Suppliaient To The T u r n e r T ribu n e Thursday Decerti ber 17, 1925. THE TURNER TRIBUNE CHUKCH OF CHRIST Jl. Kntulni. Ciutiir laaued Every Thuradiiy at Turner, Marion County, Oregon SUBSCRIPTION *1.26 l'Elt YEAR. Entered at the Poatolllee *•' Turnar, Oregon, aa aecond claaa mattar, undei iu• • Act of March 8, 1879. Christmas Saie of Al! Wheel Goods UNTIL CHRISTMAS WE ARE GOING TO HOLD A REAL SALE OF WHEtL GOODS B IC YC LES H ere’» two real special*: Colaon 18 and 13 inch frame, 26-inch w heel; a reul biko—-white any remuin in stock. $ 27.50 $ 41.00 Co! u.nbin M otor Bike, double bar. clincher t.rcs, op­ tional equipment. A regular $16.50 bike, A ll other bikes reduced 10 percent to 15 pere-- *.X SCOOTERS S'jbtta.siially built and “ liv e " rubber tire.-, $2.40 to $7.50. S?e our at $ 4.00 Kiddie Cara Pedal H ik e a $1.50 to $4.50 $1.50 to $6.75 $12.50 to $18.50 $10.00 to 5TO.OO A u to s Velocipede* H.'.nd Car Spocinl, now Boys’ Junior Bicycle, now G rls’ Jun or 11 cycle, now $ 12,00 $25.CO $".5.00 Lloyd E. Ramsden 337 C O U R T ST. SA LE M — OREG O N T r ins, Tracks, Tunnels, Switches, ctc. 'S W iB 'á í" m V - ir is ' ■¥ qrtwisa?! Reduced Fares Fur example: I'» Portland and Return . $2.95 Al,«* (ot Neu» Years A.It agent (or tale dates limita. Rale J.itr, P trtm S ft 15-21; limit January A Proportionate reduction, to many other point*. Aik Agent Southern PacificLines It- ft, Hontt, Agent. Turner. Oregon. The TRIBUNE W e hail u very fine attendance at Ilihle school luat Sunday. W expect inure next Sunday. The banner fo r quarterly attendance ia in the bn I ance. Come and help uh win by at- t tiding Bible arhood Ih ren ib er 20th and 27th. I f we win it thi, time w will keep it, ao don't fail tin. and Any j The regular preaching aervice will i be held ua unual. Subject will be I announced later. There will be u (.'hriattna* pantonine in the evening. You enjoyed the other*. Come, you j are welcome. 5 C. K. Topic: "W h y ix Chrulma» a Tim e o f J o y ? " Can we bring joy to other*? ua try. o f this list o f leading ¡a S f M A G A Z IN E S Chriatmaa Eve thin church will have a tree and a flue program with treat, fo r all the children who came. Re-i juice and be exceeding glad, fo r Cod 1 no loved the world that He gave h i»! only begotten Son that whosoever bo- liew th on him should perish but have ' ti rnul life. Joint 3: Hi. "R ejoice, ¿•gain I toy R ejoice.'' $#100 Why Pay More? TH E N IC .IT B EFO R E C H R IS T M A S When Xmas came Mary wag so good and so was lien. They both j had don'.* their work well so S a n ta' Claus would come to see them. A# noon as night cum M ary get the dish j e* done, while Ben got the chore- • don outside. When Xm.ik morningj came, Mary mid B -n jumped out o f i le d to *e what Santa k a l brought., When they got in the room, there was a Christmas tree full o f to* a, and ; candies. On one side a*as a jumping | jack, on the nido wore wooden sol ; d err, the the French I>«ll was against ! the trpnk o f the tree, and right be­ side hor was a toy trunk. The mouth h.trp wus nearly on top o f the trer. The Elephant nnd the lj»m b | loud aide by aide, and the L ittle I’ il j rhe* was hanging on the tree. It had I red rose* on it. The first thing the 1 mother gave the presents out. Then they played with them ti'l they got tired. Take Your PICK to Select From Never !>•: re and probably never again wilt you have such an exfraor- cun > i. • uvii'g opportunity. Note carefully the large selection of choice r -oiiir. ---all at a price to fif your pocitetbook Renewals will be ext; tided , c year from date of expiration. N o need to wait. f «CtS? Evelyn Eleanor Mullennex. VJRPRI5E GRANGE NO. 233 ELECTS OFFICERS FOR 1925 5 i-r ri ' C.r*r;;o No. 233 m* t r.t ttie I.O.O.F. halt at Turner Saturday | foe their regular monthly meeting. 1 The fourth and fifth d< gtces w e r e , | .*• *ri to a class c f five.* officers were vot< it on. 1*hose present from ' Saf^m Grange were C. H. Taylor, i j ma ter. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Basse* I land Mr. J. J. McDonald. Th> re wr.» a r solution paused commending McMnhafl. The follow ing officers o f the local organisation were elected for the* coming year: Master, G. W. I i ’ *rria; O v t n s r , W. >•'. Gulvin; Lec­ turer, i.t’ s. Mary McK nney; Sti w- ard. M. E. Townsend; Assistant Stew- nrd Thomas lit t le ; Ti* 'usurer, Ray­ mond T itu s; Chaplain. Mr». G. W. Ferris; Secretary. Mrs. Eleanor Tit- ’ I* G it ke eper. Wm. Butzke; Core*. Mrs. Thomas L ittle ; Pomona, Mrs. C. Stnndley; Flora, M t . Susan Girarilin; la d y Ar-dstnnt Steward, Mr*. W. F. Gitlvin. l>. H. MOSHER H ig h Class Iadies and (ienis Tniloring: - IT I < ourt st. SALEM United S lates N ation al R ank General Banking Business ■* C U P A N D U S E TH IS COUPON Conti -.»n: I wish to take advantage of your Magazine Bargain Offer. I n em **,ing the above amount in payment for a one year subscription t .' your paper and tile FIVE Magazine* X have marked with an X below. .Yuier------ ----Stats- S i er It. F. D. — f i Am erican Needlewom an 0 Hom e Friend t~l H ouiehold Guest f l Hou&chcld N Agazine D Dluitral*cl Mechanics 0 M other's Hom s Lif® LI r a m l if a 0 Pathfinder (w e e k ly ) 26 issues ] Gent!«womaü M n ^ a x ím 0 T od ay’ s Housewnfe d] Goo*.? Storici 0 T ractor Sc Gas Engine R eview Q H o t »# C ire !« 0 W om an’ s W orld □ 0 L] [J □ i American Poultry Advocate BUJ? Sc Ledger C iprh V i r * r a r r I V k i &. Fire »id« TK- a Fkfia b u r n ii f j w t f t f ï 'S F ÌU J J U r- t!,u cot,p °n now hrin* oc tornii it to our Business O ffic e r n n a * U v S J Fk ¥ j l Judge Front the Best Or. O. L. Scott R a in ie r C h irop ra ctor I ’ hone S7. R esidence s*28R 256 N When a mm. does a noble act. di him from tint. Forget his faults. I his noble ael l*e (lie standpoint fn will h you rogarli him. T lieie is inn that Is goivl in (he worst of men Bellow*. H ig h Street Salem, Oregon Drs. L. T. Dick & I_ M. Hum Chinese Medicine Co. Vtomach troll I lies given ipiick releif b.v taking i*ui fametia remedies. Are ab«ulnlely harinlesa, lielng compounil. ed front Imported lierlw, rmits and and barks which are well known for their curative properties. W e treat all disorders o f men, wiw Interest paid on Erne deposits and men amt children. Free consultation. savings accounts Call or write. Cor. S la t» A Commercial St*. 421* - 42ft State St (Upstairs.) SALEM — OREGON I’ lione 283 Salem Oregon. M enta! Faculties Lasted Doctor Johnson and James \1 wisheil to test whether their mei faculties had become Impaired v ng". Johnson learned Low Hutch seventy-one, and Watt learned t Mian at seventy-live. Both mnste these languages amt found that tt fnvulties were unimpaired. C . F. B R E I T H A U P T 123 N. Lib erty Street F L O R IS T Phon» 380 S A LE M O R EG O N