THE TURNER TRIBUNE V O L. VIII. T l l t N E l l , EXPERTS * l U w r « G ER M A N Y’S TASF I * u t • lirai l.ifr Inlo lirpar«* OF CURRENT W EEK. . . . ^ lion Hmnioit. Paris. Ilrlgndler General Charles <1 O IM Ü U O N , ALIEN FUNDS’ USE INEI Dawes, U. 8. A., chairman of the first committee of experts appointed by I he Brief Resurre Most Important reparation commission to consider the resources and Daily News Items. looking to a solution of tha reparn lions COMPILED FOR YOU Kveata * f Notad I'sopis. C o f f n a M t i u t F e d ir Northwest. u t Other TVnyf • Worth know lap. Two woman ond thro« children. >11 member* ot the game family, were killed In a fire that swept through three llrooklyn apartment buuae* late Wednesday. The execution of Oea John and Hughla King by the administering ot lethal gaa w a* fixed by Judge Walah In the dlatrlct court of Mineral county at Hawthorne, N'er., Wednesday, for Friday. February I. The health of e l Prem ier Venllelo* of Ureece, who w a* taken III early tbla week. In continuing to Improve, lie waa able to reaume hi* confer­ ence* Tueeday with the political lead era. Including tha royallata. A Spanish royal decree waa laeued Tueeday dloeolvlng the capacity of Germany chamber of depulle* and dlamlaalng the elective member* of tha *enate. lender the decree life aenator* are deprived of tbelr parliamentary Immunity. Details of the round the world flight ot United State» army avlatura, atari tng from Seattle April 2. were made public Monday by M ajor Henry II Arnold, commander of Uockwell field, and l.leutenani Virgil Hlnee, poet ad Jutant. Announcement wa* made In tha fed eral court In Memphl*. Tenn., Tueeday that the aull for 11.000.000 filed by the American Truat company of Naahvllle. Tenn.. agnlnat the I’lggly W iggly cor­ poration had been settled by com promise and that tho suit would be withdrawn. An official bullotln aay* the acute­ ness of the malady of Loon Trotsky, the lluaatan soviet w ar minister, which resulted from an attack of Influent* and from which he had suffered since Novem ber 5. makes It deslrsblo that he Immediately cease work and take absolute rest la a milder climate. Illght of Presbyterian clergymen to exercise liberty of thought and toach Ing Is maintained In an affirmation sign ml by 150 Presbyterian mlnlstors lu all parts ot the United States, la sued Wednesday by a committee head ed by the Hev. Murray Shlploy How ­ land of the iluffulo, N. Y.. Presliy terlan church. The United Stales has determined no longer to be a dumping ground for undesirable aliens. Representative Vail of Colorado, member of the house committee on Immigration, told the Wom en's National Republican club Tuesday. He said restriction of Immi­ gration was favored by »every member of the committee. Mrs. Henry Lange. 75, of Meriden, Conn., has boon discharged ns cured from the Meriden hospital after watch­ ing the surgeons remove hnlt her stomach and cut a large growth from her Intestines while she was under the Influence ot local anaesthetics only. The operation took two hour*, during which Mr*. I Jingo conversed with the surgeons. Ira Spark* ot Teru, Ind., who ar rived In Honolulu a year ago from San Francisco In a packing box. hav Ing consigned himself as “freight en route to tho orient,” W ednesday suited for tho far east In a 2.1 foot dory. He announced that he was bound for the Holy Land to “seok the true word ot God." A crowd estimated at 1500 wltneased his departure. problem, forward, dellverud hardhitting a $180,000,000 Cash on Deposit Available. straight­ speech at the opening of that body here Monday. CUSTODIAN R EP O RTS He declared be could speak neither for the government of the United Hlales nor for the American people, Revival of ('om m rrrr With ri-K n rm y but aa an Individual. After reviewing Countries and Drofit by G ov­ the situation from Ihn standpoint of an American hualnes* man, he mudc ernment Held r»w— a face serene In the moonlight—Captain Ha­ zard o addressed him. "Sir, I am minded to recall my w ord* Now, I shall claim my wager 1" “ I say— to bed— ” mumbled t'arr thickly. He reeled at his door, waved a palsied finger at them and crushed against the furniture within. Miss Lestron stood at th* balus­ trade of the winding staircase us the stranger was descending. A step be­ low he turned: " I claim my wager. them have « care who put a Jest upon me In this tow n! The sea Is near . , . and It is wide. Wide, Mademoiselle, and deep; and far— very far. Is the way to Its secret place*.” “ I do not understand." She was watching him Intently. He had gone to the next turn of the stnlrcaae. The moonlight struck the silver of his sword blit. She leaned forth, and her eyes struck fire from his own w hen he glanced up. “F a r T ' she whispered: “And It may be beautiful!" lie watched her lips. The perfume of the Jasmtned wall seemed to rise from the court and engage her; she seemed afloat In a purple sea formed by the shadows. A face, a form lumi­ nous In the mists of his dark years of remembrance. Tlie soul of his youth was stirring . . . be had dared all. lost all, on decisions quick, hot. pregnant as this, fn days long put behind. " I love yon." he said quietly. "You will remember that." She beard hla boot on the stones of the court. H e was passing the pomegranate clump when he thought something flashed near him In the moonlight. A white thing, a light thing— a feather, a petal In the air. But he saw no more, nor heard a sound from above. He went to the untenanted street wondering If she had waited until his footsteps died away. He wondered w b r he had spoken; and then he laughed. Sazarac. the packet gamester . . . Jean Lafltte. last of the sea-adventurers— ghost of a van­ ished time, back to tread the streets where his life was not worth the flicker of a moonbeam In the Jasmine screen below her window. After he had gone.weoinethlng did stir. A man crawled out from the shadows across the area, went to the gardened center of the court and searched under the fig and pomegran­ ate leaves. Presently he muttered and straightened up, a white blossom In his hand. “Eh?” be said. “A camellia . . . It has been In her hair. She was to wear It to the opera, and C arr’* orgy tonight prevented. I would have seen her pass . . . she would have thought me a red-eyed beggar stand­ ing by the areaway. but I would have seen her pass." John Jarvis stared up at the silent balcony. Then he, too. went his way. "The Cafe la Veau Qul Tete— " he grumbled. “I shall put on my old waistcoat again to get drunk In. Sazarac! D — n this Sazarac! A flower from her hair, and the fool did not see It! A flower for Sazarac!" At the Cafe la Vean he entered by the garden gate and went to sit among the hnge nine tuns under the tiled shed. "Three measures of liquor and I could paint a white camellia against her hair," he m used; “but the taproom and I together could not paint love in her eye— for me.” A fter that he sought a bench and slept. Presently in came another and by the same stealthy passageway. A huge seaman, this, with broad hairy chest, and tattooed arms. He exam­ ined the sleeping painter, took off hit coat and spread It above him. "H e must be kept drunken and asleep,” muttered Johannes*. "The fool would shout it through the town— the Cap­ tain Jean returned, and meeting us old ghosts up from the Islands! Enter. Old Silt-Nose! None here save John, the taproom avocat. A howl from him and be draws my knife point! Sit quiet and await. Our host gave me the keys and Is abed . . . he pre­ fers not to know what he should not know, like any wise m an!" “Jean whom I painted at th* famous Isle! Jean!” (T O B E C O N T IN U E D .) Try Thl* Formula for Feet. Not a'sne upon the choice of shoes dees the conuort of the feet depend. Even perfectly healthy, normal feet need particular dally care. With such care even tender feet become normal. After shopping or walking and at the close of the day. It is an excellent thing to bathe the feet in cold wuter, Julia W . W olfe writes in the Health Builder. It you cannot endure the shock of cold water at first, begin with tepid water and add the cold water gradually. When It Is convenient, the faucet— cold wnter— should be allowed to play upon the feet. The reaction of the cold water aids clrcnlatlon and give* tone to the arteries. Use no soap In the tonic foot hath; free alkali, which might be present In the soap, tends to blister the feet. With this treatment continued dally, one's feet soon grow healthy and foot trouble* are a thing of the past. Fats and oil* In the diet are two and one-fourth times more effective than either proteins or carbohydrate« as sources of energy.