DAHON’S WEEKLY REVIEW VoL I PAGE I 'I'll UltHDA Y, JA M JA H Y 14, 1UJ6 Terminal Hour, mode by the new. at mill on trio Pacific Coati — Equal to any and hard wheat, loo IS T U B BOSS IN? Q U E ST IO N O F T E N $2.25 Freah Kirga, 30c per tlogell ......... . 3 Iba. new I.ima Henna ........... e 37 c Farge aixe Pel Monte Pineapple for ....... 25c HEARD Who ii thi' ho»», nnywity Why! "Ou* Customers" o t four»»-. Ami that 1» Jn»t the way we f*»l »bout It. Wi< null».,- tlmt our ammlng auccia* in On' lust five ye.era nine« we started *iu*i nr»» would never have biTti poaaibl* vllhoul tho help of our ruatomor*. Our Job 1» to accure tho bout quality food» uml brine thorn to our patron* «1 fair prici«. Thu ovu »trlvo earn- •ally to do at »11 Uni**. Evidence of how writ we arc doinii it I* atnkliigly displayed In th*> li*t of unanual value» given below. Wo appreciate your approval. Why buy inferior Pineapple when you can get Pel Monte for two bit*. Candidate for mayor I mint know if you put that a» a quca- tion or an Invitation before I give my anawer. AH rigid go atn-ad and nuih» mo laugh: L m I tly baker Friday night a mail'» gold ring u t with miutl diamond. Anyone ftmling it In a loaf of Rutter Nut Rread *IH kindly return to llrotte V 1 1 J#p m at Die Cherry 1 rry Co. and receive * < Cake ai a reward. No Kent- -and the buying power of over a hundred atore» Mere 'a a good pair to draw to. Meat Rile I'op Corn .......____ 25c Candidate for mayor — I like the »apport of you/ paper In the coming election. Beat Creamery Butter .......... ....... 45c I.ong haired dry iWitor— <1# you liti .Mellow Moon. ? Flatter'» Blend Flour IK p A Q A _ C U U ¿Or Shrimp, : f..r 4 O r* I 10c Three A. A II. Soda for Z°r Jar Chip Beef .......... . 2Re Mjuare of Honey for o ft ., O VJC »* OKc $2.35 899 N . C om m ercial i SALEM At the Tumor High Scho» l on Tuesday evening, Januar. 19, 1 926, Ht H o’clock p.m. H. C. Stover, with a number ot tho young j>e»c, high school students and adults ¡¿5c. f ifty percent o f the money stays in Turner. Everyone come. jj £ ¡£ V S P E C A IL ÎS T in Intvrnal Mfiiciat for tbo put two!«« f u r « Fortify Y ourself A gainst Disease Germs are hnr'V.eag in health» tissue. He who eats wrong becomes hie own executioner. Didn’t Bryan dig his grave with his teeth? What causes spinal nerve pressure? Wrong eating, bad habits, accidents, etc. Your* for Real Health Service \ DOES HOT OPERATE DR. G O T T R IE R £ £ Licensed Drugless 225-6 Oregon Building TURNER ELECTION LOSES G. F. KGRINEK, V.S.. B.V.Sc. ONE DAY ONLY The special election held Januifry 12 to amend certain No charge fo r Consultation sections o f the charter o f the City of Turner failed to the STAYTO N Dr. MeUenthin i* a regular gradu­ tune o f about two to one. Pro­ ate in medicine and surgery and i* i » ■— 1 b> the *tai" otOrr^on. H ♦ » »0 ♦5 o » » 0 » o » The Turner basketball teams11 defeated Jefferson in a double header played on the Iurner|| door. | J j Thc play cast is working hard | The EUworth Hat Shop Buckram frames, trimmings etc carried in stock Subscribe for The Tribune $1.25 per Year Women’s Good Serviceable Coats W ell Tailored Good Materials Plain or Fur Trimmed $12.48 $16.00 $19.75 $24.75 Priced Far Below Regular Prices U. G. S H I P L E Y C O M P A N Y STORE Thc Biology class are devel- j Goodrich Hot W ater Bottles and Syringes at thc Drug Store. oping a great interest in proto- zoa, which they are finding in Postmaster Whitehead and water taken from ponds by the wife were shopping in Salem roadside. Monday afternoon. The English class are much B. F. Robertson was a Salem interested in the contest for the visitor Monday. Lincoln medal which is on ex­ Korineks Milk Fever Outfit hibition at the drug store. Last at the Drug Store, $5.00. Be year a similar medal was won prepared before you need it. by Ethel Given. J John Chaves is at home again for a few days. W. H. F. Cleaning Compound If you do your own repair at the Drug Store, 75c. W ill Phone 217f.W Formoely 496 Oourt Ht. work we can supply you with remove any »pot without hann- 347 M Court SI. Upstairs. Saism, Orejón. a full line of good tools at rea-1 ;ng fabrics, sonnble prices. Do not fail to hear Ronald W . E. Burn*— Dan Burn* Craven, the tenor soloist, at the (N ot brother*, the lama man) school house, Tuesday the 19th High Street at Ferry Salem, Oregon Mrs. Mundinger o f Salem was a week-end visitor with Goitres cured without oper­ her mother, Mrs. C. Bones. EiubuluuTH aith .Yimrrul Dim turn ation. Dr. P. G. Stapran, 309 Oregon Bldg., Salem, Oro. Stover’s Male Quartette, at Phone 1656 Hnk-iii, Oregon. 210 Center 81. the high school, Tuesday even­ Mr. and Mrs. Flynn Fought ing, the 19th. Efficient Work----- Moderate Prices o f Salem spent Tuesday even­ Mrs. Ralph Wortman and ing with Mrs. Fought’s aunt, children, Ellen and John Jacob Mrs. Mary Barr. of McMinnville, spent Thurs­ M. O. Knight is planning to day week with their aunt, Mrs. enlarge his strawberry patch Arleta Steele. Caretaker ol Halt and Clothing He has bought choice plants so Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing Girls! There will be a for­ fine fruit will be in evidence tune teller at the high school 136 8. Liberty St. Salem, Oregon 644 State St. this summer. auditorium on the evening of January 19. Old timers in Turner will re­ member the Mnttesons. Katie Robert (Buddie) Mitchell Matteson has written to friends celebrated his ninth birthday in Turner asking about differ­ Monday. ent friends of 25 years ago. Haw your envelopes printed with She is now Mrs. Derr and lives your return address. The Tribune at Dayville, Oregon. . can do thc work. Che American fiamr U T IL IT Y COATS T H E '» P O R T I N G G O O D S Turner high is going to play Cecil Martin is employed at Salem. Oregon 5 126 SouthCommercial St. Riley M iller saw mill near Jef­ Y.M.C.A. and the Turner bas- ^ ketball club with play the State T rj.,, ferson. School Friday night. The band Mear! Ensley o f Marion was will furnish music. The door in Turner Friday night attend­ proceeds will go toward the ing the basketball game. shower for the gymn. Pomeroy & Keene Mrs. J. F. Lyle is spending few days in Portland. Slip fcalrrn üliirtuani OREGON SALEM — OREGON on the high school play “ Eyes : 50 telephone poles, 20 ft. lo n g '° f hove, J. M. Shelley, Pastor. and 50 22-ft. long pccied and Orban Stout was absent from not lets than 6 inch tops, de­ schorl Tuesday afternoon be- . 'A W W A V . W A V A V ^ W . 3 W m V W A A V W W t f i W W M M livered on road. Bids dose or % Guns— A m r an it ion Cutlery cjiuie o f sickness. S. P . T R A IN * S C H E D I M I * Feb. 1st. Right reserved t j Fishing Tackle S Juniors have ordered their Turner Following l* the schednlc of the reject any or all bids. A t h le t ic Equipment H ow ’s that for ? Telephone Co. By order of class caps. Southern Pacific trains at Turner: pep? the Board. North B o u n d - Anderson’s French Veneer, a polish for autos, leather or fu m itu r»; regular price 60c. Sale price 50c Hats cleaned and blocked. Day and Night Service 4 % Paid on six months Salem , Oregon. Christian Church Hr». 9MJ V E TE R IN A R IA N Q A committee from Road Dis- trict 45 met with the city coun- Sunday School 10 a.m. cil Tuesday night with regard Morning rem et» lln .m . to some matters concerning the < hristinn Endeavor 6:30p.m. Cloverdulo market road. Evening Service .......7 :30 p.m. NOTICE— Bid» arc open for SPECIAL THIS WEEK Salem, Oregon Will be at MARION HOTEL THURSDAY, JANUARY 28 Ofbc» hour» 10 a.ai. to 4 p.m. Morning Service 11 a.m. F.pworth League ___ 6:30 p.m noticeable improvements to his TURNER HIGH SCHOOL 7 :30 p.m. property in the north end of Evening Service .. (By Doris liillea ry) ‘ town. Mid-week Prayer Service, Thursdny.,7 :30 p.m. Freshmen gave an interest Loose grain hay for aale. M. ing program Friday morning. ! | Fliflet, Turner. C. W . I’ ogue, Pastor. r A V A V A V .Y M V iV A W w r r d r .w r w .w A V . M A S O N IC TE M PLE . ' ' 1 SETTI.E THE QUESTION V / ;/ / fW / .V i,/ / / / .V J V W W iV / W A W fW V A Y A W W f He ha» to hi* credit wonderful re­ sults in diseases of the stomach, liver, ho wets, blood, »kin, nerves, heart, H. C. Stover was in Turner kidney, bladder, bed wetting, catarrh, Sun Kiat l.emona, o p ».., Friday making arrangements Wveak lung», rheumatism, sciatica, leg perdu«, n for the play “ W hy Not Jim ?” ulcers and rectal ailments. B.-low are the names of a few of 3 ran» Pel Monte O K ri to be given January 19. his satisfied patients in Oregon: Pork and B< t J. L. Chambers, Koeeburg, head­ Mr. and Mrs. Charley Brash­ aches. John Woeltli, Waterloo, bladder er were dinner guests o f Mrs. and prostrate trouble. . L. M. Barzee Sunday. Mrs. E. E. Holman, Richland, kid­ i Mr. and Mm. Duncan I>>wis ney trouble. W. S. Bennett. Oregon City, ulcer were Salem shoppers Tuesday of the stomach. R. W. Meyer, Shaniko, heart trou­ afternoon. ble. Chas. H. Honk, I .a Grande, gall For Sale— A Good cook stove. «tone*. Enquire Tribune office or Mrs. Mrs. M. I. Olsen. Portland, appen- j Chamber*, care Baker Hotel. I dicitis. Remember above dote, that consul- CHURCH CALENDAR Carl D u n can is spending a ' tation on this trip wjll be free and that his tn-Ktmi nt is different. few days with his brother in M. E. Church Married women must be accom­ panied by their husbands. Salem. Address: 211 Bradbury Building, Sunday School at 10 a.m. Geo. Crume is making many Los Angeles, California. DAMON’S I'hnBv 440 2 0c :;jc Cart n ful|«'uunt M ,t, Turnip for 2 Cana Red P h o n e 1263 Pant Stretchers; regular price $2.00. this WMk at rof. Coming T o W h y N o t Jim? R E L IA B L E J E W S L E R S A N O O P T IC IA IM S E Y E S T E S T E D — State ami Liberty Sts. G L A S S E S . F IT T E D Sabin. Oregon WE3B & CLOUGH CO. F u n e ra l D ir e c t o r s A N D L IC E N S E D E M B A L M E R S M. E.Church Reliable Service. Lady Assistant 205 So. Church St.— Day or Night Thono 120 Attendance at Sunday school last Sunday was again up to the average. W e have begun | the return trip, in the auto race from San Francisco to schools of today will be the law New York and return. abiding and respecter citizens Regular preaching services ; of tomorrow. Do you wish y our next Sunday both morning and children to be law abiding and j Obtained. Send model or sketch evening. On January 31st, j respected citizens. Set t e and we will promptly send yoa a Rev. E. R. Martin, who is as- right example by coming to, report. O ur book on Patents and Trade-marks will be sent to you | 3 oeiatcd with the American'Sunday school yourself. A on request. Sunday school union, will ¡special number will be given, preach for us at 11 o’clock, by the young people’s class. - Salem - PATENTS SWIFT & those who heard him at the Brother Shelley’s sermons; y _ _ _ p a t e n t l a w y e r s . convention will want to hear werp yery interesting last Sun- ! 305 S«vtnth St.. Wathington. D. Oter 34 Year»* him again. The Epworth (Jay \>xt Sunday morning he i | League lesson next Sunday will j will give his second sermon on I Thos « M ad W agt be the second of the missionary j the “ Office Work of the Holy A prominent nutlior claim» to And series about Mexico. Rev. C ¡Spirit.” Those who heard the j nu.ro Inspiring than vegvtahle*. W . Pogue will be the leader. first one are eager to hear the j tnents “One at llio*t men wlio would go to second one. In the evening, | tlic steak for their I cl on»,” comment* “ Thc Spiritual Heart.” C. E. R. W.—Boston Transcript. topic, “ Great Ideas that have Oh, D octor ____ spurred people to action,” “ As “Ah, that touched some hidden W e had a very large attend-ia man thinketh in his heart so chord," murmured the chiropractor aa ancc last Sunday morning for is he.” "W h ere your treasure his victim Jumped.—Wisconsin Oct» Sunday school. W e invite you I is there your heart will be al- pu*. to attend next Sunday. W e so have a promise that the build-, ing will be warmer and more — comfortable, so be on time. The boys and girls o f our Sunday, T Read The Ads and Save Money