17ÖÜ54 SPECIAL THIS WEEK French Veneer, u polish for autos, leather or furniture; regular price 60c. Sale price ... 50e Aluminum Percolators; regular price $2.00. On •ale a t .................................... ......................... $1.75 i CUURCH CALENDAR TO THE-VOTERS O r THE CITY OF TURNER M B. Church W «, your aouncil, have called an rlrrlion far U.<- 12th uf January 1926, for the purpoaa of penriitting th, electors U> approve or reject e*r tain amrndmonta to tho eRy charter The ruason far tho amendment* la that certain *<.tb<- aectlona in the rity charter aro tnil'-milte and If th« city farerd auit th* oalcottw would bv in doubt T .m 4« corrected. Many •«etion* arr repealed which arr out of «late. » , “ The council alao aalr that th« char ter tax rate o f 6 mill* b« raised to 7Vk mill*. Vht-n the former tax rate waa made 60r « « ¿ t further than 11.00 dor* today. Tlw yearly light bill and hydrant rent nao up all th« ri-nersl fund and thnra ia no money for other purpoen A sinking fund atao haa to be provided for to pay off the water boast. Sunday School at 10 a.m. Morning Service 11 a.m. Epworth 1/eaguc ___ 6.80 |am. Evening Service .......7 :80 p.m. Mid-week Prayer Service, Thuraday..7 .*80 p.m. C. W. Pogue, Pastor. Chriatian Church Sunday School 10 a.m. Morning aervica 11a.m. Chriatian Endeavor . 0:80 p.m. Evening 8crvice .......7 :80 p.m. G. A. G. MOORE D. r Recorder. EASTBURN Mayor. Mm. W all and daughter of Jefferson sad Professor Wall, o f Lakovisw, were the guests o f Mm. Wall's slater, Mm. J. W. Ransom. The Rebac^ah’s held a home coming p * r t f a^rthe I.O.O.F. hail New Yea* and in licenced by the state o f Oregon. He doe* not operate for chronic appen­ dicitis, gall stone«, ulcers of stomach, tonsils or adenoids. He has to his credit wonderful re­ sults in diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerve«, heart, kidney, bladder, bed wetting, catarrh weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulcers and rectal ailments. Below are the names of a few of his satisfied patients in Oregbn: J. L. Chambers, Rose burg, head­ aches. John Wodtli, Waterloo, bladder and prostrate trouble. Mrs. E. E. Holman, Riehland, kid­ ney trouble. W. S. Bennett, Oregon City, ulcer o f the stomach. R. W Meyer, Shanifco, heart trou­ ble. Chas. H. Hoak, La Grande, gall stones. Mrs. M. I. Olsen, Portland, appen­ dicitis. Remember above date, that consul­ tation on this trip will be free and that hia treatment is different. Married women must be accom­ panied by their husbands. Address: 211 Bradbury Building, Los Angeles, California. Fire and Automobile Insurance Written IW I W H H U T IL IT Y COATS The Santiam Council o f Re­ Women’s Good Serviceable Coats ligious Ffludation held their W ell Tailored Good Materials quarterly . contention in the Plain or Fur Trimmed high school auditorium Sunday. $ 12 . 4 « $ 16.00 $ 19.75 $ 24.75 It was an all-daR meeting with Priced Far Below Regular Price* a baaket dinner at noon. At the regular Sunday school hour U . G. S H I P L E Y C O M P A N Y there were classes for every- SALEM — OREGON held in the various class rooms in tho school building. A fter the class session the con­ vention sermon was preacned by Rev. E. R. Martin of Port­ REPORT OF T H E CONDITION OF land, representing the Ameri­ can Sunday School Union. His A t Turner. In Ibc Bute of Oregon, at th « eiaae of basions Dee. 31st, 1928 If you do your own rwpair subject was "Th e Great Com­ ma ision." RESOURCES work wo can supply you with a t t i a a i A j e w a u t m a m o o w t ic m a m « Following i the dinner the Loan« and discounts. Including rediscounts shown In items 29 and Regular services next Sun­ a full lino of good tools at rea­ E Y E S T E S T E D — G L A S S E S F IT T E D SO if sa y__________________________________________________ f 49,080.46 business meeting was held a f­ day. W e should start next sonable prices. 69.83 Still and Lttwtj Stv. Sitra. 0r«|M ter which the.convention divid­ Sunday with new courage fol­ Overdraft« »reared and unseen red________________________________ W . E. Burns— Dan Borns II. 6. go- eminent securities owned, including those shown in items ed into groupa for the Institute lowing the inspirational meet­ 30 and 36, if any_________________________________________ ____ 2,600.00 (N ot brothers, the same man) hour. There were three groups ing at the District Convention Other bonds, warrants and aecaritiw, including foreign government, High Street at Ferry featuring leadership for the Sunday. statu, municipal, corporation, «te-, including thaae shown in Salem, O r n s o . ■ - rrr Items 30 and 35, if any______________ ._______________ ;_________ 13,89» 00 adults, young people's and the —— The Primary class won the Banking house, 93,600; furniture and fixture*, 91.960 00____________ 6,460.00 Section foreman Hill and his children’s departments. These Next Sun­ Cash on hand in, vault apd ijue from Jjauk*, t*uker»j*iid trust c«»in- crew were called out Sunday groups reported to the conven­ automobile race. panies designated and approved reserve agents nf this bank_ 12,834.83 evening to held dean up a tion proper, So Hist all con­ day we will start the return Checks oa banka outside city or t o n al reporting bsgjk wreck near Salem. A wheel cerned received tk a*b «iefit of trip from New York to San and other cash items ______ _____ r______________ ___ _______ ____ . TOO rlO broke causing the derailment these discussions. Resolutions Francisco. Total rash aad due from banka» itena % 9, 10 pod U, l l ifcrioc • A N O L IC E N S E D C M B A L o f one car and doing quite a were 'adopted- edmmending Sunday evening the Epworth Total---------- SM11.1J 11 jr ’ * ” :3.;,ei3 i t . V . ___ , , little damage to the track. Governor Pierce on his stand League Begins a aeries of Mis­ LIABILITIES n- Reliable Service. Lady Assistant 10,000.80 Mrs. J. E. Barber was taken fo r morality aad taw «»fo r c e ­ sion. study lessons which are Capital stork paid ta_______________a_______ ________ 2,000.00 going to prove interesting. Surplus fund________________________ _________________ iO *.• to a Salem hospital Monday. ment. tOSSn. Church Rt.— Day or Wgfet rhona 110 (a) Undivided prof!is_____________ ________________ The Mehama Christian Sun­ She is still quite sick. 1,919.97 ¡6) Less current expenses, interest and taxes paid_ Rev. C. Philip Weeks, o f Sa­ day school received the banner D E M A N D DEPOSITS, other than hanks, subject to reeerve: for the best average attendance lem, preached at the Bethel Individual deposits subject to check, including deposit« due the The banner State of Oregon, eouuty, cities or public funds_______________ 51,709.06 church at Aumsvilie last Sun­ for the quarter. for the largest Attendance com­ Cashier's checks of this bank outstanding payable on demand___ 2,064.06 day from the subject "G od in Start the New Year right by Total of demand deposits, other than bank deposits, subject to reserve, pared to enrolm ent went to Human L ife." item* 23, 24, 25, X , __________ 963,823.12 «va i the Aumsvilie Bethel Sunday coming to Sunday school. If T IM E A N D S A V IN G S D E PO SITS subject to reterve and you do not come send the chil­ Goitres cured without oper­ School. FTir (tea. 9BIJ The next quarterly payable on demand or subject to notice: Above every ation. Dr. P. G. Stapran, 309 convention will be held with dren anyway. Time certificate« of deposits outstanding____________________________ 15,571.08 thing else the child needs Chris­ Oregon Bldg., Salem, Ore. the Aumsvilie Bethel Sunday Total of time and Mvings deposits payable on demand or sub* • » Day* Pro«« a r d e r ti«« o « A ll W orti tian training. You need it Ject to noticr, items 27 and 28________915,571.03 school on April first. The San­ G. Alexander was a Salem SALEM M A S O N IC T E M P L E . T ota l____________________ 83,311.12 tiam District, extended an in­ yourself. In the morning Bro­ visitor Monday. vitation to the County Conven­ ther Shelley will speak on "O f­ S T A T E OF OREGON, County of Marion m. Mr. Mullinex and family are fice and work o f the Holy Spir­ I, E. T. Pierce, President of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that tion to meet at Turner. the above statement is true to the best uf my knowledge ami belief. moving into the Mrs. C. A. Da­ i t " In the evening the subject The New Year dinner given E. T. PIE R C E ,President. vis property formerly occupied will be ’The Wonderful Christ.’ by Surprise. Grange January C O R R E T —Attest: C. A.Bear, Fred Oath, Ursula B. Pierce Directors. by Rev. Shelley near the school A name which is above every Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day of January, 1926. 1st was well attended by the house. name. Christian endeavor is Iroia 1!. Speer, Notary Public, members am) friends. A good commission expires June 11, 192V. H ila cl* an cd and blockad. Buckram Iranias, trimmings ale. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Riches, dinner was served at noon and forging ahead with the new of­ carried in stock son Donald and daughter Lu- a program given in the after­ ficers elected for the coming year’ s work. Topic for next Phon* 117KW Formally 405 OouTt St. cile, were Salem visitors Thurs­ noon. , t: =•'"'*'¡¿$¡1 Mr. and Mrs. Thomaa Little est and heart-felt appreciation Sunday evening: “ How is Pro­ day forenoon. The following are the reso­ were Salem shoppers Thurs­ of the way their friends open­ >47 M Cnrrt R üptIMr». Saba, Orepe. hibition Succeeding.’’ ed their homes to them and Arthur Demytt is working at lutions adopte4 by the resolu­ day. the prison flax plant during tions committee: Resolved that Miss Bessie Davenport spent also fo r the purse which waa the slack season at the local we extend .$ hearty vote of the holidays with her parents made up for them. thanks to. the M. E. Sunday plant. . - at Toledo, Oregon. I Mrs. Raymond Tilos) Alvin Bond has returned to school of Turner, and to all Mrs. I. L. Robertson visited his school work in Salem after who assiste«) in so royally en­ in Portland over New Years. CARD OF TH AN K S tertaining Che convention, to Mr. and Mrs. S. Page and spending the new year’s vaca daughter o f Stayton spent New the school bpap^ who opened The W.CJT.U. will meet with The Ladies o f the Christian lion with hia parents. . Emliaiinrrn aitò j7 trarrai BUnrrtora this building to us; to the or­ Year’s day at the P. E. Thoma­ church wish to thank everyone Mrs. Gunning next Wednesday Mrs. S. Talbott, accompan­ chestra and. alL others who son home. Pljrnc I CM Baleni, Oregon. 210 Center M. Come and help who donated and helped so January 13. ied Mr. Talbott to Portland on have assisted with the program us make a lucky day. generously toward making the Efficient Work----- Moderate Prices F*riday o f last week and re­ W e especially wish to thank • Mr. Clinton Tracey is in the bazaar which was held at the Deaconess Hospital under the ■ ^ .M « ^ a a a aaaaaaa i r n i . m i aaaaata itaaaaaaaaaaaam ^ aasm asaaaaaaaaanaiaaiaatea A. Robertson and family mained there for a two days’ our. goQ«i.brQther E. R. Martin . tt Y T ^ V f r v ir^^Triw Christian church Dec. 19th, a were in Portland over the holi­ doctor’s care. visit for his efficient assistance. wonderful success. The net days visiting friends and rela­ Miss Roberta Wilson spent W e wish-to express our ap­ W illiam Butzky o f route 2, proceeds were $178.36. The tives. has again joined the family of preciation o f the privilege ex­ Christmas week with friends in expenses were small consider­ Tribune readers after an ab­ tended to us by the legislature Portland. January 11 to 16. Ford Na­ ing the short time available in Cit«takaf M Hats aai CIMMnf Mrs. R. O. W itzel and two getting up the bazaar. $20.40 tional display week. Visit your sence o f more than a year. in affording us the opportunity d e n n i n g , Pressing and Repairing o f week-day religious educa­ daughters spent several days of covered the expense. local dealer and see the new Mrs. Malinda Chambers has model Fords and the up to date tion in the public schools in the the past week in Portland visit­ 1 :ttt S. Liberty - t Salem, Oregon 644 State St. moved from the Bones proper­ state. Resolved that we put ing relatives. Accessories. APPR E C IA TIO N ty. forth our best ewdeavor to pro­ The windows have been re­ Mr. and Mrs. Mullinneix and Surprise Grange will stage a Dr. J. W. Ransom haa not mote and encourage the adop­ arranged in the Crawford family wish to take this oppor­ debate at their next regular been very well for the past tion o f this program in every school house this week. tunity of thanking the people meeting Saturday, January 9, week. school in our district. Several from this community o f Turner for the way they re­ at the Lecture Hour following W e reaffirm our confidence enjoyed the New Year’s dinner L. M. Gilbert called on Mr. sponded to the call for help the regular Grange dinner. The in and- our appreciation o f our given by the Grange at Turner. when their home was destroy­ Barr Saturday. public is invited to these pro­ governor, “ Hon. W alter M. Ruth Rawlings o f Portland is ed by fire, for the efficient help grams. The topic for debate Geo. Moore lost a fine young Pierce in his tireless effort in in fighting the fire and saving spending the holidays with her is “ Resolved, that comfort and JVew U oa fo r Cok* Duot cow last week. H um an Ju Jg m e n t enforcing the moral laws o f the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. their household goods. They pleasure is o f more value than Wh fron chaln. or oatwaril fore* af Coke dual, aoparutr,! lato various R. S. Barr and Hollis Bones state and pledge ourselves Mayro McKinney. gradro of tamer*. U something new nny klnd, cnulil erer rompel tha aoul sRMUl also wish to express their eam- money in the bank." ta ahraalvMk Tha material 1« «aid to of moa to hrllrro or to rtUbrllrt»; tt were in Lebanon and Albany anew to encourage and stand Venetta Balmer spent Christ­ bo avallabl« aa waste In large gusn- I« hl« onn ladrfeoalbla light, that Thursday. behind him in every effort <.o Htloe, and for aaa In placo of «m«ry Judgmenl « f hl*; kr will ratgn and bo- mas week with relatives at O r­ ■ava J O U T a r m tap*« printed wMi make our state .stand to the It la prraaod with a binder Into block» II«'V# lliorr by tho gram of Ood alonol egon City. forefront along all lines of mor­ Curtyl*. af auit able atas Locals The Turner State Bank M. E.Church Pomeroy & Keene WEBB & CLOUGH CO. F u n e r a l Directors - Salem - Í CMMCIST Dr. O. A. Olson, Dentist The Elsworth Hat Shop T Slip fcalrm JRartuanf Cbt American Ratter Subscribe for The Tribune $1.25 per Year ywnr return »«M r««». ran da th« wort. T ilt THVine ality and decency. SskwrlU far 0 ia Trthaaa Read The Ads and Save Money