The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, December 17, 1925, Image 2

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    S u m m o n s
In Die Circuit Court at the State o f I
O i t iron for Marion County.
Denrrt- ,
monl No. 2
William Samuel No «m an ami Amelia [
N> » n u n , Plaintiff«,
* •
j.sali, lie Uieh.-irdson, W. E. l.ichaixl-
< go., \.>ra ¡liehaM'On, }.*«•«» Rirh-
ar.kii>V>. Whitney R’.ch.iruson, Ma­
bel Ririi.'i^taon, Myrtle Richardson.
Jfary P. J.iJinson, Clyv E John-
«on, GrtcA-'M Johns« V Geo. W.
Johnson. Verda Johnson. Paul V.
Johnson, teor.a G. Johnson. George
4. .V -D r o .. Agnes MrKIroy
nes M Han*«»: Alfred Hansen,
Earl G Li o Kirov, A. S. Johnson,
Claude A. Johnson, P. H. D'Arcy.
Myrtle Hamer, lid win Hamer, H.
A. Xohnsor, Eathel Johnson, C.r.ta
Crecn, L c f Grvea, Evelyn Aufranc
find Rnul Aufm nr, Defendants.
J o G 'orve K. McEIroy, Agn*‘s MrEl-
roy, Agnes M Hansen AlteeuHtn-
ae> Karl a! McElroy, Creta Green
nr,4 Ix'O Green. Defendants:
OF OREGON you. an d each o f you
are h e re b y required to appear , and
« .e » e r the complaint filed against
you i> the above entitled Court and
Causi within s.x » e e ts from the date
o f the first publication o f this sum
(nous, and if you fail to apt ■ ar and
hnfjrer said complaint by slhtl date,
A r ' want thereof the plaintiffs will
apfjy to the Court foe a ifecr. e quiet-
htg' title to certain real property in
Marion County, Oregon, particularly
described as fallows, to-wit:
Lota three ($ ) and four (41
in block three (S E Compton’*
Addition to the City o f ’ Salem.
Marion County, Oregon, as the
same appears o f recor.i in t:M
office o f the Reeoruer (o r said
County* and State.
burnett Bros., «Jewelers aPay Us A s You A re P aid”
0 ( h n * c r y Saturday Night in the Year.
Eleven Store on the Pacific Coast— From Fverctt tq Hollywood
Everybody Is Buying O
Burnett Budget Plan
No Innovation ever know n h a t b«en to c o rd la l'y receiv ed a t hat the P u rn ell Pi.rlget
Plan— In m any c itle t It b a t been adopted by the largest d e p .v tm tn t s t o r t t . and
In m any c a t e s we b a .e been requ ested to give them a ssista n ce in «¡eqaiilxinq
a C redit Bureau. T b it w e have been g la d to do, to r th e reason that w e
b eliev e the B urnett B udget Plan to be the bapp eal— aaa rat and moat
e con om ica l w ay ot bu yin g ev e r d evised . A m ple p - « o f it fou n d
-t a
In the tact that all ov e r the P a c ific C oast w a a r t su pplying
D iam onds— W a tch ea — S ilv e rw a re and Jew .-lry to thou-
A fijK
san d s ot p eople— to m en e t a ffa ir s a t w ell a t to sal-
aried and protesaion al p eople, and becau se wo
sell m illion s o l d olla rs w orth a y ta r, wa can ’
(and do> sell fo r a little le»a than the
o<d tim e Jeweler. C on sid er thla a
p erson al Invitation to o o e n an
accou n t and to ' pay us a*
A & J
You are further notified,that this
summons is served upon you. amt each
i f you. by publication thereof in the
Tu nee Tripm,*, * newspaper o f gen­
eral circulation, printed and publish­
ed in Turner, Marion Cout,ty, Ore­
gon, and that the date o f the first
publication thereof will be on the
12th day o f November. 1 a25, and that
the dnte o f the last publication Uwre-
6 f will be on the ?«th day o f Decem­
You are further notified that this
summons "Is published and served up­
on you, am: each o f you, pursuant to
the order o f Percy R. Kelly, Judge
thaï *
o f tve above entitled Court, which
Ordt was rftaue and entered o f re­
cord in this Cause oh the tOth day o f
Nov mtxr, IM S
& lfy O. SMITH.
403 Salctr Bank o f Commerce Bldg..
Salem, Oregon,
Attorney for RUitifls
. .
AU th«* S lver Pia:«» y<, i u oU dt*-
liver* «I tor n doti ir bill
F?e v.ib j
C o m m u n ity — W tlr » c ?
Diamond Brace’el
Not a woman In Hie lun l
hut Would In •: !
Joy with such a s>u .... OH of tit
will make!
You may find them for as llltlc as thirty ft* •
dollar»—ami from that point, the prh . r!«-' to
twelve hundred and fitly fir bracelets that arc l!te i„.;/
paved with diamonds. All sold on the liarnett Budget 1 'tun
! < o :. o r i
Ml s W M— A I v m i
I tn^cr * —Trnry And C J»rk
m i « or in rd V du I ?!#« «*• ju« t
you a u udì rti *1 n :»»♦• Uidlh»
llrîu«* Joui I
*n ail t* ** pu|
ulur .u
• h Ys
ui« r* . y* »i
5 » • > ih* r i
i b î* lw * N t k
f-»rlb n>; » • » «».*«• to t «*
* i*
you y*y ''i *.u yo i ar»* puu
•?» -
Thr Ittfllrv » » I m « h |< I. «IH«h«*d In I
I fi.U-l i J f. ht'Ii l«<nl; i*oo !•«
I in* « etti* «• *
\ iilw iia lljr |>rir«*( o l
* *-'• «I . 1
l l r r r ot U l f URM* t i f l r « h « t
* U*t I r , * M l'iule I l*UO I'ritltrf*«!
r O «I I* tr t»*j nrlrr t hrlilruns -
I . i ..
In the Circuit «Court o f the State
o f Oregon, for Marion County, De­
partment No. 2. »
Frank Crimps, Plaintiff; vs. Peter
Feiler, Jr., Mary' Jones, T . J. Jbues
and Helen Grimps, Defendant.-.
To Mary Jones and X- J- Jones,
In the name o f toe State o f Oregon
You, and each o f you, are hereby re­
quired to appear and answer the com­
plaint filed against you in jfie above
entitled Court and cause within six
Weeks from the date o f the hrst pub-
fication o f tfiis surhmon-V'a’ vi if you
fail to app ar and si safer mid com­
plaint by sfftq uate, for Wjrf% thereof
the plaintiff will 'apply to* the Court
for a oeersu. Com eting anq rulorm-
ing the'deed descriHed'1 in paragraph
(V- of plaintiff’s complaint aud de­
creeing tUe rea( property d^soribed in
said 1 paragraph
been conveyed tu frank Grimps
pave been conveyed to Frank Grimps
and Thires Grimps, fits wife, now de­
ceased, as tenants by the entirety,
and decreeing said property to pc the
property o f the plaintiff herein upon
the death o f his wife, The res Grimps.
Diamond Solitaire Special
A fray f»jî| i f bliM**Mbifp
•«hito *r*ltl m o u » t i u g -
listllnr« m W r r k
U lti
Elgin Suntimer
i«» • * w|
.i». It fr«»»o Ihr grirtit K irin
a).* I \\ kjlal) Wulà».
mill Ihri Htt
It«rn J m r l r n
*?•*t«l fl|tr4 riwoa
• s.r r r . r o
llo ii.ld in».’ ! I to *»
i . quarti nt« «-.I
l'i a t a r r d ot f I’.* '«o.
•r««| { i k o .lullur, l*o> o ft r r i ’hrt^t
!»*> '
J o ll^ r *» V /eek V /lll D>
FINAL a c c o u n t
In the County Court o f the State j
o f Oregon for the County of Marion, f
* in the maviei o f the E- late o f Em- |
mo Beil, Deceas' d.
Notice is hereby given that the final i
account of Esther M,. Bel., executrix
61 the Esthte o f Emma Bell, deceas­
ed. has been filed in the County Court
ot Marion County, Oregon, and that
ihe ith day o f January, 1926, at the
I’our of 10 o ’cfock A M., has been |
appointed liy said Codrt for hearing j
abjections to laid final account, at j
which tirti. anjf persons interested in
said estate may ap’pear and file ob­
jections thereto in writing and con­
test same
Executrix o f th' Estate o f]
Eipma Bell, Deceased.
»iUY 0 . SMITH,
* Attorney for Kxicutrix.
“ Loveicng"
Wedding R;ng
A rlr. I«* " f th. fir
Tho moat a»’Daatlonal Diamond
value we have ever offered!
White Gold Kings set with dia­
monds and sapphires.
styles to rhoose among. I’ rtcod
from I'uOO to 1150.00.
after Ch.-istmas.
Notice is hereby given that the uii- I
de reigned, by an order o f the CdO/lty j
Court o f Marion County, State “o f 1
Oregon, duly made and ntered on
fhc 16th >ia( nt November, 1»25,
♦rus appointed administrator o f the
(state o f James Call and that he has
duly qualified as such.
All persons
having claims against said estate are
hereby notified To present the same,
luly verified as required by law, at
the offices ot. Robin D. y.-.y, in the
City o f ifalem, Marion County, 0 re-
Jon, w.thin si* month» from the date '
i f this rictire, vo-wit Nov. ly , 1925. j
4<iminiivrauir o l the Estate o f j
James Call.
iiriikt yrnr.
a Jlrrh!
Dinner R
A l»olf;*r Or
• -
With the flexiblo bracelet, as
ehf-'vn In the sketch. White *»olfl-
(.j -d case; fifteen jew.-l**d move-
m» nt — Kuaranieed ticie-kceper.
(The flexible bracelet Is now in the
height cf fashion.! A guaranteed
▼a!ue t* 129.50, complete as shown
Deliver-^ fa / * dollar. Pay after
You are further notified that this
v-ummons is served upon you by pub­
lication thereof "1n the Turner t r i­
bune, a newspapef o f gerferal circu­
lation, printed and published in Tur­
ner, Marion Courtly. Oregon, and that
the date o f the nrst publication thore-
6 f will be on the 26th day o f Novem­
ber, 1925, and that the date o f the
last publication thereof « ill pe on the
• th day o f J.anuary, la in .
You arc* further notified that this
summons is published amt served up­
on you pursuant to d ” order o f T~ H.
McMahan, Judge of the above en­
titled Court, which order was made
inti entered off record in this cause
on the 20th day o f November, 1925.
Vfoodburn, Oregon,
403 Salem E^angof Commerce Bldg.
Salem, Oregon.
A ttorn ey fdr Plaintiff.
. V k
lu a«'«« m t'iin fliijn o f \\ f»• »•• «.'.*'.1 t\ t»i.
H *>«lt all f ht* inn (i
• t
Ih r illiintOfiil
f»n*» t.f a n* •t»l*. r *.f t
n**W Nf J JfS Is kl'nfi II 1*1 f f|.
Iri *•
tJis-rr o r m an y n>< r«-
II» » • tr a -t f
l’li»»l*-c »*f a ’v«*n*t* rful irnoi]» f**r $•••'•<
A n y Ir lh « t « 1 fur n *i I l i ».
the f!r.ri*t « «• ItfikP n r r offrir»*t| t hiyfcri
.it $7130. Kart» I»Un.oi.ü i»
s| for
brllllmtry « »«• on i «ntitfltj I»»*'* n.par•
o I* i y finn NVtrr mltil th«» n.«*u. > I ah»1
on«* for • «J«»li • r hi I. l*ny uit**r t hrift
u Solilniro Spec*.-.!
t h r t a rg »- 't
As advertised In the "Haturday Eve­
ning Rost.” In a white gold-filled
case with the guaranteed iiulova
movement. Fifteen Jewels— rlhbxi
bracelet. Special at 117.50. Deliv­
ered for a dollar bill. Ray after
t Whit. «»..Ill •*.•»
1 »la m onti «
I» •
nioii'li« ittty I*«* nt!t|«*i| . . . tin* y • »rr
!• i » a o » d n M B lvttw iil ■ orrlvw
«\ Uh
. •
* *
W it h fi « «f Ion»«. ii>t « i l i . ) .
r r * Vi.
I*.|l\rr*M| fo r n .I«»ll«tr
|*ijr o f .c r
t't* riunii.
A I» .I te r a W r r l » \% iti I h » !
N i .*.- ! . , \ r . n f f *A««|i|ir^ liti jr. nr«-
A I th* forcrn sst n u ^ t
are to be fou n d here at
the n a t'c n a lly advrrttaed
p r.c a ju%t as you » j e
them in the Sature! y Eve»
tu r f P o s. and the OiQ»st.
In Ird lv 'ílu a l i*u*e.'n »»r ín p.» r i
b e « fully f *• X •<! f r f ’hr <t
Riaa |irc8>*iue(l n
l'r l/e d ír< *n
|5 to $2o f*»r the t n» m | ni •<! *.
P y /•.» 1 er Chria’ m^s
T l. a
A D ollar or S o a W eek W ill Do
r n m l tx - n u tlfa l m«*■l«*l » « » n t il tin*
•ft* % « rr*
Ht’A c it t f *ti Jf«*t I f . | tu I»« i*
T h in i*. l.l f lll t .l * a*r In . Itli-T
or itm -ii goti!
A m i giuiruntr<«t
i f at th«’ I» i i **I m t 114 * ••» 4 »«ts*«i W iilt ’li
<«) |ir* «I • • w f«*r |
• lo ll
1’ iiy i«ftrr I 'l i r h i i i u « *
t I !.. I : ir . \A M L 1 % HI I* •
V cek
Give a Good for Christ­
mas and Y ou Give a Gift for Life
>a -
- r r -:T -J
.T S ^ .
h t*
p | t> «■ k
A O sllar a W eek W il. Do!
] I
f f .
1 f I
V ‘ —
Äj “*
- ej,
i f T ~ i
11!' 1111*1 III»»
ilo Tit G • •• «
• i.'iit
w ith
n- n«l
V »‘ l
t »I «* t '* •* f
q tin rtrra on a **it t»f t u t f t tont «I g m g n r fp r o tlu r ln g th-»
• lilirtey * f W * ‘. f fiiln«t«*r A b b e y .
N «r. m illy
I nt #■'*•'»
HoM on flie Itiiniriit lliiiljrei I'I. im
i »«»II«t>r«'«| t-» imjr «n e
f Mie D -arfir« . . f 1 1*1 . new^paprir f r h «lollar.
I*.il*l f .-r u
d o lla r »»r »»* n week
pny iifter t ‘h rit turna.
IH O K H X M D IK f If IMF. C I . O f K l
liiiltatl«»n m a h o g a n y , f o r SI!»..*«.
th * nt)!«» «kW* !»• «I. but
r K . I I T !> % Y t T K I K I N b ( M H K m tri tho M y le ak*»f«»li«».J.
a ! * lu Im ita tio n ma h* gun y. nr«» p r b f .t ot
MK I II T I I O M A m r i . o t KM— TrnTrilIng rlo rk n nri«! th t p«*af
<»f < lu» k •, Mi«* tilg IU*ii A la r m — nil .ir»» to !.»• fo u n d liffTr
at th e »’aali prl* «•*, b ut on Hnrnatt*« R m lg r i P lan .
Pay Us as You Are Paid
Strap Watch
li«*prt»«1i»rit|oiin of Ami rr Torf«»!*»'- <lii-ll n»•*I thi» |ov«»l|t»-«!
M o th fr
l ’riurl j on i-v» r a w ,\J.i « r»r«- li lutti wlth - 1k
u»il»» un«l «•: .*»■ rt un» »* nli«** »n»il In Y o io iif T I m t «* la $!*«*••
I« h », for un lir llu l »»r a it»«*rM»ffr.u»i.
|*rl<-ri>t r itir i- from fin t a i f.»r tln» rifluii a«'ti» tbru ali, romt»
tu tliu «*lnl» n*. Ir <*lu l’ONtliig fin o .
mim I
Deiiverud for c Uollst— Pay After
In the style shown In the sketch,
rhe case is of white filled and the
movement has fifteen Jewels. A re
markable wateh which usually
commands double the special price
asked here tomorrow. While they
last. (12.15. Ray a dollar and take
one along. Ray the b a la n ce after
A D ollar a W eek W ill Do
457 State St.
'Mit» lili*. 1 1 g i f t f o r Ih r ou t tloor mnn
Htiiiirli f ■fri»»», i»vriry «rnt« h gu nrn n-
A m irlf'iin litui lio p o r tr.l m n«r*
Mirili I a, ««Itti
ft »»i n u it • I alktrifii Jf»« i»ln
inni Mi'»i lln u * ii*ri*
A' **i*rit In. gro u p l i
ini-»» ntriii to m o r r o w nt
An> »*««»
ils-livt r*»il
fo r
» 'hrtalinua
l»«itlar a
U nh
W i ll