—y r ■ * O * ». g— . '4 California > I U Vft fV ft BIG PACKAGE Reduced Round Trip Fares to R a n P r a u c itc o , I,o s A n g e le s an d I. ¡re tto c i 111 24>15? Cigarettes Locals T ic a sts on ss lo F riday», Saturdays^ ______ a n d M un d ay s a t s lig h tly low er fare th an the season tick et, e a ir y a lim it I v G f l C l I H 6 A u S . of '¿1 d s y s from d-ita of sale^ Solwierllie for your home »»• |,< e un lullIU up the oomiiiuuity »|ilflt. H o u r t " offer you your ch o ice of sern cry. N O T IC E P o r tla n d , Ort. .Vor. . 1 - / 0 l. or H o u n d '/'rip F a r n KoC llhiatratutl llte ra tu c . fu M , ateeplng A ll copy m ind 1« In th e h and* of e a r rears valion» suit full lu fu rm a tlo u call th e |>rinler hy W ednim diiy noon, l i r r s on or w rits uny ag en t or a fte r no ty p e will l«e art a fte r T h u rsd a y mmn e x ce p t tleulli fiotirea o r o th e r J O H N M. 8 C O T T e m m e rg e n ry m a ile r. Ata'l P.oiairoger Trutfle Manager, Portland, Orrgitt S o u th e r n P a c ific L in e s M iliti»lie s te ll u* th a t th e n v n r.ig e m ilk p r o d u c tio n ill t h e I m toil M íales is 4l)'2l p o u n d » p er cow p er y a n r. Y e t U n d er b e tte r b r e e d in g n n d fe e d in g in a n ity c o w , y ie ld 1 0 ,0 0 0 p o iin d a , 2 0 ,0 0 0 |H>unds, a n d a few a n d m o re. b o ,000 p o u n d s T h en , it ex tra oare in Select inn mid I w ild in g . su d a la-tt| soar. Isveryouu pirate bearla mimi. ! N ew Effective Tuesday, October 2nd Chassis Runabout Touring Truck Chassis $230 265 295 370 A d d for S ta r te r |i i 5 , D e m o u n ta b le rim a 4 2 0 Coupe 525 (with starter & Dem. Rims) Four Door Sedan 685 (with Starter & Dem. Rims) Tractor 42 O f. o. b. Detroit T h e s e p r ic e s a r e th e lo w e s t in th e com pany und a p p ly to h is to r y la t e s t im p r o v e d Vlmftoadâtsr _________ Hi— with wtu.-s tha rjnah Ll hit tlwrtl lei» very pupi-r -r; wall y'riid wok she claapi embud-ni n ilia Buxiel. Alway, rasgad it» cm ha. lean Bad. doodad', r aiar-T and Bora c odunal W loan tax room A wail drained t-p nnd ftUnuac «úvUUtfU ¿o «Ser th».rv toward adkiinc a cieuarcxU ¿n****11^ ' Make it • puéii to to# ( b a b a nfw u *&• -i*o 00 ¿kpKí la am «Hcrw r*om o f Ilio m o d e ls h a * cart can b* o b ta in e d th rough the l o r d t t r c k l y b u r t h a t * H u n . 7 N E W M ODELS A. L, Bones, Turner Now o n d is p la y a t a ll Authorized Ford Dealers Orders being accepted for delivery in rotation A. L. Bones, Turner, Oregon C A R S • TRUCKS • T R A C T O R S (Authorised Dealer) * ‘ ‘ ' — ~~ Quality Shoes John J. Rottle RUGS - J Salem Carpet Cleaning & Fluff Rug W orks »#*»#*»«« »«*«#**»####« fr»* * * * * « » » * # » « * * * * * * * S lor* ' ***************************************************** HI U . O. S H IP L E Y CO O rT F riT E U » T O [5! 1 t.V 147 North Liberty Street, Snlctn, Oregon O riginators of th e Pay as You llu Plait Quality y s u m ; low! Merchandise SCHOOL NEWS P. C. Fulton, eighth grade Teacher T l|ro rr u tlo o , ln<, veJ m # T urner Fropeaty recently oceupit*d ; bv lb e u.^rfelers, j ‘St>ver„ T uril„ S port, illnil were out after phesanla,S unday and giuni luck was reported. f ' Hetlool 1« settling riow n to th e right M r.and Mrs. Fred M»>»re, were S un- a i kind of a hum , it sound» like real w ork, visitors from Mill C i t y llntli the hoy» aud th e girls have or- Gibeou A lexander 1» w orking in * : gauised gleo clubs and under th e care P ortland till» week. a of Mis* Roller they are getting a good (Ilenn Miller » u hom e from O. A .C . j j »tart tow ard the desired goal. | W |f c y ,,lerP 1 N , uninn [ over H uuday; J I Ml*» k " » A rchibald slipjwd *ud service at th e M. E. C hurch. In a c e -; It. D. G ray, of .Salem, w a, a business + «praised her ankle q u ite seriously. ordrfuca w ith th* G overnors P m c ta m -! visitor lu T urner, S aturday I The high acbool n a sju st received a athui, th e rteritioti was in L aw Kn - 1 x . shipiiH'iit of laboratory apparatus from j forcem eat dealing prluelpaly w ith th e ' Mr. and Mr*. O liver <4 Otl», of j i Frisco. W e were m uch In need of th e I prohibition law Hav. Mr. Pogue pastor Maplet.ui, lis ie rented th It l>. G ray M. E. Church WOMEN, MISSE8 aud CHILDREN m ' 7 ^ °,U0 *» ‘ '" ‘“'1 10 ,hu ,h “ * . w hen they shall do so »gain. ! T he fttudeut body arrou««! a g^Miiy am ount of pep last T uesday under th e leadership of Mr. K enttetll Gray a . yell leader. o— Popular . - r - . - . Prices --------- ¿ • » » « a a m » * # * * # * # * * * * * * » # » * * * * • # « # » * * # * » * # * * « * * # # » * * » * « : ’«P»i’A»ue. __ # j of the M. K. ch.ifcli wan thu Hp aker. ^ ‘“ ^ i U T i? iH » - r * M a it..,K ''' ' \ I i Thia ra u ll i* ebum ad hy r i a i , iSa n d u l l aud r i l i r s r ; lb , cowl; i r jiu ij a daildcil uigrovewera n laok» ar.J p »l-lln« Turner State Bank - FLU FF — P r ic e s The flirlotlan Endeavor of th ei «hecuauing acUool year, e dumu 2*m l 3 expenditure, and budget allowauee .•h r i.tl.n fliu rrh Will give u ooelal »1' f,,r *'* >'•<•«>' hs l „ l anhool year, cdum u 4 detailed espeodtturo# of tha last Wv look *1 It llisl way here nt the Turner Siale Bank, Siel »re »I- i (he ehureli, Hututday night. AH the J"»r "f »be these y e w period, eolum « o yearly UMala for the ereoud year of the w .iii|lii'la i» l re.nty t“ r,Jr 'or the ,in,t > rar « »*» >“ f In tiering Unir h eu l, a III.In prneléral inni |itt>ninhle Ululi. | riled. j lM,rlud Tu any un# lijien-,lei| in >lu.lying Her .Inek breeding nn-1 |»rndu<* --------- ----------- | PEItSONAL SE R V IC E : lèni fimn Ille »lundp 'lut of li tuli». the 1'nelltc | nit inall-inwl l.ivi 1. S uperintendent i Pm U far all Cam, T ru e k t ami Tran- •i'll |ei»!tii*li ut l'uri lumi, N'iiveinU-r a tu |u, i Itv-i* un|*urullnl $1067.00 $1067.00 $ 1600.00 < Ion. ii|>|wrliiiillii,. In Ihe grent tu u n llvcstui’k uni|ilIl>i-ulr,- mure Ihuu 2. Principals W. E. BURNS DAN BURNS 2000.00 780-00 1170.00 780.00 ¡t-ust Itemi uf ]mri l.ri i) ilnlry nmt lieef lireitl», alieep, linai, liurM’* ami Assistant (N ot Uiother»— The Sam«* Mmi) guata; nl«u J »M chlekcna ami labtilU « III I, gallonai. Tlila Ima La- 1170.00 750.00 750.00 ra n e I he Iura- •• und Miiiel » ml' d H»l stueh n||ww le* A liiariea. Voti | High 5 1ramt «1 Forry Salem | A thletic Coach Part# for all C art w ill g ili» a Uberai Oilucailun III «loukraUIng i-n-l feeding hy ntbn l. 300.00 3. Teachers din«. 600.00 poo.ou 600.Ö0' 900.00 900.00 600.00 900.00 600.00 N ula Ih# new price of th e I«AIHKM 900.00 600 00 600.00 900.00 IIOMK JO U R N A L |1 on j^ r year. 4. Jan ito rs 655.00 sbo.oo 870.00 585-00 ! On Hallowe'en eve, Oct. .Wth al * I» m 5. Clerk 16.66 25.00 16.66 25.00 ihe Turner »chon1» w ill |Hlt on a Halt- Total-—Personal Services: il $ 7815 $4783.66 «4023.66 « 6800.C0 «6425.00 «5870.00 a«re,rn entrrlainm ent. The ntijeet of M ATERIAL AND SU PPLIES: . re (desks, etc.) rv In buy apparatila »uftlclent to fis i 1. F u rn itu $ 109.00 $ 323.00 $ 300-00 « 485.86 up n play mom w here Ihe children nf 2. Supplies (chalk, etc. ) 17.75 Ih r grailea may ploy w hen th e w eather 25.00 12.00 150.00 3. Library Hook» i» liad. N othin* In th e en tertain m en t 20.00 will euat over five ertila. A fler th e | 4. F lagi enter! alti m eu t there will tie a pie one Evening Telegram mid Tribune, one year, $3.00 20 00 lai. W e prouder you a p le a u u t even­ 6. Ja n ito r’» 27.40 19.00 15.00 100 ing. All the ladlea are invited to tiring 110.00 170 00 110.00 7. Fuel 250.00 a file. 1...00 15.00 9. Light 30 00 17.9Ö 20.00 20.00 9. W ater 80.00 ;/Af.VWA%V.VWA\WMV.VW.V.W.WA,W.V//.V,V 32.75 lla ru ld and H erbert Hrlgga and 10. Postage and Stationery tin m a n ) Karri» were In Salem Sntnr- 7.00 10.00 1000 4.00 d ay . T otal— M aterial nnd Supplies H arold llitgga I» »ticking ty p e In 492.00 761.22 3 536.32 $ C28.02 $ 710.00 S 502.00 CONSTRUCTION: v a o o t MJMK , U u S N T . e r r th e T rib u n a oftlee. 2172.28 Fincat line of Pocket K ulvee In th e M aintenance aml Repairs c ity .—J . K. Lyle. ! $ 300.00 1691.16 $ 247.50 A. L. Ito n e e lh l, week »old c a r, to IN D EB TED N ESS: S u ,tu k Broa. of S layton and lle rm e u , *' “ “" ‘^ ‘b o O 00 C<>n B n*, of S ublim ity. j 2. W arrant, aud interest thereon Mr». It. O . Briggs, o f Salem , 1» vlalt-1 . 3 2000.00 lug till, week at th e hom e of h er bnw , ^ 0*a' i 1" 1 lebtedne.s: ”.» 3200.00 i 300.00 $ 800.00 $ 1200.00 $2409.60 $2083.94 117 N Confi si. liter, Oeo. Karri». tion of Pupils 500.00 $ 308.00 « 333.00 $ 462.50 (let yo u r Pocket K nife from Oregon. I muratici m m SAlern. — ins vo ■■.liTMiai J . F. L yle $ 268.00 $ 266.00 • 367.00 $ 47.40 S 7.00 iV A V A '.V .'.’.V .V .'.V .'.'.V A V .V .V .V .V .V A '.V .'.V A '.V .- Mr. and Mr«. Oeo. Karri», Mm. J.K . MiicelUneou» $ 171.65 $ 55.05 W hithenil and Mr». II. L. Karl motor- Total $12525 00 $6659.66 $5914.66 $11935.15 $8808.87 $8598.76 ed to S layton W ednesday, to atten d C. A. G. Moore, do hereby certify that the above estim ate o f expen- | dituros for the year 1922-1923, was prepared by me and th at the expendi­ a m eeting of llte (Irange. * * * * * * » * ,» # * # « # » a # # * * * # » a r u m * « * » # « * * * * * * # * * tures and budget allowance for six months o f the cu rren t year and the expenditures fo r the three fiscal years next preceding th cu rren t y ear as t B E A U T I F U L £ shown above have been compiled from the records in my charge and are "W hy I Put Up W ith Rati far Y e a r,,'' . true and correct copies thereof. W rite» N. W indsor, Farm er. G. A. G. MOORE. D istrict Cletk. » 'r a n t * "Y ear» ago T bought some rat pois­ Made out of your old c a t|ic l,. W e clean and »ew them . * Carrol Allcuby is uu the nick ILL j N ext S uuday will bu rally day » 1 tUe on, which nearly killed o u r flue watch C la s s e s arc organised ill vio iu and M ethodist Sunday S clio .l, E very dog. It so scared us th a t wc suffered <*'Iime°W*iih ' r« 7 , ‘ V! phtno. Mrs. Clodfelter w is w II pleas- «Member of the S unday school is asked o t t o r . ^ w i c K K » . I’ s o i ' a i c r o , * told me about ____________ RAT SNAP T h at' ed w ith the sta rt Ihe violin class m ide. to Invite some one w ho dnea not go to b o >r _____________ ir r to ld me about R A T -SN A I. ______ T h at s ............ _ _ _ _ _ I S unday School etoe w h e r. to oon.e on New m u ttn w ee m ade I • order. Old maUrecu-» thoroughly H err- sun- the ra t killer and a safe one." **** olalcca are growing in num bers. llxeil liefore rv-iunklng. F fath cr» ren o v ated . W rite or phone for Hint day. An tateffM lng program will Three riff*, »‘iftc, 65e, $1.25. Sold The Senior olwiw tot>k charge of tiie be given by the children. Inform ation. and g u aranteed -by CantaUua* D ru g 1 opvniug n erciM * lN#t Friday and PM ONE 11 8 4 H .V I.r.M 1 3 1-2 ANO W ILBUR \ -— CAM Iiert McKay haa a lot of new lumhrr O R I G I N A L E S T I M A T E A N D A C O U N T I N G S H E E T and intenda building a haro lu the' S C H O O L D I S T R I C T NO. 7 9 mar future. T h is o rig in a l o ttim a te is made* in com p lian ce w ith seclcon 2S1-A HUKK KltKK FR E E D A N fIN O at 111« Dreamland, Salem of the aahool law s of 1921 am i show s in p arallel colum n« the u n it costa Ì Oregon, V I V U » » l l , r-s*a i «i i xr iay , Octobert(Mb. w v i-m ci . im . » U« j n I C » several U V i f .1 1 H T V I t T S , 11 . 1 1 * I I i l l B I I U 3 su U p |ip lt:i Kalurilsy, The] of | U the sorvices, m ) aterial and p i lica for the three fiscal years t«a'K»»l and itoiootliea» H ardw ood floor j n e s t p re c e d in g th e c u r r e n t y e a r, th e cl, ta il il e x p e n d itu ie s fur the last In the valley. A a,K*l Tell Tleee Or-' , i- n . I lelirstra. , . one of . aaid • three preceding hscal i . years and i the budget allow an ces and I>ou't m oa lliW for the r w * I be a largo crowd. P l.n ly o f mom fur i ««penditurea for six m onths» of the current y--ar.^-“» i* m on th s of the «very lardy. h o M K I'KP! ami »! c u rn iit year" m ean s six m onth» of tjic last sch o o l y ea r— O O O D T IU K . I ’ E X P E N D IT U R E S Ink® iiiif knlv»*g. Tin y l»r ; - .. ___ - What Should a Dairy Cow Produce? -i— C40 o th e r id e a l w in te r m sorta. T ick ets on sa le d a ily curry a fin a l' o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o return liiu il of May HI, 19*24 Fxjtoailron — u. NEW I’litn n ow to »p on d tlio w in te r or nt U'lmt u few w o r k s, in s u n n y H o u tlisr n C n lifo r n iu — la m ! o f out- d o o r s nil W in ter* —o r a lo n g th e do lig lit f u l w e st c o n st o f o ld M ex ic o . nur M/ . - • Pomeroy & Keene M S L T A B L E J E W E L E R S A N D O P T I C I A M S EYES TESTED—GLASSES FITTED State and Liberty Sts. Salem , Ore|ea j ; ^ : XTiiBT. * ■! 1 w a a , - ’- t o a H M B -4 T hune 440 **: ? * gm / W n « . W| j D R . O A. O L S O N . D E N T I S T P a lu leo» K xtractiuu irf Teeth by N erve U iucking or N itro n e O xide SALEM MASONIC T EM PLE. t W H H M tlH H 4 H H IH 44 H I H I h*-M IW N M 4 I I » » Speeial Subscription Offer The Daily Oregonian The Daily and .Sunday Oregoitiu The Tribune and Dstly Oregouisa The Tribune and Daily A Sunday Oregonian Countty Guntlemau Tim TrikunA aud Country Gentleman «5.00 7.00 6 50 7.50 1 00 1.75 This offer expires October 81. j PHONE 1117 RESIDENCE PHO NE 949W C h a m p io n ' s L u n c h R o o m W e’re got th e world ln-at un CO FFEE AND CAKES O P E N T A. M . T O ? P . M . 12« S outh Liborty St. Salem , O regon N O T IC E OF S C H O O L M E E T IN G NOTICE IS H EREBY GIVEN to the legal voters of School D istrict No. 79 of Marion County. S tate of Oregon, that a SCHOOL MEETING o f said district will be held at the School Hou«e. on the 3rd day o f Novemebr, 1923, for the purpot-e o f discussing the budget h erein after set out with the levy­ ing board, and to vote on the proposition o f levying a special district tax. The total am ount o f money needed by the said school district during the fiscal y ear beginning on Ju n e. 1923, and ending Ju n e 30, 1924, is estim ated in the following budget and includes the am ounts to be received from tha county school fund, state school fund, elem entary school fund, special district tax, and all other moneys of the district: , BUDGET E stim ated E xpenditures TERSONAL SERV ICE: 2. Principal .......... ............ $2000.00 Assistant ............ 1170.00 A ssistant ........ 1035.00 A thletic Coach ....................................... 300.00 4. Jan ito rs ........... 585.00 5. Clerk .................................................. 25.00 T o tal................................ ............................ ............. $7815.00 M ATERIAL AND SU PPLIES: 1. F u rn itu re (desks, stoves, curtains, e t c ..........$ 100.00 2. Supplies (chalk, erasers, e tc .)...................................... 150.00 3. L ibrary books ................................................. „ .... 20.00 4. Flags ............................................................................. 20.00 6. Ja n ito r's supplies ......................................... ................... 100.00 7. Fuel .................................................. ................................... 250.00 8. Light ......................... - ......... .............................................. 30.00 9. W ater ....................................................... ....... .................. 30.00 10. Postage and statio n ery ................................ ................... 10.00 T otal........................................................................ 710.00 MAINTENANCE AND R EPA IR S: Building and grounds....... ...............................................$ 300.00 300.00 IN DEBTED NESS: 1. Bonded, and interest thereon......................................... $ 1200.00 2. W arran t, and Interest thereon................................. 2000 00 T o ta l............................................................................................ $3200.00 TU TIO N : $ 500.00 $ 500.00 Total am ount o f money for all purposes during the y ear........ $12525.00 ESTIM ATED R EC E IPT S From county school fund during coating school y ear I 1244 00 (Us# am ount of county school fund received last y ear a3 basis in m aking this estim ate). From state school fund during the coming school year.. 225.70 (Use am ount of state school fund received last y ear as basis in making this estim ate). From elem entary school fund during th* coming rchool y ear ........................................................................................... 942.51 E stim ate of probable unexpended balance at end of c u r­ ren t year ............................................................................ 1000.00 | Estim ated am ount to be received from all other sources during the coming school y ear.................................... 1600.00 tD o not include the money to be received from the proposed tax ) Total estim ated receipts, not Includin luding pr ro p o ttJ ta x ---------- $5212.21 CAPITULATION Total estim ated expenses fo r the yes $12525.00 T otai estim ated receipts not incluí dm ig proposed tax 5212.21 Balance, am ount to be raise ed by district d tax. *7312.7* Dated this 12th day of October, 1923. A ttest: G. A. 0 . Moore. D istrict Clerk. H. A. T H IESSR N , Board of Directors.