P O P T I A MH OFFERS A MARKET F v /A . 1 L A l i U FOR y o u r produce r«Mi«»4. ' v*f*» VAtTDlVILLE r i O t O f U T I M u l M O U in 8«lar4»r i4»lto W V m A m . >0«. »4*. tu O n i Ur i I i s i i I u i h t to h i APPLES W ■ (AM U U te r m AFPLU IN PORTLAND la IMPROVING— W R IT ! VR W H A T TOD B i l l PAÜB A »ON. Fur i to» A O n «»» HAHR S e le c t to C V 'r v * 10 m u ReAM ientiel Modani — A T ran uen t FlrrptiKi/ — A m th in PUn RATES MODERATE SHIP TODAY--A Check Tomorrow Mutual Creamery Co. B S S g fr r nr Cedar Chests Sizes Tennessee Cedar Factory, lam bst at Dakar Sts OAca. SaWnwa. 1« F Hraad- war. 1'ortiaad. SEND FOR CATALOG Enroll Monday--Ruhm Telegraph & Radio Institnfe _ Rat)war Eachanaa Balkitn«. Portland. Oraron. TR K M B N PO U S P L M A N P FOR BOTH MEN AN D WOMEN. BIG SA LA R IE S D ar and N icht Ci« m m . W n to foc Ptvwswctua d X A N lN G A N D D Y D N C Far rahabia CWntaa and Dra­ w 's par ratura poat**a 1 aforra EN E E 'S O T T D T E W O R S E . INFORMATION ». DEPARTMENT _______________ PwGnad^Ota P L K A T I N O S P E C I A L Cut. seam. ham and marhtna FREE Book for Sufferers pleat aktrta ready for band S I . M Hamatltrhlng. ptectlrg and tucking B if from Cancer, Tuberculosis, Chronic Diseases, Piles EASTER N NOVELTY ttv» Fifth Street J3S OR. M FO . CO. l .Mtond. Ore. AB R AM S SYSTEM fo r at! Chronic I>ta.-aeea. Vtadtecn Bldg. v a » .— a m t aty ........ mat u mstHudl o f tr s stm f Ckncar. T n W m a W *. Pika and Ornante dia- C U T F L O W E R S A F L O R A L R E S IG N S Clark# Bros.. Florists, 1ST M ------U Hundrad« of cratnfu! pstwnu taatify M OLER • raaulta po—ih k ta your BARBER COLLEGE Teach», trade In 1 weeks Some pay while learning. Position, secured Write for cstalogua til Burnside Street. Port­ land, Oregon. -------- P E R F E C T O T R U N K M F G . CO. T r u n k s . A u t o T r u n k s to o r d e r, Third a n d P in e , P o r tla n d . Ora. ' p a in t s A n o w a l l p a p e r M ille r P a in t C o , IT« F ir s t 8 t _____ PL E A TrN G . H EM ST IT C H INO Battone. Scolloping P e rl P ic i SJ*«. W Eaikttoder;. B o lu s Helen. ra»r»n!»*d. DRUGS BY MAIL U t os aend you yr-ur D ra n I ¿ a u s j 5 a v b * d r u g c o u p a n t r n T E M St_ PardatoA Ora W e S p e c lA liz s in ■ fa * .N b . Vaai, Makar. TaJWw. C ams « . Dragas Gnp* Is a . Gsst Site, Han« liir V it a t a Saiaatoe Tae» A Vun reto. Usa P o r t im i M ire a W ool C o . .ii South P l « itinf l sad Button W ork« IH Morgan * B id«.. Portland. Or*. D R M A R IK D EQUI FHTWCIAX W ¿moti sod Children $4 Lofujctto Bldg SUROKOR D R SALT V IE . O B T O M E T tlS T X mob« Gl «t oro Prie— R.ght S«ti«faction I M Iwotlund Bldg. Oppi Lipmoa Wollo RYDER PRINTING CO. Feuturo Printing for Loss 1>S T h ir d Stroot Port load. Orogog Y o u r - T E E T H SL E E R »* W h :i# W o W o r n Our Reputation la our groutost ussoL Dr. Koone. 151 ^ Washington S i. Porti and AMERICAN BEAUTY SCHOOL C o a r o t * Ir.itruoUoa tm Rwory Broncb od this “l whot w o o d or our Studente. Talk “ Do Y’our Xmas Shopping Early” is the Slogan. BUT BEAR IN MIND t í * Medic» 1 B idg . Portland. Ora rrrFVTTOY t l h t l S — lit t o r e . . » . n«L SoaJterr bosatj parlor w« fti you up; « « »»*• kind of hair pioroo out of fombinfo; 1 « t e a rwiwh. 9S«; 2 stouxs. f l SO; $ «te n s •$. run oor.ru« of booutj culturo, gdd. 400 Doha» buildlag. Portland, Oregoa.___ HOTEL EATON Bk * 7 otead all wMthar condittena, •!•#> Wont Park and Mom arm Sts» Tabs C-C. car at TV pot to W u t Part Stroot Th# Boot Located Hotel In Portland D o n 't u p f r t u t t n te do H nil tor th« to ry w % j in w hich Tro U to and tho food tndifrotioB «a ooajupouon n s l mnkoo rou who io i j i u n oluggteh. ASSIST NATURE BY TARINO BARK-ROOT TONIC A mild lnxatjTo. ▲ oy «tom bn.'.dor that will holp Naturo te roga­ lo to jour who to »y «tora. Koopo jour bowolo opoa, ■t anulo too jour ote much and liTor and eouoequoAO- 1/ puriT.es tho blood. Oao Botti« Should Com Time« At All Druggist* Cornelius n f . , W bolooooi« food cook od tuot right b , k n o w S PÉCI PÉOALÜ« luncheon oorrod dnilj that caniwt Cifeteru vaJCICl M b Washington and A.der. Portland Dr. Lake, Divine Healing 129 Fourth Street, Portland YOU WANT A SHOW? Wi can finish it Orehootrms. Singoro. Duneor*. Comedians. Mngi* cinn«. Director« for Home Talent Manuscripts. oe< HASZ AM l A e MRNT C O . HippodrooM BMg. jortland. Oregon. Totephvn^ Mpin 20f0, « SUPERFLUOUS HAIR without Injury to tho akin by Ney -Born Sample on roquost. Noj-Boru Lnb- 1 Morgan Bldg.. Portland Oregon. Prostate Cured Without Operation iti.» te Blot..-k. Bevel* end r.iaele Treatlre I»Ft. E. A. PHILLIPS S r e e d v y B ld».__________________ P ertlaad Ora. Chines* Women Never Kits. W om en In China never kiss, emd Make Springe of Grass. A iteel-Uka grasa from the volcanic when a Chinese woman wishes to slopes o f Oran, Algeria, is ae elastic »how her affection she gently louche« that It can be used Instead of springs th* hand of her beloved. | la th* manufacture of furniture. Navigators Owe Debt to English Carpenter Tha development o f th* ship’s [ allowed to leaTe the country after Its chronometer as s stepping stone In trial voyage to Jamaica and Barbados the history o f navigation Is Interest- Copies o f the Instrument, however, lagly set forth ln a recent article ln were perfected and soon put Into serv- the Geographical Journal of England. Ice, rapidly proving their worth. T lx Cp to the Seventeenth century th* ! “spring detent escapement." from problem o f finding longltud* at sea I about 1780, has survived nearly un- was virtually an Insuperable one. It changed to tha present day. waa not considered so much a matter o f navigation aa tb* subject of Ingeni­ A d v ice for P oet» ous debate among the philosophers. T o tha poet, as to every other, we It waa Huyghena, a Dutch mathema­ say first o f all. “ Sea." If you cannot tician, who, with the aaalstanc* o f the do that. It Is a f no uaa to keep string­ aacood earl o f Kincardine, actually ing rhymes together. Jingling genal- constructed a number o f timekeepers bllitiea against each other, and name tor ua» at ae*. Tbeae war* for s short yourself a p oet; there Is no hope for period well considered and sometimes you. It yon can, there Is. In prose gave torn» satisfaction ln use, but as or verse, In action or speculation, all thay ware controlled by pendulums manner of hope.—Carlyle ln "Heroes and had no temperature compensation | and Hero w orship " they could not stand up to vigorous ' _________ _________ John Harrison, an English carpenter who bad never received any proper m in in g aa a cJockmaker, perfected a machine which bad a dramatic suc­ cess In its trial at sea. It waa m OVERLOOKED Jaok— Wa had pretty hard look tonight com ing to this party. Frad — How waa that? Jaok — Wa drova up In a taxi, and nobody saw ua. Thinking Is vary far from knowing. Entirely O ff th e Page Speaking o f a formerly prominent woman w bo was ostracized for soma Indiscretion or other, a gentleman re­ marked : “ She was one* a headliner tn society and now she Isn't even a footnote." ----------O---------- P r o o f o f G lacial Period Oeologlata base their statements concerning the existence o f the gla­ cial period mainly upon evidence In tha form o f erosion o f rocks, tha ex­ i Courses Offered in Public Health W ind Robs Man of Three $100 Bill. L IV E STOCK] Hau Francisco.- Th* ndschlo- vous wind that aprsag up ro- ceutly to swoop dowu,on Market street, flapping th« skirts o f th* II a t lM B U i« « flappers coat William Wilson of appalli* ■ «! TO INSURE CROP OF Nu. 11 AN Howard atr««t «CRU. •10« d lg s s lls a . VIGOROUS LAMBS I Aa Wlt.on waa taking out hts •'The 1‘ cnnaylvanla department of II « B k « « y e a r Correspondence School Con­ health, through Ita division o f public wallet to buy a Monday pap«r lo a d d o yaw m ora Breeding «w e« which ar« In goovi th* rapacious, predatory irphyr health education, hau conducted two ! ducted by Institutions. g o o d . N ota h * « s condition In th* fall n*«il llttl* or no caught three |1U0 bill* and car­ course» which It dealgnated a» corre- : II r a t l « v « a Ifcal ai ul l y | ««U a| grain In winter until about a month ried them down th* afreet. Wil­ Washington t.’orr*»poud*RC* »nil apondeuce courses. • lia r k * a r ly « a U a g , b*fora laiuMng. If glean all th* bright son lea|H‘d to catch hts flying reading iv u r w i In public health h*v« •The University o f Chicago main J W k lls s a laa i * l l*guitt* hay ttiay will »at with an at beau conducted l>y save« state dctmrt- taina a large home study department. 1 ■ money, hut the guai carried them i «• a a • a a a Iowan,-a o f sllag* or roots In addlttoa incuts health and by aix universities Seven cours«-» are given In the de- ¡ around a corner and. although k r t a l k «od writ«* l'<>i»#y McAtao In Ilia I’ ratrl* In thla country In the laal tw o year», pitr(incut of hygiene and bacteriology. I • he spent moat o f hla morning ] ¡ Farmer. At thla tlma or «arllar, tf| according to the lu lle d State» militia "T he I'nlveralty e f Wlacoualn at j 1 aearclilug the street», aided by thay ar* not In thrifty, vigorous condi­ health service, which for nn>r* tiuu a present oliera through Ita extenalou ' a good sited crowd, ha waa un- tion. they should ba given a limited I ahla to recover the billa year has been collecting data on the division approximately four courses— j amount o f com-entrataa np to ono-half| subject from the executive officers o f tw o for mother* and women gcttcrully, pound por head with roughaga. state departments o f heulth and from one for nurae* and one for health offi l it * best roughagaa for awes i n th* unlveralltea with which Class A cer*. The I’ nlveralty o f Arkansas an- saiue rigida a i full to subjecta of tuedlcal schools are affiliated. nouneea through Its general extenalou state* who ara leagu* lueiuhera, bui th* legntn* hay*—clovor and alfalfa— which thay Ilk* and or* rich In pro- O f the courses given by departments division*, courses in the following sub- uo more. o f health, flve are for sanitarian»— Jectt: School hygiene, sewerage, « a - Th» status o f Americana In l’ al««- tain. and halp ward off constipation, a sarloua danger o f tb* aw*. Other those conducted tn Katinas. Illinois, ter w ork » and Illuminating engineer tln« «111 tbeii prohably ha Ih» sani» Ohio, New Mexico and I'entiaylvaula. tug The University o f Kanana an as In Myrla. lo ih » Krwnch mandata roughage* useful te f**d with Isgum* In addition, the Virginia state health nouaces through Its COrreapoudence for whl.h l'ntted Stato* waa re pori- hay ar* bright corn f,wider and oat | straw which has sotna hay lo It. T im ­ department offers a correspondent-« study bureau a non credit rour»« In ed tweently tu huve agreed. For thè preseli! American» Iter* en othy hay la too conatlpatlng for owe*. I cou rt» for tearhers; In both Virginia home health and bum* nursing, •which Hand a Good «tart. T o Insure a crop o f strong, healthy and Minnesota a course Is given In the la taken by many women over the Joy th« rigida o f capltulatlons whlch, It waa raining and tw o boys wer« hygiene o f maternity and Infancy for slate.' The University o f Tennessee, befor« th« dUmrmbertneid o f Iti« lantba rterrla* for th* awea la easan mothers, and a second course la of- thniugh Its department o f hygiene, o f­ lurklsh empire, all great power« In- Hal. They should hav* access to a|*rylng to hit upon a gam « that might dry. sunny yard, wall protected from j suit th« circum stances. O n« said lo fered In Pennsylvania, one for p e r fered In January, P.C3, a eorreapon- aisted on uialutalnlng for tlielr citi sons connected with industries, school* [ deuce course In personal and coiumu- sena. America ha» not renounced Ita wind and storm, and-on all fair days tho oth er: ” 1 know. Alf. la d ’s a«« capltulatory righi» In l’ aleatlne, and should b# forced to exercts* by scat-1 who can make (he uglleat fac« and with civic aud religious organlxa- nlty hygiene. a i d , h„ o(tl0r. -|(H)h „ lions. | ---------------------------- th« American consul la thè only on* taring roughag* over a nsarby R tho auow I b «loon, ttalh* thould .. . . ,, . . . . . . "In no cave Is tuition charted for the IT c F T T IT C R IC I V holding court and trylng case* b«- » » l»fn » . ' t u v . «Iiirl y»*u vo f o l ' IV*»r*on ■ Wr«»kly. b* broken out with snow plow a r 1 courses conducted by stale depart- n * l tween American realdeuta. _ meets o f health,’* say* a suinmury o f | PALESTINE FA V O R E D The poaltlon of th« American con­ •tons boat. On atormy days tha ahsap . I* Tom b of Virgil. th« aurvey. "Mimeographed or printed | — solar court In Jerusalaui la a l.ttl* should remsln Indoors, T o avoid udder trouble*, awas should T ' " ’ lumb °* Vlr* u u *° l,ur lesson, are distributed tr a-vcral m Statu, to Remain Until Rail. vague. becau.e lt runa parallel wlth stances, and In tw o cases, textbooks - * thè Urlltsh System o f Jkstle« now In b* given but little grain for two * r ''ha»*’ « » ‘>® f*» « *'■<* by universities are lu d ie Instances rati fient ion o f tbe Uritlnh uiamlatt1 for ba locked up In a rateatine Jail. after tha swes are brad the tamha may " f * 1h,u‘ ■« bu“ r from conducted by the exleuaion dlvlslou of i'aloatine, but w ill probably evus«* to United State* t’ onaul Oscar 8. Halter, b* expected. It It wlta to b* d o t# st Mb* we«t at the average altilud« used the university and In one ease by the bg tb** casg after tt.g l ‘ nlt**»t States having received no Instructions to tba hand during lambing tlma to assist tha in th« tranacontlnental mail aervlce department o f hygiene. One university government will have slgnrtl tbg con­ contrary, continue# to alt In Judgment ewes or any waak lambs. I’ ens should flights of the t'nlti-d Sintra po.t urtb « conducts only one course, two eooduct I vention ivcttgnlslng tb« nian«lute. over American residents who get Into ba provided for tha awes and thalr | detwirtmrnt aviator* two courses, two. four cou rses and one The coaventloo. It Is bgllered, will trouble, but be Is not sur» bow long newly born lim b s iters etch ewe a n d 1 conducts seven courses. Moat courses | secure for .\uiericaus la I'ulesttn# the this condition will continu*. her young may remain for a couple o f , , L# th, Roor |ndl|ln appeared to be offered primarily for j oaj * until thry ar« wont*«] to each those who are now or Intend to be en- I _.k.__ A lk . . . . _____ __ . TI ip <*x|>r«Mial<>n, tho pmir In ocner am] th* lamba *r* Btrong onougL , ' .. gaged In public health work, ulthough ; to look out far Uetnsalvaa among the UUn' *' ,r ' ,,n Al, “ n‘‘ ,'r » «*»>«’ • a few courses apparently are for lay­ flock. | * »r uit Man.'* it (M-rura ** iolluwa.* men. MLo, tho pfNir Indian' whu«o untutorod “ In all cases tuition Is rhsrged. text­ mind oooa era and o f tha feeding dalry cowa. By com stovei to the moulh la announced by Colonel respondence course for sanitarians bulletin, "If one exi>ects vistas of cara­ dear old klngdom o f Z enda; also one w » ° t conraa, cured »hock com |turbatik. and will b« of great Interest (mostly part-time county health offi­ vans. camels snd Hebekahs-st-the- trembles for the League o f Nations, minus th« ears. A considerable per to i „ urna„ „ . 11, contestants. cers). O f the 1015 who enrolled the well, he will suffer disillusionment In fearing that the Georgian will never centsg* o f tha feeding valu* o f a crop' entire number completed the course. his first Impression*. The Golovlnaky consent to a reduction o f hla arma­ a f co m Is located In tba stalks andj Buy Old W ar Map. Prospekt, which runs through tha ment. The course was repeated In 1924. leaven tn tríala at four northern ex "T he bureau o f public health o f the heart o f the Georgian capital, la as “ Mere mllltnrlxm has no mortgage pertinent stations th* matura *ars| A military map. used by tba flrltlah department o f pufillc welfare o f New handsome u bit o f modern tnetropoll- on uniforms at Tlflls. Everybody weighed 4.419 pound* an acre, while hit th« hattlo o f Hunker Hill, recently Mexico organized for city and county tanlsm as can he found anywhere. wears one. Including school children tha stover weighed 8.«Sfl pounds an -mid at an auction room In txmdon for health officers a correspondence course With Its rrstaurants and cafes. Its and their teacher*, according to Rus­ acr*. About 29 par cent o f th# dlge* t950. Tho map. eight Inches square, ln 1920, consisting o f 40 lessons given Jeweler«, art simps and opera. Its vice sian custom ; and hundreds upon ban tibia crude protein o f tba com crap thu g„ uu(uro uf M ajor General at weekly Intervals. The course was regal palace, the Proapekt. especially fired* o f civilian* are thu* attired he- 1» 1» the stover and about 87 per c a t l U , n ,.nry n iu to n when seen In the lounging hour, la un­ taken by 50 persons. The work has cause, clothes being scare* and expen- a f the total digestible nutrients, not been conducted In s systematic deniably chlo. slve, they prefer buying soma officer's By destroying th* stover w* actu ] W a i p - W s l s t e d M a l t a All Start With Gas. way since 1920. The Virginia state cast-off ontflt. ally throw away a good portion ofj “ Here stroll llusstans. Georgians, board o f health operates two corre- T h e 'lounging boar’ Is Important In labor and expense, to aay nothing of j Difficult Custom er "I can't remem- spondence courses, one for teachers and ] Armenians and tb# representatives of Georgia. In fact, there are some six- th* soil fertility elements going In to j1*"1' th® ham « o f the car I want I a score o f mountain tribes who have one for mothers. think It starts with T *' Exasperat­ teen o f these to the Georgian's day, tha m akeup e f the corn crop. •*The Minnesota state board o f business In the new capital. There la and perhaps It would be simpler to ed Kaleatnan—"M adam, all our cars health, through Its division o f child a splendor o f uniforms and o f side- speak o f th* working hour. Between •tart with gasoline.'*— lem don Passing hygiene, conducts a correspondence arms, the Caucasian national costume two and three o'clock In the afternoon, Keep Ewes in Flesh Show. course In the hygiene o f maternity dominating the picture. A very long, down go the steel lattices which guard Permitting the awea to become bad­ swagger overgarment o f brown or and Infancy. the shop window»— then Tlflls resumes ly reduced ln fleah la a vary poor prac­ Examine Peat Doga. Its natlonnl pastime o f Jole d* vlvre tice and on « that usually caua«a heavy Aa tb* lamb begins until six o'clock o f the follow ing morn­ looses. . to draft ___ . An examination o f the peat bog* of in g; for that Is th* hour when tha b a a vll, upon Its dam far dally aonri W llc o „ lln h„ r„ . „ n , | y been mad., hy Georgians' all night parties break np— lahroent. It Is necessary to not only b“ r®»u <*' '» I « " » *••»> break up. I mean, with shots ex­ supply additional food to malataln . « " « '» • • « steady flow o f milk, bat alae to pra- ,l,n obJo< l ,,f <>‘ »«> »*rln s their relation changed across the table. ■erve th» fleah o f the mother as w s I l I1" co ** formation. "T he Georgian la renowned for his It Is very natural for a nursing danti hospitality. Ill* customary greeting to fsvor her offspring and consnms Iron Mining in China, la, ’ While In Tlflls you will consider my home yours,’— an offer which waa •ufflclent food to not only maintain | China la mining about 2,000,000 tons tendered n* so regularly that wa su f­ her own ayatam. bnt supply nourish-j ,,f |n ,n ,,ro «nnually and maklug 450.- 000 ton* o f pig Imn In nativo furnaces fered, I may almost say. from an em­ ment fo r her lamb. GEORGIA BALKS AT CONTROL BY SOVIET CoraSG^ r" rF„d New Motor for the Rum-Chasers I I barrassment o f homes. Dlnnsr Partis* All-Night Affairs, T h e Georgian dinner party, a mighty matter o f courses and wines, begins at 2:20 In the nfternoon and Inst* until 5. Then there tvlll be a dance In Ihe evening, refreshmer.ta commencing at 0 o'clock and continu­ Sight It D eceivin g ing betwpen dance numbers until the company reel* homeward In the dawn. A single speck o f light, as seen ln "Occnsloaitlly the floor Is cleared for the nJgbt sky by the naked eye, may a dagger-dance, a plcture*qua and really be a group o f thousands of barbaric business performed to a stars. rhythmic scco.npanlment o f hand clap- pin« ny tom e tali, beaklrt#«] native. In telligen ce o f Pig» who prances murderously about with Doubtless the ugliness o f pigs and from flve to seven dagger* held be- mm tha ugly noises they inak* have earned m tween Ills teeth. them their bad name, but actually tbelr T h # Georgian public function I* a Intelligence stands on a level with that superb affair o f uniforms, health* o f a horse. drunk, huzzahs, celebrities carried --------- O---------- shoulder-high about the room, and a chorus o f liveried trumpeters who M echanical B eauty sound fanfares at tha d o s e o f every Parisian beauties plan to abandok Official* o f the United States const guard Inspecting the first o f Ihe up-to- too at. Once again one realizes that, cosmetic» for permanent rouge, an la- . the-mlnnte coast guard motors thnt will he Installed In the rum chasers to en­ though Ihe Georgian* hava gone red! dellble liquid guaranteed not to fade able them to pntrol with ease the 10,000 miles o f roust line. At the left are republican. Zenda’s dear old co m ic-! or ran. Why not alap on a quart at Admiral F. C. Blllnrd, commandant o f the const guard, and Rear Admiral J. K. I »pern kingdom still lies deep In tbslr varnish and be done with ItT Robison, engineer In chief o f the United State» n.tvy. | heart». I istence o f bonlder clay and various Officer Rewarded for other form s o f deposits. The first scientific references to glacial action Bravery He’» Forgotten were suggested by the Alpine regions, . Fargo, N. D.— That reward* al­ as man did not exist prior to and though sometimes long It. coming. |n- du^ n« o f tb* UltabTy Bnd ( M r way"tem erli! proved period. The first evidence o f bis ex- 1 by the experience o f Lieut Col. F. M. Istence I* to be found In tha later Bteele o f Fargo, who has Just received glacial period. i a citation for gallantry ln action In tba Spanlsb-Amerlcan wsr. lie says the Value o f D itc o u n e Incident Is so far lo the past that ba cannot recall It. Reading makes a full man, medita­ "F o r gallantry In action against the tion a profound man, discours* a clear Spanlah force* at Santiago. Cuba, July man.—Benjamin Franklin. 1, 1808, Is the only explanation the ci­ tation gives. Colonel Steele was then first lieutenant, Flat calvary brigade, U. 8. A. The citation entitles him to wear "one silver citation star on th* ribbon o f your Spanish campaign medal or servie* ribbon pertinent thereto.” New Verdi Opera Found in Opera House Library Budapest.—Th# library o f the Huda- i pest opera bouse baa unexpectedly ................» ............................ « ...................... K ” '1 2M ’000 lo n , ,D furn■<•'•, üwnwl b» j JapatirHn. Live Stock Hints D e v ic e M e a s u r e s G a s e s . A bathing cap, automobile grease A norm st healthy pig should walgh gun and can ot auda llmo are among 200 pounds wban It Is 200 days sld. the parts of a simply constructed s p ­ l i t s flock owner who Is desirous efil'a i'a iu * designed to teach medical slu encouraging a strong flow o f nutri- dents how to measure gases breathed, tious milk to force the lamb crop fate ward aa fast aa possible, should lay| Shortsat Railroad. plana to supply tbs flock wltk plaaty Thl> Mh(,r„ . at rilMron(l r(.por, lnK o f supplam antaa forage. , ntnri, a|„ ............... C0InmlM|on * * . , /%.f ,, . fr01“ pastura and flnlahad by B h" urhnm (N - c > Union Station hogging off corn shrink leas In 1 <,0,nP*nT- The road Is sixteen one- I hundredth* of a mile In length. plng to market than yard-fed bogs, a a Thousands of sheep will suffer from “ S. R.” Only, stomach worms In sptta o f tli* fact I W ily doesn’t som e shrewd hoarding that It only costa on* cent per head )l(l|iHe landlady suddenly acquire u for- for material ts treat fo r thla trouble. by B(, TI>r„ . ln|f h(