r~ *t The téléphoné fin*- from Turner to th further tum o f $160.0« attorni j'a NOTICE TO CREDITORS N oti«« I» hi'nh)f given that th<* un fee« arri ri'ilt ami «li bur' fiurnlo in Stnyton wa» out of commission for a - r ~ r~ r cie^ at the ■nel thit the 11th dny of Junuary, and for Marion County, Oregon, Cloverdal** schoql hous*. Friday night. ] 19211, lit thi hour of lb o'clock a.in more particularly d* scribed as The Turner Commercial Sand wih , hit» bei n appointed by aid Court for follows: hearing objection« to laid final nc- furnish (h* ruuai«. A jin« nf J' w i r y ti nt w ill ki* *n|i| at a • ' Ilisciuint.W hy Reginning on th* West line ; count, ut which time any person» iq. of 12th street in »aid City o f 8u- tereited in Raid nutate may npp> ar ami go to a j i w r l r ; shop ami :i»y ni'-’ ro fur the -.tint* good«. PIAN O MUST BC SOLD |. m, Marion County. Oregon, at ! file objections thereto in writing and Ptenct in storage near bere will be | a point thereon 99.90 fe< t Rouih Coleman lunti rua at 1 1 rir<* f h . i o. I content « une, from the N'ortheaat corner o f lot »aerified f- r immediate »ale. Will 1 » > » ( 4 » ) 4 4 )> H »4 »t MIKE KRENNER, Many other thing* will be eol«l at u cut price from now 3 in block ’28 o f kew I’urk An- give eaey leribc to an eatabliehed A'lminiattalor de bonis non MS No. 2 ulor«*aid; ei.d running until X tnaa. I tnlco this method of giving iny cu.lotncra a home. For particular« aud where it thence South 60 feet; thence Xm as present. may be seen, eddrvaa Portland Music ------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------- — NOTICE OF HEARING OF FIN A L I | 2 ! 0 fa sti tie mm North .'*0 ACCOUNT Company, 227- 6th St., Portland, Or. feet to the place of beginning, W H H t » » H I » » » » t M f i i m t » M t t « V I H HHH In thp County Court of th- State AI»o, Lota Seven (7 ) and Mr. aud Mrs. J. M. Bonce were of Oregon for the County of Marion. Eight (h ) in Block One (1 ) of XM AS SUGGESTIONS Salem visitor* Sunday afternoon. In tno matter 11 Un I tete oi J. Myers Addition to the City of m v . A v / . w . V i V A ' A V i V / W i ’. y w r t w v w ; Widcomo Kay Putnam, liecei* * d. No- ¡¡ah m, Marion County, Oregon, Rev. C. W. Pogue and family and | Hosiery Umbrellas tice ¡» hereby given that the final ac aa the same appear* on the re­ Mrs. J. F. Lyte were Salem visitoisl count o f liattie Marie Putnam, ad­ Gloves Lingerie corded p’ at thereof or file and o f Tueiday. ministratrix el the Ei pile of W. Icome Handkerchiefs Kimona3 record in th* County Recorder’s Kay Putnum, deceased, ha» been filed Marten County, btate o f Leather purses Bath Robes Book«, album«, Bibiea, »tationery, in the Count) Court of Marion Coun­ Oregon. Silk Underwear Dolls ty. Oregon, and that the 12th day of game«, jewelry, dolt«, novelti«« at This summons Is served upon you the Drug Store. January, 192«, at the hour of 10 1J. ($. S H I P L E Y C O M P A N Y o’clock a.in., ha« b e*» appointed by by publication in the Turner Tribune »aid Court for hearing objection* to 1 by order o f Honorable I*. H. Mc­ W. H. Harri« and family are en- ] Mahan, Judge o f th above named «aid final account, at which time any Women’s W ear Exclusively visit \vith his sister,- Mrs. t person» interested HI Raid estate may court h.sring date of November 24, joying a Th> first publication of this Brown, o f Grand Junction, Colorado, j appea r nnd file o!»Jection» Uicrelo in 1925. SALEM — OREGON summon, will be November 26. 192' writing and contest same. H. R. Peets is having a n«w foun 1 and li e last publication will be Juli- H A T T IK MAKIK PUTNAM, dation placed under his house. )has. i Administratrix. uur/ 7. 1926. Huebble of Salem Is superintending ROBIN D. DAY. '/,V .V .,.,.VAWA’72.V.\W7W.V,V.VA,.V.WAV7MVWW Attorney (or 1'1-nntitT. ) the work. OBOER I’lac.* of n*'side!ice and P. O. Addreas (VW»WiiVWAV.\,.,.,.,.V.\V,V.Vr»NV.V.-.'.V .V W /.V A V .V V G ift« for every cn* at all pr«cea— Salem, Marion County, Oregon. tn the Count) Court of the Slat, fo r Marion Co intjf. at th« Drug Store. When In Salem ^ o f In m Now ' u thi 9th nay ot i* c< mb r NOTICE OF SALE Bazaar, — Saturday Dec. 19, in th« In the County Court of the Slat* church parlor». Chicken dinner and !9.’ 5, the «hove nia'ti r having come on for he.’ning upon the p* tition of f Oregon, for Marion County. «upper. All kind« of fancy work, Duane Gib on and ¡¡ose (iibaon f.!»d In the Matter of the Kjtate of dol!*. book«, candy, etc., on »ale. in this four* on Un- 7th d.-i) of D* Frank If. Knuths, Deceased. T H E 3 P O H T IN Q G O O D S S T O R E cember, 1926. f«*r pormiaaion |o udopt Notice is hereby giveu that pur­ Lettliar Good« for Chri«tme« Pie- 12$ ig«TMthC«miinervlnl St. Salem. Oregon n minor child of six years o f ago by suant to an order o f the County Court F. E. Shafer, 170 S. Com I. the name of Rot« kidwardi. and it of Marion County. Oregon, bearing «ent«. '.V .W M V V S V y 'M V W / .V .’A W W i'/ 'A V A V i appearing that Duane Gibbon and date o f December '2, 192a. the uniiee- I. E. I'utgam has been quite sick It.... Ciihio i nn* husbind an*l wife sign. d admadstratrix will »ril at pub­ an*l rcMde together In Salem, Marlon lic -ale, to the highest bidder, at the for several days with a bad cold but County, (h i con, and that said minor hear of ten o’clock A.M. on the 4th is improving nicely. , ehlld i* the .laughter of Charles Kd- dny o f January, 1926, the follo*.v;ng * wards and Ann Kdwards ai.il d scribed r* .«I property, to-wi*.: Nothing take« the piste of L E A ­ j that Ann h.lwards, the moth- lie ;im ing at a point 16.46 THER. F. E. Shafer, 170 S. Com’l. |jg | er of aaiii child is dead, and that chain» N. 10 it KfMfl E. and 40 year» in the Leather Bn«ine«s. her father, CharU-r Edwards, i idea wrLiawug tcwsLC a anooptioians £0.30 cnains S. 70 degree* E. nt Pollock, California, nnd cannot U 7710 chain* N. 19 degrees 30 Mr. Hill was sent oul from the S. E V E S T E S T E D — C L A S S E S FITTED found within the State o f Oregon, minutes K. and S. b/ degrees 45 P. yards at Brooklyn to take the place and Uu-refora cniinoi be parson illy minute.* K. I f f eha:ii» front the Slit* »i*i Llbtfty Sts. Stlsm. Oc|pn of Mr. Rarri» on the Turner section. served and that the said minor, Rose most We«teri!y S. W. corner of Na 43 K.lwards, ha* ro.tided with the said the Donation ¡.and (Tai.n of Cy- S. Talbott is home for the holiday Dunne Gibson and Rose Gibson since ru- Pitney and wife in T. 7 3. R. GET READ Y FOR CHRISTMAS. WE ARE READY th. month of January. 1925. and that vacation from Portland. 2 W. ot th** Willamette M* ri.lian, the legal custody of said child hrs Marion County, OreuC"! thence Just see the fine rubber tired coaster ^ragon, with steel not been awarded in divorce proceed­ Bill Foid«, Hand Bag», Suit Ca»e«, N. 70 degrees W. 78 links; disc w heels.‘wall braced gears and full size hardwood ings n.*r committed to any Institution Brief Care«, Glove«— for ChrUtma« thence N. 19 degrees 30 mtnut:* incorporated under the laws ot the box— we have a good big supply of thuge, and offer them E. 7.36 chain» to the north line Qifts. Harnc»» of all kind«. F. E. stale that cnres (or dependent and o f Frank Unuths EsL-te; thence to you while thay last for only Shafer, 170 S. Com 1., Salem. delinquent children and ¡^appearing S. 7# degrei'S 45 minute« E. 5.73 that the father of said child has re­ chains, to an angle in the north $5.00 EACH fused to give his consent to the adop­ line o f said Estate; thence S. 88 H AR LE Y M ARTIN FREY * tion of sa d child, and it iilro appear­ W e will put them away and hold them till Christmas if degrees 15 minutes E. 13.62 ing that the petitioners desire to eiui^i. along Ihe qorih line o f you make a small payment down A N D L I C E N S E D EMBALWIERS Harley Martin Frey was born June change the» name of said child from laid Estate to tiie most Ka ;. rly 30th, 1591, near Hrppner, OK gon. Ko.a • Kdwunts to Rose Gibson. «J™ Remember, we also have all kinds of velocipedes. comer and being in the middle th.* Court believing that a date for of the County Road leading from His father was C. E. Frey o f Hcpp- Scooters, Autos, Roller Skates, etc., to make the kiddies Reliable Service. Lady Assistant the hearing of said petition »hould bo Salem to Silvertori; thence S. Cl happy fixed end a hearing on said petition degrees 80 minute- W. 5.17 Mr. Frey has livid at Turner for «hould be had. it is therefore chain», nlong th* middle o f slid SOq/Jq. Church Ft. — I^uy or Night Phone 120 Our store is headquarters for the useful gifts that you over a year. He was a member of ORDERKD that the uth day ot Feb­ County Road to the mo»t Easter­ so desire to receive. Make it a practical Christmas and S.ilem Homestead Brotherhood ° f ruary, I9’2ti. bi fixed as the time ap­ ly corner o f a 9.00 acre tract set pointed for tin* hearing of said peti­ off to the widow o f Frank American Yeomen and he was al*o a i K buy your gift3 at the hardware store. tion! and it is further Knuthr; tlienc* N. 29 degrees 10 member of the Baptist church for -1 GEO. E. ALLEN ORDERED that the petitioners, minutes W. 5 5fi chain.«, along the Duane Gibson nmt Rose Gibson serve year*. j s Hardware .Machinery and Paints northerly line o f said 9.00 acre Ho died December 11th at th* Sa -1 S, 236 N. Commercial St. a copy o f the within order upon tract; th< qc N. 70 degrees W. Salem, Ore. CharU ' Edwards, the father of the 8.90 chain.*, along the northerly l.-ni 1* \ 7.W.VA'.W.V.V.V.VWWi%WWA%%WAWWWiWWW, above named minor child, by thi* pub- line of said 9.00 acre tract to the 34 years 5 months and 11 days. i licatioti o f suid order in the Turn**! place of beginning and eontain- Mr. Frey is’ survived by cne sister, Phone 44» R m . 9il|J 'J i Tribune, a newipnp r printed amt — |0 uo acri s ot land. • I published in Turner. Mirion County, Said i-.vle to be made on the above Mrs. W. A. Horn, of Mosier, Oregon, On gull, oace n w. ek for three suc­ described premises- and three sons, Charley Walter age cessive w. eks, amt that the date of The terms of said «ale shall be at 9 years and Harley Martin. Jr., o f jg* I >»js Price »eduction un AH Wnr|i the last publication be had nt least least fifty per centum o f the pur­ four weeks before the said 6lh day chase price in ca»h and ^he balance Turner, and goy, age 4 years, living M A S O N IC TEMPLE. SALEM of Febn irv. 102«: »nd it is further of said purchase price secured by a in Washington. The funeral was held at the M. E. OHDERliD that «.lid bearing bo first mortgage upon the real property wr * ■ • i ' rt'irr-T - ■ -u i_ -■*>•»• • » had ut the hour o f ten o'clock A M. above described. Said sale shall be church at Turner, Rev. Pogue officiat­ on th. said 6th tiny of February. made subject to confirmation o f the ing. Burial was at Twin Oaks cem­ lU ’ fi m the County Court room in etery. the Couit House In Salem. Marion r.bove entitled court. GERTRUDE kNUTHS, County. Oregon; nnd it is further Administratrix ot the Estate of ORDERED that a copy of the peti­ CARD OF TH ANKS Frank IL lvnuths. deceased. « tion in tin within proceedings, to­ gether with a statement containing We, the undersigned wish to thank Hats clnanod and blocked. Htickram frame*, trimmings otc. the full names and permanent address the «em bers o f the Yeomen lodge, of the petitioners, shall he served cnrriatl in stock the Ladies' Aid Societies o f Turner, upon the State Child W ilfe -e Com­ the Sisters o f the Deaconess hospi­ mission of Oregon, by serving the Phono 21751/ Kormurly 11)5 Court $t. president or secretary thereof, by r. tal and all others for their kindness gtstcred mail or by personal service, Closing, out our usod pianos and help during the illness and death } * } \ l Coleri SI. Ups^lr*. $alam. Ot«ion. at least twenty days before the said at $50, $75. $100, $125, $150. of our Brother, Harley M. Frey. nth day of February, 1920». Signed: Mr. and Mrs. William A. -------- — — Our now pianus at $225, $250, J. T. HUNT. County Judge. $235 and up. Uued player Horn. .V ^ .V //.V J ’.,..V W .V /.V .V .V W .'.V .V .,.V .\ G. F. kCRINEK, V.S., B.V.Sc. CHRISTMAS SALE * I 6 in. Xmas Bells Rope festoons Musical Balls Rubber Balls Musical Tops Repcntin Pistols Razors and Razor Strops 4 % Paid on s ix months Time Deposits Fire and Automobile Insurance Written Turner State Bank H. L. Earl’s Hardware Store *^mjers(.n’s Pomeroy & Keene WEBB & CLOUGH CO. F u n e ra l D ir e c t o r s - Salem - D f . O. A. Qlson, Dentist For Pure Lard The Elsworth Hat Shop Go to Turner M eat Market Locals -rr iWlW.VMyy « pianos iW»,.WidbWhAViMW> VW.¥.‘ i, Œljf &alrm Änrtaary lltybalutfra aitb JFmipral Olrrrtnrn Phone \<\M Rnli-n^, Oregon. 2Hi (Vn(i*r Ht. KfHdont Work---- Moderato Trices American Ratter Caietaktr of Hats and Clotbinn Clcnninjf, Pressing and Re^airinjc ^36 8. Liberty St. Sitlom, Oregon M l Good Moats State St. Subscribe tor The Tribune $1.25 per Year $195, $250 nnd up. SUMMONS Terms, or will make liberal dis­ In tile Circuit Cuurt of th.* St.it' count for cash. T-allntttt» Piano ! of Oregon for the County of Marion, i Store, 395 S. 12th St., Salem, I Department No. 2. Union Savings A l.oan Asjooinlion. Oregon. Ian Oregou Corporation, Plaintiff; vs. W hy run n risk with poor Peter /.err nnd l.yda A*rr, his wife, I Albert Estate, a corporation, nnd brakes. Have your mechanic Walter Stolx, Defendants. To Petvr 7.i. t and Lela 7.err, his relino your brakes with Lmsco wife. Defendant* above named: — It’s dependable. In the iiiiiin* of the State o f Ore­ W . E. Bums— Dan Burns gon you and each o f you are hereby required to appear ant answer the (N ot brothers, the »«m e man) complaint nled against you in the r High St. at Ferry, Salem, Ore. above entitled court nnd cause on or before six Week* from the date o f the The time of year is her« to first publirntion of this summon» and if you fail so to answer for want j begin to think about Christmas plaintiff will apply to ! nresents. thereof, tbc puuniin wm a|*i*i> W hy not the Coun- the court fur i.ollef prayed for in ita j^ , ,. , Home eamplaiiit namely: That it have judg-( tr y G e n tle m a n , L a d ie s ment ti nn t you nnd each o f you f**r |ournal or the Saturday Even- tho sum of I2.00U.U0 together with ^ Th#y f i f u thftt interi ni tliercon from the 2nd day of \pril, 19-’ i>, at the rate of ten last the year around. An an­ pi rrent per annum until paid and for the further «um o f $61.60 delinquent nouncement card sent with ev­ taxe» paid hy the defendant und for ery gift subscription. the further .«urn of $11.50 for the continuation of *nid abstract and for Subscribe for the Trihnas W. H. Houghton Proprietor. CRAWFORD NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Clark of West Slayton spent Sunday at the P. E. Thomason home. M. E. CHURCH Our pastor was back with us for Mr. ard Mrs. Thonyis Little, M*s Mayro McKinney nnd Mr. anil Mrs. all the service/of the day, following Raymond Titus attended Grange in his services u\ the successful revival meeting at Aumsvillc. We were Turner Saturday. glad to welcome him back. Mr. and Mr*. P. F. Thomason were alem shoppers Friday. Sunday school was well up to ,he who has been I mark and we hope to see it increase Kerne’ h Witsel, spending some time at San Francisco, The Sunday school is the school California, returned home Saturday ' where we lyarr how to cope with the j problems tbe Christian HaJ to face*in Mr. ard Mrs. Thomas Little «pent ■ l;fe 1 , . ith u, next Sunday. the day recently with Mr. Littles Our pastor gave us a stirring ser brother Harry at Clear Like, north mon on the “ Firahle of the Marriage o f Salem. Fer.it.’’ The marriage feast was the Miss Roberta Wilson was a dele­ Kingdom of H< aven nnd the wedding gate from Turner high school to a garment was the “ Garment of Right- conference at EuRene. eousnes».” There grill be a box social given at the Crawford school soon. Mr. ami Mrs. P. E. Thomason were recent » iS » visitors at Davtm. The League lesson was principally, given over to plans fo r the next year’g activities. Many things were dis­ cussed that will prove very helpful to the organization during the com­ ing year. Th:» Christmas exercises and pro­ gram will be held next Sunday, De­ cember 2Qth, *,o take the place o f the evening service. The choir is re­ hearsing special music for the occa­ sion and there will be a special pro_ gram by the children. M erila g « and Honaity If your children develop dishonesty you eun’t convince your neighbor* that they didn't rome by It honestly.— Binghamton Press. Read The Ads and Save Money V . . - * V