« IV. of plaint ,r' co*v;-v' rt and .t* crecing the r,n! property dtweribod In | rtid paragraph IV. to _ have: been fonvi ycil t" Frank Crimp 3 K il. Kuœlrti. C ù tor h *V b e e n e.'ttw«v*l to Frank Grimpa ! a ml Thons G: mp- his " if e. now .lo I Issued Every Thnruday at Turner, Marion C ol tty, Oregon coa* .I, its ti'Hints by the er.tiivty, I ami ihcrov ug seid proporty to bo tho) SUBSCRIPTION $1.25 PER YEAR. Entered at the Poeto (flee prop«'rtv l>f tho plninluï ht'n'in upon. tho «loath of his wife, Thorvs Crimps. at Turner, Oregon, as second-class mutter, under the You an' further notified that this ¡ Act of March 3, 1S71L summons is served upon you hy pul» ¡•cation thereof in the Tumor Tri o f penerai eircu- Somc of th e tntamntkmalista in this country have been hune, ____ a newspaper ... THE TURNER TRIBUNE rlpt of said Subdivision now en fi'»- and o f record In tho office of the Uecu-der > f Conveyances in i ...i for Marion County, Oregon, murs» partieulo rly described a* follow«! Beginning on tin* \4o*t Un»* o f 12tb Street in ss »l City of S t ! "I, V illo n County. Oregon, at a point thereon 99.90 foot South from the Northeast corner o f lot fi in b W k 26 o f 4 . » I'ark An- n. \ No. t afoiv aid; «ml running (brace Sentii 50 feetj thence East 210 feet; thence North 50 feet t»» the place o f beginning. Also, lots Seven (7 » »ml Kn'tit » S> in Block One t i l of J Myers Addition to the City of Salem, Marien County, Oregon, as the same appear* on the re­ corded plat thereof on lil»' and af record in the County Kceon'er*» ofitce o f Marion County, Stai 1 of Oregon. This ruminons is served upon you bv publication ii the Turner Tribune bv ortb'r o f II mo rabile 1 H. Me Mahan. Ju.lge o f the nb.'ve mimmi court bearing date of November »J. t92.r< Th<- firn publtr »ti n of tins summon» will b NovembsT 2i», 192 • and the brat publication will be Jan uary 7, I92C. ROBIN D. I ' 44. Attorney for V’lnintiff C H U R C H OF C H RIST H e a lth H om e d C. F. B R E IT H A U P T 123 N. Liborty Straat N«'\S Suiubts inortiiiiK Sun- tl.'iy school it it ti eh tl iv It will ho F L O R IS T **> held with the contention at (hi sso .school house. BfittK your has- OREGON SA I FM ket lunch a.td stay all day. It will ho interostitiK. C A M P IN Q A N D P R O B LE M OP I OOO In tho ovoninR Bro. Shollo.t Dr». L. T. Dlrk A L M . Him* T h o r* la no hooHMor ap«»rl than ('liin i»,« M vrlirin* Co. will speak on “ How Can bur­ m inplng p tirlu * th* wnrin an«t hwlmjr Htiiliiai'li Ir o s i))* * «Ivi'ti qulok rrlvlf ner Have a Community’ church" rprlittf miu I summer duy*» It 1* tiy l*l»li> s olir (Riunii* ri M K 'lli*. A r» Ho you believe Christ's prayer rvcrrntlon. T o ijot mil In tho fro»i» j n i*..lu i» ijr h an u li'**, l.- liis oninpniiiMl. air uml •unuMnUi in»* frow worry | will he answered ? "A ll auth­ oitil curt», rtthttiuv* tho ho*tth o f und­ i*l fruii» lui|Miilnl Imrli*, mola asfi ority hath been given unto one, ho b * ulfic* mutt, MtU'MituB or am i li.rllR wliloh «re i*.»ll kunwn ftv I llu lr l'iirallvv |ir»i|M»rlli a. Christ, in heaven and on earth" th u l not. But (til* to th * o »ttr*ly In h jr q M t* I There will be no mud slinging mtNtns o f fiHMl prvaorvutlon nntl ro- Wv lr» iil*Rll ill*nril*r* »»( m g , or sarcastic remarks, just the frlitvnitt' ii foun.l In th * umjortty of muli nini otillilron. K it* n m a iim im . plain gospel truth. “ Ye shall otitipM, th *r* t.i th * *v * r pr**»*Ht »lun l'ali or wrllo. K«»r o f »tckttciia from In fa tln l food*. know the truth and the truth T l»* utuowit car**w u »t ho token 4211 426 8 U I * HI. (C | »ta lra .) Halrui O regon . shall make you free." Are «lor that this mojr I»* » n ililo l. llutter riu n ir 2M3. nntl rffu* nhoiiM bo tniusht only na un**tL you interested? 1'rr Tho milk la .1 problem In C. E. topie rat 6:30: "How hHtw tho solution llrfl In the ii ** o o f •» does Cod show His loving ivtlk other than market milk. In o n ltr care?" W e are working pn a that purity unit stortUty m *J bo *a iiur%»tt l*or such u*<\ cMiporatoU milk l'aliucr Chi/oiiraiffAr different system in our meet­ Irf Ideal Many people are \%»»nt to con fum» «'Ttipomtcd and ctau)l,ii*H l milk ings. Come. Plinnn 87. Uoaiitrnc* R'JRR « harping on the fact that the European nations would not bo • able to pay their debt to the United States unless the immigra- : , j at.. h u. t L . i publication there lion restrictions were broken down. They have spread this. broadcast over the country and have tried to make the people ast pubK-.uion thereof will be on tho believe it. This has nothing to do with it whatever. Count 1 7th tiny o f January, 1926. You un- further notified that this Volpi, the celebrated Italian financier, who head the commis­ summons is publish»-1 anil sorvoil up sion that funded the debt to the United States, is recently on you pursuant to the order of 1.. H. McMahan. Jude»' o f tho «hove en- quoted as saying in the Roma Tribuna: titb'd Court, which order was mail» “ Immigration is not necessary, now that there is employ­ nn.I entered of r»'«-»-rd in this can-»» on the 20th day o f November, 1925. ment in Italy, tl Italians go to America tho price of labor will Y IR G ll H. MASSKY. Woodbum, Or» gen. be higher.” GUY O. SMITH, This ought to be surprising news to these internationalists 40S Salem Rank o f Commerce Bldg. who have been claiming that unless the immigration restric­ Salem. Oregon. Attorneys for riaintiff. tions are broken down and our tariff lowered so that floods of labor and European goods will (low into this country the foreign hut there la no aimtlartty bolw ooo th* ORDER J5 fi N . H i g h H ir e r ! iwcv i'ontteiiNiHl dtk U a comblno nations will not be able to pay their debts. If Count \ olpi, IMore of Herhlen" and l’. O. Adslress lion t»f aiiisar and milk and can l»o Salem, Marioli County, Oregon. In the County Court of the State the leading Italian financier, thinks the immigration ban is all Mr. and Mra. C. E. Day Salem. O regon u»ed uuly when both o f I ho*© sub- o f On gon for Marion County. right from the Italian standpoint why should our own inter­ Express Their Thanks tluttco* uru d« aired K y i| * r u t « l mltk In the Matter o f the Adoption of * B m l l ¡ 1 1 1 »', fm h Mild» v »•'. i M NOTICE OF SALE nationalists worry. Italy is the one nation the least able finan­ Rose Edwards, a minor child. Now oa this 9th day of December, ('. K. Day, who has lu»t»n ron- aU ty iH*r cent o f tho o u ter rvmovod In the County Court o f the t»t«tc cially, to pay her debt to us and if she can pay without letting 1925. th. above matter having com»- of Oregon, for Minon County. foiled States National Ball finoil to hia homo for some tints and the nutrient contrut loft lnt*ct. It la uha<4uu*l> at e d it und pore, hav- loose a floo dof labor and the products of cheap labor upon on for hearing upon the petition of In th Matter of the Estate of Crou*ral Ran king B u rlare» on account of illness was able toic ttcvn stertllii'd l»ofor* It a v lM th* Duane Gibson an»! Rose Gibson filed us, why worry about her wealthier neighbors? in this Court on the ?th day o f De­ F»-iiik H. knuth IVcm -ct. facti*rjr. Tho wal«»r, romoved t»y «•»op lnt*rv*t palH rei Um* !► In the meantime, Great Britain and France are disagreeing appearing that Duane Gibson and .late of December 2. 1925. the under- — OR NOON R.»se Gibson an- husband and w fe signad administratrix will »ell at pub thunk tho members of tho Kp talu%»d In aiuall cans, cootnlnln; a ll SAI.r.M over the Geneva disarmament procedure. France wants war­ and reside together in Salem, Marion lie » l e , to the h ,:h -t bidder, at thr worth League for tho bountiful oum*t s or lu larger ouo* conialu ng sixteen und eon be taken to the camp ships included in the list of things to be disarmed and Great County, Ore gon, ami that said tvnorj hour o f ten o'clock \ M on th»- 4th supply of Rood things received In «(iiinitlttr* oufikiont for the ne**la *»f chi! i is the »laughter of Charles Kd- i Britain is objecting because she is an insular country and needs wards ami Ann Edwards and •lay o f January, 1926, tho following nt Christmas time and also tho the entire period, thus aaaur!l»it n rt»0 described real property, to-wit: her navy\ France will probably admit this and counter by that Arm Edwards. the moth­ stntit supply o f pttre, freah milk with­ Beginning nt a point 16.46 Ladim* Aid of the Christian out the worry or the danger attached er o f said child i< dead, ami that chains N 10 ib o r,o« h.. snd M ig li C la s s saying that she is a continental nation and needs her army. her father, Charles Edwards, resides church for their kindnesu nt to the uae o f tho market product. n 10 chains & 71» »legro«"« K. All of which adds to the gaiety of nation. The present inter­ at Pollock. California, and cannot be Kotlov; 1 1 . g are r% *cl|H*o fi»r a few 7.30 cha tut N 19 d»g»»;»s ::0 the Thanksgiving season. He found w.thin the State o f Oregon, minutes E. and S Ô? »I g vos 45 dish«* that ure hoe! adapted f»»r camp national situation is not one calculated to encourage Uncle and therefore cannot be personally says, “ God bless then» all.” minutes K. 1.15 cii.iitts irriti the c«»namupt!on hocuuae «»f c a m o f prep* served and that the said minor. Rose - T a ilo r in g - Sam in any flirtations w ith the Maid of Geneva either by the most We-terlly 6. W. corner c f The young people of the ration, purity and f«*da The muscular energy expended by a woman who tries to ings nor committed to any Institution went to tho door she found the t'-.-nce N 19 e in the north of trousers.—Omaha Bee. fu ed to give his consent to the ai.op­ ftttrrod Eoc«» l)r. O. L. Scott » l). H. MOSHRR t Ladie's and Genfs PATENTS Supposing in 1917 we had said to Europe: “Sure, w e’ll come across— in about 62 years.”— Detroit Free Press. Nick Longworth is doing his best iu congress to convert the blocs into sawdust and the country is with him. NOTICE OF HEARING OF EXECUTOR S NOTICE FIN A L ACCOUNT In the County Court o f the State In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County, o f Oregon for the County of Marion. Jn the matter o f the estate of Lucy In the matter o f the Estate of Em- V. Stewart, deceased, raa Bell, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that by an Notice ts hereby given that the final order of the County Cpurt o f Marion account of Esther M. B-P. txicutrix County. State of Oregon, duly made o f the Estate of Emma Bell. dicta«- and entered oa the 2«rd day of De­ ed, has tx-op tllcu in the County Court 1 cember, 1925. the undersigned was o f Marion County, Oregon, and that appointed executor o f the estate of the 5th day of January. 1926, at the Lucy V. Stewart, deceased, and that hour of 10 o'clock A.M.. has beer, he has duly qualified as such. All appointed by said Court for hearing Persons having claims against said obi ction 3 to said final account, at estate are hereby notified to present whi h time perrons interested in ^ the same, duly ™ verified as required by ........ any persons--------------- sail estate may appear and file oh- l»w. to th» undersigned at the law j .-ctions thereto in writing and con- ° " » f* ¡ , Room 213, test same. 1 Ladd & Bush Bunk Building, Salem, M BELI Oregon, v.-ithin six months from the ESTHER Executrix of f the Estate c f ! date oi thU not'ce' Bnw, and permanent ad»lress o f the petitioners, shall be served upon the State Child ..... — ------ . Welfare Com mission of Oregon, by serving the president or secrotnry thereof, by re­ gistered mail or by personal service. ;lt hart twenty days before the said 6th day of February, 1926. J. T. HUNT, County Judge. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court o f the Stats of Oregon for the County o f Marion. Department No. 2. Union Savings A Loan Association, an Oregon Corporation, Plaintiff; vs. . . . . .. Peter 7. .. rr an»l Lela Zerr, his wife, sibert Estate a corporation, and S’ ndants. Commerce Lela Zerr, his lem , i -. . wii,-. i/d-ii'ianv» n./viii nam»-d. hearing objections to i ' ’ six said final account, at which time any i I f name of th" . tate o f Ore- rice, te-wit December 3rd, 1925. perjons interested in said estate may | ~on you and each o f you are hereby EVA I. PORTER, appear and file objections thereto in required to appear and answer the Administratrix of the Estate of writing and contort same. complaint fib ‘I at ainst you in the Walter J. Porter, Deceased. iir p i HARDING above entitled coutt and cause cn or GUY O. SMITH, Administrator of the Estate of : * * * "«• « * fro" 1 1h“ «•*»" of Attorney for Administratrix. Agnes Harding, Deceased. ^ publication of thi. summon, an«l GUY O. SMITH, if you fail so to an.-:w# r for want Attorney for Administrator. | thereof, tne plaintiff w ill apply to NOTICE OF HEARING OF F IN A L — — ■ ■ ■ ■ — : tho court for relief pray**d for »n it.« ACCOUNT NOTICE TO CREDITORS j complaint namely: That it have judg* In the County Court of the g u te Notice is hereby that the un-1 ment against ypu ajid each of you for o f Oregon for the County of Marion. dersigned, by an order of the County the sum of S2.000.00 together with In the matter of the Estate of Court of Marion County. »State of'in terest thereon from the 2nd day of John Kre.in, deceased. Notice is Oregon, duly made anti entered on .April, 1925, .at th*- rat# o f ton ------ friven that the final account o i l ^ 1 4 th dr. of Dec. 1925, was aj>- fiercant per annu i nnD'l paid and for Mike Krenner, administrator de bonwj pointed executor of the estate o f | the further sum o f $51.50 delinquent non of the Estate of John Krenn. t Schreiher and that he has duly j taxed pai* h i alloc a of l*r#ad. toaat or omokcra. m Next Sunday being district Convention day there will he no services at the church in the morning. In the evening the regular services. Friday night there will he a business meet­ ing of the Kpworth league at the Hewitt home. Every mem­ ber of the league is urged to be present. The business meet­ ing will he held before the so­ cial hour, so be on time. Subte rite for t1»e Tril-ur.* Miss Ruth Stover, teacher in the Turner high school, 3pent the holidays at her home in Weiser, Idaho, La Rue Stevenson anjl two of his college chums drove in on Monday night from Seattle for a two day visit with his moth­ er, Mrs. S. Talbott. F. C. Talbott and wife of Waldport and Mrs. J. C. Tal­ bott motored up from Portland Monday and spent the after­ noon with S. Talbott and wife. PATEN r LA W Y E R S — 305 Sm nlii St.. Ka*84nslu«w U. r u n _ for jroumt rlillilreti It »lioulil »>• care- Melvin Nipple has been ill fo lly s»inn1«»l diirlns th » w*rtn *um- miT nionlliA 1» lii*uru 11« frv*.Iom for several days but is reported from grru J i * h ,u i»rla that nils’ll better. can.'* hunn to l»i* chilli, necntiao o f It» uutur». It ta, uniV r crrtnln coodl Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Titus tlonA a h r m llo x nrvl protw anilnj G ERTRUDE KNUTHS. spent Christmas I grounil for germ U f* nivt raa> »o «n ti*- Administratrix of the Estate of and family Frank H. Knuths, deceased. with Mrs. Titus’ parents in Sa­ couie unfit for u «* uulcaa II ta h«ndl*<1 with tli* utni<>«t care nfxl vtsllaDr* P *rh ap » tho liloul way to ohvtal* tlila lem. rink 1» through lh * u»i> o f *\a(ioral*il MRS. C. A. H A N SE N W arren W alk er of Portland milk. 7 h i» uillk 1* only pur» milk Lena Grace Denyer was born is spending a few days with his with » l i l y iw r r*u l o f lli» w » lr r r * m ovtd from It uud 1* uboolulrly «for- May 3, 1881 at Turner, Oregon grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. P. 11«. It I* o f ilouiilp rlchno«» hut may and died December 26, 1925 at E. Thomason. be mi*1llt*»l by th » adiUH"H o f writer, which will return It to It* original Salem, Oregon. The money raised from the Toluni» wtlb a groutly onliaurod food She was educated in the pub sale of baskets at the B o c i a l vuluo. Cvapornlerl milk I* »trr llllo d and lie schools of Turner and at the given at the Crawford school haa a high m itrltlvo content. Tlila State Normal College at Mon will be used to improve the n u M * II to 1 » ii vory *\'-»M*nl fluid mouth. After .a few years of building. Windows w i l l be re for the young < htld nnd the Infunt In fa rl. many o f tli* lea'llng pnll successful teaching she was arranged to give the rooms pro­ atrlrlan* o f fire* country ndvm alo 11» married to C. A. Hansen Aug ua* o flo r III* olilld la H o m e Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Robert­ son and family attended the en­ FCEDINQ 0 ADV DURING SUMMER tertainment given Wednesday Milk 1» rronsrIxrel • « IS * 16 * * » f n * l evening at the Crawford school 6 years and Constance aged 3 and family went to Salem to years with their father and attend the community Christ­ grandmother are in the bereav­ mas tree. ed home mourning the loss of Several from this community a devoted and beloved mother, attended the funeral of Mrs. C. wife and daughter. Besides A. Hansen, which was held in these there are three brothers Turner Mon Jay. and five sisters with other re latives, and a host of friends who sorrow, but not as — those Mr. and Mrs. Ray Farris, two The fun- children and Leonard Farris of v;ho have no hope, eral ________ services were held in the the Canary are spending the holi- ________ Id in Mcthodist church in Turner, fjays with their parenLs, Mr. V 1 » _____ __ L ! . . r #. »are I n n » X » I l f r* ! Iiev. r Pogue preaching from the and 1 a Mrs. G. W . Farris. text love hath no man . . "Greater ............................ R. S. Bair <»i Gr ay' s River, than this, that a man lay down Yyash. arrived Tuesday night L 1 , e A 4 ,. V*i ire f 1 * 1 Cl 17 / 1 it « > , * . t * I I at s his life for his friends. for a visit with his brother, L. Then amid flowers and song I). Barr. loving hands laid away all that Mr. and Mrs. R. E. McCor­ was mortal of our loved one in mack, mother and daughter of Twin Oak Cemetery. Eugene and Bert McCormack, a cousin, of Portland, visited Monday at the Farris home. M . E. C H U R C H Uhtslar l Send m 'del c»r ikeb h snd wc will promptly send y»*u * rrp. rt. Oar h«>«»k on l*strnt» »nil Trade mark» will be »cut to >v* on rtv 4 ac*L From S »« 1 h Week to Third Month. Milk, evaporated .................... • ounce« him* w « l« r ............................ I ounce* Milk «u g «r ......................... »ou n ce« Dolled w a i«r ........ flo u n c e « t*<*vm feeding« In twenty four hour«; I to I ounce« ul three-hour Intervals during th* duy end four-hour Interval« at n igh t From Third Month to Fifth Month. M ilk. *va|iorat«d ............... 7H ounce* M m « water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » oune*« Milk «ugar ...................... I nunc** Dolled water ..................... i » H nunc»* Nla feeding* In twenty four hour*. I to I ounce* *1 three -hour Interval, during the day and i feeding al 10 p. m. From Fifth to Seventh Month. Milk e*»por*t#d » •. 10 nunc«# . . . 1 nuncii L im « water ....... . . . S fiuncM Milk auiv«r ....... Il.llr.1 WHlfif . . . . . ..20 ouncM Five feeding« In tw enty-four hour«. I to 1 ounce« al four-hour Interval«, the Inal feeding lo be given al 10 p m From Saventh to Ninth Month. Milk, evaporated .................. II ounce» Lima water .......... S ounce« Milk augar ............................ I nun.ee Dolled water ..........................84 ounce« 7 lo 8 ounce* at four-hour Intervals during the duy. I.n«i feeding nl ten at night. From Ninth fo T w elfth Month. Milk, evaporated ............... I t ounce« f.tme water ............................ I ounce« Milk nugar ............................ 1 ounces Hurley water ......................... at ounce, I to t ounces at fouiykour Interval« during duy. lm*t feeding at t*n al »»«hi. .................. On Cleaning Day If you want to clean phonograph rernnla never nan a damp cloth. Taka a » r f t cloth nnd rub on It a llttln vna#* lino and use fida to wipe o ff Ilio iliaca on eith er aldo. Ile auro that It I* well nibbed off. T h i« t-lcutii them without doing nny p..- :!!.!c lior.n, and la anld fo Improve tho tono o f old rècojdn. CARS OF CONVALESCENT SUM MER tN ; For fhnw* who a r » Just recovering from a »crlnua H im »« the p ndilem o ( food la a arrloua one. 'T h a jiatiràf. Ihiaigh well on tha road ta recovery, la usually weakened hy fh * rigo r» o ( dlw aae and the n r e e a h r Iteal la w oof •o >.i|i Ida energy. Hence, tha focaia that nr* ru m m iin l during tlila period should lie ronatdrrvd carefu lly aa lo dlgeallhlHIy, food value, ruae o f aa- aliullatlon. purify and sterility. Tlieaa are important In any food but eaptv- clulty ao when Ih » consuma» Is not •Iron * and healthy. • In ino*t rnsea, tha on* who ta coo- «Blearing conan m e« milk In larga quantities. T h is food conmina all o f lite e lim in i« thut are rsaenllal lo lha body. If milk la pure and germ tcsA It la e irvi i y digested and a«alm llalad. 44 1 1 ere Hie milk nipply la uncertain or 111» qunltly not o f H i» liest, cviip- orated milk should h » employed. It la aterlln; II la just pure milk ntth ahodt alxly per rent o f the w ater rem ovatl Ila doublé richness may lui modlt1» ■ the first p rivili ont o f the Itnyal a on demy, Lon­ don i t , Wil8 chosen In 170H. Blr Joshua, probably Ute beat portrait painter o f England, wan a friend o f Dr. Rnrnnel Jeimann, Ih » litera ry d io In for o f Ida timo, und o f the poet, O liver Goldsmith. <