THE TURNER TRIBUNE VOL. TI'IENKII, OIIKOON, T H U K S D A V , X. EUROPE NEARING AC C OR O Itrolhrrhood o f Nations Idea Develop-; OF CURRENT WEEK Brief Resume Most Important Daily News Items. C O M P IL E D FOR YOU KvrnU o f Noted I ’w p ir, Governments •nd I'srtlW N o rth »»»*. m d«rty confer- enre. overriding lhi> opposition of Fl- naneo Minister CalUaui. Saturday uu antmmialy adopted a resolution fnv orina tho Imposition of a levy on capital All lint one of the passengers and cr«w of the Clyde lino steamship Com anrhe. which waa destroyed hy flro 61» m ile« off Muy port. Kin.. Saturday night hu» bean accounted for. official» of thn Him announced A tnrrlflr yule In Cordova Saturday nlnht moved a achool hulldlna »1* feet, wrecked a haaetiall grandstand and blew down acaffoldlna on a new hlah achool hulldlna Kaltlna Ireea tore down electric and telearaph wire». Five per»on», Indudlna Ocurgn M. _ ; !. entatlva, of I 'em l>«l. were killed Inatantly when the automohlle In which they were rldlna wua »truck hy an Interurhan car at a cro»»lny near I amaina. M id i. late Sun- day I’rohahlllty of a disarmament con ference followIna the Imrarno agree inent waa aecn hy Sir K»me Howard. Ilrltlah amhuaaador to the t'nlted State», who arrived In New York Krl day on the Cunard liner Acqulianla to reautne hi» poat at Waahlnatuu. A lax revialon plan under which 3,- 000,000 peraona would he relieved of all federal Income taxea waa dl»cua»ed Informally Friday with Secretary Mel­ lon hy Itepreaentatlve Horner of Tuxua. the ranklna democrat on the houae committee, which draft» tux leg talatlon. Ing OCTOUEK Herman) to Join la-ague. Locarno. — Important progress has been achieved at Locarno for the stab |lllxatlon of Ibn peace of Kuropn. The allied powerx declare they have reach­ ed an accord with (lermany In prin­ ciple on I he term» under which Oer- matiy will Join the league of nations. Tim general agreement concerning arrangements for Germany's entry In­ to tin* league of nation» 1» a collective statement which will he signed by tlreat Britain, Franco, Italy and Bel­ gium By Its term» Hertnaay agrees to Join tho longue on the understand­ ing (lint the league of nations Is com­ petent to Interpret tho league cove­ nant. However, the powers algnatory to the agreement, all of which are rep­ resented In the council, Informed Her- ninny In effect that In their opinion the league of nations could not ask from member states military, econom­ ic or financial fonlrlhullons In rasa of war which would be Incompatible with their rapacity. Phnneellor Luther and Foreign Min­ ister Slreaemnnn promised the allies to give a definite answer to the league question after consultation with Ber­ lin. but they gave private assurance Hint It would be accept able. In a meeting of Ihe allied nn»l Her­ man ministers Monday night Franco announced that she wanted the right automatically to Intervene In case of a flagrant violation of the Integrity of Hermnny'a eastern frontier, but n» a protection to Oormnny was ready to submit doubtful rases of aggression against Poland and CxechoSlovakia to the league of nations If Germany re­ fused to submit the difficulty to the (•-ague, then France would have the right Immediately to help her eastern allies. Three Dry Aldea Named. Waahlngton. 1». C.— Aeslalant Secre­ tary Andrews of the treasury Monday announced his npprovnl of the follow ­ ing appointments In the prohibition enforcement rdrps: O. K. Nickerson, assistant adminis­ trator In charge of enforcement at Helena. Mont. tl. W. f’ ylor, deputy administrator at llolao. Idaho. K O. Blrgfeld, deputy administrator. Juneau. Alaska. Crooks to Return Gems. Itulph Chcevcr Dunnlua. an Amer­ ican poet now realdlna In I'nrla, hua won the twelfth unnunl Helen llalrv I »-v in »on iZoo prlxe for tho best poem hy a cltlien of tho United State». The award waa made puhllr by I'oetry. ptihllahod monthly by Harriet Monroe. Chicago. New York. Information was obtain­ ed at police headquarters Monday that arrangements have been made through underworld channels for Ihe return of Jewelry valued at $693.000 stolen from the Hotel Plaxa apartment of Mrs. Jessie Wuolwnrth Donahue, Soptem- l>er 30. Police Investigators said re­ I'oat mortem examination of the turn of Ihe stolen properly would not body of Mr». laitiru lllddle. tiromlnent deter them from arresting tho crim­ I’ lilladelphla aorlety matron and wife inals If their Identity could be learned. of Craig lllddell. wealthy aportaman. led County Autopay Surgeon Wanner Red Cross Meet Begins. of l.oa Aiiyd«-», Cut., to announce late St. Louis, Mo. The fifth annual con­ Sunday that death wua probably due vention o f the American Bed Cross waa opened here Monday with present­ to nlcohollaiu. A continued increaae In employment ation of a message from President Cnolldge. who. hy virtue of his office, durlna the month of September waa reported Saturday by the bureau of heads the organisation. Itogrct that official dutlea made It labor »tnllatlc» of the department of labor a» Indicating n "w ell defined up­ lnadvl»nble for him to be absent from ward trend" In employment thut mark» Washington was oxpresaed In the , a favorable outlook for tho country'» prvaldcnt'a note. mnnufaeturinK Induatrlet. Mall Loot Is $600,000. Los Angelos.— R. C. Knox. poHtnl in­ spector In charge o f Investigation of the mall .truck robbery here last Thursday, Mondny officially estimated the loot at "»lig h tly In excess of $500,- 000." Previous estimates hod been considerably lower. T w o more »uspecta were arrested, I’realcleiu and Mr». Coolldite are pro- milking n total of five in custody. paring for an active winter’» »octal Scratch of Nall Fatal. hcuhoii . A new »ocluí secretary, »elect­ Berlin -Sigmund Brelthnrt. billed In ed from the diplomatic corpn. waa In »tailed Saturday ut tho White Houae. circus nml vaudeville programs for and Immediately afterward tho date» years ns the "world's strongest man," of nine big dinner» nml reception» died Mondny. aged 42. Breltbart. whose exhibition consist­ were announced at tho executive of­ ed of pulling against two horses, bend­ fice». ing Iron liars nml tearing horse shoes The iiuoco of Slam has been reduc­ npnrt. succumbed to blood poisoning ed from the royal rank» hy a slate tie- which developed from a small nail rroo, according to a cable received scratch. from Bangkok. Thn decree »tute» that Hint the king promoted hla wife to Jackson's Slave Dies. royalty because he thought »he could Hagerstown, Md. — John Oroen. enrry out the duties of a queen In a former slave and hostler for General fit mnnper, hut ho found hu watt mis­ Stonewall Jackson throughout the taken. civil war. wns found dead In his bed New York police Saturday arrested a woman and »even men at leader» of n hand of criminal» reaponalhle for many crime», Including murder and robhertcM, over a period of alx year». The leader» are ullrip'd to have mude u aperlulty of prnvhllnK their HUborcl Imiten with plMtol »Heneen. Uncle Sam’s biggest ami newest mo­ at his homo In Wllllnmsport. nenr bile »hooting Iron, a 14-Inch rifle on a here. Sunday. Green reckened his ago ns 98. llo railway mount, »lartetl westward Sun­ day from the Aberdeen, Md„ army was born In Virginia. proving ground» hound for California St. Loula Block Burn*. over the trail biased by the pioneers St. Louis, Mo. — Dnninge estimated of ’49. Within two month» ll will bo j at $250,000 was cnused by fire of un- pointing out over the Pacific from dtormlned origin In thq National En­ Fort McArthur, 26 miles »oulh o f I,os ameling & Stamping company plant Angele». hero Friday. The building, containing President Coolldgn will Immediately i steel rolling mills nml paint shop. Is cnll another arm» limitation confer­ located In the levee district and oc- ence for tho primary purpono of re­ I cuplés nn entlro block. ducing the »funding artille» of the world If ho acts favorably on a pro Fi anclne Lnrrlmore. actress, receiv­ posnl made to him Saturday morning ed a divorce In thè supremo court of hy Senator Foss, republican, Ohio, dur­ New York Friday from Conrad Dobor, ing a conference at tho W hite House, better known as "Con Conrad,” song Such a conference, If culled, would bo writer nnd composer. She charged In held In W a»lilnglon. fidelity. L ip Ï0 OUTLAW WAR STATE N E W S CN BRIEF, 22, 192Ö. Accomplished. J King Tommy Ilurrlaburg -The new Pacific high­ way bridge aero»« the W illam ette! river here nears completion. A crew j of painter« Is at work. It Is estimated | It will lake about six weeks to spread i the eolor work. N A T IO N S A R E PLEDGED By GEORGE A. BIRMINGHAM Coer>1*< t>f Bobbs-MovOl Co.—W N. V. Servies CHAPTER XVI— Continued — 21— In-re .tr a Scot happens to be." Weidon - Construetlon of i high j».., . j ti.■ -t, "Is Scotland." Provisions Arr Ma .r and Approved school gymnasium will be commenced “The .!•» can't really be exactly like o', nn early date. Plans call for a that." »md 'he princess. "It would be for Arbitration o f A ll I ’o ¡ble screened enclosure for Ihe gymnasium too ln< \ enienL" Disputes o f States. proper, with raised seats for spc-cla-j T h a t Is the law." said Janet " I f I any that I'm married to him. I shall tors outside the screen. be. and there'll be no getting out of Marshfield -L e s lie Carr, a Gold IIill j I t That would be Intolerable." Ixx'arno, Swltxcrktnd Just a« thn " It wouldn't be particularly pleas- armistice ended the great war. ao youth, was mistaken for a deer and I ant for me, either," aald Tommy. Thursday, making history, treaties shot In the leg hy bis companion. Clay-' Ue ought not to have said that; but were adopted at Locarno, designed to Ion Cornwall of Gravel Ford, late 8at-| he was getting angry with Janet. A urday, the limb being so badly shat­ make Impossible any reopening of that woman has a perfect tight to refuse great war. Herimtuy and the allied tered it will have to be amputated. to marry any man who asks her; bur she ought not to tell him to his face powers approved thn text of the Rhine McMinnville — A special Joint com­ that ne is Intolerable. No man can be part of aecurlly. mittee of tho McMionvilte city coun­ expected to submit tamely to that This puct p le d g e s Its signatories. cil and the chamber o f commerce U particularly when be has not really France. Germany and Belgium, not to considering a city bond issue as a offered himself as a husband. attack or Invade ouc another’s terri­ means of fulfilling a city pledge of "Besides," said Calypso. “ If be mar­ tory and to obataln from war. Great $25.000 to Llnfleld college made this ried you, what would haivpen to poor Britain amt Italy aland as guarantors summer. Miss Temple?" of this engngement and promise 10 " I wish ro goodness Mias Temple Cove— C ore’s annual flvc-day Chau­ was here.* said Tommy; "you won't throw their forces against any of the three parties which vlolule Its terms. tauqua festival opened in a gaily dec­ listen to me. But If she were here she wouldn't want to marry me any more France Is allowed to keep certain orated Maccabee hall Friday, with than either of you does. But anyhow. rights embodied In Ihe treaty o f Ver­ Miss Helen Loughery as director and If we're to go on at all. one o f you sailles. and. notably, take Immediate prominent business men and women must own up to being my wife. " I ’ll of town and country composing the action should Germany commit a hos­ leave yon settle It between your- tile act by constructing fortifications committee In charge. selves." either on the left bank of the Rhine I I « walked off, walked to the car A lban y—Operations are now going or within 60 kilometers (about 30 forward at the old Far W est manufact­ and looked at It, walked a little way along the rued and back again, finally miles l of Its east bank. or keep arm­ uring plant In the southern part of oat down on a stone and looked at the ed forces within that area. Albany remodeling the building for Thn pact ceases to hold when com the home of the new saddle and har­ river, which ran. turbid and yellow, under a little bridge. blned penalties against any aggressor ness factory which Is soon to be In­ But Tommy’s 111 temper never lasts nation are ordered by the league of stalled in Albany by A1 Sternberg. long, and he la a man of active and nations, or when by virtue of article resourceful mind. In a quarter of an Raker Anticipating that the steady 15 of the league covenant or by rea hour he was back with a proposal to growth of the city of Raker within a meet the difficulty. son o t failure of the council to reach > » years will make an additional "According to that Scotch law of unanimity on any dispute, the league -ater supply necessary, the city has yours," he said to Janet, “would you members may take such action as they just purchased from Mr. and Mrs. be married to a man If you said you deetn necessary for the maintenance G orge Burr the Pine creek reservoir were hla wife, but he didn’t say be of right and justice. was your husband?" and watershed. Including their farm of The permanent court of Interna­ “ O f course not," said Janet. 240 acres. tional Justice, boards of conciliation "Even If there were witnesses pres­ Klamath Falls That thousands of and the league council are all pos- ent?" "That wouldn't matter,” said Janet. slIditles for arbitration of all disputes wild ducks which are dying in the under the pact, and arbitration Is ob­ marsh lands of Tule lake are suffer­ "Unless we both laid we were married we wouldn't be married." ing from botulinus poisoning was the ligatory. “ And supposing while you were say­ Realties the Rhine pact an agree­ belief expressed here Saturday night ing you were hla wife another man by Dr. G. S. Newsom, county health ment was reached, on collateral arbi­ aald be was your husband— quite a tration treaties between Germany and officer, following an autopsy on eight different man whom you didn't claim France and Germany anil Belgium. of the stricken birds. at all— which of them would you be Baker—Baker's building permits for Theae Interlock with the pact Itself. married to?” September totaled $$9.579, the records " I shouldn't be married to either," said Janet. in tho city clerk's office show. The Modern Youth Praised. "Even according to the Scotch law?" Columbus. Ohio. —The modern col­ largest single Item was the Churchill "O f course I shouldn't.” lege student Is no ungel, hut “ the school and Ihe next were improve­ "Very well.’' said Tommy, "when we moral standards o f conduct prevailing ments on the Baptist church, and the get to t?iat frontier post you say that (w o generations ago would not be tol south Baker steam plant of the east­ Colonel Heard Is your husband. He ern Oregon Light & Pow er company. can’t say that you're his wife because orated today, either In college or out lie won't be there. Therefore you won't of It.” says President \V. O. Thompson Salem—Adolph Bombeck has filed of Ohio State university. Dr. Thomp­ suit in the circuit court here to col­ he married to him. I shall say that son retires November 5. when he will lect damages in the amount of $5600 you're oiy wife, hut If you don't claim me as a husband, which you won't, be years old, after 26 years here as from L. C. Leidstrom as the result of. having already claimed Colonel Heard, president. injuries suffered by his daughter In then you won't be married to me and The superficial and artificial phases nn automohlle crash on October 4. Mr. I shan’t be married to you. In fact, of youth, he maintains, are taken too Bombeck alleges that Leidstrom fail­ we shan't either of us be married to serious while (he good In the young­ ed to exercise care in the operation of any one. even by Scotch law. That will be all right, won't It?" er generation often is not even sus­ hla machine. "Besides.” said Calypso, “ Colonel pected. "T h e modern student will Harrisburg—Charles Klzer. local Ox­ Heard seems to be married already, Justify himself.” ford sheep breeder, reports the sale and nothing you could say would make of two o f his prlxe sheep at the re­ any difference to that, would It? ’ Men Resort to Corsets. cent Oregon state fair for the com­ "Exactly.” said Tommy. "That's an­ New York.— Men arc taking up cor­ bined price o f $250. The first sheep other point. Even Scotch law ~nn't set and waistline reducers to make nn brought $150 and the second an even let a man In for bigamy. In that cas­ rmpresslon upon the fair sox. said $100. Both were bought by a sheep ual way. especially against hla will, Robert C. Stlrton, president of the grower In Fort Kells. Canada. They nnd I .don’t suppose Heard particular­ ly wants to marry you.” leading corset firm, who returned Sat­ will be shipped at once. “ So that's settled.” said Calypso. urday after a fashion tour of Europe. Dallas.— Petition has been filed In Janet did not seem satisfied, and I From Constantinople to London, can scarcely wonder. A woman as In­ everywhere he has gone, ho has found Ihe county court here for probate of timately connected a» she Is with the woman of fashion discarding surplus the estate of Clinton I. Baun. who was movement for reuniting the Christian garments. T o wear only two articles murdered near Independence Septem­ churches of the world has to be very of apparel Is the vogue today, he said. ber 1 by W . R. I.loyd. The estate is careful of her reputation. It would be "W om en are returning," he said, "to appraised at $4724.22, $750 of which Is a terrible thing for her If It were to real estate and the balanee personal j herome generally known that she garments that give a fuller expression property. Mrs. Hilda Rose Baun, claimed a married man as her husband. to the natural body Hues.'* widow, has been appointed adminis­ Thut Is tho sort of thing a woman nev­ er quite succeeds In living down, and tratrix. Madonna Seen. Report. Baker— The potato grading law pass­ the world Is censorious. Mlnoola, N. Y. Crowds are Jam­ The men at the German frontier ed hy the last session of tho legisla­ l>oat turned out to he peaceful and ming St. Martha's Roman Catholic ture and now in force is leading to quiet. They looked at the passports church here ns a result of a report considerable confusion, according to but made no comment on them. They that nn apparition of the Madonna and local merchants. "F o r the local trade Inquired whether the traveler« were child Is plainly visible on the walls no inspection of potato stocks is call­ taking any new rb-thes. gramophones, of the church Hundreds have gone ed for under the law," Paul Carpenter, photographic apparatus, surgical In­ to the church to see If Ihe stories told struments, telescopes or dyes out of county agent stales, "it being only in by devout worshipers were true. connection with car lot movements Germany. The princess said that their The figure Is sabl to be nbout three dresses were years old. that they all that inspection is mandatory." hated gramophone# and never took feet high with the halo about the head Janet added solemnly Albany. Large acreages of straw­ photographs. of the child and the outline of a cross that the party did not possess a single berries are reported as being set out visible. near Laronib, in the Cascade moun­ lancet or a telescope. Tommy, when he understood what w-as happening, tain foothills. Several hundred ncres "Cupid's Clerk” Weds. said "Neln" four or five times emphat­ Vancouver, Wash. — Miss Mary are being set out this fall. One now ically. Then there were eorne Inquir­ Hortel, who during her four years’ planting contains 41 acres. The prices ies about the car. The princess asked are good, contractors on the Job in service In the county auditor's office the bearded chauffeur to produce his papers. In getting at no Inside pocket Issued thousands of marriage licenses, that vicinity bidding lip tho prices far he displayed hla pistols and knives to was Thursday married to J. H. above last year's quotations. Some of great advantage. The German« asked (H a rry ) Williams, slate traffic officer, the berries have been contracted for no more questions about the oar, did at the homo of her mother. Mrs. J. ns high ns 8 cents. not look at the papers and permitted Hertel. Rev. Charles H. Powell of­ Marshfield— Setting a broken leg the travelers to go on. Very likely, ficiated. for a large bull moose Is tho novel like Dogberry«' watch, they thanked operation performed by W . V. Glals- God they were well rid of a knave. T o Remove Iron Rust. The Megnllnna, when Ihe oar reached yer. county veterinarian, Friday night. their post, turned out to be men of Iron rust may be removed (even the Tho moose was one of those brought quite a different kind. They looked as worst marks will yield If tho worker to western I.ane county three years savage nnd were quite ns well armed Is persistent) l>y applying common ago nnd liberated near Takenltch lake. ns the chauffeur. They spoke a tongue table salt and the Juice of a freshly The animal broke Its leg a few days' which was neither German nor the cut lemon to the slain and holding It ago and District Game Warden Art f quncWng language of the Lysninns. over the spout o f a steaming teakettle. Fish called upon Dr. Glalsyer. The | Tommy nnd Janet did not understand A fter a few minutes repeat with a broken leg was placed in a caste a fter' a w ord of It. Even the princess seemed fresh application. J about three hours’ work. i puzzled. j 5. ■-■si. - eh -«,' » » ¡ A » . j g r f - ' - Harrisburg — The discovery of a human skeleton along the foothill road , east of here was reported this week.' From appearance of the teeth It la' supposedly that of a man. European Security Pact Finally NO. "As wall as I can maka out." she aald. "they're saying that th« photographs on the passports ars not In the least like ux." “T e ll them," said Tommy, “ that th it's a matter o f opinion, and that If they know anything about the recent Cubist and Vortlclst developments they'll see at once that these photo­ graphs represent our subconscious selves and are exactly like them." "I don't believe I could say all that even In German." said Calypso, "and I don't know two hundred words of Megallan, which la what they're talk­ ing." The chauffeur, seeing that some­ thing had gone wrong, left hla car and approached the Megallans with hla overcoat flying wide open. They were less Impressed than the Germans by hla display o f weapons. In fact they were not Impressed at all. All they did was unbutton their own coats and show that they possessed weapons of similar kinds. “This." aald Tommy, “la getting quite like Ireland.” Tlie chauffei r quacked at the M e gallons In Lys'rlan. They replied In Megallan. a language which consists principally of sounds like hisses. He quacked again, hut mingled a few hisses with hla qu ks. They hissed In reply, but uttered a few quacks too Gradually the spetr era drew toge'l er until the Megallai.» were q .aching Above Them the Schlosa, With the Light Still Bright on It, Looked Like a Fairy Palace. nearly as much as they hissed and the chauffeur was hlsstug frequently. The princess understood about half o f what each party said. "They've Just asked him,” she said, "which o f us la your wife." •Tell him.” said Janet, “to say I'm noL" But It was too late to tell him any­ thing. He was making a long speech In mingled htsses and quacks. The princes« giggled again. “ He’s Just told them," she said, “that I'm Mrs. Heard, and that we're all French subjects." “ I won't be called French," said JaneL “ I hope he’ll be careful," said Tom­ my. “ I can't talk French any more than I can German. Why didn't he say we were English?” "It's no use saying that to the Me- gallans.” said the princess. “They think the English never send armies anywhere or do anything except pay other people's debts for them. But they’re desperately frightened of the French." The chauffeur quacked and hissed a little more. " I ’m awfully sorry," said Calypso to Janet, "but he’s Just told them that you're my maid.” The man had been treating Janet as If she were a servant ever since the party left Breslau. She wns deter­ mined to assert herself and not to leave the Megallans under a false Im­ pression. "Please tell him at once.” she said, “ to say that I'm the European repre­ sentative of the l-eague for Establish­ ing World Peace Through the Union of Christian Churches." She spoke so fiercely that Calypso dared do nothing but obey her. She did her best to explain to the chauffeur Janet Church’s position In the religious world. I do not know what the chauf­ feur thought or how much he under­ stood o f what was said to him. Nor Is there any way of finding out what he told the Megallan soldiers, or how much they understood. But the effect on them was excellent. They all took off their hats, knelt down and crossed themselves piously. They fuusf somehow have gathered that Janet wa* nn ecclesiastic of an unusuul kind. They continued to kneel for several minutes In h o t» of a ben­ ediction which Janet did not give them. Troyte tells me 'hnl Megallans have the reputation of being the most re­ ligious people In Europe. They take the grouteat delight In Passion Plays, which they continually perform, keep row« o f spittoons In their churches (a sign of real reverence) and have sev­ eral well authenticated miracles every year. As soon as they realized that Janet was a priestess, deaconess or abbess, they made no difficulties about allow­ ing the party to go on. Calypso's splrir« rose after passing th« frontier posts. That corner of tlie Megallan territory consisted of the old kingdom o f Lystria. so that the prtn- ce«s was at last hack In her own land. The few peasants who were herding cattle on the hillsides were Lysrrians and oo doubt talked to one another in the quacking language which the chauffeur used. The cattle were Lys­ tria n cattle, long-horned. active little beasts, which looked as If they afford- ded Httle milk when alive and not much meat when dead. The cottages were Lystrlan, the roads, the heather, the mountains themselves, all were Lystrlan. Calypso drew deep breaths o f Lystrlan air with keen delight, pointed out one thing after another to JaneL who was not deeply Inter­ ested. Now and then she clapped her hands with Joy. The spirits o f the brigand chauffeur rose too. He still drove carefully. Any other kind o f driving would have ' ..... rht swift disaster on the Lystrlan rueds. But he blew his horn when­ ever he saw a man. woman or child, however distant. He threw off his cap and let the mountain air blow freely through his thick curly hair. Once, for a abort while, he quickened the car’s pace and pursued a hare which was foolish enough to run straight along the road. A fter a while he be­ gan to sing, mere snatches of song at first. In the end whole verses. This was highly unconventional behavior In a chauffeur driving a royal car. But Calypso did not resent It. She seemed actually pleased. Soon she Joined him in singing. When the man heard her high treble ring out he dropped natur­ ally Into a bass part. The Lyatriana, like most half-civlllxed people, are very muslcaL and every kind of singing Is a delight to them. Calypso started the Lystrlan national anthem, a wild tune, as exciting as the Marseillaise, with something In it of the grandeur of the old Russian cxarlst national air. The chauffeur Joined I d with a kind of fierce enthu­ siasm. They sang the tune through to gether three or four times. Then Ca­ lypso leaned forward and laid her hand on Tommy’s shoulder. “ Join In." she said. "You sing. too. Let's all sing." She shook up Janet, who was dos­ ing. and told her to sing. Janet has no more ear for music than a crow has. Hymns are the only things she ever attempts to sing, and I am told that when »he does the rest of the congregation suffers acutely. It was her attempt at the Lystrlan national anthem which pnt a stop to the singing In the end. Janet, who Is quite unconscious of her Infirmity, sang loud when she began to enjoy herself. She has a very powerful voice. The chauffeur must have been actually musical, more musical than either Tommy or the princess. Hls face twitched when Janet's high notes reached him. Hls steering became very erratic and once or twice he ran the car dangerously near the edge of the road. He tried to assuage hls mis­ ery by sounding hls horn fiercely when he knew a high note was coming In the song. I suppose this only made the discord more Intolerable. At last he stopped the car. turned round, and quacked out an angry speech to the princess. Calypso understood what he »aid well enough. She would probably have understood hi» feelings even If he had not spoken, for »he was sitting beside Janet. But she was very tactful. “ Sandor says that we had better stop singing. The mountain air Is bad for the voice and we shall have sore throats tomorrow i f we go on.” What Sandor really said wns that unless the English housemaid »topped squalling he would be forced by un­ controllable emotion to stab her and throw her out of the car. They drove on without singing for the rest o f the arternoon. steadily climbing Into the mountains hy twist­ ing and sometimes perilous roads. At about six o'clock they reached the highest point of a lofty pass. On each side the mountains rose to snow-clad peaks. In front the road dipped steep­ ly Into a narrow valley. Beyond the valley stood, steep and frowning, an­ other mountain. On Its side, perched on a plateau— Sandor gripped Tommy's arm and pointed forward— there, a gray pile of masonry, stood the schlosa. oldest, most Impressive and least com­ fortable of the palaces of the Lystrlan kings. The car plunged Into the valley, out of the sunshine Into deep shadow. Above them the schlosa. with the light still bright on It. looked like a fairy palace. They crawled over a narrow bridge whir" crossed ' a foaming tor­ rent. They began a winding ascent along a singularly «¡ony road. IT O BC CO.MT1NOBD ) Airplanes capable of carrying 2.9 men and of traveling l«»> miles without a stop have been developed la llulg.