The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, January 21, 1926, Image 2

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3f. p. Sr.utlrt). EMhir
Issued Every Thursday at Turner, Marion County, Oregon
------------------------------ -----------— —
Notice is hereby riven that the tin-
rsignetl. by an order o f the County
! Court o f Marion County, State of
I Ore iron, duly made and entered on
the lit h day of Januai). 1924, v.ta
, appointed administrator o f the estate
and Any
SUBSUMPTION fl.2 5 PER YEAR. Entered at the Po^office
at Turner, Oregon, as second-class inattor, under the
All persons havimi claims aKamst
Act of March 3, 1879.
stM estate are hereby not.tied to
_________ ___________________________________________________ present the same, duly verirte I ns re-
| ouired by law. at the offices o f Guy
t h e m - i o . smith. io ; i Salem Hank o f Com-
So far Patterson, Hall and Upton have declared
solves for the nomination for governor. Summing up their . ^ ^ H U J r ; in »^Ctty
quali(W«tions, it is evident that it will bo a closo race between months from tho «late of this notfco,
these three. l rnless some others come into the race, it will t0 w;l January 14, n».’ *
probably be one of the closest contests witnessed at the Ore-
Administr^o^Jf'ihc ..ut. ¿f
iron primaries for some time.
Mulinila Compton, diseased.
According to the local indications Sieiwcr, I'rossley and GUY O. SMITH.
Attorney for Administrator.
Clark are the most favored candidates for U. S. senator. The
hardest fight will probably be between Steiwer and Crossly,
while Stanfield’s main hope lays in the chance of enough can­
Notice is hereby given, that the
didates coming into the field to break up the vote. If Fover- un h r- gtted. Klmo S. Whit \ the duly
qualified and acting adnun-
nor Pierce decides to make the run on the Democratic ticket, appointed,
-trater o f the estate o f Stephen Bal-
has filed in the County
as some believe, he will in all probability be the strongest man
e f the State o f Oregon, for
they can put up. If nominated, the chances arc that he will Court
Marie:» County, li*a final account in
draw some votes from the other side, but it will not be enough the said estate, and that the said
Court has fixed Saturday the 19th
to cause any alarm in the Republican camp.
day o f February, 1926, at the hour
Last week we stated our views regarding the World
Court ana the League of Nations regarding the safety o f some
of our important laws, especially the immigration law. Some
of the Internationalist members of Congress have admitted
that even our taritf laws will be in danger in the event that the
United States joins the World Court. With an influence brought
to bear on Congress to force an affirmative vote on the ques­
tion of the World Court, ' a* ked by the millions of a man who
came to this country when a mere boy and gained his pros-
p.ritv on these shores. This man is no less a p e r -'# than
Edward Bok, who was born in Holland and came to this coun­
try when but six years old and has tome to be one of America's
millionaire publishers. He is proving his loyalty to Agnerica
by trying to get us entangled in European affairs.
o f th is lis t o f teo d in ff
$ # ^ 0 0
Why Pay Morel
o f 10 o'clock A M o f said day at
Ihc County Court Room in Marion
County Court House at Salem. Ore­
gon, as the time and place for hear­
ing objections to the said account
and the settlement o f the said estate,
at which turn- and place all persons
having such objections may appear
and show cause, if any there be. why
said account should not in all thinj-s
l>e allowed and approved, said estate
settled an l closed and the adminis­
trator discharged.
In the Circuit Court o f the State
o f Oregon for the County o f Marion.
Department No. 2.
Notice is Hereby Given, That by
Cora Cooiey Rose, PlaintitT, vs. j virtue o f an execution duly issued out
of the Circuit Court o f the State o f
John J. Ro.-., Defendant.
To John J. Rose, the above-named Oregon, for the County o f Marion
and to me directed on the 19ih day
of Jar.jary, ’. 926. a p n a . u .
In the name o f the State o f Ore­
gon: You are hereby required to ap­
. V
pear and answer the complaint filed Court on the 12th day of January.
against you in the above entitled 1926, in a c> rtsin suit then In stint
court an-.i suit, on or before the 27th Court pending, wherein. Union Sav­
day o f February, 192b, and if you ings & Loan Association, an Oregon
Executrix o f the Estate o f
fail to so appear am1 answer said Corporation, was plamtuf and Pet r
VVi! E. Purdy, deceased.
complaint by said date, the p!a:n. : ¿err and Lela Zerr, his wife. Albert
will 1 apply to the court for the relief! yy.tatj, a corporation, ar : Walter R. H. BASSETT,
prayed for in said complaint, to-wit. Stolz, were defendants in favor of
Attorney for Executrix.
lo r a decree dissolving tne oonds o f plaintiff and against said defendants
matrimony now existing between the P.-tcr Zerr zn-t Lela Zerr, h.s wife,
plaintiff and defendant, that the plain by which execution 1 am commanded
tig bo awarded the care, custody and to sell the property in said execution
In thg County Court o f the State
control o f their minor child, Gertrude , and hereinafter described t-> pay the o f Oregon for Marion County.
tty Rose; for the recovery from . um ,iJe the plaintiff o f Two Thou.,
the matter o f the estate o f Lucy
t i c defendant o f tr.o sum o f $20.09 and - Dollars (*2,000.0
- ---- -•• d ). with :#ter- v . In
St. wart, deceased.
1 ake Vour
to Select From
Never beiort and frobaMr never auain will you have such an extraor­
dinary monev-juvmtf opporturu y. Note carrlullv the Uric* •election of
choice reading—all «t a price to fit your pocketbook. Keoewaia will be
extended one year from date of expiration. No need to * *it.
VM Btutai
Cen'.lemen: I wish to take advantage of your Magazine Bargain Offer.
I am enclosing the above amount In payment for a one year subscription
to your paper and the FIVE Magazines 1 Lave marked with an X below.
Town -----------------------
SL cr R. F. D . ---------
□ A . TMtn Needlewoman
□ Home Friend
0 Hoaeebald Caret
o Biado 6 Ledger
0 H ohm S o H Megarina
□ Compare r « r o e r
Am e rican P s i t lr y A H recata
0 Farm A Fireside
[ ’ The Farm Journal
F orm U fa
[3 CewtWwe
sum ol *50.00 plaintiff s attorney i:racti apJ the furtr. r rum c f $61.51,
Ives, as.u tor tne plaintiffs costs an<. | paid as delinqu nt taxes, and the fur-
cisbursements of this suit to be tax- ther sum o f $150.00 attorney’s fees,
Tou are iurther notifie>i that | together with the coses and disburse-
tms summons is served upon y°u by m en tsdf said suit taxed at Fifty-pine
publication thereof in the Turner T ri-' Dollars (i',9 .0 0 ) and costs and ex
t une, a newspaper o f general circu -,
of , aid execution.
1 will on
la*ion pu:, in
County of Saturday, the 20th day o f February,
Marion ano St . tc
^ v g o n . , ursuanri ;u2d, at th, hour of 10 o ’cl « a.m.
-j f,n u0rde,r ‘l1 **5 Honorable L H. ,_,f said day at the W.-st door o f the jl*h»n , Judge o f the above entitled County Court House :n Salem, Mar
ion County, Oregon, sell at puhlic
You are further notified that the auction to the highest bidder for cash
especially invited to be present
Dated this 23rd day o f December,
date of the first publication o f this in hand on the day c f sale, all the
Talks on what they have done
summons is on the 13th day of Jan­ right, title, interest and estate which 1925.
uary, 1926, and that the last publi­ .■aid defendants and all persons claim­
and what they hope to do will
Executor o f the Estate o f
cation o f the same will be on the ing under them subsequent to the 4th
V. Stewart, deceased. be given by representatives of
day of Apni. 1925, in, o f and to said
2-tlli day o f February, 1926.
premises hereinbefore mentioned and Date o f first publication Dec. 24.
the clubs. I-adies are always
described in said execution 83 follows, Date o f last publication Jan. 21, 1926
Salem, Oregon,
invited to these meetings.
to-w it:
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Lots twenty (2 0 ) and Twenty-
one (2 1 ) in the Subdivision o f
Mr, and Mrs. G. W. Brower,
Twenty-eight (2 8 ) and
Thirty-five (3 5 ) o f Yew Park
of Turner but now liv­
Annex No. 2 in the City o f Sa­
I’ i the County Court o f the State ,
. ais, were in Salem
lem. Marion County. Oregon, as
o f C gon for the County o f Marion.
Did you forget to come to
per the duly recorded plal of said
In the matter o f the Estate o f
Brower has «one
Subdivision now on file and of
Agnes Harding, Deceased.
qihte ex-
Notice is hereby given that the
missed you. The primary tea-
cord-r o f Conveyances in and for
filial account o f Merlin Harding, ad­
cher has somethin*? special for tensively. lie informed us that
Marion County, Oregon, mor.
min .,trator o f the Estate o f j
particularly described as follows:
Harding, deceased, has been filed in
her department in which the he had sold a large supply of
Beginning on the West line of
the County Court o f Marion County,
youngsters are very much in­ plants to Jay Denham and Vick
12th Street in said City of Sa­
Oregon, and that the 26th day o f ,
lem, Marion County, Oregon,
January, 1926, at the hour o f 10
at a point thereon 1*9.90 feet
o ’clock a.m., has been appointed by
If you do not attend some
South from tne Northeast corner
said Court for hearing objections to j
o f Lot 3 in Block 28 o f Yew
said final account, at which time any;
other Sunday school you are George Vick and C. E. Wilson
Park Annex No. 2 aforesaid; and
persons interested in said estate may i
cordially invited to be with us manager of the Salem Cham­
running thence West 210 feet;
upp nr and file objections thereto in
thence South 50 feet; thence
writing and contest same.
next Sunday morning.
This ber of Commerce, will be on
Hast 210 feet; thence North 50
fel­ the program at the next meet­
feet to the place o f beginning.
Administrator o f the Estate o f
Also: Lot Seven 17) and Eight
A gr'S Harding, Deceased.
ing of the Turner Boosters.
(fa) in Block One (1 ) of J. My­
ers Addition to the City o f Sa­
Mr. Vick will tri1 k on filbert
Attorney for Administrator.
lem, Marion County, Oregon, as
Are you holding up to your growing. This club is open to
the same appears on the recorded
new years resolutions? Bro-
untjre community and ev-
jdat thereof on file and o f re-
- or in th* County Recorder’s
ther Shelley’s sermons are get- eryone is ur|?ed to joia. Mem.
Office o f Marion County, h ate
Notice is hereby given th.-.t th<- un-
ting more interesting every ljershj.; u free. Come and cn.
o f Oregon.
deraigred, by un order o f tiie Cf intv
Court of Marion County, bta’ . of demption in the mann*T providad by 1 ;t^ , [|(j as shown by those who joy the program and meeting.
O-egon, duly made sr.d entered on
His next Sunday
the 31»*. -lay of Decembe«. 1925, was
Dated this 19th .lay o f Ja
will be "Ure-
appoir:-«d u. mni t'ator o f tiie «stat':
o f Phoebe C. Buckber and that he
’ vailinj? Faith.”
In the even-
Mrs. Swallow attended the
has duly qu id as such.
Ali p er-1
ing “ Is Christ the Author of business meeting of the oflicers
-on* having claims agamrt said estate
.IF- - ff o f Marion County, Oregon
ar hereby nntifi. H to present the
Your Salvation?”
of the Christian Endeavors of
same, duly verified as required by j
Christian endeavor topic : Marion county, hold at the 1st
law. at the offices o f 1*. J. Kuntx, ini
the City of Salem, Marion County,
How and W by Should we I Presbyterian church of Salem,
Notice i* hereby given that the un-
Oregon, within six month.-- from the
dat * o f this notice, lo w!;, January Heru.gned, by an or-t-r of th.- County Send Christianity to Latin Am- Sunday January 10 at 3 p.m
h e r e i«
f a tin Am­
A m . ,. __
___ -a________ i
Court o f Marion County, State of p
1. 1926.
e r n im
ca ?”
is Latin
It was a ve’ry interesting meet­
Oregon, duly made and entered on
What has domination ing and the reports of the con­
the !4>h day o f D. c 1925, wa, an- erica?
Adm:nl«tra*.or o f t.’.e .-; tate o f noiiiled .-x.-utor of the estate of over it?
Do you agree with vention held in Portland were
Phoebe C. Buckber. Bertha Schreiber and that he ha« duly
you w ish to see the read, abo one of special inter­
V* J K 1V T 7
qualified as tuch.
All persons hav-
r' i .._ _
. ,
in*? Haim* apainot «aid >-«tate are United States of America like
est from Boston, Mass. Thore
Attorney lor Administrator.
hereby notifle.i to present the ««nr ,
duly verified as required by law, at that?
will be a social held soon, the
the office.« o f Thomas Brown, 210 Or*
date and place to be announc­
C ,
egon Bldg., in the City o f S:.|em,
c a r . y c u r o p e a r.»
i Marion County, Oregon, within six
ed later. Dr. Landreth, a man
Tiie «orient name of Frane« on<i
from the date o f this notice, Community Federation
of great ability j>s a public
Belgium waa Gallia, and Hi* Roman- ' l<>' wit Dec'?mb<’ r 74th, 1925.
T o Meet January 21 speaker, will deliver an ad­
••»lied the
genernlly Galll. f.,r!
"hlrh the Kngii*h equivalent* are .
Executor o f the Estate o f
dress at the First Presbyterian
'•anl and Ganla The Gaol* were »
Bertha Schreiber.
Celtic people, n ho came original),
’ '
The annual meeting of the church in Salem F<*b. 3rd at 8
from i-entr::' A-lu and at a aery earl) 1
Marion County Community p.m.
time Invaded Lump*, settling nnally
Parking DU crelion
Federation will be held at the
•a "tint nr* now F'rnnre and Belgium,
One kind of n )ihUoso[>lier I* he who Chamber of Commerce rooms
their degraded paganism wna known
•luayi make* It a taint to park be
» Druldlsni.
G ave W om en O pportu nity
I'v.en shiny enr*. on the theory that at Salem, Thursday January
VV»mi*n on» tnurh In Hi* lyp*wrll*r
both of them will bark out nltlffiiit 21 at 8 p.m.
At this time the m«l Um Irloph'in*. 'I c«t- Inn il<-vlrM
humping him hla but.— Fort Wayne
will be initiat­ have rr*iit*il ■ountle . Job* for (Irli.
habienbe (or the Tribuna
New, Sent tael.
ed into the Federation.
C. F. B R E I T H A U P T
113 N. L lb a rty S lr a a l
rkon a
3 SO
fi A l FM
Dm. 1- T. Dick U M . Hum
Chiitna* Medicina Co.
Blomai-h Inalili«-« givi n i|Ulok n>Mf
l*y Inking our fantine« rvim-illt-ac
*t«*olul«-ly bartnb-M, la-lug oornpouatf-
««I from I in |x U t«-«l brilla, root* ah<l
anil b*rk* which are well known 1er
Unir ciiirnllvv pr«q*erllva.
W etrral all ihaonlrra of n»*n, wo­
rn«» mid i liililr. o F u r ronaullaUoii.
(tall or w rile.
4Uu ■ 4V« Hint« Ml. (tTpalalrn.)
I'lioilr '.’**.*
Mntrm Oirgon.
Or. O. L. Scott
Palmer Chiropractor
Phon« 87. K*»i«lence 89HR
Tho Ladiea Aid of tho Metho­
dist church will hold a silver
tea at the homo of Mr* O. A. O
Moore, Thurndny
•Játl N. High Sired
Salem, Oregon
I niicd Stales Ndli«nal Bank
G e n e r a l B a n k in g B w »in e»*
In te l rat
p a id
lim a
(h>ix«atta and
aa vln ga aerounta
Car. fitala A CiMii«Mrti»J fit*.
A joint meeting of commit
tees representing the citizens, SA L E M
the Turner Boosters and Road
District* 45 and 56 met at the
Turner State bank Saturday
morning to discuss ways and
H ig h C la ss
means o f opening C street in
the City of Turner to make pos­
I adiVs and Gents
sible the connecting of the
- T a ilo rin g -
Cltfvordale market road with
I Ml.
the Salem-Mill City market
road when the former road is
A committee was
appointed to draft a petition to
the Southern Pacific Co. asking
them to comply with a former
agreement ami move tiie depot,
which now stands in the center
of the street, enough to clear
tho street. When this is done
and both roads linked up it will
b e ‘ a gl oat benefit to Turner Eminent Divine Explains th«
and the districts screed by
Modern Application at
both roads.
*’Gold?n Rule.”
libi at re led M ach« nice
M o t h e r H e m Ufa
Pathfinder ( weakly ) M varec»
Today’s Hocecwife
Trector A Ga* Engine Review
Wnraan’i World
given that by an
□ Ga*
Court o f Marion
0 llama Cir é»
i-egon. duly made
and entered on the 23rd day o f De­
r - ; 3 f i f Ç f T M ark liai, con p on now and bring
J T O / J /J V
* t r l J E
K t0 u u B uiinot* O ffice *
cember. 1925, the undersigned wes
appointed executor o f the estate o f
Lucy V. Stewart, deceased, and that
he has.duly qualified as such.
All |
persons having claims against «aid new clubs are Turner, Jeffer­
The play “ Why Not Jim?*'
C3t.lte are hereby notifirif to present
th<* same, duly verified as required by son and Labish Center. Repre­ which was nut on In the audi­
law, to the undersigned at the law sentatives of 15 or 2 0 clubs will torium by the Christian Endea­
office o f Bert T. Ford. Room 213,
Land A Bush Bank Building, Salem, be present at the mediti}?. The vor of the Central Congrega­
Oregon, within six months from the members of the news clubs are tional church of Salem for the
data o f this notice.
The Box Social Saturday
night given by the W. O. W.
lodge was a success, both from
the standpoint of good enter­
tainment and finances.
program wa* presented by the
Turner Glee Club and was
tnurh enjoyed by all present.
The neat sum realized from
the sale o f baskets will be used
by the Woodmen in helping
pay for their hall.
Every ono cordially invited.
Administrator o f the estate o f
Stephen Balii. t, deceased.
Attorney for the Estate o f
Sti phen Dal!iet, deceased.
10.1 Masonic Bldg . Salem, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given that the un­
do r..,gned. by an order o f the County
Court o f Marion County, State of
Oregon, duly made and entered on
the 2nd day o f January, 1926, was
appointed Executrix o f the estate o f
Will E. Purdy, deceased, and that
she has duly qualified as such.
persons having claims against said
estate are hereby notified to present
the same, uuly verified as required by
law, at the law offices o f R. H Bas­
sett, Breyman Bldg., in the City of
Salt-ni. Marion County. Oregon, wh ­
in six months from the date o f this
notice, to-wit. January 7th, 1926.
M r william Hall is reported
Mrs. Pearson of Turner
ami 1 ® . John Painter of Cor­
vallis, dough tors of Mr. Hull,
are here assisting in the cure
of their father.
Mr. and Mis. Curl Olson and
family tnovud this week into
Mr. John Christopher’s house
near 0. M. Smith’s store.
benefit of the local Endeavor
society was very well put on
before an appreciative audi­
ence. The entertainment was
handled entirely by the young-
foiks of the Salem organiza­
(Too late for last week)
Mr. A. Wilson has purchased
the house from Mr. Alvin Hash
and will soon move. This is
the house formerly owned by
Mr. Wilson.
Mr. and Mrs. Hash and chil­
dren aie moving to Oregon
City where Mr. Hash is em­
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Olsen
have a wee t iby daughter. She
has been named Mary Chris­
Mr. and Mrs. I. Conklin mo­
tored to Salem Monday and
report a pleasant trip.
Mr. A. F. J. Lafky lias en­
tered the dairy industry, hav­
ing recently purchased a large
herd of Ayrshires.
Mr. N. A. Olson, who got a
sliver of straw in his hand has
had a serious time. His hand
is healing nicely now.
Mrs. Lee Doorfler and Mrs.
Meeker drove to Albany Tues­
day afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Gulvin
attended the installation of of­
ficers of Surprise Grange nt
Turner last Saturday.
Mrs. Robert Hobbs has been
ill the past week, but is improv­
Mr. Albert Mitzner is
here visiting at the home of his
mother and brother.
C. A. Mote has a crew of
inen cutting wood in the grove
south of the school house that
he recently purchased from the
S. P. R. R.
OflldM Rale Snr»d*jr la rwwmber «.
HELD IN SALEM On that day pretHa of n ore than ftriv
The first rally of the Pioneer
Clubs of Marion County was
held in Salem Friday night in
the parlors of the First Meth­
odist church. Over IDG boys
were present from all parts of
Marion JL’oanty, with one club
from Yamhill County. Six boys
were present from Turner, in
ch irge of F. P. Rowley and Or­
bs n Stout. The great cduca
tionnl feature of the evening
was the talk of forestry by
Mr. Cronniiller, deputy state
forester, which was followed
by W. V. Fuller, district fire
warden of Dallas. The meet­
ing was opened by the Pioneer
ritual, exemplified by Silverton
club. There were many inter­
esting stunts put on by the var­
ious clubs. Supper was served
by ladies o f the church.
the close of the meeting fhe
boys whent to the Y.M.C.A. for
a plunge in the tank.
The hoys going going from
here were Kenneth and Wil­
lard Bear, Lloyd Stout, Ray­
mond Alexander and Raymond
Nor W ou ld M ortician Bo
'‘S in g at jrotir work rnffior tlmn
gn itn h l* anil you’ll m a k * frlrfi'1* am i
r*t on.” any* a w rlln r o f Inaplrntlonal
lltrratn r*. Bu t tk * moaqntto »Inga at
hi* work, nnt) ha t»o't popular.— Io n ia
villa Tlmea.
H ired M an’$ H op e
”Th< ilny o f H i* m artinntral m ir I*
n*nr, ih«y Hay,** poafParda th * H ired
M an from the ahady aid* of th* hart»
“and I ho p* w hile they’re nt It th n y ll
m a k * her no all* r a u ’l atdaaivtp* when
the k lrk a ,"
D iecerning
A great lover la on* »vko ran tell
whether a girl '* pentiva or alprpy,—
Rene Gazette.
rountrle* will partake of a flltnplo
meat, will read about the orphan ehtl
dren of tha N«ar Kata aod then wake
•urh a gift a* they would hae* aonin
on* mak* If their children wrro
th«. damrlalr In the HIM* land»
-The eaaantlal thing ahaat Golden
Rule Sunday la not the day on which
It (a rb-*rrv«j<. nor th* rating of an
orphan.«*«» moat." taalen lirv W. B
lllnaoa. f’ uator of th* lia*t Bid* Rap
M*t church of Portland and VU«« Chair
■tinn of the Northweat Regional Con*-
oil 11 re of Near Kant Relief. "Th# ••-
amttal thing I* that wo ahould each
for oura«*lve* an*wer tha quatalon.
*What would I have «ome oua ela« do
If ray children were hungry and eotno
one had my Inroma here.'
"Golden Rule Sunday ae|a a terrific­
ally high »tandard of giving Pnrnntn
worthy of th«> name will go hungry
any flm* that thetr chlliln-a might bo
fed No aarrlflee Is too great If It ta
for their children. Jeaua rt«’ manda the
»arm atandanl of aa. rtfl«w for others
a* w«» loir«» for our own It ta drn*tlr.
revolutionary but Imperotlviv 'Why
call ye me Lord, l«onl, and do not the
thing» which I you ' bo rrla*.
"Tha one who world obaorvw Gold­
en Rule Sunday should, tn hla Imag­
ination, ae«i hi* children deprived of
Iholr natural protectors, scattered
like sheen haring no ahepherd. hiding
by day from Ibelr en»>mle«. gathering
whut food they can by night, expoaed
to the biller cold of winter or Ihe
burning nun of nummer, claiming ref­
uge at ar American orphanage only
to be told there I* no room.
• II.. ahon'd
old Ilargue strug­
gling through snow», nn orphnn grand­
child by each hand, with the baby on
her bark, who finds al night that that
bahy has froien to death.
"H e should sea twelve year eld
rimrlambui straggling along with oth­
er doport«'«*a bearing hi* six year old
brother to safety, carrying bis body,
even nfteg bo thought the boy was
dead. He must see In these two hoy«
not only the aymhnla of almoat count­
ies« thousands of children, hut bo
must see In them his own hoys.
"There 1« little use to attempt to
rlsuallzo the vast number.#.15.000 or­
phans. now In American care and the
equal or greater number whose hetiv
leasneas Is a claim on American char­
ity, but f«ir whom no provision can tin
made. When we sen our own children
corabirtahln and happy we ran think
of the same number homeless exile«
In the Near Knsl
"Thire are few sptriinnl exorelaea
more fruitful than thin, and men and
women who honestly attempt to ap­
ply the Golden Rule to theae other
children will not meaanre their gift«
by pennies, but by dollars, by fives
ami tcna and hundreds and thousands.
'All things therefore whatsoever you
would that men should do to you (or
to you. children If loft destitute) du
yo to them likewise’,”
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