I). I I . M O S H E R WEBB & CLOUGH CO. Funeral Directors FAMOUS JERSEYS HERk K t i J o « « » » Farm B o n ti Bad of Por»bred Amptala Meadow-view Jersey Farm, at Tur­ ner, Marion county, is the home o f * ¿he famous Tid.llelywinlt’s Noble * family Likjf other students of g«ne- H.ij'i* aiiotl.gr gat loud of J ology, it is proud o f its “ family tree .’* that H igh Grade I..and I’ l.aa. * Yiddledywink's Noble's sire »a s the illustrious Nobles o f Oaklands, »hose tgr t...» ready fur ijg jiv rrv - j sons and daughters are writing pres­ This w ilj Ue ihe fart oar this * ent day history in the Jersey world. year a;jd is over half sold, so I Very, very fed- o f his daughters ever .“ had a chancy" because th«*ir owner- * | laec yf»)|r orders ,jj|ick. were not ambitious for register o f J merit records, not because they could * ♦ not have qualified, if they had been i put on tests. Ilis son. Golden Fern’s * H ave y.ir.u' r.irc A lfalfa Noble, is a recent gold medal sin , * * so no» Noble o f Oaklands boast« of ♦ H ay apff also fopte go.»! * being the only imported Jersey sir, * Cheat 11 • v . .with two gold medal sons. * Tiddledywink’s Noble’s dam is the greatest daughter of Gamboge Knight, who, T. S. Cooper says, is one o f the best sires ever imported One o f his sons is the great Oxford You'll Do, a gold medal sire. Knight Pad a very short career at WRity Carry all the leading m ixed Horse Farms, I’aola, Pa, but the sprays ami at?» l ime for daughters he left were o f excellent spraying and sulphur, I lue- Jersey type and rich testers. The pity stone, black leaf 40, etc. is there was little testing dor.e at White Horse farm. This great fow *« was grand champion at the national * ♦ dairy show in 1912 and made a regis­ * ter o f merit test o f 655 pounds of butterfat althought she spent two « months on the show circuit- She is .01 State St. * A t'hone 1(50 still breeding at the ripe age o f IS ♦ years. She has the distinction o f be­ ♦ ing the only imported cow having two * * * * * * * * * * 1 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * silver medal sons. Tiddledywink's Noble’s daughters Rave been champions on both coasts gnd as a dairy hen! < five daughters I have never be^n defeated in the show ring. Besides they are able to (F’arm notes from OAC Exp. Sta. t Blossom blight fungus that oftpn iqueltfy for gold and silver medals These medal daughters have had § attacks cherries, apricots and »omj unique career, having been bom gnd varieties o f pears in Western Omgon raise 1 in the beautiful Conecticutt m»-v ** «upprosse.l by spraying bc- River valley in Connecticutt and Ut'- fore *>l*»oniing. The most effective shipped to the Willamette valley tim< “ i U3’ “ the ftrst »> ossoms are ir. Oregon. These rows were all op^nin^ but where attacks a b a u heavy in calf when shipped, but in a previous spray just as soon as win ¿spite of their journey, suffered no tgr bu« scale peels off will help. The ill effects but comir.cacud on arrival use of Bordeaux 4-4-50 with casein at Meadow View farm, a year's test spremdar is recomnignd,-d. Liir.e-suj- which ended in making their sire a phur (1-30 liquid) can be used, but silver medal a- imal. Last year three is not quitg so effective. Dead sp-jj-j pf them mane gold medals, givi. c and t»i^ s should be pruned out .,nd their sire the additional distinction ntummies ruinpvfd. Thorough o f being both a silver and a gojd C0VSr*n* ai* fevd» and twi^j is an medal sire. " ‘ ‘ es*ential to suc<» ,s- All these daughters are young and ________ ______ Will probably increase their record« . . . as time goes by.— Oregon Statesman p r Q C I c H Y l c l t i O n Land Plaster Reliable Survive. SUM M ON« IN TH F CIltOUIT COURT c l ’ THF STA TK U i OREGON. FV>. M AI» High Claus HIN COUNTY. Dennrtment Nu. 2 II, I.. Stci 'es und W W. Moore, nlaintiffa, va. William I lluvlc.l i hat I « . \\ Boy le . tlannnh K in j um; llcnn t’ldldcm; l.uura Huiinqn • la ilo r iiiK * und I I.. Hannoii, her luubunj. S A L E-fif Fiank Mct’oriiaak. und Frank !l *.4 Court HI. Mct’ortiack, gimrdmn o f fhc pvrauli und the ('state of Frank Mct'or nick, defemlnnt». To the dafandanta l-aura Hunnun and I L lti l.tfdie's und (ients Lady A ssista n t We Ruy » Sell ’2('.*i So. C l.u rc l) S I — 11 ay or N ig jt l 1‘ lionj? l i t ) w Salem « IN Ì H k ' n AMF OF THF STATI» Ä,,‘ * l * 'l * * ‘ r 1,11 ' " “ k r» ol TypCy OF ORFifiON, \ou and each of you writsi». re hereby rpquirgd rpijmiyd to uppear uppeur and ami 1 ure anawer naiver thy compiami complaint o f ilio plaintiff» led ¿gamut you In the above entitled Ale. ut un nr before Hip date of the last auit . puhlidutlqn of tl.ià aummuna and within six wunka front Ht» date o f the W o lia v * the njost co m p lo te lin e q f S p o rtin g G oods first publication kgrvof, and if you full to so uns» or. for want thereof in S alem I ’ d : no in qnd look o v e r th e sto.'k tlm plaintiffs will apply to the above entitled Court for the rplief prayed ANDERSOfM & B R O W N Tor (n their complaint, to »dt, a de- grpe that Vfb* and eueh o f you be re- Idò South C om m ercial St. Salem. Oregon uuirgd to àat forth the nature and J o o o o o o o o Q q ú Q ú a p o o a o o o o c a p o o o o o c io q o o o o o o o o _> o o o o o o o o o o character o f your respective claims -•**«-*•**«•*» , v a * * * * » » * » *•*■** 4 * * * * * , ' 4» in mid to the real property described * us l ot ong (1 ) gnd tilg North half of Ileo F’. Ho» ley, G w lier. C all and See {.** fpr t ot t » o 12) in Block thirty-three F. 1*. Ho» ley, Editor and Manager 1113) of the City o f Salem, Murlou 1 County, Oregon, according to the re­ * Is»grJ Kiery Thursday «t Turner, corded plat thereof in the office o f the * M uid» County, Osug.-u County lUcorder for said County and State, that all adverse daun» tu be * O u r prices uro tj)p lutyost in kialetti. ¿ I ’ H Si J H I T I O N * U - l l* k B Y E A R d e le r m lr c U b y »aid decree, and that determined by * Entered tt tRe Poetffft ,ce at Tqr>*r' you and each of you be adjudged t * O u r K u rijjtu ro st.n k i i £ORi|>letp. Qrgfqn, «» l-'OOud via«» ntatttr, u.,4«> to have no claim, rig}»*• title, lll-n, * th« Art of March 3, 1479. interest or «¿‘ tali; in hr to -uid real * O u r p rices w ill nienti a s a v jn g to you. . property or uny part thuiaof and t|»nt * ., i ,, you be forever enjoined and barred W Fovt-ale Household gmyl». t . J| u.,Mrtluv; uny claim In or to tlu, « * HoblniQii, ll«ix 213 1 tirurr, Orr. c. f. -*•* • limer, »tie. ». i. »nme »ame ntlvcnir adverse to th* tne plaintiff*» plaintiffs, »no stnl i * (liv e thi* T ill,une credit for »h u t «h«»' l’|amtiff, be decreed to le the in advertisers. owners u* fae simply o f_ «aid real Î 271 N o rth P qjh piorei;»! Jj;. SALE M , OKE. you buy from .Uvertlaers, p r o ^ r t y A .il that p|a’i..ti|?s be grant --------- — in. . . . ed such other relief na npp|-ura tq «• a *******«-»***************# ******** * • »* «-* • * »• «* * ----------------------- aaid Court to be just and i ijiiituld» : — ».— -, — - — uanta to Income a lutihl-Mlllonare \ou ure further uotihcd that this t ! (I t ‘ Q > |) O H | I H at tl.^j rx|»rniK‘ and drlrhnvtil of tlif aummona m aarv^l upon you bypub- tiianv. and t)i« v frt'in aut'« «>»ful ii|> !,Ctt^,on tlicrvof in thu Turner Trjb Notts Direct Fr»iq the I ’eople. , ,, „ / \ 1 unt, u m*\vai>Ap^r o f Lt*nL-rul crcuU* |lon prtntetl Mtu| „ uh|i5hf..l In Turnrr, This column Isqpr|| toall pur read­ •ml oljerilon from ll>* pri*a. N«>vv on«» of I lit*»' tliln »« ia% Aa 1 Con- Clarion Count), Orr^ m, fo» at* auc» ers, provided the urti, 1rs are »>gncd. i« our fortati WKietber \ • »1 » a ii> wc^k*. «omntoncin^ with t».f j THF H AND W RITING ON THE gree with me or not. If j„ u live long '« u - of March 22 I DM. and en.linj, oooqoq^aoqsau Q ooaoú O ú ooooooooooooooou oooooooooooooooc MAY A T M E L E T IC Spray Material GOODS - I THE TURNER TRIBUNE . < ¡nur.m ir r i! M a ch in es rriite il ut , .. ' ( •* -k" ' ‘*f th roe m onths, | 1 A g e n ts lls in n iiiiig to n S im u l­ im i tut.I 1‘ortu h lo K x p e rls o rv io o . 1 ' - ! N ç w a n d S ec m « l ilted Htatv |k |«|brrty Hi a. # MAI.K|| • nou« 1' )''d» k'1» 1 VC » HI be l „ , u#nt to U)e oriUr J thr Hon. Vl n y til* aanie condltton a» »nine of our |( K. lly. Circuit Judge of Marion • at. rn «let.•» are In and even worse County. Orjqron, which ol l»r » » » because » a can not g .* « .»t and IlmJ dat,Ml Marfli_2 l.__lt.23 MITH A .stilisi DS. ni .re. a» they were aide to .In, and do 403 Salem Bank of Commerce. Sa­ know, it ha. <>uly been a short time lem. U lric a , Attorns)» for Plain rulnuT Chiropractor* tiffs. ago »lie n Mh-higau « a . ri-ci’gnigc.l a» l'Ilice Pilone our hqqqrr luiuls r atnle ami to-day NOTICB OF H B A R IN tl OF F IN A L ¿14 41.1 0. 8. Hank what la It? Tlu-ae same Syndicat.s ACCOUNT have •’Se|M-d’’ It oiT atnl Him uiovisl N oti»» ia aerghy giv^n that the Salem. Oregon west and they are right at »ur d.«>r |o- iim «| account of D^nty IV Uolxn^n, [5 \ day Uy tbr c c iim nt of our N'lmton mid administratrix o f the v*tat* o f Mr*, lie. MH J rfp r w u lftljv r i rca|iiti£ tlw harvest j >’dla tranc«*-1 « Sturkin, dnevaje«!» has Pln-n. (4U from the people not only in Oregon, bagn filed in the County Court of Maiioq County. Oregon, and that th« pR O a O LSO N but, »U*», lo Wnflilngton ami ( ttlifnr- STfVlaV^of Apr.T. l^KiS» *iit lhe~*houI f i t K T fS r * !*• Now it is not the luiiki«cr lin y of t»»n o'clock A.Si. thereof lias been paini, r* {fxliuctli.n » f Trrib by cut and arlunly use but what they duly appointed by such Court as thr ki> rye U!:-< king nr Xllrupv Oaitls destroy and waste Is an much more, lima fur the hearing o f objoction» final account ami the -.<■ t ! IH tlmt wliat they save is a m *,:%I1 item Hi MALFAI n)unt thereof. All persons iiiterest.-l Mnantil,- Trp.|dr and the heat pro n# «»f thi« ia to go to In said estate are hgrr.by required ly •nine «»f tiieae larg«* logging c:uiip« and appear in said Court lit said time ami U N an-l -lui» eatia.» if . » y th .) 116,080 FORDS FOR FEBRUARY and sac ¿tie true condition« and then piare \ V H E H E A 8 ,-«l.e preservali. n ))f " 'i f ............................... j ,n *Pite o i « f l f f s it has been vo, why said final » c o u r t »buuld Shortest Month Brines New Sales look nt t he harron urn a in the eastern have, not I allowed and approvstl by said our f.-r.fi«: FVd< ral.tilale. qml private, 3 0 5 S T A T K S t . - S A L E M ^ ^ 0 r i* 0n g e n e r a l D u n kin g Itusinca« - Record' Electric railway, which has openetPup ''« '< • snd « mulrr « list will b»p|»-n i OourtT is esM-litisI to ogr ilidptftrisl nn.l uoin DETROIT, Mich. — With 116.0SO lit r». It Is trill-ars h .vc men u iinsr DAISY D. ROBINSON, Intpi-r-t Paid on Time Deposit« much territory'in the Willamettg val­ duly It is In l.-.-k ofl. r Ibis liu«iin-«s Administratrix uf th* tostate of M m Ford cars sold at retail in February nieycial l,.e. to our «(rergtli a» a na ley, will have to discontinue opera­ an-l Saving Account« rgni. p. r«are nfttrv u 1 >.ua France u new record for the shortest rr.ont!) lion, and (o our individual wtH-bting- tion unless relief is afforded by bill, « here art-thev;- fPin snme , . Hraxipr t-. Small, Salem, Oreg-.n, Cor. S t»!. A lybsrty Strssts aqd in the year has been established. Feb­ «ellln gtip |».IH|,-al »tak,» fur 1UJ4, ; Att’orn, y for Admi.ustratrl . shippers. W H E R E A S ,— forest fjies, whi.-li 3 A I.' 1 OREGON ruary sales exceed Ihosp of January An apple-grower o f Hood River with llir»e symllcatgs, f.>r a u r» n. ,1 p e largely the result of eart-it»siiint at U 8. A itn y Munson l:v t th.ies, received than the freight bill amount­ ng.-, nt l.wsl it ,-ut» tl.e largest Inc«. It CLOSURE. This sales record bears out pre­ ed to! What is the main cause o f , , , . . , NOTICI» IS HEKHBY GIVEN, \Vai| Paper, Paints and pening o f the which * ' ey " ' ,l »erve the »ires 5 j to IJ wh(ch v,«? the « o lir e . dictions made at the opening condition ? ' ' I» locate.! In Hqruta.lt i>... t «lif. It 14 w„ t by virt(^ of on , xecut,on ,lul) age in Ford " ‘•tioiD »»»«H ifp e »ftim ber , « ri,lUi ito c k qf q « c o f the largest t year that acute shortage The answer is freight-bearing mot- '* ' f 11" 1» ' " 1 'bat this ...ill -I- 4’ m y» issu» 1 out of the Circuit Court, o» Picture Framini? cars is certain ?nd this is which use highways parai- ,nor* w«>ff vach day, at the m ill lt,»r, the Statu o f Orsgon, for the County I4A Court l|t. is shortage H pr,,4ÄUo« * “ 4 U*. 8. (governm ent «b o e c n tra c to rs . or t trucks . ________ ___________________ Caiem. Or« » »• •« 1 fits- ml y of 1 'ur. L .» tla/a l»<,»»i.l m u - I. a I 1. of Marion and to me directed on Ih» pxpected to be felt within the next v~/,1 V ! I n i » shoe is g q a ra p p d lp n e liuti- Ifhng railroads, tearing up the roads 'b« oily of F.im La uat» I m -»I.I • « ’ b a il­ ldth day o f April, 1*23, upon « two months with the increased vo|- ' 1! ~ q a 1.,b»yrv."- ed p rom t sqlid 1-atÌ.er, color “ n UP pub,ic hiKhl hlg saierirs s« 1 Ulcer« in (lie n iinpjtiy uauti'oti I am commanded to sell th* mand for Ford products. property in said execution ami here- W^rtd* iffgirii M r I; Uro^cr. Urn«« N«4r*^ H A H D IN 'P , president nf the t ’ niled on d e liv e ry pr send inoney order. _r„ , , pay t-lg sulrrie» to the b"»s»-« mid fr.-n. Anticipating a grf-at increasg in Inaltur described to pay Uw »um du« Mtutes. do urge upon the Goycoors of n . i , , Raffroads are the arteries o f com- !irm,|l .||| pul »b»ra h.l> |, .he demand fo r Fori! cars during thr, t t II 3ii«»PS aft? ijot j *3 represented we nierce &n ‘7 'b f-ndant. and all a|-proj)riate (xercis*« and | r-grains (lirnu^li tl»v;ir r* uulnr i I miiiih 'I r puriion^ claiiiiinx un«l<*r th« m ru I irc - weather condition in many sections H9 MA pO,NT^ ^ and. they need tlw freight now car- -r ,, . . . , .. stiff by put.lijh; g liiforinatioii , » r- (U dlyl.lcml. Now th‘’ >•«*« o f «xecution of (Home D monstratton DepL o f OAC •„ tempora transportation fo • r I. ti.« nevi Dr. L. T- Dick ...... . , . plaintilr s mortgaKu in. o f nntl tu «ani »„«: a . j i . faili-ug to Is • waste fr.int f»).i-»t fires w ," .ay Ibis la (he .miu.try o f tbe e„- pr^mÌM1 hereinh.Tor* mantioned and Extension 8crvico) truck company vehicles. £hinese Medicine Co, ^ , » . 1 P. J e", a *0.1 »s y g of pcvt»tin g ,up!i l-e-os, in Lat wisely and liv* |onger. Some- There ar, run, 3,Jc| th roa(| llfltry, tl.yt. protecl It li.pisce nf .11»- descrihed in sai.l executior. as follo»», W“ ,P* rt‘CU‘arl7 l ryc throughout the or, , „ lh3\ ou'r f, tgets may I * conser tenyl.ig tt. The yary laimr.-r who I* to-wit: northwest, the northern tiyr o f statfs one has satd: Tl.e _ greatyst causes between Seaside and Cannon ■ i • „ ¿i , t , ' . . . ----r r v .1 for t ie Ines'iinaldeseri iceof mnu- Herbs, flowers, buds, leaves, stalky o f disea*) and death are food and ^ y , ' " ^ where s.slstlng In Ibis dlstrucllon « i l i fol.l „ Lot numlmrad thirty-six (36 ) o f and in New England. In California, ¿ y ' Utvtrview suh.hvision In Marion root» and harks, to Cur* any km.wry drink. Are you eat.ng to l.ve or truckj perform too, cold »c ith e r during a part of ......... ............. a „ valuable _____ _ ''»s »rin « ami l.e.k back over tl.e co- County, Oregon, according to the re­ service; the month had its effpet upon car • N u l TN F-S.-» \\ f| I-.R l.O f, I have to dig? but outside Of such existing condì- » " ‘ *r •!•<* what I,.« happened cord.-.f nlat thereof o f record in the dltf as*. 5a|t.; ‘ heretiuln set uty hand quff ..susrff the Do not *P*od at m*al time,; eat tions tjons tlipv t^ y rr**' create harm ♦ . k *(i*T it I« too iMe, and now, a* I ofnca o f th*, K*»corti#*r o f Convt’yanc- (<> stqrt with1 the presa Is the one to *-* for said Marlon County, Oregon ; ° P * n •Sui,,l»y Mornlnif« 10 to 12 Yet with even there unfavorable ’c“ 1 llMf 1 to lw >-(r x. d. slowly and get the benefits o f the Henry Ford does tremendous bus­ jruari- sales sales topped topred . H >oe at Il.e ( of Washington this scenery. conditions, the February take the stand and get the facte »..tl H«cribi,‘i rtri^ o fT a ^ d . r é s e ^ e T fo í < 53 S. High St. S a lem , Ç r v iness in automobiles and sells thy-m When you are hungry between nailer« of ihr tri\* condition and put road-way purpogoii, To-wit: M. icin- those o f January by 15 percent lhc J ’ ar " f our reent and * h d * T ° ( t*Hf>NF. 283 extremely cheap. Suppose he madf tlicm l^fttrc Ih « iienple ami kepp llietn ninir nt th»* NorthwMit corner of Haiti set a new high record for m aiu-v.i i- T nnter ' L >rd one tlmusand iiti.c l.undrt d mid meals “ eat” a glass o f watqr. only 600 cars a year, what would I went)--three, nnd <-f the Ii.d.peu- there. Kow it it not )n%t a l»«tpm,n to thirty-n»x y- (.Td) in l4ivj»rviow sub- Do you need an iron tonip? fcat selling. they then rost? The way to |ower division in Marion County, Urttifon. dene • of the United Slut- s <-f A tne. ica t tm t tliinx*^ ft r#- nn uri'«dtlrd » « m .t tiioy divmion • •« ............ . - • •LÎ...V With February the 11th month in In T. 8, S. R. IW , o f the Willamette rates is to make it possible for th), are, hut it is n true condition o f fuel. Meridian, in said Marion County, Or- which Fcrtl car sales havp gonp ov^r The one hundred am. f, fly ;sev< nt(i F. B R E IT H A U P T railroad companies to reduce their X^y the President: thnl brm.glit it hen- noff more tl.nn vgon; thence S. 61 degrees 45’ K. the 100,0(10 mark, th« tota, /or thi.« 123 N. Libert* Street rates and not attempt to stranglc- one of Il.i-tn, too. Just remember n * ’0 chains along the North Line of L H A j i K ^ f . HUGHES period is close to 1,250,000 cars. them by ignoring the hand-writfhg Secretary of State. I Peak car sales usually arc reached! FLORIST on the wall.— Joseph Patterson .— .ingle lit.», link linked with snmhyr r ^ u l h o r i T d t t n ’ u ^ u f ^ t h i " ill He UP the l*rge«t v .»o l art-.nt, , County Itoa.l ut mi angle on the ¡luring the summer months with, _____ Yaquina Bay New*. why, then, allow these little destroyers South line o f sai.l t.ot Thirty-six drops in the fall and wint«». This ; Phon* ifi() to ti.-up the in.It.stri.s of the whole F-F®)» said roadway to be forty (40) feature of automobile absorption by Method, .nd V.lue of G.rd.n Brood Turner 'i’libune - feet in width, being twenty (2 0 ) feet B AI KM qaliop the ouytng public has has completely- completely * c. , t. — OREGON Man T - Prone to Bslk at _ „ , on either side o f tne above describe.) Mr. Kditor* It to rtiç thçre i ------ - 'X tours lleapeetfuly APRI^» 9 yhange l during the jast few months are •'» f**w tl»\nx» yon netv^paner mep Eating Plant Food YUH wr-itH.^ I. I,. K. I Ssid sain being made subject to through the activiti«s of the F’ord F o f (Ltotl Noodles See ’ i 1 aliould kat'p ÌM*fore tlu* neooly contili to Aeaier organiwtion »hick has raised Polnti on growing vegetable, end s n r . T : , ^ T p iA H O M t m r B K R O U ). r,y‘r w . tlon in ,he mann' r provide R0WF»R «tutes and that, J »»« (I, Istl.qt t^* t on in t year. stier.L'th aiet, were featured in the in •tnrafr* for imincdiat^ Willj^iv«*, .Sheriff o f Marion County. (Jrc*K' Oregon A PIU L (0 natural reso..rue» of .(.« copnlçy I«.- first extension radio program cent out By GEO. J BOHRE n, ò< fputy yamy tern.« tq r.-»pu«,il,|e Impie. For Pcich leaf cur) earmot fc* control- inMonday night, March 2«. The pro- W c v r t h i » oh — Fear (Re Lord,anff Ing go.bbled up and U.^truyttl by tl.e i * 1" '**. I Liberty 8t. Saleu led this late in the reason, as the liminary announcement o f the'pur- '" .v e h.m ... truth; for eon.lder how .-.stem v ^ l t a l U . and many o f , hep. l-rMpul-r- »nd . . . where ,. » ..« ean trouble ii too far advanced to pre-- pores and character o f this new ser- “ “ T .o * . ‘,0" * fm ^ Torelgnem w ho sre ...illfp i,.,,. abd lI? " ' -,'n’ * ' dr" " ’ * ' W l" vent damage. The application o f vice to farmers and other rural citi- .( -naiqu l*,_ . ..¡i^lti-inil lions res atijj ll.c yr.» » , i t . ! (...«♦, ar m. dmiirahl« forms were giv*n. Spinach United States Nalirnal Rank A>’Hit, 11 Bordeaux spray fi-6-50 in Dycemby zene of Oregon were broadcast by ; by qi.ff d,)es not say one word, Using the green v « k «U)>I cs to sup wa* flr*t protective qualities. A General Bnulcing Husinesg or January results in complete' con- Paul V Maris, director. n a & . f i B M A L L — £.»r tl.e t y c « of tl.e anff tbe people dont re^llje what Is ! piy iime> iron’ and other mineral salts l,ule good-natured fun was poked a t 1 Tn t„ r t 7 . , tu" *'< ami ad (lie ' lr 1 N' s T t l V ’ Tllf»V il.s if Hllll ft UH H I ’ f l I 1 1 I i Vi M 1 .1 \V ft *- 1 . i t. u I *... «1 1____l.. _ l l _ ..la L____ _ _ I _t__ - f » - ----- --- Uon alcng with some entertainment planning and growing the garden un-1 T,,K w * # eysT a i k f f l t e y *,t> h t j “ •••4 r. prisenioliv.s ut Wasbioglnt. the invaluable vitamines nnd nlso feature: will be broadcast from th, der Oregon conditions, foiloweff. The " » I t upon Hie Lord »l.all renew their » r« doing with tl.e lurriff, which a supply necessary bulk and succu- ccllcgc station by extension and oth- any kind o f greens except poison ivy.' »rrcngib; they shall mount up will, j mounts to apout a* much n» pouring lence. Lists of vegetables carrying f r staff member« till further notic*. greens, spinach, chard, kale— almost i * '" ff" vagi-s; they »nail run anil | " » t e r un aduuk» back . x n p t to pro-i these protectlvo foods In large amf C ija rx and Toliacr^ m.t tw weary and they «hall walk , » « ft one nf thy above f.-lb.ws who j TURNER, ork u o s ^ *a1 not Glut. — (slab 46;30, D r ii, S c o tt a m i S c o fie ld S U IT S P A IR PANTS S2 S SHIRTS F 0 I| Well Dressed M^n E D q r^ S T ifllN concur Salevfi Uaiik Uf Commcrcg P u b lic Sales j $ 50.00 R EW AR D U. N, Gragg Physician and Surgía BIN SIN BEST CHINESE DISHES ■ I Read The Ads. MILLER'S CONFECTIONER!)