The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, January 14, 1926, Image 4

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Girls! Your Health!
A W ,ll Wonun Carrie. with her Joy,
Mirth. Animation
Section cDevotcd to
A ttractive Magazine Material
In the
V i t h C h o e r u p 5 a n d th e Q i i i x i e s
6 } Grace DÜS5 Stewart
M rs. H . W illiam
t T S a fine day. air. Isn't It?” mur-
■T mured a timid voice behind
"Don't look around too
suddenly, please. I am W illie Wart-
hog and 1 think you are In for a sur­
"Why. nothing can surprise me
new. Mr. Warthog.” cried Cheerups.
1 felt quite sure you
would be surprised. Don't be fright­
ened. though! I look fierce but I'm
really quite bashful. It's enough to
make anybody shy to have big bumps
all over his face, and teeth sticking
out at the aides of his mouth. Aud
Speaker's Handicap
Two countrymen homeward bound
from the picnic were dis.usring the
patriotic oration that had been the
big event of the day. "N ot such a bad
speech.' said one. "N o ." agreed the
other. "N ot so bad But the speaker
would have done better if he hadn't
worn a celluloid collar. He couldn't
melt it down!”
Happy Musical Knowledge
“ Music can. indeed, be a medicine;
but we must be our own doctors. Hap­
py the man who. like the dog that is
out of sorts and makes straight for
the kind of grass that will make him 'Now Don't Hurry So. Willie.“ Said
Choorups Kindly.
beneficially sick, knows what music to
'take' and when to take it.”— Ernest
that Isn't all," gasped the Warthog.
''Th ere* a lot m ore!"
"N ow don't hurry so. Willi#," said
New Year "W ater Feast'
Cheerups kindly. “ Catch your breath.
In Burma the new year, which oc­ We have all o f this glorious morning
In which to talk about your troubles;
curs in April, is celebrated with a
and I don't believe anyone’s troubles,
"water feast.” which consists of vounp
If really boiled down, would take a
men and women throwing water on whole morning to tell. Honestly, do
each other and on the passers-by.
“ W-e-U,” mused W illie Warthog
Inviting Diagnosis
slowly. T i n not so sure. I think I
E!sie—Oh. doctor. won't you please had better be getting on with mine,
ccme in and look at my doggie? I for you don’t know how many I may
think he wants to see you. 'cause he think of. In the first place. It’s my
keeps sticking his torque out all the looks: In the second place. It’s my
name; and in the third place. It’s
my neck I*
W illie?
Severe on Vagrants
shouldn't say you had enough neck
Punishment of vagrants was severe to bother yon.” cried Cheerups.
"That's Just It; I haven't, and that
in the -Middle ages. In England, in
bothers me.” walled Willie. "You have
1572. they were jailed, their ears were
no Idea how useful a neck Is until
bored, ana upon a second conviction
yon haven't one, Mr. Cheerups.” (.rest
were sentenced to death. Milder laws tears rolled down poor W illie's bumpy
were enacted later.
“ But my ugly name, sir," sniffed
The Acrobat.
T m coming to that." chirped Cheer
Pity the politician
It's no easy
matter to straddle a fence while keep­ ups. “ You really have the most won
ing one ear on the ground.— Burlington derfnl and romantic sounding name
In all Animal Ijind. It might belong
to the hero of a novel. In the lan­
guage of the people of Africa, where
you live, you are called Vlaeke Vark "
Little Margaret had been told not to
“O-o-o-o-h!” gasped W illie Wart-
leave her bicycle outside the church hog In surprise and astonishment. "I
when she used to go to Sunday school. don’t know what s novel Is. but to be
"Y ou see. ' explained her mother, "lots like a hero is novel enough ”
"W alt a minute. Vlaeke.* cried
of bikes are stolen here in town.”
“ Why,” exclaimed Margaret, "bur­ Cheerups. "Those aren’t all the nice
things you are going to hear.
glars don't burgle on Sunday, do
you forgotten about your neck?"
M ore fo r y o u r m oney
and th e b e s t P e p p e rm in t
Chewing Sweet for any money
Look lor Wrigley’s P. K. Handy Pack
on your Dealer's Counter qt fc
T A P P E A R S as If the belief In
witches would never die out. Only
a short time ago in a New York police
court a woman exhibited to the Judge
| a child with wasted limbs and accused
another woman present of having be­
witched it. This superstition has ex­
isted from remotest times In all coun­
j tries and among all races.
At times It has taken <>n a terrible
form— that o f an epidemic— and raged
j with virulence: as in England in the
days o f James I and in New England
in the days of Cotton Mather. Among
wltchea have ever been more common
than male; which that “ learned fool."
King James. In bla notable work on
witchcraft, accounts for by saying that
women being the weaker sex are more
easily led astray by the devil.
The family tree of t’ .e witch extendi
back to the Witch of Endor and far
beyoDd her into the lime of man's
first attempt to comprehend the pbe
nomena by which he found himself
surrounded. It was very natural that
primitive man ahould attribute super­
natural powers to those who surpassed
or perplexed him by superior knowl­
edge or by peculiarities o f person or
conduct. It Is human nature to be
awed by things we cannot comprehend
and to be suspicious o f persons and
things of a sinister appearance. Whut
more natural than that some evil-look
est romance o f literature, the quaint­
ly abbreviated Trlx persisted In Eng­
The latter appeared too curt to
Yankee ears, which are accustomed to
s diminutive ending In a vowel, so
Trixie came Into existence here and
continues to be popular, both as au
Independent name and as a contrac­
tion of the stately Beatrice.
Trixie, like Beatrice, has an un­
usual stone as a talisman. It Is the
basalt which Is proof against danger
and is especially valuable to (he
traveler. Thursday 1« her lucky day
and five her lucky number.
by Wh««!«r Syndicate )
------- o --------
Serge From China
Two textiles owe their nsmes nnd
origin to F ram e; these are cretonne
and cambric, the first of which caine
originally from the Normandy town
of Creton, while the second Is still
manufactured at t amhral. .Serge was
introduced Into till» country from
China In 1000. The Latin name for
China Is Series, from which the mod­
"serge ’ has gradually
-------- O--------
By John Kendrick Bangs.
Old Myth Exploded
-c c o o o o o o a a c o a o a o c a a o c y a o o ^
According to recent reports there Is
no scientific basis for the popular be­
lief that the eldest child has the best
chance o f obtaining prominence. Ex­
amples o f brilliant men contradicting
this belief are James F. Cooper, who
was the elevenl> o f twelve children,
and (ieneral Sherman, who came In
the middle of a large family.
-------- O--------
Y E a i t the blues to d a y —
I'v e ca u gh t them from tho
And fro m the tw ln k ls g a y
O f little ch ildren a cyee;
And from a v io le t ehy
Th at sp ite o f w i n t e r ! cold
O ared most co u ra ge ou sly
Its beau ties to u n fold —
n iu «e o f a flo ra l kind
Th at d r iv e a w a y my fear.
And fill heart, soul, and mind
W ith w ea lth o f asu re cheer.
IIS by McClure fte ««p »p e r Syndicate (
L ife .
H E W H Y tf
--------------- By M I L D R E D M A R S H A L L ----------------
Fact, about your name; its hlstorv; meaning; whence It a
was derived; »ignificsnce; your lucky day and lucky jewel “
Fits hand
pocket and p u m
i f i by Llttlv. B row , I P » )
Corn Insect Pests.
'T 'F ’. IX IE Is not ni.-rcly the colloquial
Mor* than 300 specie« of insects at­ —• contraction of I> airice as Is gen­
tack cum. Many oi these are attract­ erally supposed. In fact, Trixie was
in vogue In England before Beatrice
ed by the odor of the com silk.
was used as a feminine proper name
It come« of course, from the Italian
beator, meaning “ blesser” and came
Into existence thmugh Beatrix, which
sprang full-grown and without ante-
cedent into the usage of Diocletian's
time, when a Christian maiden, so-
called, was martyred and her relics
later enshrined In a church at Rome
Beatrix became almost a national
name In Italy, and England quickly
acquired it, cut off the first three let­
ters, In many instances and evolved
the endearment, Trlx
took the same name, changed the end
Ing and called his high-spirited he­
roine. Beatrice.
In Spain. It named
many queens, hut despite Its associa­
tion with royalty aud with the great-
T h e S im p le
C«Mpl«ta Chang« Saturday
Adulta, Week day M atin»« '.toc,
Evenings. !U>c (lontinoua I I » II
p. in. CluUtrvn 10 cents all tuna*
C la rk « III..« rin r la la tSI M o r i « « « Bl
(■asoline talea rollected hy thè aov
I huvo thought, wlton walking In
eral «lutea yleldcd a revenue o f »«•*».
<X>OOOCOCX3000CX.X\XX)00000000 IOK.7S4 lu Ih* Il rat balf of Itl'Jh of
whlch »fiS.8U.340 la applicatilo lo noni doll. I» rdoriul with ftcrtib oak* mid
work, accordtng lo a reperì hy Ilio pin**. fur from t h * v i |I mk «< mid afford*
OCODOOCOCX^COOOOOOOcXXXXXXX) bureau of puhllc ronda of lite l'nlleil i tig a glimpse only through an opali
Hides, Pells, W ool, M ohair,
Statca Department o f AgrU-ulturv. Ai I UK of tho mountaliiM In ilio boritoti,
thè beglunlng of thè year thero »e r e how my Ufo might ima* thoro, simple
Tallow , Cascara B ark
I.A atales whlch dld noi tua gaaoltnc mid truo mid natural, and how many
At thè preaent timo a tnx la luqn.MHl things would bo impossible* to ho dono
Horse H air.
In all atutea etcopl llllnola, Maaaacbu thotv
llow many hooka I might not
aetta, New Jersey and New York. Oli
rond! Thoroau
iWitii u« you» aktpmaMita Wa mail r«u «hotl
July 1 thè tax per gallon » la fi celila
th*> sains day wa rocoi«« *'»*1*.
lu one alate. 4 cerna In two alalia. .'Il,
Tw o “ Shaker** Group*
celila In oue alate, .1 celila In 12 States
P ortland H ide a W ool C o
2 l, conta In one alate. 2 celila In 2'<
Then* aro two groups of "Hhakwra"
atalea and I cent In file alato*.
j In tho finitoti Staton Otto U a flirta
tM vm m tftNui aeaia, rearuNt. mm an
The ratea of laxullon on .lune .10 ami Unit group, distributed through tin*
thè rovenue dertved In thè firat ali onntorn atntoa. whoso aolf < hoxon tmmo
montila of U>2fi «e r e ss fo llo »a ;
G *■ Hollovor* lit t'hrlat’a Soconil font*
Ta a rata,
Gross ta« I it k ” Tho aooumt group la itimi«« up
S l a t « , and
canta par
roaolpta* of tho nntlvM Intllnita living In tho ro­
I |n«t* fr>M4t
l* C.
g a l Juna
Jan Ito
iHittf .Hi«I»-
ttimi of |*uK« t aouml. wh«t limito up or
30. 193ft.
June 30.
itu Ki«Wt»rM 14«*. .-fvl
Siriln Uli l>|h»*t> I* »»• r*|»
A I » I i * m « ., . . . .
I 90S .-?•» iDVOQtnl whut la known ua tho Shako f-r (trllrf sbl'k». teller
Arliutu ... ........ a
4U| 43'
•• r»lw Wn» <'«!■>>’*
........ o
i.Mo.ra •
Q l i L E N I I A r C lti:»W «M v lb d d
i**llfornt* . ......... s
I 4 K ) I I * A V l N U l
H A U L »'
........ a
• I« **«!
Ship Flag Etiquette.
Connecticut .......i
021.« I l
| i»l«n «r »
117,19 I
..... a
fpott IonvIng n ilmuoatlo port nini
Florid* . . .. ........ a
Georgia ... . . . . a
1.IS7J01 ontorltiK n forolgtt port n ahlp filo« tho
I Idaho ....... ........ i
339 U « flug of tb«' rountry to which It la go
Yua Will r ~ I It.tfM *4 II.»m» I I « « «
I Illinois . . . . .........o
m i Irslfd ......... I*!**
Ing on tho forwnnt mnat.
For in
: fadtaau ..........
........ a
i> a.31 4 .<<
! low * . . . . . . . . . .3
97 « «:.ft atnnco. n fn lto d Stntoa ahlp lonvlng _
I i.-«IUrtl
S|so«l«l W««fcl>
' K*ti*us ........ . a
•91 3” « Now* York for London filo* tho llrltlah
|»u, Mae» »11 Tltina lllh «ml Si*rh.
I Krnlucky . . . . . a
1.317.4 •
Louisian* ....... a
1.091.«** I flag front Inrontaet up«»n lonvlng Now
1 Main« . . . . . . . 3! i
303 4 7* York utnl a I mo upon ontoHng Lomlon
Maryland ....... t
• 20.97ft
Electrical Cooking
Tho t rnltod Stntoa flag la flown from
Massachusetts , . 0
Michigan ........ a
s.m .ft«« tho storn.
public dinner to be ctniked
Mlnrraot* ....... a
1.300 «31
1 Mississippi •••> a
electrically Wrt*’ »«Tved In IH9& at the
I Miaoourl ........
Food Without Acid.
Cunnuii Street hotel. London. England,
' Montana . . . . . . . 3
I • -
Th ia a va r-p o p u la r " m o m " star, bat-
The following foods contain no. The dinner was in houor of the then
, Nebraska ....... a
M l lift
tar kn ow n as tha jo lly fa t fa llo w o f
Oatmeal, cream of wheat, pota­
Nava «t a
3| a
i >
lord mayor of London and the dlshea
tha m otion p ic tu r .s , w n born In G e o r­
Now Hampshire a
s«s.os: toes. green vegetable* such a* CSUll
nerved and tin* moons of rooking them
g ia. It was w h ile a tten d .n g school In , Now Jersey ... , . o
i New Mexico ... a
■ flower, cabbage, onions, beet*, carrots, created quite u se|i*aUoti Today there
N e w Y o r k s ta te th at b , dee ded to try
Naw York
spinach. aMparngus. etc. white bread, are In the I ’ nlted States more than
h it luck as an actor. H s w , ghs o v e r
North ( ’arollna
1.711 1«S
: ¿o i i 0 butter, milk and cream, egg* and situ lo.oou communities where electricity
North Dakota . .1
200 pounds and ia flvo fe e t ten and
Ohio ............... a
pie pudding*, such an rice pudding,
o n s -h s lf in c h ,a ta ll. H i t firs t th ea trl
! Oklahoma . . . . . . a
I chocolate pudding, bread and custard ! for rooking purposes is supplied at a
cal w o rk w a s in v a u J o v .ll«, a fte r
< >r«|un .......... a
special rate.
1.33« I I I
w hich he trie d the “ m o v ie * .■* in w hich
I’onni) Ivanla
h it success Is w a ll known.
R iflt Silsncors
l.&tl M
1 Soul h Carolina . »
Variety of Horned Sheep
773 «37
, South Dakota.. . 3
The National Rifle association says
T 310 *> *'
Tennessee ....... a
Some sheep have no horns at all
T m »« ......................... .1
As is well known, the u*unl number that * silencer works on the same
t’ l a»h ...............
ITLftftl of horns possessed by a sheep is two principle an un uuto muffler The tub«
i c u .:«« In the case of many kinds o f breeds, is screwed on the tnuftle of the gun.
Virginia .......... .a
Washington . . .. 3
1.44ft 7*C
«33.390 only the males have horns. The uni­ Thia tub«* consists of st*rie* of baffles
W#n( Virginia 4 1
TT3.i«4 corn sheep of Nepal and Tibet has (hut cause the gn*e* to Issue slowly In­
Wisconsin . . . .
130 J90
stead of with n sudden rush. It Is thia
3 39.19 I both horns completely welded together
Dltt. of Col‘bla. .3
into one. Four horned sheep are com­ rush of powder gs* from the uiuatle
ing old bag should be sus|>ectrd of be
f tC .lftl. 73 4
T o ta l
mon In Iceland und the Hebrides, and of the gun which creates a vacuum.
Ing possessed of an evil spirit, or o f at
1! Vtafunda e v rlu J rd
are found also In Africa. Eight-horned < aualug the report when discharged.
least having dealing with such spirits?
Especially If alie herself, from being
long regarded In that light by her
nelgabora. ahould at length come lo
bellev# that she possessed the attrlb
utes assigned to her. Besides a belief
In wlthcruft affords the Ignorant an
easy method of accounting for other­
wise unaccountable afflictions to cattle
and to persons.
by McClure Newspaper Syndicate.)
3he Hotel Stenogra J pher
Q K.O'i Fufkcrjor\
C b a n g rJ
to 1 canta on
C h a n grd
Ju ly
Prompt Payment
Sometimes we pay for our mistakes
on the spot, as in the rase of that
North Carolina mail who mistook a
wildcat for a coon.
II .
Ju ly
sheep are known
Story of Woolsns-
Mice Blind Nineteen Days
«! C hanged to S S canta on July I.
The young of the red tree mouse,
which live* in t'allfornia, does not
open Its eyes until the nineteenth day
Highway Material Tests
after tt is born. The red tree mouse
Being Made at College Is said to he more truly tree living
At the request of the state highway
than any other uuimmal in the I'nlted
commission, a small temporary wood
en barracks bus been built behind the States with the exception of the flying
Engineering building o f the University squirrel.
o f Wisconsin lo lie used as n hlgliw.iy
Marvtlout Memory
testing laboratory. Tests of various
highway materials are now being car
Tw o little cousins, Jennie nnd Kute.
rled out by the university and the cum were disputing* about which was the
older of the two. when Jennie settled
Samples o f road material are tested the argument hy exclaiming: "W hy.
In the laboratory for straight com
Katie, I Just know I'm older than yon,
‘muse I 'member ‘stinctly going over
Some of the tests are made
on ronds under construction In order to your house und saying. 'Hollo, Aunt
that the mixture may he o f the proper Sarnh. where’s Katy?* and Aunt Sarah
consistency. The sample Is pul In n said, 'Why, Katie isn't horned yet*."
frame along the edge o f the rond and
then tested on the mudheds. The re
Not Fortune That's Blind.
suit la later examined In the labora
It is we who are blind, not fortune;
ICoadhed samples are also testisi because our eye is too dim to discern
during regular Intervals of varied pe the mystery of her effects we foolish
rlods of days or weeks, and nome are ly paint her blind, uud hoodwink the
put away to be tested after a year or providence of the Almighty. — Sir
; two.
Thomas Rrowne.
WISH my u lfe would stop com
Ing around t ere,” said the House
Detective. "Every time she come* to
the hotel she sees me buxzlng sums
of those Molls around here uud gets
"Forget It, Kelly," laughed the Hotel
"You know, Kelly, it la the squeaky
wheel that gets the grease und the
crippled child who fa mamma's pet.
"Women are all like that.
get tired o f new things, tire If they
work well.
A vacuum cleaner or a
curling Iron, a washing machine or a
set o f shoe trees, s new bouse or a
new step-in, a solitaire or a naughty
book, will hold a woman's attention
Experiment* are being rondtirted by
for a short time only, until there Is
the Illinois state highway depart­
something wrong with 'em.
ment to determine what la the beat
“ I f the vacuum cleaner or the curl
Ing Iron gets out of order she misses grim* mixture to grow along the
and values them
If the washing ma shouldera o f the stele nId rood*. Rev
chine goes wrong and she has to hump erul different mixture* have been
herself over a tub, If the step in wears worked out, and n number of expert
out and she lose*, the stone out of her mental atrlpa aeverul hundred feel
solitaire, she realizes what a comfort long are being seeded for study und
they have been to her and for the first observation.
• • •
time she really values them.
"A good husband rarely attracts the 1 Seven nnd one half million dollars
attention of hla wife, Kelly, lie la a will be spent on roads In national
perfect working machine, little valued | piirks during the next three year»,
and less appreciated.
But let him Steven Mather, director of national
skid a hit, let him stay out too late parks for the United States govern
at night, let his wife get a littl* sus­ ment. told members o f the Motor f a r
picious of him and she begins to put Dealers’ association o f Los Angeles
on a clean bungalow apron before lie A comprehensive picture o f national
rames home to d.nner and fixes hit fu park development was drawn by
Mather and his asKiHtunt.
A. E Do-
vorite dessert.
“ I f you w ife Is a hit.Jealous of these mnrnry, for the nutomohlle men.
• • •
The real good thut a good road*
Peacock alley, she has to give them
the O. O. to see If they have anything movement can do will never he re
nllzed to the full
until China hits
on her. and II' so to Imltnle 'em Bet
ler watch her, though, Kelly, or she'll | been persuaded to accept the Idea.
• * •
hsve her hair “ boy bobbed."
Road Improvements In 10 states
ICoprrlsbt by (hs MrN'suxht Syndicate, las. 1
of lift South Will rovf $40,000
000 this year. North Carolina Is de
▼eloping one of the finest highway
In the country—a hard surfaced road
running from Wilson to Jacksonville
a distance of
miles. When com
pleted, this highway will he the long
est asphalt road east of the Rocky
* * •
Roads that were formerly laid out
to follow the contour lines nre now be
w -.v .
Ing straightened to fuvor lines of
motor control.
• • •
During 102b new road* coating $ 10.
i l f*
c**pr tyrr
OQfl.QOO will be completed or started
't lir t f
In 16 southern states
called "the Booth." North Carolina
It la aald. Is developing one of the
t / i
flneat highways In I he country he
<© hy M> • lur* NffWftp*pfr 8. n<llt«t* )
tweea Wilson and Jackaonvllle, a rlis
--------o --------
It In Raid music help* In getting lance of 165 miles. When completed It
work done. T ill* proluihly npp'»lex will be the longest asphalt rood ensf
of (he Rocky mountains.
only to pliyiii'ul labor.
Good Road Notes
Measure of Distance.
Mrs. M. C O. writes: *‘I was under
the impression that Elva’s aunt lived
in the .same town with her. One day
I asked the child about it. ‘Oh, no/
'van the gnawer. *«h^ doesn't live that
«lo; ; >*hp liv e « L tters away from
us '
Bo on Transcript.
“ Yea, sir, 1 had." sighed Vlaeke
sadly. “ 1 had 'most forgotten that
there was anything In the world ex­
cept names. O f course you can't help
■ me shoot my neck. air.
Cue can't
I change something one hasn't “
“There's always a way. Vlaeke. If
I you will just find the way Into your
own mind and thhik It over," #ald
| Cheerups. shaking his topknot and
beamlug with good nature. "Suppose
you are running away from an enemy
and want to see what he is doing;
L point your nose straight up Into the
j air and look back over your ahoul-
Quick as a flash went the Wart*
| hog's nose Into the air. Sure enough.
1 he could see everything behind him.
'Oh. Mr. Cheerups. I believe I'll
turn a somersault," roared Vlaeke
with Joy. "You know I do sometimes
\ when I a n coming out o f my burrow,
and I never felt more like it in my
Yon are the most wonderful
person and I can't thank you enough."
“ Eve enjoyed uiyself this morning,
too,” said Cheerups, with a smile,
"and yon see It has taken only half
an boar to tell your troubles and to
cure them as well. Ooodby. Vlaeke;
come and see me again 1*
“ lloodby. air. and after all. I be­
lieve I like W illie better.—tt sounds
so nice and friendly." and Vlaeke
Vark the Warthog trudged away Into
the Jungle.
by Ih» Unii* .» a i t i « « l ’ s| griiusm
of AgrUuIlui* \
Walter Hire»
Fugvrtc. Orrc n —“ Dr. F\ •vc’* Fav­
orite Prescnj>t;i-n did me a world of
gixxi ami I
1 -,h!y recommend it
as a tome for }oung
or w men
who are run d wn and nerwui. When
1 was growing- into woman h.wl 1 was
weak and d e la te ar.J suffered from
indigestion. 1 was irregular and back­
ward in develop ”3 and sun . ad a lot
from pain and distress. My mother
gave me Pr. Pierce s Fav rite Pre­
scription and it strengthened try nerves,
restored me to good ! oalth and 1 grew
into womanhood without any more
trouble. I t ; k the ‘ Favorite Prescrip­
tion’ : the grandest me ! . ne that can
be given > ung girls **—Mrs. IL W il­
liam. 151 Lawrence St.
Girls. iKalth brings beauty. Do not
fail to take Pr. Pierce'* Favorite Pre­
scription in liquid or tablets. Send 10c
to Dr. Pierce s ia Buffalo» N. \ \ for
trial pkg.
Portland, Oregon.
In the time of Julius t'aesar, woolen
cit th was a commercial commodity. In
the reign of Charles II of England all
persons had to he hurled In woolens
or pay a penalty equivalent to $3S In
our money.
When the Class Laughed.
Teacher So you admit that you
wrote on the black board that I ’m a
Well, at least. 1 wtn glad that
you are truthful
lloston Transcript.
Old Playing Cards.
Deck* of playing cards dating 1714
to 1766 and decorated with Informa­
tion or» geography, natural history aud
a*tn iiomy. were recently exhibited In
H avt Little Sound Power.
Air wave* of human speech carry ao
little pow« r that if 6.000.000 people all
talked at once the Hound power thus
created would I h * just enough to light
an ordinary Incandescent lamp.
Bible for “ Scuidiera"
The Waiter.
A woman, complaining of her lodger
to a police cAptaln. said: "H e Is n
grave digger, and tells me ho Is anx
lously waiting for me."
What’s in a Name?
The old name for the dandelion was
“ dent de lion" lion's teeth. Its curl­
ing pedals are perfect lions' teeth in
The modern
name carries nothing of the old inclin­
The "Houkller’s Bible," prepared by
Cromwell for hU army, presents a
great contrast In i l l e to the little
khaki volume Issued to the British sol­
diers In the World war. Y «t It con-
tains cxtructs whlqh ’doe shew the
qualifications of tils Inner man, that Is
a Mouldier to fight the Lord's battels
both before he fight In the fight, and
after the fight."
LËJ ■ ■ ■ ■ ® *
Eagles Hunt in Couples-
Eagles UMUally hunt In pairs, one
bird frightening tho prey from Its hid­
ing place, ami the other pouncing on
it ns It tries to escape.
Origin of a Theory.
When nn old farmer wbh naked If
hot weather was really good for the
cotton crop he replied: "W ell, some
body said ho at some lim e and It was
too hot for anybody to deny It nnd
that’s how the tl d Idea got started."
A H E A L T H Y New Y ear
HE Happiest Resolve you
can make is to be rid once
and for all of your Piles or other
Rectal and Colon ailments. My
treatment U »<> scientific, m i certain, so
complete, m i conclusively proved hy
thmiumls 111 successful cases that all
doubt 1« eliminated. Further, I will give
you a W RITTEN U M IANTEEtocar*
your llle , or refund your
fee. Write today for my
new lOO page, Illustrated,
FREE hook of Information.
Large Coconut Crop.
The tropics contain H om e 240 mil­
lion coconut treen, which bear nn an
nual crop of seven or eight billion nuts.
Strain on Shoes.
Statisticians estimate that a man
weighing 160 pounds in an ordinary
day’s activities puts a weight of 616
tons upon his shoes.
void land o n ic t s : « c a t t l e o m e n :
I). 111;.." «..lining MIS W2 %,«M. tl..,M«*«
_____ __________ BBBBBHIHHiHilBiBii
\ r
Whers People Keep Going.
Vou W ant a Good Poailh
The number of visitors to the nrlt-
Y «ry wnl) T s * * th* Accountancy a
Ish museum last year was 1,161,242.
Privat* « o m i t
*5:, ® tíft,* t #rv Gomptoi»»*t*r, i t Ml o f
phtc, Pennuti *hlp, ur Con---- ----- x
*cS* Cours* SI
And Vies Versa.
It Is possible for a man to have
plenty to live on. hut little to live for.
— Portland Evening Express.
Th* foremost n.islnwi« C oll.,» a t th,
Northwest whff-h h*s won mor* Accuracy
twsrrl« nnd Gold M.dain titan any otn«r
!<-hr«,| In Am.rl.-A H«nd in» mir « iic o w
Avoid Being Walked On.
Fourth Htr««l U ,rH«w
Re a live wire and people will he fortlHO» Or t«.ar M W .IkU r l S t
careful not to step oft you.
P . N . U.
No. 3,