Hoover Likes Chicago’s Schoolboy Patrol PORTLAND OFFERS A MARKET The I V i It brooded In portentous sllcnoo The other busied hlmaelt FOR Y O U R PRODUCE pricking wlili Ids pocket knife the wa ter blisters caused by Ids aireuuous afternoon. “ l i l t s lids away.“ Anse fumbled suddenly, “ I haltl't never harmed a Csstpltls O w n» Salurdif soul wliut hiiln’l fust harmed me I umita live In peace with my feller Adults, Week day Matinee 'AH-. I n nine e Ufte tu lli llVOUS I to 11 man. hut tilings has happened, which p m Children Id venta all tunea they won't let me. “ Them Helloes lutti herrai my broth b y ï h t t r i I* t o r y I u lt C o . ) er. He wut my pal my playmate. T R I II Select Kesnlenlisl A Transient They filled him with lead an' cut Iwon icvtl. a n s i : C A N F in . ll gaze <1 ty-five wounda In his body all on ac­ v Antri U sn Plan £ | f | / » I M i l a Mod,'w FlispiiMvf An Mm. count nti some pigs which they wu'n't quietly at the man before hilt ► a M<> 1 » HAIV MAH' ’ J * KAVKH M OIU Ills thumb fumbled the ham wuth a dollar. mer o f a brown rlfie. a nervous “ I hnln't never harmed th' stats uh trick tvhl.l hail worn the ateel anioolh, Kalmuck. All I've did Is to kill ev'ry “ Sh ye want work7“ he drawled, man I o'n find wliut h«l|t want uo trouble with th' stata, “ «hi* It loo serloua a m attar“ ferrod I 4 ? I FecoitJ M| . rof days are his Sundays. 2t1 o f them his i*#r Al.1er. I* viri I hint. Or« pleasure o f the law. On one side of «•**»• et my grub, ye kin sleep In Saturday afternoons. The remaining :_____ ; number Includes 12 holidays and an 7 ^ r ' ;' r ls " ' ^ “ v’ " " . ! G o o d at a S ca rcero w ( l i ï FLOWERS 4 FLORAL l»FS UtS qii.vtv.n.v. i? .».._# _______ i »‘-kcr I!»* th « nr.ite «*f KentlKky. •* ft «talion In tU to to S m I a w » an to her Drlftil»«*r over curfc* tiro*. mortai«, WT Morn»«*» •« ... . . . . . . . . ■ ... , , __ _ ■ allowance of 11 days for ht* annual Would Make America Lead a»hlEgtons birthday Is everywhere vacation, th'.s figure excluding ht* two III1I«, valtoy«. valleys ami m*»r# h ill*; | Number Four. Hut dont u«vcr com# th,* «nhurUm gtirtioii «mil. **| hope my Ft U ; H A I.» t 'o u n l r * *t- n » Kmt. l.ii«# » •■•• » « i out here. Hill." (laughter's «Ingiù* doe« not un noy ti.. w i l l »»il p i» i * f i v nivvi n u u r * « in . l u - ii n # « I I oh^rved. but by many Southern usual Sundays and Saturday a fte r h,‘ lt,nU*'' up# prirent* a im»not»moua •I •»»» | * l t u ( at»M * W i l t # it.I t« > n t| 'W l# » »I (ft.« in Days of Rest ru£j¿edneK9 which «iberni raj;#* pursuit. that threat7 “ ^ you." states the birthday o f Lincoln Is ab- noon» off. n lh 'b N o l u < W « kktll F«s r t 'M t tl r M . l.lm lW y One# «croas the river, the fugitive l»- "'la k e hit « « a warnin’, IUH. \ e r# "o n the oonirury," cum# the sweet • i m | J tin a>iv»> A d d .«-t o n H * a J » iU a < u M ! sent from the holiday calendar. In* I ________________ •afe until the ahur process of . xtra- *111*** *n‘ jre’v# got nerve. I don’t reply, -my hu«hsnd nn.l I appreciate Washington —From several quarters »»«id . Lee's birthday on January l i . _ , _ dltlon Is gone through with. want nothin’ to happen to ye In tuy u eery much. It keeps the birds uwuy come an toCTgastnf limhif of sug- ■ honoro*!, and that 0f JetTersoo L^op I (links L/Ofif Is Cut; Ancient W « lt r Clock. from our herry hushes.** gestic-n* that new public holiday* tv« P avl* pn June 3. Shrove Tuesday Shoots I t N in e * T im rs Ana* f » “ b *«l »h « hammer of his cutintry. Tl»»* Towt»r t»f lh«» Wltul« ln Ihr wi- added to the already fairly loDg list- 1* more generally designated as a boll- ,T „ , . , ! »"><•. »Iw sy * keeping the u iu u l« dl The detective yawned. "I think you i•• r 1 1«»» k rrorlod ai Athéna, Uri'«’«'»», In Wilson followers, Hamilton admirer*. b.T O '« legislature« of the South 1, ,1, * “ Herman J«hn J. Joyc* rected toward the other. »«**1 something shout a bed.“ be sug R ather Curious th«* Hotond **r Flr»i rontury lM‘f«»rr friends of Roosevelt and many other*. than »&* North. Jefferson's birthday on * D 1 1 >u 1 **■ “ I'll take ye. furrtner." he pro- geated. One t th*»««* p«*»la kn*>Mti lo evrrv I ’hrtal It I« iH fncmtal Iti pinti. f* nt actuated by motives o f hero-worship. Aprtl 13 Is already on many of the Humana aoc-lety officials declare he nounced. after giving him due conald The feudist lighted a tallow dip and o»ie in**! l ’iuronrv Flitm hnatrn.ntf fruiti . . . f .. , . „ .r ^ M» , • li.v.ti nud *h i» «*l Iti dltum lr r lowtird have advocated »bat one day of each ^ ’“ »hern calendars, though as yet on ** rru«*- They are up In eratIon. “ Whenever ull ye t>e ready to totaled to the steep stairway. Ilardln _, rrhrarmal lite top of »si'll «id«* It U Mt'utptur«*d year be set aside to commemorate the Doa» th-v«e In Northern states arms go ¡0 work?“ 1 lock the light out o f his hand aad "You didn’t knm\ who I wa * when I memory of three American leader». No Disagreement. Authorities on firearms denounce him “ I'm ready now “ started to climb upstairs. «•»1U**I >t»u up yc‘Nfrrdajr. did jruut" hr with litrlou* ajrnitMil« of tin* wind, I f all these Intended subjects were Independence day. Washington's 09 a rof(en marksman and rlty offi He picked up a bundle o f clothe* “ " a l t a tulnute. Hill.” the I*ev1! Inquired nriaitiully th«* ¡»trurtur«* w r i aurtnounl* thus honored America would lead as a birthday. Labor day. Columbus day. •*l*?no? experts dev-la re him guilty of and prepared to follow hi* employer called. “ Less bare rv'rythlng straight MU* Flinn n in n -m L al»a«*ut* «•d with i brunit' Triton, whirl» a«*r¥ nation o f holidays Considering Its Decoration day. the Armistice, Thanas shameful was.e of the m unicipality! The old man wheeled like a cat. between us " e uns Is awful light Ijr, "W ho were you?" «•d n h a vv«'iith« r van«* age It a 1 reedy lands i or flvlng. Christmas New Year's—on « * * * 1*,< l "No ye don't T be snarled. Ms eyes «o-eper* an' mighty nervus WtMMVM tries as England. France. Italy and Ihi*e there seems to be no disagree- Joyce was railed to the home oi red suspicion. “ Ye go fust.” we hear a aoun' In th' night we shoot Fre»t» Air and Sun»h*ne. Fond of Fishes Germany are much older and have n>«tt among the states Fanse Slrella. 21? Renova street. Hazel Without a word the younger obeyed fust an’ look afterw ards tltn ye walk No matter how well feti th«* «*hlld many more heroes to honor, many 1“ tf>* request for more day* on wood. lo k111 SIrella's pet poodle. Tbz At a clearing Canfield halted him. ,n ? *» J‘"d better fnasen th' door A tiferò wa« ofTrri-d a Job fiNNllns may be. it will u« v* r hrititf ruaca and more excuses for a day of rest. Yet wMcfc t° honor our national heroes d°S had 9U,T» re'1 “ broken leg. Joyce 'T ro y I Hey-o-o. T r o y !" he shouted. ao'* T* can't open It U-ss'n ye're wld« •harka ■Navv. .ah. boss me and «h arki ' hu vht, k t „ „ England has but eight. France but '’ »her countries read an Interesting took a stance six f « t away and fired Ms voice rvsounding in the typical a * «k e ." twelve and Italy ten. In France no ¡'base of American character. We do ahoti Into the animal. It aqulrmed mountaineer's call. The next morning An*e presided at a,n 1 fr-'-tiils not itU*'» idenljr of fr«*ah air and aun ’ Why. I»«»y ahnrlft*» don't ent him k holidays are officially dedicated to 90 n’ nrh rushing about over here, are anJ 5'elped Four more »hots ended a tall lad apt« »red n.>ls4-les*ly he- 'b e breakfast table with Ids homely liKht Mothers« l«*t aome of the work honor heroes Invariably geared at such a high speed •»* H f« hind them. Ou his shoulder wus the K™1'« Hardin ate a lieurty meal, ex- meat "Ah know, but It's Just lush luck lo K" ‘* " ‘l •»' » ,,u' lhr9" lu* ''|)r ,la?a * l,h In a strict sense of the word, the that f°**I#n*r* may well ct-nclude we Joyce's comrades In the police de- Inevitable rifle. pressing his appreciation by the keen > o u r k i d 'l l « '* If w ill tu n« fit th«» wind«* iiu*vt wld «*m* dat’f blind.1 Cnited States has no national legal ne^ more holidays than they do. partnient explained that Joyce nevet “ Want me. dad?" nesa o f Ida ap|>etlte. family nini prove m ort Important In holidays Thanksgiving might be Enk’!and Is easy-going throughout the had seen any small fancy poodles and “ Fetch this man a rrow bar an’ A *>catn came Into hla eyea n* he got th«’ Ion»: run than "a apotloaa Imuai* al W ater C alled Soup counted one exception to this rule, as 80 only needs eigh t Italy can supposed the animal was a ca t shovel. He's golntn grub th' p..atur\“ ,n »be buggy beside Ids host and no- Rschange. the 1'resldent's proclamation virtually w, rTT »long with ten official holidays “ He gnve It a bullet for each of It* When the Implements cume. he set »,,-« l »»'«I lh « brown old flfle had been ’■ I Cher helping of oovp* pleaae." J 1 ^ Dull makes It so. In a legal sense, how- »bough of course, the realm Is honey- nine liv e s " they explained. the stranger to work In the gruel lpft behind. Waller You tipp«*ar to like our ever, only the District of Columbia Is rombed with local fete-days, most!; Hut that d.-esn't satisfy th* Human* ling afternoon aim. uprooting stumps T,,e mountaineer wn* by nntur« a •«•up, air P i l l e * « Not of Pin« of a religious nature, and overnight society folk. They have supplied th* |n the clearing. During the operation ___ . , ... . * » » _________ ft .ft ft . . political celebrations France and i-ollce with a book ou bow to kill palo- he sjit on the rail fence, un emboC'- | busy with tils thoughts, therefore the me to take the hot water rure for In- By Common Consent. no«*dl«*i ar«* noi K*»n«*rally u««*«l lu mah- Germacy. with many more events In , leasly. digestion, ««• I’m obeying hla order#," nient of somber menace. With hta 'I f l'e was finished In silence, The same procedure holds in regard ina p illo * «. W h ll" (ho p illo « « ar# head sunk Into his bowed shoulder* A* the train pulled lu. Anse reached —Guelph livening Mercury, to all o f the so-called national holi­ • all'«l *pln«» p illo * «.' tho n«*4Hll#i or«» he was never at rest. Ills keen gray ln bis pocket. days By common consent, certain of K«*n*»rnll)r (ho««» of ih«» ImUam fir. of eyes under shaggy brows darted now “ Itlll." he drawled, a humorous llghl TOO REALISTIC them are set aside by all o f the state ■»priir# "lih'-r r«*«l, whll«» «»r hlark this way. now that; hi* beaked n o n e " * bis dee|>-set eye*, “ th’ Good Hook legislatures and observed. If the leg­ •*pruo* No apt*«*!al tint# o f ih«* y «ar seemed to sniff the air suspiciously, I 'ays that th- lutioror Is worthy uh hi* islatures care to stray from the flock, i * i*p<*< lil«*U for ituth«TltiK lh«*«t* mo cil"«, his curly brown beard, shot with h ire"; with the words, he dropped a that Is their privilege. «In"«* th«*y :ir«* "V»Tgr**«*n«. white, failed to hide the nervous »liver dollar In Hardin's blistered palm, Since legal and public holidays are twltchljyf o f a cruel mouth. And al- I The detective reached back lo put to all practical purposes Inseparable, ways he kept his rifle pointed lo the »be coin In his pocket. ills bund no endeavor Is made In the tabulation The Perfume Qrarera. direction o f the worker. flushed up holding a revolver. of holldnys by states which follows, An*I 1»«*« » um " di«* hr«*adi of flowt-r« At the mellow call o f a horn, he slid “ ■ d" n't IM*® anJ' reason why you to distinguish among them: Alabama, j ' I n f.ir «w # # t"f In Ih«* ulr (wh«*r# Il to the ground and called hi* employee, shouldn't take the trip with me." lie 14; Arizona. 13; Arkansas. 14; Cali­ ¡«»m e a «rol go«**. Ilk«* Ih# warbling of “ Supper.” he announced, laconically [ remarked, cheerfully. fornia. 14; Colorado, 13; District of British Tribunal Sends It rood It to It« rniufl« > than In ih«* hauti, ih " re for«» They filed to the house, the stranger The old man shook his head _ gloom Columbia. 7; Connecticut, 11; Dela­ original shrine at the rompletlon of ------------ — ----------- . Back to Indian Court imi hing I« n»«»r«* fi! f«*r Ihal c!«*r#iit ware, 11; Florida. 14; Georgia. 10; Ms "term o f office." The court ol In front. An elderly woman met them Hj. “ I ’ut lilt hack. Hill, I'm illsap than to know what !•«* th«* flow er« i nil Idaho, 11; Illinois, 11; Indlara. 11 t the door. pointed with ye. Ye'd oughta know me optical, however, reverse*! this Jud* “ Dl«! you enjoy th** Mimifetir drama pinnt« that «lo l>«'*»t prrfura# do* air London.— A seven-year lawsuit over ment and laid down that the male am: Iowa, 9 ; Kansas. 11; Kenlu, ity, 11 “ My new hand." the Devil »»M . by better. I don't tru*' no man further He «how last night7 ” way of Introduction. The woman back than u fust cousin au' I expected Massachusetts, 13; Louisi nn, 11; the guardianship of a Hindu Idol was female god* might not he parted Frau« I« Hat on "\V#!!f l thought It wn« ti>o r»*«! Maine. 12; Maryland. 13; Michigan, among the curious suits brought be- They must be maintained In theit murmured something and led the way 'h i».“ l«tlc." 10; Minnesota. 11; Mississippi, 10; fore the Judicial committee of the original shrine. mto the kitchen. "Cut that out." Ilardln snapiwd trl Find Hellef in Books. •Uenllvr* Missouri. 13; Montnnn. 13: Nebraska. I>r‘ v7 council (the finul Supreme Not satisfied, Framatha MuIIick Anse played the part o f boat with umphuntly. “Get aboard IT WAS A PRIVATE QUARREL VAUDEVILLE PHOTO PLAYS Portland, Oregon. H IVI o I ' nr ;; D umaa# > INFORMATION DEPARTMENT Demand More National Holidays Suit Over Idol Lasts Seven Years 13; Nevada. 12; New He up shire. 11; Court of Appeal of the British era- brought the suit through varíen» n hospitality bred In the bone o f the New Jersey. 13; New Mexico, 0; New ¡'Ire) und the committee, after weigh- stages to London, where the Anal Judg mountaineer, lie preased fried chlck- Tork, 12 (Inclusive of S ring and Fall mg the evidence with due regard to ment o f "The British R aj” was sought en and squirrel and all the viands primary, not legal) ; N ,rth Carolina. | Indlun susceptibilities and the Innate ¡ A great dosslpr of evidence, text book« which constitute the highland menu 13; North Dakota. 13; Ohio. 11; Okla- j love of the Oriental for lengthy and and authorities on the tangled ro- njevn bis guest. But the stranger no- homa. 10; Oregon. l j ; I ’ennsy!vania, I involved Judgments, succeeded in manee of Indian mythology and Idol tired the bog Troy, sat In front of 12; South Carolina 11; South Da- “ passing the buck" rather neatly. worship was placed before the Judl the stove with u rifle acroas hit knees kota. 11; Texas. 1."; Utah. 12: Ver- In a word, the tribunal ordered that , rial committee of the privy council and never took his eyes from his rnont. 12; Virginia. 11; Washington, the suit be re-trted In Indlu and that , which lias Just handed down Its de fare. 11; West Virginia. 10; Wisconsin. 10; I the Idol be legally represented by cisión. In language flowery enough and The meal finished, the host escorted Wyoming. 11. j disinterested next friend, appointed sufficiently Involved to delight th* the laborer Into the living room. A From this total, one may draw an 1 by the Indian court." who should en- lawsuit-loving Hindu. For answer the outlaw whim led shrilly. H alf a dozen loafers on the platforra were tranafortned Into alert mountain men. T in y bounded toward the detective and surrounded Mm with leveled revolvers. Anse chuckled at the changed expression of Ilard lu * face and waved them away "Y e see. Bill, they're my people They'd die fer me like I'd die fer 'em Ye Mn buttin' In on n private quar'l “T r" " on ,h" I,r"k ram. '" n r ," ’llr 19 » ul'lM">od to elapse between the ArM and " " d act-t,' and It actually did.“ - Windsor .Magazine. L anguage on the Loote (*ot>d diction 1« of llit l* uh T o divert at nny lime a troublesome f;ll„ y, run |„ thy IxHika; they preaenl- |y (U Ih. o lo tluna. ami tlrlv* the other "Hi " f Uiy though!«. Th«*y ulwaya r«»* " " I v " ihop with lhr until" klniln#««,— Full. r. ** In w ork . h o w « v « r «k ille d . Hut when profanity turns lou««. The uudlelM# l_3 thrilled And It's « Good One. Looking ploaaant ran I mtoiih * hnl)lt OB W(l|| UH lltiyllllng else, u.uia Globe |.,.,„. h rac Keep Watch on TonQue. If your foot «Up you may rt»rovi»r fou r halan'«*. hut If your tongu«* «lip >»ni t unnot r«*<«ll your won!« T«*lugu I ’rovorh. ?o7r,aife c o u m Y m I tteTdo. r J £ ,<>r’ h ' leWlMj!nt ! E fi*Uh W " dom' ! '- * • « «>. P « C « I up bis rlfls I oo yer train . . go hack to llo .n o k . nonhern. ei.Mern and western s ta te r l , « , Lord Shaw o f Dunfermline, famous and fumbled the hammer ! whar ys belong befors I change my consider a n.niiomil 1 «»'Id i t i L tr g « Sum» Spent ! Scottlah Jurl«t. deilverlOj; Jud*fni#nf He caught hla iru«**t • #ye nnd min’. Aii* d*»n t never com«* buck I Ordinary Matches a Menaee. wavs considered 1 . a^. * a * Large sum« of money have already ' on behalf of the privy council, «al<; chuckled: "Somehow I don’t never' The officer sbnijrf#d hi« »boulder« Don't allow employees lo use nny y ' e h"'Jt * been expend«#! In th# legal fight for that It would be better In the Inter »ecu» right unlet* I'm totin’ ole lle t»y ." und throat hi« gun back In Id« p«K ket u onty * “ -------------------------- —------------- - ‘ the Idol, which aro»e from the pro- eat» of all concerned that the member» Ml reckon there are aome pretty ••Oood-by, Anna," I»# called from (he Authority 1« by nothing ho tii mat* h«*« A n nn ladureineut. QOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ’ vlKl" C9 fef wl“ *’ f * wealthy Cal ” f «he family should be Jolncl nnd a tough men In these hill»," the other plntform of the laat roach. ■urcnglhencd and , onflrtncd aa liy -w «us - -4»“ I ,uryilMh * « 'i*i th.m »1 whuicsala prices, your- cutta merchant. Mutty laill MuIIick. scheme formulated to regulate th,- responded. I,a,king with concern at hla Devil A n »« Canfield Blood and tom. for no man easily distrusts the 1 he p ro cu ro of ordinary or par Blame on Gourmands who died 90 tears ago. Mutty had worship of the Idols. He according!) blistered palms. .arched ^h.^ train ^ lls ,'p ,^ F |n ,|,e .,u '" r ' '" I r p « k .u la a , on created three futuily gods: a male go,' ordered that the two previous deci "T h ey '» flee thonsnn' dollars reward East. Ills thumb fell vainly for II i slum menu, i for Torture of Birds loon always bred up to. —Sri Sri Budiia ShamsunderJI; a fe- »Ions he set aside nnd the suit re fer me In Kalmuck an' I hafter he : wonted occupation; a look o f fear New York.—Thousands of song male god (or consort)— Sri Sri Rad- , ferred back to the High court at Fort keerful. I hnln't one uh Hi' McBeco. I sprang Into Ills eyes. I ' ' Rub W ith Oil. birds are tortured every year In barant, and a “ Salgram Sila” (or holy 'Vllllam. Bengal, for a new trial In My men knows em all an' they haln't “Troy. Tro-o-y I" he yelled, shrilly. \ Tough on Babies, A fler you huyo watched the |||,>s southern Prance, Italy and Bel­ stone)—Sri Sri Raj Rajiswnr. These which "the Idol should appear hy a on* uli ’em could cross Tug river > The hoy ran to him. Four mothers were arrested and six gium to satisfy the appetites o f he bequeathed to his adopted sou, disinterested next friend sppolnted bj alive. Whut I'm nervus about Is * “ Whur’s Betsy?" escaped In n raid recently by the po ° y,Mlr Krul'' or Door glvu them an gourmands, according to T. Gil­ Who later placed them In a shrine. the Indlnn court.” Each parry to pa> these here smart. Jack deetectlves. The lad handed her to him. The llr® of C'arillff. England, to slop the ' * r“ ni ' wl,h nn ,l1'1 a,lk hnndker bert IVarson, who returned from When the legatee died the family *’ * ° " n ro'ts In the two actions It, 4'hey hnln't nothin' to header 'em feel o f the cold steel reassured blm. wheeling o f liuhy carriages on the 1 ' 1 ni'd “ , ' ,i," l with lino......I oil. an Intermit tonal convention for gods were placed In the charge of his ,f'° In,llan rourts and the costs In frutn cornin' to me. like ye done, fer With n sigh o f relief lie turned to his pavements, the protection of birds at Lux­ three sons, each of whom was to be , rT]rfed before the privy rottncll. a Job. an' waitin’ fer a chnnst to cap- 1 buggy. Ids thumb twiddling the worn Advancement. embourg. He Is head o f the Na­ "Shehalt,” or trustee, for one year. In The decision will doubtless be halle -r V r. n , Inked bl wad I......... tke last In tke nnd utilize red hot Irons to blind Croesus was the first sovereign to magnificent new mansion and shrln- rlghU In the matter of Idol worship C r e d i t f o r D l B C O V e r y o f P a c i f i c IS B a l b o a S bum li Arkansas Timm, , fa t them. The suffering song birds coin gold and Julius Caesar first set and. during his term of trusteeship, -------------------- _ I ____________________ are then put In cages. the example of engraving his own he Insisted on removing the male god , _ _ . _____— . "The theory of the gourmands Pacific, yet he was wrong, lie ought to a shrine In 1,1, own garden. ' T o l l »>ne of the finest sonnet. In the Eng Sorrow's Consecration. S n a k e - B it e T o l l H e a v y Image on coinage. Is that the cries o f the tortured ngunge Is that which Keats to have written Nonet, for It I« just | (¡rent g rief makes Illuse sacred upon v.__ v , ,0 t„ . This action was bitterly resented by New Y o rk .-In the last three years . fter birds are poignant melodies ,fter reading Chapman'» trans over 400 years ago that Vnsco Nane* whom Its hand Is laid Joy may ele his brother and nephew who con- more than 400 people have died In the which attract acorea of other la l Ion «»f "Homer.’ Tli# poet rom--i «Je lliilhon fir«t now the I'nrlflr oronn . ... ... 11*1 , ,, ' tended that It was contrary to hi* Cnited States from the effects of yr ut j u t m ........ * «h Whlchl igh i* It u n wn» . ....................... nn very point Klorlfy, hul sorrow hlrds which are captured and fnir«*» hi". «1**1 o.* I*t xni.h with * im that almost at th# grandfather's deed of dedication. The snake bites, according to estimates J 1 " ' " I f e e l • • • i n l n g • lo w n 1 1 alone can consecrate. Horace Grecs later are served In pies or “ stout Cortez" must have felt when he where the Panama cnnnl crosses the » n — I »N4>«I H r.l In m -rB' C#ur** * l n rrni« cents nn its hl« tils fiiU federai Harte Hair business running Into millions was re- Misa Greenberg. He gave her power that lie mulcted several New York adornment. It doe* not. It Is a legal tenne tax. originally mailed postage vealed before Ds