THE TURNER TRIBUNE VO L. T U IfN K H , OUKiJON, T irU K S D A Y , X HAPPENINGS OF GURHENT WEEK LOANS TO CONTINUE HERE Funding Settlem ent« lo Stand Regard- Iru o f Arta of lawm akers. Washington. I>. C .-F o re ig n powers GOVERNMENT TO AID IN FARMERS’ RELIEF which huvo negotiated funding aaltla- DEC EM BEH :j|, NO. 1025. 15 ^ BLACK QANQ By CYRIL McNEILE t Halam.— A. N. Paterson of Hllverton and 1. It. ration of Halum. Haturday woro arroatod by W illiam I-evena. alata prohibition director. Pol arano la charged with nailing and Patton with tranaportlng liquor. Hall waa fixed at $500 "So," »aid Sir Rryan quietly. "These two were st Barking last night?” CopqrigU by QEOKQC M. DORAN CO “They were, sir,” answered tha In­ (Inuo lliolr financial I d thla country, spector. t>. H a l e s e . regardless of what action rongroaa ITN O rsiH - T o a g a t h e r i n g of "And their line?" queried the chief. an ar c h is t « In Hark ing , London ■nay take on tho agreements. U waa suburb, ZabolcfT, fo r e ig n a g i t a ­ "W hite slave traffic o f the worst tor, tells o f the ope rat ion s o f a forward to Investigate myself. Tbere type.” said Mclver. “ They generally declared Monday at tha treasury. S a lem —Tha Oregon Linen M ills.1 t o d y o f men w h o have become a was a little chink In the wooden shut- drug the girls with cocaine or tome menace to th eir activities. He Officials see no reason for penally Inc., which waa organised here recent- ter» of one of tbe downstairs rooms > dope first. What do you say to my as ye they are masked and w e a r ly with capital stock of $640,000, will Ing foreign-nallons or their cltliens lon g black clo ak s and are ac ti ng through which tbe light was stream­ theory now, air?” wi th ou t the l a w He la I n t e r ­ be erected early nest year, despite the hy refusal uf loans In thla country ing I took a glimpse through, and “ It’s another point In Its favor. Me- rupted by the men he le d e sc ri b ­ fact a number of Canadians who orig­ found that everything waa Just aa bad Iver," conceded Sir Bryan cautiously; after they have entered Into an aaree ing ( t h e Blac k O a n g i , w h o break been reported to me. There were eight "but It still wants a lot more proof. inally agreed to taka some of tba stock up the m ee tin g, sent encing some men! here upon apparent good faith. Administration Prepared to Indorse Events o f Notad Paopla, Government« of the pa rti ci pa nt s to condign of them tbere. and an unpleasant- And. snyway, whether you're right or hava withdrawn from the corporation. This amplification o f the adminis­ punishment and c a r r y i n g a w a y looking bunch they were. too. Zabo- not. we can't allow It to continue. We Conservative legislation to Dis­ tration's policy with respect to for- and P a r lft Northwaat, and Otkar others. A memorandum found Kstacada.— Five granges o f eastern lelT I saw at the head of the table, ■hall he having questions asked In on Z ab ol ef f g iv e s an addreas lo eslgn loene was given In response to pose o f Hnrplaa Crops. Thing» Worth Knowing. H oxt on. which the lea de r o f the and standing next to him was that parliament.” Clackamas county will bold a Joint Inquiries prompted by tbs alow prog a t t a c k i n g par ty considers o f I m ­ rnan Waldoek who runs two or three public Installation o f officers January Mclver nodded portentously. “ I f I port an e« real being made toward rallflcattsn of o f the worst o f the Red papers. There can't lay my hands on a man who ran 2 at tha Kstacada park pavilion. Mrs. the funding agreement In congress. was also Flash Jim, and I began to lift me up like a baby and dope me. Waablngton. D. C.— The administra­ Thomas Millar will be Installing o f­ Vice President Itawes waa Inportun The congreaalonal situation has led wish I’d brought a few more men." may I never have another case. Lika ad Haturday by tha So Tobacco loagun some observers to hellsva that rsjert- tion's farm relief program will hs ficer. Governor Pierce and aeveral Mclver smiled ruefully. “ It was a baby. air. Me— " —i — to make a uew year-» raaolutlon lo tlon of several of tha settlements was broadened lo provide for some ma slate grange officers ere expected to about tbe last coherent wish I remem­ He opened Ids hands ont helplessly, be present. In Which Scotland Yard Sits ber. And." be went on seriously, and rafratn from lb*' use of tobacco a possibility, hut It may be said that chlnery for handling surplus crops. this time Sir Bryan laughed out­ "what I'm going to tell you now, air, Up and Takes Notice Raker.— A remarkable record among right. only to turn with a quick frown llulwrt Henry llvndarabott. one of the treasury la confident of ultimate Just what form (bis new aid will may seem extraordinary and what one Sir Bryan Johnstone, director of tha dairy herd« of Raker county was as the door leading to the secretary's tho youngoat drummer boya In lh » ratification of all of ihem would expect In detective fiction, but office was flung open to admit a man. The treasury recognises that tba take has not been determined but both revealed here Saturday when It was rrlplnal Investigation, leaned back In t'lyll war. died In Chicago, Sunday as sure as I am sitting In this chair. hla chair and stared at the celling with al lha ago of 7* Ha anllaled whan foreign nallons which have entered Presldunt Coolldge and Secretary Jar- re port de that ont o f 1166 cow « tested It la what actually took place. Some­ a frown. Ills hands were tbrust deep to yaara old and served throughout Into funding agreements have acted din« have reached the conclusion that for tuberculosis, but »even were found where from dose to, there came tbe Into bis trousers pockets; bis h*og In good faith and It feels that It con­ surplus crops present one of the dom­ to be tubercular. These were slaugh­ sound of an owl hooting. At the same lha war legs were stretched ont to tbelr full gress refuses to accept the terms inating problems of agriculture and tered. O f the total number tested, extent under the big roll-top desk In moment I distinctly heard the Boise Chrlalmaa day brought (ha doth wad o f wha; seemed Ilka a scuffle, and a which the American debt commission that some governmental step must he 1112 are grade stock and 26 purebred. front o f him He was puzzled, and ding annlveraary of Mr. and Mra. stifled curse. And then, and thla la I bought waa proper, there should be taken to afford relief. the report lying on the desk In front Clarence I) llagley, who calabralod al Mount A n g e l— Hern Ing brothers re- what beats me, sir." Mclver pounded no action by the administrative auth­ Tremendous pressure haa been of him was the reason. l hair home In Seal l la. Wash., aur a huge list Into an equally huge palm. celved wor9 that Herylwood Price De orities solely on that account. For perhaps ten minutes he re­ brought to bear recautly on the admin­ rounded by (hair 21 children and " I was picked np from behind as If I Most of the agreements have been istration by the congressional farm Kol. a Junior bull calf In which they mained motionless, then be leaned for­ grandchildren. was a baby. Yea, air, a baby." are Jointly Interested with the Bill!- | ward and touched an electric bell. A ratified by the foreign governments bloc and western agricultural leaders Involuntarily Sir Bryan smiled. wack farm of Han Panto. Cal., had girl secretary came quickly into tbe A dlapaich from Manila aaya thlr and similar action by th » American to create a federal rommlaslon with “ You make a good substantial In­ lean nallyea ware killed and nearly a congress la all that Is needed to make powers to direct the disposition of been selected by the National H oi' ^ room. fant, Mclver." hundred Injured In a fire which da them operative. Herrelary Mellon re­ surplus farm crops In a way which stain Friesian association aa the all I "M l*« Forbes." said Sir Bryan. " I “ Exactly, sir," grunted the Inspec­ atroyed a moving picture theater In gards the early approval of the settle would enable the producers to at least star Junior bull calf In the United wish you would find out If Chief In­ tor. " I f a man had suggested such a spector M clrer la In the building. If States. lha town of Upon. Cebu province, on meats by the foreign governments as go! the coal o f production. thing to me yesterday I'd have so I would like to see him at once; If laughed In his fare. But the fact re­ Chrlalmaa eva. evidence of the sincerity of their pur­ Heretofore the White House haa Albany.— Dr. J. C. Booth of Lebanon not. see that he gets the message os mains that I waa picked up Just like a Fifteen Protoalant denomloallona In pose to carry them through. hern silent on the subject, but Hatur­ "went back'' 20 years In making a call soon as be comes,In." child In arm*, and doped, sir, doped. Chicago reported a memborahlp In Informal advices have been receiv­ day. after the president had conferred on a borne In the monntalna near there ■ Tbe door dosed behind the girl, and Me— at my time of life. They chloro­ rreaaa o f J J.tlt In (27 churches. It ed from various quarters abroad In­ with Secretary Jardlne. which waa tha last week when be was railed upon 1 after a moment or two tbe man rose formed me. and that was the last I waa dla> loacd by tha Mathodlat Kpls- dicating that large loans will be culmination of a series of conferences to ride horseback 12 miles through i from bis desk and began to pace up saw of Zaboleff or the rest of the copal year book, which waa recolved sought In lha tTnlted States durlag between the two. It was disclosed that snow and elect to treat fiv e cases of ( and down the room with long. evert gang." In Chicago Saturday. the late winter and early spring. Some Ihe administration waa prepared to smallpox In one family. Twenty-two j strides. Every now and then he would The Inspector leaned forward and of them will be In Ihe form of refund Indorse conservative legislation foster­ children In the school district were | ■top and stare at some print on the stared at hla chief. lead in g newapapara of Kabul, rapl wall, but It was the blank store o f a "You’ve beard the rumors, air," he Ing operations for government ac­ ing the sale of aurplua crops In the vaccinated by the doctor. man whose mind la engrossed In other went on after a moment, "the same aa lal of Afghanlatan. are given aa auth­ count. while a larger number will come export trade with a government com­ matters. I have." Raker — Announcement haa been ‘ ority for reporta that Ituaalan trnopa from Industrial Interests purposing to mission as a directing agency. Hla eyes came round to the desk ’T'erhapa.’’ said Sir Bryan quietly. have made a sudden and unprovoked expand their facilities. The Issue was brought to a head a made by offlcera of the Idaho Copper . once more, the desk on which the re­ "But go on, Mclver. I ’d like to hear attack on the Afghan post of liarkbad, few hours before the departure for corporation o f the acquisition of con | port was lying. It was Inspector Jlc- what’s on yonr mind.” “ Has Someone Stolen tha Gold Fish?" which was captured. Chlla Appeal Received. lies Moines o f the lows congressional Irol of the Iron Dyke Copper company Iver's report— hence his Instructions " I t ’s the Black Gang, sir," said the Qusrlad Sir Bryan With Mild Sar­ mine and mill located on the Snake to the secretary. It was the report on Inspector, leaning forward Impres­ Hue probably to Increased activities casm. Washington. I). <’ -Secretary K el­ delegation, members uf which were river at Homestead'. Raker county. The 1 a very strange matter which had sively. In women's sports, lha average alia logg summoned the Peruvian and Invited to attend a meeting there of taken place the previous night, and He caught a vague glimpse o f tha announcement states that the cash j farmers and bankers to discuss means “There have been rumors going of women's hosiery haa Inoreaaed In Chilean ambassadors to the state de­ of marketing the surplus corn crop. terms have been accepted by the prtn-' i after a while Sir Bryan picked ap the round, rumors which our men have scandalized Miss Forbes hovering like the past five yeura and the demand for typed sheets and glanced through beard here and there for tbe past two a canary eating bird-seed In the back­ Representative Dickinson. republi­ clpals and their representatives. the small slice Is being eliminated, A. partment late Monday to notify them them again. And be was still stand­ months. I ’ve heard ’em m yself; and ground ; then he turned to the new- formally of Ihe receipt of Chile's ap­ can. Iowa, talked with Kecreary Jar W Prater, official o f a hoalory con­ Salem.— During 1926 there will be j ing by the desk. Idly turning over the once or twice I ’ve wondered. Now I'm , comer. peal from the Tacna Aries plebiscitary dine Just before be left and It Is un­ cern In Newark. N J. said recently. paid Into the Oregon treasury In motor i pages when the secretary came Into sure— especially after what Flash Jim "Confound I t Hugh," he cried. “ I'm commission, headed by General P e r derstood that the agricultural secre­ the room. said. That gang Is no rumor, It's solid busy." Pour trainmen were killed and two shlng. lo President Coolldge as arbi­ tary, who haa come dlsect from the vehicle fees and gaaoline taxes ap- j "Chief Inspector Mclver la here. Sir fact." Hugh Drummond grinned all over proxlmately 19.000,000. or nearly tw ice Injured near Port Worth. T ein e Sun trator In the dispute. Bryan," she announced. White House, authorised the Iowa “ Have you any information as to his face, and lifting a hand like a leg as much money as w ill be derived day when two locomotives crashed on "T ell him to come In, Miss Forbes." The aiubaasadora also were request­ representative to tell the farmers of what their activities have been, as­ of mntton be smote Sir Rryan In the the Port Worth A Denver railway. A ed to furnish the arbitrator certain that stale that the administration from the state tax levied recently by | A aqoare-Jawed. nigged Scotsman. suming for a moment It la the truth?" hack, to the outraged amazement of the state tax commission. This was M clver looked the type to whom Holy asked Sir Bryan. switch engine, hacking east, plowed documents. Including speeches by sympathised with their difficulties Inspector Mclver. Into a westbound freight train which their commissioners and remarks be­ and was prepared to support some the estimate made here Saturday by Writ was Holy W rit only In so far ss "None for certain, air; nntll this “ You priceless old bean," boomed Sam A. Koxer. secretary o f state. It could be proved. He was short and waa leaving thla city for Wichita Kalla fore (he commission at Artca. Tho measure fur handler Ihe aurplua crops moment I wasn’t certain o f Its exist­ Hugh affably. “ 1 gathered from the thick-set. and bis physical strength ence. But now— looking back— there female bird punching tbe what-not Salem.— The Kansas City Women's was proverbial. The National board of farm organ appeal to the arbitrator grew out of provided It did not put the government have been quite a number o f sudden outside that tbe great brain was clab. with headquarters in Forest 1 “ What the dickens Is all this about. listlona announced Sunday night that objections by the Chileans to the In a business and fix farm prices. disappearances. W e haven't troubled heaving— but, my dear old lad, I Grove and capital stock of $1000. has Mclver?” said Sir Bryan with a smile, officially, we haven't been asked to. Its annual midwinter meeting would course of the plebiscitary commission have come to report a crime. A crime with respect to ihe promulgation of P A R L E Y ON RUBBER been Incorporated by Mra. N ellie Ogles when the door had shut behind the Hardly likely when one realizes who be hold February t, 2 and 3. The which I positively saw committed with board, which was formed In 1(17, rum voting regulations and the fixing of a the people are who have disappeared." my own eyes; an outrage: a blot upon A T GENEVA L IK E L Y by, Mrs. Elsie Eslinger. Mrs. Lora secretary. “ I wish I knew myself, sir." re­ Hamilton. Mrs. Minnie Lew is and Mrs "A ll conjecture. M clver." said Sir prlaea various agricultural organisa­ date for the plebiscite. this fair land of ours." Washington. D. C.— Suggestion in turned the other seriously. "I've never Bryan. “They may be lying doggo, or tions having membership lists total He sank heavily Into a chair and press dispatches from Geneva that the Stella Waldron. Notice of dissolution been so completely defeated In my they’ll turn up elsewhere." Canss Oo Way of Fads. Ing 700.000. selected a cigurette. He was a vast Rrltlah rubber monopoly, which has was filled by V. A. Crum o f Portland life." "They may be. air." answered Mc­ Individual with one o f those phenom­ Negotiation» between the "big four" Boston. Muss.—Cane carrying, once evoked great roncern here, be dis­ and the Oregon-Indlana Land company Sir Bryan waved him to a chair and lv e r doggedly. "Bnt take the com­ enally ugly faces which Is rendered trains service brotherhoods end rail­ a linston vogue, has gone the way of cussed st the proposed league of na of Portland. sat down at the desk. plete disappearance of Granger a fort­ utterly pleasant by the extraordinary ways of the country will be started In silk hats, double breasted frock coats, lions international economics confer­ " I ’ ve rend your report.” he said, night ago. He's one o f the worst of Raker.— Out of 44 parties married In charm o f Its owner's expression. No Chicago shortly after the first of the round cuffa and mutton chop whisk­ ence. with America participating. Is Raker county in the last three months. still smiling, “ and frankly. Mclver. If the Red men. and we know he hasn’t human being had ever been known to year, union officials aald Sunday The ers. A canvass of haberdasheries has waiting Interested Washington o ffi­ 21 of the couples had been previously j It had been anyone but you. I should left the country. Where is he? Ills be angry with Hugh for long. He waa unions are asking Increases to restore disclosed that most o f them have cials at the conclusion of the Christ­ married, a compilation from the coun­ have been annoyed. But I know you wife, I happen to know. Is crazy with either moved to laughter by the peren­ anxiety, so It don't look like a put-up nial twinkle In the big man’s blue the peak scale which was rut by n cane* only for display purposes. Those mas observance. ty records shows. The 88 persons Job. Take that extraordinary case of eyes, or he was stunned by a playful 12 per cent decrease In 1921 hy order who look back mournfully at the days The rubber situation. In which con­ have been married a total of 127 times, the Pole who was found lashed to the blow on the cheat from a flat which o f the United States railroad labor when callers from lleacon H ill were gress already has ordered an investi­ averaging a little less than 1.5 times railings In Whitehall with one-half of rivaled a steam hammer. O f brain he board. never without their canes admit that gation, would, under the Geneva sug for each person. One person married his beard and hair shaved off and the apparently possessed a minimum: of Whether the principal link In the nothing short of a social revolution gestlon. be a phase of the conferenee's for the fourth time, many for the motto ’Portrait of a Bolshevist* paint­ muscle he possessed about five ordi­ consideration ~ > f world supply and dis­ will cause revival of the fnd. ed on his forehead. Well, I don’t need nary men's share. chain of evolution linking man to an second or third time. to tell you. sir. that that particular tribution of raw materials generally ape like ancestor waa a real or falao And yet unlike so many powerful Pole. Strambowskl. was undoubtedly Pendleton.— The building and con­ Hawaiian Plan Adopted. Whether the Washington adminis­ line, a controversy which has divided men his quickness on his feet was as­ a messenger between— well, we know tents of the Roardman Trading com­ tration would agree to the proposal acence since 1(91, has at laat been Washington. D. C. The house naval tounding—as many a good heavy­ who between and what The message settled in favor of the evolutionary committee has adopted the program and Ihe added opinion that this coun­ pany's store at Roardman. owned by weight boxer had found to his coat. In was. And then take last night." the days of hla youth Hugh Drummond principle, at least, to the satisfaction for development of the Hawaiian de­ try might be asked lo sit with the J. C. Cobb, were destroyed Friday “ Well, what about last night?” of Princeton scientists. Announce­ fenses submitted by a sub-committee. league's council number two, an ad­ morning by a fire that started from an “ For the first time this gang has — known more familiarly to his Inti­ mates as Bulldog—had been able to do ment to thla effect was made by Ur. The sub-commlttce recommended visory political bo and when 1 arrived at about nine-thir­ dow. serious losses. Florida Morning Stale that he plans 707.71 Is the total assessed property ty with Sergeant Andrews and half-a- Father Nugent, 87. Dias. "N o answer, thank you. Miss Road» to Failurm ' to continue his fight for a defense o f public service corporations as equal­ dozen others, they reported to me that Forbes,” he said, and when they were Dee M oin es—Father J. F. Nugent, Nippon Laborers Clash. Two battered old wreck« were »ti­ system "that will constitute a real pro­ ised and apportioned by the state tax at least eight men were Inside, and once more alone, he began rubbing his 87. for the past 43 years pastor o f the Visitation parish here, died Saturday. Toklo.— One hundred-casualties. In­ tection to the country.” “ It Is my In­ commission. The assessment roll for that Zaboleff was one of them. He hands together eoftly— a sure sign of ling on a bench In the common, when “ Curtla and Samuel one remarked: “ I’m a man who never He was one of the moat widely known cluding several killed, were reported tention to stay with this until there last year was $1.058.880.736 61. of had been shallowed the whole way being excited. priests and Chautauqua lecturers In to have occurred In a gun battle Mon­ la established a defense system that which $910.425,790 33 was the summary down front Llmehouae with another Hauer, both flogged nearly to death took advice from anybody." "Shake, brother," said the other. "I'm a man the middle west and was a friend and day. The battle occurred between la­ will constitute a real protection to of the various rountles and $148,454,- man. and both the watchers were and found In a slum off Whitechapel The note said two of 'em had been who followed everybody’* advlcn.” — positive that he had not left the 946.29 the utility figures. admirer of William Jennings Rrynn. the country." he added. borer« near Toklo. Merchants R ioorA r house. So I posted my men and crept flogged." 1 u»nla h«ra will bo permitted to COD- Bits of Best News Items From Everywhere. President, Secretary Jardine Agree on Plan. PUT IN CONCISE FORM BILL TO HELP EXPORT S A P P E R SCOTLAND YARD CHAPTER II j