~mii 11. CHURCH CALENDAR M. K. Church * ' , É Sunday School at 10 a.m. Morning Servie# * 11 a.m. Kpwnrth l/eague .... 0:30 p.m. Evening Service 7 ;8fl p.m. Mid-week Fritter Service, Thursday. 7 :80 p.m C. W. Pogue, Pastor. . C H R IST M A S SAUI 6 in. Xmas Belli i Rope festoons , Musical Balls 15c [ Rubber Belli 10c Musical Tops 15c Rcpestin Pistol« . , 20c Razors and Razor Strops • r • • , « • » < A Ha* el J m i I i ; that «¡11 km «old *1 a 1W , rhtooent.Why | « l « » )•*•!« y an4 pay a t i i lo t tha'aeftta food*. Colt man Latere* al ♦7.V). RegmLg prie« 18.00. Many eib«c thing« «¡11 ha ««14 at a «at prla# tram nyw «m il X a u . I taka thin mat bod of fifin g my emtamar« a X « M paaaaal. Chriatian Church Sunday School Morning service Christian Knde.-ivor Evening Service ..... 10 a.m. U a .in . :SQ p.ni. :30 pan. J. M. Shelley. Paotpf. S. f . T R A IN BCHKDUAL Following la tha a M a b at tha Southern Pa* MW traina at Tamar; North Re— f — Train No. 31, 4 31 a.m. Train No 1«. 0:23 a m. . Train Na. I«. 9:17 i n Train No. 14, 1A4 pea. Trala No 34, 3:lf pm. I m U I m ai Train No 17, 1447 a.m. Train No. 33, 744 p.m. Train No 31, 10:33 p m. H. L. Earl’s Hardware Store 4WVWWW w w w v v w w w fv w w n w w w y v w w v w a w t ww Wa W iih You A MERRY XMAS AND A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Anderson’s • T M l S P O R T IM « ' f O O O t STORE IM SostaComiaonelsI f t Pomeroy St Keene E YE S TE S TE D — A L A S I WEBB & CLOUGH OO. Funeral D irectors AND^JCefjn^D^CMBAUMEW^ RellaMt Ssrvtos. Lady A m I »taut 205 f«r. Church SV— Day or Night Phona 120 • Salem - Locals Claaini out our u*a4 p i al $60, $78. $100, $125. $1S0. Our new pianot at $226, $260, $296 a a l up. Uaed pUyer piauoa $196, $260 awd up. Term*. er will make liberal dia- count for cash. Tallnuua Piano Store, 398 S. 12th St., Salom, Oregon. Some o f the boy« o f Yurner demonstrated their ability as waiters A t the bazaar last Sat­ urday. Any hotel deairing ex­ perienced help would do well to viait Turner first * A. L. Bones o f Bones Broth­ ers reports the following recent sales of Ford car»; D. G. Al- kire, Edward Zahare o f Salem, W. N. Oglesby and Fred Feller o f Turner, E. V. Geer and C. A. Martin o f Aumsville, G. W. Brower o f Brooks and Arthur Odell of McMinnville. Geo. W olfe of the Oregon Grain Co. was a Salem visitor Monday. Miss Alice Peterson left last week for a visit in California. MRS. M. C. SMITH CHURCH OF CHRIST WJ» Mrs. M. C. Smith, one of 14 Let us make next Sunday a children born to Lewia and banner Sunday by attending Anne Jones, pioneers of 1852, Sunday school on the last Sun­ passed away at her home at day o f the year. Are you,in V B T E B W A R IA N i - r. 542 E. Sixth St., Albany, at Urreated in the election o f ofti- 8 :30 o'clock Thursday night cers for the Sunday School ? ft Da'y abd High! baratea . ■* -» • She was 74 yean o f age at the will take place next Sunday at S TA YTO N OREGON lime of her dedth. 10 O’clock-. ’ All she welcome She was born at S t Joseph, who wish to attend. * Missouri, March 20, 1861, and All members o f the church crossed the plains with her are urged to be present at 2 ►4-M toaaoaeaa»»a>ao«O F«M 3N parents while- an difant. Her o’clock Sunday afternoon to people settled Among the W al­ elect officers for- next year. do hilla upon coming to Ore­ In .the morning Bro. Shelley gon. ! The M&AJpin school, in will speak on « very important » the Waldo hills was, named tor subject for every member of her mother'd ,pe0p\t.‘ They the church. in the evening • :*» r later moved, to ¡eft«non. "T h e Changing Years and the ** ài, ,.4 •• , She wa* ayUMKl to Dr. W. Unchanging Christ.-’’ * •. 4- u M. Smith, an «arty practitioner Pi«»-’ A very fine program has o f medicine, who later lived at been prepared , for Christmas : i ‘‘ •it- Salem n od ,Turner.,; Children Eve, Dec. 24th, An old time c. borne to Dr. and Mrs. Smith tree with the old time Christ­ are Dr. W. Carleton Smith of mas spirit Santa Claus will Salem, M n. Harold B. Looney surely remember all the chil­ o f Jefferoon, and Mrg. C. B. dren who come. ' •• A* Dinor o f Denver, Colo. She la Remember the District Con­ survived by the following-bro­ vention at the high school audi­ thers and slaters: Mrs. G. W. torium January 3. TV :i Johnson, Mr*. H. A-> Johnson Christian Endeavor topic ............................ and Mias Sarah Jones of Sa­ next Sunday “ Press on.” Aro, lem. Mrs.’ J. A , Conaer o f A l­ you satisfied with the position ■i ' ) ■■ *’A - r y bany and S»'J[. Jem*, of Port­ you are now ia ? . ,i. i« e e « e i la iF W i n ........... .. land.. Her eldegt brother, Dr. ’lAii. D. M. Jonee. pioneer physician M. E. CHURCH * UTIUTY COATS , 'i *.'-*7 u i no y..« f V- • • ‘ l J ,. of Albany died FM M tly at that -T ‘fr The Christmas exercise» Women’s Good * Serviceable Coats place. i W ell. Tailored Good Materials Up until last year Mrs. Smith were held last Sunday eyenings i i Plain or Fur Trimmed A hnd been active in civic and A fine program was given. The $12.46 $16.00 $19.76 $24.78 ’ club life. She had been an ac­ special music by the choir was The special , Priced Far Below Regular Prices tive member o f thé Patrons o f well rendered. aiat j « b . . _ .* 3 l» P. E. Thomason is marketing 1922 T e a r in g , a ew p a ia t......-..$179 I9BOOOB E a rly 1924 T a a r 'g , a e w paiat 327S his turkey crop in Salem. G.'F. Ï0R1NEK, V.S., B.Y.Scv 4 % P a id on six months Time Depeeits , Fire and Automobile Insurance Written Turner State Bank Southern Pacific lin e s 3-44 O ak lan d S p a rt ta e r la g , p a la i, cee ered ftith kstraa ... "3550 Birthday C«l#Watsd BUI FaMa, Hr »4 Baft, Suit C u m . FORDSON TTRACTORS Overheated aad ready far hard werh Brin! C u m , C l m o i w Ckrlilm. •S2S ta 3473 One o f the latest social acti- Gifu. H.rn.M mi nil hhUa. F. B. See aa far,, aaad tractor pietra aad Skater, 170 S. Cem’L, Sal« at. vitiea in Turner was the radio 4 M n ^ mm. MM date ‘ party uiven by Dr. and Mrs. VALLEY MOTOR CO; J. L. H arm and Floyd Por­ CON J. W . Rnnsom, the occasion be­ S A L E M ter were in Salem Monday. Mr. M Daga Plaaa B a d a rti«« an AH H M ing Mrs. Ransom’s birthday. Porter was marketing a load of r Mrs. Gerald Gower o f De­ Dr. Ransom recently installed Christmas turkeys. troit. Oregon, is «pending’ the » radio, which gave the major Christmas holidays at the home Mrs. J. Kelley, who has been part o f thè entertoinment for •' l - r - ------- in poor health for some time, the evening.. The .hostess re­ o f her parents, E. C. Baker is feeling much better. ceived many beautiful gifts in and wife. * , Re­ The ladles of the Christian N«Ala| lakaa tke plan* ml LEA- honor of' thè occ^ion. THEB. F. E. Skater, 170 S. Coml. freshments consisting of pie, church held a v^ry, successful > (Ve Laattmr Baila .ii. eake «n d pùnch wefe Served. bazaar last Saturday, clearing itala «laanwL aad blpskad.; Buckram I r a « » « , trimming« ate. The guests departed at a late over $100. s - •'■-il",' • ' carried in Meek Postmaster Whitehead is SW A k-* ^ hour, wishing their hostess "G o iter« eared withoal ep eratiea.' about the busiest man in Tur­ Formerly 405 Court 8 t ‘ l PhoBt I175W many more happy- birthdays, Or. F. G Stapraa. 309 Orwgaa Bldg.. ner this week helping Santa to 1 -* Cwrt il. Vptialn. Salas, Ongos. Those present from out o f town Portia ad, O regea Claus distribute Christmas pac­ avere Mr. and Mr». Johh Ran­ D. S. niches was a Salem vis­ kages. som; Mr. and Mr*. Harold Ran­ itor Tuesday njorning. He is Why rus a risk with som and son ò f Lyons, and Mrs. still having his eye that was in­ brakes. Have yi Brasher of Salem. Among the jured last summer treated to ralis« yewr Wakes with local people present were Mr. improve the sight — It's dapawdable. and Mrs. C. A. Bear. Dr. and F IA N O M U S T BE SOLO W. E. Borne—0 Mrs. O. L. Asher and family, Piaea ia «forage aaar here will he (Net bref ben, tba Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Bond, Mr. «aerified fa r immediate eele. W ill High St. at Parry, Saleas, Ore. and Mrs. C. W . Hewitt and son re aaay terra • to aa eetahlid rai an cantar Ht. Phone iaM Myron, Mr. and Mrs. George am. Far partkaiar* aad where it 1%« tiaae e f year is Moore, Mr. and Mrs. G .A. G. a a y ha maa. addraaa Partlaad Maaic Efficient Work----- Moderate Prioaa begin to think about Christmas Moore, Mr, and Mrs. J. M. Cam pa ay. Z27- 0th S t- rartlaad. Or. presents. W hy not tho Coun­ Watson Sr., Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Richard Gale o f Oregon City try Gentleman, Ladiet’ H Earl, Mr. and rMs. Leo Demytt was the guest of Y e Editor last Journal or tho Saturday E Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Edwards, Thursday and Friday. ing Poet They aro gifts that Meadames L. J. Rowley. Melin P. P. Hassler was in Selem last the year around. An an- da Chambers. W . A. Martin, «•radiar d Hitt n i CIMIMI nolineament card aont with ov­ C. W . Pogue and son Myron, one day last week from Seattle. It is reported that his fingers Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing ary gift eubecriptioa. H. W . Smith, L. M. Small, E. are beginning to itch to get in­ 134 H. Liberty St. Salem, Oregon 544 State St. Uncle I r » Pearce left for W. Swallow and son Francis. to the type case once more. Portland Wednesday to spend Mrs. Johnson, Messrs F. P Leather Gaade for Chrietmae P re­ Christmas at the Arthur Wood Rowley and Carl Duncan, Mil­ m at. F. E. Shafer. 170 S. C om l. dred Martin and Dr. and Mrs. homo. f Little Raymond Reynold« is Ransom. . * ‘ " A fe e d l i * Hela B a a s « te I n h la reported to be quite sick with fa r a fo o d caw. U « i n at tha Tri- pneumonia. SahccHhe far the Tribuna heea » • '« . 12-17 2tp Dr. 0. A. Olson, Dentist »•' r Thé Elsw.orth Hat Shop ... Œ fyr £alrm ftortnarg Cte Antrfca« Batter Subscribe for The Tribune $1.26 per Year ? 1 * - » ' C hristm as Greetings . ’ ' In this season o f good w ill, and happiness, I wish to express • my appreciation o f your patronage during the pa§t year and to-con- vey ta all my wishes o f v e r y M eiry Christmas and contentment and happiness for the Nei-WivYeais * A-P - ^ ; E. ¿. P R A T H E R ‘ '*J f*. L Reliable Druggist 5 . j.r. -V vî • * Turn*r O 1 re g o n . 'S dbv'kr A o « t » 403»0» »444 « » ,W940»M 4»< ■* -f t , Mmfm - r • . j - A •" K J •The Masons and Eastern Mr-, and Mra>- Sam Hulen were in Turner, Tuesday, call­ Star held a joint installation ing on L. D. Bart, who has been last Saturday night which was in poor health for several attended by the Masons and their families. weeks past. — J. M. Watson, Sr., is again Harold Briggs has purchas­ on duty with the Marion coun­ ed a Ford coupe. • I- • * * 4 C. E. Day, who has been ty grand jury. quite sick for several weeks, is * Miss Hazel Peetz same up from Portland Saturday night still confined to his home.. for a few days’ visit with her W e were indebted to the parents, H. R. Peetz and wife. Aumsvitle Star for the Use of their press to aid us in getting N e t e r e / T o o th W a .h out last week’s Tribune. Native* In Urn Waat Indie* a*e a* The Misses Thelma and Av- alyn Delzell are home for their Chrsitmas vacations. ioothhraalie* *t*m* o f tree* r|rh in m- poetis ■ eoapy chain leal that .¿loans** the teeth. - 1 ’ M a n y o f T h e m , B ro th e r Geo. Given, who suffered a It** hard to gniher n »-o/nHfi stroke several days ago, is able Ing from her word*, lint'- «mlf. taeed a few of them the trrmhi* to be about the pjace again. making IhemaelTC* plain—ISfCtien-re Read The Ads and Save Mom*