-U . ELSWORTIi the HATTER Springtime C alls-“ Plan your vacation now! W till V ie n t itili Ynsoiiilll« itntj Hi i|iiol» i llnf Tute») N a l'l r ilk a H u illa C ru* lit I M unie Haiila list i Ho ra I.'»» A ligi It e U'iiglif» ami rraurt* N ew po rt am i T illam oo k Hin e in » b u r s t in g u l Form erly • v a c iilio it fro m w in t e r n o t t i. t h e ir C o u rt S t. c m ni (>«lun n o w tlm t y o u in u y rou p t h e e a r ly unti c a r e f u l A it * uni (in r i o f o u r b u r in e s * ia to you lumini by h e lp f u l » u g g e s liu n * . uro t o r v e you m lv ic p o r hy hy of (• 10 1111101 ;. le t t e r , »o in J itiK aetory M uy pursnnul t ju iu r ijiliv u fo ltla ro / L o w ro iiu tl t r ip t ic k e t * w ill lie on » o le tu Su n A r a n c ia n i I , 0 « A iig e le a m ul o t h e r t 'o l i f o r u i u (>oi|ilt a* w e ll in to Ifc.ia tm i c i tic a m n l t o O r e g o n Cor further particulars, Mk your louai ticket «at ol, 0 « « Min ,4. Tell Iheni " I Turner Tribune. RCSUURCCC ? .'.'fins and dlae(ìn « R « at»* the dlntrict r»urt. •rut and the * iv i» *• wprr Ufi hy IUv* Mr, hu U Mra. Hay Karla and Mr. I { ) iw m a. a proAtM T !■ IlM I ....... t l . t ratty ul l-.ugine. l(r v . I n »im« Ki«v. it X k i n i l !► i I x « t 1 d «* l ¡I i r i i » i l i « t \ h U i i , , in* rUug In aiiuthcr t«*\% n at the nre-wnt ti in«*, IU»v Z' «*k la now In Turner and • Ill l»et*ln hit evHMtfvIlAt le « n in y* Ift- »I ih«* t lirlailan t'tin reli, T h u rw U )’ ••venin»?, April JJ come and hear him |.Iu 11 Joe Krogiiinuil left \V|id|ir«,lny fi r ; Klam ath Kalin w h eic lie hua secured j work on I he highw ay. d \r r i ments are. T d r illlT d - le q U l i e am| M r. Ml J.i.ugMin »pi nt foal Hull-1«* | dajr i t |lw (in ). F a rli bo|||r. ì> ’ .. ...... ........... .. m • Mr». S. H . linker, .Mra. Tuihotl Mra. ” ... . . . . . . (•«.» F uri» aud Mr» IL L. 1 ari uiotorr • id to Salem on M uiulat. ! 1‘ M. Lockwood, im rchant o f Salem, I * na a buiamm* v ia ltrr in Turner U»t I Saliirilay afU'rpr. M. I*. Mutui.'lanini ia t)ow locuted lu Iti, oew olile« w llh all lite ap Io­ ti ile a l p i n e a for oorvcling all eye dU ou li rs. I fya éiiï-fD iJ er T I ic T . II. S. . . . Quality Shoes atinad defcalcHl o 0 1 *'* 10‘»l|** UdcRcr nine Wed nfirrnoon o o | In a well fought gam e the score was 11 . o t<» 1.1 in favor o f Turner. ° , „ Poultry traoc mark c u Guy Hobanii a ia »trauditi in thè mud mi C. St for (jultc a « itile, oiving lite mud belng wolked and noi llt for tra voi. I' John J. Rottle U7 N Cora l st. A talk linking (he problem, of the! Sunday School and the high school ! ,T ,u Ladloa°f Ihe M K. aid aoeloly S a le m , Oregon. U«a ji student, hy I’rof. O. V. Whit,, and | S U C H C O H S I l l t a t l o n i tllelr " ' »« 9 putrotisge of the ba/.aar, which o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o p o o Q P Q P a e o j o o o o o o o o o o o o »n add re»» hy I'rqf.J.T . Matthew», i* I f It is not a discuNslou over our| Dr. M ary Staples was a S ilern f p ,.p ».B p h n r ir P wa* w e ll attrp d id end our proceeds Il ÜC V fl L i u t i g c was between 7.1 and fl l) dollar*. beautiful young school mama, the visitor last week. I'Sulenj’ inoft ut:ii|U« zpcaker." M. K. aid s o c ie ty energetic manner in w h ich mayor Mrs, John Thoinns, Anna and Floyd Special music and reading* will W ittlO ilt ObU » On account of the a two nee o f ltev. M iller Is handling city affitira or t h e ' Zerkel were shopping In Salem lust add to the im piration of the occ»r It tlpli |suncson, whoh:ubeen conduct, | projicr way travel should be diverted Thursday. »ion, with Mr. Kdwin Soculofaky in 0( 1 y o u r p a r t . Yours very truly, H y, Hoy T. Hishop, Vice. Pres. A Mgr. Dr. Mendelsohn confines his practice to the treat­ ment o f the eye because he has found that a large per­ centage o f bodily ills originate in the eye, through the coordination of the eye with the nervous system. It 11, lim y and llerm on I’eet* were ! inolorern In i|ie Handy (liv e r to l u liman Ihenm ell K illin g. For the material and service you get our prices cannot I h* Somlay zcliool* of tin* Sun- tiatn district will convene in T ur- 1 ncr next Siiud iy under tb« m api. pea of the Mrtkodi.t rlmreli. The, (irogram, b|«|t ng a» IU A. M. and f 'T T V T O T T T T I'untinuing through the afternoon, 1 v U W t ^ U i -4 A will include a presentation of the T H E M O R R IS O P T I C A L CO )).t ily \ tic.iltoii llild c S li >oi Mm. H, l|. Ifoker, Mra Tulbolt and Mm. G ragg mo|orid to Halriu K ild iy ' of laat wrrfc, Northwest. Oregon One third of a century in the optical business of M’hich fourteen veara has been spent in Salem, and be­ tween fifty and seventy-five thousand prescriptions, is the record of Pr. Mendelsohn. A rt Cor 11 « Hun and wife and Mr, and ! i Mm, K. C. Delgell were fishing In th e jj | Handy river W u ln c rd *), Church Of Christ M. E. Church m 'H » duct made o f Oregon raw materials that I# second anka, aul ject to renerve: Individual di pub it* »object in cheek. Including depunita due the Htate o f Oregon, county, cit(ea or iHihlic fund* ................. 62.6I3.S2 Canhier’s rhepk* o f this bank outstanding payable on di|nan d_ 813.17 C ertified checks outstanding____..... . . ............. .......... ............................ ilO.OO Total of demand ilepnaits, other than bank ile|K>sils, subject to re*erve, items gii, 34, 43, 3>l,________ tVt, 166.40 T I M V. A N I) HA V I WOH D EH O H ITH subject to reserve and payable on demand nr subject to notice: T im e certificates o f drponita outalauding ... ,. ___ ____ __ ^,712.00 T otal of tim e and saving« drpneits payable on demand or sub- naw your ad in the Jenl to Uulice, Items 2f and |ffe....... ......68,712,6« Mr. and Mra. Fiitth t limk dinner I H W 4 W 4 4 4 4 « 4 4 4 4W 4 t ili4t 4 4 Ì 4V 4 " l ' 4 4 4 4 « 4 4 4 W Inal Hunday w ith J>i. and Mm. Grugg i i Enormous V arn Business Done BY Bishop’s at Salem. Oregon LIABILITIES T o t a l_ ,_________________ _ ,75,:.u».is Monday even ing Ih rrt p as a visitor H T A T E OK O H K U O N , County o f Marhm ««. nl the Hinall home. I, J. I. t i r ay Moore, analiier o f the «la ive named bank,dooolemuly swear that lln e of the band mcniltcr* vaa very that the above statement ia true to (lie best of my know ledge and Ijelli f. lalu Mon,lay a veiling J. I. O K A Y M O O ItK , Cashier | lle n ry Harnett motored to Dalian COH II E T — Attest: C. A. Hear, It p. O rgy, Fred Oath, D irector«. | Hundny. Sub im bu ii aud sworn to before me tbla 0th day o f Ap ril, 1021. Mia. Clcrrnca M iller haa the “ flu ", It. D. Oray, N otary Public. ahe war tukru lunt Turnday. M y commission expires fu n e 60, 1023. <[««lierai I'MMcii^rr A re n i, l'uri linci, tjrrg n |i M *«*1 IN | the moat wonderful magasinr pttb- ilailed. ISO p * | o and 400 picture, every month, that will entertain every member of 0 * family. * ! « * • * • MnaaOiia H u a r c n , , ,rtt ‘ tea « I the lltanr. f «on Mi.«, an 1 Uttu • the nawral ilavelopmanta ia licito. A im Hot). Aututnulaila aiul lia ia « I a. I, tie,« ruatalna auatatkina to iiuriaat ¿»«»body. W» do m ample* laihaMuaunmlmora aa ron tatU M bo urenl |uaul*acot>e and you are not oUiaana* rAuiaalf in |ha |caai In aibi. a 1 « a freo aaatl lf , 'V i tv. a loll/^und a' lj*çri r «t liba U SUS Ml cas pus s fuer frery i «Mith (fura • ftnÿ hr 1 »•dealer pr ardii US nptàam- HW ior poc year. P o p u la r M e c h a n ic * C om pany H » i n a. ta w < la i n cuicaae. in_ K -X X Locals I oin ilrv -J--- '» < 1 1 ! ------ !.. A t Turner, in the Htate of Oregon, at the rlosu o f Inisitu,» A p ril id , IU23. FRESH r e s o rt*. Crater l.aku N a l'l I'a rk Oregon Cavea I ' asead» 3ft, tíntalos Cotai Hay 495 c o n io Ilio fi rat v a g r a n t t h o u g h t * o f Sug|c»tioiii National Kilunil ittioli Association of Hail Fraudarti tlm ■ I. The Turner State [tank Fine hine of Hut Fruinea 291 N. Com m ercial St f UKI'Or.T OF TH E CONDITION OF X 2 M r*. Una H am ilton returm d home J log a nicctliig at liallston, M. t ’ . l’ear, through I urner, then its ' w ho |s g. "C laren ce” made Ills appearrticv. (Jay 4 Htaylon here T h o follow in g figures g ive the j^ jp mcnt 0f package* o f considerable »m i ll last Thursday w hich the afour calne In Tuasduy lo look up hi* Itifh Fred 8cbl(Terer »m l fam ily have Huy homemade candy from the »aid gentlemen secured from the Handy M ay 11— A o m a v ille here uumN r o f constituencies o f the great vmj u^ Rl in ffi HI Hohonl eredila. moved on there farm they recently pretty (¡Iris when "Clsrance1' conics. W e also have other gsmea w ilh j bodies. j , . -e------------ river near I'ortU nd. Our local meal 'Clarencv' w ill m nkehi« llr«t apppx:- Dallas, O ervale, e tc , w hich w ill t e , Protestant, 78,118,481; Rom an Cath, "Clarence" la n real treat; fellow» innrkrt registered Very low sales ou bought of F. A \Vv«>d, Geo. VaiiHantcn »n d w ife visited played on up till June 1st. anco In Turner oo A p rii 27. at H '« | , (,k,. y o 4 r la si lady frkn'd. olic, 18,104,804; Jews, 1,600,000; L a t t e r 1 ^ A r1 c< that day, a few aoup hones only lielng Iilgli ssliiHil am liloriiini. fio n 't mlei*' W e w ill have goial weather, good Ray Saint* ( Mormons), 804,0.«2; Ea»t l\ 6 c lG 111© i\ 0 .S % puchaaed w hich caused the proprietor Hunday w ith relatives In I‘olk County. eceing bini. Jack Miller wnsln Hulem Saturday. games and good crowd* If every body rrn Orthodox (Greek aud ltussiani, to mix hla Kngliali language regarding - L M. 488,054. T h e new tinge aeltlng «vili ho bere turns out to n lu. ihe n»h trnnsaetloii. ing reffular hours of busineSaS ©very day of the week. SALEM, CL0VERDALE ORE. Raise Insured Valuation of Mail t f i Church Growth fligh School Notes (of live Hopho^or«' plny. Base Ball