The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, November 15, 1923, Image 4

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    P n P T I
I v
1 L r iH L /
fo r
y o u r
pro d uce
IV m i « h 4 , O reeee
» L E A T IN O
0 *m p l*t# 1 h a n f* S»tur.l»T
__ ■ Adult«. W
dap SJatir.M , 2 0 * ; Evsnin« », *<V. C o iti»
out 1 U 11 p
i'll i Mr #ii 10 M id i «II t» » * «
Shipherd’« Mineral Springs
H A L O L D B A IN . M on«| or
C a rto n . w « M n p to n
A n Id e a l W l n t a r R * * o r t .
SpacM * V\ in te r r i j t e * .
R o u t« « — S . r
A 8 . U v ' t l fro m I V r t U n d to C a r ­
bon, \Yai»h.
B y A u to to O h *« a d * l-o. k* v ia C o -
lu m M t H l< h v « p .
B y A u to \ la th e N o r th B a n k
llu e h w a y .
H o te l— A m e r ic a n P la n . M o d e rn H o te l
A t'com tru H U ttions. B a t h « — H o t M in e ra l P a t h » : P u r «
R h e u m a ti s m ,
l -U e r ,
K id n e y
S to m a c h
T i c 1 » S k in P l» e o > e e
H u n tin g and F i s h i n g _____
'a t . «e*m . heiu *nd niAchiu«
dea» skirt« nradjr for hand
lem »))!. K ir* Iilcoting and tn.-kina
1* A S T E K N N O V t.L T Y u r o
, U H F ifth 8 k
83 cent»
U n ita i? B eau t)' F a ilo r*
W e !>« U '» ■!>.
re m ake *11 kind* of H*tr flood* ot yeur
tim l'in i»
Jo in our 8« hool *f lt« *\.i» fhilturs.
10« «e 4 1 1 Deknai R .d g., r h e a * B ie * 4 w u f
l©04, r « r tl* m l. O regen.
_ _ _ _ _
She Played
J By D O R O T H Y K. S C O V IL L E
I •
cr«*i*o pifi»» i niu I holly
Over In the
corner » a * lln* t'lirliMnias tr«>e, Ii>n.l«>il
wilt» III» «OHIflirt ha«» anil t-amly.
T h era were ill'.ml 4.1 m ill th ere «
Km») umili yeung fell««« *. All Ih»
ch airs ivi'n* llllml nini uniti» of tli*
fo llo ii• m il* Killing ou III» umgnr.n*
tablea flint » i * i » lu i.tii'it bin'll against
III» unit,
T hor» mm n tin i» i'l»un-il nt1« 1'*
« S iitW iT îiiW îttiî » * « U SO
Taka il li:ma la
Fte kid*.
Have a r»nk«t in
your pocket lor an
avar .aatfy treat.
• * — *** —
-e e w » œ ..'»*'»i/Vrore
Considerable Reductii n
in Calf Raising Costs
Sav s Heifer Calves.
H ere’s a good rule to follow—save
your h eifer calves and sell your bull
eslves. I f he Is a pure bred he Is
Ham burg.—Cure* 11 r*- l»dng p.-r on ly a few of these died, « v 'n g to worth good money lo nn older breed­
form ed >.n victim s of sleeping sh-kness l.rnin and nerve com plications. Toe er— sell hint. Hut It Is different with
ln cen tral A frica, according to Dr ; others regained their strength and d* the heifers, give them a clian c* to
M artin J l- o e r o f . h e Ham burg Trop- d ared tl ey were us well ns t b e j ever prove their n o rth ln the milk pall.
|enl Institute, tbe first seb-ntl-t t<. test 1 had t.een.
Why Sell Rich Cream ?
(1 Herman remedy on this iiiabidy.
) Ib .cto r M ajo r Is of the '«pinion tills
Cream testin g from 30 to 40 per
A Germ an commission under t h e ' remedy will m ake It possible to de-
leadershlp of Hoctnr Klein Is n..«v In veb p much territory in tlie tropics «•nt m akes better bu tter than If tliln.
th e tropleal aectl'.n of Afrl.-a applying which b is liltlierto I een closed be- For this reason a better price will be
th e remedy. I l i e i . are r.-c. o f 170 cause o f the danger . ■f sleeping slck- received, which Is to the udvuntage of
the cream ery patron.
Congo natives who have l,e.-n treated. ' ness.
. . . . «■, M » o „ .
» > » 4 1 » .« . I
I*1“ «**- " ‘" l «'•“ »
Tl»«* lilclt coni of lullin g 1'iilvpN can
all tlu* tMittMUluerg »at. Mr. Waril
iu uliuoal t*\or> UlUt* xtllu^o t!i» r t U paU! a few wonU to th»» men. itttklng !»»• cniiNtiloriilily rrdiii'tHl l»y Nt||i|>l«'
a m astery.
Soniotimea a » a |H»r»tiu. them t«y ht lp out In tlu* »Higlng when | Bient
, , I ng . their _ e xp
, e n g li* rntlnn of milk
*«mictiui< * u b«iu>c. ti.ii.4 y llH rli.irw u » ||i»y ««.'iv un.l tlicu tb c pr»
“ ‘
.'*‘r rl ‘" ' '
1 l,,f s "
u.i > \n pil.m, li l,.u| Mi-* iS.'iuplifc.
Ku.m I" .....
I ........ ««..» .. |.|a i.«> ...lo ! V " .
A tu r i .u inn.iiii» a f M ix » « * *1 a m , liy Mr*, linuilul.
Hi.* pb\y»d
meMiml of
ll>U<K lu S u fc ij llurbuc. 111« !«>«« u»- i ,i.,iy . i . hk
I l.«n It«»» Prv«lou »ung
raising cal«ea ha» b e n used with «••>n-
iwupl* kucw Just »• much uboul U»r „ Ml|u ; gr,» hll, „ i„ ,
h » » lieu »1.» d iit cum«', iiml ibcy «lulu t
M r. Sciupi» »US lo play ber 'cello
su e .'.'« ,
.......... I he
ku*««« uu«ii.I i . k u I h ' u I l.«*r ilieu.
J next. SI.«» M-cim-il uvrvou» ul llrul, l*ul 1 «‘«Ivi*« «»» nilMsl will not !*••
a« i ' ii I v «%
n ulilrlt in»*
lu ll I ru *.)', wl.o liiul III» buHillug ut'i. r »1;«* I.« kuii I«* |«luy *1.» |!«*l *'««r fat and
roniraci for Mr*. Scm pl« » liou»e. dlilu t u. T iltf Velio ti.utl« q u it* u lilt mining ral4«H| on thv maximum amount of
* 'c u kuou n l.u t *hc liHik«>il Ilk». Ill* il.», »o »1.» pluy«<«l ugnlu.
II milk, ttu*y will, novorthol«»«.*, ilovotop
«irilcru cum» from I u t lu » y * r*. T b » » ..» pi,-,,.. -A l^ v u l,“ il.ut *1.» Into IiFttltli.v, normal auluiaN.
••Allow th«* on If to romain with thr
I ioumu «« us a sm allish one, but coxy play»«!; It » bi'uutiful, but I I * »u.L
u u J p r c lly ; »»u> from any neighbors, nut.
K .cry g .«us a» qulvl a» a dnm for 4.H hour«. Tin* ilr»t milk or
K«cr)>>uo remark«*«! at tlu* tomb a l.« n »1.» play»«L
It » a * colon!rum I m laxatU o lu It* actItat i»n>l
ttmo the«r » a * huul«*«1 to lh» «uough lo bring i«ur» to auy«>uv* In »urea th»' proper nctlott of tin* how«*!*
for the f1r*»t few «lay«.
*|H‘t. wlial a fa r u «ay pluiv »he bail «iy«». it.» wny »1.» played IL
'*Take the ca lf froin the cow* at the
taken. Hu« It ««a» a pretty lo ca tio n ;
Ulgl.l iu the middle of It. the door
close lo th e beach, and nestling lu a o|>en«il e«er so quielly, and a young cm! of 4S hour« ami fori I It from *»
Tho amount to l»o f»»i| dcpomN
g ro ie of yotiug pu.e» that overlooke«l .nan cull.» lu. lie s I ihm ] liter* for a pall
the harbor and llie »ouuiL
uiomem. Hat«'..lug. Ills face » « » a» on tho «i/o and \l|pir of tho calf. » nt North MortUmJ Moria A Mul« Company
If )«»u liavo # nay
tiny tiorar
» , muir*
imilr« or milk
h»- , ,,w„
The day Hie house » a » Umshe.1 M r* « Id le ..» a »lu el, mul lit* big. l.laik
. , , thixv
, , . foiMin»;«
7 a day.
j,,, »uto.
ii« r t I lit«
to. don't
dun t 1«"
f u itf
III« Noitl
N in th
•*.» U « «rr «I
Mule ft»
Semple eauie. Jim l»ec\>»ta drove her eye* » e re »tarlug at Mia. Semple u» tMlinc Nl\ to Flight potimi«, aro fiv e n poiiun.l Iterar a Mul«
j » ii'« la tout Ii wiih tii*> huyera «ml la «
up, and he told all about h e r; said »he if |.w w « a ghost. JuM Ihen M r*
j poattlolè t<» « r| til« hin h r* » litui kr| pi |i «
“Tilla amount «hoiild
I nero« «Ol I I *ht»nr l i n i l t r M31 .• virilo I «» « 61»,
» u s a mighty nice looking «om un, bin Semple looked up from her ‘cello, and
.N orth IX .il
»lie had sad eyi'a. T h at » a * the mo»l j tau ght sight of the boy—1.» wasn't
«Util to «Iv i >t i a n ) I a f a r nu ll Ion " * *
he had noticed about her— the »ad eye» any n.or» lliut. SI.» atopp«^ r e m u ll í s g in m I m i l n s lu n g »■ s e n tir » d o ... s i i . ' u li« i h m .« » l u d « . .Nurtti P o t l -
*'• '» S m i t » r .
| pluytng us quickly a» If site bad been IK 1 « s e l In. I f t h e c a l f d u e » « . n u r , t h e U h J l
lu llk s t .o u h l lie i ..k e n a w a y f o r o n e n r
T he Sunday a fte r »he arrived alt« ai» suddenly changed
Into a »o o d *0
•wo feedings nml u iloae of castor oil
Lmturlous Res«,
peared lu church. Sh» ««as dressed In dgurv, and her fu c* got white, too.
A 1'urtslun bod of silv er and wood
quiet, durk clothes, but they » e r e nice uDd her big. black eye* »lured back
“ Ity the tim e the « n ifi» three nr four 1,11,11 r" ' nl> Indian prlneu wna orna-
th in g *
Sh e evidently had money, m that hoy.
«vi-«>k» old It should be g lte n all « I .* m in te d nt each co rn er by a largo (<•
Kveryooe welcomed her. and »be
“P ic k I ” »he whl«i<ereiL with tears
a lfa lfa nml i-|nvi>r hay II will eat nml mnlo figure luildlng n fan. T h e weight
seemed a friendly kind ; but the funny . in her vole*.
part about her w as that although »he “M o th er!“ said
the boy. holding h g i» I grain m ixture. T h e folio«« lug , «if the prln««-» laxly set me. I.anlam In
j mntlon. which csu seil tho fans to os
smili-d with her month, her eye» »«-re out hla urn«» and stum bling forward. hns bean used ««III. su cce ss;
«■•«und» of
100 pound» of oil clllu te.
r. »t smiling a bit. They were sad. Just
Theu everyUtio begun to talk at
corn nir*i
maul, old proc - I
u» Jim P eC osta had said.
once, and Inugh. to hid* their u-ura.
Of course that sturtiM folks talking. Mr». Semple stopptHl t h * noise herself,
wlipftt br*n
100 pound* «round
Ono's T ru e S slf.
and wondering why lu*r eyes were sad. w ith her unn around the boy. »he
T h. noblemt thing you ever dhl, th»
“T h e m ore grain and hay the c a lf !
but no one had the .ou rag e to pry luto la id
It all m eant.
T e a r*
luddcHt «'inotKiti you ever frit, tiu*
her affairs.
gUM. tied on her d M * * but I.«-. « " <«• •“O'*
¡ * S ¡ ¡ M »HI he required I'.
mat and uioat atdf-«arrlflclttg lov*
As w inter i-ame on the » » m e n 's clubs was »» happy a» any m ortal's ixiuld l*n rt* o f the country ««l.« r<< »klm milk
Is s .s ll a h l* th * c a lf aln uld bc i hangrd I
,n >r,’ur * “ ul- ,h# l “ >f,,ur
ill. I soeletl«'» began to have their , >er be.
m eetings. Then there was the hospital
“Oh. everyn.»el
I want you to gradually a« two n r th riv wn-lu. of »»'If still, through all tb s baser Ufa into
work and the church work.
M rs know bow l.uppy i'tc k aud
I s r s to- * * * from whole ...Ilk 1«. skim milk, which you
have fa llen . — i’lillllp-*
SempU was Invited to everything. S h * night I" »1.* began. Then
sh * told
rnmunt o f skint milk fed. how llrooks.
was a willing worker, and a gcn«irous |.ow ht-r son hud gurt* to s«-a on a •*r *r . should not «•x«-»xxl what would
- -
contributor to tho fu n d s Hut somehow freight In att; there had been a col- usualljr 1.» gfven o f w hol* milk.
Dancing Ants.
sh«> didn't seem to en ter heart and s»ul lislon one Icy night, with tunny of the
' 1*)' H“6 tim e the e a lf 1« four
Into things: She seemed to be trying crew lost. Ile r ». n hud Iwi'o umong months old the n.l!k f.»xll.ig may he
« I n n a n 'a am happy, a ic o r d la e to
to forget som ething—n*. one could find those who were missing.
Then h*r discontinued nnd th e «-alf rals«xt
IK. “ n'' ‘‘I l,u' ho -t known slu .l.-nts of ant
out what. Sh e never of her |x»r- sou took up the story.
It s was a Kn i,n and hay. Itut remember,
the Ufa* they have n way of stam lttig up
sonal affairs. A fter quite a bit of hint- dark haired boy, who l«x>kcd Just like calve# will nof lo-.g as fat and sleek
and m aking llltlo skips, which tnsy
Ing. they «lid fln J out that her husband Ids mother.
Itlg black eyes. One
*hose fed milk to u la te r age. corresponding to our dancing,
had died a f«*w years hack, of tropli-al cut f«*atures, and the sam e l«»w voice, though tl.elr ultim ate dcreiupiuent .
- . . _ _
w 111 h e th«« s a m e .'
fever In South America. He hud been
I I * bad drifted for days lit a life
Popular Idea Is Wrong.
I d some kind of governm ent work boat.
When he was picked up Ids
T h em Is u«> Instrum ent that will lu-
there. O utsld* of that, they found out memory had dletl In that terrible ex
New Fublication Gives
■Ileal* thn p re sen ce o f gold and silver
perieuc*. and ainc* dead men tell no
Practical Information ,,r u,,(r orv* Irn“ «»tract» tho
Then C hristm as we«'k came. All the tules. there was no one to Identify the
< Pr.i*r..i kr ik .
| ,NKn,n l ; ' needle,“ l.ut n e ith ar ««Id nor allver
soi-ietles w ere busy with bask ets for lifeboat and Its ou« living seaman,
1 1» m agnetIr.
the ne«v little hospital, and for the
In hop* uf meeting » 1mw.11* who
T h e niU lny o f dairy calve*, b«»ifln .
_____ _____________
M ariners' hospital, and w ith com fort anew him. or of going some place he nlii£ with the row before the ru lf In
bags for the S e a m e n s Ketliel. Snfety w..ul«l re«-..gulxe. he weut tow-boating. | |M)rn nn.l «-arrylng the > >ung »t"«>.k
M jjr D* ®om* ,h ln 8 ln This.
II art .or being quite a place for ships T h at was the tlrst tim e he hu«i ever n|ong
lw o , . „ , r j llf og„ „ Um, | u | h , NVl,
m ak„ a b|(lb
to come In out of the sto n n s that l'«^n Into Safety llartM.r. He was M Je. t of a r.-.vnt l armer» lli.ll. iln. No t....| |,k„ , u i.ln g som eona ilon t n . . s
ram page outside. Snfety Harbor. In his Way to tbe news store to get a txttl. Ke«Un# amt Management
Its younger days, was quite a whaling newspaper when he had heard the |>«|ry ( -,|rM ,in<1 y
S|m k
k' *"
port. Mnywny. but now most of the olil j 'cello playing, anil it somehow stirred now
r«*mly for distribution by the
K‘ ' ' , y,,ur '
11 I 1*** b a w lln f «»ut.
houses o f the whaling skippers belong up bis memory.
I'n lted S ta te s I«epartinent <>f Agrl.-ul '
to summ er people.
When he hear«! that favorite piece lure. W a.hlngton fi, (-
Mrs. Sem ple contributed a lot of ° f bis, "A bsi'iit." memory t.egun
T he new t.iillettn la full o f praeth-nl
W ise Rule for L ifs's Guidance.
■M M f tow ard tlie work t !«•• gOClgtlW
he CBM* Into the lletliel. Inform al:,.11 covertag a il th l reaen tlals
W rit* Ig Ml f e w lo art that .■«.•! y
were doing, but she seemed to do more wtiere be found hla mother.
in lift- prodiu-Hon o f g.M>d dairy st»|- day 1» Iho host day In tho year. No
for the M ariners' hospital and the ■ ^be »aid afterw ard that she never mulg fo r breeding nnd milk produe- man has learned anything rightly until
Seam en's Hetliel than anything else, bad believed her son wns (lend, c ic n tlon
Ii Includes ctinpt*rs on fi-.-dlng ho knows Hint ev.-ry dny Is ltoomsdny.
T tie funny part of It was (tint »lie a fte r »*>0 tind- looked for hlin every- before birth, wrnntng tho ru lf, lent-h-
would never go near eith er place.
where and never found him. T h ai wns Ing lo drink, cleanliness, pnsteurlxa
Som etim es th e clubwomen would go “ by »be wanted to be tvbere she could tlon of milk for feeding, nuiinilly nnd
over to the Itethel. when there were w a,ch " ,B
‘ «m e In. Sh# said qunllty of milk fe.1, fr.-.|U.-nry o f feed
Sm " S ' "
1 * " y'
* h " n P "0 -
some boats In. and would give little : ,h e f t l ‘ lh » t ,,B ttuUlJ co,n« butk
lntf- roughage f„ r eiil««-». grain feed.
Ku * °
•von ,l,‘
b-eom o nn-
en tertainm en ts for the boya. M r s . i bcr.
nitlk substitutes, qu arters, stnn.-hluns,
right nw:ty, or have they to pass
Sem ple would never do anything like
F a ith does a lot som etlm en
prevention o f bores, w ater nnd unit, » l<* o f stupid exam inations fir s t? “ —
that. Sh e alw ays bad a headache when !
— — ——
marking calves fur Idenllllcstlon, ills- I
tbe tim e cam e.
How He Answered.
eases, nnd Several c h a p 'e r* on the North Portland Hor»» A Mats Company
C hristina* eve the P a trio tic club had
A man of considerable |M>aitlon and f,‘*'<Jln* ‘" " I wngagement o f young
l l 'r*' * " r rent
I Im.n.-d to go to the Itethel. T h e re Importune# confesses, with u merry " ,,M« i.«.«ond t t i e . n i r age.
I«n> kb.-t . t o h ..... ttu.t
he r...w,a
were n lot o f boats In (bat had been tw inkle In b is eye, to a serious blow
T b e bulletin may be had free of } ', * * „ ;,“' ('-„Vt"V'.m.'ireT.T-t *N „ fih {v ,7 !
held up bjr the ftorm *. Th© club to hi* reputation from uu unexpected
by w riting to th«* departtutnt
. , . f n. r „ i,.n Htockyard*
women I f l M U M
w tu t lllf they Q Q Ifttft
* * ,lu * * wP P lj Inst-»
■hould ask Mm. Sem ple to go or n o t
HU imaU »on returnod from school
"IV e ll," said M artha Oreene, "sh e
confronte«l his fa th e r with the Calves to Develop Well
-ver goei when we ask her. and I question, ' la th e r , » h a t ure you?”
M i t c t H i u o 0 „ „ ; * n r v , t>
.n't believe In w asting my hrenth.”
"W hut um I. my boy? Why do you
" 1 U S l l l a ' ° h a m t a r y l i CHS
If calve* a re to remain healthy nnd
Then one said »he might feel ■ *'tT '
Well, fath er.“ was the reply. "Je n - develop ix-rfectly they must not only
hurt If she didn't get asked.
“I think we nliould ask her,” spoke kins ranie up to tne In the dinner be correctly fed hut must have sunl-
up May Alden. May w h s the youngest hour and said, ‘W h at's your father?" ” '» fy q u arters when In the stable. He.
“And what did you sa y ?" asked his •'«•»»* Investigations have shown that
member of the rlub. and there wasn't
\ lu, >< o f sunlight I* a powerful con-
n sw eeter, nicer girl In the village. fath er.
“ I didn't sny anything." nnsivered tributary ««use of rick ets In all young
Mrs. Sem ple liked May. too, und they
anlmnls. D irect sunshine kills germs that If May couldn't get her to the boy. " I Just lilt him ."— T it U ltn
und. therefore, lessens the liability to
go. no one could. So lin y went over
scours nnd ottier riilfliood nllnients.
Paying the Chínete Doctor.
to ask Mrs. Sem ple. When she r»m e
back she seem ed qu ieter than usual,
T h e Chinese pHy their doctors to
‘."l".* .■ " . _ '° ° "V .''“ '.Iark‘
dirty and badly ventilated.
but she said Mrs. Sem ple would go, keep them w ell. Much a» big busi
bedding I» ow n more common
nnd would l>c glad to play her 'cello nee* corporations pay law yers a re-
tam er fee. the C h in es* pay doctors to
la " l uaUT d etrim en tal.^
for !l « 4>oys.
E\cry on© war surprised, of «.'um©. pr«*\©nt slckn m * in the funilly. If a*
A distlngulnli -d citizen , honored
hut gl fid iin* would help out. No one Oiln»**« patient boconiFS III tho pnjr L/H iryTH H n o n O U H l K llO W
pnlilIcally nnd ;, l)r. It.
knew «he could play a ’cello.
of tho doctor «tops until the patient
Every Cow in His Eleni V. F ie rce , whoau p icture appears
C hristm as eve cam e, «pnrkly clear recovers, when It Is reauroed. A Chi-
above, made u su cce ss few have
No dnlry cow lins e t c r proibirei! ber
and frosty. T h e «tars Irniked ns though n»»«o doctor M4«lta a fondly at certain
equalled. Ills o u r* herbal rem edies
which have stood the teat for fifty
they had Just been shined, and the Intervals, end by exam ination prevents
y ea rs aro still am ong the "b e s t soil-
little covering o f snow glistened like liseuse Instend o f curing It.
calllng Iter hy risme and recltlng tlie era.” Hr. P ie rce 's Golden M edical
diamond dust.
On the way to the
nnmes o f her ancestors. It nieaiis un- D iscovery la 1 blood medic In« nnd
Have Plenty of Trunks.
B ethel every one was laughing and
atouiach all «-rati vc.
It cle a rs the
If one has trunks enough, he can derstnndlng ber every need, deslre >kln. be au tifies 11. In crea se s Iho blood
talking so th at no one noticed how
quiet lir a . Sem ple wns. Sh e und May alw ays he finding lost and forgotten
scnles, 11 llnhcoi-k testlng oiltllt and a Hopply and the circu lation , nnd pim­
were talking together.
ple* uml eru p tion* vanish quickly.
little work, every dnlryiunn cotild It.-nuly la but akin deop nnd good
At the door of the Hetliel, s Ih tle,
blood la h en .-itn both.
F o r your
Add Another “O.'*
vine-covered cottnge, down by th *
Aim rnthcr to he thorough with your duce», nnd finis bave a sound hnsls on blood to bo i - i . im I ynor »toma.-h m ust
w harf, Mr. W ard, the chaplain, was
activ e.
welcoming every one. Inside every- work tliuti merely lo he through with
T hla D iscovery o f D octor Plort-o's
m erita o f each cow lu hla herd.
thing was all trimmed rf-lth green and it.
puts you In fin.) condition, wllh all
111" organs n c tlg *. Ask your n e a r­
Contagious Fowl Cholera
est druggist for I met or P lereo's Gold­
Is Easily Distributed en M edical Discovery, In ta b le t or
liquid form , or a.-ml lu ce n t* for tria l
Fowl cholera Is s germ disease
package of tulilclH lo Dt. IMerco'a in ­
valid's Hotel In lluffulo. N. Y.
R ailroads Reduce Coal Co»t by the
|t might he thought that little would
Use of P la n e t on T h eir
|IW gained In this ««ay. hut repented ton. head o f the poultry department
o f the Oklahoma A. and 11. college. A
tria ls have shown that In some cases
fowl showing no symptoms of the
as much ns 10 or 13 per cent can thus
trouble inav be found dead under the
For many years attem pts tinve been lip saved In the consumption o f coni
made to get rid of a part of the resist­ mid tho overage saving am ounts to roost the next morning. All affected
birds do not go In this wny. Some
an«.- which n railw ay train encounters about S per cent.
i* n c n lrtl In * v r r y ilrp a rfm m i « f hou*«-
may linger a feiv days, showing a
in ru-dilng through the nlr, says the
T h is Is so im portant nn Item that a
kreplnif. Equally Rood to r low . •• «»hie
W ashington S ta r. It Is easy to un­ large number of locomotives on one great th irst, due to fever, also s lost
linen, *h «ct* and pillow r* *« *.
derstand that the pressure on tl.e system have been fitted with the de-
very loose
front o f a s w l f t l y tnovlng loco m ot ive, 1 , 1 ^
Sow W heat and Vetch.
W inter w heat and hairy vetch may
he sown In the fall and cut In the
spring and put Into the silo. T h is crop
New York.— F o r weeks a cockatoo . Chinese boy to the apartm ent with n
make» a very good quality o f silage.
foiled effo -ts of police to ruld an pocketful o f salty crack ers. T h ese he I
npartin«-nt in Chinatown, where. It bad fed to the r o 'k ito o , and when the de-
Robs Manurs of Nitrogen.
b*-en repot eiI
w:is being | tectlves of the narcotic .epmd arrived
H eating o f manure quickly robs It
smoked. W henever a w hite p . r o n a p -I tb e se n tin e ls throat was »0 dry It |
of much o f Its most valuable constitu­
pronched tb. apartm ent d.M.r, the po | could not shriek. T l.e d e te c tin g ar
en t—nitrogen.
lice say. the c o ik a t”«.. In 11 ciige, ! rested four Chinese,
would shriek the c tiln .s e e«|uiralent 1
- ■
— ■
Bull to Avoid.
for "jK .lice" ,-ind the pers-ms inside | I.«*-s than one two-hllllonth part of
Don’t buy a bull whose darn cna’t
would escape.
I the heat output of the sun fa lls upon q u a lify 'fo r the a d v a n c e d registry of
Kecently the {.ollce sent a small I the earth.
the breed to which she belongs.
whidi eqiinls ti»- force of a strong j \vii.*n thè «*lnd Is hlnn-lng directlv
gale Of W Ind, can only he «verm ine [
fn,.„ ,,f
„ „ g ,^ (,ie
by »n expendlture of energy gréti ter .,nce lo he overcoroe Is, of eourse
tban would oth cfw lse he requlred tv» j rnu>-li Increased, nini thè vnlue of »
run thè traln. If that pressure coiild 1 prow slinped front Is proportlonntelv
Ite removed, or oonsldernbly decren so l, 1 gr,.n|er
p-s. coal would bave to he bumed.
, bp „ Pe r|ments It wn.
Imperi menta to dhnlnlsh (he pres- , hown , hn, b, , be ,.1)tllhlned cffm ts of
sur«- were begun many years ago. and plnclng lm lln e.1 planes In front nnd
In some ca se s s practical outcom e has. filling up the spaces between the
b e e n reached.
One plnn adopted Is Spokes of the wheels, one-half o f llie
very simple, nnd Involves Inclined air resistance could lie done away
planes attached to the fore end of the
engine In such a wny that Instead of
Som e men overwork them selves try-
n square front It presents to the nlr
j ing to live without work.
a sl urp prow, lik e thut o f a ship.
" T )* -*
W n te us for price* and m arket conditi.'«* on
Y ttU io fk Freitn. Fnutx Pelalo«. ( W
1 orty ' Y ea r* in “ the
“ “ Sam o * Location.
O O F !
Portland, Oregon
K v p e r t e x a m in a ti o n f r e e — A ll w o rk g u a r a n t e e d
S e n s ib l« p r ic e * .
« s p e c ia liz e In C o m p le te
O v e r h a u lin g a n d C y lin d e r G rin d in g .
A r c e r s o n A M a y e r G a r a g e a n d M a c h .n e S h o o
• o ff W a s h i n g t o n S t..
4S X . 2i)th, P o r t la n d
Real F ra n k lin
R V 1C E
\*t 8 k
TUT F L O W E R * A F L O R A L D E M O N *
,'la rk e liit** . F io ri* !* . .'^T M a r r i» * * . 8 1
M arry *f l o n e l y : n»o*t auee«*%fkl " II<
M aker“ ; hundre '* r ic h ; confidential ; reli
»Me; ye«r* « speri* nr«: deaeri plum « free*
'1'he Su»v«**f%il C lu b .“ Mr* Nash. Be« •**.
>*kUa<t. C a ltfe m l*
M O LFR B A R B E R CO Li ¿ i l l
T e a c h e « tiw de In k v e e k * . S 'm « P *T
w h ile l e a r n in g
T V sH ton* » e o u re d . W r i t «
fo r c M h I o r u «. SJ4 b u r n » u t« a t i e e t . F o r t -
lan d . O reftM k
S'orthweat W elding A Supply tV . * 4
s nt F ree en Rw)u«*t- - \ handv ' '.u»trated K«v i *
Book* evphunm g m ere than SO dirferent wa>* uf pre­
paring M k i o i i i inexpensive macaroni diahea
K enton Station. Port land. Oregon.
Turn Your Idea* Into Cash
Learn Scenario Writing
New system «how* « « h i h«*w « *K v:t w **t« ef
tin e or money. So» 1 tor couree tod **. On« free
'n tu 'itm with every |3t * « w i n *
Send ne caeh
I'ajr |h'>tm u $3.00 on deliverv.
P O. l us 11 “
IVrt and. OmgM
' (4) and up. Send
■ I *ub-
nut *im ar
ana. No oUigataM* a*c«p l
to retu rn plar.s if not »uilahie.
We Have
-f plan* at
O. M. A K E R S
Pen^rntng and IhwfUtvg. 411-Ii Couch Uuildlag.
Portland. Oregon.
H o L f V p . l 1 V CVirl
tn n M
ost Homelike Hotel in Portland
'C l i 1 L U I !
P n n n l a p d i l M — T i r » I ' r w i f Itn itd in -T
P op u lar R atea—F ire P roof Building
14th and W ashington
V ictor B rand t. Prop.
H arry FW tcher. Mgr.
Typewriters-New & Rebuilt
« r ‘ That Fit—None Better
OH M achines taken in trade a* part paym ent.
R en tal and Supply departm ent.
T y p ew riter* Repaired.
v I
1 4 9 Third S t
B R 0C 70
A. F . Ja k s h a , M„-r.
304 Oak S t ., Portland, Ore
I S Y e a rs' Radio Experience.
( I f E xp erien ce tell* A SK ME)
Gives you free conceria every nigh»
in your own Home
A*.' Standard Radi« Equipment. W rite for Illustrated C ir­
cular* and price*.
J 10 Oak St.. Portland, O r**on
If taken In time, rre v e n t operation* for Piabete*. Catarrh. Asthm a.
Lun g. Throat. Liver. Kidney. Rheumatism. ILood. Stomach and ail
female disorders. Bladder Trouble*.
The C Gee Wo Remedies are harm lea*, a* no drug* or poison are used.
Co»*.>»*ed of the chotsest medicinal root*, herb*, bud* and txuk. un-
ported by us from U r away ore n ta l countries.
Gall or W rite for Information
C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Company
New L o c * t> o « -2 6 2 l i Alder S t . S W . Cor Third. Portland. Oregon
K stat'd shed 23 Y ears m Portland.
Send for oar
Free Catalogue Fall
and Winter 1923-24
/ s t y IM : P R O V I »
Tt w i!l s a v e yo u m o n e y w h e n vo u
w a n t S h eep U r.ed C o a t* . L e a t h e r C o a ts ,
L e a t h e r V e s t* . M a c k in a w « , Solid L e a .
G u a r a n te e d S h o e ? . A ll L e a t h e r L e g -
«r.r.r?. A r m y a n d C o m m e r d a J W o o l
U n d erw ear.
A ll-W o o l
R ubber
B o o t« ,
an d
G e n u in e
A rm y
B la n k e t*
S a t is f a c t i o n G u a r a n te e d or
M o n e y R e fu n d e d .
57% ^
U C O d O LN?>Ca OAT N« 9 0 S 5 T O
1000 m il« to a rallón of oil ar.d p«rf#ct rr>m-
pr#?sicn «uArantevd or your money r e iu r devi plu»
12.a. per cylinder.
The oniy rin « * » ith a re*f
* «IXi'cloo* y\>r» ¿t A-r* larvi A
* 4 T H U D CT * C O « S TA AK .
Piston Rin« Head«;uArtera.
454 Burnside Street.
Portland. Ore
In P o r t la n d s to p a t th «
44 6 W a s h i n g t o n S L , c o r . 12th
N e w M a n a g e m e n t— A c K r a t * . M gr.
S t r i c t l y f i r s t c l a * * a n d f i r e p ro o f.
I n t h e s h o p p in g a - d t h e a t r e d i s t r i c t
R a t e s . S in g le , w ith o u t b a th . «1 50 u p ;
w ith b a th «2 .> u p . L>*.uble, w ith o u t b a tii,
$2.00 u p , w ith b a t h $2 50 up
S p e c ia i w e e k ly r a t e * .
Electronic Method of ABRAMS
Portland. Ore
W e Sp ecialize in
Doors and W in d o w s
Htdr, Ptllx, Wool, Mohair. TiTow Cascan,
Oregca G.apt Root. C«at iitis . Horse Hair
Hot-bed *a*h. moulding*, cupboard door*, floor
bin*. sa«h for alaaping porch«*, millwork. g :***.
rooring. S « our odd stock* of swsa and dtxar* for
W rit« for Shipping Tags & latest P ric« Li*t
P ortland H ide jl W ool C o .
B ranch a t Pocatello. Idaho
D . B . S C U L L Y & C O .,
Downtown Lum ber Store. 171 Fron t *treet. be­
tween M om son and Yamhill.
Main 4213
ff& Z F
AH make« of light ear* a t
te rm «
lowest price«, oacy
Twelve year* la th.« ecstroa.
Hupmohil« Distributor
431-433 Burnside S t..
Portland. Ore
Denby Trucks
are g u a r a n t e e d f o r SO d a y * .
P a r t ii a n d » e rx 'lc e f o r a ll m o d e la
D e n b y M o to r T r u c k C o rp .
fip e to ry B r a n c h
i’ o r t l a r d . O r«.
10th and D*\Y
Good Supply of Ice in
Summer Big Investment
Osteopathic PbyiidajL
Phone Main 2 9 6 3 .
3 9 3 » Yamhill at Tenth,
Guaranteed c
C ountry Equipm ent a Specialty
Dr. Ham- Brown
Nothing add» more to com fort In
hot w eather than a good supply of
Ice. In dairy farm ing It Is an Invest­
ment that pays a good return In the
amount o f produce th at It saves from
Moreover, Ice Is w inter’s
only cr.-p aud It may be had for the
T h e Icehouse shown Is made by the
use o f silo form s. T h re e doors allow
the Ice to be stored, or removed with
a sm all amount o f lifting.
I f silo form s are obtainable. It takes
a surprisingly small amount o f m ate­
rial to build such an Icehouse, and It
New and used for *11 m ake* auto* and truck*.
A poaition fav ei»cn graduate.
W rit« us U*i*y. Mail order* filled. PO R T LA N D AUTO W R E C K -
A!i&kj Building. Portland, Orvgt-n^
» ING CO.. 531 Alder street, Portland. Ure. Ur 5-41
E x p e rt v v ig a t lowest p r e*. A l
K y .w <- f G .t ^ v .
from b r / r-. • --•> Ma; * vn . b r o ­
ken glaanes. Satisfaction Guar inteed.
Dr. A . E. H u r* ;tz. 223 F ir st St.. Portland Ore.
| A com plete stock o f all mode'* Coupe*. Sedans.
Touring* R/*ad*t«*ra P rice*. $85.00 and .p If
you w ant ;unk. don't come: if you w a rt a good
A ll long: r y e s t r a w s t u ff e d . car. we have it. Easy Term *. FA RN H A M ir
W ILLIA M S. lin e.) 2?i N 11th. B et. Burnside £
I n s i s t o n h a v in g t h e c o lla r Couch st.
Portland. Oregon. Bdy3214
w it h t h e •’F i s h ” L a b e l .
y o u r d e a le r d o e s n o t h a n d le
t h i s b r a n d c e l l a r , w r it e to u s
d ir e c t
P ro te c t th at Id * a w ith • U nited S tate*
P a te n t.
O ther* h a * * m ad* fortu n e* out of
’ Shy not y o u ! Thom a* BLlyeu, 2 0 2
53 U n io n A v ., P o r t la n d , O re . P aten t*
S te re n a B ld g., P o rtla n d , Or*.
P atent A ttorney
P o w d ered
l e a n »coo o u e i t e r p U from
lei*er»of hundred* of g rate­
ful p * tie n » » w h om I h a r e
c u r e d o f P il e * w it h m y
•urg'cal paiolesatreatm en t*.
Write for FREE book.
CH^hS. J.
D E A N .
¿til) kiw NuitkiSiyi« PORTiAred.OîtcCôf*
reo r
Give* smooth. Gliding fin­
ish to hard or soft-wood
Y o u r druggist ha* it. If
not, »end us stam p*. 75c
for one-pound package
Portland. Oregon.
leehou»« on D airy Farm in Northsrn
will keep the Ice ln splendid condition
with no danger o f tire a t in houses
that are built o f wood. T he sawdust
or straw ln which Ice Is ordinarily
packed la a fire hazard that 1» mini­
mized by the non-blirnhig concrete
Cure Sleeping Sickness With German Remedy
P arrot FoiL Cops Who Try to Raid Drug Store
a m
Red Gross
Egg Laying Contests.
Egg-laying contests seem to be gain
Ing In popularity. It Is snlil that till
nols will Increase the number from
two to three, beginning November 1.
W arm er Poultry Houses.
Dry, warm poultry houses sr e ns es­
sential as feeding In order to produce
eggs during the ««Inter months.
Market on Ouallty Basis.
M arket nil eggs on n quality hasts;
It means more good eggs consumed
and be tter prices for the producer.
Save 25 to 50 Per Cent
On Buililinir Material, fbiofintr
Varnluh, I.iimUr, I.Hth, Nml*. Shintclr», lN*»r*.
Windows, nnd PlumMnir RuppN«*, Nr*w nnd
S«cond II.ititi
M hìì OnU-r* l’rornidly Filimi.
h o l.A N WKK( K IN G A C O N U T R U fT IO N CO.
OlWrn A Y ard,
ll. linoril S t.. Puri Unti, Or«.
nrc Yon
iou •MiLsnca:
" f iin k f - w a l k e r
rusincaa c o l l f g i
IR I h « b lf M R t, m o * t p vrfp . t|y SR .iIpprd
R u n ln « *« I tnlriIriR H. h-ml In th « N o r tb -
«r#«t. K it yotirnHf f o r « h lR h * r poR ltlnn
«rlth m orti m «in«y.
I> rm «n «> n t p o a ltlo o a
4H«iir*'d our firndiiat««
Wrl!« for CAtalof—Jfourtu *nu ».«mhi:
Por fin nd
P. N. U.
No. 4«, 1923