DAHON’S WEEKLY REVIEW I Voli, l PAGE 2 TJIUKHDAY, J A N U A R Y 21, IMO IVopla who iitilj with u» h i » «in'liluii » In ti». Our »u<*- r»M I» In niiklaa rliaur« tiurar» ludi »ii*» ííí» ' - cep »I minier Rhn ild roil de- I ’Ire in k**cp Ione r, puf In ciana un calo Ä U l I o, nn 1 ________________Pork ¿M C *r« uni »I Tb*«c «melt arc Floral I'raa, Ml* I I*iim »u i nice »al'cd. canned •>- „ ! I *r cinoked I cana lor *** • 11l'Un III I 'III I h r I IIIII 2oci ------ * on Ha'o, 1 cana lie larga al»a Van I All «tight. (In Ahead and Make Camp'» Ilona» on »ntr I I ItM. f!n 1 M« l.nilvh •Jo. Mere« one l«i*cn from Scrap» ! While riga ___ llarabey'a Klaara, r»g- — — I for dinner lar 10c, on sals.-__ 1 lb» »if?.* AIr« ("ot'b We had rjl»ln w i l l pia for dinner reelerdoy. and New Dolca Vi lb. pkga. Shasta Tan » r - Cobh got madder 'ban a wol While II inaia I r I C I Kraporalrd Apptra rm hen u C I Mm WfbY Whut'« the m«t , New Crup t lb can riarrland »«•r* I) ìw « i » ’♦ h* fili# r«l«1a Waking Powder ..... I Pi»* 7 Ib» New Crop No 1 Mm Cuhh — Yr». liât ht ««|rj tintali Wnlta !»••■»»•• fi». ¡hr bought Ihtnw* ralHln# for an- II Iba. Turnlpa »»!!»• r purjMMM (or .... 25c 27c 25c 22c 2 20c 40c I .50 c Tarmlnal Flour. High grada bardmbrat Try « aack Maka a batch of brood If not parfrci- ly aa(l»lar(nry bring (be bai N N tU k and «ri »Jf^ Borna Ouaranlaa I'll Ray Fra»h Smelt 1 Mg MV 2.5c •*?hr< Ver' T m " A |(,M-k**t 1 1# ulna« r hen It la r It h I mi I Ina w»t- Hera'» « rcrip- for plekllim m-r««* fin«-«! M n. unfortunately. Is Ktuelt. anr# it. Klmt b«iv ih#|tr •*•»» no f»«-k#ttl#. Smelt from l>am»n « Tor Pigliar ^rr.clt AfU»r r 11*11111 nit well, naif tliej "Tom. k <> «Mit to the Kur.v-.r Smell d mo. alt her In ■ «Irv mH | the oM <*r ’ ' Why the olr| one. father? "* nalt or bruir for b or A houra Tab** out and waah wa*ll In #aM *'Wa«r out the eld unra flrat. «hall» my inulto. ’ water and le* drain; then park In atone j*r* Ttk r weakened Well *hen f l U t f t you go vinegar aller lu a few inlon-i and grt the car.** Th** owl of doing binine»* governa the mc 'II iu : price of nny article Mold in any «tor«. No rent and Iht* buying power of 12k storm in a hard pair to beai 2*5 Feel o f Parking Spire Phone 1263 D A M O N ’S 899 N . Commercial For Sale— A Good cook »love. Enquire Tribune office or Mr». Chamber», care Baker Hotel. Cut Travel Cost Com ing T o SALEM Dr. Harris and wife of A l­ bany were dinner guests Sun­ day at llu? Dulzell home. '1 hey are old Iowa friends. Mr. and Mrs. W . M. Huntluy of Salc-in »pent Sunday with K. W . Swallow and family/ D R . M ELLENTM N SPECAILIST iw ftilarn a l M ad idi»# fo r Iba p ati It r a lr » ya a r» DOES Rev/J. M. Shelley, pagtor of the Cfirutmn church, t o o k din­ ner and supper with H. W. Swallow,and family Sunday. —yet go more often, travel farther, than ever before. G o bv train. Save in many important ways by doing so. Low roundtrin fare» secure surprising value for your travel funds. Figure vour expense in driving your own car against the cost by (rain. 'I he saving in (rain travel will amaze you. So save the car for pleasure purposes. Save nervous energy, too. Your travel re­ sponsibility ends when you board the train. T hus ride iri entire comfort, with a chance to relax and rest and plan your activity at your destination. N o matter where you p’ m to go, Southern Pacific and its connections can take you, com­ fortably and economical! /. Any Southern Pa­ cific agent will gladly aid in planning your trip. Rely upon them for complete, accurate travel information. NOT OPERATE W ill ba at M A K IO N H O T E L THURSDAY, JANUARY 28 O f f ' « hour» 10 a.m. to 4 p m Changc..bie weather bring» on cold*. Cet rented!«» for re­ lief c.n«* anil *ur«fery ami ia by the ataU* o f Or* icon. He Raymond Swallow spent the lieeniwl doe* no* operate fo r chronic appen­ week-end with friend« in Stay- dicitis, k »H »tone«, ulcers o f «tonuich, lonails or adenoids. ton.- He ha» to hi« credit wonderful re­ mits in dineaoea o f the stomach, liver, It. W . Shepherd, former tel­ bowel», blood, skin, nerves, heart, kidney, bladder, bed wetting, catarrh, egraph operator at Turner, weak lung*, rheumatism, sciatica, leg supplied here a few days last ulcers and rental ailments. Below are the name« o f a fe w of week for operator Brady, who hi« «at:died patients in O regon: was away on a short vacation. J. L. Chambers, Itoaeburg, head­ aches. John Wfxitll, W aterloo, bladder Joe Hamman of the Ham- and prostrate trouble. Mrs. E. E. Holman, Richland, kid­ man Stage Lines, was a Turner ney trouble. visitor Sunday. W . S. Bennett, Oregon City, nicer o f the stomach. R. W . Meyer, Shaniko, heart trou­ NO TICE— Bid» are open for ble. 50 telephone pole», 20 ft. long Chas. H. Hoak, lot Grande, gall and 50 22-ft. long peeled and stones. Mrs. M. 1. Olsen, Portland, appen- not le »» than 6 inch top», de­ | dicitis. livered on road. B id» close on Remember above date, that consul­ Feb. l»t . Right reserved to tation on this trip will be free and reject any or all bid*. Turner that hi» treatment is different. Married women must be accom­ Telephone Co. By order o f panied by their husbands. Address: 211 Bradbury Building, the Board. Lot, Angeles, California. Southern Pacific Lines H. S, Bond, Agent, Fortify Y o u rself Against Disease 1 ^ Germs are harmless in healthy tissue. He who eat3 wrong becomes his own executioner. Didn't Bryan dig his grave with his teeth ? W hat causes spinal nerve pressure? W rong eating, bad habits, accidents, etc. Yours for Real Health Service DR. 60 TTRICR Licensed Drugless Salem, Oregon. Mr. Rankin of the O w l Ko­ dak Service, was in Turner on business Friday. CMURCH C A L E N D A R M. F». Church Mrs. W inkler and daughter, of Vancouver, Wash., spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. C. Bones. Sunday School at 10 a.m. Morning Service 11 A.m. Epworth League .«...6:30 p.m. W e received a nice list of Evening Service .......7 :80 p.m. local news from our new cor- Mid week Prayer ’.ervicc, Thursday _7 :S0 p.m. respc dent at Marion which are published this week. We C. W . Pogue, Pastor. ppreeiate these local pickups r/ V / V .V W V H V A S W M V A S W fV W V W fW W V V V V V V V B W A and are always glad to get Christian Church them. SPECIAL THIS WEEK Sunday School 10 a.m. FI. W . Smith was releas 'd Morning service 11 a.m. from jury duty in Portland for Christian Endeavor ..8:80 p.m. the week-end, which he spent Evening Service ....... 7 :30 p.m. at home. French Veneer, a polish for autos, leather or furniture; regular price 60c. »Sale price 50c Aluminum I’ercolatore; regular price $2.00. On •ate at $1.75 Kiectric Lanterns, complete with batteries; re­ gular price $2.75. This week ._ .. $2.25 Coleman Lanterns; regular price $8.00. On sale at $7.50 Pant Stretchers; regular price $2.00. On sale „ $1.25 this week at H. L. Earl’s H ard w are Store J. M. Shelley, Pastor. 8. P. T R A I N 8 C H B D U A L Following I* thn tiebeduir Of th Southern P o C i A c train» at Turner: N orth Bound— Train No. 82, 4:88 n.tn. Train No. 16, *:28 a.m. Train No. 18, 9:17 turn. Train No. 14, S K>4 p.m Train No. 84, B:17 p.m. South Bound— Train No. 17, 10*67 a.m. Train No. 88, 7t04 p.m. Train No. 81, 10:3» p.m. Chas. Hebei and family of 5alem spent the evening Friday at the J. W . Ransom home. / ---------------- í. F. KORINEK, V.S.. B.V.Sc. N O T IC E D O G O W N E R S N O T IC E 13 H E R E B Y G I V E N t >• the County Court o f Marion Count : To comply with the present iaw, t 1 dogs o f Marion County must be lic­ enced. The law reads: “ Every person owning or keep­ ing eny dog the age o f eight month* with.n the State o f Ore­ gon »hall, not later than March 1 of each \ * r r or withm thirty day« after he become« the own­ er or keepcj o f such dog, procure from the County Clerk o f the County in which said person re­ sides a license fo r sueh a dog.” The license to March 1st, is $1.00 on all M sle snd Spayed Females, and $2.00 on ail Females. On and after March 1st o f each year a P E N A L T Y of $1 00 will attach on all Males and Spayed Females, and $2.00 on all hemales not licei ed,— M aking licen­ ses O N A N D A .'T E R M A R C H 1st, $2.00 on all Maies and Spayed Fe­ males, and $4.00 on all Females. It is a misdemeanor and punish­ able by a fine with costs, not to pro­ cure a dog license, i f you are the owner or k eeper o f a dog. Applica­ tion blanks fo r Licenses arc in all Postoffice» or Banks outside o f Salem. The County Court expeets all sheep or goats fo r which Bounty ia claimed, to be listed on the T ax Rolls o f the County. U. G. B O Y E R , County Clerk. VETERINARIAN Day and Night Service r ver O REG O N STAYTON t -♦ «K ; 4- % Paid on six months Time Deposits Fire and Automobile Insurance W ritten Turner State Bank Goitres cured without oper­ W e H ave the Ford You W ant ation. Dr. P. G. Stapran, 309 You Can E ntity A ffo r d T h eta Oregon Bldg., Salem, Ore. 1922 T o u rin c ............................... $175 T. B. Funston was a business isitor in Salem a couple of days last week. 1923 T o u r in « 225 1924 T ou rin g ........................... 265 1925 Coupe, d riven on ly a fe w miles ........................................ 495 F o rd M oto r fo r Sale. It ia o verh au l­ ed; has starter and ge n era to r on it, $50. G u aran teed Used Forda Several from here attended a lecture at Salem last Thurs­ day night, deli . ered by Rev. D. E. Olson of Figene. * * * * * * * * * * * **«8*0-*-****-» * « IMri * » w m w w A w w v w w Guns— Ammunition SALEM , Cutlery Fishing Tackle V A L L E Y M O TO R CO. A thletic Equipment OREGON. Anderson’s N O TIC E TH E SP O R TIN G ' G O O D S STORE 126 SeuttiCominercial St. The Turner Co-operative John Gale of Oregon City Dairy Association w ill meet at was a Turner visitor Sunday. Hea. IW1J the auditorium o f the high school in Turner Saturday Jan­ Dick W agoner of Marcóla uary 23, at 10:30 a.m. Dinner was a Turner visitor Sunday. at noon and program in the afternoon. Good speakers w ill Chas. Hebei was doing some address the meeting. Come, RO D ay» Prore noduetton on A ll W o rk »mergency work on tho drain and have a good time. M A S O N IC T E M P L E . SALEM 4 ge system at the school house I ■maw tarane-^g»v « argarwevisgri " 1 lewmii'wwew-wwagerwwmmM :he first of the week. Mrs. Johnson, who has been taking care of Mrs. Mathias, Hats cleaned and blocked. Buckram frames, trimming* ebc. Harold Briggs has a real job who has been sick for some carried in stock now. He is working with the time, left Monday for Salem. section crew. Mrs. Mathias is considerably Phone 2175W Formorly 49R Court St. I f you do your own repair improved and is a ble to be up. work w e can supply you with 347 1*2 Court S(. Uprtalrr Salom, OrofM. a full line o f good tool» at rea Mr. Adolphson, who has ta­ I. M. Stout was in Salem on aonable prices. ken ov*r the Buzz Pholo Ser­ business Monday. W . E. Burn»— Dan Burn» vice in Salem was a business (N o t brothers, the same man I visitor in Turner Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Given ReiMMAM AMMAN AMMArVUMMMF*! H igh Street at Ferry and daughter Ethel were Sa­ Salem, Oregon Penrl P. llassler, former ed lem visitors Monday. itor of the Tribune, was in Tur­ Euibnltnrra uní) .Tuurrnl Sirrrtoni Miss Grace Hann of Me ner Thursday of last week. The Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Given Phone MM Mnlrm, Oragno. 2H) Center Rt. Minnville returned home with lure of the print shop drew him and daughter Ethel were Sa Mrs. Delzell after a week'i to the Tribune office, where he lem visitors Monday. EfTiciont Work------ Moderate Prioes visit and stayed several days spent some time visiting with visiting old friends near Tur­ Ye Editor. A meeting was held in Ball ner. Brother’s hall to discuss the w m tm Fhnoo 44» r Salem, Oregon 225-6 Oregon Building Salem. Oregon W A V W W W W A '^ ^ W f i W A W W W W W W ffW A V U W If Pomeroy & Keene Dr. O. A. Olson, Dentist RELIABLE E Y E S jew elers a n d o p t ic ia n s T E S T E D — G L A S S E S State and Llbarty Stt. F IT T E D Sal«m, Oregon T h e Elsw orth Hat Shop Locals WEBB & CLOUGH CO. Funeral Directors AN D LI CENSED EMBALjflERS^ Reliable Service. Ûllfp #alrm fRnrtnanj Che JImirica« baiter Caretaker of Halt ind Clothing Cle.inlrt''. Pressin g find R epairing 13« S. Liberty ait. Salem, Oregon 544 S($to St. W . A. Martin was a Salem possibilities of the flax situa Mr. and Mrs. Harland Nic- visitor Monday. tion for next year. kols of Canada were stopping . r - I over for a few days at the Del The Tribune shop rtm print yxm H ave y ovr tmvelopes prtated with 7.ell home. Mr. Nickols is your return atMres». Th8 Tribune butter wraps, letter heads and | cousin of F. C. Delzell. velopea. can do the work. » i Lady A ssista n t 205 So. Church 9t.— Day or Night Phone 120 - Salem - Read The Ads and Save Money ; Subscribe for The Tribune $1.25 per Year