f L i * ' /• V A * .V W m w //M '.W W W .V W A V W W /.V /,' •• ATHIiLfiTIC r ii. i »aaaaaaa a a u p . , a w u u ■ . u n i . ' m . i i i i , n u m . j • a i i l t t i l t t M i l l t i T r r i V i s s r i t T r r i T r v e i e i n i e i n i i m n e e i i i f i f i i i i i . ' > r , > n r i n r r r r r »/ dir $ulrm tfnrtuarit C iuiuil itim i unii Jfm irru l C hm U irit Phone 1060 Muhin. Oregon. 210 (ou ter St. KfficUitt W ork—— Moderato 1‘ ru’ea 10. R t t U t S L I jr w tV C H j E V E S T E S T E D — a n o o p t ic ia n c G L A S S E S State »rd Liberty St*. F I T T E D Salem, Oregon WEBB & CLOUGH CO. F u n era l D ir e c to r s A N p a L IC E N S E D ¿ M BA L M Reliable Service. Lady Assistant 205 So. (’ Iitirrh SI.— buy or Night Phone 120 !3SÜ - ■ • . ♦ Salem Elcyd €. Ramsden lo to 2oc/t discount Wagons, Velocipedes, Scooters, Kiddie Cars, Autos and other children’s wheel goods 367 Court Street, rUnur 44t* K m . w IJ Dr. O. A. Olson, Dentist Prillile» Kslractlnil of T w ill by Nerve Blocking or Nitrone Oxide M A S O N IC T E M P L E . SALEM ■M Mr. 1‘ogue »ay. he feet* about a» The Chrl»tnin» cxcrrl.i* that were well as ever «inet- ti e opeiullou uu hi» to I«* liehl at the Methodletchurch la*t ma?. Sunday wire postponed till Sunday evening. Dio. 28, ou account o f the Ilalpli Hu»»ey returned frotu Boonc- cold weather and depp snow. vllle, W yoming O i l W tdutoday the 17 after a bud attack of pm um onia he H. R. Miles, who lias been »Irk for Incurred while winking with u bridge som etim e, was taken to the hospital gang at the above place. Mr. H tm ey in Salem, Monday afternoon, for treat- ■ay» the temperature waa 32 degree* mint. It 1» hoped that by being where tielow aero w lieu lie left hut wa« »ur- ho can have eotialant care and be pri«ed lo get iuto a pretty low tem­ handler to Hie doctor that his health pi ruturv when b e g o t to Turn r. Ho I e will Improve. waa aocordcd a cold reception by Jack Frost. Herbert Hrigga, Mervin Peararnand _____ t ________ Cl. A. Q. Moore ha» been bul«y tfcej Maxwell McKay accompanied F. P pn»t few week», doing chore» for h i. How ley to Salem Saturday afternoon ■on tieorge, who lia» been kept lu the Maxwell look iu two iuiuk «kina to liouee the re»ult of having Ills lou .ll» the Angora Hug and Fur Co., for which he rtcclved aevrn dollars. remuvid. . !.‘r * a p ' ï î * The Ro’ ert Sehacfera, of Mante Rosa The Pint ( >111 re wa* the hui.lat placa in town the lu»! few day». Chrtsliua* California, motored lo Turner, in a new Dodge Coupe, to apeud the H oli­ mall guiare. days with relative». Monday night waa the foint Instal­ F.rne*t Moore and family came In lation o f the Maaorilc and Lw-drrn Star t.xlgu». A largu crowd uaa present iu front F «stern Oregon a week ago for the Holiday aee.-.sn. • pile of the cold weather. Locals A. A. Ford came In from Portland Monday morning was protwbiy the Cobh «I of the winter ao far. The tem­ to spend the holidays with hi« .t»ler, perali! e ranged from tero to 4 Iwlow Mrs. L. J. Row ley, according to location and exposure. Tuesday morning Mill ('reck, near the Subscribe for your home paper and highw ay bridge, w «« nearly chaicd up w ith Ico. help build up the community »pirlt. Read The Ads. Jt’s ,K NOTICE PLAYTIME Vi su now in C A L IF O R N IA Co there this •winter Travel in secure, co/y com fort via Shasta route. rout trains daily to San Francisco. Southern v’.iliforniaEx- |ite.vs carrying through sleepers to Los Angelea daily. A n .l you ’ ll like Southern Pacific dining-car service — highest ijuality fo o d deliciously prepared and served at your accustomed uical-time. l o w round-trip excursion faces! stopover privileges. For full informoticu, atk “- e m H. H. BOND, Aguni nuL-wr» srragwK .rm am .ta d W H We at»1 agent» for tho Curtis Publi­ cations. Farmers! Get the best Farm Magazine published for the price. Country Gentleman >1.00 per v «,r . Also Ladies Home Journal and Hnfcirday Evening l’oat. Turner Tri­ bune, Agent. Give The Tribune credit tor what you buy from our advertisers. Tho Tribune shop can prirtt your butter wraps, letter heads and en* volopcs. LINEI ill LOCHTEN ____ _ Mra. Brown nud Mr». Geo. Moore were doing Cliilaluia» shopping Iu All ropy mu»! lie In the banda of Salem Monday. Ihu printer by Wednesday noon. Here after no type will lie »et after Thursday K. 8. Prather ia the happiest man in noon except death notices nr other Turucr thv»e days an he now has on entoiergency matter. u.»i»(ant for the drugstore. The young­ ster was born Friday night and weigh­ For ale Drown and white bean«. ed eight pounds. Mr«. Prather and the Carl Duncan, Turner, Ore. boy aro at (ho home of her mother at McMItiuvillu. Protect yourself agnin.t the uncer­ tainties of winter. We can «»«uro you a good position In your own county, which will pay you well. Write us at enee. Negar Cor|air»tlon, 3ul Couch Itldjp, Portland, Oregon. 11-4tp Ralph "S o g g y " Huaaey onnic down from Casper W yom ing Filday. Hi- »aya he lift winter and hit aprlng when lienrrived in Turner, ua It was .12 below zero when he left Carper. He ha» Imd a aelge of pneumonia and 1» going to hare to do some feeding to got hack to hia old self again. Bettor Homes and Gardens, ia the Idiul Magaalne, for the mire wanting J. K. Barber, accompanied by hi to mnku a bountiful pince of their honiua and gardens. A beautiful brother-in-law, timk a load of dressed magatine for Hie normal coat of $1.00 chickens and tu r k e y to Portland for three years. For thl* month o n ly Friduy, returning Saturday afleruo. u. See the October l*auo at Tribune uiltce L. C. Moc, IIreinan nt the Tuherelols J. L. Harri», Agoni. Sunil urloni, wa» a Turner visitor Mut- urday morning. Salem , Ore. i | 5 < People’s Furniture Store SA LE M , ORE. ******* Emory Wood of Kalom visited at the Wilson home Friday eveulng. Orval Thomas went to Malem Fri- day to »pend Ilia holiday va ration week. I desire to express my appre­ ciation to my friends and custo­ mers for their fine patronage and to wish each and every one all the joys of the Holidays and a full measure of success and prosper­ ity for the New Year. Carl W ood and his father wtrt- down to Cioverdale looking after their •beep Sunday. Mi»* Hpleer, Cioverdale action' teacher left Saturday lo »pend Ho holiday» will, h r parent». uu« shopping ► »»»S W S S H S S To My Patrons Louie and Altiert Hi nnies motored to Portluud Saturday on business. Mam Drsgt-r came home to speod the holiday». Art Kunke Saturday. < 5 | ? When in Salem viait this «tore and inapect the wonderful Lang Hange« made by a Western Manu­ facturer for western people. These range« are ideal for wood and coal, also ezclu.ivcc wood ranges. 271 North Commercial St. Elmer W ebb wa« laid up a few day» fiat week with a (mil In Ma uose. A Mr», rtelh linker la now ubh to walk very poor place to have one. from one room to another alnce her fall from the porch. fleo. Moore who has been »ick for «orne time 1» now much better and I» Iri (lie apace of a few inontha «nine ani.lou« for the anow and cold weather Turner property ha« etianged hand»: to leave ao he can get out dour». Mr. Htandley ha» lioughl the Hally Miller property, Mr. Prather, the Drug F, P. Rowley, of the Tribune. I» In aloio, and Mr. Fuualon the Nortlicut receipt o f a lellcr from ( ’ nele Perry 'hom e, which la now occupied by Mr. ol 1 will la.l for »ix weeks yet. We hope tic I» u Turner high »elioni, la «pending the hi 11 lav» In Seattle. false propini. - H. L. Earl, Hardware r 3 »V *«W IW V »' ' ..................» • » -v iu if.i .HW n W iW i.Wi.iW i.,.;.» i .m .,,tf. . Pomeroy & Keene \ \ i \ \ \ \ Go to H. L. Earl's Hardware Store for “ Good Value" work gloves at 75c, also have a small stock of auto accesories which w ill be sold at greatly reduced pi ices, and a stock of jewelry at dO per cent off as long as it lasts. Now is the time to get your Xmas presents. < ♦ « « > « ■ ' ve-s* tino. M‘«ir« la gelling along fine; Ha la able to «at »olid food now; and on Monday waa out for (ho flrat time liiapcetlug matter» at (ho barn, lie muym lio y cuma lo get out and get to werk ua of old. During the timo Mr. Moor» waa laid up Mr. Marvin Thomua did the chorea. Report any a that the (J. F. Uontli’» urn planning to build on their ranch weal of Turner mid turn to farming thua vacating their Salem home. Claven cours. » with nane» and dat-v aa follow-»: I. Farm Power a id I’ow -r Junuar} 6-Sl. equipment, Jan. C to Mar. i II. Ga* Kny.ni «, Tractora, ,and equipment, Jan. 10-23. III. General Kami Repair, Jan. Poultry lluah.ndry— 2* 30. Feb. 2 to March 14. IV. Farm W iter Supply and Land Claa .ftratinn A Apprai.nl Sanitat ,n, K«-b. 2-6. Februui/ 2-7. V. Gas ami Electric Right and Farm Mechanic»! Power, Feb. 9-13. VI. Farm Concreti- Construc- tion, Rob. 16-20. F»r full information address DEAN OF AGRICULTURE, CORVALLIS, OIL':. Mr. and Mr». Watacn plan to spent X n ii» a t Ilia huma i f llielr daughter, Mr». Freedou I» l*< rlland. Automobile Insurance Written % COURSES January 6 to March 20. Fourth Annual Cannar»’ School February 2-20. H ulciii, O re. Mm. 0 » o . Mi ere mid daughter K lnnur, Mr». C. W . Hewitt and daughter Lavi rue w tl* »bopping In Calvin Hatuidiiy. s ii months l ime Deposits Fire and SHORT Dairy l l i . i M a m f m»n*— O. A. Hear wan u Portland vUltnr Monday. 4 % Paid 011 WINTER Dairy M i n ifailurin Cbe /Silas Book Store HIß S tille St. SALEM . O R E G O N . "ß r¡« n e » Plu» Farin Prac ti«*" O lU X O N A /K IC U I.T U K A L COLLEGE V \V » Imvii liti* uni'll rolli piote lin n o f H p n rliiig ( i < >•• I m in S a lon i. ,. ^ o f e ( i o e e o w i > o < ’o e s tuough the Industries nnd Mtste Institutions for those registring will lie made. The Turuer troop of .Scouts uud all otner hoy* of the Tur­ ner district are invited to attend these trip» and those desiring to do so should send their name* to Benj. J. Kimber, seoretery of the Marion Couuty Y. M. C. A., as toon a* possible. These games and trips will be held In conjunction with the Salem Y. M C. A. who have courteously Invited the boys to participate with them. R elia b le D riggist Turner, L. E. Hennics wa* shopping lu Haleru Monday. Oregon, .7s an E y esig h t S p ecialist W e G u ra n tee a ll O ar Work F irst C lass 0 * 1 0 3 9 EVES ST R A IG H T E N E D W IT H O U T THE K N IFE ANO W E A LilO TR E A T CA TA R A C T WE CSe THE M«COft)flCK SYSTEM NO BKLC8 25 year* Practice DR. A . C. E A T O N Jlafu ro p atU an d (O p fo m flrtst Mpcciat Attention to Children Exam ination Free We Can Save V ou M o n ey on Glasses PH O N E 1097-M o f f ic e : u p st a ir s 282 jr. o o u ’ L. s t ., S a i . em , O bfoox B E A U T IF U L F L U F F R T JG rS Any Sixe M a d e o u t o i yo n r w ern o n t C arp ets IT'e also clean , r e fit, setv and resize carpets New mettre»ses made to order. Old matresees Tfiorot/ffhty Steriliz'd before remaking. Feathers renovated. Write or phone for information secern n m rug works Otto F. Zwicker, Prop. Salem Phone * ***** 13$ Wilbur In an interview with I*. E. Thoma «on, Moailay, on hla return from Fort- .■ .V .V .W .V W .V .W .W » W U S S V % V .V J S W A W ^ V .V » W J V W W .* land, we h arm d that the linen mill that bus been fostered by Robert Hlm- p«on, of Clifton, New Jersey, and Song Congregation Sidney Mtarlii g, of North Tonawanda l ’iauo duct Mrs. Daue A Mary Miller New York, will bo located ut Vancou­ Invocation Rev. Pogue ver, Wash. They have secured the Exercise and song Beginners class building» o f the Mtaudlf. r Mteel ship Quartette, mixed yards ou long lease mid expect to* Piano Molo Ethel Given have the mill In operation some time Duet From Young Peoples class in June. As soon r.s the management Recitation Willard Rear decided on Vancouver as the locatiou Molo F. C. Gui ning of the mill >100,000 was raised by that Orbati Mtout .. Violiu Solo Ity. The main building, Mr. Thom a­ Choir Au them son stated, was 90x 460 feet three stories Mr. Rond Christmas Story high and all clear tlonr space. The Eleanor Moore Molo ither building Is 20('x4.r.0 fiet There lues Burnell Recitation are five railroad track* into the plant. Choir Anthem Their plana rail for eight scutching Bong Congregation plan's to be erected In the fiux dial riot and the probnldlltiis are Hist Turner churches with union services lu the j will get at least one of those. These* | evening at one of Ihc two churches. plant* will mean a lot for thl* acctlon ! A* soon ns definale arangements can »* the retting and scutching ri present 1 be made a complete program will to V . ,A V .V .V ., . '. W . V . '. V . ,. V .V .V .W .V A V A , . V .W A V A , J W /J Y _________ * the big end of the flax game. published giving dates and all iufor-j | ■: $ i * Turner M eat Special for Saturday A ll kinds of choice cuts Beef, Pork and Veal 5 Turner Bring your sewing inselline, wash­ The boy» iu Ibis locality made good ing machine, vacuum cleaners, type­ writers and broken furniture to the uso o f tho loo and snow tho past week, Furniture Hospital. (Rear Tribuno skating and const lug. (»Ilice) for repairs. $10 worth of books uod short articles W. H. Harris and son for >1.00. Hero Is the way you can get them. The I,»dies Homo Journal >1.00 per year provide* you with >1000 It ha» boeri reported by a reprc- If plan* that are In prospect cab be worth of high els»» reading If pur Miitatlve o f tbc con nell thatthe partii a chased ill hook form. The Country carried out Turner will tie treated lo a wlui removed tho No l ’ nrklng «Ign, GctiHeinun, come» every week, >1.00 Krllier uml »on banquet sponsored by Ilio foro pari of thè week are known, per year give» you several times Its Turner Troop Boy Mounts o f Am - and If Ilio aitine I» replaeed no quo»- cost in hooks, short stories and orlea. The hoys will le nadsted ill the llolia w 111 bc n«kod. article» for the farmer. The Haturday venture by Henj. J. Kimber, County Evening Post, no other magazine in Y. M. C. A. secretary, who will have Mr». E. Rogar«, of Beatile, I» visit­ its class, >2.00 per year- general supervision of tne program. ing her dsugblero, Mr». A. Archibald From now until lh-o. 8t«t we will The program w ill give the hoy the and Mra. P. O. Given. give tho Post with the Tribune for opportunity to hike part with "D u d” >3.00; Hie Ladies Home Journal with which here to-fore has not been done Waldo Riehe» w ill spend Christmas the Tribune > 2 .( 0 ; llie Country Gentle The plan so far, is to make It a three nan w ith the Tribune >2.00. In other d iy affair, with participation of the with hla grandparent» In Milverton. word* wo will Include tho Trihunt Deputation team from Willamette“ ! ! " Ml»» Hazel Bear who I» leaching In with any one, any two, or nil three o 1 The proposed date I* January 9,10 and North Powder, I» home for Ilio holi- Hie above mentioned magazines for 11, commencing witli Ihc banquet Friday, Jan, 9th; a hike open to all >1 0U added lo Hie regular price. days. ■nation. The hoy* are taking on new life and if they can get the backing of the community will make good, boys from ¡2 yeats up, and probably n asket bail game in tho evening, Mat- urday, Jan. luth; Sunday the 11th Religious services at the different FÄTHERAND SDN BANQUET TD 0Í HELD SDDNI Raindrops Flat at Ends Itnlndrops nro nol perfectly round. Motion pictures show thnt, contrary j to popular opinion, they are flat at the top and bottom, apparently due to air pressure. The flattening umkes each drop comparatively only about half Its expected height. - Oregon S H IP L E Y ’S ¡ 2 ! WOMEN. MISSES and CHILDREN’S Clothing and Haberdashery Prices Popular j "Mother Goose ” It is not known for certain thnt Mother Goose was a real character. It 1» supposed that possibly the name Is derived from Queen Goosefoot, or Berthe au Grand Tied, mother of Charlemagne. The queen was a spe­ cial patron for children. SALEM - OREGON j* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * True Courage The Meal-Tub Plot The truest courage Is always mixed with circumspection : this being the quality which distinguishes the cour­ age of (lie V lse from the hardiness of the rush und fooilsli.—Jones, of Nay- lund. England was upset In 1tJ79 by the discovery of a conspiracy against Protestants by one Pungerfleid. It wus called the meal-tub plot, becnns-i the papers were kept In a meal lub. It proved a hoax.