—— GUARANTEED USED FORDS t o THE VOTERS O f T H E CITY OF TURNER E v e ry r a r ha* U e n painstakingly CHURCH CALENDAR in tp ei *ad by M. E. Church A fHrrriî UIljrtotimtB attîï A tapini Nrui Hear Qai AU train ed m echanic*, r** W «, your rounell, have railed an ^ V î l d * . te.t.d .od ' reronditionetJ iTtion for th. 12th o f January, w|1>rl> * _ lir . ó» r.y l i-lsetlon ^ , p k »26, m . fo r the purpose o f permitting , n«od«d. Sunday School ut 10 n.m. th< < è r t i l i, to approve or reject o-r- N O T IC E TH E SE Morning Service 11 u.rn. turn amendment« to the city charter „ IIU> „ .» Ï 023 C ob ? » , r « . b»h.*l p -i»-. « I h r i«i.Hon fo r the i.mentinu-iit* Kpworth League ....6 :30 p.ru. that certain o f the ».ch on n the c ty 1 • * « » « » d ro.ds .« .r ly aew, I t . »rieri, JFruut TJr Eòilur Evening S e rv ic e ....... 7 ;ÍJ0 p.m. c'iart'-r are indi Anil* ar,.| if th* c ty *>«•». m irrar, itm m m g d . v i c . »i— J- fnreed »u it l ... outcome would U .. L ™ ' ' h r » " 1'’ . „ t 2?* Mid-woek Prayer doubt T h.» U. eorr. ctcd. M....y , 1923 W « | , c..rt..n., t . i l s r . d t o f" - • • »o 'o .d .. new rubber Service, Thuraday 7 :80 p.m. « « t ona are r»p. »le d which arc out o f 4»nd paint; upheistory good 12/5 ite 1924 C ou p «, with high back; spot, ~Th< council al»o ark that the char­ m otom star, C. VV. Pogue, Pastor. S ieb crlin g cords $415 r W V ^ A W A V / W W / .V .W ^ / ter ta* rat« o f f> m ill» »>• ru.wd to Q. F. K0R1NEK, Y.S.. B.V.Sc. J VETKRINAKIAN 1 Day and Night Service OREGON STAYTON 1924 Roadster, plate g'sss closure; CHRISTMAS SALE 6 in. Xmas Bells Sunday School 10 a.m. Morning service 11 a.m. Christian Endeavor 0:30 p.m. Evening Service .....;.7 :30 p.m. G. 2 for 5 c Rope festoons 1 l - 4 c per yd. Musical Balls 15 c Rubber Balls 10 c Musical Tops 15 c Repentin Pistols 20 c Razors and Razor Strops J. M. Shelley, Pastor. S. P. T R A IN 8CH ED U AL F ollow ing I» Southern Pacific North floand—- Train No. 82, Train No. 10, Train No. 18, Train No. 14. Train No. 34, A lins «I Jewelry that will tw »old at a 28' {, Discount. Why I**0 * jewelry »hop and pay morn (or Um um« good *. Coleman lantern* al 17.60. Regular price $8.00. Many ether thing* will he »old at a out price from now until Xma». I take Ihi» method of giving my cuslotmr» a Xmti proarnt. tho ached ul« o f the train* at Turner: 4:88 a.m. 6:28 a.m. 0:17 a.m. 1 :04 p.m. 5:17 p.m. S o vtb IS «.and— Train No. 17, 10:87 a.m. Train No. 88. 7:04 p m. Train No. 81, 10:20 p.m. H. L. Earl’s Hardware Store ? J ftM M / V iiW / V A W / A W «W A W «W Ä V / / A V A W » I Anderson’s THC S P O R T IN G 'G O O D S STORE Saints. Oregon AMAAAAW W . Pomeroy & Keene & CLOUGH CO. WEBB Funeral Directors A N D L IC E N S ED E M B A L M E R S Reliable Sorvio*. Lady A ssistant S05 So. Church Rl.— Pay or Night Phone HO - Salem - I ? Ree 9HIJ Fhsos 440 D F EASTBURN Dr. O. A. Olson, Dentist Locals Cloning out our used pianos at $50, $75, $100, $125, $150. Our new pianoa at $225, $250, $255 and up. Uacd player pianos $195, $250 and up. Term», or wilt make liberal die- count for cash. Tollman Piano Store, 395 S. 12th St., Salem, Oregon. ^ 1 The EUworth Hat Shop #ulm ffinrtuan) Che American Ratter Caretaker of Heft and Clothlnj Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing: ISA 8. Liberty St. Salom, Oregon 514 Stato St. Subscribe for The Tribune $1.25 per Year Time Deposits Fire and Automobile Insurance W ritten Turner State Bank UTILITY COATS Women’s Good Serviceable Coats W ell Tailored Good Materials Plain or Fur Trimmed $12.48 $16.00 $19.75 $24.75 Priced Far Below Regular Prices U. G. S H IP L E Y Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Lettis Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Watson spent Christmas with their ivere in Albany shopping Mon­ day. They were accompanied daughter in Portland. by Hazel and Mildred Bones. Mrs. J. F. Thomason is re­ Rev. C. W. Pogue and family ported to be quite sick this and Mrs. Emma Brown were week. Albany visitors Tuesday. Hnvs your cnwlnp«» prtatsd wtfh your return address. can do the w ort. The Tribune Subscribe fo r th» Tribun » Mr. and Mrs. A. Wood and grandson Fmncis were in Sa­ lem for the holidays. and A ny of this list of leading MAGAZINES $ # * 1 0 0 Why Pay More? Take Your P IC K 19 to Select From Never before and probably never again will you have auch “ > dmary money-saving opportunity. Note carefuUythe ^ * * * ^ ^ 1 v* choice reading— all at a price to fit your pocketbook. Renewals will be extended one year from date of expiration. N o need to wait C U P A N D U S E T H IS C O V P O N Gentlemen: I wish to take advantage of your Magazine Bargain Offer. I am enclosing the above amount in payment for a one year subscription to your paper and the FIVE Magazine« I have marked with an X below. Mr. and Mrs. H. W . Smith are home after a short visit at the G. W. Staples home. Nan NOTICE— On and after Jan­ uary first, all business will go on a cash basis, except car sales, on which terms will be given ns heretofore. Bones Brothers, Turner, Oregon. Totem — Ray Farrens is visiting his mother, Mrs. Malinda Barzee. Percy Lyle and family, and Frank Lyle and family o f Port­ land spent Christmas at the home o f their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Lyle. Mrs. Ada Mathias is improv­ ing slow ly from her recent ill ness. ■ SUit* . ------- S t or R. F. D . ------------ Mr. and Mrs. Robert W itzel and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stub­ ble o f Salem were callers on Mrs. W itzel’s brother, L. D. Barr Sunday afternoon. NOTICE— The annual meet­ ing of the Turner Telephone Co. will be held at the Turner high school, Tuesday, January 5. E. S. Prather, Secretary. OREGON The TRIBUNE S A N T I A M D IS T R IC T S U N ­ D A Y S C H O O L C O N V E N T IO N Allan Mitchell and wife spent Christmas Eve the guests of their mother, Mrs. James Mit- cheli. C O M P A N Y — SALEM T u rner High School Building, Sun­ day January 3, 1926. “ Slogan: “ Consecrated Service.” 10:00 Song service; devotional. Ortkin Stout; music; Lesson study. 11 :00 Convention sermon. “ The Great Commission," Rev. E. R. M ar­ tin. supt. Am erican S. S. Union. 12.-00 Basket dinner. 1:30 Song service; devotional. Glenn M cClellan; recitation. Dale G ift*. H arn u * of all kind*. F. E. Munroe; business session; solo, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. W . B. Farrier Sbafor, 170 S. Com’ l., Salem. Geo. Moore. and w ife wert Christmas guests 2:10 Institute session. H ow to Mrs. L. J. Rowley and son with relatives and friends in get the adults, John W. Mix, chair­ Paul o f Turner .and A. A. Ford Turner and vicinity. man: Dr. Fred C. T a y lo r; P ro f. O. V. White. of Portland, spent Christmas "P IA N O M U ST BE SO LO Discussion: How to hold the young with the Geo. D. Thomas fam­ P ia r ^ 4 i* storage near h ere w ill be people,” Mr». F. C. Delzell, chairman. ily at Amity. Mr. Ford «ac­ •aerified f o r im m ediate »ale. W ill Mrs. Fern W ells Daugherty, Rev. H. companied the Rowleys home g iv e easy term * to an established C. Stover. Duiscussion. How to teach the children, Mrs. E. for a few days’ visit" before re­ home. F o r p articu lars and w h ere it may be seen, addre** P ortla n d Music C. Downing, chairman; Mrs. H. F. turning to Portland. C om pan y, 227- Cth St., P ortlan d , Or. Shanks, Mrs. R. L. Putnam. Discussion. Round Table Discussion Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baker L e a th e r G o o d * fo r Christm as P r e ­ and family o f Portland, visited sent*. F. E. S h a fer, 170 S. C om 'l. Rev, E. R. Martin, leader. Story ami play hour fo r the chil over the week-end with Mrs. Glenn M iller o f Gold Beach dren. in charge o f Mrs. Chris Kovritz Baker’s parents, J. F. Lyle and is spending the holiday vaca­ 3:10 General Assembly and re­ wife. tion with his parents, M. T. ports; music; adjournment. Why rim • risk with poor Miller and wife. 4 tin Day» Preci- iii-ilnotion on A ll Whrk brakes. Have your mechanic Miss Agnes K elly o f Salem SALEM M A S O N IC T H M P L E . relino your brake» with Emtco visited with home folks W ed­ — It’s depeadable. nesday evening. W . F.. Burns— Dan Burns Mr. and Mrs. Davia o f Port­ (Not brothers, tho same man) land spent Christmas with High St. at Ferry, Salem, Ore. their parents, J. E. Barber and Frank Baker and family and wife. Hate cleaned and blocked. Buckram frame*, trimmings etc. Me. and Mrs. Geo. Nichols of Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Rxr.som Portland, Mr. and M r». Webb were Salem visitors Wednes­ carried ku dock Snyder of Gervais, Mr. and Fernecaiy 405 ttourt St. Mrs. Gerald Gower o f Detroit, day. Phone 1176W Mr. and Mrs. H. L Earl left Sulim, Orejón. and Andrew Baker o f Mill >47 M Court $1. Upstalrt. Thursday for Portland to par­ City, spent Christmas at the E. take o f the Christmas festivi­ C. Baker home. ties. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gower The Turner Booster club will returned to Detroit, Oregon, meet at the high school audi­ whore Mr. Gower will looe torium the second Tuesday in after the camp c f the Ham­ ö jt January. The club member­ mond Lumber Company. ship is open to all men and Euilmlinmi atià Smurai BiwUini E. S. Prather and wife spent women in the community both panne 1680 Salem, Oregon. 310 Center St. Christmas with relatives in young and old. Severla put McMinnville. their name» down at the last Efficient Work------Modorato Prices Chase Baker and family of meeting. The list is at the T ri­ WAWWMMMMMMMWAWWWMWWNeift Portland visited Saturday night bune. Get your name on the with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. list and be ready for the elec­ E. C. Baker on their way to A l­ tion o f orticcrs at the next meet­ ing. bany. II 4 % Paid on sis months O verh auled end ready fo r hard work $325 to $475 .See us fo r used tracto r p low * and d;tc harrow s Several o f the boys from the VALLEY MOTOR CO — OREGON Turner school joined the edu­ S A L E M cational trip sponsored by the SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Murion County Y.M.C.A. at GIVE SUMMER FARES Salem, Monday. Announcement is made by Mrs. C. Bones Itad all o f her John H. Scott, assistant passen­ family with her for Christmas, ger traffic manager, Southern except one grandson, number­ Pacific Company, Portland, ing II in all. that low rcund-trip summer A fter spending Christinas at excursion fares to destinations home W allace Riches commen­ throughout the United States ced work with the Oregon will be in effect for the coming Grain Co. at Tumi r. season. These summer excursion tic­ Dick Wagoner, o f Mareola, kets will be placed on sale ef­ spent Christmas at the Barr ho­ fective May 22nd and will car­ tel, leaving Saturday afternoon ry final return limit o f October for Marcola, where he has 81,1926. charge o f the railroad for the In discussing the low fares, | C. M. M iller Lumber Co. Mr. Scott stated the object is A good Si** H o U R a n g « to trad e in to stimulate travel, as they will | fo r a fo o d cow . In q u ire at the T r i ­ enable many to visit their old ; buna offic*. 12-17 2tp home who would be unable to Uncle George Burnett o f do so if fares o f this nature ; Brownsville spent Christmas were not authorized. with relatives in Turner. Also they appeal to the plea­ Kay Baker, wife and family, sure seeker, as there is hardly o f Portland, spent the week­ a point on the continent that end with Mr. Baker's parents, cannot be conveniently reach­ ed by a side trip at very little E. C. Baker and wife. additional expense. Miss Lillian Demytt, who is Asked if there were any re­ attending school in Portland, strictions on these tickets, Mr. came home Wednesday for the Scott stated they entitled the Christmas holidays. holder to all privileges extend­ Goitres cured without oper­ ed to strictly first class tickets ation. Dr. P. G. Stapran, 309 including stop-overs and the use o f limited trains. Oregon Bldg., Salem, Ore. Mrs. Ada Mathias is report­ ed to be quite sick. Mrs. oJhn- Mr. and Mrs. W . A. Martin son, who has been working at were Salem visitors Saturday. the I. M. Stout home, is with Mias Agnes Allenby, a for­ Mrs. Mathias during her illness mer Turner high school stud­ A representative o f the ent, who ^atten din g the state Portland Telegram was in Tur­ normal, spent the week-end ner Thursday on business con­ with Mildred Martin. nected with the paper route Bill Fold*, Hand Bag*, Suit C a m i , they have established through B ritf C u m , Glove»-— fo r Christmas Turner. » r u » » i ( nnrauca» » n o o m a u p » T E S T E D — C L A S S E S F IT T E D mi lIMrti St». Salt«. O tcjw B YE S A. 0 . MOORE R ecorder.___ __ R4H i ^ W W W W W W W V W W V S ^ W W J iw V W W W ^ A W AJ W W J W W V Cuna— Ammunition Cutlery S Fishing Tackle Athletic Equipment 13 * S^uthCum inert iui St. 7'-4 mill». When th. form er tux R u vtel rear end, llasslars, many o th ­ rat. war made ¿0c w* r.t further than e r extras, and new p.iint job $315 »1.00 doer today. Th yearly light 1922 T ou rin g, new paint $175 bill and hydrant rin t u»e up all the E arly 1924 T o u / g , new paint $275 venerai fund and there i» no money fl 44 Oakland S port tou rin g, new fo r othrr parjroter. A »inking fun«! paint, coveeed with «litre s . $500 atro ha» to >»' nrovid* d fo r to pay off FORDSON TRACTORS the water bond». Christian Church □ □ Ai Am erican Foul try A d vocate Q □ □ n Q BUd» A Lodger Cupper’» Far— r Farm A Fir» «id» The Farm Journal Farm Life □ Gentlewom an M a ju ia e Needlewom an □ Hom e Friend □ H ooeeboU C n e .t Q H eeteh old Magazine □ Ille »tr*tod Mechemos □ Mother'» Home Life □ Good Stone* □ Home Circle □ □ □ 0 Pathfinder (w e e k ly ) 14 ie»ee* T od ay’. H oosew ifo T ractor A G a» Engin* R eview W om an'» W arM CHOOSE J iJ S now and bring Bueine»» Ottica T ■ O D A Y ■ Mrs. Georgia Robertson of! Turner and C. W . Bracher o f A Kantat Controveny c . •_ ___ • . Big argument on Commercial street: Salem were married Monday. Jg ,tar more of „ |hM The groom is a city mail car- , ba(j uari—Atcbiaon Globe rier in Salem and the bride is a daughter o f Mrs. L. M. Bar- Speaking of ln+eett zee and is well known in Tur- * " Indiana man paid S000 tor a be«. nef- Not to much. A political bug often costa more.—Toledo Blad«. Read The Ads and Save Money