The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, January 21, 1926, Image 1

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YO U .
T t lK N K H ,
S 2 , 5 i ,000 G
t'laah »it ti
Herretary Over Irrigation
ioaima In i'ongreaa.
A4A4 a A 4444*A
W W W W W W W W 4
1 H
W un HI iik I p ii . O C\ Thu flrat dofliiHu
I|< km 1 Rivar. Pittili» bovi* lw*an Inltl*
duali I m ' I wimiii HocroUry of Inturlor i t « d by (ha murr» forum of Iho L'ppar
> p w k
Th»r* la vary Ihtla 41lf«r»nr« »>•-
lw *«n ona man and another, but that
ti tila la vary lrni*uri»nt.
It la a graatar compliment to ba
truated than ta ba Invad
W.irk nod tin. I.rgn western group I d ' V“ " ' * Community church U* mnk.
Parkdttla I lit« moat Inuudful towo on HINTS AND GOOD THINGS
Daniel Guggenheim Endows congress opponlng hi. p o liti«« loomed | I the
Moutil flood loop highway.
h«ru Monday ovar tin. «o c r «l»r y '»
J ^ L L IO H T F U L llttto ruk.-a may ba
Flying Progress.
Hulrm The
public service ■■"unni»
rom rn l»' A-r d... „rated with anlmul rrsrkera
r e iinmnndatluu« for |ogl«l«llon cliarg-
1 " " t,uo,M
l„g u„ ,h . I . . . . . . op I « (.xlhral Irrt
'»*" application of
j lD tondlul, cho. .date. Ginger-
tin. Ile»r t'r.-.di Ilooni company (or
bread men—who ever growa too old
K.. 1 I 011 p ioli« la In in - ordini. « wllh tin. franOttlM ,,u ||,n water« of Ih-ur <-r««
lo enjoy them ?
report auhinlttvd by the board of ad nud Ita tributarle« In Coua county.
Add a few dropa of lemon Juice to
boiled rice; It Improtea the flavor ua
Jualin»nt and aurvey under aubaertlon
Albany. John Itoberta, miner nnd well na Ita appearance
K of tb « fart finder«' act.
curveyor of the fllg Hottom cot.n'ry, A plain cooky foundation may be
Annuunrtmrnl o f (¿Ift »m l l*lr<lgr
Thu propoaed Work bill to carry to
14 m ile, northenat of Foater and about “ “ "I f,,r d,;“ ,u o t “ ,“ 1 1 N u ''1'
to effect the Urani a recoin mend« 4.1 m ile. ....I of Albany, report» hi.
o f i o-»|irrat ion Mat!» In
»P ‘~ * and acuh. coco, and
«11 muy tit tiwd In varlou«
tl.nia will In. conaldnred by nn-tnbera be«., o f whit h be baa about 10 blvea. riKM'Mlat»
Tb# way
, r, a,,,,**,
la tta r lo Hoover.
of Ilia lioua.f from the «la te « affected
I mukea them more alluring even to
at a aptolal meeting Friday morning
Sal.-m The retting nnd acutchlng fowtt-upa.
It la practically certain that numeroua
New York
Donation of $2.5t>#.UOO ddltlona to the aecretary'a recom- capacity of Ihe »tale flax plant at tbo
Plain* Cookie«.
to aid In tht gdvancemant of aeronau mendatloua will I m made before Ihe Oregon alate p. litteullary will be don
Take one half cup'til of fat, one cup-
fut of augur, one-fourth cupful of milk.
Ilea and aviation In thla country wna propoaed leglalatlon la aubmltted lo
it»« houae Irrigation committee, where **'> 0 « reached at u conference of tier , ,,nc (.yg, (wo teaapoonfula of baking
announced Sunday by Daniel tiuggetl
a favorable report will be »ought on *" na Inlereated In the auree»» of the • powder, flavor to taate and atM two
helm, hanker and mining man. who It. aa revived by repreaentatlvea of industry here Friday.
¡cupful« of flour. Thla recipe la beat
doubl«*«! for moat fumili*»*. Mix and
gave »f.ot. uou tael year for the calab j
i ’endlteon. More alfalfu aced will
, lH atnnd on 1er to chill. Thla helps
llahnient of a « c I kmi I of aerouautlra a ll The content« of the bill whlrh Sec-
pU[ In th . ground
the coming, |p
IeBB floDr.
New York unlveratty.
| retary Work would have enacted to ,p ring In I'm atllla t,-minty than for aev
Mr uuggenheltn In making ihe an
OD unprofitable recta ,.ral year,, according to n »»la m e n t
Broilsd Parsnips.
■ounremeat or hla endowment In a " 1#M" n
*>»*• n‘" »• « ,WH'n rolld*' by County Agent llennion. on
Wash and scra[>s pnnadi»» and cook
letter to Herbert Hoover, aecretary of P“ Wlc- b“ ‘ “ '• knomn ,h* 1 bo h“ Information from nil Ihe alfalfa dla- until tender In boiling Milted water.
When cold cut in halve», spread with
commerce .«Id the fund would b. u.ed ,
»PProved a number of recommend lrlcU lD
roun, y .
fuelled butter and broil.
in cooperation will, Mr Hoover and th th . repbrt of the
" ’
1 Imnrd of adjuatment and aurvey be
Hal.-in — Fire lo ««e « In Oregon ex
nil . . e n d . , of the government nnd the,
w((h ,.|#, l¥0 üf P o r tlw A ,ur m 5 „ Kr, t . t.
Prussian Rocks.
|»uHHr K-Titrullv In i»rc»im»UnK »v ro
Cream two-thirds of a cupful o f but-
In the «cope of th « board'« aulhorli* | «"1 »2.P42.1Í6 »7, accordlpg lo a report
ituuiii v II»* p*pr«*»»•**! lb*»
Ills pr*pnn*d Sunday by W ill Moor*», statu t*r
on** and ono-half cupfuls of
I ioti under the factfinder's act
Iii 0 fund tw r«»«trl»'(•*<! (*» «'ivll m ilv l
opponent* in congrna* take a different
wurshal. T h « fir« loa» for 1925 auger and three well beaten eg?
it»«! «nd tli»t work *h l»h 1» properly
■how» » decrease of approximately Hlft three cupfuls of flour with one-
view of the altuatlon
half teuapoonful each of soda, clove,
a govornmtini
bn nvoldm!
1200.000 compared with that of 1924.
cinnamon and one-fourth tca«p<xinful
Mr Hoover wan n«»ur«><l U ia I hi»
«d the charging o ff of loaaoa on proj
dnpnrtmi’tit would bn m o p u r il« ! with
Halem There were two fatalities of nutmeg; add on# half pound o f rnl-
ecla under definite headtnga. and It
In “i t r r y pouulblo iimnnnr.“
in Oregon due to Industrial accidents ■Ina and the same of walnut meats rut
line, to the flour mixture; alternate
la with acme of th e«« propoaed
Mr (:uffK»tihntm «lpl«1n *d that hla
In the week ending January 7. accord
I with one-half cupful of milk. Heat
ground« of relief that Ha-crefary Work
Ing to the state Industrial accident , well and drop by aptxmfuls on n but
»»(Io n In deciding to aalabllah »u< h a
take« l.HUe, holding the opinion th »l
fund waa tuk»!u particularly In vi*»w of
"f h
T « ^ ' J . ^ r n c l P U . which would • On,n“ ‘ " lon
Th* Vk“ m*
Tora ; .cred ...k in , «hee« T h e ^ cookie, are
1‘ realdenl C o o lld r«'« Indorsement of j * ^
■ . . . |J*r*yk. Rainier, eetter. and T on y! better a an-k old.
th e, recommendation by the national r,'Uder future developments so baxur , gtromhaugh, Hortland. tramcar opera
Serve plain Ice cream with a hot
advisory committee for aeronautic. « » « -
“ » « • » « » " > • » to d e.troy or |of
maple chocolate aau-e. uxtng nota for
•erloualy Interfere with the admin ,
a gnrnUh. Such a <!»•«,ert 1.« rich and
"that a bureau of air navigation be
let ration of the reclamation act."
Salom.--Complaint that the power satisfying and not difficult to serve.
established In the department of com
The definite lo»aea which the board ! rat, a o f the Consolidated Electric
recommended for allowance on pro | Idgbt company »r e not fair nnd eqult-
The fund will he administered by
Jerta In the Haclllc northwest and j able was filed In the offices o f the
the tiantel Uuggenheltn fund (or the
their cla«.m ention were aa follows:
« » t e ‘ public service commission Frl-
promotion of aviation, the truvteea ot
t'm allla. definite loaa. $1.061.940. In 'day
Tho complaint was signed by
which will he “ m en 'of eminence and
eluding *470 20« on 4MS permanently j o fficial» of (he Canyon City Hottllng |
competence." Mr. (iuggenhelm an­
unproductive acre» and $5*4.739 oft wofka
He anld he Immediately
acreage originally Included through 1
would p^ace f ’. 00,000 at the dDpoaal
Oregon City
A 26 pound turnip, of
error or mistake
"In buying a house, end
of the trustee» and would supply furth
the purple top variety, displayed In
taking a wlfa, shut your
Klamath. $170.6*4. Including $16*7
er funds, up to an additional total of
tho rout estate office o f C. A Koepple,
tyaa and commend your-
lor 3* unproductive acre», main d lv l-i""
* ____
. . .
of this city, has attracted wide alien-
93.000.000. when. In the Judgment of
self to God."
»ton. and $161.300 on 34.000 unpro-
the IrUNteea. It rould be u«eil wisely .
.... . 7
Lllon. The turnip was grown on farm
ductive acres; lower Klamath division, r
, ,
. . . .
HKHL I s nothing recorded In the
to promote the alma of the fund
. land owned by Mr. Koepple In Curry
$17.797 on arres Included through
life of Charles Plnet Ducloa, tha
The trustees. Mr (iuggenhelm said,
county. Oregon, and measures one foot
error or mlatako.
author of these words, to indicate that
would have unrestricted power lo do
In diameter.
Okanogan. $720,700, Including $219.*
there waa In his life the elements of
anything which In their Judgment,
102 on 2351 unproductive acres and
Kugone.— The hotel, springs, swim­ uisrltal unhappiness which would Jus­
might develop aeronautics
He stlpu
$60t,59* on acres Included through ming tank and real estate of the Cala- tify the cynicism lie voices.
luted that th « fund ahould not be a
Duclos had a varied life and he has
error or mistake
poola Springs company at London. 12
profit making enterprise and that any
Yakima. $306* on M unproductive miles south of Cottage Grove, were left hla name on the roll of fame In
earnings that might lx- realllcd were
tnuny capacities.
»old at sh eriffs sale Saturday to the
lo be added to the fund.
Aa a historian he Is entitled to be
Union Loan & Savings association of
remembered as the author of the In­
Hartley Denies Report.
Portland, which held a mortgage on genious “ History of Louis X I” nnd the
Seattle. Wash. — Oovernor Hartley the property.
“ Secret Memoirs on the Reign “bf
Louis X IV .”
Washington. D C Armed with a wa* reported Monday by the Tim e«
S alem —The Florida Association of
As u philologist he published some
petition seeking for women "the right here aa saying that a report he wax Real Katate boards has written to the
to earn their own living In thr lr won | «»ekin g to ouat President Suiaallo of state Insurance commissioner here re­ exceedingly Interesting studies In th#
French and Celtic languages which
way. unhampered by Iwwa which do not , the University o f Washington "could questing copies of the Oregon real
huve proved of great value In the
apply equally to their male compel
estate laws. The letter indicated that world o f letters.
tors." a delegation assembled by the
As a novelist and wit he has left
a number of Florida real estate brok­
Hartley nnd Suxiallo. during a ses­
national women's party marched to
ers contemplate locating in Oregon some excellent examples of Ids work.
In this connection his autobiography
the White Houae executive office Sun sion of tho leglalulure which ended within the next few months.
cannot be overlooked, for It Is both an
day and left their plea with a police Thuraday. came Into sharp confllrt
Forty-three long legged Interesting example o f an excellent
man onkluty there for delivery to the over efforts of the governor to curtail
appropriations for educational Instttu Medford men constitute the tall men's style and a human document enlivened
rlult. No. 2. of this city, which was by much o f the nnthor’s native humor.
President Coolldge was In the White tlona.
During his life Duclos won the ap­
Hartley asserted that no plan to ro- formally orgnnixed here Saturday
House when the petition was left at
proval of the French Academy and
Henjamin Ost-
hla office, hut hla secretory. Kverett ninvo Suixallo “ has been discussed or night nt a banquet.
was rewarded hy lielng made perpet­
lltid, originator of the order, five ual secretary of that body. His aid
Sander«, hud made It clear to the party even considered."
Marshfield men nnd some members In revising the Dlctlonnaire of the
leaders that no engagements could be
Cattle Parish In Firs.
of the Klamath Falls club attended.
Academy wns one of the contributing
made with the chief executive on Sun
causes to his being thus honored.
day The president spent a quiet day.
Seattle. Wash
Highly cattle were
lot Grande. Approximately $260,000
Duclos' death occurred in France In
not even following his custom of at burned to death in a barn fire 20 miles
worth of new constrnctlon nnd remod­ the year 1772 when he wns sixty-
tending services at the First Congre­ south o f here Monday. In another
eling was recorded during 1925, ac­ eight.— Wayne D. McMurray.
gational church.
barn fire three miles illatant a still cording to a check of the building rec­
(«& bjr Osorg* M*tth*w Adams.)
Speakers nt the mass meeting over was found by firemen whom the pro­
ords for the year. The actual figures
which Mrs. Donald Hooker of Haiti- prietor tried to send away, telling
are $211.*17, but it Is stated that. In
more presided, contended that “ per- them tho he had the flnmes under
many cases, the cost of building was
■eeutlon, not protection, results front control. The loss in the fire In which
greater than Indicated on the permits.
so-called 'w elfare' laws enacted to ap the cattle were killed, near Auburn,
ply to women hut not to men In In­ wits placed at $40.000. Discovery was
Suletn.— A total of 75.000 motor ve­
Announcement was made so Into that tho roof had collapsed hicles had been licensed for the year
that contributions totaling more than before fighting was organized.
1926 when the doors of the state de­
$5001» have been received or pledged
partment closed Saturday night. This
for the equal rights eampalgn.
represents approximately 35 per cent
Vestel W recks Bridge.
Oakland. Cal
Tho 300 foot awing of the motor vehicles that will be li­
"M iss Am erica" Sued.
Ing spnn o f tho Webster street bridge censed In Oregon this year, based on
Oaklnnd, Cal
Mias Fay loiniphler. was toppled into tho Oakland estuary an esllmate of the secretary of state.
* a
. I 1 m
le • I. r. *. P
. . a
. 1
1 D H O
chosen as "M iss America," at the re­
cent Atlantic City beauty pngeant. waa
made defendant Saturday In n ault for
$6906 dnmngea, filed by Louis H. Ja­
cobs, her ex manager. Jacobs alleges
that he signed a Yontract with Miss
Lamphler In which he whs to receive
one-half of her earning» as prlie
beauty after Sept. 12. He says he be­
lieves Mias Lamphler has made $10,*
000 since that time.
late Friday when tho steamship Lan­
Oregon C ity.—A deed was filed In
caster drove hoadon Into It. Three the office of County Recorder llackett
persons, Ihe bridge tender and two j Tllurm1ay ,,y chnriPB 0 . Forster and
boys were hurled Into the water as the, w,f(, ,u , he K|r„ t Wisconsin Trust
Iron structure crumpled in Its fall, but company for a largo tract of land lo-
none was seriously Injured. The steam cated In Marion nnd Clackamas coun­
ship waa not damaged hy the crash. ties. much of which is covered with
Sunday school teachers, rescued 40
children here Sunday when n fire
started in a church where a Sunday
school class wns In session. The teach­
ers formed the children, many of them
little more than bablaa, Into two lines
and marched them through tho smoke
and Ramea to safety, The fire, which
started from an overheated furnace,
whs extinguished after It caused $600
Saturday nnd the outgoing tldo cap- had a highly successful season during
sliotl her. No one was Injured.
I 1925, particularly In regard to prices.
I according to the report made hy Chas. |
Manchuria “ Cut»” Pekin.
Walden, secretary, at .the association's
Shanghai, China.— Reports from Ja annual meeting. The total output of
pan atul sources In Mukden say that the aasoclatlon member» waa about 11
The young 4ndy across the way
Marshal Chang Tao-Lin, m ilitary ruler carloads, he reported, which Is not says the armament limitation confer-
of Manchuria has announced that quite 60 » per cent o f a normal crop. ence couldn't be expected to necom
Manchuria has severed Its administra­ Prices held around $2 a container dur- plixlt all the Idealists want, but any
tive relations and all communications Ing the season. Homo of the crop was friendly Impasse nt all among the na-
aold as far cast as Montana.
I »<>"* •« « *"T> forward.
with the Pekin government.
valuable timber holdings. According
Miami Harbor Blocked.
to the stamps thnt appear on tho dooil.
L . ,
_ Bn)ount
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a A to
ê |70#
l I A A
„ ajonei
t (he
k .
I iBmi
I I i„
« '
Miami, Fin
Miami s harbor remain- ' , lhat
e<l bottled up Monday by tho Danish Ta|U(^ at , 700 ,ooo.
hark online Prlns Valdeman. which!
turned over In the channel. The vea-
Pendleton. Tho members of the To-
Forty Children Flee Fire.
Seattle. Wash. Mlsa Violet Norton, sel, which was brought here to be ^ mitto Growers' association of near Sun
v l<
((b) by McClurs Newspaper 9ynJloa(a.)
c fh e
19- 6 .
«Y N o p H Ifl - T o a (atherlnff o f
anarchlata in Burkina. T ond on
■ uburb. ZmhoUtf. fo r e ig n a g i t a ­
o f th* o p e r a t io n » o f a
body o f mun wh o huv* become u
m^rittfA to t h * lr ucttvltl#-«.
sa y * they a re masked and w r a r
l o n g black i lo ak s and ara a c t in g
w ith o ut the l a w
He la i n t e r ­
rupted by tha men ha 1» deacrlb-
Ing i t h * B lac k H a n g ), w h o bre ak
up the mee ting, se nt en ci ng *oma
o f the pa rtlc lpanta to co nd ig n
punishment and c a r r y i n g a w a y
A m emora ndum found
on ¡¿abolaff g iv e s an address In
Ifo xt on , which tha lea dar o f tha
a t t a c k i n g pa rty considarn o f i m ­
Sle B rya n Johnstone,
di r e ct or o f <r lmlnal I n v e s t i g a ­
tion. hears fr om I ns pe cto r Vtc-
Iver, sent to arre st Za b ol a ff tha
night before, o f his discomfiture.
Ffe had been eelxed and c h l o r o ­
forme d and his raid fru strated .
Hu gh I>rurnmond. man o f leisure,
tells Johnstone o f seei ng the k i d ­
napers and th eir victims. H e b e ­
comes an unpaid a g e n t o f tha
police, under M ' t v e r .
W illiam
Atkinson, os ten sib ly p a w n b r o k e r
and money lander, r ea ll y Count
Zad ow a. d i r e ct o r o f a na r c hy in
England, does business In a n ­
ot he r I » n d o n suburb
A mys­
In vades
CHAPTER III— Continued
In blissful Ignorance of the tad
plight <>f the clerk below, two men
were sitting in this room, deep in con­
versation. In a chair drawn up close
to the desk was no less a person than
Charles I-otter. 31. P , and It was he
who waa doing most of the talking.
Hat It wns the other man who riveted
attention; the man who pre.-umabiy
wax Mr. Atkinson himself.
At flrat he seemed to tie afflicted
with an almost phenomenal stoop,and
It was only when one got nearer that
the reason waa clear. The man was
a hunchback, and the effect It gave
was that o f a huge bird of prey. Un­
like most hunchbacks, hla legs were
of normal length, and as be sat mo­
tionless In hla chair, a hand on each
knee, staling with unwinking eyes at
hla talkative companion, there was
something menacing and Implacable
In Ida appearance. His hair wns g ra y ;
hla features stern and hard; while hla
mouth reminded one of a steel trap.
Hut it was his eyes that dominated
everything—gray-blue and piercing,
they seemed able to probe one's Inner­
most soul. A me u to w horn It would
be unwise to lie— a man utterly un­
scrupulous in himself, who would yet
punish double-dealing In those who
worked for him with merciless sever­
ity. A dangerous man.
“ So you went to the potlce. Mr. l e t ­
ter," he remarked suavely.
'A m i
» lis t had our friend Sir Bryan JoUn-
atone to say on the matter?*'
"A t first, count, he didn't say much.
In fact he really said very little all
through. But ouce be looked at the
note his whole manner changed.
could see that Instantly. There was
something about the note which In­
terested him. . . .
"Let me see It." said the count,
holding out bis hand.
“ I left It with Sir Bryan," answered
the other. “ He asked me to let him
keep It.
And be promised that I
should be all right.*
The count*» Ups curted.
“ It would take more than Sir Bryan
Jolinstone'a pmmiae, Mr. Latter^jto In­
sure your safety. Do you know'Vbom
that note was from?"
" I thought, connt," raid the other a
little tremulously— "1 thought It might
be from thla mysterious Btack Gang
that one has heard rumors about"
“ It was," replied the count tersely.
“ H eavens!"
“ Then It's true; they exist."
“ In the last month.” answered the
hunrhhuck, staring fixedly at his
frightened companion, “ nearly twenty
of our most useful men huve disap­
peared. They have simply vanished
Into thin air. I know, no matter how,
thnt tt la not the police: the police are
as mystified ns we are. Hut the po­
lice, Mr. Latter, whatever views they
may take officially are tn all probabil­
ity unofficially very glad o f our
friends' disappearance. At any rutv
until last night.”
"W hat do you mean?” asked the
“Last night the police were balked
of their prey, and Mclver doesn't like
being balked. You know Zaboteff wus
seut over?"
“ Yes, o f course. Thnt Is one of the
reasons I came around tonight. Have
you seen him?”
“ I have not.” answered t h e ’ count
grimly. “ The police found out he waa
Mr. Latter's face blanched: the
thought o f Zubolcff In custody didn’t
appeal to him. It tuny be mentioned
that his feelings were purely selfish—
Zuhoteff knew too much.
But the Couut wus speaking again.
A faint sneer was on hla face; be had
read tho other's mind like an open
"And to," he continued, “ did the
Itlnck Gang. They removed Kaboteff
nnd our friend Waldock from under
the very noses o f the police, uud, like
the twenty others, they huve disap­
"My O— d !” There was no doubt
now about Mr. Latter’s state o f mind.
“ And now they've threatened me."
«And now they've threatened yon,”
agreed the count. "And you, I am
glad to say, have done exactly whnt I
should have told you to do, had I seen
the door, terrified out of Ills wit» by
the look of diabolical fury in the
Copyright by QEOXQC H. DORAN CO. hunchback’s eye«. Three or four
V. N U W «
clerk«, who hud been surreptitiously
peeping through tlie open door, [netted
rapidly away, while from hla chair
you sooner.
You have gone to tlx* Mr. ta tte r watched the scene fasci­
nated. lie waa reminded o f a bird
"Hut— but," stammered I-utter, “ the and a snake, and suddenly he gave
police were no good to Zatxdeff last a little shudder na he realized that hla
own position waa In reality much the
"And It Is quite possible,” returned same as that of tbo unfortunate
the other calmly, "rhat they will be Cohen.
equally futile'In your case. Candidly,
And then Just as the tension was
3fr. tatter. I am completely Indifferent becoming unbearable there come the
on the subject o f your future. Yon Interruption. Outside In the passage,
have served our purpoae, and all that dear and distinct, there sounded twice
matters la that you happen to he the the boot of an owl. T o Mr. tatter
bone over which the doga are going It meant nothing; to tlie frightened
to fight. Until last night the dogs little Jew It meant nothing; but on
hadn't met—officially; and In the the count the effect wns electrical.
rencontre last night, the police dog. With a quickness Incredible In one
unleag I ’m greatly mistaken, was so deformed he was at the door, and
caught by surprise. M clver doesn’t Into the passage, hurling Colien out
let that happen twice. In your- case of his way Into a corner. Ills power­
he’ll be ready. With lurk this cursed ful Bats were clenched by hia aide:
black gang, who are tatinltely more the veins in Ids neck were standing
a nuisance to me than the police hare out like whipcord. But to Mr. Lat-
been or ever will be, will get bitten ter*s surprise he made no movement,
and rising from his chair he toil peered
Mr Latter was breathing heavily
round the door along tlie passage,
"But what do you want me to do. only to stagger back after a second
or two with a feeling o f sick fear
"Nothing at all. except what you in his soul, and a sudden dryness In
were going to do normally,” answered the throaL For twenty yards away,
the other.
framed in the doorway at the head
"H u llo! What*« u p r
o f the stairs leading down to the nfflea
F.-oro a Utile electric bell at his below, be had seen a hoge, motionless
e l b o w came four shrill rings, repeated figure. For a perceptible time he had
again and again.
*a ra d at It, and It had seemed to
The connt rose, and with system­ stare at him.
Then the door had
atic thoroughness swept every piece shut, and on the other side a key
of psper off the desk Into his pocket had turned. And the figure had been
T ie n he shut down the top and locked draped from head to foot In black.
tt, while the bell, a little muffled, still
rang inside.
Charles ta tte r was unmoral rather
"What'a the fool doing?” he cried than im moral: he was a constitutional
angrily, stepping over to the big safe coward with a strong liking for un­
let Into the wall, while Latter, hla derhand Intrigue, and he was utterly
face whits and terrified, followed at and entirety selfish. In hia way ho
his side. And then abruptly the bell waa ambitious; he wanted power, but,
though in many respects he wns dis­
Very deliberately the count pressed tinctly able, he lacked that essential
two concealed knobs, so sunk Into the factor— the ability to work for 1L He
• all aa to be Invisible to a stranger, tutted w ork: he wanted easy results.
and the door o f the safe swung open. And to obtain lasting results Is not
And only then was It obvious that easy, as Mr. Latter gradually discov­
the safe was not, a safe, but a second ered. A capability for makln* flashy
exit leading to a flight o f stairs. For speeches covered with a veneer of
a moment or two he stood motionless, cleverness Is an undoubted asset, but
listening intently, while Latter fidget­ It Is an asset the value o f which
ed at hts aide. One hand was on a has been gauged to a nicety by the
master switch which controlled all the men who count And so »a time went
lights, the other on a knob Inside the on, and the epoch-making day when
second passage which, when turned, he had been returned to parliament
would close the grant steel door noise­ faded into the past. 31r. Latter real­
lessly beblnd them.
ized himself for what he was— a
He was frowning angrily, but grad­ thing o f no account And the realiza­
ually the frown waa replaced by a tion was as gall and wormwood to
look o f puzzled surprise. Four rings his soul. It la a realization which
from the shop below was the recog- comes to many men. and It take» them
nixed signal for urgent danger, and different ways. Some become resigned
everybody'» plan of aetbm was cut — some make new and even more
and dried fo r auch an emergency. futile efforts: some see the humor
In the other rooms every book and of If. and some don't.
3Ir. Latter
paper in the «lightest degree tncrim- didn’t : he became spiteful.
And a
tnutlng were hurled pell-mell Into se- , spi, Piui rownrd Is a nasty thing
erat recesses In the floor which had
ft waa Just about thnt time thut he
been specially
under met Count Zadowa. It a as at dinner
every table. In their place appeared at a friend's house, and after the
books carafnQy and very skilfully ladles ttml left he found himself sit­
faked, purporting to record the basi­ ting next to the hunchback with the
no«» transactions of Mr. William A t­ strange, piercing eyes.
He wasn't
conscious o f having suld very much:
In the bfg room at the end the pro­ he would have been amazed hnd he
cedure was even simpler. The count been told that within ten minutes this
merely passed through the safe door charming foreigner had read his un­
and vvn'.shed through hia private bolt­ pleasant tittle mtnd like a hook, and
hole. leaving everything fn 'larkness. | had reached a certain and definite de­
And should Inconvenient visitors ask cision. In tact, looking back on the
Inconvenient questions— well, tt was past few months. Mr. Lutter was at a
Mr. Atkinson's private office, and a loss to account as to how things had
very nice office too, though at tha mo­ reached their present pass. Hail he
ment he was away.
been told when he stood for parlia­
Thus the precettare— simple and ment. flaunting all the old hackneyed
sound ; but on this occasion something foroiufHe. thnt within two years he
seem*,! to have pens wnoig. Instead Toxl[,j
„K-ratly engage.! In red-hot
o f the industrious silence o f clerks j Communist work, he would have
working overtime on affairs of finan­ taurbed the Idea to seorn. Anarehy,
cial Import, a perfect babel of voices too: a nasty word, but the only one
became audible In the passage. And that fitted the bomb outrage In 3fnn-
then there came an agitated knocking chester. which he had himself organ­
on the door.
ized. Sometime« In the night, he used
"W ho is it?” cried the count sharp­ to wake and lie sweating as he thought
ly. It may be mentioned that even of that episode.
the most Influential members of his
And gradually It Ifad become worse
staff knew better than to come Into and worse. Little by little the charm­
the room without previously obtaining ing Count Zadowa. realizing that Mr.
ta tte r possessed lust those gifts which
"It's me. air—Cohen." came an agi­ he conld utilize to advantage, had
tated voice from outside.
ceased to be charming. There were
For a moment the count paused: many advantages In having a mem­
then with a turn o f the knob he closed ber o f parliament a» chief Unison
the safe door silently. With an im­ officer.
perious hand he waved Latter to a
There had been that first small slip
chair, and resumed his former posi­ when he signed a receipt for money
tion at the desk.
paid him to address a revolutionary
“ Come tn.” he snapped.
meeting tn South Wales during the
It was a strange and unwhoteeome coal strike. And the receipt specified
object that obeyed the order, and the the service rendered. An unpleasant
count sat back tn his chair.
document tn view of the fact thnt his
“ What the devil huve you been do­ principal supporters tn his constitu­
ency were coal-owners. And after
A pair o f rich blue-black eyes, and that the descent had been rapid.
a nose from which traces o f blood
still trickled had not improved the
general appearance o f the assistant
Why should th« hoot of an
downstair«. In one hand he carried
owl and « figura In black create
u pair of hobnail boot», tn the other a
auch fear? More mystsry.
piece of paper, and he brandished
them alternately while a fl.aal of In­
coherent frenzy hurst from his lips
For a minute or two the count lis­
Times Had Changed
tened. until Ms first look of surprise
gave way to one of black anger.
The salesman who bad been turned
"Atu I to understand, you wretched away several times remarked to the
little worm,” he snarled, “that you office boy with tine sarcasm:
“ Well, 1 suppose the boss Is In con­
gave the urgency danger signal, not
«»nee but half a dozen times, merely ference again tills morning?”
The office boy flipped a paper wad
because a nmn hit you over the none?”
"But he knocked me silly, sir,” at th« «teiiogrupher before h« replied:
“ No. sir; not In ronferene«.
lie s
quavered the other. “ And when I came
to, and saw the boots lying beside tne sworn off golf.”
nnd tha till opened, I kind of lost my
M ind and Soul
head. I didn't know what had hap­
It Is the mind that makes the man,
pened, air—aud I thought I’d better
and our vigor Is In our immortal auuL
ring the bell— In cose of trouble.
He retreated a *tcj> or two toward j —Ovid.