save in many important ways by doing so. Low roundtrip fairs secure surprising value for your travel funds. Figure your expense i in driving your own car against the cost by train. The saving in train travel will amaze you. So save the car for pleasure purposes. Save nervous energy, too. Your travel re» ■ponaibihty ends when you board the train. Thus ride tn entire comfort, wirh a chance to relax and rest and plan your activity at your destination. N o matter where you p'in to go. Southern Pacific and its connections can take you, com» fortabiy and economically. Any Southern Pa­ cific agent will gladly aid in planning your trip. Rely upon them for complete, accurate travel information. OF SCHOOLS W * wirth U» nnnoun^r that w* nr* now anarinhliitg the Iarg*««l ato«k of n*w good« for spring that we have ever Miown nt thla place. The*** ksxk I m will he on nale at Special Price«« under the direct aupervlnlon of A. I*. Kpect and la thin connection we will atat* that at the beginning of thin new year it la our policy to pay to the treasurer o f the Church of Christ at Turner, O rego», one cent oat of every dollars worth of good» sold through our store at Turner, either for cuah, trade or credit. Personally, we believe thut It la the duty o f every citizen to support the advancement o f the cans* o f ( hriat in every community, and just an you ure willing to support us in our efforts juat in that name proportion will we help support the best influ- cwcea la your community. .T h is Is our means of «haring with you the responsibility of your community and we do not wish to be arbitrary In this mutter, consequently if it is your preference or desire that this percentage of sales go to some other church, you may 1^ your particular case designate to what church organization you wish the percentage on your purchases paid and we will gladly tarn that amount over to the particular church you desire the money paid to. We have worked for a number of months shaping and preparing our business for this purpose, and we assure you that M r prices will be us low as It is possible for us to make them. We read the ads o f the chuin stores in Solcm, which are only a few mUM away, and we will endeavor in the management o f this business to furnish you our merchandise at prices equally a» low tut you can get in Salem in every ras^th al we possibly can und we are pleased to state that during the coming your we will be in a better position to serve you thnn we have ever been before. One store kt now very economically operated and we are no longer burdened with long lime credits, and it will be our policy to meet any prices that the big chain stores may name. Their ads will be our ads. Read them carefully and bring them to our store and we will give you exactly the same prices on merchandise of equal quality and quantity during the life of their ads. Bear in mind, we will not ask you to pay us more for our goods than you would have to pay in Sidem. and on this basis we eanfcstly solicit n share of your patronage. Furthermore, It will be our policy during this year beginning with the first of February to pay U each and every person who may have a produce or rash credit balance on our liooks at the end o f each month one-half o f one per cent interest for the uae of that credit and in ¡iddition to this we will pay one-half of one per cent per month on thevn* credit balances into the treasury o f the particular church you may wish it paid, but in no instance will we pay more than one-half of one per cent to any individual the other one half of one per cent must go to some church organization. W e make no npologirs for writing this ad. We hope, however, that no one will misconstrue its p u r p le or attempt to be- mcan It in anv way. We say frankly that we ran always use money in our husine- and we are willing to pay you for the ase of it nnd we sincerely believe that by dedicating our efforts to this purpose we » i l l l»e amptly hles'-cd so that we can well afford to do that which we promise to do. We solicit your business on equal basis with other business concerns. W f ask for any additional support that yoa mav give us solely on shut we are nnd hope to be . 1 Cut Travel Cost posed of members o f the high school orchestra and the Turner Commercial Band filled in the time very nicely with a program o f music. D. F. Eastbum was a Salem visit­ or Monday. I, L. Robertson, F. P. Rowley and John McKinney were transacting bus­ iness at the state house Tuesday. Mrs. Webb Snyder o f Gcrvais Dick Wagoner came in from Mar- Mrs. J. Kelly was removed to a spent Sunday with her parents, K. C. cola Monday night to be present for Salem hospital Tuesday evening for the funeral o f L. D. Barr. Baker and wife. treatment Miss Agnes Kelly spent Sunday Carl Duncan, accompanied by Judge Duncan and wife, came up with home folks. The Tribune shop can print your from Salem Saturday to attend "he Geo. Fitsputrick and family spent bntter » T a p s , letter heads and en­ dairy meeting. the week-end in Turner. velop««. r — ■ .................. ... ■ W . W A V .'A % k \ W % V \ W .V .% \ V W «% W A V W W N V V rtV W V W Guns— Ammunition Cutlery ^ { Fishing T ack le A th letic Equipment * Anderson’s THE S P O R T IN G ’ G O O D S 126 SauthComirtercial St. STORE Salem, Oregon X w , W . W « W A W V W A V V W A W . Y Pomeroy & Keene R E L IA B L E J E W E L E R S A N D O P T ! O t AM S E Y E S T E S T E D — G L A S S E S State Hid Litwrty Sts. F IT T E D Sstem, Owjon WEBB & CLOUGH CO. Funeral Directors A N P q j£ E N S £ D J ^ M B A L M t iR ^ Reliable Service. Lady Assistant 205 So. Church St.— Day or Night Phone 120 - Salem - Read The Ads and Save Money Subscribe for The Tribune $1.25 per Year First Professional Ball Parisian Perfume Shope The first time Admission wns ever Paris Is an Id to have more pertain« charged to see a hiisebsll game was on July 20, 1830. The game was plnyed 1 shops thnn all other c it i« In the world (««tween teams from Brooklyn and | combined. There are 10,000 perfume New York, taking place on the Fashion establishments In Psrls, snd shoot Ilk- race course, Long Is'and. Over 1,300 ‘ 000 balr-dressing shop« which carry people paid SO cents to watch the con- ! perfume as a side line. '**• «1 I