The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, December 24, 1925, Image 1

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T IIE N E II, O R E G O N , T lH I K S D A Y ,
N® _____________
Bits of Best News Items From
Event* of Noted I’ eople, Governments
sod I'onlTr North wool, and Other
Thins* Worth Knowing.
Ili'iiry Herniiger, lh« newly appoint
od French umhassador to th« United
Hut«'*, will leave for hi* now po*t
January I, •
Alexander I' Moore. Ibo r.-t Jrlt»K
American awbaaaatlor to Hpaln. wa*
l l t . o a touching *ondoff when ho loft
Madrid fur I’ati* on hi* way borne
Th* condition of Ibo Japan«** »at-
perur. who boratu« III Hunday with
fainting »lull*, w u reported liupror
od Monday. Ill* phyalrlan* were oh
serving hi* condition closely.
Th* Hunday Tlmea ''underaUnd»"
that th* Musaollnl government. In ful!
agreement with lh* Italian crown. In­
tend* In th* court*« of th* coming year
to proclaim Italy an empire.
Measurr Wins llravy
Amendment* Dose.
Washington. D <'. Th* sweeping re­
ductions !u Income taxes proposed In
th* revqnue bill were approved Mon­
day by lh* house.
Th* new rule* provide for a cut lo
th* maximum surtax from 40 lo 20 per
«-cut and for reduction* In all the
normal taxes.
Overwhelming support of th* non
partisan bill drafted by the ways and
means ronmiltt«« developed during th*
first day of consideration of amend
inenla by lh* house Half a dosen pro
posed changes were swept said», many
without the necessity even of a record
The most serious fight came on the
proposal of Ki presenlallve Italney of
llllnola, a democratic member of the
com m ute lo Increase the maximum
surtax rate lo 26 per cent. It wa* re
Jeded after a sharp three hours' de
bate. 19« to 117 Previously Ihe house
had rejected. 246 to 64. an amendment
by Repruimntatlve l.a Guardla, social­
ist, New York, to make the^uaxlmum
aurtax rate 30 per cent.
Other amendments were turned
down In rapid order and with little
show of partisan division.
The normal Income lax schedule ap­
proved provides for 4 reduction from
1 lo 1>4 per cenl 00 the ilrat 14000
taxable Income, from 4 lo 3 per cent
on the next (4000 and from < to t per
cent on the remainder.
Other provisions of the bill, Inrrea*
tng from fio.lioo to 120.000 the amount
of Income on which the 26 per cent
credit for "earned Income" may be
taken, were approved without debate
A new Kgyptlan law promclgaled
prohibit* the planting of rnnro than
unvlhtrd the arable land* with col LATE CZAR'S JEWELS
ton In 1926 The penalty for Infringe
WORTH $260,000,000
ment I* n fine or Imprtaonment, or Late Czar’s Jewels Worth S260.000.000.
Moscow. — Representatives of the
Th* Itelchrnt composed of repre­ soviet government will soon visit the
United Htates In connection with the
sentative* of the various German
sale of certain surplus articles from
alntea. ha* approved the budget for the old Imperial coltedlon of Jewel*
The budget balances at 7.600.- Dutch lewelry firm* appear to be
nuo.uOo mark*, of which manifesting much Interest In some of
will be expended for reparations.
these articles and one of their repre­
The budget bureau wa* charged tn sentatives la negotiating with the
the heuae Saturday by Hepresentnllve soviet government.
Appraisals Just completed by foreign
Ityrn* of Tennessee with giving the
public “the false impression" that gov­ experts place the value of the entire
ernment expenditures "are decreasing collection of crown Jewels nt approxi­
to a greater extent than la actually the mately 2260.000.000. These Include the
case "
great Imperial crown, made In Ihe time
of Catherine II. weighing five pounds
The death Is announced at i'arl* of and containing 4000 carat* of the rar­
Hlr I'nul Vlnogrnfdoff. corpus pro­ est diamonds, valued at $62,000,000,
fessor of Jurisprudence. Oxford univer­ and the Imparlal gold scepter, contain­
sity »Ince 1903. Recently the Univer­ ing the world famous Orloff diamond
sity of I'arl* conferred a high degree of 189 rarat*. valued at 230.000.000.
on him. He wa* born at Kostroma. which was laid as a gift by Count
Russia. In ISM.
Orloff at tho feet of Catherine I.
Appointment of Colonel William
Mitchell, under sent once of five year*
suspension from his army rank, pay
' and duties, as police commissioner of
New York city ws* proposed Hunday
to Mayor elect Walker by Representa­
tive tlloom, democrat. New York.
Ten new operating records were es­
tablished by railroad* In 1926 In hand­
ling the lurgest freight traffic that has
ever been offered to them by the
shippers A report embodying the rec­
ords la lo be submitted to a meeting
of the hoard of directors of the Amor
lean Railway association In Chicago.
Net food export* of tho- United
Htates for the crop year 1826-2* prob­
ably will fall to a figure below the an­
nual average for the five year* Immo
dlately preceding the war and may
approach the low mark of 1913-14.
when Imports of foodstuffs almost
eiiuuled exports, says a statement by
the department of agriculture.
Fraud Charge Enlarged.
Washington, D. C.—The tax exae* of
the Kerr Navigation company New
York; the estate of ex Vice-President
Kulrhnnk*. William Randolph Hearat,
publisher; Ihe General Motors coin
pany and the W. O. Skelly company,
an nil concern of Tulsa. Okla . were
among those reviewed in another vol­
ume of testimony made public Monday
through the senate Investigating com­
In presenting the Kerr ease, 1,. C.
Manson. counsel tor the committee,
declared there was evidence "In this
record of considerable fraud and many
attempt* to dofruud Ihe government."
He recited thnt H. K. Kerr and A. E.
Kb-gg, llrltlsh rltlien*. had organised
companies to take over Interned tier-
man ships and that In selling their
holdings tn the Harrlman Steamship
Interests an effort was made to es­
cape American government taxes.
General Rogers Diet.
Philadelphia.—Major-General Harry
L. Rogers, retired, General Pershlug's
chief quartermaster In the American
expeditionary forces, died In his apart­
ment here late Saturday night. He had
been III for a long time.
Regers suffered from heart dlseaso
nnd came hero several months ngo for
treatment by specialists. He lived in
seclusion because of his serious con­
000 .
General Rogers was born In Wash­
Secretary Davis Is preparing to rend ington nnd saw servlco with General
the riot art to certain elements In the Kunston In Mexico In 1914 nnd with
army If the Mitchell court mnrtlnl ver Goueral Pernhlng In Mexico In 1916.
diet fails to mnke a sufficient Itnpros
■ Ion on officer* Involved aa a discip­
Attack of Bull Fatal.
linary object lesson. He Is reported
Albany, Dr. Manley W. Hodges, 60,
by officers familiar with hls-vlew* as
being determined to bring complete a farmer living south of Albany, died
team work back to the whole service, Into Saturday of injurlei received
even if draatlc measures are neces­ when attacked by a Jersey hull.
Hodges was alone at the time and
said, before he died, that a strap on
The riot of words over prohibition the end of a polo to which the .ani­
continued unnhutod Hunday with new mal was fastened broke and freed lh#
ramifications nddlng fury to the con­ hull. Although dehorned tho hull rush­
troversy, and fresh Incitements In ed the mnn, rolling him on the ground
prospect. The Sunday developments and crushing his chest, breaking three
' "im-lnded disclosure thst n file of gov­ ribs over the heart.
ernment record* In the Mayflower
hotel liquor case had been stolen from
Quarter Eaglts Minted.
prohibition headquarters and an an­
Denver. Colo. — The United Statos
nouncement by dry leaders that coun­ mint hero Saturday completed the
ter moves would he made against the minting of 31.000,000 in 32.60 gold
new onslaught by the wet*. Tho drys pieces.
are preparing to counter the wet "lib­
Coinage of Ihe quarter eagles came
eralising" move* with efforts to amend In reaponso to the annual demand for
the Volstead get to tighten further the pieces as souvenirs and gifts.
It* provision* respecting search of Frank S. Sheppard, superintendent of
private homes.
the mint, said.
Children apparently are bocpmlng
■lightly less Inclined to criminality In
the United State*. A research under­
taking Just embarked on by the chit
dren'* bureau has dlsdosod that 2390
minor* under 18 year* of age. were
committed to Jails, penitentiaries or
other place* of penal detention In the
first six ihontha of 1923. while the
total for tho full year of 1910 was 10,-
( 3 2 S M H GUT
Record in Legislation Set by
House Members.
Ktumatb Falls —With the develop­
ment of a new man of spinal menin­
gitis here late Hunday, Dr. Fred II.
Goddard, mayor, announced a special
suasion of the city council, at which
lima the epltjemlc will be considered
Th* two other recent cases continued
to show Improvement.
I m . Granite The movement to ob­
tain a union high school for seven dis­
tricts centering at ImMer, Or . which
met with a setback at the polls be­
of a technic*lily. Is growing
Mors Difficult Part of Measure'# l.rg-
and boosters for the Institution ars
lalatlve Journey Ahead in
confident that the school will become
a reality In a short time.
tipper House.
Washington. D. C —A 3326.000.000
Christmas gift to federal taxpayers,
useful throughout the year, was voted
•yrl<jI, jr |,y t|,,. house In passing Ihe lax
reduction bill.
Hearing the Indorsement of Presi­
dent Coolldge as Well aa leader* of
both parlies In the house, the non­
partisan measure wa* directed to the
senate for the more difficult part of Its
legislative Journey by a vote of 390 to
Halem Members of the state board
of control spent Tuesday night at
Moro, Sherman county, where they
were honor guests at a banquet at
which the notea securing loans msda
lo farmers there under the wheat seed
relief act enacted at the 1925 ssslon
of the legislature were burned.
A Sequel to Bulldog Drummond.
By cmil mcneiie s *™*
S T N O P S I S — T o a * m th * ri n * o f
a n a r c h i s t « (a B a r k i n g , L o n d o n
s u b u rb . ZabolafT, f o r e i g n a g l t g '
tor . te lls o f the o p e r a t i o n s o f a
b o d y o f man w h o h a v e b e c o m e a
a m a ta to t h e i r a c t iv i ti e s . Ha
aaya t h ey a r e m a s k e d a nd w e a r
lo n g black c lo a k s and ars a ctin g
w i t h o u t t b s law.
Halem. Instead of the state having
a deficit of approximately 3480.000 on
January 1, 1927. a* estimated by Sam
A. Koxer, secretary of state, at the
(line of adopting the tax levy for 1926.
CHAPTER I— Continued
26 .
there will be a surplus of 37980.82, ac­
Almost-every member of the house cording lo a statement Issued here
tn the doorway-stood a bnge mnn
was on the fb(or a* the bill was
Saturday by Governor Pierce.
covered from head to foot I d black.
called up tor passage.
Salem. -Louis Lackmund of Salem, In each hand he held a revolver, with
As the laal of more than 60 pro­
whom was bequeathed property ag- which be covered the eight occupants
posed amendments to the bill was
during the second or two which It
3260.000 by the will of the
mowed down by Ihe usual overwhelm­
took for half a dozen similarly dis­
ing majority, Representative Tllson of late C. A. McLaughlin of Independ» guised men to llle post him, and take
Connecticut, the republican leader, ence. was a lifelong friend of the Mr. up their positions round the walls.
congratulated (he house no "establish­ Mclaiughlln’s. according to announce­ And Waldock. a little more educated
ing a new record of promptness In the ment nude here Saturday. Mr. Mc­ than the remainder of his friends,
consideration of an Important meas­ Laughlin died recently while en route found himself thinking of old tale*
of the Hpanlsh Inquisition and the
to Europe.
doges of Venice even as he huddled
His word* of congratulation* on (he
Raker—Some of the highest ore a little nearer to the table.
non partisan manner In which the bill values discovered In linker county
".Stand by the table* all of you."
had been acted upon had hardly died, have been recorded here last week.
It was the mnn at the door who
however, when Representative Rainey, Further assays of copper ore In the spoke In a curiously deep voice, and
democrat, Illinois, moved to recom­ llalm creek tunnel of the Mother Lode like sheep they obeyed hint— all save
mit to committee with Instructions to property show coat In uance of the high Flash Jim. For that worthy, crook
cut the Income and Inheritance rate gold valuee found by the first assays. though he was, was not without
maximum from 20 per cent to 26 per Two assays gave a return of $12 gold physical courage. The police he k D e w
better than to play the fool with,
and $8 40 silver.
hut these were not the police.
For the second time during consider­
“ Wot the— ” he snarled, and got
Cottage Grove.—The Lane County
ation of the bill the house divided al­
no farther. Something hit him be­
most on party l!n<fa. 133 democrats Hoo Hoo club, at a meeting held Fri­ hind the head, a thousand star* danced
voting for Qi* motion, which wa* de­ day night In Eugene, went on record before hi* eye*, and with a strangled
as strongly opposing the suggestion of grunt he crashed forward on his face.
feated. 367 to 147.
Previously some of those who op­ Secretary Work of the Interior depart­
For a moment or two there was
posed the bill expressed in short ment. that wagon road grant lands be silence, and then once again the man
speeche* their dissatisfaction with it, withdrawn from »ole. The drawing of at the door spoke.
“Arrange the specimens In a row."
hut as leaders pressed forward for a a strong resolution to be forwarded to
In a second the seven remaining
vote, the large majority of proponents congress was ordered.
men were marshaled In a line, while
sat silent, expressing their views oc­
Monmouth.—An Infirmary In con­ behind them stood six motionless
casionally merely with crle* of "vote.”
nection with the Oregon Normal black figures. And then the big man
The final vote was not reached until
school will be opened at the beginning walked slowly down In front of them,
after dark and Its passage lea* than
peering Into each man's face.
of the new term January 4.. Four
two weeks after Introduction set a
spoke no word until he reached the
rooms of no eight room house are be­ end of the line, and then, his Inspec­
peace lime record In revenue legisla­
ing rented for this purpose and will tion concluded, he stepped Imek and
provide accommodations for seven leaned against the wall faring them.
Rubber Inquiry Sought.
students. This will Include one iso­
"A nauseating collection," he re­
Washington, D C.—Another blow lation room for contagious diseases.
marked thoughtfully. "A loathsome
brood. What are the three under-
was aimed at the llrltlsh mooopoly
McMinnville.— A committee from the slxcd and shivering Insects on the
controlling crude rubber prices Friday
when Representative Tllson, Connecti­ city council Is considering a 350.000 right r
"Those are three of my clerks,"
cut. republican floor leader, after a city bond Issue for (he support to new
conference with Secretary Hoover. In­ buildings at Linfleld college, which said Waldock with an assumption of
angry bravado. "And I would like
troduced a resolution calling for an has Just begun a campaign for $600,- to know—"
Investigation Into the situation by the 000 for equipment. The committee is
"In good time you will," answered
first looking into the legality of the
house commerce committee.
the deep voice. “Three of your clerks,
The resolution charged that extor­
are they; Imbued with yeur rotten
tionate profits were being taken In the Is found possible on this score, the Ideas. 1 suppose, nnd yearning to fol­
rubber supplied to American consum­ committee will lay plans for an elec­ low In father's footsteps? Have we
anytlilug particular against them?”
ers. through a llrltlsh monopoly and tion.
There was no answer from the
asked the commute to recommend a
Salem.—Motor fuel taxes due the masked men. and the lender made a
course of nction for the government to
state from the sale of 9.443.333.4 gal­ sign.
Instantly the three terrified
protect the public.
lons of gasoline and 423.317.6 gallons clerks were soiled from behind nnd
Mr. Tllson repeated figures firs! of distillates during the month of Oc­ brought up to him, where they stood
made current by Mr. Hoover who has tober amount to 3923,882.94. which trembling and shaking In every limb.
charged thnt for this yeur alone $666. represents a gain of 1.682,606.4 gallons
“ Listen to me, you three little
OOO.OOU will be unfairly obtained from of gasoline and 2,856.2 gallons of dis­ worms." With an effort they pulled
American rubber users through the tillates sold and of $60,549.65 in rev­ themselves together; a ray of hope
was dawning In (heir minds—perhaps
w ork Inga of the monopoly which he
enue to be realised from such sales they were going to be let off easy.
said was only one of several operat­
for October. 1925. over the correspond­ “ My friends and 1 do not like you
ing In the supply of essential raw ma­
ing month of 1924.
or your type. You meet In secret
terials to Industry In the United
places and In your slimy minds, you
Salem.—Warrants which are a lien concoct foul schemes which. Incredible
against real and personal property for though It may seem, have so far had
Larger Body Favored.
Washington, D. C. A proposal to the collection of delinquent income more than a fair measure of success
taxes aggregating approximately $50.- In this country. Hut your main Iden
Increase Ihe membership of the Inter­
Is not the schemes, but the money
state commerce commission by one or 000, were sent to the sheriffs of the
you are paid to carry them out. This
two commissioners, now pending In various counties Monday for service. Is your first and last warning. Another
rongress, has Ihe approval of Presi­ Under the law copies of these war­ time you will be treated differently.
rants shall be filed by the sheriff with
dent (’ oolidge.
Get out of here. And see you don't
The committee now has n member the county clerks nnd later entered stop.”
The door closed behind them nnd
ship of 11. and the southern quarter upon the judgment docket. The sher­
of the United States is. In the presi­ iff then shall proceed and collect as two of the masked men; there was
the sound as of a boot being used
dent’s opinion, entitled to one more ho would any other delinquent tax.
with skill and strength, and cries
commissioner. The new appointee. If
Ontario.—Under the terms of » will of pain; then the door reopened and
authorised, probably would be a demo­ prepared In 1923 by Harry W. Jones,
the masked men returned.
formerly of this city, who died in Tort-
"They have gone." announced one
land November 26. Acacia lodge of this of them. “ We helped them on their
Puizle Causes Tragedy.
city is to receive $5000 to bo used for way."
Now York. N. Y.—Angered because
"Good,” said the leader. "Let us
I the construction of a Masonic temple.
his bride of 17 months would not help
What are
| Ontario's city cemetery Is also named continue the Inspection.
these two?"
him solve a crossword puxsle, Theo­
as a beneficiary to the extent of re­
A mnn from behind stepped fob-
dore Koerner seriously wounded her
ceiving tho earnings from $5000 to ho ward and examined them slowly; then
and killed himself. Koerner last night
used in Improvements, providing that he came up to the leader and whis­
asked Mrs. Koerner for help In solving
once a year the Trohestant churrhos pered In his ear.
a difficult combination of letters.
of the city take a collection for a like
"Is thnt so?" A new nnd terrible
"I have n headache.” she replied.
note had crept Into the deep voice.
"I think I'll go and lie down.”
"My friends and I do not like yonr
A moment later as she was In the
Salem.—Registration of motor vehi­ trade, you swine.
It la well that we
bedroom Koerner appeared and fired cles In Oregon for Ihe month of No­ have come provided with the neces­
without speaking.
vember totaled 3479, of which 252 were sary Implement for such a case. Fetch
trucks and 3227 passenger cars. The Ihe cat."
In silence one of the men left the
Paris Bresd Prices Up.
total registrations for the 11 months
Parts, F ra n ce- The people of Parts of 1925 was 214,849, of which 197.903 room, and as ills full meaning came
will have to pay the highest price - were passenger cars. This shown an home to the two Jews they fiuag
themselves groveling on the floor,
yet charged for bread after December increase of 1176 over the registrations
screaming for mercy.
| for November. 1934, and of 23,399 over
"Gag them."
It was announced Saturday from ^ Ihe total registrations for the corres-
The order ram# out sharp and clear,
that date the price will be one franc ponding 11 months of 1924 and an In­ and In an Instant the two writhing
and 70 centime» a kilogram (about 3 teresse of 22,220 over the total regis­ men were seised and gagged. Only
tlietr rolling eyes and trembling hands
rents a pound).
trations for the year 1924.
showed the terror they felt as they
dragged themaelve* on their knees to­
wards the Impassive leader.
"The cat for rases of thi# sort la
used legally." he remarked. "W e mere­
ly anticipate the law."
With a fresh outburst of moans
the two watched the door open and
the Inexorable black figure come In.
bolding In bis hand a short stick from
which nine lashes hung down.
"Heavens!" gasped Waldock, start­
ing forward. “ What are you going to
“ Flog them to within an Inch of
their Uvea,” said the deep voice. “ It
Is the puni.-hment for their method of
livelihood. Five and six—take charge.
After you have finished remove them
In Number 3 car, and drop them ha
Struggling I rn potently, they were
led away, and the leader passed on
to the remaining two men.
“ So, Zaboleff. you came after alt.
Unwise, surely. In view of the police?"
“ Who are you?" muttered Zaboleff,
bis lips trembling.
“ A specimen hunter," said the other
suavely. "I am making a collection
of people like you.
The police of
our country are unduly kind to your
breed, although they would not hare
been kind to you tonight, Zaboleff,
In th* Doorway Stood a Huge Man
Covered From Head to Foot In
unless I had Intervened. But I
couldn't let them have you; you're
such a very choice specimen. I don't
think somehow that you've worked
this little flying visit of yours very
well. Of course I knew about It, but
I must confess I was surprised when
I found that the police did, too."
“ What do you mean?” demanded the
other hoarsely.
“ I mean thnt when we arrived here
we found to our surprise that (he po­
lice had forestalled us. 1’opular bouse,
this, tonight.“
. .
“ The police!” muttered Waldock
"Even so—led by no less a person­
age Than inspector \lc I t or. They had
completely surrounded the bouse, sod
necessitated a slight change tn my
"Where are they now?" cried Wal­
“A h ! Where Indeed. Let us trust
st sny rate In comfort."
"By heaven!” suld Zaboleff, taking
a step forward. “ As 1 asked you
before—who are you?”
"And as I told you before, Zaboleff.
a collector of specimens.
Home I
keep; some l let go— as you have al­
ready seen."
"And what are you going to do
with me?"
"Keep you.
Up to date you are
the cream of my collection.”
"Are you working with the police?"
said the other dazedly.
“ Until tonight we have not clashed.
Even tonight, well, 1 think we are
working towards the same end. And
do you know what that end Is, Za­
boleff?" The deep voice grew a little
aterner. “ It Is the utter, final over­
throw of you and all that you stand
for. To achieve that object we shall
show no mercy. Even as you are
working In the dark—so are we. Al­
ready you are frightened; already we
have proved that you fear the un­
known more than you fear the police;
already the first few tricks are ours.
Rut you still hold the ace, Zaboleff—
or shall we say the king o f trumi>s?
And when we catch him you will
cease to b# the cream of my collec­
tion. This lesder of yours—It wss
what Tetrovltrb told him. I suppose,
that made him send you over.“
"I refuse to say,” said the other.
"You needn’t ; It la obvious. And
now that y»u are caught he will
come .limaelf.
Terhaps not at once
—but he will come. And then . , .
But we wait* time.
The Homey,
“ I hare no money," he snarled.
"Yog He. Zaboleff. You lie clumsily.
You have quite a lot of money brought
over for Waldock so that he might
carry on the good work after yon had
sailed tomorrow. Quick, pious*; time
With a curse Zaboleff produced %
small canvas bag and held It out.
The other took It and glanced In­
"I see." he said gravely. "I’earls and
precious atones. Belonging once, I
suppose, to a murdered gentlewoman
whose only crime was (hat she.
through no action of her own, was
born In a different sphere to you.
And, you reptile"—hi* voice rose a
little—"you would' do that here."
Zaboleff shrank back, and the other
laughed contemptuously.
“ Search him—and Waldock too."
Two Joen »topped forward quickly.
"Nothing more," they said after n
while. “ Except this piece of paper."
There was a sudden movement on
Zaboleff"s part—Instantly suppressed,
but not quite soon enough.
"Injudicious," said the leader quiet­
ly. “ Memory la better. An address,
I see— No. 5 Green street, Ifoxtoa.
A salubrious neighborhood, with whlrh
1 am but indifferently acquainted. Ah 1
I see my violent friend has recovered."
He glanced at Flash Jim, who was sit­
ting up dazedly, rubbing the back of
his head. “ Number 4— the usual.”
There was a flight struggle, and .
Flash Jim lay hack peacefully ua-
conscloua, while V faint smell of
chloroform filled the room.
"And now I think we will go. A
most successful evening."
"What are you going to do with me,
you scoundrel?” spluttered Waldock.
“I warn you that I have Influential
friends, who— who will ask question#
In— In parliament If you do anything
to me; who will go to Scotland Yard.”
”1 can assure you. Mr. Waldock,
that I will make It my personal busi­
ness to see that their natural curiosity
la gratiljeil.” answered the leader
suavely. “ But for the present I fear
the three filthy rags you edit will
have to be content with the office hoy * •
aa their guiding light. And I venture- •
to think they will not suffer."
He made a sudden sign, and he- v
fore they realized what w as. happen­
ing the two men were caught from
behind and gagged. The next Instant
they were rushed through the door,
followed by Flash Jim.
For a mo­
ment or Two the eyes of the lender
wandered round the now empty room
taking In every detail; then he stepped
forward and blew out the two candles.
The door closed gently behind him.
and a couple of minutes later two
cars stole quietly away from the brok­
en-down gate along the cart track.
It was not until the lending car
turned carefully Into the main road
that anyone spoke.
"Deuced awkward, the police being
The big man who was driving
grunted thoughtfully.
“ Perhaps," he returned. “ Perhaps
not. Anyway, the more the merrier.
Flash Jim all right?”
“ Sleeping like a child,” answered the
other, peering Into the body o f the
For about ten miles they drove on
In silence; then at a main cross-roads
the car pulled up aod the big mun
got out.
The second car was Just
behind, and for a few moments there
was a whispered conversation between
him and th$ other driver. He glanced
at Zaboleff and Waldock, who ap­
peared to be peacefully sleeping on
the back seat, and smiled grimly.
"Good night, old man. Report aa
"Right,” answered the driver. “ So
The second car swung Vight-handeJ
and itarted northwards, while the
leader stood watching the vanishing
tail lamp. Then he returned to his
own seat, and soon the first begin­
nings of outer London were reached.
Inf? If was as they reached White­
chapel that the leader spoke again
with a note ef suppressed excitement
In his voice.
“ We're worrying 'em ; we're worry­
ing ’em badly.
Otherwise they'd
never have sent Zaboleff. He wa# too
big a man lo risk, considering the po­
"It's the police that I am consider­
ing,’,’ so hi his companion.
.Th# big man laughed.
, “ Leave (hut to me, old man; leave
tint entirely to me."
First blood for th* Blacks!
and a pretty good Job. And *o
delightfully mytttrlous, a* wall
aa tfficUnt,
(TO BB COf fTINt'Cn )
A b su rd ity o f M an
Really, when It comes to glory ther#
Is no limit to the absurdity of man.
A mao. will glory In a disease, a vice,
the wealth dt an ancestor when he I#
himself poor or th# poverty of an an­
cestor w hen'he Is himself rich; Ihe
street In which he lives; the color of
his Imlr, of his eye#; the possession
nt soiiiethlok which he picked up In
th* street—even the abuse of som#
on# more notorious than himself. Men
will glory In nnythlng. Just aa th#
famine-struck will eal nnythlng. Hurt»
I* th# appetite, for glory. And why
Is It there? I say ngnln, Ic make men
achieve, to make them write had verse,
holld hideous house#, put up Iniposst-
b.e monuments, pass hud laws, and ,n
general destroy their kind.—Hlllar#
Btjloc tn the New Statesman.
»• Y .