THE TURNES TRIBUNE F. r. I*.«urd rt-.w : y. Elllif««r r%iu\ MHTuttjt'r Kv<*rv TI*»1»■«d!1»? at Tumor, Murimi (' ' -ty, Oregon *1 LM TUITION $ 23 PK.U YEAR r t tho F fitrffieo Mt Turntr, M mi »»><*ontl i I» m mfilltir. ui.tior D e Act uf Marrh 3 . 1*7)1 iljv if tin» Tribu m •• r a d i i f,.r » 1 s t you l«ty from adv : -4'm. 1* I* a m-iVi in. ut « mi r H.t t«i I a » V u tatuimi a d illtl !« l» i wliiuii xx « u ‘d itu* r.\titutaolurt r or «»i*% \ «.nr w lilnu^' * x cliilil or ymiiii; | I liai la uiuUi agu. This lugb!?xi ion i> n<> tiouM r»»»u »«d *y the trailr uiiiuiit ID order to l.i Ulll.tiil u ID -ilOjT 'iv on Hu U bu riitu atlo ii, ! i vu l not uuly ■ *«» lim i l»Ul u \xi.i t. at* t*IC x OUI g JK liKu», U< or gl. I nit»1 a lilt* ul ’vile- lioaa in plaio ol a life of UtdU'iti U» m IÍ i Our gi'u l frie tal, < '«»I li' .er, III the Mm.uUcU r r m )», * «I viudh ! he a J o ¡«suiti lo our luu> li every u ti i Id 111 »»i 18 y ear a »»hi Itavv oitou^ii sUi.iiy u»*ik t « » foil»» iitbitM tl imlu«.ry ti.s ea.l of iO iiotk»" L*»»l. «lofer i ' • U the l it:, ou the iiuu«! Tli * l»w j . i l a l o y It* ru th thaï the Tuiti er L'oUiil D«»t titre t*is» own *•« n to worlt ou his farm \% 11 *ut vi dalli g tile law. A law .lac that would be i iux- 1. g.tdatioii the worst l i n a 1 > muli y a j *r boy s» i.o has io woik lu o rd ir t»» ¿et iU ‘ i:^ii money to l«»r a«t eduoalioii. ! i uouM «rìso j re s ti t I« Uiy from servii.¿ nu a|»r« n»:Uv»hsj io any trade and il would te lu t a m utter i f a íi vr y im » ui.u l d .c « would l»e a seaiuity o í skilled lalu»f that Ootihiu’l I« fi i li li ?s»:uly a l Mates have laws litui r. w ilute li.eag« s XV heu a child «hull or s .all not Wolk lu *t laclo ty oi oilier ol' j ul »1 k tuijiluyiutaik Wo ijuole a^aiu iron* Ilio M anufacturer: **A s i.a tu r »t»;*- Í j . lqiic could happen to ; he grow:u| gi u v ralio i, » .». i » ui ch u d tin o r; y U .g‘pei?)>!l that; lo t»e dept ì %ed ul I i i oppuMuuuiis Í r .u us t al »n|lo\- liieül uud tueur:* imuiey lo i.uip aup poi I families. R E T U R N IN G T O U R IS T S T E L L SA M E Farm Pointers Horce Markets Corning Back STO RY “One of tha greatest encourage­ ments in tho eight years l hare terv- ed as Dire, tor of tho Near Fast ia the report brought hack by returning tourists this year.” slates J J . Hand- saker. Roglcaal Director for Near East Relief for Oregon Washington. Rritlsh ( luiubia ar.d Alaska. It is a very significant thing that these tourists all come back with the same story. Some saw om part of the wrrk and some another. Hut all unite In saying that the A m eri.ans engaged in the work are of unu•■•«ally high type that the work Is economic­ ally and efficiently done, and If Amer­ ica only knew the need and how far tho need is being met with the money available, there would be no lack of funds. "Among th rs, recently visiting tho Near »Cast and who reports have been uniformly enthusiastic, ar. Mrs. C. S. Jackson and her secretary. Miss Julia Hobday, of the Oregon Journal; Miss C crnclis Msrvin. State Li­ brarian; Mrs Louisa Kelleraa. of tho Eugene Bible University; Prof. W. J. Sly. L infield College; Miss Moll» Smith u. the Portland Public Schools, and Dr and Mrs It W. Coe of Port­ land. philanthropists. Dr. J. R- Wether- bee. former President Portland Cham­ ber of Commerce. "A cting on the advice of the Na­ tional Information, the Com­ munity Chests of Portland. Tacoma and Seattle include the Near East Relief for generous appropriations. Tho purpose of thfs bureau is to In­ vestigate the workings of relief agencies, both at home and abroad, and no Community Chest wilt give a penny to an organisation not ap­ proved by this bureau. Investigators have found that the money gets there —if we give tt." The Near East Relief offices at- at 6X3 Stock Exchange. Portland and 339 Burke Bldg., Seattle. WASHINGTON BOY HOME FROM NEAR EAST V>. A. I'. F x p . Sintl.m . tl « Ë ifs P ‘ ’I * * ' . i i ii| «, SUMMONS In tho C ir c d t Court “ f tho SLtle o f Oregon for in. Count) o f Marion. / * i V r - T v T» ■ ' \ Dunsrtinenl No. S John M. Guthrie, 1’hiintilf, vs. Mnr> ¡ K. Guthrie, Defendent. To Mary It. iiuthrte, defenilanl: I I 1 •*»* ‘ • IN TH E NAME OE TH E . TATE M . > V ■ O F OREGON : You aiv hereby required to nppoar and answer the complaint Ikied against you in the nhuve entitlud »■Mtelal|i>ii iiiemtwrshlp No 2IWi court and cause on or before tho KKIt day of Jan u ary, UU.'i, uml if you fail Th ■ recent high w ater which cov­ ered many potuto riebbi, liceocbng to •.!io experim ent station, showed that the early planted tuh>rs which had matured were much better nido to Lind aubmorginiT. t r i e r potatoes, not so fully matured, rotteli tindly, m rente cases 10 to JO times ns much ::pp!) to tho . >urt foi th relief C o n o r a i R a n k in g Ltusinosa as tho early planted well matured prayed for in Ids complaint, lo-wit | for the dissolu'hin o f th. mu rtag< Intereel paid on «Ime dapueit* and lock. contract existing !»• tween plaint>n savings aeeounU . Experiments at the station at Cor land defendant, ami for such other. I furl Iter and different I. li f as to the Cer. S late * Le.nm srctal Sis. •I »«• «.<•»<> v«*i v> valila have shown thai hu> put into I court teems ju st and equitable O REC UN SALEM storace i,, th summer months in YOU ARE FU R TH E R NOTI FIFO , ire conriiK back. As both far ,i and . ty are demandln,; more otter may nltlmatelv result, a.vordlng to lb. S e a r*,. .ev en ,. . ............. , hiU inis ummons is serve,i «pen you i I Foumlallou bawd on a study of l ie trend In the buying ¡«S «he winter and ucuall) ivachrs by publication thereof In the Turner v ' S T f l  X * » * » ' MM SI«'« National Hint E E S n tF t Horae market amt belter horses, ltoebuek Acrlculi t ... ItamagMaw to Ubn^y or •JSSXVU pubSSil! tol l> . H . M O S H H R I.t > |r!k«N ‘hubljr xx Ul ot'iitinuu t.» dUKt> roc* horse anti ami# protltic* tax •» up u'vi lurx* ironi i c i . kmm j T*uriu.r# M Ariou County. O njcoit. pur*' I H uh C ln s s tiv>n ntul cuus«» n oft In tho mjuln«* p»Mvulutlt»n until avumut* prices nv ir a ,' a!i* and thu bak*3 .*trx' coiL alorahly j ,u»nl t»> an ovtlvr t»f th»* Honorable tbe Foundation N llev ts Fut alrta ly l»t»r>o biootllno ops'rutUxnt have b««cun heavier at mi«l \vintur than they ar»* IVrcy I t Kelly, Judgo t»f th«* al ovc tu expand In the «HstrU'i: the klntt oi fouiutati«'n si t k capuMi* t>f mid s»l (,u. ( 0u0 wing sumirtbi. dato of the first pul- cation of this, 471 Court RL SALEM hors.»s of tho wagon typo weighing 1.400 to 1,000 pounds. I'rlcea have nd-j notice was the lifth da) of Novelli- van.-*',I the exireme depression of two years ago. j February ts th * months to row red 1 ber, 1924. and the lust iniblicatiun | How s.-.-n the turn!lie point will he reached on tli* rank an.l til* of bornea i(n,| alsiko clover. This planting is thereof will he on (he 8th day of Jan- la d ie s and (ients EATON and EATON Practical Hatters Si leni, Oregon. and that good h-rses nnd mul-s pn-dueed from matings In the next few )enrs *c.‘d business dem rids pun- seed.. Styles chanjed en Lidies oi G Ms tuts Will get the benefit of that advnnco by the tl.o* they reach marketahle ng*. consequently seed to t«- planted Good horses lire the exeeptlun on furtns today, tt ts uiuhtukuble Hint tP-o-lj should bo fn-o from buckhotn. The S H E R IF F 'S N O TICE O F S A I F OF 5 I f S ln le S t. farmers will he content with plugs for tong. experim ent station seed laboratory REA L P R O P E R T Y ON FO RE makes seul tests free o f clu. g*. so C LO SU RE anyone can know whether lus seed is Notice is Hereby Given, that hy vir­ F. B R E I T H A U P T good. tue of an execution duly Issued out 123 N. Liberty StrM l o f the Circuit Court of the S tate of BF.NT G R A S S E S GOOD Oregon, for the Count) of Marion I Seed o f fine bent glass, r.-Mstant to um, lo |llt. d ircct, . j on ti... n t h day | F L O R ID I' i sour wet condition.!, and , highly -- - prized tVc.-mb«]-, l ‘J 2 4 , upon a judgment i j for le was. golf courses, f- ib:dl fields and locree dul) rendered, entered of I T h a n * 3 SO 1 and ether place* where tu rf is need- i cord ai ! d ecketnl in nbd by sait! OREGON ! eil, are now availahle. It is bring Court on t l . olh da) of IVci nih- r, SALEM p m lu c d In commercial quantities ut l'.’J 4 , in a certain suit thrn pending wh.-rein E. Norton wbx plnlntlff and Coquille. O r., und imports for tin FJ. là. Spyker nnd Jan e Uoe Spyk.-r, j current year are moderately heavy. bis wif.*, wero défendant» in fnvor of | T i c rem arkable turfs formed by plaintitf and ag a;n -t raid d, fendant» | I’ alnirr t ’hiropraiTor those gras» » a.*>- probably l>. st fo r by which execution I am commanded moderately heavy »oils. They grow to sell the prop>-rty in said . x.-cution| tulle* I’ hone . '-ein ift-T — d.-acribe.! i—prib,..! t to o ----- „ , an.) , h< pay th. native in ninny parts o f the sum due the plumtdT o f « 1 0 0 0 0 with I i and W illam ette valley section». 414-410 U. S. Flank HtiiMing interest then-on at the rule o f 8 i r In some i stances chopped up sods cent, per annum from tho 10th ilay Salpili. Oregon I arc scatter* d ov.-r the ground and 1 o f May, 1917, unt-l imiti nnd th<- fur- u irked in. the lawns beilt* formed - ‘ h,’ r sum ° f * 50 00 aMornC>' * tvr' tugethi-r w.lh th* co.t-* und ilinbur-> - D r» . !.. T . DicW A I - M . H u m mente of »aid suit tax.-d d 317.13 It is e,-nd:!li n und quality rather than weight that decide whether a steer by vegetativo development C hinese M ed icine Co. and cusls and exp. ns.-» o f »a.d xeru- U to be placed In the beef cattle classification. Within the class It Is condl- tion. I will on Snturdny iS* l7lh riluiiiicH troubles g lv rn qul.-k r» lrif tlon and qunllty that largely determine the amount of prvfit tlwt goes to the . . at th- hour >-i , . ¡„aing oUf fau,nu» rrnwdb». slitrper. Choice to prime steers bring from 73 cents to $3.73 per hundred * hicks must prop rl> --it tom -lay o f Januar», Aro • weight over the common light stock, according to a study made of lightweight the start if they are to develop into to o clock A M . o f sanl -lay at Ihr aluu-lllt.-l) I.anu le«*, I« lug roiiipoum l- We.-it doof o f the t’ouut)' Court House steers coming to the Chicago market by tbe Sears-Roebuck Agricultural F'oun- vigortnu stock,” -ay» II. E. C -■’>)’, in Salem, Marion County. Oregon, id fr--in lu ,)«.rL '.l b e r i * , root* and datlon. I ext nsion specialist in poultry bus- seit at public auctioi. to th* highest and b a rk * w hich are well know « for btibler for cash in humt on the da) H o ir cu ra tiv e pr- p . r t l . ». The bulk of th* shipments ar* classified nn.lcr tho grades of prime steers, bandry at O.A.C. aale, 1.JP0 to 1,000 pounds; cbolce steers, 1,130 to 1.000 pounds; go.vd ste»>rs 1.130 “Ju s t before th* chick is h lt c h t il. o H f H P B all i tl.v right, tat1* und cs tat. W r treat all disorders o f men. »»• to 1.000 pounds; medium steers, 1,100 to 1.400 pounds, and common rough the yolk o f the . gg is absorbed i n t » , » h! ' :' '-“ ,1 drfrndants and all I-rjm M . , ,, ! claiming under them subsequent to Him iiu-l ebtidr«li. F'lee eousuil..' ,oD. steers. 000 to 1,200 pounds. These ure the cluaslllcuttous of the United States toe ■ body of the emek nnd st-pplies , h„ of ,,u. PXlM. utlon o f pluintilfs Bureau of Markets. food for the first 18 hours. The first mortgage in, o f and to said premises Cull or wtile, Prime beef steers are the Ideal type, combining exceptional breading nnd requir n.-nt o f the chick a f t - r hatch- hen tnb fon- mentioned uml described 420 - 426 Stati- S t (UpoUIr« ) thorough finishing. Short neck and short legs, smooth tlesh and well-filled, ing is heat, so give it food that sup­ in said cxeru ti. n as folb-ws. to-w it: Pilon* •J-'S. Kah o Oregon. bulging briskets are prerequisites. Prime beef steers are rare, even steers All o f Lot Nim t.*en ( 1 9 1 in Block good enough to grade us choice are few. They show most of tho characteris­ plies heat and energy as well us t h e ' Two (21 o f llurliiigton Additimi to tics of the prime grade, good breeding and long feeding, smooth tlesh and thick el. in nts needi d for bone and muscle. C:-* City o f Sal- m, Marion County, Newly hatched chicks may be fed Oregon, according te the duly record fat. On the block the quality steer will show a good proportion of red meat covered with a modest amount of smooth white fat. The lean, while firm ol with good results during the first ed plr.t thereof now of record with texture, wilt be mellow to the touch. The carcass should carry down full tu w-eek three times laily on a chick - 1**‘' County H* corder of Marion Coun- ty, Oregon. the hock, being blghlj mnrbled with bright lean of a fine grain. j food containing three pounds each of Hni-I «al* being Iliade subject to reden. i cracked corn, cracked wheat, P 'n' ptl-n In lb * in km ocr provided by law head oatmeal or s li d cut o:-tx 31,1 I ated ltd» 12th day of December, ! one pound o f fine grit. A rrx-h of 1924. O. !). How - r equial parts o f bran shorts nnd corn D EC E M BE R 24 BhvrllTof Marioli U’ounty, Oregon. m al mixed with eggs, o ( roiled oats with egg*, is recommended twice W ORLD’S R E S T N EW S: Th* au­ -laily. Sour milk or butt* rmilk is gi 1 said unto lh*m , F.-ur not, for, NOTICE TO C R ED ITO R S fed in addition. Grit and charcoal Notice is hereby given that th* un b* ho!d I bring you good tidings o f ure provided in hoppers, and the d.-r r o of f th* - i gt d, I-) an <>id. the County [rant jo y , wtue!. sl.nll b« to all | Court of Me non County, Suite of • j.-,,r ¡ch ick arc ar, given giv )m , |g b o n tin’s day in tho green feed unco a n Cottlt D r. O. L . Scott m m Hl NOTES E x » u icalio n s arc over a,.ii S a uta is l*. r*. I l «orsy! ln -,*tte ul ilic e >1.1 uva lier tb r High l'. liuuj .U tl.U bi.VC 1» a .« , Il g up WM .. . It. 6ch(«ul « ill i i( « r fur the bolid e. a oi I a c . and will i«— pc*, J .u. 5, 1920. M .>rt li» . ittUtriHtl freni a week'« *,:•»*nev caused t»,) u >.ue iL n a l T il« sam e Friday bight « ilL U .iU Ire« was i i . l in liwili fenili«» I y nu . J. int, l>ut our regular »er. nul all u'Jt. ALFRED M ERRITT Judging fruin the w ratlu r tr t en liO'V Imviug, Mr. )\.pb wi-i nut gel a Alfred Merritt, who has ju st return­ \ üt-aliuu, ü it ..i ll u* tnseet-sary to ed to bis borne in Tacoma after three keep Il:e fir.» burning boti. day and years service for the Near East Relief iiiglit in oid< r to keep tUo raoiulo:» In Russian Armenia. liuiu inx-xiug. "U nless you have been over there U n D.*w ni:,g expect* le sp n 1 the u d have seen thousands upon thous­ liolidays a l L r nume in Tii.aUiOoa ands ct children gradually develop from practical savagery, to which L ily . they had been reduced, into happy M ss Fuller lesera lo i>|ei:d l e ; useful self-supporting members of li Ida; * ni S calile. humanity you can never know what M ie* F u iie t 'i r imi u i Jta* an added that country owes to America. The decorali,]]] in tine f.nni of .1.« Sopko- work is not finished yet but after this year should begin to diminish. With in >re clues pen, i m. thousands of children still hungry in Beliool closed f< r Ih t boiata}» with refugee camps this is no time to think a Chris: ru-e, program aud llie c u .i. In- of reductions or withdrawals." ury In e . “Ted Gannaway, a boy from Med­ ford aud Seattle, is busy distributing T o a!, patrón., and aupp rt.T* of th He pays the \ acliuul » e wish a M-rr C bratniaa clothing in Creece. refugee women, many of them expert and a Huppy New Y< ur. needlewomen, a few cents a day for making over the clothing. Then it a man ¡8 able to pay any price what­ Treating Hard j.lilKers A rare and unusual money s*ivinp, bnrgatn offer In refut­ ing matter for the whole family for a year. We offer Hard-milking c«>w* arc treated by ever he i3 expected to pay all that he can afford, although often only a this combination to our readers for a short time only. the |>*rs!«tent use of dilators or by Renew al »»abscriptions will be extended fo r one euttln^ the lining mrinlrane of the few cent3, for the clothing. We are year from present d ate of expiration. lent with it tent bistoury. After thU determined not to pauperize these peo­ 1. done u little milk must be stripped ple. wbo. until a few years ago, were So mvuy often during the bealiii? pre-c- prosperous and aelf-respecting. rva. In some cases It may l>e uilvis- '•arcfully doe3 Ted Gannaway handle This is yor“ chance to get 12 big issues of each of »d 'e to .itt away a small portion of this clothing that he actually turns the .e fear valuable magazine 3 — 48 issues in nil — I lie tip of tbe teat. These Instrument» back a profit each month, a profit Dt liAil t thtotuai subscription price. Rrodmg m«ttrr for may be obtained nnd used at borne, which is used for the purchase of tiic whole fami?y — fiction, pa.tcrm, cfnlnidrry, rrc* foc-d for the children of whom there ipes, pcuHry, dairy, i;vpstocV. <. p-i, farm manairtnrnt, but It is usually best to have the etc. D.»o’t iTiiai MS tins unusual r , .• t unity to art this valu­ work do: by n veterinarian unless are thousands and thousands hungry able, intr;« tijig end ».Mtruct «roup of maKUtur*. If In Greece today. you ore already a suboenber to any of theae mo^a^ixics one Is skilled with tbe Instruments. jreux subsc: ipt; -ra v, JA be exie&dcd one y- . "The same sort of miracles are wrought with old clothing acros3 the B!a- it Sea in the Russlon Caucasus where about half of the expense of on!y. Both mw gr.rl retiev/dl •uborriptioos to t). » paper will the vr-.rk is met through contributions racei/c these rr-a^oxines. But flon’t wait unt I thr f/Srr hnm Ucu Withdrawn* AH Fiom fo r O -ic Y ear — O PU EK tJO W t of old clothing from America. The IHHH»/ * * * ♦ * -xir**-**-x * * * * * * * * * S e n d > o n r o rd e r to c a r o(O ce Russian government pays a stated sum for these te ns of clothing, and they j DAIRY HINTS are furnished to workers who make I 4HHHHHHHHHHHI-4HHHHHHHHHHHHH» them over and put them In shape for sale to the bazaars or shops. Again Us* extra precaution* in caring for the people are not pauperized for j dairy products. those who can pay, pay a small • • • amount, and only the cases of the most l Tf.pre is no more effertlve txrny to desperate need receive free gifts.” | mlvertlse a herd of cows than through At< present. Mr. Merritt says, the | the cow testing association. state of the Armenians is most un­ t 0 happy. They are being torced out of i A cow that lin* contracted the hahtt Greece, and, as they are not allowed ! of holding up her milk 1« very hard in Turkey or Russia, they have to cure nnd It may be bait to sell tier. nowhere to go, but are gathered In [ __ . . . Home-grawn protein helps to make refugee station» along the sh- res of ' U n k in d R e fle c t io n the Mediterranean »e», waftl-g for tho U n c le P c n n y u t t e S a y »: n protqierons diiiryimin. Legume hay. A man’s Intelligence lunsf be far Lea ie of Nations to decide what ts I wish I ’ new wlmt a fly likes to nnd soy bean» grown In silage corn, to be done with them. “Why the ' i t . I’d provide a ride dish fer him above tl.e average to enable him In supply it cheaply. allies allowed the Turks to get off i As It Is lie samples everything and get tits lutigli In. at (lie proper time • • • so easy ts more than any of us can ' slicks to nothing.—Atlantu Constltu- when a woman I* telling u r»o yon want a monthly farm In- Ktory —Chicago News. undersiand,” t a said, discussing the ! lion. ei>ii*“ 7 'toney Is ready for all of the situation In tbe Levant. "That w a s ---------------------- rrenm you can [>rodii“e. certainly a most terrible mistake, and • • • O n ly O n e R ig h t C o u r s é H o u t e M o v e d in H a lv e» Do not stint the dairy cow. Give iier we have not began yet to know bow Itlglnm ss expresses .,r notion what In order to move n lion»«? In Me! terrible it was.’ nil she will eat of tho right kind of boarne, Australia, recently, It was nec­ straightness doe« of lines, nnd there feeds, properly hntnnred. If you ex- essary to cut It In two amt move tne onn no more he two kinds of right I*e<-t her to produce liberally. action than there can be two kinds of sections separately. straight line.—Exchange. Huiler priée» have taken n drop We are agents fo r the Curtis Pub­ Now I» the time the eow testin j work G o o d E n o u g h R e a to n , T o o u tt/ :/ . i r _____ l i : ___ shows up. Only pfiietent rows <-an lications, Farm ers! Get the best mag­ produce at n profit when we n-aeh the azine published fo r the price. Coun­ finsi* season of production which al­ try Gentleman $1.00 per year. Also bachelor» Is because they failed t. for office, only his wife, while person- tra}» forces a decline in prices. Ladles Home Journal and Saturday embrace their opportunities.—Fron ally forglvln’, might feel mornllv hound " • '" “ •"S * xxuv. a u iiic i in u u iiu , A gl. an a go* ki emzcn 1 0 vote agin him.— Washington Star. AMD THIS Q td u T ic tf)/ i • • • • C a» h in Cocir» Gold, Silver, Penny, tind Cosh wer*- : ito name*. ,.f litigants lu un English ourt m c ie iy , MÍW " w , . *> '» * * ■ • * « » <• I*uku 2:10, II. | N » KTum or - ..« o r . o f ( « « -up-1 uppninp ., fam inirtfotor o f th.- „ t o t .. ' ; Chriat — ....... the .. |*ord. ' plies all the various elem ents o f foo«l i 0 f L ucy Ktta Flank, deceaiuMl, sn«i nect Mftry for normal ch ;ck develop- . that he has duly «|uuliti« d as »urh. All I HAVE FOUGHT A GOOD FIG H T rnffnt. Chick or rains are supplemented | parnonn having cluimN AKaiHflt e»- — I hnv • o.sheil my course, I havo *t_ , * * , , . j tate arc hereby notified to present the With miiHcIe forming footl« derived* . 1 . 1 .” . •! * •* x J r .Ii - • - 1 .1 r ■ 1 ' d • hy * kept the fatth. Henceforth there ia from nn animal source, uch aa meat jnvVf at the officen o f Guy 0 . Smith, laid up fo r tne a crown o f righteous­ scrap«, moat meal, ftah meal an«! milk. A ttu iney, 403 Salem Hank o f f’tim* n ess.-—2 Timothy 4 :7 . “The amount of weight taken on by merce Hldf?., in the City o f Salem, Marion County, Oregon, within six W H O SO EV ER W ILL COME A F­ young chicks when properly fed is months from the date of thi* notice, T E R ME, let him deny himself, and rpmarkabic,” say* Mr. Cosby. "A t to-wit Docemb-T IS , 1924. take up his cross, and follow me. E ar ! 12 weeks o f age n normal chick wiil E L M E R C. Pl.AN K, Adminis trato r of the i-«tnt<- of whosoever will save Ms life shall lo I have increased its weight about 2 - Lucy E tta Flunk, deceased. it ; but whosoever shall lose hi* life times. Thus if proper feeding me­ GUY 0 . SM ITH , fo r my sake nnd the gospel’s the tamo thods are used, there must be a boun­ Attorney fo r Administrator. shall save it.- Murk 8 :3 4 , 33. tiful profit in raising young chicks.” NOTICE TO C R ED ITO R S R E M E M B E R NOW thy C reator In Notice in heieby given that the un­ the days o f thy youth, while the evil dersigned, by un order of the County Court of Marion County, Ntutc of days come not, nor the years draw Oregon, duly made nnd entered on nigh, wh*n thou »halt suy, I have no the 2nd day o f Dec., 1924, was :ip- pleasure in them. Let us hear the ,, , . „ ,, .. pointed adm inistrator of the estate! conclusion o f the whole M a tte r: F ear Oregon Agricultural College, Cor- (>orK „ w r |anki 1(ll,| ; •ail *, D m . 23.— Grape cuttings may Umt |„- has duly qualtfi -d as aurli. All God, nnd keep hi* commandment»« bn taken at any time a fte r the leaves persons having claims against said • s- ! for this is the whole duty o f man.— fall until the b break in the .qiring lllt* arc hereby notifl -d to pr.-s.-nt tho Ecc. 12: 1,13. , , . sum*.-, duly verified as required by says C. h. Shuster, professor of hor- ] |#w , t lh' ofiic. h o f Guy O. Smith, IIOW E X C E L L E N T is thy loving- ticulture at O.A.C. Healthy, vigor- Attorney.. 103 Salem Bunk o f Com- ous wood, one year old, should be more* llhlg., in the City of Knb-m, kindness, O God! therefore the child­ chosen. » ; Marion County, Oregon, within six ren o f men put their trust under the ,, ii .. . i months from th * date of this notice, shallow of thy wings. They shall ho Cuttings are u ually thre • buds wit I)ccpm,K.r , 8( 1!)24 abundantly Math fled with the fatnes* lon^r, though they can be shorter if j . j (« |»j ^NK o f thy house; nnd thofl shall mnkn wood la scarce. The lower cut is Adm inistrator o f'th * estate of them drink of the river of thy pleas­ made ju st below the bud, where th e ' George W. Plank, deceased, ure».--P salm 8fl:7, 8. roots will develop most freely. The GUY O. SM ITH , CRAPE CUTTINGS upper cut is mail“ about an inch' Attorney fo r Administrator. w a ________ _________ Iitt!- drying out without injury to the N o W ay to T reat a L ad y bud. George Elliott, forty-one-year-old In­ A fter cutting, the pieces are tie d 1 borer, according to the divori«» hill of in bunches and stored in sand until* .Mrs. Flossie Elliott, filisi In Hupertor spring. Early in the spring, as soon,1 court, I.eenn.e enraged at her on one as the ground can be worked, the c u t-! occasion and kicked the windshield tings are pu4 in rows convenient for out of their automobile. Other alle­ cultivation. These plants should be gations of oruelty nro mad*.— From reaiiy for transplanting a t the end of n news Item In the Hen tile Times. the first year. L o v in g C o u p le t I V a f e n W ith in t h e E a r th T he amount of w ater wlil.ln the crust o f the partli ts enormous, amounting to M fi,0m,1)00.000,0»*» rut.I* yards. T h is vast accum ulation, if ntnecd upon Ihe earth, would cover j o f from 3,000 to 33,000 feet. i | L a tter H a v e G rea ter P art A king or n prince become* hy ac­ cident a part of history. A poet or nn artist becomes hy nature amt ne­ S u g a r in M a n y T ree» Rugar I* found In the sap of nearly cessity a pari of universal humanity. —Mrs. Anna Jameson. two hundred ulnnt» und treu». W hllst cigli! lumi*» were belng drlv- en nhrng (he buslint thoriiughfnre <*f Dolgelly, Englund, they inaile for th* open d*H*r o f the office* o f H ip silper- Intendint rig lstrn r o f mnrrlngea. en tered In couplea, ami were cttly *Ject- ed wltli illflh'iiltjr. Eventually they ram e »ut ugniti In conplM. PURE RELIGION and undefllml before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and willows in their affliction, and to keep him», ff unspotted from tho world.— Jan ies 1 : 27. ,'kottaftlls n°r"lor MC,tj ruma« 3i!*«rten a *u tT Pratosi j c T aan lemon , P o p u lo u s A n t»’ N ett» Lord Avebury once estimated that a single ant's nest inlgbt contain ns many ns 400,000 Individual Insects. Recent researches bave al.own that these ligures were too high; yet the actual facts arc ttstoplshlng enough. / Give Tho Tribune credit fo r what you buy from our ailvortlscrs. S u bscrita fo r th» Tribun« 1