The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, January 14, 1926, Image 2

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3?. P . K -u u lrii. £ î> it«r
Issued Every Thursday at Turner, Marion County, Oregon
—___ ,__________ ______________ . . —________ ____
C .
il.itior i« hereby t iv fn that the us- j
| «lertijiKHl, by nn order o f the County j
¡C o u rt of Marion County, Slat * o f
9 O regon, »Inly made :irut . ntriv.l on
¡th e 1-th day o f January, 1920, \.a.<|
, «point ,1 aom in i»;rotor o f the estate.
11.1 N. Liberty S lie e l
Nations is still raging. Senator Borah, the old war horse from'
Idaho, is putting up a hard fight against it and he is lighting months from the date of this notice,
a battle for the right. The World Court is the child of the
J « » r y 14.
League of Nations and is only a slick way of .getting the United
\d-.ninNtMto®“ 1®
mtst. of ’
States into the I«eaguo. If the United States enters the \V oral Compton, deceased.
Court it will simnly be a sell out to European interests. TheiGl’V o. smith ,
farther we can stay away from European entanglements the
Au>' 1 •
better we are off. It is better for us to form our alliances on
this side of the pond for protection against invasion from the
N otice is hereby »[yen . that the
other side than to get into a position where we will be drawn unde tv.sued, Lim o S. W hile, the >ul>
■ne •
appointed, qualified and acting admin
into any petty aqubble that may arise in Europe
l lit il 1 •**•* 1 uctrator o f the estate o f Stephen '1*1-
I liet, deco.;«od.
deceased, has
has filed
oip os differ from ours.
If we align ourselves in any world jiivt,
filed in
in the
the Ct
t\ inly
j Court o f the State o f O repon, for
court oi league of nations it will leave the 1-ws we have enacted
for our own protection in jeopardy, for in. '.nee our immigra- the s.iid estate, and th.-.t h. «.ihi
tion laws. We can pass laws regulating '.reign immigration ^ y ^ f^ o b ^ il.'^ D ^ .'^ t the Kum
and with the majority vote laying in European hands, the of to o> >ck A.M.. of
i -i-i\ .it
world court or league of nations, whatever it may be called.! ^ unCtyUc ^ rtCoH^ J ^ ^ ^ ^
could out vote us and compel us to alter those laws.
It isigon. as the time and place for h.-ur-
apparent, then, that it is a trick by certain interests, to get u s ^
where they can exert an influence over us unfavorable to'*»t tun* an»t all
themselves. It be to the best interests of this nation to stay
^ “ th^'bTwi >
clear from any of its entangling influences.
said account should net m a!1 thin -
o f (Ms list o f Señé*-
Why Pay More!
bo allowed an. approved, said e.-tnto
settled and closed and the adminis­
trator discharged.
Take Your
Two places on the Oregon coast have been designated as
Adm inistrator o f the estate o f
bird reserves by President Coolidge.
One of these is Hay
Stephen Balliet, deceased.
Stack Rock, off Cannon Beach, and the other is near Marsh­
field. There has been a habit of those frequenting the beach
A ttorney fo r the Estate o f
Stephen Balliet. deceased.
resorts, of killing the seagulls and other birds for the fun of
403 Masonic Bldg.. Salem, Oreiron.
The seagull is a scavenger and is necessary to the
public health along the water fronts. Their meat is tough j
notice to creditors
and unfit for food. They are among the most graceful birds N otice is hereby given th»t the un
on the wing. Why destroy them for the fun of killing some-
&?£«* Caunt'y!''sutTSi
thing? There is a law fixing a heavy penalty for the killing O regon, duly made and entered on
of these birds. With these reservations established this law
^ 'te 'o f
should be enforced.
Will E. Purdy, deceased, and that
M lfe lJ
’ ' ' -' ¿ti
'Vw»<iaa«Nia cu p
to Select From
rtffs cmiroN *” -
• Jir..-.............. .....................- —
—— —------------------
publication th ereof in th. r„rn< r Tri-
ip a r x r r o f '
n. < ral
hune, n m
li* a a.;pa|H
al rirr
lxtior. published in th-- Coiinty o f
Marion and State o f O il . Oil. pu ,* - unfit
to an order o f the Honoral.h- l„ II.
McMaliun, Judge o f the above . ntitk.l
' '
Buckher and that h-
...I p.-r
Several from here attended!
ini....... Tamer S*tard*]r. w *
ar> hei by
.1 to present the
.same, iluiy verified as required b y . _
i.w , at th offir- o f p. j in I
O w en T h om ason , w h o spen t
th - ' ity of Salem, M-.rion County, j tho holidays with his sister in
Oregon, within - month,- from th - „ .
You ar. further notified that tin- da*- o f this notice, to-wit, January otockton, California, returned
dat.: o f the first publication o f this
home Monday of last week.
summons is on the 13th «lay o f Jan­
Oregon still looks good to him. I
uary, 1926, and that the last publi­
A.ltn nistrator o f the .-xta*. o f ,
cation o f th. - .same will b on the
24th day o f February, 1926.
Phoebe C. Buckher. i
M f T r a c c y > w h o w a s jn S a .
Salem, Oregon,
_______________ A ttorn ey fo r Plaintiff.
P AttorUneyT3fo r Adm inistrator.
¡ '^
f ° r rT, * diLCal t r e a t m e n t , is
_______________________________ bettor and is home u#ain.
The Tribune shop e jn print your ,
Subscribe fo r
lha Triliuna
butter wraps, letter head* and en-
^ r- «nd Mrs. P. E. Thomas-j
on, accompanied by Mis. TI10-
P l'tte M irror» C arefu lly
Finhing Producía
A f>#>troff Judge declnres flint flnh-
iru? Induces culm, leisurely, logical
thinking. And romo awful whoppers.
—-Milwaukee Journal.
2.VI N. High Hirorl
Sak-iii, Oregon
toiled Slates National Book
G e n e r a l B a n k in g
B u tin M l
paid on flma d.pwaita an*
aavlnga ncvounU
Cor. S A Camra.rclaJ S ib
C la s s
Ladle’s and (ients
- Tailoring; -
4T< Court h i.
444 ca l o ri * *
ssti.'sïrs vi:l?r,,w m
If mirrors are well placed they help
Imnicisurnlily In m nveylng the Im
pressimi that a room Is larger than
It really is. In n small room a mirror
Is Indisi,.‘iixi,hie— It may lie over the
fireplace or nt the end of the room ;
In the hitter ease draperies on cither
side add to the effect.
Phone 87. ili'fideno* 828R
l * 11 .’ r hr* » I b u t te r e d With
V 4 t t » p b u t t e r ......... . . . . . 1 0 0 c a l o r i * *
TOaA'y i
Cnnccrning th e Freclile
l’ aimer Cl’ rnpraotnr
l s u * * m ilk ....................... 140 raiorio*
(~1 Am erica» Needleeromeo
American Toullry Ad recata
□ H a « F i««.*
n Hoc.«h -i i GiHit
Biade & Led*er
n H jo.rU old t l . - a u i «
□ Capi^r-’« Farcir
□ llhiilratod Me. banka
Q Farm Si Fircddr
Q Mother'I Home U fe
□ Tbc Parve Jeurnal
□ Pathfinder (w eekly) 2S leene»
Q Farm Life
|~) Today’s lloueewifo
Q GeaOarraiaxu Magarin*
□ Tractor & G*» Engine Reriew
Q G ood Storie.
□ Womnn’e World
[J , ■ e i e Circi«
. . . . .
, . .
M* t V tW . conp>« now .r,.l brmg
„ , 0 our 8 « . « « . « Offica
Rosear,•he' have shown n surprising
coincidence between the lociillan of
the f m ) !. « i,n,I ,,f the points repre-
».'iilin^ i;,e tiieriiilc sense In the skin
The freckle may he n biologic (h'fe.i
*!ve pro .-s. to protect flip nerve Ihr
mlnnl. nt a specially vulnerable point,
by an c'.tm pigmentation.
Or. O. L. Scott
L u n c h e o n at 8 c h o o l .
i l i n k e d p o t a t o and b u t t o r . t®0 c a l o r i * »
oup fl lt Apia«» h
........... l ‘< M t o f l l f
1 b a k v l a p p i* t l t h i p «turar,
S lbap. b u i t * r > ................
?v0 c a l o r i * *
__ S ta ll ----- -
According to press reports, Assistant Secretary ° f t h e
Treasury Andrews, w h o has charge of the enforcement of the .,
r „ " :
18th amendment, made the statement that a man has the right law, to t:«- un-i.-rs.gned ,.t the Jaw
Mix.s Anna McKinney has
to manufacture cider and wine for his own use, and the court
B^h*elrk Bifii.i
been the
staying with her sister,
has the right to decide whether the alcoholic content is suffi- Or gon,
within x months from
Unfaithful Cr.cs Arc Stoned to
Mrs. Tracey.
cient to make it intoxicating or not. That, if it be so, is a v e r y dat'? o f thls
Death, Says W riter.
liberal step for a man who was going to put into effect an iron ’ ig?“101* th“’ “3ri1 iln7 ° f neCemb’-’r’
London.— Mr. sod Mrs. Sheik—the
clad rule of prohibition enforcement. If that attitude is car-
bust,and and a If» or the great sandy
ried out it will only be a few more steps until light wines and :
Lu^^V.^StèwarL * n ! » l î
ELECTS OFFICERS ■pares— must love «rstb other until the
beer will be on the market. If the present plan is carried out Date of first publication Dec. 24.
sands o f the desert grow cold or they
this may soon happen.
Wrong is wrong and right is right. Date of last publication J«n. 21,1926
are st, ned to death.
Mrs. Koslta Forties, writer end ex­
If a man has to practice deceit to gain the confidence of the man
plorer. hack from the East, told how
in order to gain the evidence to make the arrest, he is commit-
notice t o creditors
the Arabs handle the marriage and
ting a wrong just as much as the man he is arresting. It is , -icticr is 1 reb>- Ç >'en that the un - the high school auditorium lasti divorce problem which Is causing so
necessary m most cases for the agent to buy the drmks in Court o f Mario, i County, Etit- o f night for their first regular mueli concern among the western ns
order to secure the evidence. A man is forced to violate the O regon, duly made and entered on meeting of the yep.r. The or­
"The people themselves.” she snld.
’ have a peculiar punishment for mis­
law in order to enforce it.
vv e are in favor of aLsolute prohi- pointed exe.-utor o f t «state-
bition but are opposed to unfair methods in enforcement.
Berthi Schrc:S rand that r ■ has il: second year with different plan conduct which usually acts ss s de­
terrent for husbands end wive# who
If you want to bring out the different ideas and tempera- ¡„ g claims against said «.state an; than it h«- worked heretofore. i-ould otherwise err.
ments in a small town, get up a special election.
¡h ereb y notified to present the same. A resolution was presented re­
“ Should s man or woumn be un­
From the attitude of Senator Borah, if the L. S. enters the the ofli-«s o f Thorrus Brown, 210 Or- pealing the part of the consti­ faithful, the two guilty persons sre
! epon Bldg., in the City o f Salem. tution that applies to dues and taken to a public square and burled
World Court it will not be unanimous.
up to their armpits In sand. Then
I Marion C ounty, Oregon, w ith’ n six
Months from the date o f this notice. fees, thereby placing it on a their companions stone them to Cesth,
community club basis.
The showering curses on them for being
to-w it D ecem ber 24th, 1925.
membership is open to every­ utM-lynn Obviously, promiscuous love
E xecu tor o f the F ilate o f
meets with llttj«.- encouragement.”
Ir the Circuit Court o f the State N O TiC E OF HF-ARiNG OF FIN A L
Bertha Schreiber. one in the town and communi­
o f Oregon fo r the County o f Marion.
The divorce Issv o f Araldn, the
Department No. 2.
ty. A committee on programs writer explained, makes It ne.-r.onrj
In the County Court o f th‘ - State
Cora Cooley Rose, Plaintiff, vg. o f O f SOU for the County o f Marion.
was appointed consisting of for the w ife to w her steps
In th- matter o f the E.-tate o f
John J. Rose, Defendant.
through the sand.
Miss E hel Given, Ivan Hadley
T o John J. ivose, the above-nam ed Agnt-x Harding, Deceased.
When u man esn divorce Ids wlf»>
N otice is hereby given that the
defen dant:
and Oscar Fliffet.
hy simply < Ispping his hands and re-
final account o f Merlin Harrlinr, ad­
M r, ltayinond Titus/
In the name o f the State o f O re­ ministrator o f the Estate o f Av-r:»:-
The following officers were peatlng three times. ” 1 divorce yon.”
g o n : You n r- hereby required to ap- Harding, dneeaned. has b--< n filed In
the wife Is sure to be careful, Mrs.
for the coming year— Forbes
p«-ar end answer the com plaint filed ! the County Court o f Marion County,
against you in the above entitled I O regon, and that the 2Gth day o f
Chief Booster, J. R. Bidgood;
T o satisfy the curiosity o f the ns-
cou rt an.) suit, on or b efore the 27t' ; January, 1920, at the hour o f 10
tlvei, who hsve a deep dislike for
day o f February, 1920, ami if you j o’ c lo c k ’ a. m., has been appointed by | h o m e is in C a n a d a , s p e n t t h e . 1st asst., C. B. Kenneth Loretz;
strangers, and to allay their hostility,
fa d to so appear
. . .
answer -aid: iai«j Court fo r hearing
oh j-ctiom s ; to
¡ a s t w e „ j c w ; , i,
s :.,te r , M r s .
Mrs. Forbes passed a. n woman bound
csm olair.t by a. dat-.-, t!-‘ plaint, f -aid final account, at which time any
son; Sec.-T^eas., Miss HI 1 a Ar­ for tl,« harem of n weulthy sheik,
will apply to :
c o j : : f- r t
relief person- int« r--«ted in said estate may P. E.-Thom. ■> .
prayed for in sai'i com plaint, to -w it,1 appear and file ob jection s thereto in
The next regular In »no village, however, a mob sur­
to r a decree dissolving the bonds o f ¡w ritin g and contest sane,
Mr. and M/::. Thomas Little meeting will be Tuesday, Jan. rounded the woman explorer and
matrimony now existing betw een the
u l.u ,
pulled her from her horse. A tall,
plaintiff and def.-ndant; tnat the plain
. , W-„T .^ i l * f i u v ♦'’ r were callers at the Clinton 1 26.
good-looking Aran catno along, bent
tiff la- a w a r d . t h e rare, custo-'v and |
A d m .n J ^ a to r o f the Estate o f
Tracey home Sunday.
off the mol* and took Mrs. Forbes to
control o f their m inor child, Gertrude j f j j j y 0 o V i T t H ia r in* '
B* tty R ose; fo r tl -
••■-■•verj frnr,
A ttorney for Adm inistrator.
Mr. and M. . Paul Walker,
the defen'iant o f t:--- . :,i o f $20 00
per month t<- ear
i of Portland v/t o recent guests '
education o f t i ll Gerti u
l i - tty Ro •
of Mrs. U alkc-:'a parents, Mr. j
until she is siiie- n >i - - old ; /.•:■- tl <
N is hereby given that the u r.-1...... , . .
,, «
recovery from the defendant o f the
• “ •
t.-on .
f .a .;.. : s attorney
o 'sig n r ed , by ;,,i
i ord er j o f lit ; County .
Bam ui
o f
$00.00 pi;..:::
feea, and f o r t*v- plaintiff » costs ami T,ourt ° f Manor. County, State of
ill-bur*, menta o f this uit t .. I. - lax
' lulv " ’ »d e ami m -. r<d on
M i s . M.tyro r i'.K in n P J y hasj
nl. - iou an- • furti,, i- not i*-«l t!,al -i 1 r.nn,
‘ nt
¡«i il ’: ,, y< ru- f D»c.
wa 1,pen ill for sever .! days.
*• ifni* /.f
h,. estat
t i
this summons is rervi-.l upon you by
!! U'lrnin,. I trator
o f t the
LUÌ . I.SI S | «i, FI (T p e la ll* .)
Hak'lli O rvgnn.
Itig li
triangle nano
t<& calori**
A f t e r n o o n L u n c h e o n at S c h o o l .
I o r a n t i * ............................. ^ . . . 1 0 0 c a l o r i * * j
Olnn ar,
1 * r* t ft 11 p ie ce br>»tlod «t e a k
l ?»4 « ) « t i
............. c a l o r i * *
4 r u p f ’il ma»h«’ 1 p o t a t o
. 1®® c a l o r i » *
S*4 c u p f u l lima l>ran * o u p
r a d « with evaporated
Wt* Irm i n11 illxirilera n i m rn, wtv
meli tuoi i<lilliln-n. Fico iH iu»ull»ll«n.
C h II or wilto.
n r ««k f««t
1 •t#wi*t| p r u u « « ............... 11® Cftlorlr*
H cti|>ful c r e a m o f n-h«**!
i l calori**
8*rv<<4 ulti» h a l f e r r a m <4
tb *p » At»«l h a l f • vaiiornloil
m il k ...................
,,H 0 « lo fi* »
l «¡Ic * l » u t t p r t t - u a t ........... IfrO c a l o r i * »
1 CU|* cw o*» »UAitu w i t h
«vuiH>rat»J m ilk . . . . . . . . ti *0 cilorl*«
Ct. or K . F . D . ---------
!.. T . D i c k A I.. M H m n
C liiiii* * « M o d ì c i n e C o ,
Kloinni'll Iroulilt * gl veli qillclt relelf
by litkli'g «tu fuiii'iiM reuii-dlee.
A l»
iil»<>liili-l> Imrinlieui, Udng c«m p «iin d -
<tl frolli liiip.ii 1 .-.I licrlie, m ote nfid
mul lierk» ulilult uro « « I l biiuwn fi>r
llu-lr ruriillv* proporli! t».
| \ lK T m .\ N S .Uvlnre Mint Ilio nvti
* " i»/** l*u> or KI t*l of four )i'iin
nboulil r*cvht> «bout .fu t(> calori»*» u
pound o f I un |> wvlj l>i per day. Tl»#
averti; o wrltflit o f u rhlld «»Í four )*nr«
I»» forty t»onndH Tlu*r**i\ir»* tin* tomi
cui orlo r« »Juli meni would tu* Mp
l*ro\|iiiut«dy l.tioo culortiHi t'nlorjr tu
merely the nmno f»»r u ccrtulii lumi*
uro «>f It«« it òtrivinl from ttiv huiultm
o f food.
N» c-
Hy. the culoric r«M|ulrvuu*nt
o f Ilio chi!*! U «W'Houdcnt on l»U
i*-finomment, »Inoo « child "ht» |*luy»
lumi aliti lung rotin I rot moro n*»uHi*h
meut thrill d m nil«» loutls n quit tor
Ilf**. Hute o f growth u I no lina u t*cuf*
luk mi culoric rrquImiii'Uti.
child who la grow tug mpUlly »hoiild
he nil on moro ftunl to min i Ida entorte
tunela than tho boy or ^Irt wh«d*
tiroAth la nomini.
^¡«tlhom know tho dully diet almultt
conalwt t*f tho i sNvutlul fiMtdatulf». t»ri^
loin, cur? ohyruto*. fata, minoral i «ini
wufor. Tho Importuni thin* for h«*r la
to tonni tho íihh I n that coot alu thro*
e sentlnlN lu u hnluticod dlot. IU*lo\v
U n wolt-hntttiicod mono for any chil l
nix yonm otd compiled h> ut» uulhoiiiy
♦*n homo economic»».
„• j « h i u take ifcHMI ol yo r Maguiae Bargain Odar.
I - i i rr,r'-i»mi: the alwvc amount in payment for « one year aubacrtption
to your paner and the 11VL Migxxinc* l have marked wi’.h an X fccbw.
j oten
I of the Child j
»'ever bcfc'C stvj pn-hably never »gain «,11 you have • " ‘ h *n Tvtranc-
d.r .ry , i -u-. - -ivir.,: oppocti nity. Note r-ircfully the
ch .ee r« ,diag—all at a price to fit your p.*':etb.>ok Kcncwole will be
extended one year front date of expiration. N o M ed to « ml
Some time ago the County Court, in answer to a petition
ncm the residents of Turner and community, established the
nr*yman"B° 'ig .!* in f the city'of
Cloverdale route as the market load.
It seems that there is Solera, Mu- ion County, O regon with-
danger of losing the road from the fact that the Southern
" £ " ^ 1 , January*
iv » j
Pacific Depot stands in the center of the street that has been
selected as the route for the road to enter Turner. It wouid
Ex.-cutrix o f the IN tate o f |
W ill K. Purdy,
r,...- .! :
be a hard blow to the town and community if the route should
be abandoned since so much effort has been oxtered in locating r*
the route through Turner.
It seems from reports that the |
S. P. Company at one time promised to move the depot out
of the street. In view of the fact that it is possible that if ¡’.
. . . . . .
— , ,
In the County Court o f the Mate
committee from the road districts effected with a committee 0 f Or. von .o r M »non County.
from the City of Turner would invite the railroad officials con-i In the matter of the estate of Lucy
cemed to meet them on the ground, an agreement might be ' • Et-wert. «le.-ersed.
, . .
N otice is herobv given that hv an
reached whereby the obstacle couid be removed.
» urner ord er o f the County Court of Mam •
surely needs the market road and it would be a benent to tne vount>, Sc..i« of Or
n, ,. i.\ mad.
. ,
and enter -.1 on the 2ord ,.ay o f D --
railroad and community as well. H hy not tr>- n ?
comber, 1926, the undersigned w
appointed execu tor o f the estate o f
Lucy V. Stew art, deceased, and that j
he has duly qualified as. such.
AU i
persons ha’ ng claim » p i n t s a i l '
Di .
______ _________________ __________________________________________________________ present the same, duly verified a* re
. quire. I by law, ul the offices of Guy
The fight for the United States to enter tho League ol o. Smith, 103 Salem Hank of Com
-----------------0 -----------------
SUBSCRIPTION $1.25 TER YEAR. Entered at the Postolliee ? k >W S *
^ £ 1 '
at Turner, Oifgon, as second-clas- matter, under the
\'l pcsoi
hav.m: da o<> eg-ain t
Act of March 3, 1379.
said estate am hereby notified t,>:
she has duly qualified as such.
persons having claims against said
estate are hereby notified to present;
the same, duly v.-rifi.-d ns n q u u i by
r, Ilk
. -
7 5 calorie»
1 a l a * » m il k, orana* drlak 16® ca l o ri * *
619 cal ori #*
T o ta l ......................................1.64® c a lo r i* »
How Butter Fut in
Mille It Broken Up
Do ynu know w hai
l.»lii.>irotiltnll«n menns?
Rlaetj •• ght «»ut
f*l»lMrrtl often I mn * oi »» o tenarie»! of
| clritkkInc ;duln mtSk. Mixing thnlr milk
| with fruit Julrra la u walroma <*t*ar»fn.
, |'«»1loa|tH( 1* M»* ro. Ifn* f o r n r v f r o r h
Intf m ilk «ft ink : Mi x % c u p f u l orarne»
I Julcn. ^
cupful ovaporaUnl milk.
! thro«* tnaapoonftlla o f auirnr, H ton
t » { a toil ft»! o f lanton Juk«* a n d n f ow
ffritln* o f » n i t Shako well In a fruit
)nr before s e rv i n g .
Housework Worth
$900 a Year, but—
Nine hundred dollars a year Is the
value nt the average housewife's
u n irei in ihe
home, and stalls
ties show there
In housework, nc-
onrdlng to Mrs
I.sonora Z Metier,
n- o m a u
lawyer nnd econ­
w ife ."
«aid Mrs. M«-d»r.
who was former­
Le on or a Z. M d . r . ly
o f public w elfare o f Cl,tengo, "Is nn
executive, purchasing agent, budget
expert, nod prmluccr ri'll.-d Into otto.
The successful home maker studies
Khe arranges
budget so that the food she buys will
have all the necessary body building
■'The woman who would keep down
her food bill will do lo ite r to spemi
her money on milk and grw n vegeta­
bles ! ban on Initier, though butter 1«
one o f tbe best sources o f the es
K.-ntlnl food element, vitamin A There
are butter substitutes, but nulling
cun take Ihe place o f milk and vege­
"Milk, food experts say, Is the most
nearly perfect food S.-buiee solved
the problem by Inventing evaporated
milk, which Is simply fresh cow ’ s
milk sterilised In run« and with sixty
ja r rent o f the water removed. IW-
enu-e evaporated milk Is o f «loable
his harsra, where he treated her with
the iirhn> »« «if ordinary market milk,
many housewives dilute It half and
half with water for cooking purposes
Keeping longer than ordinary milk,
there Is no waste from souring. Then,
H a rd to t i t
iia>. It Is cheaper.
A city man, driving Ids automobile
"Savings also <-nn lie tunde on meat
along a little used country road, heard
f'henpi-r portions o f beef skillfully
something rattle beneath Ids car.
rooked nn- highly nutritious uiol often
Stopped, looked hack anil saw a I,risi,I
belter tasting than portions which
metal object lying In the road s short
cost more. The shoulder, breast and
distance behind. It was n plowpolnt,
stew meat of lamb are excellent. Pork
evidently lost hy some farmer.
shoulders, feet, tails, lienrt, spnrerihs
It was fully half nn hour before the and hocks nro In the samo category."
next car came along, and Its occupant,
»«elng the first man fiat nn Ids hack
under Ills vehhie hy the roadside,
■topped and asked what the trouble
The city man emerged and held up
T oo Riahy
the plowpolnt.
The stern parent was admonishing
>3 blooming thing dropped ofr my
his offspring not to ha effeminate.
ear,” he sab}, “ and I’ ve been hunting
“ Don't he a mollycoddle,” he snld.
for half an hour to find out Where It
"Talk like a man.” "Yes, nnd then
belongs” — Exchange.
you'd give me n lickin’ for cussln’ ,”
kid.— 1’ hllndclphla
of un
the <|U”
aim ltted
couldn't itn.wyr ■ ]
f a n )o u ?
lini bere It Is
elplnlned hy Miss
Meta II tllven sutliortiy «lo-
work nt t h e t ’ nl
verslty e f Chi­
"I lomogrn I t n-
t lori.” sn)s Miss
111 veti.
Fat Qlobules
natile o f the pr««*.
In Raw Milk.
i ' ms w hlch bri-ulta
op batter fat In evsporst«»! milk loto
«Iny parttrb-s s«i they litend evenly
ll.m iogcnttallon
cno«.w tbe batter f«t glohules lo aff­
ilerò lo the slhumln snd thè cnseln
of tbe milk In thè pntersa. milk la
for ed ttir..u b rotiniles» nutnbers o f
Openlne» al a pn ss.ire o f aromi.I fi,-
.'ssi pounds.
"in mhhlloti to preventlng ■ rrenm
nnd sklin milk line, ’ bis hrrnklng tip
<-f flit eontrlhutes to ainoothness nnd
|.erf«»-t Idenillng o f fisids sttrh na
«Team sattees, soti|ai. Ire erettili and
tu bnkcil prialurta.
"Il alno hns a digestive sdvsutngn
for Illuse who bave dlflh-ulty In no-
slmllntlag milk.
Mnny pedlnlrlelnn«
reco.,.menti evii|mrnted milk ns a baby
faod, although. Ilke other sal.stlfatea
for thè naturai snp|fly, It nheubl not
lie mnsldored ns a f«si«l complete tn
Itself. Addltlon o f ornnge or tornato
labe. Imrler water or lime water are
Importuni In provltllng adequate dici
for the Infnnt.
“ All
noruinl tuolher’s milk Is thè beat Puoi
Tor Infanta, hut
tbls naturai milk
Is frequi-utly tu-
«liinllty andqnan-
say eow’s milk
Is thè hest xnb-
i t - .v , stltute. Ititt eoiv’ n
modllled and sup.
w Ith
other fooits. The
fat In mother’ s
;! V . . ? ’ ■ Y ’- i
milk la In hottio-
. i i f i . »L'
fdon unti helng
ttMVt» Ç K h
ettrils In
Qlcbulo» Aitar
Homogen xatlon. the stomneh, hut
the fai In rnn-’a
ndlk Is In relntlvely |nrge glohules,
forms Inrge tougli curda In thn
stomneh and Is unici* hnrdrr tn digest.
In c«npnrnti-d milk the fnt Is hroken
np by homogenlsatlon nnd »he curda
hoftened unni In alse nnd dlgcstlldllty
tlioy resembltt naturai Infunt foo«J.'*