»M M .. ■ K M _ '» » A ■ _!*. ' . A T H E L H T IC \\'r h a v e ilie in ÜOODS • * iui*t c o i}ij.iv te lin s o f S p o r t in g H ood s C o m e iu n m i lo o k o v e r th e » lo c k ANDERSON & BROWN 126 SouthConimcrcial St, Salem. Oregon W a V . W V W A Y V .S -A S W .V .W V A .W .W .> " ^ ; ft JC',£ 1 iì ^ ‘V 'T '’ F m ^ v' l ’ 4, ' V ' ■* ■ i s v v C ' S .v .s v .s s v ___________ • Prospects B rig h t fo r Better Horses M ttP H IS fllt O f THE NUMBER áKD V ILUt Of FARM HORSES K1 «A » i ,n r i • rt •so S t! * « M i S00S4I » # K l S t k -A f* , - >«* to Ti " V vs * Y 41 y \i / r*— 1000 coo Dorothy B. Maxeon, s p o n s o r , and her father. Captain C. P. Maxeon, who will command the big $1 - amer is.ec4.ooo L uoeo^oo lurodooo \d / Af«w ftv*-deck liner Bienville aa it will appear when com ­ pleted. A t left, A f w ■ units or ’ <*n MOastt 0 4 »«? V n , j ( w J s , M 1 V y \ I T T ¿ « i. i u m i adie’s and dents S . f - * . - i «*' r , i ■ [ J ■ . D. H . M O S H ER W V W V ^ S % W W A S ^ S W A V A ^ W .% W ,W W % % S W iS V .V | -¡—t ■ . u . i . 1 jo o e jo o ÏD OÙ .OO i 'W lL'f T Q T— — jasiS S L , as*»»*.»» e»« eoar««ve* 000.000 She Is to be a 6 .e deck «hip B, 11 « form a« cltf are demanding in«rt and better h<.r*.-s, according to TACOMA. July 1» Establishing M in .'» , senior captain of Ihe South with turbine engines capable of de- |hf s,«n»vReebuck Agricultural Foundation. wbat Is declared to be a new speed «Tn Pacific's ocean service, who will eeloplug 7.100 horsepower, driving I »»ito .hr 15.281,295 automobile# and truck* In t!«o Cnltcd States, there record for construction of aurh a command tha Ulunvtlle ... the steamer at a sustumed »peed of gT_ U..13. .A*' head of horses and mule« on farm» t«wtay anil i 300,OCX) horses Urge and modern craft, the steamer Captain and Mrs Maison a n l l b e l r ^ bour lulling l< id* in city »treels, The cvpilng of Hu- ant.« and truck* rtdM td th* Burattile. new quern for the South- daughter headed a delegation of rall- Particular attention haa been given vqutne *r, -Sera In cities by *000.000 between 1010 end 1020. a reduction of 3» ern Pacific's Atlantic Beet, was r,,» j a n . ateam.hlp officisi* and l*a to th. furnlahlnge of the ateamee so |,»r or L Hut daring tbo last three yean, li e l.aa been a decided trend In tha launched today at the Todd Diydoc.« r|«tc coxal buslneee men who elslled (ha| (¡iroughout It will compare with opposite direction. and Construction company a plant, j Tacoma to>!ay for the launching, a» tb# bj.gt modern hotels Between 1810 and 1920 the hr.r»e population on fnrui* decreased 10 r>«r l ie keel wa» laid tv, months ago. the guest* of J A Kvea. president «quls root: s arc large and designed .-ext. On Ji»nu.i-y I. 1924. there was 18.283.000 horse*, compared with 21.553,- e-m. wbuo I i I w ) kw - (\ttl t ,v Pi f(tE OK> alz year» !»iore. This «ess the small«*! au.nhcr » no* 1.05. Still, 9? per The steamer, which will qsrry both at the Todd company. The wide- . ' lo provide the iilm.iel utmost 1 .otnfort spread benefits to lha north Pacific gu< ala Th* rieuvlll# will accomtuo ceni of all field work Is done ny horses an«l mules passengers and cargi on the Impur .Around 1015. und.r the Influence of stimulated ir j; .m'dnetton ami replace- from such construermu work «late HJ7 f *1 cabin and III sieeragr a Y 1 ih ~ I* k w \ Orleans j t 1« a .1 a r.m. i ai, vw www* 1 ' ' . « U l > i*g New k-New con .i coast inenl by mechanic power, horse prices begnn to de»ll\»e. r January at this neclin, with the Sunset IJ-vltel to and wri# >mphaalaed at the cereraooles passenger* T?‘" r'*. * , " “ T *1 a "* year a«crage rail. > per head were the lowest s'dce l>a<3 Mule prices, unlike from th* Pacific cuvat. Is 143 feet In It la expected th* lllenvtll* will be suites, each elabo.a.ay fi.r « Itcrsen. admuced duilc the war. reaching Ihe!/ peak In 1920. In 1023 there length It t* to be the finest and best |n readiness In Noeauher for her trial Southern Pulfic serv re. provldln* was a third mere horses and mules sold than Junns the previous year. equipped of any scese, launched atre* triV u> w soor. the marhet turning «mint will he - rhed for the rank and file of torses ’ * un«ertal* Prices hare already Improved f o r the hef- |er than nunliuni grades. The crmsl.intly Increasing «lemsnil along with the tlqp tied supply Is ind««'stive that tl.# turning point la not far off. ■____ THE TURNER TRIBUNE SUMMONS In tha Circuit Court o f the Hula uf Oregon for Marlon County. Dapait- N ig h C I a m ment No. X, K HOKTON. Plaintiff, eg. K. K. SPVKKJt and JANE DOE a l’ Y K iK . his wife, lUfendanU. » T a ilo rin g • To K. K. Spylter and Jane 1‘oe H i i 00 , 1 * 1 . SA L E M .'tpyk.T, t>efrn>lanta above named. IN THK NAMK OK THK S|ATK OK (IRKOON you, and carl» o f you, are hereby required to appear and nnawer the Complaint herein filed In I' d lied Slates Natimi It it i the above entitled muse, within sis f ì « n » r » l R a n k In « weeks from Ibu time o f the first pub­ Interest paid on Urna iliy o.ll» sa d lication of this summons, to wit, June llitk, 19X4, and if you fall to answer w . Intra HMttBli said Complnint, for want thereof, Cor. S u t e A Csar ".«rslwl l a plaintiff will take decree and judg ir nl against you for thu forccloauiv 1 KM — UMJKJON o f a mortg ,|je eaecutrd by Ihe de­ fen d a n t, K. h. Spyker, upon the fol- I lowing described real property, to- wit All of Lot Nineteen II'») in _ ... . . j Block Two (2 ) of lluriinglo i Addi- 0 u r ‘ -'hlneae medl.dne gtvea quick i lion to the City o f Salem. Marion relief In a short lime to all r-'irooks County, Oregon, according to th< 1 dlseaspa; catarrh, rhnumatlam atanw Iduiv recorded plat thereof n««w o f . cb ,|Yl.r . n<) kMnf lrtJ(lb|«. «.U a. w o w with th® county w corutr vi , 4 ^ .. 1 Marion County. Oregon, and for vhe >» - « » «»U, sale o f said above described premise* femáis Iroubla. in Ihe manner presenbed bv law In Remember, w* de M i syersls a* such cases, ami »u, h other relief aa in O»,, ■ »É ik iM asa said Complaint prayed for, and shall s m Aa bnlf*. ■nade fren, medicinal barbe, roe»*, *9a. I t deemed proper by the Court. You :ire hereby notified that this D r». L. T . D ic k A L M . Hwui summons is served upon you by pub­ C h in a t a M a d ic in a C o . lication thereof In the Turner Tri­ bune. a weekly newspaper published Op*n Suuday kl««minga Jil la Ifi at Turn« r in Marion County, Oregon, nursuant to the order o f the Hon W. 490 - 428 Nial* Hl. Ha’ rm. Ota. 11 Oowning, County Judge o f Marion PHONF. 1M County. Oregihi. made on the 29th day o f May. 1924. and you arv fu r ther notified that the date o f first pub lication o f thla summons Is Jut s 12th. i»24. CHRIS J. K O W ir/.. 303 Salem Hank o f Commerce Illdg I'a im er C h irvptactor Salem, Oregon, Attorney for Itauitiir. Office P hono SURPRISE PARTY A I B A U LE CREEK D r . O . L . S c o tt 414-410 NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the final aerount o f Lloyd T. Rig,Ion. admini*- | trntor o f the «state o f John Albert Krirk <>n. «Ie«eu*c«l, ha* b»-en fin'd in '.lie County Court o f Marion County. 'O regon, nnd that on the 12th day of August, 1924. at th* hour of 10 o ’clock A M theri'of, ha* lieen duly appointed by such court *a the tint* for th* hearing o f obj etiors to said final account and th* settlemrnt th roof. All persons interested tn said estate are herrby required to appear in said Court at said time and I place and ihow Cause, if any they have, why sai«i final account should not he allowed and npprow I by aanl Court. 1.1.0YD T. HIGDON. Administrator o f the , tale of John Albert Erick-on, reby given ‘ hat th* ed today by th« Shell Company o f ! seed is ample for a good stand. The j Chastain nnd family, A. E. Klcltu-r final account o f Janwa H. Black, ad­ NOTICE OH THAT MEN wtiuld praise th* Give th* Tribun« erwitt for w hat ! plants gem inate better under nr.fav- California, w hiw began wore, on re- ministrator, D* limns Non o f tl>* K* niid family, J. A Morgan and family, I.ord for his goo> uu«a, anil for his In th* County Court o f th# State u u . „ f Anna B. Whal*. deceased, haa pa nting !' twelve-foot ycllow-cn *• J c ruble conditions o f drouth and you huy from advertiser*. Ted Nai rrm .n and Mans Nadermau. o f Oregon, for the County of Marlon i been filed In th* County C. urt of wonderful works to th* children o f rtv llans Nstler- Every The!I station has been made must ^hew himself friendly; and there u* seed wheat has been found by the* NOTICE is hereby given that the | (,olta ^ *ai,l final account, at which needed for some tone. Tlterj n » » , a time long to be re- an auxiliary o f the Forest service, to is a friend that sticketh closer than a County Court of Marion County, Or- > ttm. any | .is> n . Interested in ftlid Oregon experiment station to be e f­ matiy mot 'riet* w ho eon «: out froni „len.bciTd report incipient fires immediately egon, hy an Older entered on the 8 | r.tate may appear apd fil* objection* fective in smut control, to aid rather Salem by «« ay of th* State [nslitutioua brother..— Proverb* 18:24. wh 'te tt is more convr-nient to reach n >iay o f July, 1924, ha* ordered an«l thereto in writing and contest Sam*. than-harm germination, to retluce the ■ and go bv .: acrosa the country (o the decreed th* name o f the above mimed THOU ART A GOD ready to par­ JAMILS H. BLACK, ^bei! stat.on than a forest ranger. amount o f arain seetled after liquid - highway ind then to Salem, are at a applicant and party A. T Gjertsen to Administrator Dc Bonis Non. don. gracious and merciful, flow to The new dial signs, representing treatment 25 per cent, to reduce loo-1 be changed from the sail1 name o f A. loss to f.i.d the correct route. Th anger, an«l o f great kindness.— Nehe- T. Gjertsen to the name of A. T. Gsr- the work o f one of the best scenic ses from hair. ig treats i grain in bad move lias boen .•tarted by the Salem grtisu o ; ' i i'.ste, civi lly emphasize inh 9:17. son, and said order and decree pro­ weather, and to produce good healthy 1 Chamber o f Cornui*ree, and should I » | ioo oo M i . vided that public notice of said order < x >2 k fh* haiards to which the woods are plants under otherwise unfavorable1 sppreclaltd by the people In this REMOVE fer from me vanity and »ball be given for a period o f two Jiac.c through a variety of carei«ss conditions. Kill Huge Snake lies; give me neither poverty nor weeks. vicinity. acts, and appoal to the automobilist A T. CARSON. rich e.; feeil m* with food convenient T h a t M i lk e d C o e v e not only to use caution himsolf hut . j It is economy on the part o f Ore- Formerly A. T. Gjertsen. There has ¡ ten a state mvnt general j for me.— Proverbs 30:8. Beading, Pa.—Tti» g rea I cow fprc..d the gospel of prevention gen farmers who raise stock to pas­ over the country lha’ Itole-.t M. j GUY O RM'TH, inystrry baa Peru >»lvr«t Fur vchpre vor he goes. To further this ture the rtubble field with hogs or j LaFolett has aligned himself with .'i c j Attorney 'o r Applicant. — — three years t.ie n wg In th* end, la ge editions o f ctueational sheep, the experiment station finds. Socialist parly, but as a matter nf ' set Mri K p „ p;,jgar Wade patw-d away OVER MILLION FORDS SOLD Juries I*. Holiems a herd bad matt_r have bet,, prepared by the The grain shatter« -I or lodged will b e , it la the other way. At Hie bee.nning suddenly at her home lu Portland, FROM JANUARY TO JULY been "holding" out on th*tr EXECUTRICE'3 NOTICE She!« Company fc* free distribution. readily gathered up by them and con- j o f Die movement to in«gurale th*|_vc,g, Wade » « » » former resident of morning milk. Nsin er lh* fu m As the Snell Company's stations ; verted into a marketable form. Where third party. Mr. Laholetl was asked , Lunu-r and in company with her. Sates reports from the 34 Amcric- Notice is hereby given that lite un­ lads nor th* dairy «ipvrts fw Id and dial signs cover approaches to ali considerable grain has lodged, hogs lo accept the nominal ion on the ; mu||,er 0f tjlalem \lslled at hom«s o f i fcn branches o f the Ford Motor Com dersigned, by an „riler o f thn County discover why. lorestcd areas of the Pacific coast, I are used. Sheep are a good substi­ Workers’ ticket which he flatly denied her „.|at|v«„, Cllutou and Jam ,*! pany show that over a million Pord Court o f Marion County, Slat» of Th* truth esm* out when » Oregon, duly made and entereil on teuant of Mr. Ilolzruunn hilled this co-operation is txpected to yield tute. saying lie could uot run on their pl»l- Tracey, Hataiday, Sunday and M"in car* and trucks w<-re sold at retail the 29th day o f May, 1924, were ap s hug* blscksnsks, lit* Isrg'-sl yaluft !e educational and practical re farm. Facing th e^ facts the Socialist , J«y, returning to her home In Portland nuring the first six months o f 1924. ip, lointed Executrices o f the estate of Con'agiotis abortion o f cattle w jgl *e«-n la this munly. Proof was ^ults. party derided lo Join the I.aFoletl ; j L|y ju pi,e was taken suddenly III The ac’ ual figure is 1,03(5,978, which, Hattie A. Davis, deceased, and that complets when t local sootoglst be checked in Oregon or it will bring — - * - .it. - raoks. W ith LsFolett on th» Pr gres- j and |'a.-«ni aw ay at 4 a. m. July 23, exceed* the total rctn l sales for th e ! they have duly qualified * - such. «nid lh# reptil* was Ih* kind financial ruin to increasing numbers, All persons having claims against same period in 1923 by 133,098 — eive ticket, Coolldge for the O. O. P. ¡924. that robbed cow* of lh*tr n o m o f cattle owners. All forces interest­ said astate arc hereby notified to an average gain o f 22,182 sale* per and Davis for the Democrats, make* it | lag's milk. present »me, duly verified, as re-j ed must band together for the fight, hard to predict the out come of Hi» , month. I'ndoubtsdly, said the scolo­ «luired by law. at the office o f Chris says Dr. 15. T. Simms, o f the experi­ p . A. C. Exp. ritation. campaign. It w ill be a case of watch A comparison between Ford sales J howilx, 308 Salem Bank o f Com-1 risi, Il was tha snak* that bad ment station. Invesitgators must been milking th* lloiseioana fnll waiting. I in 1924 and 1923 uot only imiicate* meree Bull ling, in Salem. Marion; Fush forward finding new truths and j herd for tb* last (brew years. I a n markable increase in the country's County, Oi -gon, wi’ hin siu months making new discoveries, and working from the date o f this notice, to wit, pEE HIVES '«EED STAND I buying po ,er but also .hows that this June 2t>th, 1924- out new methods o f applying them. growth continues month by month. ^ee hivj* well piacvu ta early maturing crop*. By mak­ tension service to the farms o f thos« C ounty Court House m the Marion i ltca (t»|nk ,he was tha war* of When his maater fell the dog Nalr* have b*rn tpread very evenly county Court House at Salem, Ore- Man’s Arm Torn by Boar hurfUrg uava ing suitable plans and carrying them who attempt it. The growers usually started barking, but to no avail, H e l d t o P r o t e c t C r o w d \ 01 ®“ Khout the country and indicate gon, as the time and place for hearing 1 < ut promptly the garden o f fi rm or n ceiv o a premium for their seed, and and then rared to the police sta­ '* ,,h* 1 " r,y' J* '* • * « '« » * | a general prosperity that is not con­ of objections to the said account an d1 * country lot can be i m <'» to perform a small fee is a.ked to help pay the tion. By howling loudly nnd Alexandria, Va.—Fearlessly thrust the settlement o f the »«Id estot", at ln»"""'<'b »• ".er* was stolen a manh fined to any particular section. starting off In the direction uocbie duty. Provismn may also be expenses. log Ids right arm Into the path of a ■ which time it,d plare all persons h sv -! “ • "b11 ■» »P” * belonging to where the man was lying, Ihe lo made for successive seeding3 of rad­ wild boar as he attempted to escape} | Ing such objections may appear and Mis* Florence Hopkins, Isaehsr In lh* anlinnl succeeded In getting an show cause, if any there be, why said klmtergarten annex of school No. 37. Into the packed tent. Doc Unman vet Barr ae Help tn Memory ish and lettuce, designa'ed by thu officer to go to McElroy's aid. ersn leclnrer on the freaks of n show! with the knowledge of the sticking account should not In all things be which hold* It* session* la lit* center. Oregon station as important all-year Entry to Ifes center waa gained Boy Tease Diet When 1 n North Washington street, suffered a„ Bi|r- ,,f Ourrs. tbs f'berobe# Indlsos allowed and approved, said eylate vegetables. OoOOOOOi severe la»erutlons nnd for n while was thought Hint hy fuelling them lo their settled and closed and thu adminis­ through n window leading Into ths Stabbed by Angry Girl trator discharged. gymnasium. Ths ful indent the* fnrrvd st Hie mercy of Ihe ferocious hog's offspring ths children* memory n«iuld OREGON FLEECES HEAVY LEVI JAMES POST, Omaha. Net'—Jabbing at neighbor­ doors leading lo tha hall ind went to three-inch tusks. Brcnnn was rushed bs linpruvrd The average weigh* o f the O .e g o i hood girls ivlth a pln-tlppe«! stick rowt Administrator o f the estate of the o01 is of Ihe janitor, Frank MtCon to the Alexandria hospital. Uattie May Post, Deceased nell. Ills tools and materials w-*ra (lecre is fi pounds, more than a pound Ihe life nf Robert Kff*«berg»r. fimr- More than a hundred women nnd To Erect Temple I I.M0 8. W1IITW, letter than the average weight for teen, when A!!«*en Itnl|.h, thirteen, all under lock and no effort waa mn la ! children were In Ihe lent when tli* A temple costing •* to h« Atiertiey for the egtate of lo lake them. the country which was report'd as f'liinzed a hatpin Into his client, p nt lha* » detective was detailed »9 the path of the anlmul and, as calmly Ytock. Tt is a gnificant, says the ex -1 "I got a halpln nnd told the other girls ll"D for Ihe residing fnllier*. Al I lie I stay In the building night« ns possible, »'inunoned slit The hog W atte lor Oranges sain* lime It was also ststed Hint In j pcrimcnl station authorities to note Hint If they came near me any more It la thought ths burglar* made th* wn* subdued tins tty hjr Charley Docelt, Irrigation Is an imporisat fsatnr* «Jew of ihe Importance of the work * II* tmner, hut not before Ilrennn's arm tl.a* m iny bands in Oregon average' 1 nos going lo stlrk them good." effort lo gel Into ths safe In ths ex­ of Ihe orange growers* Industry. It $15,rag) Robert rt- ise«l her and lunged toward contest carrying a prize pectancy Ihst I her» might he ■ gooj- 10 pounds. Cv eful culling o f poor feud been badly wounded. I« particularly necessary In Arlsaiu may be openeij to nreliltects. slscd sum In It as s campaign lo sal** • At Ihe hospital It was said that sev­ f t t c e hearer. Ifi bring ro rd u ctcj by her will, a »lick she » » 111 . and fell hark and California, while the Florida when she d-fondel herself will» the mousy for the support nf lh« reefer eral of 'he wounds lo Ihe man's arm different growers with a view to rais- I groves ran generally qej sng upon tha The Durable Oxk tialpla. lie ran » few steps, fainted Is now In progress. Miss Grshsm said were of a dangerous nature. Th* ing the av, rag • weight still further. ' and «tied without regaining ronsrloue- rainfall.—Natura Magasin«. Oak timbers lia«e viibsiond all largest Isceratlon extended the entire (hat shs hud been taklug Ihe mone* pes* kind* of weatlirr for five . Milríe*, nr length of 'he forearm ind was mors (.OPPER L'JST CONTROLS rMUT Giva The Tribuns rrarfit for what sway from the nffles dally sines lb* cording to a r,cenl rspw«i fryu Lon­ thbg sn Inch .deep In place*. etmpdjfa has beep W h vk qr-i'it ha* yielded to control you buy from oor sd'ertfrer». don. '• 'W E B TURNER ¡¡ES IQ tN T!: PASEES AWAY SUDDENLY t Farm Pointers '■PORTLAND BUSINESSM EN WSIT FLAX FIELOS i