The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, October 29, 1925, Image 4

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C«*pMi Chini» Siluidit
Portland, Oregon.
Adult«, Week dint Matinee 'Jk-;
Evening*. :« h - (tint mou» I to II
p in. Clulilrvn ID cent« «Il Unie«
"There Is a connection between g»HWl
The chief secret of comfort Ilea lit «'la tt a t n e . F ie ri* ta. t«T M e rri* * « •«
roads and safety.” saya Charlea M
tlayea» president of the t'hlcago Motoi not suffering trifles to v e i one, and In
I club ‘'When a new road Is built It I m prudently cultivating an undergrowth
, generally the practice to s«*e that It «»f small pleasures, since very great j
j ts pro|»erly marked, that curvea ure ones are of long continuance. And In
; gentle or that they are super elevate«!, this la the Itappy life, to rejoice to
that aa many railroad croaduga a» thee, of thee, for thee, this It la. and
' possible are avoided; In other words there Is no other For they who think
the highway engineers of today bring there la another, pursue aotue other
to bear upon their work a knowledge
aud not the true Joy. Augustine
. of accident prevention.
FWml ua your •hl|>nMHt«a
W * m ail y«»u t-kawk
"It tloea not matter what kind o f a
N e w M e a lc o M y s t e r y L a n d .
the m i n i * >Uy w e r e te O e e * * l t
j roud the new road la. If It la merely
New Me&tco la the Kgypt of Atnerl
«'hanging a cow path Into a c. untry
lane, the builders of the lane will elliu cn. There la more mystery, enchant I
ortland ide a
ool o
men! and unuaualneaa to the square;
inate some o f the hasanla that et
IM MM MfMrt Man, M W . MM.
isted on the cow path
Itmtda have foot of New Meilc«» a«dl than any
a close relation to time and time Is | where else
Kgypt has been In the,
related to safety. We have only time limelight «»f archeology for the last ■
to spend, we live an«! have our being two or three year#, but here In our
In time, and time nowmlaya Is reck
own country. In New M eilco, there la M e d * F r o m O ld C'arpeRs MW * * r U k e
«»tied not so much In distance as In
quite as much romance and mystery. U m I IH m t I w ith I he M a n u f*r«u re v A h w lv to
Seliefea («vit Uonfantenl He*J U» Yuttl Me
U *W ) u f W rile fu « l n .e e
" I f the roa«l from the motorist's
Mile* of Flying Ant*
Lower Animals' Instinct.
h«»nie to his office ts bad In places, he
FuftUMMt. O re «»* *
Mice and gopher» and other animals 14 SS U n k »« Atreeue N u l
Invade Adirondack*
tries to make up f«»r the time lost on
Suranac Lak*\ N. Y.—A gr#*t
the bad a|*»t* by going faster than hr st«»re food and It la said that. If the
column o t ft) ng ants
»h«»uhl where the road la go«»d. If the winter proves to be a long, aetrre one.
I' mn - m M down the Kaqurttv Uivcr
r«»ad were all goo«l. he ab«»uld meat their store «»f food la larger than If It
XI» Wf »»»»»Mr y nr« I ymr •«’II-
\ alley section of (he Adiron­
likely travel at an even and iuo«lerute la short aud mild
Who can tell how
In * t h e I m a t . til« ha hsl« hr«|
dack*. A cloud of Insects esil
rate o f speed, liad roads urge drtv
th e N vx
is V p fifa f r i n ì
the animals know In advance what
ta (ton tor . j «»«• 1 1 « « »»«•! fair
mated to he four tulles Ion* re­
rr* to eitrs *i»evd.
the winter will he?
Man does not
lin i
W r it e
' » f i r
quired an hour and a quarter to
” !!*«! r«»sds damage cars; they In­ have such foreknowledge
ee II Ina l'Un
being lepers.
No attempt was
Our Dumb
pass given points. Am*red rest
Missionary From Congo tion
q u c i '. n i u i v i i i ' . R Y . d e i»dd
made to segregate the lepers, he de­
I.K) ie .V «N U t
,»* I* L I%
dents at flrut believed the cloud
snd thus are Imllrectly responsible for
clared. and only sporadic efforts' were
Holds Out Hope.
was smoke from a forest tire.
many accidenta.
tnede to relieve them.
Oldtime Pura»».
Vexations of L ift.
The auta flew in greet sections,
“The menace of the glaring hen«!
New York.—A fter 12 years abroad
Germ Nov» Known.
•but the section* were never more
All th* little »n a t io n » of Ufa h a »»
From the wearing of the pouch at
with but one Interruption, l'r. Arthur
“ Although the genu o f sleeping
than a few feet apart.
proved road. The element of «langrr thoir use a» a part of our moral dls- the able. In the Fifteenth and Six
L. Piper, a medical missionary of the sickness is known." he said, “ hitherto
After the passing of the col»
clpltne T h n afford th » b *»t trial of teenlh centuries, we trace the orfglu
that la {iresent In hill cllmhlng la al
Congo mission conference of the Meth­ no great progress has been made in
umn, the river surface was cov­
n«‘*t entirely «dlmtnated on the Itn
character Many a man who could bow of the poke, or pocket, where, accord­
odist Episcopal church, has Just re­ fighting the disease. The government
ered with the bodies o f thou­
proved road. The danger o f skidding with resignation If told that he wa» to ing In Shakespeare. It was customary
turned for six months’ furlough, ac­ tries to see that the natives do not
sands of Insec * that had down
un Improved road* la n«»t nearly so ■11» i* thrown o ff hi» guard and out of tu carry one’s dial.
companied by bis wife and two daugfi
Henry V III of
live in the sleeping sickness belt along
too lowr. The ants were about
treat as It Is on the unimproved.
ter». Both daughters were born in streams and river» where the carrier,
t»m p »r by th » ■Uxhtpit opposition to England carried a purse of red satin
a quarter of au inch loug with
“ Many old roads, built In the horse
the Congo. The family comes from the tsetse fly, breeds. For the same
hi* opinion« or hi* project*.— Family embroidered In gold, and under Cath­
(lie exception of the queen»
i ltd carriage days, crossed ral I roe 4
the'most remote mission station of the reason attempts are made to keep the
erine de Medici perfumed leathuT
which measured a half Inch. Kly­
tracks diagonally; this ts, of course,
Methodist church at the village of villages clean.
ing ants are new to the Adiron-
purses became the rage and cost st
Jangerous. and on the new r«»ada one
Mwata-Yamvo o f the Paramount chief
“ The two drugs we have used have
“ P a in tin g " W ith L ig h t.
(he time as much ss $3U apiece.
will find that wherever the engineers
of the Luunda tribe, at Maauraha. near not been successful. They don’t cure,
"Pslnttng" building» with tight U
Kapanga. Belgian Congo. All are vic­ but merely delay death.
They are
T o Read Dates on Coins.
•tructed at right angles with the rail- an ln »x p »n »ly « and effective method
tims of malaria contracted In the atuxyl. injected lnter-iuuscularly, and
j Invented by engineer* o f Fre»no, f ’a l ,
tanar emetic, which la given Intrave by mouth and Injection, and the re ; road.
A great many ot us enjoy looklug
The for old rolns every time we get a
“ Where eipenslve roads are built. »a y » Popular Science Monthly
Doctor Piper corroborated reports ousiy.
suits were not satisfactory.
• a*alntenan«*e must be rarrleil on. and w all» are made of cream tinted terra hunch of money. Occasionally we run
of cruelty in the Portuguese posses­
"Three cures are now in existence
“The taste of the oil Is dlaguntln*;
sions of Angola. He explained the and give definite ho(>* for the future.
is this necessitates a crew o f work­
and Ungers on the tongue for hour* men. washouts, «ml other dangers fre \ cotta and pre»»ed brick and flood light across a coin that Is worn so badly
difficulties he had experienced in fight- They are the German preparation
i while Injections are so painful that a pientty met with on unlmpmve«! ed with colora inch a* »oft magenta, that thn data mark cannot be read To
ing malaria, sleeping sickness aud known as Bayor 2U8, a Rockefeller
ruby or emerald.
man la Incapacitated for days A new
read this dale heat a piece of steel or
If a portion «»f
leprosy among the Huntu natives.
institute preparation called trypanar- | treatment with »««lium tnorrhuate la *oada. are eliminated
iron until red hot
Then place the
he Improved road Is ma«1e Imp«-»»*
Mwata-Yamvo, where the Pipers samlde, and a French specific. These
Horaaa and Lightning.
reported more satisfactory and I hope Me. construction gangs Immediately
I coin on It
The coin, getting warm
have lived for 12 years, with but one are not yet in general use. but I hope
to try It out.**
Ilorae» do not draw lightning any ; wilt show the date or any other read­
poet detour signs
brief furlough five years ago. la I.2U0 to adopt them when I get hack.
miles from the coast. It is reached
“ As Improved r«»ads are uniformly more than any other animals. T h » ing that ordinarily could not be rend.
“ Last year I made my first attempt
Bears T h irtieth Child
by a 2,GOO-mile rail Journey from Cape to treat the lepers In the district. They
wider than the unimprove«! road the fart that horaea a r» struck ao fre­
Boya’ W o r l i ^
quently Is probably due to those uni
Town to EllxabethvUle. the Congo are not segregated, as the disease Is
Madrid.— At the age of slity-elght, Janger of the narrow roed la less
capital, followed by another railway of a comparatively mild variety, and rumble Lorens«», a resident of the ?ned. We need more conal«!eratlon of < mala seeking protection from rain
Baby Weighs Three Pounds.
Journey to the railhead of Bugatua. they constitute 4 per cent of the popu­ town of Valladolid, haa Just given the physical aspe«*ta of streets and under tr*«a If they hovor near fence*
Weighing only three pounds at
From Bugama to Mwata-Yamvo is a lation. I gave them chaulmoogra oil. birth to her thirtieth child.
highways and less of an Inclination to they are also more likely to be struck
21-day Journey by caravan.
rrowd laws and «»rdlnnn<es on our
horth. a baby waa placed lu an In-
^ooks In the forlorn hop# that our
|rubator at Hath. Eng. and fed a ten-
Are Only Whites.
Early American Strategy.
infety Ilea In many laws. The bull«!
It is 500 miles from the northern
| spoonful of milk every hour, It galn-
ng <»f good highways by competent
The Invasion of Canada by thn | ed wciglit rapidly.
Rhodesian border, and 100 miles from
the border o f Angola. 9 degrees south
of the equator, and has an altitude of
piece of strategy to dissuade the Brit­
To Accslsrst* Plaster.
3,000 feet. With the exception of two
ish from making use ot Canada for a
A porous plaster will sometimes re­
“ 1 .....
officials at the government post at Form er
supply station and a ramp tor reserve move the efforts of a strain or wrench,
G overn or
panjtng them, but m*t *■ much a* one
in Arkansas Progresses forces.
Kapanga. five miles away, the Pipers
hut you'd better kept the wrench to
would expect «if *lectrlclty. Ale*» the)
are the only whites in a native popu­
There Is excellent pn»gress through
aid In removing the porua plaster. -
are silent, except for a low Hinging 'out Arkansas In road building
lation of 45,000.
Nobility of True Lova.
Sault Ste. Marie. Mich.— Northern or swUhing smind. Alan they alio«
Chicago News.
The entire family were yellowed
In 1924 a total of
miles o f Im­
Not every love la generous or noble
and listless from the malaria which lights or aurora borealis are no!, as n«une of the prismatic ray* and elec proved highways were complete«! sn«l
attacks all white’ men in the Congo has been represented by many au­ trie light doe* not, so fur aa I arn It 1* estimated that between seven and or merits high encomium but that love
Rivsr Changed Ita Course.
* ten million (l«>llara will be exp«>nde<t which prompt* and Impels man to live
Jungles. Taking five grains of quinine thorities. manifestations of electrical aware.
The Hoang river In China burst Ita
“The magnetic trrr**«trliil disturb by the state highway department dur­ generously and to act nobly.— Plato.
a day has been their custom for years activity, nor are they reflections o f the
banka In 1851 and changed Its course
and the children were fed quinine sun shining on ice!»ergs. They are, or anrea do not ulwujs attend the nur«» ing the present s«'R«on and that sp
so as to flow Into the Gulf uf I’ echee-
from the age of two weeks. Drainage at least may be. the Incubation of mil- ra. Very often, tix». there are »«evere proxlmntely 4.0*)0 men will be em
Cause for Risibility.
lee. Within two years Its mouth had
of compounds, and mosquito-proof lions and trillions o f phosphorescent magnetic disturbances when there la ployed. This will bring the state’s
Possibly It la Just aa welt for the shifted 25U miles from Its original
no aurora.
bouses are powerless to protect them lnsectlvorae.
mileage from virtually nothing in 101A
“ A rausutlon that appeals to me to more than ft.ouO mil.** at the end
That Is the theory advanced by
from this scourge, they said. O f the
children, Buth, born in 1915, was the C’hase 8. Osborn, former governor of and which Is original so fur ns I know Df the first ten year period of modem doesn’t live to read the Inscription on
him tombstone. Otherwise he might
first white baby born in that section Michigan, who for 50 years has ob­ is thul they may be the tncubation of highway building in Arkansas
Vanities of Youth.
millions and trillions o* pbosphores
of the Congo. On her birth she re­ served and studied the phenomena.
The formal opening and ded!rnt!«*n laugh himself to death.
Give a college boy a pair o f elo-
This would ac­ of the Little ItiM-k lint Springs high
The skies In this vicinity have been cent lnsectlvorae.
ceived the name of Mutuba and the
phnnt's pants and a banjo and he
gift of a bull calf from the local chief. brilliantly illuminated several nights count for the s. Ishing, for the colon* way, which hns Just taken place, was
Invitations W ill Be Few.
doesn’t care who makes the nation's
The baby, Margaret, born in 1920, Is
one of the rn«»st Important events In
You can commit no greater folly laws
South Bend Tribune.
flaming streamers sweeping the »kies phere and for tlie light without heat. the highway building history of Ar­
making her first trip to civilization
than to alt by the roadaldo until some­
in spectacular displays.
This “ sky
I»octor Pii>er said that sleeping sick
one cornea along and Invites you to
Fish In Sahara Desert.
ness and leprosy were the scourge of writing” caused ruuny Inquiries to be northern lights occur In good volume
ride with him to wealth and Influence.
there Is a warm »pell following them
the district, 4 per cent o f the popula­ directed to Mr Oeborn.
L ive fish nnd shellfish, similar to
Pointing to the fact that the aurora within 48 hours; very often. In fact
those Inhabiting the lakes of Palestine,
It I* patlmnt<‘d that nior» than on*
boreaiis ts but one of the mysterious almost always, accompanied by pre
have been founfl by urteslan well
billion dollars »'111 la* ap»nt on road
Land of Bright Colora.
celestial Illuminations in addition to cipitntlon.
borers at depths of 200 fi«et anil 300
“ In this connection It may be re^ construction In th* I ’ nltcd States In
the sun. moon, planets and stars—the
Among (Ito Innumerable varieties of
feet beneath thu burning Bunds of the
1925 to build .HM»») inllea of new
others being the aurora australis and culled that In the Anrtic and sub Arc
Florida flowers am the hlbloeus, the
highways. More than 3.0U0 Whit*
Sahara desert.
the zodiacal lights—Mr. Osborn said
trucks are now In us* In Michigan polnaettla, oleander, bougainvillea, al-
that the cause of these are not known, o f aerial Insert« and that they often
and other *tnt** In th* construction
The Way It Works.
lie «a s definite, however. In stating fall to the ground and cover It. Some
and maintenance of highway*, nnd Mexican coral vine, orchid, hyacinth.
that the northern lights are not a re­ time's they are r**d and are called ‘red
hardly over begin coming
snow.* These may be relate«! to the I they aid mightily In the American Illy, canna and Iris.
flection of the sun from iceberg«.
nur way until we’ve spent a good deal
**Tbe most popular theory of the colors as shown In the aurora.”
of time going after them.
, for permanence and kept efficient.
causation of these lights Is that they
are magnetic or electromagnetic,” he
More Orange«, Fewer
************************** laziness la so seldom fataL— Duluth
said. “ It would seem that this Is Illy
Grapefruit, Tangerine*
based, for there is little heat accom­
Good Roads Hints
panying them. Thev are light with
Washington.- A
out heat, such as the firefly emits.
mate of the «»range crop In Florid»
Declined Poetical Honor.
by the I ’ nlted States I department ot
In England fh«*r«* ar«* hiiiii II light« on
Gray and Sir W a ller Scott
F iji i :
Agriculture Indicates 10.issi.0iSl boxes, the front fen<l«*r* of all tut «»mobile* t«»
I I I I I I H I d H - H l-l-H - H I I i I |
declined an o ffe r o f the English poet
excluding tang«rlnes, for 1025-20, <»r Imllf-ate the extreme width o f the* r «r
Wordsworth also re­
about 00*1,000 boles more than the re
• • •
;; Flyer Is Attacked
vised estimate «»f the crop Inst year
American highway* are lea* than fused the post, but afterward waa In­
in Air by Eagle
Tangerine pr du«tl«»n is placed at half used, but American cur owner« duced to change hla mind.
\ | New York.— Lieut. James M.
000,000 boxes, or lUO.tjOO less tlmn lust pay flur no much mulnt«*nanc«* aa
The Testimony of Others
• ■ Bovard, who completed his an-
year, and grapefruit. 7,.500,000 b«»x#N though they enjoyed full nae of the
Sorrowful Truth.
\ n u a l 15-day training period as a
or 700,000 less 'han last year.
JN my new book which may be
Mont o f the world's big Jobs are
■ ■ reserve aviator at Mitchel field
• • •
The total preliminary estimate foi
had F R E E upon request, on
handled by men who don't know what
I ! recently, told a story of an ae-
citrus fruits Is 10.000,000 boxes, com
P ILE S and other Rectal anil Colon dis­
Nearly half the total ludehfedne*« kind o f a tie Is becoming to them.—
rial encounter with an eagle, In
order». I have reproduced nearly 100
pMred with h r* vl»e«l estimate of 10. of the separate atafea of the Union
Santa Barbara News.
.. which he emerged the victor
letter» from among those received from
200,000 boxes last year. These e«*ti waa for the c«»natn»rtlon «»f highway*
my thisixand. of patient». Thcte tell ymi
; \ with one o f the eagle’s lail feath-
niHtes are of (tie commercial car lot laat year The stfitea inoat In <!et»t. It
frankly o f their years o f suffering of their
Feel No Remora*.
.. era as a tropuy. While 3.0UM
umi express movement, snd excltid* nppeura, are among the moat prosper­
home remedies and even opera­
’ feet over Ding Island, he said,
Deliberate murderers do not feel re­
the usual loss from drop*.
tions, and, finally, o f their complete cure
- . a great bald eagle awooped down
Decreased production of grupefnii'
by my N O N -S U R C IC AL method. These
| and fastened Ita flaws In his
A recent development In highway the Medical Press and Circular says.
j is attribute«! to light and spotted set
»rr from men and women of
every Uatton, many of whom you
ting of fruit, an I to the feet that flier«
At the opening of llie academic
may know Vim will learn try
will b« more over-sized fruit than «llacovery that a heavy wire link fence
jour of Columbia university the fresh­
rrmllns thl. Ikink why I can sty»
Hard on the Firefllee.
Bovard exhibited a chararter-
usual. Unless market conditions an ran be built atrnng and resilient
men were given the usual fantastic ! • -
"Oh, tho poor fir e flie s !” cried sym­
your I’ll*, iw return your lee
NU«-h that the large size* can be enough to withstand the Impart of a pathetic little Amy. "T h ey ’ve no aoon-
Initiation by upper das« men. One of
shipped and sold, they will elfhei car traveling aa fnat aa 40 rntlea an
them U here seen perched on a huge - • scratches oo Ida helmet to the
er got their lamps lit when the wind
1 ) \ doubting ones.
D EA N M D.Inc
move by truck or he lost from drop­ hdur without breaking and without
marble sphere on the campus, reading
---- ------------ „ H * : SEATTLE OEEIECS:
blows ’em all out.”
damaging the vehicle to any extent.
ping, the department siivs .
aloud from a book.
• • •
n r x ' t t • W ir t
Few and Simple.
A large part nf the gnsollne tax»«
ago. This was a python from the uf deceptive grade are common In
O pportu nity fo r a H it
The pedestrian’s problem Is to pre­
Malay peninsula, weighing 205 pounds mountainous
Irrigation paid by motorists sre being used foe
You Want a Good Position
Benz-. - iiphnnlcimld. »ays a ihero
oilier automotive or highway purposes vent his "righ ts” from turning Into
Vary w »ll—Tsks ths Accountancy and
leal contemporary, 1» 5U0 times sweet­
charges the American Automobile as “ rites."— Boston Tfanscrlp!.
Management, (’ rival* fiarrstart
er than honey. Why hns this delight-
at Calculator, <-empto»i,ter. lU a n gra-
aoclatlon. One-seventh o f the g.ia lax
Is exhibiting a 25-foot python, but
*hlc, PanmaimUe, or i ummnMOul T o a st­
.fu l word never been drawn to the st
In seven state», went to other atnte
ers’ Course at
W e 8hould Be Tickled.
A p p lie d L o gic
Itentlon of our sentimental song writ­ weighing less than the one mentioned
-------- O--------
"Did you ever know that bread wa*
D eceptive G rades
The l ’enn*v|vnn!a department of dred fluests Escape H alf Glad.” — Bos­
the mother of the sewing machine?”
The Log Angeles chamber of com­ asked friend husband at dinner on* highways o|ierntcd 307 motorcars of ton Transcript.
i * . foramoat hualnc*« Collftf# of th«
Largest Snake»
NorfhwcRt whlrh hna won mor* Arouraey
merce says that the grade at the night. "Bless m e!” exclaimed his various ninkiia a dla.ance o f 3.1d7.i»si
Award* *hd Gold
than i n r orhmr
Ho far as » e i . j ascertain, ssys Magnetic hill near Hollywood Is an wife, "how do you make that out?” miles laat year at an average coat of
trhool In Arn#r!ra. H*nd for our ■ mo ## m
''Asia's'' Literal Meaning.
j the Washington Star, the largest snake optical delusion. While It appears
Cats log
Fourth Street nnar Morrises.
Why. can't you see It?" returned the 4.01 rents a mile. The cars averaged
Asia meant "land nf the dawn,” In WcrtlncA rif Inane M Walker. Wrw,
I exhibited in the New York Zoological that It Is an upgrade. It Is In reality husband. ' Bread I* a necessity and 14 5 miles to the gallon of gasoline am
the ancient Sanskrit language.
P. N. U.
* park was one shorn, about ten years e 2 per rent down grade. Much rases the sewing mmhlne Is an Invention,’’ £8.1 miles for each quart of oil.
No. 44, 19
Secret of C om fort.
Hides, Pells, Wool, Mohair,
Tallow. Cascara Bark
Horse Hair.
U You Have, T h is W om an’» A d
1* o f Vital Interest to Y ou
t ic *
Seattle. Wash.— “ In my girlhood.
I suffered n t h severe backaches ami
pam and had a catarrhal condition.
These disagreeable sensations were
completely eradicated and I devel­
oped into a strong and healthy
womanhood because my mother gave
me Dr. Pierce s Favorite Prescrip­
tion. As m y own daughters were
developing I gave them Dr. Pierre’s
Favorite Prescription and in that
way prevented their having any form
o f inward weakness. M y daughters
developed naturally into womanhood
and 1 am sure it w as because I had
them take the ’ Prescription’ at that
critical period.” — Mrs. S a d i e ia.
Jloltzner, »124 North 52d St.
Go to your neighborhood drug
store today and get this prescrip­
tion in tablets or liquid, or write
President Invalids'
Hotel, in Buffalo, N Y . for medical
advice, free and confidential.
North Pole and Broadway.
lV ary discovered the North pole,
undergoing untold rigors and priva­
tions in the course of his tremendous
Three years later, at an ex­
plorers’ club dinner, he complained
vexedly to me that he had just caught
a dangerous cold from walking down
Broadway in the slush without his
rubbers.—Albert Payson Terhune, in
Hearst’s International-Cosmopolitan.
Oddly United.
An old Japanese by the name of
Seochiro lshikawa was desperately
hungry. He strolled into a little res­
taurant and tried to run away without
paying his bill. The restaurant keeper
started after him and a scuffle ensued.
He then dragged the old man to the
police station, where he found that
the hungry man was his father, whom
he had not seen tor 20 years.
The fountain of content must spring
up in a man’s own mind; and he who
has so little knowledge of human na­
ture as to seek happiness by changing
anything but his disposition w ill waste
his life in fruitless efforts, and multi­
ply the griefs which he proposes to
remove.— Samuel Johnson.
The Wonderful Alps.
The Alps have about ISO prominent
peaks that vary in height from 4,000
to 15.732 feet, this last being the
height of Mount Blanc, the loftiest
eminence in Europe. Perpetual snow
lies above S.200 feet.
Donkeys Draw Water.
Only two wells from which water is
pulled up by donkeys remain in Eng­
land. One at Kenworth has been in
use since 1660.
Virtue's Support.
A Bible and a newspaper in every
house; a good school in eTery district
- all studied and apt reciated as they
merit—are the prim ipal support of
virtue, morality and civil liberty. —
Sound and Emptinesa.
The insignificant, the empty, is
usually the loud, and after the man­
ner of a drum, is louder even because
of its emptiness.—Carlyle.
O ra-ges Eastern Product.
Orange trees were found growing
wild in Florida when the state was
sett led, but it is supposed that they
w ire introduied In the early days by
the Spaniards. It is presumed that
their native home was southeastern
Looking Forward.
In writing love letters It is difficult
hut advisable to keep in mind how
they will strike the jury.— ltoanoke
makes your food d o y o u
m ore good.
N ote how It relieve*
that .tuffy feeling
after hearty eating.
Sweeten» the
breath, remove»
fo o d particle«
from the teeth,
give» new vigor
to tired nerve«.
Come* to you
fre.h, clean and
C .
N ew F lu ff Rugs
Cure of Sleeping
Malady in Sight