1 VOL. Il V ili. WORLD HAPPENINGS OF CURRENT WEEK TAX-CUT MEASURE SIGNED Frrald.nl Hay* Krform lllll la r k . Economic Small In r o n n IlnuHt, Washington, I) ( ’ . Frosldont Cool 1{ N i : If. IFIRE IN SCHOOL COSTS 22 UVES Idgr Muniluy signed Ilia la i rmiuctlun lilll,* but declaring It unsatisfactory, Brief Resume Most Important Daily News Items. announced li« would bond all bla «n • t k )•-« to obtain i-uui linonl of a b«dt«r measure at the nest session of run 20 Others in Precarious Con­ dition in Hospital. gross. The bill, whtrb decrease» tax rate» COMPILED FOR YOU In moat Inalanraa to the lowaat levels YOUNG AND OLD BURN «Im o K IT and whlrh waa thè lieale of Kveata of Noted People. I ill Ilio hotoat logl.lative figh i of thè proa verna, eat a ont aoaalon of rongreaa, v i i flcclarcd 3-Slory ta li furnia Structure la Called and P nette Northweot. and Other by ilio prealdvnt In a 25ou word alala H i lag« Worth Knowing. mont laauod Inoldent wllh hla appruva! Klre-Trap Nuraea From lloe- pital Make Krarues. of Ilio moaaur» tu ropreannt inoroly "tax reduct'on. not tax reform." A very light and alrnoat Invlalble "T h e blit does not represent a sound fall of «now In Chicago Monday waa permanent lax policy and In Us paa lUa third laleal anowfatl In more than sage baa been subject to unfortunate half a century, the waater bureau «aid Influence which ought not to control Tha temperature early was t$. fiscal quest ions," tho esecullvo said Four women were killed and ala "HUH, In «pita of Its obvious defects. other persons ware Injured by a Its advantages as a temporary relief tornado whlrh struck near Spring and a temporary adjustment of bual town. Okla* tale Tuesday night, ac­ ness conditions. In view of the unrer cording to reports over rrlpplvd wires. faintly of a better law within a reason An earthquake shock Tuesday able lime, leads me to believe that the beat luter.eata of the counry would wrecked a building at Fort l»e Falx. he subserved If this hill became a Ilaltl, killing three, persona and In­ law, juring several others. A church steeple "A correction of Its defects may be was demolished and the gardariule left to the next session of the con barracks were badly damaged. greas. I trust n blit less political and The resolution to change the name more truly economic may be passed o f Mount Italnier to Mount Tacoma at that time. T o that end 1 shaft bend will not bo considered at this session all my energies." The legislation as approved by the of congress. Chairman Hlnnoll of the house public lands committee Inform president reduces the taxes of slmost' rd Hrpreeenlatlves of (be Tacoma every federal taxpayer and cuts down the federal revenues by an amount chamber of commerce Tuesday. estimated at $3(1.000.000 for the next Follce at Hanna City. III.. Tuesday fiscal year. This reduction, however, night arrested Norma Anderson, who. will nflt result In any deficit, accord­ wllh her 3 year-old baby In her anna, ing lo treasury experta. held up and robbed the A. C. Steen The principal effect of the n*w law burg bank, obtalutng $1500 In rash will not be felt until next year, the 5» All of the money waa recovered when per rent reductions In Income taxes the Anderson woman was taken lni< being made applicable to Income# of custody, this year, but payable In 192$. Imme A permit for a $1.000.000 temple dtate relief, however, la granted every which Is to be erected by tbe Seattle Income taxpayer, as a 1$ per cent aerie. No. I, Fraternal Order of decrease la ordered In the case of tn Eagles here, waa Issued Tuesday Of­ come tax«.» for the current year and ficers of the jod ge announced that now due. I -rsona who are paylag this work of rasing buildings on a site year's Income lasea on the Installment preparatory to construction would com plan may rut their second payment, menco next month. due June 1$, by one-half and their Arguments on the first of three mo other two Installments by one-fourth lions fll<-d by the defense occupied each. Thoae who already have pah the Initial session Tuesday of the trial iheir Incomo taxes In full will get a re board o f the Froteatant Kplacopal fund without applying for It. church, aummunrd to Cleveland. O . to Another effect that soon will he ap pass on charges that Ittght Rev. W ll preclable Is the provision of the new llam Montgomery Itrown. ex bishop law repealing within 30 days man> of Arkansas, uttered doctrines not excise taxes such at thoae on tele held by the church. graph and telephone messages, soft Still maimed and In the shadow of a drinks, randy, carpets, rugs, trunks devastating aeries of tornadoes of less and theater admissions of 50 cents or than a month ago. rural Alabama and less. The revision of the Income tax rates Mississippi late Tuesday again were stricken by a second storm visitation, effected under the new law brings a and at a late hour were taking toll cut In all such levies. This amounts o f their dead and Injured and the to f>U per cent reduction on Incomes of unestlinated thousands of dollars' $8000 and under. On amounts above damage done to farms and homes and that the normal rate Is cut from 8 t« ( per rent, while the surtax rates ar< buildings. Four policemen, a democratic politi­ revised on a similar basis. Tbe new surtax schedule starts wit cian, an ex prohibition agent and 3! alleged beer makers and runners. In I per cent on $10,000 and graduates eluding John T orrlo and IVau OTtnn up tn 40 per cent on $500,000 and over A new feature written Into the nlon. wero Indicted by tho federal grand Jury Tuesday on charges of con-_ legislation at the recommendation of «piracy to violate tho prohibition law. Secretary Mellon, who Initiated the The Indictments were returned tn move for tax revision last September, provide« for an additional reduction of court as a result of a recent raid on 25 per cent on earned Incomes up to (he Sleben brewery In Chicago, III. $10.000 with all Incomes of $5000 and Fermlttlng their mother to have under classed aa earned. them only at feeding time and then Approval was given by tho presl- taking them under her wing tho real dont to the measure exactly one week of the lime, n Rhode Island hen In to the hour from the time he received Janesville. WIs., has adopted three It after almost unanimous final action to day old kittens. The biddy, owned hy the house and senate. The presl hy Julius (Irsnko, guards the Maltese dent acted after study of a lengthy kittens Jealously, drives off Mrs. Tab­ report made on tho bill by the treasury by whenever she comes near and department and after several confer- keeps all Intruding chickens at a dis­ encea with Secretary Mellon, to whose tance. original plan for tax revision he had The majority o f American schools given hla support and indorsement. are lost to (lod and the gospel and to­ day sre the seats of unsound teaching and the prolific mothera of modernist preachers, all beeanso Satan, working with his trump card, la ever busy, was the assertion made in Milwaukee. WIs., late Tuesday by Rev. W . It. Riley, Minneapolis, before the Ilaptlat Hlblo union, a fundamentalist organ liatlon. Nine persona wero indicted Tues day by tha grand Jury at Portland as the ollmax of the county bridge probe Three former county commlaelonors. Charles S. Rudeen, J. 1!. Ilankln and How V. Walker, were charged with malfeaaance In office In one Indict­ ment. and five contractors, officers of the three companies awarded tho trnaa Willam ette bridge Jobs April 1. were named In another Indictment, the charge being conspiracy In submit­ ting a collusive bid on the work, there­ by defeating free competition on a public contract. Man la H eavily Insured. New York.— The most heavily Insur­ ed man In this country -It not in any lund is Rodman Wanumakor. He carries life Insurance policies aggre­ gating $6.000.000, according fo an an­ nouncement by tho Association of Life Underwriters of Philadelphia. Wnnamnkor, aon of the lale depart- mont atom mull I millionaire, John Wnnamnkor. who heads the list of 65 American business men. each of whom carries more than $1.000,000 life fti- n urn non, has Just taken out another policy for $1,500.000, which brings his total up to $6,000,000« Power Boat Blown Up. Fort Orchard, Wash. — W alter Harris, owner of tho (leorgia, a vessel plying between this port and the Brem­ erton navy-yard, was missing Monday and b«dleved dead from ao explosion completely wrecking his boat and causing slight damage to nearby build­ ings. The boat was berthed at the A Sad Error. ' The lives of giany are ruined by the main dock here and Captain Harris fatal delusion that the more one pos­ wsa the only person aboard, so far as sesses the more one enjoys.— Roston known. It was believed tho explosion took place while repairing the engine. Kvonlng Transcript. 1,0« Angeles, Cal. —1 Ashes o f the Hope development school for autenor mnl children at 1’laya Del Rey, 18 miles from here, on the ocean beach. Huuday yielded the hurtled bodies of 22 persons ss tbe result of a fire last nlgbt. Twenty others. Inmates of the school, are In a precarious condition at Ht. Catherine's hospital In Saula Monica, a few miles away. The holo­ caust victims ranged In years from 4 to 48. Tbe three story structure, reclaim •«I from the abandoned building of an old cafe In tbe deserted pleasure re sort town of many years ago. waa dr dared hy Investigators to have been a tire trap Isolated from any protec­ tion. All that remains of It la a brick chimney and twisted Iron pipes and aahea. About 40 girls were housed within the private Institution when flames burst out at ('3 0 Baturday night. In addition there were In the old building the matron. Mrs. J. C. Thomas, and W ilfred lUnger. 14 year-old adopted son of the proprietor. Mrs. Mary K. Jacobs. The matron and the boy per­ ished. A family of beach picnickers observ­ ed the flames and soonded tha alarm, liefore the fire apparatus could arrive from Venice, tbe nearest town, the building waa a mast of uncontrollable flames. One of the first rescue squads tt arrive waa a staff of nurses from s Catherine's hospital In Santa Monica. They were Instrumental In rescuing li children, all of whom were suffering from fumes and whose Uvea were I the balance. Six firemen were treated for minor Injuries. JAPANESE CHARGE TREATY VIOLATION Washington. D. C.— Japan's "solemn protest" against the exclusion section of the new Immigration law was form ­ ally presented to Secretary Hughes Saturday hy Ambassador Hanihara, and was made public at the state do partment without comment. Coapled with tho protest was the request of the Japanese government that the American government "take all possible and suitable measures" for removal of discrimination. The communication declared inter national discriminations are particu larly "unwelcom e" when "based on race,” and added that discrimination of that character la expressed in the exclusion statute. The history of commercial agree­ ments between the two countries. It was declsred, showed that the Jap­ anese government hss sought to pro­ tect Its nationals from "discrim ina­ tory Immigration legislation In the United States,” whlrh position was “ fully understood and appreciated by the American government.“ "T h o Japanese government desires now to point out." said tho note, "that the new legislation Is In entire dis­ regard of the spirit and circumstances that underlie the conclusion of the treaty (o f 1911)." It was added that the provisions of the new law "have made It Impossible for Japan to continue tho undertakings assumed under the gentlemen's agree^ ment.” "T h e patient, loyal and scrupulous observance by Japan for more than 16 years of these solf-denylng regula­ tions. In the Interest o f good rela­ tions between the two countries, now seems to have been wasted.” the p ro test continued. A t tho end Ambassador Hanihara appended the following paragraph: “ I am Instructed further to express the confidence that this communica­ tion will bo received by the American govv'rnmcnt In tho same spirit of friendliness and candor in which It Is made.” Americana Are Barred. Berlin. — Cltixens from countries whlrh failed to recognise the soviet government of Russia will be refused a vita to enter Russia at any price and under any pretext, according to a new secret circular letter sent to the Russian consulates by the Russian commissariats of foreign affairs. The United Slates heads the list of coun­ tries whose cltixens are barred. France, Spain, Bulgarin and China also are on the list. O H K féO N , T ill USUA Y, k W A ▼ ▼ A A A A A A \ STATE N E W S IN BRIEF. ! .11'N K li, NO. 1024. THE RED LOCK I \ Tale of the Flat wood** tbe way to ha light trigger •• the weasel knows the way to Its den. And the safe at home—a cracksman from the city tried that one sight. The old man blew a bole In hla riba the size of an open hand with a aa wed- off shotgun be always kept near his bed. Tbe old banker had Just closed bis desk, picked up the rusty satchel, and come out on the porch o f the store when hla daughter and the big woods­ man Joined the crowd around tbe poet office-a crowd doubly large, fathered for the doubly suspicions occasion. The girl ran to her father and •lipped an arm about hla waist. He looked down i t her and grunted. It waa the only sign be gave that be knew ■he waa there. Up beyond the Warhope farmstead there came a prodigious rattle of wheels, a clatter o f Iron shod hoofs, and the Milford stage dashed Into sight; roared across the wooden bridge where the River road crossed Eagle run; rumbled pest the church Into the village and palled up In front of the post office. Tbe crowd flocked around It. The guard threw off the mail sack. Zeke Pollck picked It up and carried It In, and the lumbering stage rattled away down the river. One passenger had alighted, a tall young man wearing a full beard, neatly cropped snd pointed— the new preach­ er, without a doubt— quite tbe oddest array of satchels and smhrella. patent leather boots and high hat, stiff neck stock snd enormous spectacles, that had ever Invaded the Flatwooda. H e seemed nervous as be stood st tbe side of the road peering through his enormous spectacles, slightly amber tinted, upon the crowd. , , T b e old banker, with his daughter a step behind him. advanced, touched hla faded black bat and eztended bla hand. "T h e Rev. Caleb Hopkins, I 'low 7” The eyes behind the huge apectaclea lighted. T b e young preacher dropped one o f hla satchels and met the out­ stretched hand. "Ah— Mr.—Colin. I take t t y "A il bat the mister. I’m Jtst plain Slme Colin.” The old man grinned, as broadly an the pinched shrewdness of his dry face would allow. - “ I want y'u t* meet my daughter.” He half turned; Jerked hla thumb toward the g irt; Jerked It back toward the preacher. "Texie. Mr. Hopkins.” Tbe young preacher touched hla tall h at; dropped hts other satchel, grasped the girl s hand In both his own and pressed It closer than the occasion could possibly warrant. It may have been merely tha ex­ pression o f a genial nature touched with the fervency o f his profession— tbs outflowing of a benevolence that embraced all humanity— but even ao. It brought a quick Cush to tha glri'a face, and drove her eyas to the ground. The old banker had turned to tha crowd. ” Step up, step np," he called, ” and shake hands with the new parson. Tha way y'u hang back, ha’U think he's dropped off amongst s pack o’ pub­ licans and sinners." Tha crowd had evidently been wait­ ing for Just such an Invitation. Stolid faces raveled Into grins, and tha quaint vernacular o f tha Flatwooda had an airing. Odd bits o f philosophy, ancient Jokes, that nobody would hava dared to spring on hts neighbor, wara freely sprung on the hapless and help­ less sojourner from the polite E ast The Informal reception waa over and moat o f the crowd gone when Taxis noticed Jack Warhope still leaning against the porch post where she had left btm. She ran back, caught his arm and dragged him forward. “ Mr. Hopkins, meet Ja— Mr. War* hope.” "Glad to meet you. Mr. Warhope.” The young preacher stretched forth his hand; the other grasped tt. Tha peering eyes behind the heavy glasses studied him with curious lntentneaa, but the woodsman, only mildly Inter­ ested. missed the Inquisitive took. The old banker had taken a step up the road. “ W ell,” he said, " I lo w that Jlat about winds up the bow-d'-y'-doln'. Texie. run in and git tbe mall, and we'll be moseyin'.” He half turned anil glanced back over hts shoulder at the preacher. “ I'v# dickered the use of our ol* preacher's study f r y'u at the parson­ age. Sister Mason— the wtdder. y'u know— she 'lows she'll be right glad to have y'u come over and use the study, she's that lonely senes the par­ son died. W e ll stop as ws go a-past, and yon enn take a look at the study, and meet Sister Mason. But. as 1 writ y’u. I'm aimin' f r y'u t' put up with me, at least f r a few day»"— the brisk, raspy voice softened— ‘T m honeiu’ t* have a talk with y'u about— the boy.” He glared down at the road; tha preacher studied him curiously. So long had the old money-lender been accustomed ts dominate every­ body about him that It did not once occur to him to Inquire what the preacher'« wishes might be. He atrodu another step or two up the road, re­ membered that hla daughter had guns In after the mall, stopped and frowned half Impatiently toward the store doer. At that moment Texts came ont with half a dozen letters Iff her hand, sew the big woodsman, and. with a tiny wisp of rogulthness In her eyes, stopped on the edge of the porch. hla big hand and touched the smart bow of ribbon at her waist. “ ff'y , didn't y'u know, tbe new Aulks» «Í T h » Blu» hisse” preacher's a-romln' on the Milford C s e r r i(M b i A s BsLOe-MsrrtH Cw stags this evenin', snd we re all goln' f meet 'lm— you, too." Halom. Ilhoa Lup»a n suddenly sobered eyes. t o th am . "H e was a classmate o f— Ken's,” 407.000 cutthroat trout eggs hare been she went on, “ and he's now one of taken to tbe Necanlcum river trout the teechers and preachers In the very lydchery by C. P. Smith, deputy state C H APTE R I—Continuad. college where Ken w en t” game warden. Tbe eggs came from The man s eyes widened. She drew Montana. About 1.000,000 fry are be­ She glanced away along the distant her hand from under bis palm. ing reared at tho Necanlcum hatchery. windings of the road. ” 1 lo w that's why father was s' “ When men of the woods ride out— quick t* biro 'lm ; and mebbe tbat’a Salem Fire conditions In Oregon yonder, they don't come back. Ken— why be was t’ willin’ t* come. He are more haxardous at the present didn't” ain't none too well, bis letter said, time than at any corresponding sea The man’s eyes searched her face son of tbe year In tbe history of organ­ for tome hidden meaning In her words; bein' nigh broke down with teacbln’ and preachin', and he low ed this ized forestry In the west. This was apparently did not Bud I t would be a good place t' rest up In." **I ain't aimin’ t* let the big wort the substance o f a statement given Her eyes swept the serene land­ out here by F. A. Klllott, state forester. out yonder swatter me op like It did— Ken. Some flatboetmen told me yed* scape; suddenly alie raised an arm and Eugene.— The Eugene chamber of terd'y there's a wagon train makln’ pointed to the blurred end o f tbe roed. commerce gained approximately 20« up In the city for the gold dlggtn’s His eyes followed the direction of her members during the past year, ae la California. Y'u know, when a bound rigid finger. The Milford stage was Just crawling out of the bronze shad­ cording to a report made at the last boy'a time's o a t the man be * bound to most gener'ly starts 'lm off with ows and coming Into view. The next weekly luncheon of the season Friday moment she bad seized hla hand and No members have been lost. It was a boas and saddle and bridle. Pap waa dragging him, half unwilling, down Simon said ha flg'r’d on glvln' me stated, and the debt of $750 has been tha cliff. Uraylock. wiped out. *T lo w we'll Jlne that wagon train— C H A PTE R II Salem. —There were two fatalities In Gra« luck and me. And when we And Oregon due to Industrial accidents dur­ gold, we're—cornin' back." East Msets West. H e stole a shy look at her. She ing the week ending May 29. accord- O f fattr stages that passed through dropped her eyes. ing to a report prepared here by the “ You'll fr g e t tbe Flatwooda when Buckeye each day— the evening stage state Industrial accident commission from up the river— from the city twen­ you're found— gold.” The victims were Gentry O. Sims. He seemed to search her words ty miles above— was by far the most Coqullle. faller, and Edward L. Duby. again for some meaning that be wished Important, its arrival was the one B.«ker. farmer. much to find. But her face was vary big event o f the day. H alf the village was usually gathered about tbe broken Salem.— In event there are no more thoughtful and turned aside. "F rget the Flatwooda I Where else porch o f Zeke Pollck’a general store outbreaks o f the foot and mouth d ir In the world la there a sight like that? to see It come In. eases In California prior to June 3 Tbe Buckeye post office shifted back Tbe minute I've got money enough I'm Governor Fierce will issue a proclam comlu' back. I’ ll buy th# homestead snd forth across tbe River road about alion on that date lifting the quaran back Tom Fap Simon; flulah the as often as the nation changed presi­ denta Zeke Pollck was a Whig, and line now In effect In Oregon against bouse; and then—" the Importation o f citrus fruits raised Aa arm unconsciously reached to­ the man In the White House In far-off ward tier. Tbe movement brought tbe in the former state. red-roofed cottage Into his line of vis­ Gaston If bain does not fall In this ion—the red roofed cottage, where lay part of the W illam ette valley in a few a paper that bound him to servitude. days the crop of spring and fall-sown He drew hla arm back; crushed hla grain will be a abort one. A good hat rtm In hla powerful finger». Down by the rivulet tn the barn lot soaking downpour would mean thous­ ands of dollars to the farmer. *Xhe the geese bonked and clapped tbelr grain Is just heading out and It Is not wings. Th# sound aroused tbe man too late for It to fill. If there Is plenty from tbe half bitter mood and be glanced at hla companion, to find her of moisture. eyes upon him. "Jack— " ah# hesitated; “ do v u Eugene.— A fter July 1 no smoking will be allowed on the Salt creek •'pose It could be the red lock that watershed and the Western Lumber made Ken act like '• did?” The question was so at variance company and I»avls W eber Lumber with the man's trend o f thought that company timber sale areas in the he waa a I «mg time considering 1L vicinity of Oakridge in the Cascade na “ It ain't the red lock." he finally tlonal forest, according to announce­ answered In bla alow way. "lt'a the ment by Nelson F. McDuff. supervisor drop o f blood that come along with It. of the forest. F*r that matter, though, every man gtta a bad drop ’r two out of th# past. Oregon City.—The cannery at Car­ But them bad drops can be overcome. ver. owned by the Clackamas County If a man bucks ag'ln ’em. The trouble Canning company, opened Friday on with Ken waa It didn't 'pear Ilka be the 1924 crop of berries, with a crew wanted t’ buck ag'ln' hla.” o f 30 workers. From Friday morning “The ’curse o f Colin.' ” was the to Saturday afternoon six tubs of girts musing comment. " F ’r hundreds strawberries and gooseberries were of years— ever aenca the day» of 'Red canned. The plant w ill continue oper­ Colin.' the old aea pirate— lt'a be'a ations during the summer, finishing breakln' out In the family every few generations. It alw'ys worried Ken The Old Man Grinned, aa Broadly as with apples and pears in the fall. that It broke out oo him. I've some­ the Pinched Shrewdness of His Dry V a le.- The sheriff's office was busy times thought It would ’a' be'n better Facs Would Allow. this week with moonshine raids, mak­ If he'd never 'a’ found out the mean- ing three in Juntura and bringing back ln' o f that red lock— that It was tha Washington happened to be a Whig. That's why the post office was In a to the county Jail a prisoner from ’curse o f Colin'— ” “That's It,” he commented. "1 'low store on the north side of the road In each raid, two men and a woman. The Ken flg'r'd the curse had 'lm anyhow, the year of grace, 1849, Instead of tn men. O. D. Acton and Lloyd Edmon­ and so It wasn't wo'th while t' buck a store on the south side. son. each running a pool hall and cigar ag’ ln It.” The River road was a bigger Insti­ store, were given heavy sentences for “ Mother kep' the lock cut off, y'u tution than the town. It not only possession of intoxicating liquor, an- know, till Ken wes big enough t' notice halved the town; It well-nigh halved the woman, Mrs. Mary Kelley, was fin­ It htmself. A fte r that be alw'ys kep’ Its political faith. From the Warbope ed for manufacturing. It combed under so's It didn't show. farmstead at the east edge to the I don't reckon anybody In the Flat- school house at the west edge. It Pendleton.— Beginning last Monday woods but you and ms and father formed. In political years, a sort of all campers who build fires iu the know d e bad It.” "devtl'a lane" between the north ald­ Umatilla national forest will be re- “ Yea,” tbe woodsman Interrupted, ers and the south alders. The farm­ quFed to have campfire .permits, no "ol' Uucle Nick Wlfflea known. But stead and the red-roofed cottage— cording to a statement at the local that's as good as aayln' lt'a dead and which la to say Jack Warhope and foiest »ervtce office. The ruling has burled. Nothin' ever glta a past Unde the Colins— were both on the north side o f the road. been made In an effort to prevent fires Nick's Jaw." He grinned, pushed up the mop of Simon Cotln tiad once been Zeke In 'he forest. There la greater risk tousled balr that fell over hla brow Follck'a partner, but had dissolved the of h " »v y losses this season than for partnership years before to follow the snd pointed to a »car. several years on account of the dry "Tbat'a where Ken struck me with more lucrative busint'ss o f lending weather, according to the statement. ‘la whip hau ls the day I found out ’• money and collecting rents— mostly hla own. A banker without a bank, so Klamath Falls. — An option was bad It." The girl ran her slim fingers over shrewd waa hla Judgment and ao hard taken here Saturday on 39 acres of the bargains be drove, that half the Klamath Falls property by Southern the scar. "And he cut me with the whip Flatwooda waa under mortgage to him. l ’aciflc representatives and. according He still kept a sort o f office In the b'cause 1 (lew at 'lm when '• done It.” to local roports, It will be utilised for "And then 1 hit 'tin with a rock store—a desk by the dusty window; a switching, shops and roundhouse facili­ b'cause 'e cut you." narrow shelf nailed along the tops of ties for the main division point on the the palings at the longer aide; a chair; The girl shivered. new Kugene-Klamath route. Up until "1 thought he'd kill y'u that day,” a table against the wall, on It three or this move by the railroad the location she said. "H la bat fell off, hi* balr four law hooka that were never of the division point on the new road wes mussed, and y'u know how awful opened. There waa no safe. That had been a matter of much conjecture. It made 'lm look when that red lock waa at the red-roofed cottage. Not a very Imposing office— but the worked out and fell down over 'la Vale.— W hile other aeek their for­ eyes— wild and savage and terrible; commerce of the Flatwooda passed tunes hy endeavoring to find oil, gold, like ol’ ‘Red Colin' must '• ’ looked. •cross those time-faded, unpnlnted Even Zeke Pollck, Simon's silver and other valuable articles in He Jerked y'u up and drawed tbe butt palings. closest business associate, would the hills of eastern Oregon, J. E. John­ of ‘la whip— mercy I It makes me have been astonished to know the ao- son o f Vale is busily engaged In min­ shiver t' think about It. But he only laughed— hard and wild— and let y'u tual wealth that Journeyed in an old " Y ; there’s a fairy peeping ing that Indispensable household com­ satchel back and forth every day be­ go." Inte the spring right now.” modity, salt. For this purpose the tween house and «tore. A smile crawled acres# tbe bold Vale Salt F ield» company has been features o f the woodsman, narrowed Dangerous?— twice the attempt bud organised with a capital stock of $15,- hla eyes and pinched out two queer been made to see Inside that satchel, (T O B B C O N T IN U B D .) 000 under directorship of John E. John and • man had died each time. The little wisps o f friendly frankness. Enmity of your enemies la lees un­ son. senior member, and Is now six "This ain't Fourth o’ July, n'r old banker carried a huge double-bar­ Chrla'mae, n’r nobody's »editin'. How reled horse pistol, loaded half to the certain than the friendship o f ytrar months old. some the sceueryT" H e reached out muzzle with buckahot, and ha knew friends. HI Helena Lumber shipment» for tha » " i 'k ondina Haturflay war# «light ly morn than 5,000,09* foot from I bo looal mill«. By DAVID ANDERSON