THE TURNER TRIBUNE NOTICE TO CR1 PIIO R S Notice is hereby given that the un­ dersigned, by nn order o f tbe County Coir t of Marion County. Stato of Jf. ip. tiinnlrit. €i»thir : Oregon* diriy iv o Je anò ent* .v.t on the 12th Jay of January. 1926, was Issued Every Thursday at Turner, Marion County, Oregon im>o nt.-d admin strato- o f the estate >f Malinin Compton. J.-ees,. I. .nut S U B S C R IP T IO N $ 1 .2 5 P E R Y E A R . E n te r e d at th e P o s t o ffle e I that ’ e has duly quul ft oil as such. At! persons having claim* at •• nst a t T u rn er, O r e g o n , :»s a e c o n d -c ia a s m a tt e r , u n d e r th e ¡aid « state are h reby notiti •.I to A c t o f M a r c h 3 . 1S7D. present the Jo me, July verified as re- ,ju red by law, at the offices o f Guy O. s — th, 403 Salem Rank of Com- SUMMONS SHERIFF’ S NOTICE OF SALE OF mene Bldg., in the C*ty o f Salem, HEAL PROPERTY ON FORE­ In the Circuit Court o f the State Marion County. Oregon, w .thin six CLOSURE of Oregon for th* County o f Manon. month* from the date of this notico. to-wit January 14. 1926. Department No. 2. Notice is Hereby Given. That by ey Rose, Itoso, Plaintiff, vs. Cora Cooley C. R. GRIGGS, virtue o f en execution July issued out Administrator o f the estate of o f the Circuit Court o f tie State o f j John J Rose, I V fendant. MalinJa Compton, deceased. Oregon, for the County o f Marion] i ' 0 j 0iin J. Rose, the above-named and to me directed on the 19th day I defendant : GUY O. .SMITH, Attorney for Administrator The TRIBUNE and Any ot this lisi of lending MAGAZINES $ A O O HONORED CITIZEN PASSES ON C. F. B R E I T H A U P T 113 N. Libai!* Straal I . D. Harr waa born on November 7, Isb7 in Washington t'ouafy, Ai FLOKIST knnui*. When a young man he went to Kansas whir* he n u t and irtarrlsd Ph ma MO Mary lilir»b»th Miller on January 15, ORFC.ON I Slid. To this union wer* bum twu « A l FM children, Maud and Hay, Hay ilylnl Dr*. I„ T. Dick A I- M. Hum IS years ago. In I hi)2 Dad, as everyone railed Chinosu MoJicina Co. him, miAed to Turner, Oregon In Nlumaeli» glvm i|ul«k r* M f IS97 he joined the Methodist churrh by taking our fimmua « im .llm Are and wm n Metho. 1st to the end. In nhaolulrly harmleaa, ladiig eumpouad- IS9S he hoenme a charter member o f ui from lui|Htiled lierlia, riavla ahft Lebanon Camp W O W. In 1906 he and hark* which are well known for waa raised to the Master Mason De­ I heir ournllve |irn|>rrth'a. gree in Pearl 1 edge No. 66 A K and yv e I real all dlwndrra of men. wo­ A M.. joining N’ icloria chapter No. man mid eh I III run. Flee ooiisullattun, 76 Order o f the Faster« Star the t ’all or write. same year. He loaves besides hi* wife the son- 4vk> - 42« Slat« SI. ( Upstair*.| in-law and daughter, Mr and Mr*. J Plume 2M. Sab'iu Oregon. M. Hones. Five grand children: Hol­ lis, llasol, Mildred, Harlan and lie! cna Ruth Bone*. Three brothers Dr. Charles Harr, of the Hawaiian Islands, Kaa. S. Barr, o f Gray’s River, Wash, Palm er Chiropractor uml Andrew Frank ll irr of San Die­ go, Cal. One sister, Mrs. Robert Phone « 7 . Residence h’J h ll Witxel o f Salem. Oregon. One step 2 :.fl N. High Sirco» brother. David Carr, o f Portland, Oregon, and several nieces #nf Salem officiating. Music was furnished by members o f Woodmen o f the b " Id G e n e ra l B a n k in g Htisinea* Fraternity. Masonic and Faster« Star lodge* attended in a body. The lutei ast paid on lime deposit* and burial took place in Twin Oak . eeni saving* nrrount* • vtery with the impri -ive Maaonte C o r S la te A C o n tm e rcle l S ie. service. SALEM — OREGON record and docketed tn and by said ffon- You »tv hereby NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Court on the 12th day o f Jamiarv. pear ajui answer the ^m p.ail t lil 192«, in a ccrUin suit then in said agaiiut you m «he abo>, entiUi'l Notice is hereby given, that the S. White, the duly Court pending, where n. Union Eav- T ÿ ïd i and df you undersigned. Elmo S. .vimin­ in fj à Loan Asaociation, an J-^‘? on f ami *u*wci* saitl :ipro *Ntt'«l, qualified «lui acting a- Corporation. was plaintiff and K-tc» **Ali K f *; * Y . tw , nlaintitf ‘ ’ stmtor ot* the t»U to of Stophrr ei! Wal- Z eroan d L ei. Zerr. hi. *- fe .V ib e com pbm t by & ‘V u £ t o ^ t lS X f , iÎ J T d * « d. ha* ftlod in the O ounty Estate, a corporation, si I Walter *Jpi* * ..,lvi f , \plaint, ' t’ ourt ot th. State o f On g mi . for Stoll, were de fonda» ts favor o i jiê re e dîàsolvin*^the bonds of Marion County, hi* final account in between toe saki said est tie. vte. and that the said saw Ç ^ r ^ c î r n n T u Î a l é r r f hU w jfe lu 1 matrimony now « existing is r i» h îtw ^ n the , j the l,M plaintiff ami itefendant; that the plain C°urt ha« ftx d ^ ta n ia y th« 1. th by which execution 1 am common ion tiff b* awarded tho car*. custody and day o f February. 19.6» at the hour ... . „f m,nor rhiM. Gertrud* ; o f 10 o clock A M , o f sau. . a\ at the County Court Room in Marion »um due the plaintiff of Two Thou.- Betty Kose; for the r,cover* from County Court House at Salem, Ore­ o f ' $20.00 and Dollars ($2,000 0 0 ), with int Kr- ’ thY defendant o f the sum gon, sis the time and place for hear­ and est thereon at the rate o f ’ 10 per cent per month toward, tho ----*— »urtjuve ^ d ing objections to the said account per annum from the 2nd day o f April e ducatton o f sit. and the settlement o f the said estate, 192a. until paid and the further sum until she is sixteen >«»/* » '« ; f »r { T nt which time «ml p'nce all p< rsons e f 111 «0 for continuation of sb- recovery from the* defendant having such objection* may appear r t r J t »nd th! f u X r sum >i t- '- o l, sum of $50.00 pU>ntiff s and show cause, if any there be. why rl™ as delinquent tuxes, and the fur- fees, and tor the plaintiff s costs _ and said account should not in all things ther sum o f *150.00 attorney’* fees, dubur^m enU o f *uit to be x- arc further "notified that' be allowed and approved, .* id together with settled unit closed anil the adminis­ m e n tt ^ ta trator discharged. Dollars ELMO S. WHITE, penses Administrator o f the estate o f Saturday Stephen Balllet, deceased. iy26, »1 the hour of 10 o’clock am . Marion and Stole o f O re^n.pureuant of said day at the West door of tne to an order o f the He ‘ ruble 1 H. ELMO S. WHITE. Countv Court House in Mar McMahan, Judge o f the above entitled Attorney for the Estate of C **a ty ^ M M M ^ ^ B R . ■ ■ MOORE ion County. Oregon, sell at pu blic; court, Stephen Balliet, deceased. 403 Masonic Bldg.. Salem, Oregon. 1 auction to the highest bidder for cash You are further notified that the Wdliam lb Muori uf Turn r «II**«I in hanei on the day o f sale, all the date o f the first publication o f tbisj I at the hume of J. O. Farr o f Sidney right, title, interest and estate which summons is or. the 13th day c f Jan- SH ERIFFS NOTICE OF SALE CF un Monday, Jnr i»ry 2'i. at the *ge of tli^ h C la s s REAL PROPERTY ON FORE­ sail defendants and all persons claim­ a.1 rv. 1926. and that the last publi­ itiyiar*. He irvivrd by M* wife, ing under them subsequ* r.t to the 4th cation ot the same will bo on the CLOSURE day o f April. 1925, in. o f and to said 24ih day o f February, 1926. Filini., A. Moor und by four cl 'dr*n Notice is hereby given. That by premises hereinbefore mentioned and Never before srJ probably neve, ^ i ^ l t e Uree ‘s i lr e u .^ i Kniest F. Moor« o f Turner, Mr* Ce virtue o f an execution duly issued out B. S. MARTIN, described in said execution as follows, - IniloriiiR • of the Circuit Court of the State of Salem, Oregon, lia F. Avery o f Law tine, Oregon. Mr.. to-wit: Oregon, for the County o f Marion, Attorney for Plaintiff. extended one year from date ol exptratton. No need to w«( K ama Farr o f JelTercon and Irene 474 (V ari SI. S A L CM and to me directed an the 25th day Lots twenty (2 0 ) and Twenty - Moore o f Turner. A brother, Henry " if, 1926, upon a judge n t ; one (2 1 ) in the Subdivision o f USE THIS COUPON ' D. Moore o f Hubbard, nnd three »ri­ -u c o im M n T ir r o f x a i F OF - ’’■‘t decree ilul; ,ei. . :• , ent-re-» *‘ f Blocks Twenty-eight (2 3 ) ar.d tt re, Mr M inan Moore. W> l Sn j ANNUAL CO OP. MEETING SH» e i f on poke r 1 «‘«*- '!■ ■ I t and by said Thirty-five (3 5 ) o f Yew Park Gentlemen: I wish to take *,toant»ge of your PROPERTY ON FORE i Court on 'th e l*»th day o f January. Annex No. 2 in the City o f Sa­ lent, Mr*. Joaae Mpon o f Hopmrrr, I ara euch ain^ the above am ,'„ ..r e i,l CLOSURE | |tf26, in a certain sun then in .- rid HELD HERE SATURDAY lem, Marion County, Oregon, as to your paper and the .'iVE an I Mr» II. M Edgar o f 1’ortland Notice i* hereby given. That by:C ou rt pending, where.n A. A. Keen* I i r the duly recorded plat o f said «l»o survive him. Funerei announce­ virt u of un execution duly issued out I was plaintiff and John Walling and Subdivision now on tile and of 0 ments will be mad- taler by the Hig­ o f the Circuit Ci the Slat« o f CeHa I. -Walling. Fred Straw and record in the office o f the Re­ 11 » Turtur Co opcratiu Oregon, for the County of Marion. Mary I Straw. Ularn Ault and Kay corder of Conveyances in and for don St Son mortuary. » •ciatioi» atimml m atin g vt** hrlci in and to im directed on the 2oth day I Ault, r ad Marion County. Ori son, i Marion County, Oregon, more i <*!.■*-------------- ——— — of January, 1926, upon a judgment corporation, were ui fondants, in fav- the he«r Q H ou sei. rid Guest erer was p un'. T end J. A.,‘ and hereii.Cfter Je«;ribe<< to (lay th' o f Lot 3 in Blocs 23 of Yew □ Biado A Ledger K tncrti S nr, Woodm* n o f thè Worhi I Wrr,. ^ivm. The nmouiit of butter- Dollie J. Hdm r. L Srr.r.h. Ann,in- j!>m due the plaintiff o f $1200.t)0_w it FI H ou sehold Msgaai ve Park Annex No. 2 aforesaid; and □ Capper'* Firmer ami üw ! rumen frati r-' • fer •' • ■' : f h g n . J . d thiuu.U rin (ocxl station istrator vsitn the Will A iaoxod or | interest thereon at the rati- o f 7 per running thence West 210 feet: □ Illustrated Mechanise Q Farm 4k FlreeUo Bred W. Swart*, deceased, Ennaieent per annum from the 3rd day of K'mlfT - »n i help and ntso for 11» ,5ir. W . edej . f Id24*>y thence South JQ fie t ; th rev □ Mother’* Hemp Life □ The F ara .'cornel L. Swartz. Euwin J. Swartx. ■ February, 1922, until paid, unit the | East 210 fe e t; thence North 50 b>*auuful flonJ oiTering» during O.” ^ T ,„ f.,«., □ Pelhiituloe (weekly) W 1 «u«» and Miriam Swartz were defendants, j further sum o f $150.00 attorney’ s; feet to the place o f beginning. Q Farta Life fickr... * ar. . iloulv af Air huvbind, • , ' , , ; l | □ Today'» Idouecvnfo in favor o f plaintiff and airatnrt saia f fees, and the further sum of $355.6» j , Also: Lot Seven <7> and Eight LJ G e e tle w e u ie e M age • ■ » ' . . e • r : w x □ Trector A Gas Englue V - ew defendants, J. A. H Imer and D ollie; t a x c paid by plaintiff with interest, (8 ) in Block One (1 ) of J. My­ ....... ,¡2 0 9 .l»> |H>un*i*. ynld.n *<*. $ ’..|!QjW □ Coed Ster.e* \ K. «1 A M. for the U-xutiful a id J. HdiTier, his wife, by which i-xecu- thereon at the rate of 12 per c*nt per' ers Addition to the City of Sa­ D Woman - World pouiixvuat*Jy 140.0^0. Said sale being made subject to r«- 192 ,, until paid, unu tlit further sum tbe hour uf t n « clot . A.J. c f said TURNER HIGH SCHOOL demption in the manner provided by of $350.00, attorney’s fees, together day at the W * doc* o f the County The annual dinner wu > held inQhn Tin* fo'lowing letter wax received with the costs e r é disburse«!- nts o f Court House i i Salen Marion Coun- law. (By Doris Hillcniy) The afteVtlion Was fr in our gopd friend Uncle Perry I O O F. hall Dated this 16th day o f January, said suit taxed at $36.00 ar.d costs ty, Orec* n. sell at public auction to anu expenses o f .--cui execution. I : the high . b:e . r for ca*h in har d Cornelius, which we take the liberty invert over to un lnleniWti|( Pr"g S m , 192«. This is semester examinati m week. v.-iB on Saturday the 27tu day o f I on the d->y o f sale, all the right, title, un which I.. II. McMahan wa* lived to publish: 0 . D. BOWER, February. 1926, at the hour oi t.-n j interest and estate wh’eh said dcfen l- The Sunda) School is the training W- are all working hard. The -sol- Colfax, Washington as llu principal f|*< ak.*r. Sheriff o f Mariotj County, Oregon o ’clock A.M. of sa:d day at the W est, ants and all persons claiming under What better The -tudenta arc thinking o f buy­ January 21, 192« lowing officer* wen* elected fur the door o f the County Court Hou.*-• in ¡them cubseuucn: to t!:e execution of school for the church. Salem, Marion County, Oregon, sell plaintiff’ s mortgage. o f and to -a d place can your child spend an hour ing the showers for the gym. mlng year: Prvodent, C. A. Hear; They Dear Mr. Rowl y. at puolte auction to tne highest bid-1 premise!- hereinbefore mentioned ar.d every Sunday. Our Sunday school i* NOTICE TO CREDITORS Herewith is my check for winch Sec., W. T. Rich**«;' director», K. d*r for cash in hand on ti.e day o f ! -itscribed in said execution as follop-s, starting off good the first o f this new will co.d about $168. please eitenil my subscription two Schirman, Ted Whithvnd, Geo. Moore Notice is hereby given that the un sale, _ all | the right, title, interest and to-wit: Turnre High School boys played j year. derzigned, by an order o f the County estate which sa: i defendants and all yenre. I know 1 must In* consider and Stanley Riches. Tlie North half o f the South Iu the morning Rev. E. R- Martin, Gervais last Friday night. The score ably behind in payments. I must hav< Court o f Marion County, State o f persons claiming under them subse- Ea3t quarter and the South half Oregor duly made and entered on quent to the execution o f plaintiff a was 18-19 in favor o f Turner. re present ng the American Sunday of th** North F>st quarter o f Sec­ the Tribune if all else has to stop for the 31st day o f December, 1925, was mortgage, in, of and to said premises] tion Two ( 2 ) . Township Nine School Union, will speak. P.ev. Mar­ The Freshmen now have their pen­ it gives me so much news that it i appointed administrator o f the ertate hereint^forc mentioned and u scribed TURNER DEFEATS GERVAIS (9 ) South o f Renge Three (3 ) tin is the man who p*vc ua the fine nants. o f Phoebe C. Buckbee ar.d that he m -aid execution as follows, to-wit: just like getting a letter from an old East o f the Willamette Meridian hM duly qualified as such. Ail per­ sermon at tl > Sunday School Conven­ in Marion County, Oregon; Also Beginning at the South East lai-t Friday l ight the Turnrr high Turner Hi is going to plajr Crabtree friend who undertakes to tell all the sons having claims against said estate the North West quart* r o f the tion. Y'o uw 11 all want to hear him. corner o f I4ie W ed half of the school bu-ketbnll teams went to Ger­ news and then some. are hereby notified to present the at Crabtree Friday ffghL South West quarter of Section South East quarter o f Section Come to the Epworth League at same, duly verified as required by­ We are having a little snow; com ani* to play th. Hr t gamr between One <1» in Township nine (9 ) 10, in Township 9, South of law, at the offices o f P. J. Kuntz, in 6:30. We are now in a scries of South of -tango Three (3 ) Wert Range 3 West o: tl.e Willamette menced yesterday and now, lo, 10.20 th< Gervais and Turner high school the City of Salem, Marion County, o f the Willamette Meridian in m ionary 1* sons about Mexico and M«ri.lian in Marion County, Ore­ a.m., it is about four inch«'* deep and teams. Oregon, within six months from the Marion County, Oregon. gon; and from thence running they are proving very interesting. W HAT? date o f this notice, to-w.t, January The Gcrvui» girls won from thq commencing to thaw. The little boys .4 *th 3.50 chains along the Ea t Said sale being made -u bjict to re­ 7. 192«. will he sorry if the snow does not lay Turner girls b) a »core o f 15 to 25. boundary line o i the West half Pie Social demption in the manner provided by of Wiy South Eart quarter of said CHARLES A. BUCKBEE, on as they are extremely anxious to Owing to the sh irt door it was neces­ law. ‘ CRAWFORD NOTES se-ction; thenc- North 89 degrees Adm:n‘st.*ator o f the e tate o f WHY? try out their sleds. Colfax hn- ninny sary for the gir!» lo play with three Dated thi: 25th day o f January, 57 minutes West parallel with Phoebe C. Buckbee. Mr. and Mr*. P. E. Thomason were place* suitable for coasting uml the forwards. 1926. the South boundary line o f said To Have a Good Time Salem *hopp. rs Wednesday. P. J. KUNTZ, Section 26.615 chains to a stone boys and girls have more real sport Th* Turner boy» won from tho O. D. POWER. A surprise paHy was given for Attorney for Admini.-trator. in the West boundary line of Sheriff o f Marion County, Oregon. - WHEN? than those who live in warm, sunny Gervnri hoy* hy n rrnre o f 19 to IB Fred W. Swartz s land; thence Miss Hilda I arson at the Thomason The seore in the first half stood 4 to climates. South 2 degrees 30 minut s West 7:39 Thursday January 28, 192« home recently. along said Wert boundary line This leaves us all well as usual. 9 in favor o f Turner, hut by lark o f NOTICE TO CREDITORS A surprn-e birthday party was giv­ 7.62 chains; thence South od de­ I have a little ” t<*tch ux rheumatics” guarding the Gcnraia buys were al lu WHERE? Notice is hereby given that the u n -! grees V, minutes East along said en for Mi Hilda Larson at the but that is usual with me. 10 run the score up on the Turnet dersigned. by an order o f the County! We-st boundary line 7 chain., to Thomason I me recently. In the basement o f the Christian Yours very truly, Court of Marion County, State o f, ham until the score stood 17 to 14 a stone 11x7x6 inches; thence Misses B' isie Da enpoi- and Ro­ Church Oregon, duly made and entered on. South 5 degrees Last along said O. II. P. Corm!iu\ in (¡i rviii ’ favor. Just before the the 2nd day o f January, 1926, was! West boundary line 0.10 chains The people o f Turner arc waking j berta Wilson and Owen Thomason win tl hi. w Pearson got n basket ADMISSION appointed Executr x o f the estate of to an iron pipe; thence East attended the basketball game at Ger- up to the fact that the Sunday school just in time to save the aeon for Tur­ Will E. Purdy, deceased, and that 29.95 chains to the center o f the Men ami Boys a Full Pockctbook ¡3 the place where character is bu ilt! vais Friday night. she has duly qualified as such. All Pacific Highway; tlienre North ner. Drive a persons having claims aga:n?t said Women and Girls a PIE 20 degrees West 1 1.64 chains upon a solid foundation. Arc you | Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Little, who We «re told to render nnfo Turrar estate are hereby notified to present along the center o f the Pacific were on their way to Salem last taking advantage o f this.’ Are you! A Party for all Young People the things that oro Caesur’a rftul the same, duly verified as required by Highway to the South boundary Caesar seems to he nrnu ,d every f"ng other things G. A. G. Moore home in Turner on head in the last three weeks. Tuesday, was the announcement Alexandria In the third century A. D. Thursday. O. D. BOWER, w.- w :ll have a report from all boards made yesterday by Mary West, chair­ Kenneth Benr was quite sick last NOTICE TO CREDITORS Mr. and Mrs. Gen. Keech o f Stay- Sheriff o f Marion County, Oregon. o f the church for 1925 and also dis­ man. The library stops will be the week, but was able to be at school Notice j? hereby giv..« that the un­ ton pent «(ihday with Mrs. Kcech’s cuss plans for 1926. dersigned, by an order o f the County scene of action, and a constant unc­ thi* week. t Self-Revealing brother in law and sister, Mr. and Court oi Marion dounty, Slat»- of In the evening I’ v. F. R. Martin Everett Hanson, little son o f flliris A mnn'n conversation usually re­ tion will be held from 9 to 12 « ’clock NOTICE TO CREDITORS Oregon, duly made and entered on in f Portland, a Sunday school worker! Mrs. Thomas Little. Hanson, ha* been quite sick the past veal* the principles In which lie Is in the morning. the 26th day oi January, 1920, was Notice ia hereby given that the u n -1 _ „ . . ' ,, _ P. E. Thomason was a Portland moat Interested. ..pi dnted administrator of tie tate ,| Last year over $80 wa* added lo few day*. gned, by an irS- r o f the County ! Wl" br,nK UH a " 00,j message. Come visitor Friday. o f Harmon Y. Mag*-e, and that he ha3 ri\,urt •t o f Marion County, Slate o of f **w§ him. the Women's la-ague foreign scholar­ Mrs. Briggs has so far recovered duly qualified a? such. All persons Ore gon* fluiy made* ttn'f tnfcred on H. A. Richmond o f Salem spent <■ r. ! Chri/tian Kn»l< avor af Topic ship fund ua a result o f the sale and from her recen» illness as to he able having claims against said estate at- the 22nd day 1926. w was lay o of f January, 1926, u x j « ^ , Cb1I> fte c !a i aw, th<: Con. oeveral day with their daughter, Mrs hereby notified to present the same, appointed administrator o f the estate, many student* were able to buy real to be out again. . Raymond Titus. duly verified as required by law, at of Wm E. Kallin, and that he has! qu«>t o f the Church. Th- meetings bargains in umbrellas, fo u r ’ sin pen* Mrs. Gunning acted as carro r on the Office, o f Percy A. Cupp, r, , «11 ,|u|y 'qualified v,____ . _____, ... ,, .duly qualified '¿a as "»u^h. such. All person» are very interesting to ail as special and other articles. A good fur chok­ route 1 Tuesday afternoon while Mr. Masonic Temple, - *■- ' < Gunning to*) kpart. ill a qunrtette Whale Biggetl Creatura er was sold last year for thirty cents. l e , „ ; Marion fcointy, Oregon, withfn : h*^by n o t T e d ^ o ’ pre “ nt th ^ a m m 1 " umbcr' * r' pJt alm° rt six s.« m nths nth. from f - — the .h . date m.*- of af this no a. ,luly verjfle<, u required by law, a t , '1»^- W i ar'' " ’ “ "V h ,lP« The hlggent ere «ruhe known, living from the W.O.W. lodge that sang at Obtained. Send modi 1 or rketch tice, to-wit January 26, 1926. and wc will promptly send yon a the offices o f Guy 0 . Smith, 403 S n -'from them. We want you to share or extinct. Is the niilphirr-bottomed the funeral o f Mr. Barr. L. W. MAGEE, report. Our book on Patents and lem Bank o f Comm ree B id r , in the them wjltl u(... whale, which reneben n length of UO Justifiable Trade marks will be sent lo yvu Administrator of the estât', r.f i^itv of Salem, Marion « ounty, Ore- , feet. Judge—"Toil lire charged with erud­ on request. Harmon Y. Magee, Deceased. gon, within six months from the date ir heating this man; why did ymi do Identifying A rfix f* of this notice, to-wit January 28th, I PERCY A. CUPPER, It ’ Motorist - -“ Your honor, 1 wns fix­ 1926. One way of proving tho lenllfy of Early EnglUh Cannibal» Attorney for Ad .¡nistrator, Henry Vlll'a Cruel Je if ing lo hack Into a parking apnea and I racke.) humen hone* found In Eng­ a canvas Is by the examine" n of fhe EDWARD SCHI’ VKK, 411 Masonic Temple, Salem, Oregon. When Illshoi' John Klsher, prisoner he »hot In behind me and grubbed It." — P A T E N T L A W Y E R S _____ As one art ertile hes Administrator o f the e-state of lish caves apparently Indicate that hmih stroke —Jacksonville Times L'nb.n Wm E Fallin *n t'on