THE TURNER TRIBUNE VO L. Vili. T I R N K I I , OKKIIOX, Ti lUltS DA V, INCOME TAX OVER BILLION Guvrrnmrnl PJ2I Collections Amount OF CURRENT WEEK to Total o f JH.420.Mi2.43H. Washington, It. C. - Tho treasury collected Income uud profit taxes from COMPILED FOR YOU calendar year 1921. receipts from this -ling I I t.'n.'olj,| is A statistical report made public by the bureau of Internal revenue shows that such revenue decreased approximately 11 J64.044.U04 from 1824 while there was a reduction of about Coo,404 In tho number of persons and firms making returns. Of the total returns filed 6.(62.176 were by Indlvldusls. Iti-durtlens In tho amounts of tsxos paid and the number of returns filed ns compared with 1820 extend all along llie line from the persona pay lug (axes on Income of 11444 to the maximum class of one million dol Isrs or more. Thera were only 21 In the latter class In 1821, while In lt'20 the records show 2] persons ad milted having Inromes of “ one mil lion dollars and over." Detailed figures disclosed that 12 of the ¡1 paid taxes un Incomes between tl.04u.000 and 11.640,004, and none re ported Incomes between a mllllna and a half and two million. I, ÍWSH. N O . France, Belgium and Italy Agree on New Move. AMERICA OFFERS AID Baker.— A sliver gray fox farm Is the latest enterprise to l>e launched In Baker valley, plans for which are now definitely arranged. Hillsboro.—J. T. Young of this city has received a 65-year Oddfellow Jewel, having been a member of the lodge for more than 66 years. He Is the [on ly one In Washington county to re­ ceive this honor and Is one of 20 In the slate. By JO H N FO X, Jr. O F F FOR V IR G IN IA came more furious and once Ersklne saw a [file-brown arm thrust from be­ hind the lodge end place u j . tii« feet of Black Wolf, who gr i and drank deep. One by one the braves went to drunken sleep about the fire. The fire died down and by the last flickering flame the lad *nw Black W o lfs chin sinking sleepily to his chest. There was the slightest rustle behind the tent, lie felt something groping for his liands and feet, felt the point of a knife graze the skin of his wrist and ankles— felt the thongs loosen and drop apart. Noiselessly, Inch by Inch, he crept to the wall of the tent, which was carefully lifted for him. Outside he rose and waited. Like a shadow the girl Early Morn stole before him and like a shadow he followed. In a few minutes they were oy the river-bank, away from the town. The moon rose, and from the shadow o f a beech the white woman stepped forth with his rifle and pow­ der-horn and bullet-pouch and some food. She pointed to his horse a little farther down. He looked long and silently Into the Indian girl's eyes and took the white woman's shaking hand. Once he looked back. The Indian girl was stoic as stone. A bar of moon­ light showed the white woman's face wet with tears. Grauts Pass. The Tokay grape crop «T X O P S IA -T o ths Kentucky l ’aria’ Consent Involvrs (Juration o f of the Grants Pass district again, is wlldernres outpost commanded by and I'srtflc North weal, and Other Jerome Bandera. In the time Imme­ moving, after having been held up by Arrrptanrr o f Divorce o f D rill« diately preceding the Revolution, the rain for several weeks. The I hing. Worth Know tag. come* a white boy fleeing from a From Meeting. seventh car of grapes went out Satur­ tnbe o f Shawnee» by whom he had been captured and adopted aa a eon day, billed fur Portland, where the o f the chief Kahtoo. He is given m ajority of the grapes have been sold. shelter and attracts the favorable T w o lam llta held up tbo Dlamaut London France. Belgium and Italy attention o f Dave Yandell. a leader Jewelry company In Kanaaa City Wed T oled o.- During the last week two among the settlers. Ths boy warns have accepted the British Invlution o f ths coming o f a Shawnee war »«■ d ay aud escaped with I t traya of tim ber deals In the Siletz district of party. The fort Is attacked, and for a reparation conference, with tho dlamotida valued by Sam Dlamant. only saved by the timely appear­ this county were consummated, total­ understanding that It shall take the ance o f a party of Virginians. Ths ow u«r of tbo ator*'. at $40,000. ing an exchange of $94.000 for about leader of these Is fatally wounded, form of a committee of experts under but In hts dying moments recog­ The dlaaolutlon of tbo Cement Manu 1000 acres of excellent fir and spruce. nises ths fugitive youth as his eon. the authority of the present Interallied fui turer»' aaaortatlou on tho ground At Red Oaks, plantation on ths Sheridan —A large cash land deal that It waa a Irtut waa ordered by reparations commission. James liver. Virginia. Colonel thfit forecast Important tim ber devel- Dale's home, the boy sppeare with Judge Kuos In United Hlatea district America's decision to lend her ¡.d u y iiK ji muj ccmpleted th.s week In a message for the colonel, who court of New York Tueaday. after reading It Introduces the vice and cooperation In the confer the transfer o f 264 acres of stock and bearer to his daughter Barbara as All tho passengers of the Coiled ence seems to haro lifted Kurope timber land to D. C. Kirby, local mill her cousin Krskine Dale. Ersktne meets two other cousins. Harry operator. The deal waa said to have Trull rompany'a ateatner Kan (ill, Dale and Hugh Willoughby. Yan­ WWkhlnxton. D. C. — Statistics Just out of the slough of depression. beun the largest all-cash deal of this dell visits Red Oaks. At the coun­ whlrh la aabore o ff the Nicaraguan completed hy the Internal revenue Secretary Hughes' prompt and de­ vicinity reported In several months. ty fair at Williamsburg Krskine roa»l, are »a fe ly on board the »ante bureau for the year 1921 shows that cisive response to Marquis Curzon'^ meets a youth, Dane Orey. and there at once arises a bitter antag­ rompany'a ateamer Taatoerea. taxes were paid to the federal govern John Day.— Mount Vernon vicinity plea for American assistance has onism between them. Orey, In liquor. Insults Krskine. and the lat­ T b « paymaater of mine No. 1 of nient on hut on « net Income of 16. given Impetus to a situation which has la astir since the burning of the Range ter. for the moment ell Indian, uou.oou or more. That Incoma was schoolhouse, which is the second struc­ the Southern Coal. Coke A Mining draws hie knife. Yandell disarms heretofore been marked by utter In ture to be destroyed there In the past company waa held up In Hell not reported by John I> Koekefeller him. Ashamed. Krskine leaves Red Oake that night to return to the villa. III., Tuesday by six outlawa and In fart. If statistics count for anything, erlla and for the first tlmo British year. The first was due to Incendiar­ wilderness. Yandell. with Harry robbed of $14.600, The bold up occur the net Income turned In by Mr. Roche officials begin to see a rift In the ism. It Is believed. Bloodhounds sent and Hugh, who have been permit­ feller for 1921 was only somewhere here from the W alla W alla peniten­ ted to visit the Sanders fort, over­ rod aa the paymaater stopped from a mists which so long enveloped the take him. At the plantation the Again Dave Yandell from a watch- tiary have given the officials a new streetcar The robbers escaped In an between 11.000.000 and 11.600,000. problem. boy had left a note in which he tower saw a topknot rise above a patch clew. This fact caused much surprise be­ automobile. gave the property, which Is his as o f cane, now leafless and winter-bitten Am erica’s voice stressing (he Imper­ cause It had generally been conceded the son o f Colonel Dale's older — saw a hand lifted high above It with Salem.— In an effort to prevent the Twu men walking tandem on a pair that one of four net Incomes of |6,- ative need of finding a suitable (man brother, to Barbara. The party is met by three Shawnee*, who bring a palm of peace toward htm. And spread of diphtheria In the Knglewood of specially constructed water ski 040.000 or more returned the previous rial plan to prevent economic disaster news to Ersktne (s h o w Indian again an Indian jouth emerged, this district, cultures of throats of all pu­ walked arroaa the bay at Oakland. year, 1920, represented Mr Kocke- name Is White Arrow) that his fos­ time leading a black horse with a In Kurope. found prompt echoes In pils and teachers in the schools there ter father. Kahtoo. is dying and C a l, Wednesday, negotiating tbo SH feller'a Income. Henry Ford and hla drooping bead. Both came painfull; Paris. Brussels and Romo and before will be taken this week by local health desires him to come to the tribe miles between San Francisco and wife and Mr. Ford's son Edsel Ford and become 1ta chief. A fter a brief on, staggering. It seemed, from wounds It became known late Saturday after- authorities. This action has the sup­ Weatern Pacific Itallroad company and hla wife, were supposed to have visit to the fort Krskine goes to the or weakness, and Dave sprang from nun at the British foreign office that port o f the state board of health, the tribe. He finds thers a white wom­ pier In three hours 31 minutes. turned In two o f the other record In France, Belgium and Italy had all ac­ an and her halfbreed daughter. members of whlrh are co-operating In Early Mora, and saves the woman A piece o f pipe protruding from the comes In 1920. Tho Identity of the cepted tho principle of an advisory from death. He tells Kahtoo he la the work. bed of a dry creek In Montectlo, Cal fourth Income return was In doubt. It conference of experts. with the Americana against ths British. An enemy. Crooked I.lght- brought death to Helen Ireland. 1« la pretty well established b f the ata Salem.— H. S. Gile A Co. has receiv­ Whllo the British authorities would nlr.g. overhears him. Kahtoo sends tlstlcal tables Issued recently that the years old. Wednesday night when a have preferred a full conference of er) an order tor 600 cases of evaporat­ Ersktne to a council where British b lrv e le which ah* w ee riding leaped Incomes of the Fords, father and son. uilnlsteia to Itqnldate the reparation ed prunes from Calcutta. India. These envoys meet Indian chiefs. Dane Grey Is there, and the bitter feel­ from tbo road and plunged with her dropped to about 12.000,000 to 24.000. troublos, they hope the preliminary prunes w ill be parked in 2 H pound ing is intensified. Crooked lig h t ­ ooo each In 1921. as compared with conference of experts w ill lead to a cans and labeled with the Hunter over a bluff Into the crook bottom. ning denounce« Erskme as a trait­ or and friend o f ths Americans. over 15.000.000 In 1920. larger conctl o f allied and American brand of (he W illam ette Valley Prune W'llllam F. ("W h lte y ” ) Horelng and The youth escapes death by flight. W hile the business depression In statesmen. association. Similar orders bare been Reaching his tribe. Ersktne finds David Welasman. convicted Saturday 1921 rut deeply Into practically all of hla enemies have the upper hand. France's consent to enter the ad­ received from France and many other j of complicity In tbo robbery o f 11.104. He la held aa a prisoner, waiting the huge personal Incomes and also visory conference o f experts will >n foieign countries. only for the arrival of Crooked 000 In securities from an armored reduced net taxable Incomes returned voire the question of acceptance ol LJghtnlng. to be burned at the mall truck In St. I.oul» April 1. W ed stake. by corporations hy more than $3,600,- the American principle that later I Grants Pass.—The Oregon caves re­ nesday were sentenced In federal 040.000 from the total reached In 1920, allied debts and German reparations > sort has beeu closed for the season. court to 14 and IS years' Imprison­ the almost sensational fa ll in the must lie divorced, a point upon which I' will open again May 15. The entire C H A PTE R IX — Continued. ment respectively. Koekefeller Ineome from more than Prem ier Poincare heretofore has dll | staff has been withdrawn and the — 10 — | liaise boarded up lo withstand the Mrs Florence II. T ully waa grant to not more than 11.500.000 tired from Great Britain and the Uni “ She will not burn. Some fur traders snows of this winter. A total of 14.- ed a divorce In the superior court In was n subject of much comment. Of ted States. have been here. The white chief Mc­ 19 visitors went through the caverns Im » Angeles Monday from James Tut course the actual Income of Mr. ftocke Gee sent me a wampum belt and a France will also have to face the ly, novelist and ex pugilist, on the feller largely exceeds either of the question of reducing tho amount of summer, exceeding the estimated talk. His messenger brought much ten lance by about 2000. grounds of desertion. Iter husband figures given and It should be under Indemnity expected from Germany un fire-water and he gave me that"— he told her he waa leaving her. she said, stood that net Income aa used for tho der the Verslallles treaty, which in pointed to a silver-mounted rifle— “ and tl> d River.— The crews of the Gll- I promised that she should live. But because " I must write, and to write government statistics does not Include the past has been fixed at 6.600,000, pi Construction company, engaged on ■ I cannot help yon." Ersktne thought 1 must have quiet and peace." Income from lax exemptions and other ooo iMiund sterling or th< interstate bridge over the Colum­ quickly. He laid hts rifle down, stepped William K elley, a messenger fur the Income upon which government tax is gold marks. This sum. and the quos bia here have made rapid headway | slowly outside, and stretched hts arms lion of granting a moratorium to Ger­ the last week because of the tine j with a yawn. Then still leisurely he Manufacturers Trust company, New not payable. The slat isl lea aa compiled and pub many were the points which led to York. Wednesday was shot and nor- weather. Perfect calm prevailed and moved toward hts horse as though to lously wounded by four armed bandits, llahcd hy the government do not in tho failure o f tho last expert bankers' no wind up the Columbia interfered take rare o f It. But the braves were who accosted him as he was deliver­ elude the names o f tho persons report commission o f which J. P. Morgan was with their crews engaged in sinking too keen and watchful and they were not footed by the fact that he had left ing 124.000 to a concern In the upper Ing net Incomes, but they do classify a member. piles or coit< r dams tor piers. hts rifle behind. Before he was close If. us (he British government an east aide, who forcod tho money from the Incomes by sex and fam ily rela “ I Told Kahtoo I Would Fight w ith Corvallis. Dr. M. A. Jull. senior ■ enough to leap for Firefly's back, three hla hands when he refused to sur­ lleitahlp and hy (he stales from whlrh tlcipates, M. Poincare agrees to these tho Americana Against the British bucks darted from behind a lodge and they are returned. and other conditions It will then re­ poultry husbandman, bureau of animat ' threw themselves upon him. In a mo­ and Indiana; and With You Against render It. main only tor the nations partlclpat Industry. Washington. D. C., Inspected ! ment he was face down on the ground. H im !" Unusually heavy rains In l ’ anama Insulin Now Available. Ing In the conference to appoint their the college poultry department Friday. | Ids hands were tied behind hit back, caused tho slide last Tuesday of a the tower and rushed with others to Indianapolis. Ind.—Insulin, (he spe­ experts and formulate a program of Three Barred Plymouth Rock male and when turned over he looked up large quantity of earth which covered the gate. He knew the horse and birds were setectud from the college Into the grinning face o f Black Wolf, cific for sugar diabetes of recent dis procedure. there was dread In hla heart. Perhaps the Panama railroad tracks for a dis­ flock by Dr. Jutl to be sent to the gov­ who with the help o f another brave the approaching Indian had slain the covcry. Is In production to meet the tance of 340 feet about three miles Parts. — An official communique, ernment poultry farm at Beltsvtlle. dragged him to a lodge and roughly boy, had stolen the horse, and was in­ from Pedro Miguel, resulting In sus world's need at a price intended to threw him within, and left litm alone. make It available to the pooreat suf written by Prem ier Poincare and Is­ Md.. whore they w ill be used in gov- I nocently coming there for food. pension of traffic between Panama On the way he saw hts foster-mother's eminent breeding experiments. “ Don't you know me. Dave?" he ferers, it was disclosed Monday. In­ sued at the French foreign office Sun­ and Colon. The slide was 16 feet deep eyes flashing helplessly, saw the girl asked, weakly. quiries for Insulin are coming In from day night, reiterated the French gov­ Early Mom Indignantly telling her ut one point. Port land.— Portland's new million- j “ My God! It's White A rro w !" all quarters of the globe. Itetween 25.- ernment's determination to refuse to mother what was going on, and the The American and allied diplomatic 000 and 30,000 diabetic pat lenta are agree to any reduction o f tho Ger­ dollar Klks' temple is rapidly nearing j white woman's face was wet with C H APTE R X delegations In Constantinople have under the insulin treatment, accord­ man debt as fixed by the London completion nnd tcnatlve plans have [ tears. l i e turned over so that he could been made to move the personal ef- ' look through the tent-flaps. been officially notified that Angora ing (o clinical reporta, which In re­ conference in May. 1921. Two Straightway the lad sensed a curious fects at, Portland lodge. No. 142. and bucks were driving a stake tn the cen­ no longer considers them as high porting thousands o f cllnleal (eats, Tho communique Insisted that a change in the attitude of thè garrison. to dedicate the new temple. Decern-1 ter o f the space around which the commissions and that they will hcnco- have shown no failures. committee of experts, organized with­ The old warmth was absent. The at­ her 29 Is the tentative date for the lodges were ringed. Tw o more were forth bo designated as "representa­ mosphere was charged with suspicion, in the «cope of the reparations com­ bringing fagots o f wood and It was dedication of the temple with a recep­ tions." Tho American embassy In­ hostility. Old Jerome was surly, his Higher T a riff la Asked. mission to Investigate Germany's ca­ pta n wbat was going to become of tion on December .90 and 31 followeJ old playmates were distant. Only sists upon retaining the title of high St. Paul. Miun.—An appeal to Presi­ pacity tor payment, lias no authority at night with a dedicatory ball which ! him. Ills foster-mother, who was Dave. Mother Sanders ami Lydia were commission. to make any reduction In Germany's fiercely haranguing one o f the chiefs, dent Coolidge and Minnesota congress­ promises to be the outstanding New I unchanged. The predominant note was turned angrily Into Kahtoo'a lodge and Ambassador lla rv ey delivered a men to Increase by about 60 per cent debt. It said It considered that such Year's eve event In Portland. curiosity, and they started to ply him he could see the white woman rocking long farewell speorh at tho Pilgrim s’ the tnrlff on American wheat waa sent a committee would bo practically a with auesttons. but Dave took him to her body and wringing her hands. Pendleton.— Approxim ately $230.000 j dinner In Imndon Tuesday night In Monday after a conference of leading mere addition to the present staff of a cabin, and Mother Sanders brought Then the old chief appeared and lifted him something to eat. which ho reiterated the willingness of agriculturists In tho state and Gov­ experts of the reparations commission. of county money has been spent In hla hands. “ Had a purty hard time," stated Umatilla county this year for the con­ the United Rtates to help assess Ger­ ernor Preua. “ Crooked Lightning will be very Dave. The boy nodded. Detroit.— Subpena servers, who tor struction o f new mnrket roads and the many's capacity to pay reparations, The telegram was sent after the angry. The prisoner is hts— not yours. “ I had only three bullets. Firefly reviewed the Monroe doctrlno and de­ conference had dtarussed a proposal nearly six months have been endeavor­ repair and maintenance of roads and It Is for him to say wbat the punish­ went lame and I had to lead him. I clared that Am orlra must and would to anil M,000.000 bushels of American ing to serve a summons on Henry county bridges, according to Leo Shan­ ment shall be— not for you. Watt for couldn't eat cane and Firefly couldn't keep aloof from tho broils of Europe. wheat to Kuropean countries Includ­ Ford in a damage suit, succeeded Sat­ non, county roadmaster. O f this sum. him t Hold a council and If you decide eat pheasant. I got one from a urday by appearing at tho "shooting” $130.000 has been spont fo r market against him, though he Is my son—he hawk." he explained. “ Wliat's the Tho steamer Claremont, which was ing Germany. shatl die." For a moment the prep­ matter out there?" of a motion picture flint In which Mr. road work and $100.000 represents the disabled In a storm o ff tho mouth of arations ceased and alt turned to the "Nothin’,” said Dave, gruffly, and he Ford nnd a threshing machine were expenditures already made, or In pros­ Sunken Diver Floated. the Columbia river last wook, limped pect. from the general fund. A lotal prophet, who had appeared before bis made the boy go to sleep. Ills story Panama.— The American submarine tho star performers. The summons Into San Podro. Cal., Tuesday with lodge. came when all were around the Are at of about 21V4 miles o f market roads her pumps going full force and steer­ 0 5. whlrh was sunk In a collision with was used In connection with a suit "Kahtoo ts right," he said. “ The supper, and was listened to with eag­ has been butlt. ing with n jury rudder rigged In a 60 the stoamnr Abangares Monday, was for $100,000 damages against Mr. Ford Great Spirit will not approve If White erness. Again the boy felt the hostil­ mile gnle. H er duck load o f 600.000 rnlaed shortly after 1 o'clock Tuesday by R. Frank Kmery, for personal In­ llerm iston. — H. A. Scullen, secre­ Arrow die except by the will o f the ity and It made him resentful and feet of lumber was washed overboard morning. Chief Kloctrlrlnn Brown and juries when thrown from an automo­ tary of the State Beekeeper's associa­ council— and Crooked Lightning will haughty and hts story brief and terse. he angry." There was s chorus o f pro­ Most fluid and sensitive natures have In the storm and her rigging badly Torpedoman llreault wore rescued bile owneil by Mr. Ford. tion. has announced the dates for the testing grunts, but the preparations a chameleon quality, no matter what alive from the hull and taken to the damaged. Oregon meeting as December 11 and ceased. The boy could feel the malevo­ stratum of adamant he beneath. The 12-Mile Lim it Limited. 12 The dates were chosen tn order lence In the prophet's tone and he boy was dressed like an Indian, he John E. Taylor, better known as Colon hospital. No traco was found London.— In connection with the ac­ to conform with the schedule of tho knew that the Impostor wanted to looked tike one, and he had brought John K. Campbell, a student last year of the three other missing men. It In the Journalism department at the Is thought Brown and llreault may ceptance in principle o f Secretary committee of the American Honey curry further favor with Crooked back, it seemed, the bearing o f an In­ Hughes' proposals for a 12 mile limit Producers' league, whlrh Is routing Lightning and not rob him of the Joy dian—hts wildness and stoicism. He University of Washington pleaded recover. In the search for contraband liquor, some nationally known speakers for o f watching hts victim's torture. So spoke like a chief In a council, and guilty of burglary In superior court Georgia City Trsmblea. the Rrltlsh government. It was stated western meetings. Hermlston has the braves went back to their fire­ even In English his phrasing and Wednesdsy and was sentenced to from Home, Oa.— Rarth shock« here Mon- Saturday, desires to make it clear that been chosen for the convention be­ water, and soon the hoy's foster moth­ metaphors belonged to the red man. two to 16 years In the state reform a­ er brought him something to eat, hut No wonder they believed the stories tory. T aylor confessed to the police dny caused several buildings to shake. there ta no Intention of extending the cause Um atilla county is the largest ahe could say nothing, for Black W olf they had heard o f him— but there was who arrested him that he had plund­ M a in damage was caused, although existing three-mile lim it governing honey-producing county In the state, had appointed himself sentinel and shame in many fares and little doubt number o f persons were panic- fisheries and maritime rights gener­ and Hermlston the center o f the dis­ sat, rifle in hand, at the door of the in any save one before he finished. ered many fraternity houses at the ally. trict. stricken for a whllo. lodge. unlvorslty this fall. He had gone to see hts foster-moth­ Night came on. The drinking be ^ er and bis foster-father—old chief Kvoala o f Noted 1‘ roplr. Governments «i. NEWS * 3 ALLIES ACCEPT f i STATE IN BRIEF OFFER OF PARLEY >- ERSKINE D A LE -PIO N E E R 7.018,673 Individuals and firms for llie Brief Resurre Most Important Dai'“ News Items. NOVKMHEK ....... | Kahtoo. the Shawnee— became lie had ' riven hla word. Kahtoo thought he was dying snd wanted him to he chief when the Great 8plrlt called. Kahtoo had once saved hts life, had been kind, and made him a son. That he could not forget. An evil prophet had come to the tribe and through hts enemies. Crooked Lightning and Black Wolf, had gained much Influence. They were to burn a captive white woman as a sacrifice. He had stayed to save her, to argue with old Kahtoo. amt carry the wampum and a talk to a big coun­ cil with the British. He had made hts talk and—escaped. He had gone back to hts tribe, had been tried, and was to be burned at the stake. Aga'n he had escaped with the help of the white woman and her daughter. The tribes had Joined the British, and even then were planning an early attack on this very fort and all others. The Interest was tense and every face was startled at this calm state­ ment of their immediate danger. Old Jerome burst ou t: "W hy did you have to e«-ape from the council— and from the Shawnees?” “ A t the council I told the Indians that they should be friends, not ene­ mies, o f the Americans, and Crooked Lightning called me a traitor. He had overheard my talk with Kahtoo.“ “ What was th at!” asked Dave, quickly. “ I told Kahtoo I would tight with the Americana against the British and Indians; and with you against him !" And he turned away and went back to the cabin. “ What'd I tell y e ! " cried Dave In­ dignantly. and he followed the boy, who had gone to his bunk, and put one big hand on his shoulder. “They thought you’ d turned Injun agin," he said, "but it's all right now." " I know," said the lad. and with a muffled sound that waa half the grunt of an Indian and halt the sob o f a white man turned hla face away. Again Dave reached for the lad'a shoulder. “ Don't blame 'em too much. I'll tell you now. Some fur traders came by here, and one o f 'em said you was goln' to marry an Injun girl named Early M orn; that you was goln’ to stay with 'em and fight with 'em alongside the British. O f course I knowed bet­ ter. but— " “ W hy," interrupted Ersktne. “they must have been the same traders who came to the Shawnee town and brought whisky." “That's what the fetter said and why folks here believed him.'* “W ho was he?" demanded Ersktne. “ You know htm— Dane Grey." I A ll tried to make amends atralght- way for the Injustice they had done [ him, but the boy's heart remained sore that their trust was so tittle. Then, when they gathered all settlers within the fort and made all preparations and no Indians came, many seemed again to get distrustful and the lad was not happy. The winter was long and hard. A blizzard had driven the game west and south and the garrison was hard put to It for food. Every day that the hunters went forth the boy was among them and he did far more than hts share In the killing o f game. But when winter was breaking, more news came tn of the war. The flag that had been fashioned o f a soldier’s white shirt, an old blue army coat, and a red petticoat was now the Stars and Stripes of the American cause. Burgoyne had not cut off New England, that “ head of the re­ bellion,” from the other colonies. On the contrary, the Americans had beat­ en him at Saratoga and marched hts army off under those same Stars and Stripes, and for the first time Ersktne heard o f gallant Lafayette—how he had run to Washington with the por­ tentous news from his king— that beautiful, passionate France would stretch forth her helping hand. And Ersktne learned what that news meant to Washington's "naked and starving" soldiers dying on the frozen hillsides o f Valley Forge. Then George Rogers Clark had passed the fort on bis way to Williamsburg to get money and men for hts great venture lo the Northwest, and Ersktne got a ready permission to accompany him as sol­ dier and guide. A fter Clark was gone the lad got restless; and one morning, when the first breath o f spring came, he mounted his horse, In spite of argu­ ments and protestations, and set forth for Virginia on the wilderness trail. He was going to Join Clark, he said, but more than Clark and the war were drawing him to the outer world. What It was he hardly knew, fo r he was not yet much given to searching his heart or mind. He did know, however, that some strange force had long been working within him that was steadily growing atfonger, was surging now like a flame and swinging him between strange moods of depression and exul­ tation. I’erhnps it was but the spirit e f spring tn hts heart, but with hts mind’s eye he was «v e r seeing at the end of hla Journey the face o f hit little cousin Barbara Dale. I “ You took me by turpriso and you have ehangod— but I don't know how much." (TO Bkl CO NTI.NCKO )