The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, January 07, 1926, Image 2

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In the Circuit Court o f the State
o f Oregon for the County o f Marion,
9 . 9- fii'uilru. O ttur
Department No. 2.
I'ruon Savings 4 lo a n Aarocialion»
Issue 1 Every Thursday at Turner, Marion Count)-, Oregon
aa Oregon Corporation, Plaintiff; vs.
I Ih-tor Terr and Lola Terr, hi» wife,
SUBSCRIPTION $1.25 PER YEAR. Entered at the Pontofflc») Albert Estate, a corporation, and
Walter Stoll, Defendants.
at Turner, Oregon, as second-chiss matter, under the
To Peter Zonr and le la Terr, hi*
Act of March 3», 1879.
wife, Defendants above named
In the name o f the State o f Ore­
gon you and each o f you are hereby
required to appear and answer the
An interesting account of the influence of the little state complaint filed against you in the
above entitled court and cause on or
o f Vermont on the history of the country- is found in “ The before six weeks from the date o f the
Spirit of Early Vermont,'* by Dr. Herbert H. Hines, pastor of first publication o f this summons and
if you fail so to answer for want
the Woodstock Congregational Church in the current number thereof,
the plaintiff will apply to
the court for relief prayed for in its
of the National Republic.
namely: That it have judg
“ During the days of the revolution this was a state without complaint
ment against you and each o ’ you for
a name and a people without a country or political status," the sum o f $2,000.00 togeti er with
Dr. Hines writes. “ It was neither a crown colony nor was it interest thereon from the 2nd day of
April, 192V, at the rate o f ton
represented in colonial congresses. Later it made a separate percent per annum until paid and for
further s-,m o f $61.50 delinquent
rrmistice with Croat Rritain. But it entered into the revolu­
tax -s paid b\ the defendant and for
tion, not only for the help of its fellow-Americans, but for its the further sum o f $11.50 for the
own self-preservation. At least in the history of this state, continuation o f said abstract and for
further sura o f $150.00 attorney’s
altruism and self-preservation have never been very far apart. the
fees and costs and disbursements in­
“ A convention of 1777 called this territory “ New Connec­ curred in this suit.
That the usual decree nt*} he made
ticut” Not until the Windsor convention in June, 1777, was
for the sale o f the mortgaged pre­
a name seriously considered. It was suggested that there was mises described in said complaint by
a part of Pennsylvania called “ New Connecticut” so at the the Sheriff o f Marion County, Ore­
gon according to law and th«' prac­
advice of a citizen of Pennsylvania this state was called Ver­ tice o f the above entitled court.
mont from the Green Mountains: and no state is more appro­
That the proceeds o f said sale may
priately named. In the Constitution House still seen in Wind­ he applied towards the payment o f
the amount due the plaintiff and costs
sor, a constitution was adopted modeled after William Penn’s o f sale and that each o f sai«l defend-
It is quite characteristic that it took only six anta, Peter Terr and Lela Zerr and
all persons claiming under or through
days to form the government A notable constitutional pro­ them or cither o f them subsequent
vision was the prohibition of slavery, the tirst of any provision to the execution o f said mortgage to-
wit: The 2nd day o f April, 1925, be
of that kind.”
barred ami foreclosed o f all right,
claim an*! equity o f redemption in
and to said real premia«« and every
part thereof and that plaintiff have
such other and further relief as may
be just and equitable.
Americans are fairly overwhelmed by law because of the
Said mortgaged premises are par­
avalanche of legislation, according to Harold C. McGuigan, ticularly describe«! as follows:
Lots Twenty (201 and twen­
veteran Kansas attorney in an address made recently before
ty-one (2 1 ) in the Subdivision
the Kansas State Bar Association. Mr. McGuigan pointed out
o f Blocks Twenty-Eight (2 8 )
and Thirty-five (8 5 ) o f Yew
now Congress has been almost continually grinding out legis­
Park Ann«'X No. 2 in the City
lation for years and pointed out that there are now no less than
o f Salem, Marion County, Ore­
a a per the duly reconled
15. 00 sections of the United States statutes. In addition to
plat o f said Subdivision now on
this there are more than 11,000 sections of the statae statutes
fl’ e ami o f record in the office o f
the Recorder o f Conveyances In
and he number is constantly increasing. He said in part:
and for Marion County, Oregon,
“ These various statutes are so complex that two courts
more particularly described as
will seldom reach a like construction. The federal statutes
B«‘ ginning on the West lino
reach such great number that no lawyer in America has a
o f 12th street in said City o f Sa­
comprehensive knowledge of them.
Some lawyers may be
lem. Marion County. Oregon, at
expert in finding them in the sense that some birddog might be
a point thereon S9.90 feet South
from the Northeast corner o f lot
expert in finding quails, but these lawyers no more know the
3 in block 28 o f Yew Park An­
statutes than the birddog knows the number o f quail in the
nex No. 2 aforesaid; and running
thence South 50 feet; thence
covey he is pointing.”
East 210 feet; thence North 50
Mr. McGuigan deplored the legal maxim which sets forth
feet to the place o f beginning,
that ignorance of law is no excuse. In view of these volumes
upon volumes o f law, many of them beyond comprehension,
he said it would be an absurdity to invoke the maxim and it
does violence to reason.
in the County Court of the State
o f Oregon^for Marion County.
In the matter o f the -state o f LUey
V. S-ewarC deceased.
sj "
Notice ,s hereby given that by an
orde- o f he County Court o f Marion
County, State o f Oregon, duly made
and entered on the 23rd day o f De-
eei.ib-r, 1925, the undersigned was
appointed executor o f the estate o f
Lucy V. Stewart, deceased, and that
he has duly qualified as such.
persons having claims against said
estate trt hereby notifiea to present
th-. same, duly verified as required by
12 -v. to the undersigned at the 1 mm
a f DBeut nT^
' J , nrd-bi-Ro0nc ? lJf*
l^ dd A Bush Bank Building,
f date
i T o O f this
s l i notice.
i - E m° nth> ir ° m 0,6
Also, Lots Seven (7 ) and
Eight (.8) in BIpck One (1 ) o f
J. Myers Addition to the City o f
Salem, Marion County; O regon,
a* the same appears on the re­
corded plat thereof on file am) a f
record in thr County Beeordtr’ s
office o f Mar in County, .State o f
This summons is served upon you
by publication in the Tur»«rr Tribune
by order o f Honorable L. H. Mc­
Mahan, Judge Of U m aboil- named
court bearing (fate o f November 24,
The first publication of-th is
sum men*1 will be N ow reb-e 26. 1925
and the last publication will bd Jan­
uary 7, 192$.
tail to appear ami i u « ( r a i d cora­
plaint by said date, Jot want thereof
the plaintiff will apply to the Court
iat *
«h rre^ W « -an«t reform-
described in paragraph
ComPUi? t a™- d-
“ ld
par* rraPh ,
.*• _ havp
:°neeyed to Frank Gnmpe
havo been conveyed ta Frank Onmps
^ "R U B IN D. D A Y ,
and ™ ere* Gnmpa, hia w ife, now de-
Attorney for Plaintiff.
cea,';er ' a s . t<‘ nant* hy the entirety,
and decreeing said property to be the Place a f Residence and P. O. Address
Property o f the plaintiff herein upon
Salem, Marion County, Oregon
death o f his wife, Thercs Crimps,
y oa are further notified that this
summons is served upon you by pub-
Notice is hereby given that the un-
lieat' on thereof in the Turner Tri-
bune, a newspaper o f general eircu- deraigne«!, by an onler o f the County
“ ««>"• P * » t e / - d published in Tur- Court o f Marion County, State of
ner. Marion County, Oregon, and that Oregon, duly made and entered on
Dated this 23rd day o f December, the 'late o f the first publication there- the 2nd day o f January, 1926, was
appointed Executrix o f the estate o f
______ __ _______ o f will be on the 28th day o f Novem-
her. 1925, and that the date o f the Will E. Purdy, deceased, and that
Executor of the Estate o f last publication thereof will be on the she has iluly qualified as such.
perrons having claims against said
Lucy V. Stewart, deceased. 7th
— day
■ o f January, 1926.
Date o f first publication Dee. 24.
You are further notified that this
Date o f last publication Jan. 21, 1926 summons is published and served up-i the same, duly verified as required by
law, at the law offices o f R. H. Bas­
on yon pursuant to the order o f L. H. sett, Breyman Bldg., in the City o f
Salem, Marion County, Oregon, with­
titled Court, which order was made in six months from the «late o f this
and entered o f record in this esuse notice, to-wit, January 7th, 1926.
In the County Court o f the State on the 20th dsy o f November, 1926.
of Oregon for the County o f Marion.
In the matter o f the Estate of
Executrix o f the E tate o f
W oodbnm , Oregon,
John Krenn, decease«;
Notice is
Will E. Purdy, ueceased.
hereby given that the final account of
Mike Krennor. administrator de bonis 403 Salem Bank o f Commerce Bldg. R. H. BASSETT,
Attorney for Executrix.
non o f the Estate o f John Krenn,
Salem, Oregon,
«ieccaaed, has been filed in the County
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Court o f Msrion County, Oregon,
ami that the 11th day o f January.
1926, at the hour o f 10 o ’clock a.m. NO TICE O F H E A R IN G O F F IN A L
has been appointed by said Court for
We with to express our thank*
In the County Court o f the State,
bearing objections to said final ac­
count, at w'.fch time any perrons in­ o f Oregon for the County o f Marion. ' to all those kind friends who
In the matter o f the Estate o f
terested in said estate may appear and Agnes
Harding, Deceased.
with song, flower*, written and
file objections thereto in writing and
Notice is hereby given that the
contest same.
words of somfort, show­
final account o f Merlin Harding, ad- '
miniatrator o f the Estate o f A g n es! ed their sympathy with us in
Administrator de bonis non. Harding, deceased, has been filed in j
the County Court o f Marion County, i our recent bereavement.
Oregon, and that the 26th day o f
C. A. Hansen
NOTICE OF H EARIN G OF FIN A L January, 1926, at the hour o f 10
o ’clock a.m., has been appointed by
Mrs. A. L. Denyer
said Court for hearing objections to
In the County Court o f the State said final account, at which time any
Other membttrs of the family.
o f Oregon for the County o f Marion. persons interested in said estate may
In the matter o f the Estate o f appear and file objections thereto in
W• leone. Ray Putnam, deceased. No­ writing and contest same.
tice is hereby given that the final ac­
The rains and foggy weath­
count o f Hattie Marie Putnam, ad­
Administrator o f the Estate of
ministratrix o f the Estate o f Welcome
er were very welcome after the
Ray Putnam, deceased, has been filed GUY O. SMITH,
clear cold weather o f the past
in the County Court o f Marion Coun­
Attorney for Administrator.
ty, Oregon, and thut the 12th day of
few days.
January, 1926, at the hour o f 10
o ’clock a.m., has been appointed by
Chas. Hebei and family of
aa'd Court for bearing objections to
were the guests of Dr.
said final account, at which time any
persons interested in said estate may dersigned, by an order o f the County and Mrs. J. W. Ransom for
appear an«: file objections thereto in Court o f Marion County, State o f New Year’s day.
Oregon, duly made and entered on
writing and contest same.
the 31st day o f December, 1926, was
HATTIE MARIE PUTNAM, appointed admi istrator o f the estate
The farm home on the old
Administratrix. of Phoebe C. buekber and that he
Besse place, occupied by the
Ha* duly qualified as such.
All per­
sons having claims against mid estate Mullinex family, was destroyed
are hereby notified to present the by fire Friday morning.
In the Circuit Court o f the State same, duly verified as required by
o f Oregon, for Marion County, De law. at the offices o f P. J. Hunts, in tically all of the furniture was
partment No. 2.
the City o f Salem, Marion County, saved.
Frank Grimps, P!aint:ff; va Peter Oregon, within *ix months from the
o f this notice, to-wit, January
Feller, Jr., Mary Jones, T. J. Jones date
7, 1926.
and Helen Crimp», Defendant*.
M am e C harm » M o a t «
To Mary Jones and T. J. Jones,
While sir tendon Ronald v a s eon
ducting the Margnt* municipal orche*
Phoebe C. Buckber.
tra lo tlielr preformane* o f Ibe over­
In the name o f the State o f Oregon
You, and eaeh o f > in, are hereby re­
tore lo ili* "M ei stenti agera" a mouse,
Attorney for Administrator.
quired to appear and answer the com­
spperently fìterinated by th* munir
plain* filed against you in the above
left It* «heiter et the aide o f the hall
• ntitied Court and cause within six
• nd made Its way through the andtence
week* from the date o f the first pub­
aa far aa the conductor's stand.
lication o f this summons, and if you velope«.
and A ny
C. F. B R E IT H A U P T
p r ic e
V t ti r eon,«.
Dr*. I . T. Dirk A L. M. Hum
C itin e * * M w lir ih * C o.
«toninoli trouble« given quick iwtvtf
by taking out famous rem edí««.
A ro
absolutely bartulees. Iwtug com pouari-
e«l from lttt|»orle*l harha, rents anti
and h«rk* w hich are well known far
their curative pro pa rile*.
W rlreal all «l'sordcr* of »ten, tfm
iiivu und chlldrvh. Fire consultati*«,
( ’all or write.
Why P ay M o rel
(i»?t Yuur I
Take Your
to Select From
Never before and prohably never again will you have such sn
(hoary la eoer. saving opportunity. Note carrfully the
choice read«,ng—all at a prtce to fit your pocketbook. Renewal« will ba
extended one year from date of expiration. N o need to watt.
1 vst h to take advantage o f your Magsainc Bargain Offer.
I am enclosing the above amount in payment for a one year subecru lioa
to your pty-«- and the FIVE Magaxinca I hare marked with an X below.
Gentlem en.
Town — -------
St or R .r.D
□ American P eeh ry Adv
□ B la d e * L*d«a*
□ Cappe*'« Farmer
Farm 4 Fisaserie
The F i r m J un n i
□ Farm Ufa
□ Gasila trama« Magami««
Q .G eed fa«*»»
Q lk m C n b
ch o o se
îiîtr r
□ H orn Friand
\ T AM K of bewltli may act be reck
V on.-,I in ilollani anti ornts T » o
thousand years ngo Ux-re « a s per
haps romo excuso for the g«*lr«>n'>uie.
but today (her* la none. The way to
h«<alth Ilea In a lxtlniirr,l diet lll|e
pm-ratea, lha father of medMns,
figured along the aaoia linea bark 4óO
IV C. II* eipre«M>d Hie belief that
th* science of inetllrlii« liad Ila bre
ginning In the effort* of men n*d
women to And better and smoother
Dieb In th# home lisiar la hfcoi*.
lug a matter of premie» consider»
lion. Women are taking rognlsan«'#
of thoae Imputtanì food elementa
known aa «llamlnes. They buie
lea roe« t, also, the heneflt to tbe h«
man hotly of auch m inen.» aa Iron,
calcium and pboaphortia
This knowledge has reunlti-d In the
housewife plann'ng ber menus with an
ey* open to dietary Taluea. which te
the big reason .hy milk hae a*»u. ird
auch a large pi re In l i e menu of the
Amrrlrun funillv. Milk contains every
sfructnrsl element rt>r bo«ly trnlldlng
ft ta an almost |wrfcci food l*eaplle
the best refrigeration facilities, milk
trill keep sweet only a short time
Millions of Amrrtrau h.'Uaewtve* hare
solve.I tills Mg problem by using et sp­
orn ted milk, whlrh la simply fresh
row's milk sterilised In rana to
achieve keeping quulltlo* and with
sixty I or cent of th* water remove«!
Evaporai«»] milk la not th* aamr aa
condensed udlk, although many per
rotta confuse th* two, Tb* endeared
product la a ro-ut>!tuition of ntllk and
suga' cane In ,t twotlrih ran* sugar
and three : fth milk proportion. Evap­
orai d milk ha* nothing but watre
taken fron It and nothing at all nd led
flttg-tr la tb# preservati»* a«.'«I In
maii’jfro'turlng Ilia rondelu»*d product,
while has: only I* the preeenetlve
far et spora tod milk For this reason
the eva|Nirete«l product may he used
I« any way In which market milk la
□ Mealier’* Heme Ufa
Fudge MxJrtng Find«
Fxvor With Co-Ed*
D Pathfinder (weakly) M Umar
□ Today’* Henaawtf*
( 1 Trmctee * Ga* Eagfae Review
□ Wemaa’e Warid
Fitdge may ha rl**a<-d wlth pio as a
typlcal American disk II Ima a pisce
In * v * r y yeung
man'* hriir( Tmd
every giri* e«te-
r*ry o4 awraro»
Robert Gnle, of Oregon City,
was a week end visitor in Tur­
ner. Mr. Gale was formerly a
resideht o f “ this section,, and
while in Tom er was a jruest at
the Rowley home.
New Rafu«d* Problem In Syria.
Beirut. Syria»— The Nepr East Relief
will dlatributa £0.009 pound» of refu­
gee elofMng here, to assist In caring
for 24«00 Ghrletlaa villager» rendered
boniflM « by the rebellion of the Mos­
lem Druges ugajgst the French gover«-
meot. All AntnrirSns have been or
¿•red to lamve Damascus, where 2,609
perron* « « re killed 1« th* flshtlng of
the past fortnight Thousand* of ref­
ugee* ard 'i>6«rtng Into Beirut
October 3 |*t there were 30.000
Armt'BUo-refug««* 1« Beirut, crowded
Into an “unspeakable’’ catnp, and refu­
gees were arriving from Damascus at
the rate of 1000 dally. The refugee«
were -ahellergd In hounee constructed
of oil tins and “ the crowding Was ter­
rible.4 or many aa nine people living
h> a single tmafl room, cooking, eat
lag and sleeping,1« this tiny quarter.
The «unitary arrangement* were
totally tnsifaquafa and Water scarce.
Many of the refugees were ill, with no
medicine and th* children were pale
and tick’/ .
•I /i k .
• th b
4») - 1’Jfl rilalo fit (Upstairs.)
ITtotte Ï83.
Halent O regon.
Or. O. L. Scott
i ’ altiier
C h iro p ra cto r
P h o n e 67. K ostJ en co fi'JHK
N. H ig h fit reel
Salem, Orrjron
l'nite4 States Nalirail Baal
C a n a r a l B a n k in g Amain a««
Interest paid on
tinta depeaRh «afi
saving« aa counts
Oar. State A Cee»a»ee«fal M a
— '
ladies and 6enfs
Tnllorlnjt • %
474 Court fit.
Notirr is herohy Ktvcn thr Ihr un-
«Icrslgnrd, bv an orvlrr o f the County
Court o f Mnrlon County, State o f
Oregon, «luly m««le an<l entere«! on
the l »l h •!*> o f !>■.- 1126. was ap
Pointe«! executor o f thr rstatc o f
Bertha Schreib-» aml tbat he ha* doly
i|uahfir«i tu »och
All prr»on* hav-
ing claim» againat saiti estate are
hereby nolifitit to present Ihr aamr,
«luly vrriflcd as requirrel by law, at
Ihr office- o f Thomas Brown, 210 Or-
rgon Bl (lg., m t a Clt) *»f Salem,
ktariou County, Oregon, within sla
rrtonth* frorn the ilal» o f thl* notier,
to-wlt Drrrmhrr HHi. 198b.
Executor *»f the Ijitatr o f
B.’W l l Schn-Iber.
Zex Confret Mixe*
SdJadt and Song«
<’ o-
l-oaer o f
Ze*. t’onfrey. fa/eoue
e d i * w * a r by th« moalcal claaslc.’ '*Th* Kitte« on
fO'lg» and "fuilg*
K ey«"
allinea'' ta sorof
Ity perfora are
Ih* vrry lateet
wrtnkle In rotta
giste rirclea
Khedive*« Ex-Chef
Give* Cooking Tip
Greet chef* are horn, not
HELD ON M O N D A Y Rarely If ever do they rise I
The annual meeting of the
Turner Teijephone Co. was
held at the school hous«' Mon­
day morning.
There were a
large attendance of the stock­
holders present.' The follow­
ing were etected to the board
o f directors for the coming
year: Prqs. F. C. Delzell, V.
Pres. Fred fille r , Sec., E. S.
Prather. Ttie other two mem­
bers elected’ were M”. Flifldt &
Geo. Clytrief'. The following
letter was sent to Mrs. H. R.
Peetz, who }ia$ charge of the
central, by tfoe rtiring board:
Mrs. II. R. Peetz,
Turner, 6 r ^ o n .
The merrtbers of the Board
of Directors pf the Turner Tel­
ephone COrr^arty resire to ex­
press oijr (hanks and appre­
ciation fo f j/our service and co-
operatioh duirtnf? the past year.
Signed': M. E. Townsend, J.
M. Hamilton, G. H. Clymer, E.
S. Prather.
o f this not o f loading’
Ptu-ne 360
* ' • M • w I h ,t
flO '9 »»•(t'd«<t
$ # I O
N. Liberty Street
Tbere's a big
wallop In a piai
ter o f fartgr, thè
Meta H. Oivaa.
ro-eda » i p I a I n.
because tfa « jo # o f the gre»te#i «ourees
o f energy, containing both milk, lb*
"perfect food," and sugar.
If yoa'vs any doubt o f the place
fu«lge occupies In the yonng mala
heart, try these recipe« no him aud
hear Ills own answer Each o f the ap
pended dishes waa prepared by Mlsa
Meta Given, doing reaenrrh work In
th* home economics department o f the
University o f (Tilcago. and they are
the result o f much exiieriroeutatloo.
Chocolate Fudga.
caps eusar
t e'luarra rboro-
rup evaporetsd
r» w «rales o f sail
height» In their
profession hy dint
o f per»«n-e ranee.
In Europe and
the Last a chef
tn i«
«tlnct Is treas­
lie expects and
tbtalna tbe treat­
ment o f an nm-
H I a
dishea are the
H. Ocdojlen.
M out w «i« r
I tb .p . b u tte r
I tbsp corn strap
H Isp. varllla
friends In the cafce and bananra.
so that It will
Such a ch ef ta Harontonn GcdoJIan.
sometime ch ef to the family royal o f melt more easily. A<hl the sugar, salt,
milk, water and corn strop (look, stir­
the khedlre o f Egypt, now the owner
ring nntll chocolate and rognr are
o f a blsarrs gold roast restaurant In
Ohlrago. In hi* forty-three year* as a melted, and then only orrnalonally to
prevent burning, until the *<ifi hall
ch ef extraordinaire. Ilnroutoan's word
has be*'U lew In th* culslnee of three Mage I* reached, or a teni|>er*ture of
XV» degrees Fahrenheit. Remove from
Egyptian prleres and <>n* princess,
fire and add th* butter, fo o l until
the mother o f th# kl-edlve.
add An-
Lord Kitchener waa sirdar o f Egypt, almost lukewarm, Ilf) degn
before the trouble In the Soudan, coring and bent vigorously until when
a little 1 * dropped from the apnon It
Harontoun cooked for him.
will hold It* shape. 1‘ our Into oil*«
One o f Kitchener’ s fliTortl« dishes,
tins and mark In sqnarea.
according to M«r><trloun, waa (chlscli-
C o c o * - til C a n d y ,
kahb, a dlah made from milk fed hihy
IH rep rogar
I tap buttar
lamb. Prtnc* Jatnlel, another o f his
Ig cup evaporated
1-1 cap sh red d y
particularly fond o f
X cup water
»4 top vanilla
dried cream and honey, a preparation
which la one o f llaroutoun’a senlouely
gnanled secret a. Prince Haa<| Paslia when melted, add nngar, milk and wa­
ter, and *tir until sugar I* dlmnlred
waa n keen admirer o f a confection
Harontoun makes entirely out of Ileat to hidllng. and conk to the soft
ball stage.
Remove from Are, add
flour, butter and nuta.
roroanat and vanilla, cool to lift de
in many o f his admirable dishes,
Fahrenheit and heal until
creamy and mixture begins to sugar
which Is simply fresh co w ’s milk
gterlllxed In cans soil with ilxty per ^ (lightly around edge o f pan. Pour In
cent o f the w ster removed. Reran*# | to buttered pan and when cool murk
la squares. <
o f a homogenizing process through
which evuporated milk la put, the
I enps brown or
1 thap. bufteC
fat globules In the milk «re broken
maple »«»n r
| isp vsnllla
% rup svaperated
» cup« chopped
np Into mtcroecoplc particles end d!a-
tributed throughout the milk, where
% rap walar
they remain In homogeneous suspro-
Boll ingur milk and water to flie
•oft ball ataxo. Remove from the Are;
add butler, flavoring and nnta. Cool
This breaking o f Ihs fat globnlee
to 110 dagrrea Fahrenheit, then best
gives a distinct hnttery flavor to every
drop o f tbs evaporated prod rt. a «m il creamy and thickened; pour Inti-
g greased (In and when Arm c a t
flavor which ordinary market milk
does not have. Harontonn e> : t he
uses evaporated milk In p refern * to
market milk In the preparation of all
T h e O th e r H a lf
aorta o f baked llahes, aa well aa la
T he stall fed philosopher take« ex
ropHoo to the old Idea that "o n a h a lf
fh* people do not know bow th* other
half lira«." II* has It 00 good an
IhoiKy that “ oDe-half o f the people
make a good living by working the
other h a lf."- Logan sport liia roa Trtb-
friend* a* lha
moat veraatlla o f
A merlca's papu­
p. users. Thoae who
know him say he
can mix a salad
or a song oddity
with equal suc­
w hlrh
aaylng c««aald*r-
portrayal o f the
Za« Cenfrey.
delightful | wanks
■•f a certain young felloe frisking over
the tvorteo has been recognised as th«
model o t American eym upatlon.
But Mr Coafrey has other "first#"
la lila repertoire, hie acquaintance«
declare. Country brut, b* la a Judge
of bore* flesh, and also knows a guod
d g sr.
. Tb* Simple Ilf* la Mr. ('uafrey'a trie*
of happiness. Every *0 often Manhat­
tan get* too crowded for him and he
boards a train for the country and
the companionship o f u certala mur­
muring brook. Inevitably ha comas
buck with one o f the merry tone« for
whlrh he la noted.
A bachelor, I n keepe «pea hone*
for lila friend*. If he Invite* a few o f
the hoys over for a midnight supper,
he doe* th* rooking himself. Invita­
tions to his lively little dinners are
■ought after Thera are two dishes to
which Mr. Confrey la partial. Ho ara
hla frlehdai Ilia reclpea for the tw o
fo llo w :
Royal Igya With Mushroom Sauce.
I* ***«
1 H c u p fivapo
rataii mil k d i l ­
uted w it h
1-1 p o u n d m u s h -
1 Vfc r u p maat atoc ti
( T h i a may ba
1 alle« plmfinto
pr«narad from
I Itap. bullir
bouillon rubaal
II allcaa (uaal
1 thap (lour
I ‘aialay
Manta th«« m u a h r o o m a In t w o tbap,
Hullar ( a k i n * ea r# not to l>ura, m a k a
a w h i m m u < a o f I w o tbap. b u t ta r.
d ou r, ava pwr at ad m il k a nd m aa l a lo e k .
Criuk II va n i n u t a a
Add tha e o o k a d
pt ma nt o.
Mraak o g r a and d r o p i n t o hot fp i, b a .
Inn c a r a f u l to kaap t | i In a ( l o b u l a r
maaa Juat aa ao<»* aa t * a y ara a g o l d -
on b r o w n lift ou t and d ra in
Plae a a n
figg «»n finch plaea o f tuaat
A llow lira
plaeea f o r » a c h aar vln g.
P o u r o v a r a ll
tha rnu ahroom a au ca a n d gar nla li w i l d
par a lay.
P l o a a p p i a Cha aoa S a l a d
1* allcao plan -
C rla p lattuea
a p p la
1 c u p erfiam
1 tbap p la # a p p l a
H cu p choppad
1 tap s u g a r
. «"*•
Or aa * and rad
I (b op. avapo ra tfi d
m angoaa
C r e a m y aala d
dra Aolng
C o m b l n a tha ch aaoo. nuta, a v a p o r a f a d
nillk Pi nea pp le Juice a n d a u g i i . a n d
bl on d Into a s m o o t h maos. Cu t p l n s a p .
pla c l r o l r a In half, F p r t a d ahaaaa m l * ,
tnra on a nllca p f p l na app la a n d proa*
tha o l h t r ha lf fdrela o r p l naa pp la o n
l o p o r chaaaa a a nna w o u ld * allra o|
bre a d In m a k i n g a aan dw te h. Twl d l a -
m o nd a o r t r l a a g l a a f r o m g r o a * a nd rad
in an gu ra and proas Into lha a dga o t
tha e h a s o t m la t n ra bat w a rn l h a p l n a .
appla. l * y t w o o f th# p ra a ar ad pl aea*
o f p ln a ap p la «>* * or l op TaUppa lo a f.
Sarva w i t h c r o a m y aalad d r a a ^ g g . T h l g
•ar ras ilvs«
k*v ta.