f THE TURNER TRIBUNE VOL. TinCNEII, O U E G O N , T lf U l t S D A V , X. HAPPENINGS OF G H EN T WEEK Bits of Best News Items From Everywhere. F A R M E R S A L L E G E DISP ARI TY p i A ik I n m H iiliit n o f Wheat Ills Bend Country. Washington. II. C V S O STATE N E W IN BRIEF FACING CONGRESS 0 Price* la Investigation of J A M 'A B Y Peter McGovern, deputy reports that wheat grower* In tba In game lumi Empire region of Oregon. Wash Hnrhenson, who resides four miles west of here, for Illegal possession of elk antlers and bide. His bearing will be held In Uaker. iington mul fcluho w «p) rmulvlng from 15 to 20 cnnta p«r boahnl lower than Ili» price* prevailing on tha Chicago No Major Problems Settled Since Assembling. 1«. I u Haines. NO. 7, warden, recently arrested Paul The Dalles.- udward C. Pease, for many years In business activities here,1 Saturday received word that be had1 been named a director o f the branch federal reserve bank for Oregon.1 which also has Jurladtctlon over fiv e ' Take l'p conntles In Washington. C fh e BLACK QANQ By CYRIL NcNEILE S A P P E R C opv nq ki by QSOKQE H DORAN CO. V M S S«rnc« market, waa aaked of the dcparttnont 44 o f Juatlre bureau of marketa of tha d o ( er. Who better. I thought, than old hands on. T o he more accurate there partmenl agriculture ami federal trade j Turn-turn to listen to my maidenly se­ wss one man there whom we wanted, “ BULLDOG" AGAIN ■ ummlaalon Monday by Iteproeenia-j crets? And so . . tie d been shadowed ever since he’d Urn John \V Huinmors, republican, of "One moment, Hugh," Sir Ilryan landed In England that morning, B Y N O P 0 U L — T o a g s t h a r l n * of Walla Walla held up hie bend. "D o you mind If I nhadowed the whole way from docks anarchists In B a r k i n g , London suburb; Zabol«fT. f o r e i g n a g i t a ­ K tM U o f Noted People. Govern mente speak to Inspector Jfclver for a mo­ to the house. And sure enough when Humim-re announced receipt of a* V Conferences Scheduled tu tor, tslla o f ths o p a r t t l o n » o f a ment 7" M clver snd hla men surrounded the ernl leltera from farmora In I ho lllg Salem — It waa reported Sunday that Matter o f Disposing o f Sur- body o f m «n w ho h a v * bscome a and Pnrlffc Northneot. and Other 0 "Anything you like, old lad.” mur­ bouse, there was our friend and all Bend country declaring the price of mena c« to th slr • act» vf tt s « H« sufficient money had been peld In by plus Products. Thlngi Worth Knowing. aays they a re mas ked and w ea r mured Drummond. "But be merciful, bis pals In one of .the downstair* wheat for export at Portland and He- the stockholders to purchase a site for lon g bla ok cl o a k s and a re a ct in g remember my Innocent wife In the rooms. It was then that thla pecullur atlln had been on a partly with that at the linen mill and atart building opera wi th ou t th# law. He la I n t e r ­ thing happened. 1 gather from Mclver country." rupted by the men he Is d e s c r ib ­ Chicago early In tbn fall but bad be lions Other assessments w ill be lev­ And silence settled on the room, that be beard the noise of an owl i n g (t he Bl ac k 'J a n g ), w h o break Washington. D. C. With the Christ- ied against the stockholders as funds 1 >r J Whitcomb »rougher, for 1« gun to decline about alt wnoka ago up t h e m ee tin g, se nt en ci ng eorne broken only by the low-voiced con­ booting, also a faint scuffle and a o f the pa rti ci pa nt s to condign versation between Mclver and hla curse. And after that he heard notn- years pastor of the Temple Itaptlat and at the lim e of writing wae con mas recess behind It, congress re­ are required for development pur punishment and c a r r y i n g a w a y assembled Monday to remain contin­ poses. elilerably below the Chtcogo level. chief In the window. After a while a lpg more. He was chloroformed from others. A m emora ndum found rhureh In lam Angelee. C al, resigned on ZaboleiT g i v e s an address In strangled snore from the chair an­ behind, and went straight out of the A elmllar Inreatlgallon Initialed by uously In session for probably six his pastoral« Sunday Me 1« to ac­ Salem. Sulk to test the *o called B os t on , which the leade r of the nounced that Drunnuuud was ceasing picture.” Hummere In IHU and undertaken by months. cept n call lo the first Kept 1st church a t t a c k i n g par ty co nsiders o f Im- to take an Intelligent Interest In "Great Scott!” murmured Hugh, All of the major problems which motor vehicleregistration .law. now )n the department of Juetlce resulted In portanoa Sir Bryan Johnstone, of Oakland. Cal. staring Incredulously at Mclver. things mundane. di r e ct or o f c r im in a l I n v e s t i g a ­ return of wheat prlroa In the Inland fuied It when It first met a m onth! operation In Oregon, probably will he tion, hears fr o m Inspec tor Me* "H e's an extraordinary fellow. Mc- “ What an amazing thing!” Felipe TUttoJuela. lieutenant gover­ Kmplre aectlon to a parity With Ihoae ago atlll are to be solved and new ' died In the circuit court here soon, Iver, sent to a rr e st Z ab ol ef f the “ And this la where you come ln, Iver,” said Sir Bryan, glancing at the ««cordin g to information reoelve.l nor of (he province o f Calauduanee, al Chicago, discounting freight rales ones are yet to be met n ig ht befor e, o f hi* discomfiture sleeper with a am lie. -I'v e known Hngb," continued Sir Bryan. He had been eelsed and rhl >ro- While Ihe world court Is tha un- from Eugene. It waa said thal a Ku- Philippines, was shof and killed Sun In the ozport markets, he aisled. "M e !” Hugh sat up abruptly. "W hy him ever since we were boys at school. forme d and Me raid fr u st ra te d day by llerttardo Surlldad, chief of The Walla Walla representative did finished t,unities« before the senate gene attorney ta preparing papers In And be'* not quite such a fool as he me?” pollrw of the town of Vlrae The shoot not charge a conspiracy between ex and appropriation bills are Ihe order ike case, make« b »s e lf, out. You remember “ One o f the men Inside the room Ing was thp culmination of a political porteri aud millers, but said that be of business In the house. Ihe most that extra,>r Unary case over the man was an Interesting fellow known aa CHAPTER II— Continued S a le m -W illia m H. Harcomoe of quarrel Hurtldad was arrested. Peterson a je a r or so ago. Well. It Flash Jim. He la a burglar of no believed "an arrangement" between trouhlpnom** problem roairontln* ad* Dallas. Or . waa appointed by Governor coast wbaat buyers might be reapon- iu In tat ration Isadora la that of work Pierce Saturday district attorney of “Great Scotrl I hope not." cried was he who did the whole thing. Hla mean repute., though he Is quite ready Major General William >1 Hart, complete disability to be cunning ut­ to tackle any tort o f >«h which car­ elblo for the market decline In the in* out aonia moans of handlln* sur­ Polk county, effective January 1, to ' H u« h >» £■» quartermaster general of the army, terly defeated that master-crook, who ries money with It. And when McWer, Pacific northwest The department of plus farm crops. succeed' Joseph Helgeraon. who re- o^niDlw.« ln.tru;^lonw ihe brute. died early Saturday at Walter Held „ . before sbe toddled off. I make a noise was always looking for subtlety that having recovered himself In the morn­ Confercnrca looking to this end hava Justice will probably order Its opera signed rerenUy to enter the U n i t e d . ^ #n ^ und drop them in wasn't there. hospital He was operated on two And of course bis ing, ran Ftash Jim to ground ln one railed for thla month by S*cro- lives al Keattle and ortland to look | o f his haunts he was qolte under the States district attorn ey» office in gink every morning. No. old lad o f strength Is absolutely phenomenal.” weeks ago fur whal It was feared waa tary Janlln«*, but meanwhile members Into the situation. " I know, air." said Mclver doubt­ Impression that the men who bad a cancerous growth For a time be Portland. ; tlie village. It Is something of vast of tho Iowa congressional delegation I , I Import : a stain upon thé escutebeou fully, “ but would he consent to take on doped him and the other officers were bed appeared to bo convaluaclng. He will Introduce surplus crop bills and Salem There were two f a U lille . |of )on r forr. l .,, u, such a Job— and do exactly as he wss pals o f Flash Jim. SIGNS OF BREAKDOW N But after he’d waa lo bta «2d year talked to him he changed Ids mind. SEND PERSH ING HOME seek immediate hearings before the In Oregon due to induatrlal accidents whUpM u tjath— I dined and fur- t o ld r The annual Hooo prlxc of I he Amer They were both looking out of the All Flash Jim could tell him was that house agriculture rommlttee ¡during the week end.ng December 24J tta*-r supped not wisely but too well. Washington. I) C — Alarming sytnp Iran Association for the Advancement Fiscal legislation will be taken up according to a report prepared by th e 1 j n fact l deeply regret to admit that window, wbUe In the room behind on the previous night be ' and annan of Science lo (he author of tba moat tom« o f falling health may compel by committees of both houses, the sen-patate Industrial accident coin mission 1 1 became a trille blotto— not to say them the heavy breathing o f - the friends had been dismissing business notablt. contribution lo science waa General John J. Pershing to xurrender ale finance committee beginning clos- ' Saturday The victims were Doan L. * tanked. Of coure« It wouhtnt have sleeper rose and fell monotonously. at this house. He didn’t attempt to awarded In Kansas City Saturday lo bla work a« president of the Tarns ed hearings on the tax reduction bill Stanley, Algoraa. night yard foreman happened If Phyilla had been propping And when the whole audience la asleep deny th at He went An to say that suddenly tha room had been filled Dr Dayton C. Miller, professor of Arlca plebiscitary commission. set up and the house ways and means rom-|and Nathan W. Beck»tt. Portland, la “ b 'he Jolly old home, don t you know : It ceases to he necessary to talk In Which was why Sir with a number o f masked men. and but 'she's aw-qy H> the country with undertones. physics at Ihe Case School of Applied In President C'oolldge's arbitral award j raltlre taking up consideration o f the borer. the nightingales and slugs and Bryan and the Inspector during the that he'd had a d ip over the back of Science, Cleveland, Ohio. In the dispute over these provinces foreign debt settlement agreement the bead which knocked him out. A f­ thing*. Well, as 1 auy. In the young Salem.—The Pacific Telephone com ter that presumably be was given a Althouau the world court has Tight President Oooltdge Is preparing to between Chile and Peru, and return to pany has taken over the Tillamook hours of the morning 1 thought I'd the Cnlted State« within the next of way In the senate. It probably will whiff o f chloroform to keep him quiet, aak congress probably (bla week, for County Mutual Telephone company.' »**“ " » lon* hom*' I d wUh •»**• and the next thing he remembers ÍS month be displaced temporarily by the Nye birds, male birds, Tumkln*"— be appropriations to cover American par being kicked bark Into a c tivity‘fiy 'th » Abnormal blood pressure, which ha« case. In which Is involved the legal with headquarter* at Tillamook, ac­ stsred sternly at Sir Bryan, wblle Mc­ tlrlpatlon In the preparatory commie cording to announcement made at the lver stiffened Into rigid horror at such policeman • ati—” Sir Bryan paused a • slon which will consider disarmament developed since the ex-commander o f , right of the governor of North Dakota moment to emphasize the pojqt—“at the Amerit an expeditionary fo rc es ! u> fui a echiits vacancy by appoint oi ,h* publlc service commi» an Incredible nickname— “ und when I questions al Geneva in February. The Piccadilly circus." Well. I undertook his difficult task at Arlca. meat. Isadora hope to dispose of this sion Saturday The order of consoli­ left It' was about 2 a. m. amount to be asked has not been ills "Good Lord !” said Hugh dazedly. dation will become effective as of Jan­ wandered along through Leicester la known to have prompted bis p»r- within Iwo or three days. "Then that bird I saw last night steep­ closed bttl Is not otperted to be large. square, and stopped Just outside uary 2, 1926. aonal physician. Major Olenn l Jim. » A fter disposing of U»e treasury and ing It off on tbe pavement was Flash Scott’s to let one. o f thoe« watering The rnnvlrtlon of Colonel Charles o f the army medical corps, to recdm- poatofftre appropriation bill the house Jim.” Salem Marlon Airman, 23. was In carta water my head for me. While I t Forbes, ex head of the Cnlted m»nd hla return to this country not Thursday will take up a resolution “ Precisely,” answered Sir Bryan. a hospital here Sunday suffering from I « a s lying In the road, steaming at Slates veterans' bureau, and John W. later than January 15. "But what Is far more to the point, proposing Ihe appointment of a Joint a partly severed arm uad other Injur-* the brow, a motor car went past, and Thompson St Ixiuls contractor, on old man. Is that tbe two birds you Colonel Jay J. Morrow, American congressional commission to receive les sustained late Saturday night when It stopped In Piccadilly circus." charges of conspiracy to defraud the member o f the boundary commission bids for Ihe Muscle Shoals power and think yon would be able to recognize an automobile In which he was riding Mclver"* air of Irritation vanished and who were ln the car. are two o f government In letting contracts for established by President Coolldgc to nitrau- plant The Interior appropria­ crashed into a telephone pole a few , suddenly , ™ d « quick glance passed the masked men who first o f nil laid veterans' hospitals, was upheld Sat­ aid In settling the dispute, also may tion bill will be the next measure on I between Dim and Sir Bryan. miles west of Salem. Russell Lehman, out M clver and subsequently sur­ urday In Chicago by the United Stales sail for the Cnlted States soon. "Nothing much you observe In that. the house calendar. who was at the wheel of the machine. rounded Flash Jim snd Ills pals In­ circuit court of appoala. An Investigation which lx expected escaped with a few scratches and Tumklns." lie burbled on, quite uncon­ side." scious of the sudden attention of his Heart Ills Kill 176,671. (o have far reaching consequences will bruises. One out of every five world war vet "But what did they want to do hearers. “ But wait, old lad— 1 haven't that for?" asked Hugh in bewilder­ erana entitled to compensation under Washington. D. C. - Heart disease he started during the week by the got to the motto yet. From this car Albany.— Tw o automobiles and oc ment. the bonus act had failed lo apply for took a loll of 176.671 lives during 1924. house Interstate commerce commis­ i there stepped large numbers o f men: "That Is Just what we want to And sion It will center around a resolu­ cupants took a ferryboat ride down at leant. to |t seemed to me. and you Ihe relief granted by congress up to rauslhg nearly Iw le« as many deaths tion ullcglng manipulation of crude out," replied Sir Bryan. “ As far as the Willam ette river several m iles1 must remember Pd recently had a December I. 1925 The total number we can see at the moment they are aa were attributed to any one o f Ihe rubber by the British colonial govern­ Friday when the cable on the ferry | shampoo. And Just as I got abreast of application rejected up to that date not criminals In the accepted s nse other leading diseases, Including pneu­ ments. at Irish Bend broke, hit the ferrym an! of them they lifted out another war- waa 2.760.677. of which 2.669.270 were of the word. They flogged tw o .qf the monia. tuberculoals, cancer or ne­ At the same time the senate Inter­ in Ihe eye aml^knocked him uncon-! rior, who appeared to m e-to be un- certified to the veteran's bureau as men who .-ere there last night, n«A phritis. tho department of commerce state commerce commission will be­ sclous. Small boats were used lo land j conscious. They put him on the pave- being valid, the others having been there are no two men In England reported Monday. gin hearings on the Gooding bill, the women and children pas.engera.1 ™‘‘nt e° ' b* rk ,lnto ‘ he ™ r , * “ ln discovered or where al that time In who* more richly deserved It. - They Just as I tottered ulongslde. A total of 1,753,990 deaths In the kidnaped two others, one of whom which would prohibit railroads from and a launch from Peoria went up and "My Business W ont Taka You process o f correction. "•Whnt ho! souls,’ I murmured, country's death registration area, com­ making a greater charge for a short was tbe man we particularly wanted. Minuta," Sir Bryan. towed the ferry down to Peoria, where 'what Is this and that, so to speakY General approval of Ihe bouse tax- prising 39 states, the District of Co­ Then to wind up, they planted Flash haul than for a long haul. This Is It was tied up. " ‘Binged, old bean, badly binged.' next ten minutes discussed certain reduction bill, with some modifica­ lumbia and 16 cilles In non registra­ Jim as I ’ve told you, let the -others one of (he several pieces of railroad said the driver of the car. 'W e're matters of lm|>ort which they would go, and brought M clver and all his tion. was given Saturday by a con tion Slates, established a death rate Bend Mandamus proceedings to legislation to bo pressed at thla ses­ leaving him there to cool.' not have discussed Mrough mega­ men back to M clver's bouse, where ferenoe between Secretary Mellon and of 11 9 for 1000 population aa com par force a recall election for Bend's city sion. “ And with that the car drove off. phones at ttie Savoy. ThFJr concerned they left them to cool on the pave­ Chairman Smoot o f (he senate finance ed with 12.3 In 1923, 11 8 I d 1922 and administration will be opposed with There was I, Tumklns, in a partially Hugh aud other things, and the other ment. And what I want to know Is committee, which will atari considers 11 6 In 1921 : all available legal argument. It was [ binged condition alone In Piccadilly things particularly were o f Interest. this. I f we give you warning would Blast K ill* 12; 10 Hurt. Hon Of the measure Monday. Plans The decrease In the rale from 16- circus with a bird In a completely And the/ continued discussing these you care to go with Mclver the next Pensacola. Fla. — With the known Indicated Saturday by Louis Bennett, binged condition. were discussed, however, to rearrange riuenxa, from 44 7 for 100.000 populn other things until, with a dreadful time he has nay Job on, where he city recorder, against whom the man­ dead numbering. 12. It) Injured In hos­ Ihe Income surtax xehedule so thal lion In 1923 to 19 6 In 1924, and from “ 'How now,' I said to myself. noise like a racing motor back-bring, thinks It Is Ukely this p tn g may turq damus petition was filed Thursday. some reduction might be made on the pneumonia of all forms, from 109 to pitals ami five workmen missing, fire­ •Shall I go and Induce you water mer­ the sleeper sat up In bis chair and .up? W e have a pretty shrewd Idea An alternative writ, granted by T. E v (initi to iti return'—aa r r i u r u — tts a m inier o ihli chant matter of i fact lower brackets while retaining the 98.4, accoupla (or nearly three fourths men continued to battle flames which stretched himself. as to the type o f thing they special­ maximum ralu of 25 per cent, as ap­ of the decrease In tho rate from all resulted Saturday when a fire relort J. Duffy, circuit Judge, gave Bennett, , was ^ „ „ „ „ g to feel I could Ilo ••Tumklns," he cried- “ 1 have com­ ize In.” ' t - until December 21 to show cause why with another whack myself—'or shall mitted sacrilege. I have slept In the proved by the house. Hugh passed his hand dazedly over causes. It was pointed out In the re­ at Ihe Newport Tar A Turpentine com­ he should not call an election. 1 leave you here— as your pals ob­ Holy of Holies. Hsve you decided his forebend. pany exploded, with the expectation ' - • • A statement reviewing the "1925 port. Some of Ihe other causes for served—to coolY ou my fate? Am I to be shot at. "Sort of mother’s help you meurt," that the bodies of the missing would which Ihe rale decreased are measles, Eugene.— Howard Mcrrtam of Gosh­ progress In prohibition activities” was "1 bent over him as I pondered this dawn?” abd M clver frowned horribly. “ While M recovered. en wss elected president of Lane coun- knotty point, and as I did so, Tum- Issued Sunday nlglit by Wayne Jt. diphtheria, diarrhoea aud enteritis and Str Rryan left the window- and sat the bird biffs Mclver, I biff the bird. Fire oftlrluls estimated the prop­ tuberculosis In alt forms. Wheeler, genoral counsel of Ihe Anti down at bis desk. For a moment or Is that the .notion?" (y horticultural society at tts annual 1 erty damage at $200.000. smell." two be rubbed bis chin thoughtfully "That Is the notion,” agreed Siz Dry- •: Saloon league. ^Prohibition,” he said. m eeting at the Eugene chamber of, The blast, which came a little more Mist Barton's Alda Ole*. Hugh paused dramatically and *e- with his left band, as U trying to an. "O f course yotlftl have to do exact­ ‘ made advances In legislation, Judicial commerce Saturday. F. B. Chase of than un hour after the plant opened, , , , , lected another cigarette, while Sir make up his mind. ly what Mclver tells you, a tu f'ih e conditions, ddmlnlslratlve efficiency Washington. D. C.— Mias Antoinette domollahod one unit of the large plant Springfield was elected rice president. Bry|in Bal|heU a guU.k glance of warn. •'Would you like to do a Job o t whole thing Is most- unusual. But In and as a hygenlc and economic forAe Margot, cp-founder with Clara Rarton R E. Corum of Eugene seeretary- lnK at Mci Ter, who wa* obviously In which 22 men were working. 1 wotk, old manY* view o f the special features o f tbe case In 1925. The 66th congress reject of Ihe American Red Cross Is dead at treasurer and George A. Dorris, of bursting with suppressed excitement. Hugh started as If he had been . . . What Is It, Miss Forties?” Ho ed all wet legislation, voted $11.000,000 her homo here Horn In Lyons, Franc«,. Springfield. C. E. Stewart. Cottage, “ A peculiar and sickly odor, Tum- stung by a wasp, and Sir Bryan glanced up at his secretary, who Was Girl's Grief Welcomed. for enforcement, Including $1,300,000 Miss Margot served a* a nurse on the Grove, and M. H. Harlow, Eugene, kins, "' resumed Ihe speaker with mad- smiled. standing In (he doorway, with s slight., Rock Island. III.— Constance Russo, were chosen on the executive commit- dening deliberation for narcotic enforcement, $50,000 for battlefields of Franco In the Frunco- "A strange ami "N ot real work," l.c suld renssur frown. elusive perfume. For a long w hlle It lngly. "But by mere luck lust night posters appealing for law observance. I'russlan war, where she met Miss In a hospital here, recovering from tee. "H e Insists on seeing yog *t on. *^ eluded me— that sm ell: I Just couldn't you saw something which Inspector Sir Bryan.” $160,000 for special counsel for the Barton. The two became attached to serious gunshot wounds Inflicted by ,. . r .- Pendleton.— Fragments of the hell- place It. And then suddenly I got It: Mclver would have given a good deal She came forward with a curd, department of Justice for prohibition one another ami after the wrap Miss a Jilted lover, must regain her health prosecution. »nd provided for stornge Barton took her friend, then a young without the moral support of her par­ urn gas bag. the Inctoalng gray silk r,* ht ln ,he n' ld(U* ' <>,‘l hoy-plum b to see. Or to be more accurate, you which Sir Bryan took. In the center o f the windpipe. It was saw- some men whom M clver particu­ “ Charles Latter.” The frown deep­ of all liquors In government ware girl, to the United Slates to help her ents. Police said she had been living hag and a small piece o f the alumln chloroform: the bird wasn't drunk— larly wants to meet." ened. "W hat the- deuce 'does he with her assnllsnt, an ex husband of houses where such are available.'' establish the organisation. um frame of the giant dirigible Shen- he was doped." "Those blokes In the car you mean?'' want?" her sister. The parents. Mr. and Mrs. andoah that was wrocked September Completely exhausted Hugh lay cried Hugh brightly. The answer *69 supplied by the Physicians and scientists have Gabriel Russo of Centerville, Is . sent 3 are on display In the windows of a back In his clisir, and once again Sir • "Those blokes ln the car,” agreed gentleman himself, wine, jippcaxed 6( 100 Drinkers Stranded. sought through the generations to In this message lo the girl: "M other and local-store. The souvenirs were ob- Bryan flushed s burning glance at his the other. "Incidentally, I may say that . moment In' fhe doorway. He K1 Paso. Texns.— More then 100 K1 vent or develop apparatus capable of father glad. You should have been tnlncd by Rev. J. M Corneltson. mis- exasperated subordinate, there was a good deul more In that was evidently In' a stute *>f great agi­ controlling organic matter, always I’ naonna who crossed Ihe Hlo Grands shot long ago." — slonary to the Indians on the Umatll- "Would you be side to recognise »o * little episode than you think: and tation and fMr Hrysn m «*i----- - - without success. It has remained for a Thursday night to celebrate Christmas " I am engaged « t Jh* moment. Mr. la reservation, while he was doing of the men In the car If you saw them after consultation with Mclver I have Portland man. Joe II. Pos, a civil engi­ eve In Junrex unhampered by the 18th again? he asked quietly. decided to tell you a certain amount Latter." be said coldly.. . . • Four Drown In Idaho Lake. field work In Ohio during the fall for neer who has carried on aclentlflc re­ amendment failed to reach the Inter­ " I should know the driver," an­ about It, because you can help us, >''My hqsinees wonj, take you s uih|- Granite, Idaho Waters of Kelso the national hoard of missions of the swered Hugh after profound thought. Hugh. search for years, to produce appara­ national boundary bridge by the 9 Y on see you're one up on ute, Sir Bryan,” he cried. “ But wb'U "And the bird beside him. But not M clver: you have at sny rate seen I want to kpow Is this. Is tbls cpuji- tus which, according to several of ' ° ’clock closing hour and were strand lnke, 214 miles west of Granite, claim Presbyterian church. ed the lives of a father, mother and those uien and he hnsn't. Moreover, try civilized or Is It not? Look at „ ... _ . , the others.” * Portland's reputable physicians, has e** In the Mexican city, Pendleton. The names of .lx wo- dw yon do th e n r „ keJ 81r you say you could recognlxe two of what I received by the nfteruoon actual merit. The apparauts, known | Officials said the law couldn't be two children Sunday night when the them again.” post." aa the I'os hlood pressure regulator, "toyed for those wanting "Just one Ice gave way beneath Mr. and Mrs. men were Included In the venire which Bryan. "Good heavens! Tumklns," mur­ "W ell, I brought the brain to bear," Roy S. Clark and two of their sous. has been drawn by the sheriff and Is operated on Ihe electric radio prln- more- . . . . . , answered Hugh, “ and decided there mured Jlugh aghast, "don't sny you A fifth member of the family, Paul, .. rtple. and was hull! by the Inventor the county clerk to serve on trial ^ uoth,n({ „„ H< w„ (,op^ want me to tramp the streets o f Lon­ If “ Bulldog” Drummond Is aged 7, escaped. $100,000 G*ms Stolen. In three days primarily to demon­ Juries In the January term of circuit >m| j w#a bottled— so by a unanimous don looking for them.” going to mix up In the css« strate two principles: First, that It Is court. Tho term will get under way oai>tl„g Tote ot one— I toddled off New York.— Unset diamonds valued Sir Bryan smiled. things certainly will ba Interest. Forty Dis In Explosion. January 11. and Judge Wilson o f The home But Tumklns, while I was possible to control Ihe activities of st $100.000 were stolen Sunday when "W e'll spare you- that," he an­ Ing. And who’s Chariot Latter? London.— Forty persons have been Dalles Is expected ta be here to pre- feeding the goldfish this morning—or swered. “ But Pd like yon to pay at­ organic matter and cellular life In Ihe four men Invnded the lower oast side human body; second, that energy esn Jewelry store of Henry Goldberg. The ¡killed and 50 Injured snd 200 others side. The women whose names were rather after lunch—conscience was tention to wliut Pm going to tell you. (T O n a CON TIN UE D ) be directed to a predetermined robbers beat the proprietor uncon- ' are missing in an explosion at a flre- drawn Include Mrs. J. W Wlth.-pell. gnnwlng st my vital«. And after pr