> THE TURNER TRIBUNE VOL. X . HAPPENINGS OF CURREN! WEEK Bits of Best News Items From TU IC N K H , O U E G O N , T H U R S D A Y , 69TH C O N G R E S S CONVENES Ilolh R ranchea O rg a n ise for laing Ses­ sion lain g w o rth la S peaker. DEC EM H ER 19ÌÌ5. NO. 13. a ^ ^ a e « ^ w ▼ ^F^F^F^F^F^F ^F^F^F^F^F^F^F WWWWWWT E p ST IN A T E B R N IE E F W S U. S. AIR POLICY • rv 43 ' 5 ♦ j ♦S4SS4 W ashington, I). C. Amid colorful and lu rhulont sc en es In th« house and u tte r calm In th e ««nutn, th e 69th 17, R aker A dditional equipm ent has been Installed by th e lladdy I .ode C op-' per com pany of Raker, o p e ratin g prop- e rtle a on Goose creek In th e big cop­ per belt C om pressors and d rills have been sent lo th e mine Q 7 ie BLACK QANQ By CYRIL NcNEILE S A P P E R co n g ress put un d er way M onday Its ¡House Committee Wants $20,- Capvrtqhl by QfiOgQC H. DORAN CO. first and long «»salon. Everywhere. 000,000 Outlay. A sm all group of In su rg en ts sta rte d t> ■ a Sanie* Vale.— F a rin g absolute necessity of, th e firew orks In thu house, but desp ite m aking a (36,000 cut In the proposed | Xrr.Y.^TA TrfflM YYYYYYYttYYY YYYYYYYYYYY YîYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYtt th e ir opposition and th a t of th e dem o­ M alheur ro u n ty budget. It was s ta te d ' c ra ts th e republican m ajo rity rolled T he m an who had been addressed a« rose so d wedged his pocket hnndker- a t a m eeting of tax p ay ers with the up with the f'onlldgn landslide of 1924 Zaboleff ceased looking over hi» shoul­ kerchlef Into the crack. T here waa “BULLDOG" AGAIN county c o u rt, T hursday, th a t th e office der, and followed the o th er through •Hence ln the room while he did so, a moved on to victory In every te a t of of county farm ag en t would have to be s broken-down lattice gate to the roar silence broken only by the m ournful H er« '« a ie ju«l to " B u ll io n stre n g th . Kvents of N otad I’eople, G overnm ent« D r u m m o n d , ’* b y C y r i l H c N « U « . of the house. They paused In front of booting of an owl outside. N icholas l^ongwortli of Ohio, repub­ Colonel M itchell's C ounsel in C ourt- closed. w h o w rite« u n d e r the pen n a m e the back door, and on It the leader "Owls D the only things wot comes lican ex floor leader, w as elected and I’arlffr N o r th e r.I , and th e g a te leading un to the road, ap Ing of a tra w le r at th e m outh of the laated only 25 m lnulea. T hroe new se n a to rs U F u lletto of W isconsin. com m ittee. Mr. Reid M id. was a ste p vorc® 10 Mr* M,“ ‘« C h risten from parently feeling the need of a deficient m ore m ight be read on th eir fa c e s : a w ithin he law them selves. A body of riv e r Vigo n e a r Vigo, Spain, F riday men who are absolutely unscrupulous R obinson of Indiana and W illiam s of looking tow ard giving aviation co- John W C b ri.to n and to h e r d a u g h te r tup hinge, propped Itself drunkenly greedy, hungry look, a shifty, u n tru st­ T he tra w le r ran on th e rocka and her w orthy look—the look of those who { and u tterly ru th le ss; a body of men M issouri w ere sw orn In. and organ equal sta tu s w ith land and sea a rm a ' a *"h K nochenm us from W a lte r C. on w hat once had been ■ Huwer-bed. a re jealouy of everyone b e tte r placed who appear to know onr secret plans boiler exploded. !:z !‘on was com pleted w ith th e elec m e n u , ns d e ta ils of th e d e p artm e n t K nochenm us. A few gloomy tre e s sw aylug dismally th an them selves, but who a re Inca­ as well as we do ourselves. And tha F u tu re exhibition« of th e C harleston lion of E dw in I*. T h ay e r of Indian "would be assigned, n a tu ra lly , to aa-| Salem —O rg an isatio n of th e commls- ln the wind surrounded the house and pable of trying to b e tte r th eir own po­ difficulty o f It Is. gentlemen, th a t dance will be forbidden, according to spoils aa se c re ta ry of tho sen ate. alstan ta. one for th e arm y, one for th e s |un c rea te d a t th a last session of the com pleted the picture— one th a t would sition except by the relative method though, legally speaking, on account have caused even the least Im agina­ of dragging back th eir more fo rtu n ate of the absurd legislation In th is coun­ Mayor >1111 of W alla W alla. W a a b . O nly one question had th re a te n e d navy and one for the a ir." j leg isla tu re to stu d y and recom m end tive e f men to d r a v his coat a little try we may keep w ithin the law our­ who laat nig h t w itnessed one. "N o to d istu rb th e calm of tho opening h tu p h a s iiln g th# "Im portance of a ir | changes In tho courses In th e high tig h te r round him, and feel thankful a cq u a in ta n c e s; the look of little men dissatisfied not so much w ith their selves. we a re hardly ln a position M l for W alla W allg." he »aid The sessio n and th a t waa sm oothed out c raft." the com m lttoe said It would be schools of th e sta te w as perfected th a t It was not hla fa te to live In such own littleness as with the bigness of to appeal to the police fo r protection. p ro p rie to r Of a local dance hall ha» Just before th e gavel fell. T h is was "th e first re so rt of our c o u n try in c a s e ' here S a tu rd ay through th e election of a place. O ur activities, though allowed official­ o th er people. announced a n o th e r ono for next week, w h eth er th e re ehould be Im m ediate of a w ar em ergency." and th a t "It Is Dr G eorge H. Alden of W illam ette B ut then few people ever came n e ar T he tw o others w ere Je w s ; • Lttle ly, a re hardly such as would ip p ea l deaptte the m ayor. dlacusslon of th e rig h t of G erald 1*. on«* of fh«* m oat onnentlal arm a of our univ ersity as chairm an. enough to the bouse to realize Its sin­ flashily dressed, distinctly addicted to even to the E nglish authorities. And iste r appearance. T he road—It was cheap Jewelry. T he fall of M edina, th e "prophet Nye. N orth H akota, to a a en a te aeat m ilitary operation« th a t com pels a r e ­ T hey were sitting on this occasion particu larly th a t la P endleton.— A fa th e r and son. Joe little bettei than a c a rt trac k —which a p art from the other three, talking In th e case. You may rem em ber th a t c ity " of H edjax la confirm ed through aa th e app o in tee of G overnor Sortie. vision of all m ilitary p lan s of pro-air and F red W illiam s, w ere fined $75 passed the gate, w as out of the beaten low tone but as th e door opened th e p a rt I played In stirrin g up blood­ a me»»age received In llom bay. India, F rien d s of Ml Nye bad th e subject c raft days,** th e re p o rt continued. "It each in th e court of N. B erkeley. Jus­ w a y ; only an occasional fisherm an or th e ir conversation ceased abruptly and shed a t Cowdenheath. a few m onths has lessened th e re la tiv e Im portance by the K hllafat com m ittee from one re fe rre d to com m ittee. tice of the peace T hursday, on c h arg es farm laborer ever used It, and that they looked up at the newcom ers with ago. under th e nam e of MacTavlsb, of the b a ttle sh ip but bus not e lim in a t­ of tho m lnlatera of Ibn Saud, S ultan of unlaw ful possession of liqtior. The generally by day when things assum ed the keen, searching look of th eir race. caused me to be deported. So though W ashington S ta te C osta Rise. ed the n e cessity of it. T he airp lan e of Nejd. M edina waa c ap tu red 'by tw o w ere a rre ste d by sta te and county th e ir proper proportion, and It was W aldock they hardly glanced a t ; It our cause Is legal—my presence In W ashington. I). C. - S ta te govern becom es the n e ce ssa ry a uxiliary and th e W ahabi trlbe«m en u n d e r the aul- officers n e a r Echo w ith about two m erely an em pty house gradually fall­ w as th e stranger. Zaboleff. who riv­ th is country Is not. W hich w as why m ental expense In W ashington in cre as­ d efeuder of th e b attlesh ip , ta n ‘a direction. gallons of m oonshine in th e ir posses­ ing to pieces through lack of a tte n ­ eted th e ir attention. T hey took In tonight It was p articularly essential “ T he question of th e re la tiv e sta n d ­ ed In 1934. hut not sufficien tly to ex­ tion. At night they avoided it If pos­ every detail of the shrewd, foreign th a t we should not be disturbed. Not T he houae plana to paaa th e $325.- sion. sib le; folks did say th at tw elve years face—th e olive skin, the dark, plerc- only a re we all np against this un­ ing of th e U nited S ta te s in a ir pow ­ ooo.oou tax reduction bill thi« week ceed revenues, w hich w ere a p p ro x i­ K lam ath F a lls.—No new c ases of ago some prying explorer had found j Ing eyes, the fine-pointed b e a rd ; they known gang of men, but I, ln addi­ m ately J3.40U.0UU In excess of all ex­ e r am ong th e natio n s Is largely a m a t­ while th e a en ate I» eonaldortng the It Is clear, how ever, spinal m eningitis w ere rep o rte d by th e bones of a skeleton lying on the | m easured him up as a boxer m easures tion, am up ag ain st the police." pen d itu res. th e com m erce d e p artm e n t te r of opinion legal right of S e n a to r tie ilg n a te (ierald “H ave you any Inform ation w ith rep o rted Monday. P ay m en ts for m ain­ th a t the sta n d in g of th e U nited S ta te s hoalth a u th o ritie s S atu rd ay a s a resu lt floor ln one of the u p sta irs rooms with : up hla opponent, or a business man P. Nye of N orth Ih ik ato to a aeat In u m ildewed rope fixed to one of the takes s t c — of the second p a rty In a reg ard to th is gang?” It was the ten an ce and op eratio n of s ta te d ep art Is not h igher th an th ird o r low er th an of th e o u tb rea k In th e P elican city th a t body and I» d e b atin g the long do school, although a suspected case was beam s In the celling. And then it had d e a l; th en once again they conversed Jew who bad closed the chink tn tha m enta for th e fiscal y ear ending Rep fifth." been em pty for tw enty years. to g eth er In low tones which were sh u tters speaking for the first time. layed propoaal for A m erican a d h er­ T he special com m ittee, before which brought to a local hospital from Bo- i e m b e r 30. 1921. to ta l. -. : I T ' •' '- • r E ven now when th e wind lay tn the barely above a whisper. ence to the world court, “None of any use— save th a t they 113.13 per c apita, as com pared with Colonel M itchell first a tta c k e d e x istin g ,,a n la ' 30 ni,ll‘8 d is,a n <- H ealth au- east or northeast and the tide was se t­ It w as Jim who broke the silence— a re m asked In black, and cloaked In A ntonio M aura, ex prem ier, died per capita» of $12 87 In IM S ami fS M a lr policies, w as c rea te d a fte r R epre-1thorU le* do not blllo v e th e re will be tin g In. th ere w ere those who said th at Flash Jim . to give him the full name long black cloaks." He paused a Sunday a t th e ra ta to of hla aon, G a­ In 1917. se n ta liv e Nelson, republican. W lacon-i® Keneral epidem ic, you could see a light shining through to which he answ ered ln the haunts be m oment as if to collect his thoughts. briel. count of M ortcra a t Torrelo- “T hey are all arm ed, and l'etro v ltch stn. In a speech In the house, tinted In-1 Bond.— Im provem ent of th a t p a rt of the crachs In the sh u tte rs In th at room frequented. done», n e a r M adrid, lie waa 66 year» “W ot a b ah t getting on with It, guv’- —who escaped from them —w as very S te am e r Believed Lost. veatlgatlon of th e ro tatio n s e xisting th e c en tra l O regon highw ay betw een up stairs. and th at, should a man climb up and look In, he'd see no skeleton, nor?” he rem arked with an attem p t at Insistent on one point. It concerned old. lie waa tho lender of th e Spnntnh Key W est. Fla. V irtually all hope betw een the g overnm ent and the a v ia -¡lte n d and B urns will be urged by a but a body with p urple face and » tar­ a genial smile. “T his 'ere 'ouse ain't the lead er of the gang, who he a f­ c o n serv ativ e p a rty and du rin g the te n ­ Don Industry, ln th is connection, it d elegation from H arney and D eschutes has been abandoned for th e finding ing eyes sw inging gently to and fro, wot I’d choose for a bloomin' 'oney- firmed w as a m an of the most glgam tc ure of m ilitary d ire c to ra te v a n prowl ¡co u n ties at th e m eeting of th e s ta te and tied by the neck to a beam with of Ihe ste a m e r Cotnpuxl which left found "no evid en ce of c o rru p tio n ." moon." physical s tre n g th ; s giant powerful dent of the Spunlah Koyal academ y. T he re p o rt show ed th e house com- highw ay com m ission In P o rtlan d De­ a rope which showed no trac e of C harleston N ovem ber 29. bound tor He W ith an abrupt gesture W aldock as two ordinary strong men. Ridiculous, of course; but silenced him and advanced to the said . . . R ailroad traffic wns grower In O cto­ H avana w ith a cargo of coal, and mi 11 ee in^disogreem ent w ith the presl- ^ cem ber 8. H arn ey county v o ters re- mildew. A h! Mein G ott— 1” ber th an In any previous m onth In h is­ w hich has not been heard from since d e n t's a ir board in se v e ra l Im portant c ently approved a $200.000 bond issue then so many of those local supersti­ table. H ls voice rose to a scream as he for im provem ent of roads In th a t coun­ tions are. U seful, too. In some c a s e s; “T his Is Mr. Zaboleff. gentlem en," cowered back, w hile the others, with tory. T he bu reau of railro ad econom ­ Iasi T uesday w hen S. O. S. signals p a rticu la rs. they afford a privacy from the prying he said quietly. "W e are a little late, te rro r on th eir faces, rose hurriedly ics, m ain tain ed In W ashington, I). C. w ere received from the vessel. It was ty. a tte n tio n s of local gossips far more I am afraid, but It w as unavoidable. and huddled to gether tn th e corners W orld C ourt A pproved. by the carrier« , figured th a t th e m ove­ revealed h e re a fte r an e x h au stiv e P en d leto n .—Two o r th re e carloads cheaply and effectively than hlg'i | H e will explain to you now the renso of the room. m ent am o u n ted to 4t.U6I.96H.OUU ton se a re h from N orfolk to C uba by ro a st P rin ceto n . N. J .—W ithout deb ate, of wild ho rse s re ce n tly rounded up on w alls and bolts and bars. why you w ere asked to come here, and m iles. T he previous high record In guard vessels. It Is believed the ste am ­ the N utional C ollegiate W orld C ourt tho Tony Vey land on th e low er p a rt So, a t any rate, one of the tw o men not m eet a t onr usual rendezvous In O ctober, J924, wa* 2.2 per cen t leas. e r fell a victim to th e tro p ical storm . conference resolved S a tu rd ay night. B u tter creek will be sold to the who w ere w alking briskly along the Soho." Hare’s m yatery the vary flrat 244 to 6. to adv o cate th a t th e U nited P o rtlan d com pany w hich h a s ju st rough track seem ed to think. thing— one gang of desperadoes H e stepped back a couple of puces R epeal of th e autom obile p a sse n g er P re sid sn t Loses Coat. S ta te s e n te r th e world co u rt plun. I s ta rte d o p e ratio n s w hereby th e car- beset by another gang equally "A dm irable," he rem arked, as he and Zaboleff took his place. F or a c a r tax was dem anded Sunday by tho m ysterious and dangerous 1 T he resolution re a d : cases of wild horses a re to be convert- paused for a m om ent a t the en trance m oment or tw o he glanced round at G arret, Ind. — L ost a heavy gray A m erican A utom obile association a l­ th e weed-grown drive. "Q ulie ad­ th e faces turned expectantly tow ard " W hereas, We. th e d ele g ate s of 260 nd Into glue, fe rtilis e r and o th e ef r simi- m ost on thu eve of th e c onsideration overcoat with a green strip ed lining in stitu tio n s of h ig h er lea rn in g tn th e la r products, if the com pany w an ts to m irable, my friend. A house situated h im ; th en resting his two hands on (TO B E CONT INUE D.» by the house of the section of the new and Initials "C. C.” on th e outside of ns th is • ne Is, Is an acquisition, and th e table In front of him, he learn U nited S ta te s, d e sire to h a sten th e huy. rev en u e hill, w hich provides a cut In th e Inside pocket. L ast seen of the w hen It Is haunted ln addition it be­ forw ard tow ard them. lax G rande.—T h irty fa rm e rs of the comes a godsend.” R e c o g n ize d J o k e s th is levy from 5 to 3 p e r cent, and gn rm en t wns a t room 517 S herm an secu rin g of peace, and lo all peoples. “G entlem en,” he began, nnd the for­ T he Scots a re making an effort to He spoke E nglish perfectly w ith a eign accent seemed a little m ore pro­ re p ea ls tax es on tru ck s, tire s and a c ­ hotel. Chicago, III. Rew ard to finder. he Is resolved, th a t we advocate to th e G rand R onde valley, w ho h av e con- A ddress C alvin Conlldge. 1600 P en n ­ president nnd se n a te th a t th a U nited d u cted yield te s ts of h a rd fed eratio n •lig h t foreign accent, and his com­ nounced. "I have asked you to come stop th e hoary old Joke th a t they cessories. S ta te s e n te r th e p e rm a n en t court o f and fed eratio n w heat th is year, believe panion nodded abruptly. sy lv an ia avenue, W ashington, D. C. here tonight through my good friend. never spend any money. Scientists W ith Jap an , F ra n c e and Italy oppos­ “From w hat I heard about It I Mr. W aldock, because It has come to who have gone Into the antiquity of On a n o th e r occasion while he was In tern atio n al Justice u n d e r (he H ard- th a t the la tte r type Is p re fe ra b le w hen ed to d isc u ssin g navy reductions, ex ­ vice p resid en t ho lost an overcoat at Ing H ughefrC oolldge plan ." plenty of m o istu re Is av ailab le. In thought It would do," he answ ered. o u r enra—no m atter how—th a t Lon­ Jokes and m ade a study of the sub­ cept as an Integral p a rt of the problem th e Y. M. C. A. In A tlantn, Ga. each case w here hard fed eratio n out- “Personally I think It's a dam nable don Is no longer a safe m eeting place. ject say th a t th e re are only about six Two or th ree things have occurred original exam ples and th a t all humor of d isa rm a m en t as a wholo, Interest In Roof Falla on C horus. yielded tho other, m o istu re w as not •pot, but since you w ere so set against coming to London, I had to find some­ lately the slgflnlcance of which .. Is Is based on them . Old Jokes com« G eneva cen tere d S a tu rd ay n ig h t In Boiler E xplodes; Two Die. W ilm ington, Del T he roof of t h e l *d conducted dur "I will explain my reasons In due with whom I spent last evening. Is se­ new habilim ents. E xcursions into new th e Invitation to p a rtic ip a te In th e course." said the first speaker shortly. riously concerned about these things." fields som etim es a re dangerous and un­ mnn of local No. 4», B altim ore & Ohio lapsed F rid ay night d u rin g a perform - in* league of n a tio n s d isa rm a m en t stu d ies “You spent last night with the profitable. T he plum ber Joke may not railroad, w ere killed M onday night nnco of tho “Song of th e n a m e " and E ugene.- -Tho Kugeno Door and "You may tak e It from me th at they as a first s te p tow ard th e convocation chief?" said Waldock, and Ids voice have been one of the early sextet, but w hen the bolter of th e ir locom otive ex­ m oro th an a dozon m em b ers of tho W ooden w are com pany, w ith a capital w ere good. W h a t's th a t T” of a general conference. H e sw ung round w ith a little gasp, held a trem or of excitem ent, while the It has been a favorite not only with ploded. T h e accident happened a s the choiutt wore Injured. A panic am ong »lock of $75.000, haa been incorporated oth ers lenned forw ard eagerly. "Is he, the alm anacs, but w ith the comic clutching Ills com panion's arm. Tho S iste rs of M ery hospital In tra in pnssed Childs station, four m iles tho audience probably wan p re v en ted b*To to o p e ra te the plant of th e F ar strip p ers and the higher class weekly "N othing," cried the o ther Irritably. then, ln H olland?" by D orothy Mackayo. As the asb e sto s W est M anufacturing com pany. The n o rth of here. K allspell, Mont., w as dynam ited about “H e w as s t six o'clock yesterday funny m agazines If the plum ber joke F o r a moment o r tw o they stood still, c u rta in w as low ered upon the scene of la tte r com pany sold out a few w eeks peering Into Ihe d ark undergrow th. evening,” answ ered Zaboleff with a has to go, the Joke w riters m erely 10 o'clock S n tu rd ay night. T ho a t ­ N ational Gems. havoc on th e sta g e Miss Mackayo step- ftK° to C. McC. Johnson, sash and door "W hat did you think It was?" faint amlle. "T oday—new —I know no will understand th a t (hey have one te m p t to d e stro y the brick stru c tu re leas subject upon which to work. “I thought I heard a bush croaking m ore th an you where he Is." w as mndo by placing a heavy charge A ccording to old philosophy a par­ ped to th e fo otlights and began t o ' m an u fa c tu re r of R eedsport. w ho has ‘‘W ho Is he—th is man we’re alw ays ta k e n over th e Eugene plant. He is as If—a s If som eone wns moving,” he of explosive u n d e r a window noar tho tic u la r tallsm nnlc gem la alloted to sing. S q u irre l P est said, relaxing Ids grip. "It m ust have hearing about and never seeing?” de­ head of th e new com pany. so u th e a st c o rn er. T he h o sp ital was each c o u n try In th e world. T hus E ng­ m anded one of the three clerks aggres­ been the wind, I suppose." D espite hls p retty appearance and W om an T ak e s Bobcat fall of p a tie n ts and n u rse s. No one land has th e diam ond, F ra n c e th e P rinevllle. — Seventy five head of H e still peered fearfully Into the sively. am using w a y s the common rod sq u ir­ w as badly Injured. A portion of th e ruby. G erm any tho h em atite, Ireland K ingm an. Arlx.— Mrs. E ffel Rudy, purebred H ereford cows h ave been gloomy gkrden, until the other man "H e Is— the Chief," replied the rel Is said to be m e of the most de­ building waa to rn aw ay and ev ery win ¡Ihe em erald. Italy th e sardonyx, J a ­ wife of a ra n c h e r here, c ap tu red nllve purcIHlsed from th e fam ous h e rd of dragged him roughly tow ard the house. other, w hile his eyes seemed to bore structive pests found In the woods to­ dow pane In th e h o spital and th a t pan th e Jade, C hina tho pearl, Spain a large w ildcat, w hich e n te red h e r W ethorford Bros, of D ayton. W ash., O rnithologists claim th at hla “O f course it was the wind,” he m ut­ Into the speaker's hrsln. "Ju st th a t— day. p a rt of tow n broken. T h e explosion ¡th e tu rq u o ise and A m erica th e tour- hom e S a tu rd ay , using a pistol a s a by Max W urxw eller and A rth u r W urz- tered angrily. "F o r heaven’s sake, and no more. And th at Is quite enough depredations among birds rank second w as heard all o ver th e city. No m o­ ; m alino. clnb. * | w eiler, who o p e rate se v e ra l larg e Zaboleff, don't get th e Jumps, t f you for you." H is glance traveled round only to those of the hunting cat. ta d tiv e Is know n for th e o utrage. Dodging tw o of th e w ildcat's blow s ra n ch e s in c en tra l Oregon. M any blue will Insist on coming to an Infernal the room, and hla audience relaxed. th a t he not only kills young b ird s aa Red Sea Sand Fogs. w ith Its paw s. Mrs. R udy stru c k th e ribbons have been won by th is h erd at place like this to tra n sa c t a little p e r­ "By th e way, la not th a t a chink In does th e cat, but he will destroy the eggs before they a re hatched. Around fectly norm al business you m nst ex­ th e sh u tte r there?” C om ponents. S andstorm « on th e Red S ea a re ahim al over th e head w ith th e re- livestock show s o ver the m iddle w est pect a few strange noises and sounds. “All the safer,” grunted Flash Jim. farm buildings he Is considered a nui­ O. H. L. w rites: “ S m a rt society 18 so m etim es so den se th a t « boat tra v e l­ volver b u tt nnd stu n n e d It. She th en and n o rth w e st. T he new c a ttle will Let s get Indoors; the others should "Anyone passing will think the ghost sance because of hls propensity for m ade up of th e worldly, th e fleshy and ing 60 m iles from shore haa to sto p tied a rope around Its neck and placed he kept a t th e W urxw eller ra n ch at he here by now. It oughtn't to take la w alking.” chewing a hole through some building i S iste rs. i m ore th au an hour, and you can be on “N evertheless, kindly cover It tip," which he haa selected as a likely place ¡and blow th e fog alren every m inute. It in a c rate. th e d evilish.”— Boston T ran scrip t. ordered Zaboleff, nnd one of the Jew s to «tore bis w in ter's supply of food board again long before dawn." P U T I N CONCISE FORM BIG SHORTAGE FOUND