4 •• « • d OY • WRKLEYS SCOUTS ARKET P O R T L A N D & 7 evrosuar M PRODUCE h lP M g O M F etti 1 to 11 p. » . UkUdr«« lfl f « p » all tlm«« Webber Academy of Music Phon« Shipherd’a Mineral B A I N , Mañanar W i n t e r R et o rt . //-jg 5 rt\ i 1 Established 1S88) H*1 A. Webber. Principal. • SI Fourth Si. Portland, Orq. L Violin* Piano. Banjo, $ »mphon« HAKOLD A * loc al HPMMENI PrtMand. O rerò» YAUDEYILXJI FHO t O FIDATI C w aplit« CiM»nf# fi«furd#y. V iu li* W#«k d*jr M *ti«P«. |D«; E T **iof*. Stic. C»'r>il*u hIAtn »888 S eflioti d e v o te d to Springs BOY SCOUT C O U NC I L M E E T S Ca rto n . W a s h i n g t o n Spoetai W i n t e r Ratea. ^ 1111111 II 1111 IH 11 Ul 11111 II 1111111111111111 Rout##—Ä. P A S Loca! from Portland to Car­ eo!.. \\ a ab. By Auto to Onaoado Lo» k* via c'o- U.mb:# Highway Ky Auto \la the North ttnnk Highway. Hctal—Amarlown Lian, Modern Hotel AovommoémUoaa. Bath#—Hot Mineral Laths. Curt for Khaumatiam. Uvtr, Kidney ami Stomach Trouble#: K » r ir » ~ H unting and Fishing. 1111 IH ( 111111111 II 1111111111111111111111 II 1111111111IJ Bvj F A . V U A L K E R “ « 2 * They have resolve.! to try again, unj r p t l K >«ry plmsuralil* •>«*»» » i l l » to keep on trying as fast a , ever ttiey which many o f us break our hlgtu-r fall, trusting not In themselves for sus­ purposes and turn aside lu feverish taining strength, but In the higher haste in the pursuit of some elusive power— being prodigals sooklug their T 'h O O Write us for prices and market conditions on object, d«H>s not argue well for our father's house! future content or prosperity. y « i h « * * po « ^ . P o u t **. o » .« .* , iv&X 1*24. bjr McClure Newspaper Syndicate.) Fort, Y m t i in the Seme Location. The gray hairs that fringe our tem­ PortlanJ. Oregon ples and the hard lines about our tnouttis, bear Ultimate relationship to j M E N Y OU MAY MARRY the pitiful Job we have maJe In hold­ ing steadfast to a lived course. B y E. R. P E Y S E R We humans, at least some millions | of us, are tickle, impetuous and Impa­ H a s a Galoot Liks This Pro- tient, inclined upon the slightest prov­ posed to You! ocation to change our minds over Symptoms: The man whose night, at a sudden veer of the golden j collar goes over his hair In the »eather-eock. back— black straight hair. Miles When we wake In the morning, we are not quite sure whether we are | of mouth und mountains of nose. Sprawlly sort, never looks seedy steering our craft toward the north and never looks spruced up star or heading It for the southern Scents to be just a middle­ cross. weight getter In every Hue. Aw ­ But we do know that the purpose j fully sensitive; likes a plain, un­ o f yesterday Is gone. We have a new i exciting woman and generally one which appeals directly to our lofty . spends his Sundays walking. ambition, so much so. Indeed, that we I IN FACT draw In our chin, puff out our breast ! lie Is no hummer, lie la not and stride briskly down the street, for­ and never »111 he the kind who getting In our elation to acknowledge i Is lu the running. the smiling nods and cheery good- j Prsscrlptlon for Brlds to B«: mornings o f our friends. Be a good cook, wnsh By night our certitude has some- | r j 'V i Ironer. and a pleasant Jog­ what withered before the Intense heat ger. o f cogitation, and we are filled with Absorb This: doubt. TH ERE IS NO SAFE TY IN For years and years we have gone ECO Balmcnt S Straat— Phot»« TAbcr 1477 HUMMERS. F ACH ER S : H * > a C»:tr««»h. ACCREDITED T FAC HER around and round with the compass. ad T*aeh*r Eatupeon 9t .dr. B. M.. Piar.ut and t® hr McClurs Newspaper tyiiatcetet Pupil of Miunct Aronson. ALBERTO JON’ Aà, But on this occasion everything Is d if­ Edna Sallitt. J O )éEF 6 £ F LH E VINN E. * > • « • ferent. We cannot move. klbraatb. B. U , Soprano and Vote« Teacher P L E A T I N G S P E C I A L i •ropaan Study Assistant Vocal Teacher to Cat. sestn. hen and machina Our great project, for which we X ARENS. New York City. Pupil af WM. pleat skirts ready for band- 85 cents have heen husbanding our strength. Is S BRADY, 1022 1924 H aastitch .rf picotin# and tuckini tucking. hidden somewhere in the mist, our E A S T E R N N O V E L T Y MTO. r< CO. CHOOSE YOUR STUDY Portland. Ora. sight is defective, our hands are un­ 83 4 Fifth Ft I f T l S f i O N C A D ItS steady and there Is a tug at the heart 8aniUry Beauty Parlor*—-W e fis you up, w# make all kinds of Hair Goods of your that we cannot much longer endure. comb'.ugs. Join our School ef Beauty Culture. Kvent has succeeded event, not as 480 to 414 Dekum Bldg.. Pkoae Bread way 4904. P ortland, Oregon. we expected, but as our solicitous A poaition for ««eh graduata. W rit« Ahaky Building. Portland. Oragu friends had foretold. Our old smiling Nerthweet Welding A Supply Co., 88 1st St. habit Is gone. W e are discouraged, r a s o S A i:--------------- ---------------------- - B arry If Lonely: most aueeesaful "H om e down In the depths. Protect thaf Idea with a United State« M a k e r "; hundred# rich; eonfidential; reli­ The world goes on merrily. There Patent Others have made fortunes on» of able; years eaperlence; descriptions free. It cares Patents W h y not you f Thomas Bilyao, SOt 1 The Suc-ess'cl d u b . " Mrs. Nash. Bog 888, Is no tenderness In its heart. Bteesns Bldg . Pertlaad. Ora. _____ Oakland, California. not a whltling whether we sigh or Mo L IF T 'D A R C S ft C O L L E G E E W r t O W B l S a rL O H A L D E S IO h ’ S T aach aa trade in 8 w e e k * Som e p a y sing, whether we are clothed In purple Clarke Bra a., Fioriau, 287 Morrison 8t. w hile learn in g P ositions secured. W r ite or In tatters and rags. for catalogue. 234 B u rn side street, P o rt - And some of the merriest are carry­ USED ___ __ V T N Ig«:____________________ GLASSES W IL L SA VE YOUR EYES ing a load in their souls, because they, But Expart fitting at low eat price«. All too. have broken their purposes. ^ Paper making offers a good opportunity to strong, intelligent, sober men between the ages of 21 and 50—sure pay and steady work. Meals 35e each. Plenty to eat and excellent cooking. Company hotel. Supply beds 25c, 30c and 40e. Free hot and cold baths—tubs and showers. Worthy, faithful employees have good chance for advancement. Positions given free on application—you pay no fet for your iob. Employment Office at Camas, Washington and 209 Commonwealth Bldg., Port­ land, Oregon. Crown Willamette Paper Co. INFORMATION DEPARTMENT i* ¡ J51HCS5 give. kindness, sweet consideration; ought In attitude. In gentleness. In thought— Nothing, save »h a t lu full rvlurn from me Another might expect ns bounteously. No Then dny by dsy my Ilf« began to prove llow selfish and how narrow was my gemile. For one by one the blessings I had known Took » Ings, und lo nuolher realm had flown ; llo w little I had given through th* day» ! llow much demanded In a thousand ways ! \ A Good Job With Steady W ork _ __ By G R AC E E. M A L L § L riiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiM iiiiiim iiiiiiiiiim im iiH H iiiiin m im iiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiM iiiim iiiiin T SKI' myself a tusk: Never to ask H ltO lv K N 1*1' It P O S E S I t’>«*y refuse to yield to discouragement. For »h u t I did not Just us freely M U T U A L C R E A M E R Y CO., Portland. CALBREATH STUDIO ................ ..i I Something to Think About ¡ ¡UNSELFISHNESS: Ship Your Cream to r a g e cc o o n (Coa«luote4 by N*M»n«i Council of the Ha» »coûta ut Atiiet Ite. I ^ = -’’ [ A t t r a c t i v e M a g a z i n e M a t e r i a l So humbled by my own acknowledg­ ment, I set myself a task und to It tieni ; I reused to talk o f faults by oilier* shown. Aware nt last of greuter ones—my own ; Asked not o f sympathy and love n port l'illesa I found III« sumo within my heart. And lot then» Is a bluer sky o’er bead. The birds sing sweeter thau they did before ; And each day kindly thoughts to ui- are sped. And loving hands come kuocklng u my door. It v ttadd. M -s4 • Cam pan, I SCHOOL PAqS I ¿ SKtefST weldixo a etrTtnra PATENT flnORNEY“^ ^ - « . » 1 FORDS A complete stock Coapes. Sedan# Roadsters and Touring«. W * boy for caeh. which givta you more for your money. When you want a Ford i Dia A. style« of Glasera. Ler.«e« duplicated form broken pUree. Mail in your bro­ ken gla««cs. Satisfaction Guaranteed. E. Hunriu.^a F ixai & x - » ■«*■-* m v H A V ir ^ ffiA M T "? rr 8a_N 1PD., Bet. BuymaiAe A Coach . Bdy W < Auction Sale E V A N G. H O U S E M A N Forty head of the best horses with harness tar raneh and orchard work that have ever been put up before the public will be sold at auction to highest bidder. Saturday. October 20th. Anyone naading a horse sheuld not miss this sale. The«« horses are right out of hard work: four to twelve years old. Sale starts at 1 o’clock sharp at the Union Stock Yards. North Portland. Empire 0121 North Portland Horse and Mule Company. Ask for Phil Suet ter. s s i f f s ^ Osteopathic Physician. Electronic Method of ABRAM S Phone Main 29M . *93'-» Yomhtll ot Toniti. Portland. O n W e S p e c ia liz e in Hidei, Pella, Wo#!, Mokiir, T*l!ow. C u a n . Orffcn G r i ft Root. Goit S1 ers , Horst Hair W rite for Shipping Tags A latest Price List P o r t l a n d H i de a W o o l C o . IN U*W* AoIMif NgtTH. PQIITUN0. IK Braach at Pocatello. Idaho Poultry May Decline Ship at once young roosters, hens and ducat alive. Also real and pork. Good market fo r comb honey. RUBY & CO., 1 1» F R O N T IT ., COR. Buy Where You Will But see our Used Cars FIRST. C O N D IT & C O N S E R CO., Grand Avenue and East Oak Street _____________ PO R T LAND. OREGON GUARANTEED USED CARS All makes of light cars at lowest prices, easy term«. Twelve years in this lecation. M A N LEY A UTO CO. Hupmobila Distributor 8ALM OW, Portland 421-435 Burnside St.. Portland. Ore BUY THE BIST HORSE COLLAR MADE Doors and W in dow s A ll long rye stra w «t u fftd Insist on h a v in g th « collar Hot-bed sash, mouldings, cupboard doors, flour w ith the ••FlaB** L a b a L If Lins. aAsh for sleeping porches, miilwork, glass, your_ dealer do#? not h and !« roofing. See our o>ii stocks of sash and doors for this b ran d collar, w ilta to ua D. B. S C U L L Y & C O ., direct. P. S H A R K r . Y A S O N Downtown Lumber «tore. 171 Front street, be­ Main 4218 53 Union A v.. Portland, Ora. tween Morriaon and Yamhill. “LITE-7bOT” Powdered DANCE FLOOR WAX No mittor turn chronic or sovsn par N tt «»ybo.líUOMtmi o HTMfwO, ora ns •«»•«i «an nos t w in M M W M « >«• suo toosr ro» uv Fnaa socs J. DEAN. M D 2ND A N D MORRISON PORTI AND. O R E G O N riHBeu - e* . r, - h a v e a iw s y e b e e n » s l l . i i . U a l . a n il am much more so aim » my exiwrlence to day." U ncom m on Sense BOY SCOUT ROUNDUP CLOSES JC H N^B LAKB BE IN C O N D IT IO N c p H K best watch movement ever ^ M d e would refnae to w w k if not kept In a strong case. The directing mind o f a battle la kept back of the firing line, away from bursting shells. It is silly to develop your mind If you are going to leave It In a weak body. I f your brain Is exposed to possible destruction by every malady that conics along, why bother about edu­ cating It? Mind and body are equally Import­ ant. One cannot prosper without the other. There are book addicts a , well as drug addicts, and neither get very far In the world. Physical education Is rightly made an important part o f the curriculum o f every modern college. I f y ou cannot go to college, at least learn to rare for your health. Take exercise; learn how and what to e a t; avoid excess. I f you have bad teeth, get them attended to. S o In­ tellectual treasures you can store up will last very long unless they are p rqierly housed In h strong body. Leaving out o f the question the fact that no inun ran be happy when 111, keep well for the aaku ot your mental condition. Stevenson, It Is true, w-ro'e great lit­ erature although nn Invalid. But Stevenson was a genius. And even he felt that he could have done still greater work had he been well. Cultivate your mind and body to­ gether. The healthier you keep your body, the healthier will he your mind. Pessimism, morbidity, self pity, all come from lllne»s In one form or another. You can be healthy. If you try hard enough. It means hard work some­ times, and often dull and wenry work. But It Is worth the trouble. Without Strength you give hostages to the enemy which later on you will be In vast trouble to redeem. f ? h e Y oung Lndy U A c ro ss th e W ay ] ( © by Jobs U l k l . l Gives smoo’h Gliding fin« ish to hard or soft wood floors. NO ACID. GREASE OR DL'ST. Your druggi» has it. If r. 't, send us «tamps. 74« for one-pound package CLARKE. WOODW ARD DRUG CO. Portland. Oregon. Check Forger Learns to Sing While in Prison Berlin.— Paul Kannann. once a repu­ j dumb when led In handcuffs past his table business man, who forged checks old-time associates. He was put Into because o f the Insane movement of , a cell with the singer, Walter Wolak, mark exchange, obtained his release who had been convicted as s profiteer. from prison by proving himself an Wolak began training the voice of his artist fitted for a stage career as a fellow prisoner, who as a result recov- singer. Kannann, who had never sung before, expects now to enter vaude­ ! red his speech sufficiently to defend himself and win his release, while at ville ns a singer. A staid. If unscrupulous, business the same time Ids singing voice was man when arrested, he was stricken developed. Girl Is Wounded While Shielding Her Mother New York.—Twelve-year-old Mary I then ran. Detectives came running Ilnrlm, sitting with her mother In front from the Hamilton avenue police sta­ o f the latter’s restaurant at 170 Ham­ tion, half a bbx-k away, but Mrs. Bar­ ilton avenue, Brooklyn, Hung herself ba’s assailant, who, sho said, was In front of Mrs. Barba ns a shield Thomas Sorrncro, proprietor of a when a man drew n pistol und began i candy store, had vanished. ■hooting at the woman. Mary was taken to Holy Fsndly hos­ Ills second bullet struck the child In pital. Her wound Is n serious on« the abdomen, nnd she fell at her moth­ Jealousy Is an explosiv« that has er's feet. The man fired another shot, which, like the first. Went wild, and , wrecked many an air casti« Some one has said th at " t r u e h os pi ­ | ami pepper, repeat with another layer t a l i t y consists In h a v i n g w h s t you w e r e g o i n g to ha \ t a n y w a y , and not c h a n g ­ and finish the top with buttered i n g the cloth unless you w e r e g o i n g to erurnbs. Oysters will not cook well If anyway." more than two luyers nre added; those HAVE SOME O YSTERS A N IC K after-the-theater dish or for un evening lunch Is prepared as follow s: Add u pint of uysters with their liquor, a squeeze o f lemon, a dash o f cayenne, suit nnd celery suit to taste to a half-cupful o f rich bouillon. Cook the oysters until tlielr edges curl, then serve on buttered toast. Creamed Oysters. Allow a dozen oysters to each cup­ ful o f cream. Heat the cream to boil­ ing, add the oysters and when the edges curl remove nt once and serve Immediately. Henson to hu U the taste. Escalloped Oysters. Take n pint o f selected oysters, the tender purt of two hunches o f celery, chopped fine. In a Poking dish put a layer of cracker crumbs, and a layer of celery. Dot with bits of butter or season the crumbs by stirring them Into melted butter, season with salt With th« g i«a t out of door», sym­ bolic of Hcoullng. as a background th « N'ullonal IViuucll o f th« Boy ttcout« of America eooteoud for Us thlrt«euio «initial meeting at th« Boy Seoul camps, at I'altsudoa lutuiwUl« park, N. V.. th« largest boys' camps lu lb « world. I ’rouiltieut iu«n from all parts of tha country, distinguished In III« Held of church, school, education, and bualne«». cam« together to discuss the furthering of boy w el fa t« through Hi* Scout method of rltUeuslilp trulnlug mill character building. At th« time at the camp w er« some L'.Non boy», who had a chance to act as host» to tlielr distinguished guests. Among th« members present at the meeting was the lion. Theodor» Itoose- velt, assistant accrvtury of the navy, who addressed the convention. ' 1 am strong for the boy acouts,'* said lit»«..-» ell. "They are building tuanly men, men who won't whine at a little hardship, nu n who are game to sacri­ fice themselves for the good of the couutry and tlielr fellow citizens. 'Vamping builds you up In strength, snd builds you up lu character. The eelfisti man In camp shows up right away. You will know the boy who reaches for the host piece of bacon In the pen. There Is no belter way of finding nut the whiner than In cutup log He la the boy who doesn't want to finish the hike because he has a blister oo tits big toe. Then there la the careless boy, who runs sround while supper Is being ,-ookod nnd gets sand In the frying pm. In peace or In war, the man who has been a scout will come through 100 per cent." At the conclusion o f the address, the delegates rose snd stood In silent toast to ttie memory of his father, that ttreat Scout, Colonel K.sisevrlt. Oen. John J. 1'erihlng spent one morning during the meeting Inspecting the gM camps wlilch make up the eu tire unit “ The esutpg are wooderful," he said. " I consider the boy scout movement one of the great movements In America today. I am Impressed by the manly bearing of the hoy scouts, snd their democratic attitude towards each other snd tlielr superiors. "1 would not Introduce military training Into tbs boy aeout move­ ment If I could. I believe the work you are doing Is im t I is i * more broad­ ening thuo that which would be given under a military regtiu«. In any event you are teaching boye the rigid thing to be good rltlzona "I cannot speak loo strongly In prnlss of the boy »oiut movement. 1 In the center will he under done when The young laily arr»aa Ihe way aays Ihe top and bottom are ready. Bake more parties are generally In honor of twenty minutes. a girl when she's a bride eleet than after «lie's married, although, of Providence Oystere. This Is n nice chafing dish rpclpp. In courup, there are always aome post­ 1 « blazer, place a pint o f oysters, n table- prandial affairs. -------- O-------- spoonful o f butter, salt and pepper to Blushing. season. When the oysters begin to curl, stir In enough cracker crumbs to Blushing U a *lgn of a self eon- nbRorl) all the Juice, then add a well- •eloua und ahy nnture. It U alao the beaten egg and serve while the dish expression of n sensitive regard for Is hot. the opinion* o f other*. Home girl* run t blush. Idiot* and hnhltunl crim­ inal* never blush, Blushing I* often a-algn o f n refined and modest dispo­ ¡9Z2. W e *u rn NHWRUper Union i sition. It I* a curious fact that short­ -------- O-------- sighted h’lrl* nre more liable to blush Weight of Oetrlch. without their eyeglasses than when Adult oatrblire weigh from is o to wearing them. 400 pound*, dependent on tlielr breed­ -------- O-------- ing nnd handling, *nye Nature Maga­ On the Other Side. zine. They are taller than the rom- "I* Mis* (iniiNSlp a friend of yours?" mon Indian pony or the average polo “ No, She's a friend o f my w ife’s." pony, and tlielr long, strong leg* are "Isn't thnt the same thing?" the nio*t Interesting feature* of their "Not at ull. Hlie feels very sorry for phyolcal makeup. injr wUo."— Boston Transcript. U’ tM«n tho death o f f'refddent Hard­ ing. the roundup which waa being conducted by the Huy Scouts of Amer­ ica to secure lun.iNS) net Increase In membership wns brought to a closo. T h lt roundup was on# o f tho many evidence« of tl»o practical Interest of President Harding In the work of the Boy .Scouts of America. Under the conditions of the roundup effort the President w u nwnrdli.g s streamer to each troop and to each local council, and presenting a personal letter to the president of every local council earning '¿5 per cent Increase In mein* kershlp over a stated time. Thief Scout Kxecutlvo James K. West explained tlint the death of the President automatically brought the roundup to an end, ns it would maul festly be Impossible to rnriv out the terms nnd condition« under wlilch the roundup was Inaugurated, for uny fu r ther effort. All those who have quali­ fied up to date will recHvo tlie award»» as promised. He further explained that the result of the roundup hu« brought In an Increase of 83,058 scouts and 21,* 7H7 scout officials, or n net gain o f both o f 104,845, thun gltlng the lloy Scouts of America a total membership of «17,051' men and boys. This bo char- acterl/.ed as a Nplendld tribute to tho Interest and activity of tho late prenl- dent. FOR GOOD C ITIZE N SH IP "1 am glad to Indorse the hoy scout movement because o f It* value In stimulating In boya right conduct nnd tha proper appreciation o f tha duties und responsibilities of life. "Sueh an Influence at this lmpres slonahle age Is a great help In valale llahlng the habits of good living, and will do much to lnsura good citizen­ ship fur the future.” — Itedlleld rroe- tor, Governor of Vermont GRANDDAD TAKES Take il home lo '' I kids. Have a picket in your pocket 1er an ever cady (real. delicious conleo- tion and an (id te A fter Iht loolh, ippalito, digestion. Every H e a l r V. t. Soiled is its Purity Packsts OB A Super Univvra«. AntlrotmuU. now rt'gnnU d by a*tron otuer# a # a giant unlvemo of atara many thmiMamU of * Hghl ) « « r » " I my * ymitl (bo con fin *8 of our uulwr««*. I# forging along at 200 nation a lorondt ibo Utaml uuivrr.no In tho ocean of •pace. Top Spinning. Tho Japanm«* carry top «pinning to grrut perfect Ion. The top# u»o weak and rundown 1 could not do my work. Doctor* again advi-ed an operation, but invtrad 1 lx gait tak­ ing the 'Favorite l'ro crip tio n ' and it »>on put me on my (ect. My hc-illh returned. I had pi .u in illy no ruderiim, and my baby was very healthy. Since that time whenever I have fell badly 1 have taken the 'F'avorite Prescription* It alwav* make* me well in no time " — Mr*. Isabella McLacblan, 7#B Mich. Ave. Go to your urtgldrorhcstd drug »tore anil get Favorite Prescription in tablet« or liquid. W rite Dr Pierce. Prr.idcnt Invalid, lintel, in Buffalo N. Y and receive good medical advice in return, tree. , Character in the Face. The fare nnd eye* reveal what the spirit la doing, how old it I*, what atm* It Im*. Tho eyes Indicate tho antiquity of the soul, or through how many form* It bn* already ascended. — Finer- son. Doing and Saying. There Is no proverb which strike* n truer bulnnce between two tilings limn the old oirii which weighs ex­ ample over nguinst precept. Helen Hunt Jackson. Handicapped. A man who In thu struggle of llfo hns no home to retire to, In fact or In memory, Is without life's best re­ wards und life's defense. J. (). H ol­ land. Be Yourself. Contentment abides wllh youth. You will generally suffer for wishing to npprsr other than you nre; whether It lie richer, or greater or moro learned. The mnnk noon become* an Inntru- meat o f torture. Sir Arthur Helps. SCOUT TEST And There You Are. Barrister “ Was this arranged by Scou: David Locus of Lawton, Okln., word of month?" Witness " ! don’t has made a scout enthusiast o f tils know wlmt you mean. He talked und grandfather, F. M. Ilowe. The two to­ { gether recently paseeil Ihe scout merit I talked, and there you are." ; badge test for cycling, by riding 00 Better Parte of Speech. mile* on bicycles In less than ten hours. Discretion of speech Is more tlisn One of the requirements of the test la that aome one accompany Ihe scout eloquence; nnd to speak agreeably to taking It. Scout Locus Invited hla him with whom wo deal Is more than granddad. Mr. Ilow e stated the morn­ to speak In good .words or In good ing following the trip that he never felt order. Bacon, better In Ills life and that he would like : to make the trip aguln. | j SCOUTS WERE "P R E P A R E D ” Red Cross BALL BLUE A group o f villages near Itanlam, I« neetUd In «v e ry df»pnrtm«nt o I 1 llou «e. ■ Conn., recently hnd remarkable evi­ keeping. Equally g o o d lo r tow#l rU tsM e ■ dence o f the value o f hoy »rout "pre- linen,«heet« und pillow c##o«. Ci parrdne** and trulnlug III helpfulne»* E l when a forest (Ire Which for a time ^ a lit k r iD s r H is K T . W A l. K F R threatened to sweep through several n A r r e e Yon to u .x a u M ittu b u s in e s s c o l l e g i of them was checketl by Wstrrtuiry Is th « biggest, most perfectly squlppm (Conn.) acouts. The boye rushed to M u sin e». T ra in in g School In ths N o rth ­ west. Fit you rse lf for a h igh er p o s i t i » the scene o f danger from tlielr ramp with m o r» money. I'a rm an en t poaltluui nearby and dug a trench around the aanureil ou r (Irnrliiates W r it# fo r r a in in g — fin ir li, urn. .......... hill, thus preventing the fire from PnrMnnd spreading further, and then fought the P. N. U. No. 42, 1923 llauiea until they were extinguished.