The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, December 17, 1925, Image 4

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Section ‘Devoted to
A ttractive Magazine M aterial
(«3 t ) » h ö r t » t o o
t t »E H I
Douglas Fairbanks
Vith CKocrup 5 anti the Quixies
zf/G race Dliss Stevaxt
Q UICK; come quick. Boys,**
cried Brightcycs one day. as he
M t on his spider web. resting during
the heat of utnratime. “ Hurry, hurry !**
Up ¡wanted Quickear. Softhtot and
Sniff-sniff as fast as they could and
imthered around their playmate to set»
whar the fun was.
*‘LiK>k, look,” whispered Brighteyes.
“ right over there; don’t you see? Ills
coat is ail white with Mack stri|H»s;
maybe he is just out of prison.’*
“ Well, for my part. 1 can’t see a
thing.’’ grumbled Quickear; “ but I
can hear a most peculiar noise. It
souuds harsh and ra>pii g. like some
‘ Lock.
Lock.” Whispered Brighteyet,
“ R.flht Over There."
1 But I should like to explore a little;
an excursion to the mountains or a
weekend on the Broad Plain, per­
“ Oh. sir. that would he splendid'
I ’m sure you would have a warm wel­
come everywhere, except perhaps In
the mountains. You see. we Zebras
are a shy lot. My branch of the fam­
ily lives on the Broad Plain uud is
more uaed to aoeietT. hut ray cousins,
the Mountain Zebras, who live up
in t lie hills. Just don’t care for
company at all. 1 say they carrj
it too far, but everyone to his
taste, c f course. Why. they even
post sentinels on the highest crags to
warn the herd when anyone Is com­
ing. so they can all scamper away.
That’s not very hospitable, it seems to
me. And they are so pretty, too. you’d
think they would he proud to show off
This popular screen star was born in
a Nt. They haven’t plain white legs
like mine, but are striped all over, way Denver, x%here he received a boyhood
training that included fencing, danc­
down to their hoofs."
“ Th nks for the hint. Zippy. We'll ing, dramatic literature, and a wide
try not to Intrude on your shy cous­ range of athletic exercises, besides
ins.” laughed Cheerupa, “ But I should regular academic studies. At seven
think all those Mack stripes would teen he was with Frederick Ward# in
make you very easily seen, even at Shakespeare plays. Later he was
other New York companies, and be
“ Oh. no, s ir ; It's just the other way.” came a B-oadway star, following
brayed Zippy with a proud ring io his which he entered the “ movies."
voice. “ They help to hide us In the
daytime, but at night we art almost
the first one. They fold me nf home
invisible. It s on account o f the stripes
not to stay till you were tired, because
that we nre so ioconsplc— Inconspie— ”
I do love to talk. Come am! see us
“ Inconspicuous,
some time; good-by. everybody,** nnl
Zippy Zebra trotted away with a part­
“ Yes. that’s it, sir. the very word! j
ing whisk of his little tall.
I'm not good at big ones.” replied
“ Well.“ gasped Bright eyes. “ I gueas
Zippy, feeling a little embarrassed.
I was mistaken that tim e!”
Now I've made quite a long call for 1
by L it t le ,
Ilr o * o *
C o I
H E W H Y tf $!/ H. KING
one sawing wood back home on the
steep mountain side.”
*’! don’t see anything nor do I hear
anything.” piped Softfoot and SnfiT-
snifT in chorus. “ What’s the joke any­
way. Brighter es?”
“ Can’t you be a little quieter.
Boys?” said Uheerups, looking out of
his house.
“ I>ear, dear. I just
thought I would have a wink or two T F AN extra plate be accidentally
while Mr. Sun was doing his worst.
plac ed on the table when it la be­
B ut bless tue. who is that?” as a ing set for a meal it la a sign that
plump little white horse ail covered ' some>r la coming hungry. This
with black stripes came cantering up. Is a superstition found in various sec­
“ How do you do. how do you do?” tions of the country; the American
neighed the little horse in the same Folk-Lore society specified Ohio as one
rasping tones which Quickear b«d of Its hahitnts. It is. of course, based
heard. *Tm Zippy Zebra, and I ’ve upon the idea of the ancients that
come a long way. I can tell you. It what whs connected In thought must
took a lot of courage to do it, too. AH be connected In fact, which Idea pro­
the family advised me not to come, duced the theory o f that sympathetic
said it was dangerous to get far from magic which, from primitive times, had
home and all that sort of thing, but sueft a strong hold upon the minds
Mrs. Ostrich and the Nervous Gnu o f our ancestors. They were diligent
said they knew you well and not to 1 seekers after the relation of cause and
miss calling. They hinted that you effect. Every result had a cause,
might be g<»ne if I didn’t hurry, so therefore, every cause, every act, tuuat
here I am. Mrs. Ostrich and Mr. Gnu j have an effect. What would be the
are my very good friends, you know. natural effect o f placing an extra
We pal around together a lot on the plate upon the table? Why. the effect
Great I ’lain. and I have every confi­ produced, or signified, by the associ­
dence in their judgment.” Zippy i ation of Ideas, which would be that
Zebra stopped to catch his breath.
of someone coming hungry. Only ad
“ Well, well,” said Cheerups, now rult, as dhl the ancients, that whHt la
thoroughly awake, “ I am delighted to connected In thought la connected In
see anyone who knows Mrs. Ostrich fact and the rest la easy— the se­
and Mr. Gnu. We have so many quence of events clearly marked out.
friends now that we be^ n to feel very It should be noted, too, that in this
much at home In Africa. We are not system o f reasoning to avoid the cause
thinking o f leaving for a long time yet. j was to avoid the effect. Most of the
---------------3y M I L D R E D MARSHALL'
Facts about your name; la history; meanini
nine; whence it
was derived; significance; your luc! day and lucky jewel
9 "
A no less authentic, but more extrava­
gantly romantic character, was the
HE quaint unil charming na:ne of beautiful Betsey Patterson, who cap»
Betsey, so endeared to American tured tlie love of Jerome Bonaparte,
history, hud it« source far back in brother of the great emperor, and suf­
early times when the Muscovite prin­ fered a broken heart.
The ruby is Betsey's tailsmanic gem.
cess Elisavetta, the daughter of Juro-
slav. was the object of tHe r*mantle It brings her beauty and pride and
love of the great poet and sea king. haughtiness, according to ancient super­
Herald Hardrada of Norway, who sang stition. Wednesday is her lucky day
nineteen songs of ids own composition and 3 her lucky number.
<© by Whe«!*r Syndicate.)
In her praise on his way from Con
--------o -----------
gtantlnopie and won her hand hy his
feats of prowess.
Her name, which means “ God's Common Nail Cause
oath,’ appears In many romantic tales
of M any Accidents
und Danish ballads and finally spread,
That nails are the most dangerous
in numerous variations, throughout
implements In Industry Is Indicate.) by
Europe by way of Germany. Elizabeths.
figures gathered lo New York. In urn*
Isabels, Elizas and EJsbets were the
I year compensation was mad» for 1.338
most popular names in Europe— and
still have tremendous vogue, for that accidents due to nails and. using New
matter but Betsey Is typically English York city's average o f 30 mishap, dally
from this cause, there are nearly 18,-
and latter-day American.
Many famous women have borne the 'M l such Injuries yearly In the state.
name in this country. Betsey Ross, From a list of 1.7J reports. 37 such ac­
whose skillful lingers fashioned the first cidents were classed as Infections with
American flag, is a heroine of history. loss o f time and 45, while not Involv­
ing poisoning, compelled the sufferers
to stop work. Thousands of accidents,
1—1-1 1 It Is believed, are never reported. Ac­
cording to officials, the nail hazard Is
becoming serious, and Its Importance
Is Incrgcsed by the fact that nlrnost
By John Kendrick Bangs.
every [.art of the humnn body Is liable
■H I I 1 1 1 H 1' H -M -I-I-H -H * i i i
to ‘'attack.” This Is Illustrated by re­
ports such as. “ stepped on nail In
floor;* “ nail In guardrail tore his
forjfWe my enemies—
, I scalp;” "nail flew from box while load
[ C A N T ’Th»
useless to deny It.
'J Ing truck. Infected wound on nose;"
And what is morejthoush it dls- ** | “ nail In bench tore le g ;" "fe ll down
; and nail punctured stomach." A nail-
1 ehall not even try !L
■ diminution week has been recommend­
■■ My ren.-r n's zo-d enoush for ms— •• ed by the Labor department during
Just one among the many —
I can't f.irtflv«* *-rn for you see
” I which all loose nails nnd those pro-
iruding where they are likely to en­
I really haven't any
l b y McClure Newspaper Syndicate > *• danger persons, would be removed.—
j Popular Mechanics Magazine.
j ’ don't*" In modern superstitions nre
based upon this point. Avoid the
i oinen and you avoid what the omen
Therefore. If you h y »»
; barely enough for your own dinner,
be careful not to place an extra plate
on the table, and then If a hungry
I visitor should «Imp In It will lie by
j pure accident and not owing to your
I own carelessness.
I f i b j M cC lu re N e e ».p a y e e S y n d ic a te .)
-------- o --------
N = = = = = =
JD 08C O E R IC K K TT S yawned, rose
■'■'•from his easy chair, and remarked
“ I think I’ll go to bed early tonight.
I f I have time tomorrow morning I’ll
stop In at the tallor’a and huve these
trousers shortened.
They’re nearly-
dragging on the ground. Sometimes I
almost wish I hud two pairs of trous
”Tee b ee!” fee-hee'd Ms wife to her
self. "I'll shorten them myself while
he’s asleep Just to surprise him. And
tomorrow at breakfast maybe I'll nsk
Mm about that S1H bat 1 saw in llee
stinger’s window."
At tbe same moment tbe same Idea
was occurring to I’blllba. UicketCs
daughter, who needed a new pair of
shoes lo match her new stockings. amt
to Foulard, his son. who had won a
motor In a lottery and wanted a motor
boat to put It on.
Three times that night, dreaming of
burglars. Itoscoe Itlcketls, who had I
changed Ida mind about the mllor and |
shortened Ms pants himself, awoke lo
find a member of his family replacing
his trousers across the hack of the
” 1 found these out In the hall,“ lied
“ I earne In thinking perhaps these
had fallen on the floor, and sure |
enough they had!" lied i'MIlhu.
"H ere’s these," said Ids wife, who j
never lied.
The following Item appeared In the
afternoon paper the next day: "ihsuns
Ricketts, a prominent citizen with
prominent knees, was arrested Mils
morning for appearing on the street 'n i
knee punts.”
<(% by O fio rffi M a tth e w
fo b
Co. t
N IH V A S IO N A L bullet whlxtlcxl
through the thick, hot nlr mu *I
pluugeU Into the a«ml Hank
KM - P H - H -
behind which t'roaby crouched
He idilvered a a he listened to the ghost
ly hues of the Mauser pellet«, and he
|H>ndervd deeply upon the peculiar at)
l tics of his Imagination, which persist
in picturing those flying bullets ms
red «toms tiugeiug the atmosphere
through which they ripped s track
This distorted visual Image puxxled
lYosby. lie knew that « hullet was
not red, yet, every time he heurd the
ping o f the leaden messengers, his
tmaglnstlon made un attempt to over
whelm the impressions recorded hy ins
eye«. It was a very i>eculi«r maulfes
tation, ami, try as he would, he could
not prevent Ms fancy from hulldtug
up the Impression again and again lie
took the cartridges from his bandolier,
examined the brass siteils with their
half exposed bullets with Ms own exes,
and then became disgusted when Imagl
nation pictured a rose pink trail dl
rectly above his head where a slug
had gone whistling out over the gray
A d a m s .)
*»f thè 4 Vinti j batik, sh o w patrioti* ]
soul lutd bccii stlrred by III# word« ufi
The Boy« o f thè Bulldog Brecd" «ud|
The Absent mlnded Regger," lutd
ut*ver Itmtgltted cobi blooded w arfsre
«>f lite txpe he w«s then tnktng a luntd
Compiti! Ornili Stillili
in A Mephlstophellrtn self ttssured Iti tu
thut he Wiis thè absent mlnded beggui
alin »» Vir;
Adulta. W »rk d lay
»y M alli»»»
»Ir ;
when \'f dropped back Into thè Itole
Cunttnou» ) tu II
L » t ■ liti,'«, !IL hv
P o r tla n d , O r e g o n .
Instead of tsklttg thè distica tu rejoin
| k Ita
bis company, and thè self mede «user
dld noe Ituprove hi« tetnimr Agalli hej
hlaaed wildly «t thè opposti* batik, and
Cutlirg Ulaia Und«r Wator.
agitili thè fo# dUplsyed eicvlleut
i-wik, luua. rvotat* H i M ,m »— M
inaiksiimnshlp by doNling lite reerult
Subinvrgtng «1 »»» un»l»r w »t»r du»a
wlth «and throwti up by burrowlng bui not u «'.»»»u rlly iu»an that It will >ui
lets. The tmprlsoncd mali fd t (imi lite ,ma|»r. I>ut II la tmu'h I » » » HU«>lv to
action of twenty men In walllng pii crack than wli»n cut In air.
tlently tu murder una wms noi «bove
, until* »»la up vll<rutIona in th» a l«*»
which hi»*» a umlvtiojr to rr»rk ll
And then t*rosb)‘a Intaglila!tua would
The».' > thru tlon» ar» «r.«ll>r ro<lu.»«l
P »r»l,( In iilcturlni: Iho«.- ix'llcl» that
cam» from th . hank in a hu. “ «*»•’ «>“ •• "
that C m b f knew f| | HfklCttkHfet U l 1
was annoyed with his lunigluatUm lie
g«iul u* m u
w* nwUt r«*a v I mm I i
Animal Spada«.
was annexed with the sneering self
Uw UM» >Ui <r* iwa** l « d s
tlist pictured him « « tike living embodi­
The biologist. Hunter, estimated
ment of Kipling's “ Absent minded Beg
gar." H| was annex* d i . - *\ that there w* re ÄIS.000 s|H*dea in th«*
P ortland H ide k W ool C o .
respectable Crosby that reck*me«I up «nitual
kingdom divided
ih v a u M w iM ifx m n a a s a w
Ilia interest on thirty-nine pounds nine dash* »
'll»«* different Insect« are
teen shillings and nine peuce three numbered .ItiO.OOO or over I wo thirds
farthings for three und three quarter«
Hi,, total number «»f sp« « les In the
)e «r s at two and fixe sights per Cent animai world There are 11,000 fish«1
quicker than any other clerk In the 1.400 amphibians. 3.600 reptiles. 13,000
County bank. It xvas really tike Iasi
I k II.**» UN»«U f'‘SS S—'SS
birds and 3.600 mammals
• I | .»«*»l **h-'»i S U I » S tp * S »l’
ness o f that t*n»sby that lia«l ev«*hed
« #(•«» .A*» U'1" » 1» a«ii*i U». o»*i
• • XVh I «■!..•»«*• IS It* »•«
tike warlike iY*»sl»y tlmt «nine «»xer»«*a
• ii u r*H »*«•••» rsirè», u a e
Attitude for Success
to ca(*ture l'let and tlans mid Dirk
*1*1'« !•« * I e* * HMlf* fr*H 1*1»»*«
who were glxlng Thomas Atkins u c«»n
He that would rtdlsh suceess to
c h ’ » ; i : n i b v i x %
« « : w n ..J w \ b»dd
14 SO is * A V lS U l
I I A l V V I %
»Mcrahl» amount of Irouhl. to aubdu*. KlMM| purpo»» »houhl k»op hi* pu- l»n «
Croabjr waa actually r»vtrftlng »«»lu a l (.>1C,
hu , » t...ta tio n » low, «ml
Or»M.h>, Thcr» w »r» In hi. lniu.M.1 ...ul
p , „ Mb|„ , h#t hu jortun-
Innuuicruhl» hau l»» between th . Ihr** m
„ „ U m y . r„ r nn
You wvi fusi It sM M H**«W iu»»
Cruabjra that w *r* now ut lo*g» rli»»'l«.
and hla n»rvouan»u lnrrva»«>*l Hr » « . « " » ■ « • al* " v" r,*•" l,>
“ '',1
vdt mi Issasi » imdfa Ksm.
n.8 a «.ward, but he waa l.l«hly liuad H
«•»»»-I' J «■«
Eictflknl fsts
native, and the result Is the same The looked for Ohio Slate Journal.
lU t««.
Hus M ot *# »II 1 »•*«>%
tlllk mmá Himak
■Icily pl«-ret d M i l In the xxlute hei |
l o R t l A N I» u R M .iiN
Early Ligbthouaa.
met to o l on ii.«- appearance o f eyee
that stuxlletl Ids pale face and shaking
Th«» first lighthouse built by the
(lu iin s ii Propaganda.
hands Ills han*ls hail been while aud
l ulled States as an Independent gov
well tusMcurcd when he left Truro, but
about any-
You can't always 1
**11 ab«»nt
the few «lay* under Hie South Afrl«*an
It was thing, maybe there Is a sleeper in the
sun had tinted them tike color of a traue«« of Chesapeake bay
freshly boiled lobster. Crosby cursed fiuHhtMl In 170S. sin'll fish Mi was statement, and Juet as uko as not the
his own stupidity, cursed tbe fat re u *« h | for lighting, sperm oil being sut* man who broad« aat the opinion that
crultlng sergeant who salti lie would stiuted In I Mio.
1 pedestrians have the right of way and
make a fine soldier, cursetl Hie trans
| don't have to hop around to avoid bs^
p-Tt that had brought him aerosa t e
httB t Gingtrbread.
by n nolOVOftl l» an at
Atlantic, and the sun tanned officer
The l«*K«*utlary l«>tus, the fruit of lorney who is looking for damage «ulta
who had le«i him Into the smhu»«*ade
which mads Clyases' sailors forget to settle* Albany Ureas,
The sun's rays cime down In s per
is supposed to have b«eu
peudleular shower U) k > u him lie bur.«»«1 l heir horn«
T h t Fool's Flm.
his tingling face in the sand nnd prayed the same plant now used by nativ«**
' I X I 11 of northern Africa to make sun «fried
Every morning in the country for
the night run away across the veldt cakes which taste like gingerbread
« -«t fires burn up the equivalent of a
till he overtook hla comrades fie would Science Service.
bttslo'l basket full of |lu bills. When
tell them of his adventure and they
the last hill Is In ashes our dally
would laugh heartily at Ids cunning
Lamp Burned Long.
waste of $1 is at'cotuplDhed and
It was while he was composing a
A funeral lamp place«! In the year • e square away for the day's work
little account for the amu*« m«-nt of
those comrades that his eye«, shelter«**! 16 It. C in th«' tomb of Tullla. daugh­ to r. place with thought and swaat
t 'others.
beneath the helmet, detected s slight ter «»f the gr«*ut Itornnn orator Cl*« r«». what folly haa «l«^itroym|
movement on the ridge of the sand pit. : and wife of Plahctlu. is said to have
lie Jerked his lega ha* k hurriedly when been kept t>urnlng «onstantly for 1.600
Mankind's Oddities.
Ms ayes Inform«**! his tiruln of what
Mankind arw very odd creel urea;
they saw. and the suddeu movement
on » half censure what they practice.
brought doxiu much sand and also a
Quaint Custom.
.the oth er half practice what they can­
harmless gr«*en sirnke that hud been
ity a curious law dating ba< k to sure, the rest always say and do as
crawling ulung the exlge Crosby yelled,
Benjamin Franklin,
and the snake picked Itself up and at­ 1779. all the grapes left on the vln«-« they ought
tempted to beat n husty retreat
Un­ afte r th«* harvest In the vineyard At j
fortunately, tlie sand was very dry. and Hellers. France, go to tlie benefit of
Rslatlvity Again,
the snake found it
difficult Job to it)** pour and th*- own**m «an Ik* Ytned
Son ** *-f th** suu sp««ts arc said to
climb «>ut. Tim e after time It rolled tor picking the culls.
I h * thousands o f miles to diameter, and
to tlie bottom of the hole, und each
-------- ------
yet think of the fuss a gtrl makes over
time It fell Croaby yelled. lie had
English Poets Laureate.
an ordinary freckle. ~ Boston Tran
never met a snake in such close quar­
•J ìM U !»
Hides, Pelts, Wool, Mohair,
Tallow, Cascara Bark
Horse Hair.
All through the long forenoon he had
crouched In the little crater on the
summit o f the sand dune, peering out
across the hurrying waters o f the river
which the rays of a yellow* sun stubbed
He was perfectly safe,
but his teeth chattered us he rolled
about in the shallow basin or looked
cautiously over the edge of the bank
opposite, where a thin blue mist like
a Peri’s veil hung above the spot where
the enemy Isy coucealed
Why had he stopped there? Again
and again he usked himself the ques
tlon. At daybreak his company had
marched up from the river bank, the
great, gray veldt, cool und solemn,
stretching Inviting!) before them. Then
came the first scattered fusillade from
the opposite bank
Johnstone. Cro#>
by s mate, pitched forward on his face
nnd lay still. The Mg Welsh corporal
muttered a curse us he swung round
toward tike river, flung his arms into
the air and dropped on his knees. It
was terrible. The company had their
bucks turned to the unseen foe. and
t'rosby, a raw recruit only five days
off the transport that brought him
from Ply mouth to Table buy. re me la­
bored at that moment a trick played
upon him twenty years before when u
schoolmate dropped su Icicle luslde
his shirt collsr.
Then tike sun-tunned officer, keenly
alive to the danger, ordered the men
to double, and they doubled eagerly.
It was their first baptism of fire. and.
as there was not a particle of covnr
available, their safety luy in speed. It
was at that moment that Crosby stum­
bled into the little crater in the sand
dune where the noonday sun poured a
vertical fire upon hlru six hours after­
wards. He had made an effort to fol­
low hia comrades, but, as ha struggled
out of the pit. three more men fell un­
der the fire of the Boor sharpshooters. ters and his nerves were not in a fit
Geoffrey Chaucer, who llvn»i fr o m )* c^ ^ ‘
Crosby's Imagination immediately point­ state to receive the visit. The snake 1328 to 1400. was the first lo a»*unt«x
ed out the dunger to which he. a soli­ was disgusted. Four times It made an
A fter the Smash Up.
til«» title of po«*t luureAte of England
tary figure, would be exposed If be at­ attempt to scale tlie hank, and four
terrible mess 1 am smashed
tempted to Join the rsnk, and that times it fell back. Then It noticed
The car Is smashed up
imagination, which Is the purent of Crosby’s leg, and w ill» serp* nt w isdom. there had been a verslficator regia or up
hopes are smashed up The only thing
cowardice, dragged him back Into the Immediately recognised that tlie nscent klip's poet.
little hole over which the enemy’s bul­ could be mads much easier by that
that remains Intact la the bill for tha
lets whistled. Five minutes afterwards route.
The Same Woman.
c a r '“ Lustige Blatter. Berlin.
the company wns half n tigle away,
Crosby screamed, but Jhe snnke was
while on the river bunk there were lrrltahje. For Just a moment the re
ten dead men and one live one who \ emit forgot the foe «»n the opposite her t welve year-old daughter was six.
Leggera of mnhognny settled British
. _ .
m #l
»o «h«» could travel on half fare, now
was virtually a prisoner in a pit four . bank
ns he clawed the edge of the pit
I I enduras m or» than ZOO yeara ago,
feet deep.
«ud pulled hi* bod) out of th. hoi.
" h" "
«> »h ” can d rlr»
nnd today the wood Is still tha Impor­
Then Crosby committed a blunder Ai-riun the river three rifle* spoke to j 111** r t r
u hlo Ktate Journal
tant factor In tho colony's business
that was further proof of a coward’s «other, but only Cro«hy fell bark Into
soul. Finding that fie was safe from the hole— the annoyed snake w ** slid
Doe* No Actual Harm.
the enemy's fire, he threw his rifle over In* away aeroaa the veldt, ronuratulat
Cilvltik advlee to farm era Is u pupu
the ridge of ills shelter and Maxed Ing hlmaelf In a snaky way that he had l«r diversion and It la perfectly safe
Knowledge and Powtr.
wildly at the bank oposlte. How he reached tbe top before Crosby toppled hiM-au*. the farmer la too aenalblo to
Knowledge Is power when applied
regretted that blunder as tike morning
ftdlow the suggustions
Miami Her j lo purpose, that Is. when It Xs used;
rolled slowly by! I f Ite hud remained
for. In nnd of Itself. It 1* Inenpabla of
quiet, the hidden enemy would not
accomplishing anything. Ha who uae*
Not P roficient
hale known that the little pit con
knowledge wisely Is a benefactor to
The Barefoot Eaplorere.
ceaied a foe, but the fusillade that • Sir Samuel lloare. British air min
followed Informel him that lie would later, tells this story;
T w o hoys, eight and cloven, started llM f” ,luw h1“ 11 urtt.
he a prisoner while the llflit lasted.
An Arab sheik was being taken out of the city to explore the world.
Oeraslunully he tested the wutehful- nrrnsa a very bumpy patch o f desert
Home Team.
Both were barefooted. It Is the wny
uesa of the foe. and now he shuddered In Trausjordanla In a flivver nnd so
Ad In rhiengn paper “ W idow with
of explorers always forgetting some­
as be contemplated the three holea In had was the going that nt Inst the
five would like to meet widower with
Public Ledger.
the pith helmet wlileh had been die ear overturned and the sheik was thing
four children.
Object, baseball.” —-
played when Ids head was not Inside thrown out.
Boston Transcript.
Old University.
Instead of turning In wrath upon his
Tho oldest university under the
He looked up at the blue dome above driver, the Arab picked himself up
him, and pictured the hare veldt be and apologized profusely, saying: “ I I'nlted States flag Is Santo Tomas uni­
neath till he compared hla own posi­ am so sorry, I hnve not learned to versity In Mtinlla, founded hy tho
tion with that of the stuffed kingfisher ride one of these things yet ”
Hominlcan friars In 1«05. Tho friars
beneath the big «lass globe on his
still conduct the university.
aunt's table In Truro. The kingfisher
5 erved F ifty-S ix Y eara
T T n r r r tr r
was really better off. He hud passed
Knowledge and Practice.
Besults o f a competition hold In
the last stuge of suffering, while Croa­
A wise man not only knows when
England for long service among do-
by still had a horrible fear o f the rifle
men on the other side of the swiftly mestles In any one family revealed | to keep atlll bat does It. Boston Tran-
flowing river. As the day rolled slowly the fart that Miss Kllziiheth Zutler script.
— __________________
hy he became nervous und peevish. He had beep employed In the household
Different When Polished
asked himself why they stayed. What o f the duke of Portland for more Ilian
H E A L T H -- M y Gift toYou
right hud they, twenty bloodthirsty SO years. Miss Butler was aw ard «) | Diamonds In their natural state are
Boers, to sit down and wait patiently
usually of n dull lead color.
, J IFR will be far sweeter If you
till hla head appeared above the edge prizes or of honorable mention had
I j once and for all time rid
o f the pit? It wasn't war— It was inur Hern 47 years' service In the same _
, yourself of those annoying, uncomfort-
der. He, Algernon Crosby, head teller family.
L rp a lp c f
IU p i I T riip lf
^ a lo
anJ ‘*•»>8«"»'» I’H-KS and other
U lC d lcM
Rectal and Colon aliments. MY FREE
In History
Silk Centuries Old in British Museum
."J. . u o q u a M e d
W KM TKN GUARANTEE to cure your
XVe nrn selling every one of our
Piles without a hospital surgical opera
_ o
„ f used
____ ________
trucks at .........
unheard o f tlon, or refund your fee. Many personal
Ing birds In flowery tries, dates from prices. Now Is the tin s to buy If you 1 U,,er* * r* al‘ i’ c" nUI" * J ,h« r«*n P*«v-
the Seventh or Eighth century A, i).
noed or are going to need equipment I
1 h?Ve
a'VCn b,ck
Blurred green and yellow designs sag
of nny kind. All mukeg, sizes and
thousands nf others. Start
gest that the popular "shadow” cre­
the New Veer lleppv en«l Well
tonnes of late years are In direct de |
s.n.1 foe me Ih»* TODAY
scent from these ancient Chinese fah | Whites, Packards. Pierce Arrows,
rlcs. A little hag o f silk hurled with OMC’s, Foderala, Republics, More­
D E A N M. IMÜ n c I
some wanderer from China In the Lou- lands, Kleibers, etc. % to 6 tons for
M a t t ie o r n it i:
lan cemetery somewhere about tlie be­
ginning o f the Christian era. Is not
Phono, wire or write, Phone, KAst
much more than an Inch long, hut It 1423. MACK TRUCK C O M PAN Y, 286
has little draw strings from which the Oregon Ht., Portland, Ore —Adv.
remainder o f tassels dangle.
Other relics from the l^>u Inn graves You W ant a Good Position
Include pastry placed In the tmnlia of
Y »r y w all—T a k e th « Aorountsucy sac
I f U k«n In tliîMX p ro m it npsr-
Chinese travelers about the Seventh floalnsHa M anagem ent, P rivate Swvrel
■fions for TnnKeta*«. Catarrh.
____ twit-
«1, Calculator. ‘ 'om ptom eUr. Stem.
Asthm s Lume Thront. Mvsv.
■ »enoara-
century A. I>. Delicate little biscuits, Ohir,
penmanship, or Com m nreUI Te,
K lifnmy. Rhriimntlsm. Hlnoá.
pierced and worked until they looked >r»' Courw u
Rtfttnsrh «m l sllfsntAt« dls-
ortlfrs tlluil<l«*r Ttsublat.
llke filigree buckles, had been pre­
Th* C. Cs**jWo Rrm*dl*s a n
pared for tlie comfort of the dead trav­
eler. and they are In a wonderful slate
forem en! B usina»« Collsga a t th «
( holsrst tm-slis in «l root«, hmim,
o f preaervatlon today.
"They look Ths
N orth w «n l which has won rnorw /»«cursor
sim I U rti. Wn(Kartell hy m
good enough to eat now," declared Awards and (¡old Msdala than nay «that
many visitors— New York World.
Fourth H tr««t hear M o rris ««,
Some of the most Interesting pieces
of silk In the world, material approxi­
mately l.OOtl years old, are nowr on
view at the British museum, and mod­
ern women are etilranced hy the sped
mens which were collected hy Sir Au-
rel Stein In eastern Turkestan, west­
ernmost China nnd northeastern Per
sis. Hteln, who places their manufac­
ture at a century before or after the
Christian era, discovered some of th#
silks In an nnrlent cemetery at l^»u-
lan, which Is In the track o f an an
elent trade route from Ciilnn to cen­
tral Asia.
Fragments of clothes of Chinese sol­
diers. traders and travelers o f long
forgotten ages form the msjorlty nf-i
tlie exhibits, hut there is a little linnd
hag which might well he carried to
the theater with credit hy a woman of
fashion today. It Is composed o f little
diamond shaped pieces o f faded roae-
reil silk, of the color with which old
Perl lon g Or
work boxes were lined, and o f maize
and blue silk.
Waste paper has been converted Into
I P. N. U.
A small piece of sprigged silk, abow- new paper for three cent u rie»
i ÍL. bv McClur« N.-
Isaac M
W slk sr
t'r e «
C. C^e Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
No. 61, 1926 pStiliYVhî