OREGON IN V IT E S TH E W O RLD Cs 1925 ,M © OFFERS A M A R K E T FOR YO U R PROD UCE PORTLAND T l l Î ^ p h ' o V S p l a v • Completo O uuur* 8atu n i*y . Adult*. Matin*«. 2tY: c. Coabnuoui 1 to 11 p. m. ChiUran 10 c m ta all tarn«*. v a u o îv T T C A M X? m W a te rp ro o fe d v v — C XL « E J J L J M E O WÜ1 m a k i S II o e G ra n a ria « , B a M m a n ta, » t o . U at ar - p ro o f. H o tp ro o f. R a t p r o . f a n d K l t u ' u v f M a d u a a W * t « r p r o o f e d W h l ta l 'o r t .a n d C « r . r n t » N th t best for Stucco l'is .ie r on outsU# for Hm |*- lom* — D o « « n o t a t a in a n d d lr t osa l a ho*ed off. W rit* for U taratu ra. Soid by A M .M U 1 A S A CO . r « * t Ankanjf StraaV Com m SacvMvl. T H EM STITC H IN G AND P I EATIN G D u tto r .h o 'in « — B u t t o n * — 1 'la ittn « — T u c k I n f a n d C h * i n a t !t c h l n g AU 'N<*tl M all O ta r rd d e a r r» « g i\ iv e * n c a r e f u l And end p „ r o m p t a t te n t i o n E L I T E S H O P . 12 S j T e n th n e a r ' Waahi ington. BABS BETTER ROADS RESTAURANT jS g à tt STANDARDIZE BRIDGE DESIGN KILL NUISANCES WITH WAR GASES HESSIAN FLY HARMS WINTER WHEAT CROP Infestation Regarded as Worst In Many Years. Deadly Fumes Being Tried to De­ stroy Noxious Birds, Ani­ mals and Insects. No Sound Reason (or Amount of Va­ riation In Specification* T hat Now Whoro P araaita Is P rsssn t In L args E xist In Building. Numbers Crop Should Be Plowed Under, * * It W ill Not Amount ir*r*p*r#4 hjr th* \' mh *»I Stata* rvpartment •f A sn o u ltu i» > to Anything. m t t r Mitii»iarvU/atu»n o f pruotlcv . ‘ fl 1 tlu* tit*si»rn and ommtruif lon of hlxti*1 iU V bridge» 1* urgv'd t»v thè bureau of ... , , publtc ronda o f th è l ntted Stato« tv * j partment o f Agriculture. It Is be­ lieved tlist there Is no sound n tW D I for the «mount o f Mtrlatlon in specttl- cations that no» exists snd that It I result* In greater o s t o f bridge*, sta te , officials tak e the satuc view as the bu­ reau and a com m ittee composed of bridge engineer» has been appointed by the American JV»octa|li>n of State Highway Officials to consider the mat I tor. A Manual o f P ra ctice " Is heing i prepared which will represent the best thought on the su bject and which It is believed » ill be accepted by all the state highway departments. Not only » i ll the adoption o f sueh a man­ ual lead to the building o f bridges of good design, but It will also m ake pos­ sible a saving in money, a s bridge companies will not be called upon to meet so much variation In design. A prevalence of H essian fly Is re­ ported m winter wheat a « lions and. Judging from sumplss received from many areas, the Infestation It the worst for aererai year» F a v o ra b le clim atic conditions, con pled w ith an absence of a parasita that ordluarlly destroys the larvae of the lle sa la n fly and too early planting of the wheat last fall. U the .atuse of the outbreak H here » heat was sown early It needs to Ite carefully exam ined fo r tra ce * o f the fly. Signs of t h e Í a t esta I Kill m a y b e d e ­ t e c t e d b y e x a m i n i n g the w h e a t fie ld SOME PROMISE TO BE USEFUL I . Migratory Blackbirds Do Damage Amounting to Thousands of Dol­ lars In Imporla! Valloy of Cal­ ifornia— Injur« Milo Crop. ( l - r * p * r » J S r t h . t'n ll* .t s t . i . . I N p e r l t s .s t »1 A st to u tte r» » I N D I A OR TIRES AT L E S S TH A N W H O L E S A L E 30&3 Non-Skid Fabric .............IH.75Ì .10x3 J y Non-Skid Kubric .......... 19.50 J IVttdly gases that were developed NEW, FRESH STIK'K JF S T RECEIVED for war puri»>ses are how Itelitg tried From Akron, Ohio ou, |,y (j,,, L ulled S la te s Itvpurtiueot ha»t Pricaa for WOOL. MOHAIR. of Agriculture us a uieuus for destroy­ IT«. PM T l CASCARA R A K E 30x3^ Clincher W rite for P n ca * and Ship* ui« Ta«« Alitirea* rwi>artmant U ing noxious bird*, anim als, ami Insects. Non-Skid C o rd ........... Some o f them promts«- to be useful 31x4 **SS” Non-Skid when applied under proper conditions, R e c e i v i n g S e t* . c c m p ';* t e w ith p h o n e « a n d « I r a $50.00» particularly those that are h«u»vler A v e r a g e K ar \g* 4u0 m ile s of bt i a d i a s t i r * S itu pi« to Iord «••••««,,, o p e r a t e . w ith c o o p l « t e i n s tr u c t io n * . than air and can he used on burrowing A . F . B r o d t C o ., 2 *5 G ra n d A v « ., P o r t la n d , O r« . 33x4 “S S - Non-Skid rodents, and possibly subterrnm-au hi C o r d .............................. sects and peats tu stored products. Kill D estructive Birds. 33x1 “SS” Non-Skid . . . The most rvcent pro|uw«| 1* to use C o r d .............................. firm- WOOD-LA R K * gas to kill destructive bird* that con 33x 1C, “SS” Non-Skid gregato In m utates. In the coming fall the biological survey. In co opera C o r d .............................. . P R IC E S : ttou with the chem ical w arfare serv­ INFORMATION HARD TO GAIN 34x4^ ”SS” Non-Skid Quart. TV: kalf ice. Is planning to make a trial of the «•n..* ti 25« EXPERT method on blackbirds hi the'Iui|>vrt*l C o r d .............................. . S ta tistics Concerning Roads of Differ­ «m Uoa.IL«*. valley of C alifornia. In Hist region 33x3 ”SS” Non-Skid ent S ta tes in Some Caeee Not & Ordar f r o m these hints are said to do at least $-V).- E asily Obtained. yvHir daaiar. If ( ord O U O worth of damage to the lullo crop he hasn't it. , EXCELLENT SERVICE -------- we’ll send jro« eai'h year Hecnuse of their f«*edtng 34x3 “SS” Non-Skid By r * rc c i Poet Ketum Postage Phfci. W rit* for * «mllon. ch ar««* paid, for AL^v.. i ‘o * t** * u a m p i t Prep* red by th«* I'nlrerf St*te* rWnarrmcnt of À «rtc a l tur* i hshtta It Is 'huposalhle to destm y these 1 0 ,0 0 0 - M U b Cbvufon and Price*. Cord .............................. ■ * i» ft ■ » /T ti/» /-'» i i iff j « /■* ^ Ith thn-dwn m s s l l ik e boffins are a t ­ lieves that these local hints will »ton F i r « P r o o f a n d M o d e rn now gathering com plete Information tache,! to the stulks. the fly Is prob- reach tlielr normal numbers ugnln. N E W H O U STO N H O TEL P A R K A N D M O R R IS O N S T S . ____ _ - regarding the road m ileage and ex- •bly present In the pupal or “flax T ry Qsa on Rodent*. A~ L h v . c v « k Mi TVrwt Monfecr. Cir: "r=ct t- I!<*«L ropafor see«!" stage. T h ese brown seeffilke W hit* Sp ots on Wood. Arrangem ents also are being made Price«. Center Shopping and Ikeater district. many of the «rau** much o f t h e In­ borlles can be found below the *u rfnre by the biological survey with the chem ­ f r o m N e w P u e to f f lc e , F o u r b .u v k s f r FRANK A. CLARK, h w . T h e white spot* le ft on the wood­ formerly with Cljrde Hotel. U i.io n L * e p o t P o r t .« a d . O ra . form ation (M ired Is easily obtainable o f the ground between the le a f slieath ical w arfure service tor Investigating from the state hidh\va\ departinHiit. and th e stem >yf the plant. W ithin a the possibility of using poison gases work a fte r it Is washed a re caused In the case o f I owr the fleures wore few w eeks small guatllke flies hateli on such burrowing rodents ns rats, by the use of snap which la too strong oblalnetl aiuioat iuimetliateiy. lu oilier out. laytug a tecond crop of eggs which prairie dogs, ground squirrels, and In cleanin g woodwork, use lukew arm cases It has been neee^aary to s « m *«1 result In the spring brood of flies. wuodchurk*. T e st* on pocket gophers | w ater and milk, soap suds or rlean ln g Set for $ 10 T h e H essian fly has four stages tn and ground squirrels hy these two co- >ut numerous questionnaires and some- Seed for full tufa Its life. T h e egg. the maggot, the PLEATINii SPECIAL n S Y d irt « ” rem r overs ™ • ” ~ * » " > S I K ..U K . . . H o w l , d i « E good MYERS BLACKWELL COMPANY i papal and the fly It la the mnggot. a Cut. aauxr. hem and machín* pleat akirt* ready «Ft H awthorne A w .. PO RTLAN D . O R E _____ P in k h a m » V c g c tx h le C om poun d for ba nd. 11.15. Old s * .r t* tLaitUM rapUatad. white, flnky worm, about on ^ flfth of JLJO. H*i-.»titwhir.«. E tc. Tha Influential Man. an Inch long, that does the dnmnge. KA5TK RN N O V E L T Y M F C . CO. Helps it This Trying Period S«1* F ifth St. Portfond O f I f th e plant survives the tlrst attack A fter a man by dint of living a v ir­ BRCilN G . A EL0ÍÑC A ^CUTTING ’ there I* a chance of considerable dam­ N o r th w e s t W e .d in g A S u p p ly C o h i l a t 8 t tuous and Induatrlous life h a i worked Sheboygan, W iaconalit— "1 was run age resulting from the second crop, CLEANING A N O D V E IN Q up to s position of a little Influence In down, tired and nervini*. I could not I which eat th e steins and cause the F o r re U a b l« C le a n in B a n d L o c a t e d S i x th a n d H o y t even d o m y o w n D y e in g » r v . a »en d p a r c e l« te the com m unity he ha* to use It all grain to lodge and lessens the grain housework, could not u s ,u$ e : . p a y r e t u r n p o s ta g « . S tric tly F ire p ro o f a n d M od em . N ear production. getting Jobs fo r soma of hi* friends I n f o r m a tio n a o d p r i c e * g iv e ! sleep a t night and b o th d e p o t» a n d c o n v e n ie n t c a r * e r v ic e u pon re q u e s t. W hent th at Is hadly Infested with all kinds o f q u e e r and getting oth ers out of trouble » Ith t o a ll p a r t s o f c it y . __ L N K E a C1TT DTE WORKS thoughts wouldcome the Hesstnn fly ought to be plowed un­ E s t a b li s h e d 188« I ’e r tu • ta T d ï the police court —O blo R íate Jo u rn al ' h * 4 ' to me. F i n a l l y I der. as It will not amount to anything F L O W E R S A r L 0 R A L D E S I G N IS S A jr ' * f - ;V , ' gave up going tn the Cla r k « B roe . F i o n a t * . i 87 M o rria o n SJt. as a crop and will only serve aa a Handicap of F sar. octor and a friend F O U N B r s AM O M A C H IN E W O R K S hatching ground fo r further crops C jo o irrU , . A M a d is o n Blackbirds Return to Sam * P isco Yoar told me o f l.vdla E. O ften some p arts of the yield only are T h e fe a r of many brings a snare 1 to 5 toR CMC, Republics, W hites, «tc. M o l u I a r bk r l jl l e u E I’m kham 's V egeta­ A fter Year, affected and the farm er may use Ids „ . . . . I* a co « a tra d * in a w m k m . Soma pay whila f o i w By halting In our duty and giving back b le C om pound. s « w lor dor Li»L i ing. Poait.or.g »acurwi. tN n ta fwr catajugufo Judgment as to turning under only u operating branches o f the government A fter the flrat bottle In tim e of tria l, our hands grow weak part o f th e flelffi WENTWORTH IRWIN, Inc., i n» , t. I could sleep b e tte r In California show that chlorine may er, our ears grow dull, so that when _________________ and 1 have kept on #W here volunteer seeding* o f last j he used with good results If bandied O - .g o n D is tr ib u to r * f o r C M C T r u c k * ' '¿Lto * - M ^ .1« ’s o rk % 200 S e c o n d S t .. C o r T a y l o r P o r t la n d . Oi P E R S O N A L _ I hsve token year's crop are detected containing properly. T h e chem ical w arfarv aerv- wo look a t the way of the righteous. Improving ever since. M a r r y If L o n e ly ; m o s t « -.icce a sfu l 'H o rn « M a k e r"; h u n d re d * r ic h ; c o n f i d e n t ia l ; H essian fly they should be plowed un- i l(-e usetl phosgene on rats In Porto It seem s aa though It was not for us. aw en 1».tries now and am aoh an oy that — I am all over these bad ie-lingo. -M ra . r e lia b le , y e a r « e x p e r t « n e e ; d a e c r tp u o o « der a t once. If there a re any suspl- j kico with promising results. Som e o f - J o h n W oolman i fre e . " T h e S u c c e e a f u l C lu b .” M re. N a s h , B u . vhkh . 1839 N. 3rd S tT S h cb o y g a n , i B o x 556. O a k la n d , C a lif o rn ia . clous signs of the p resence of the fly ) lflMe war gases will be compared with ^ —— — — Wisconsin. In th e fields the entom ologists urge | bisulphide fo r the killing of M aking a C em ent Floor Sm ooth. F,,r tho woman en terin g m iJdlo ago thut sam ples b e sent to the state en- woodchucks and other rodeuta In their __ . _ , _ .. | Lydia K. Pinkham a V egetable Cum • I touiologlst for exam ination. T o m ake a cem en t Boor sm ooth, p.'und r* „ be o f much bom-fit. During burrows. c o n d i t io » * e x c e p t Career l-r»P»rv * b * s h l p m r r t o f a r .y product. Entom ologists o f the department clean and dry tho floor and paint w ith this time o f life certain change# take p e"m au «U y w ir n - l W . W il, B * P i . a s . t f to T . n Y o u H ow The Brotherton-Berlin Road in Penn c u t a s u r g i c a l o p e r a tio n . W r i t e U e a t O n ce PLANS TO CONTROL EROSION have already worked In co-operation a c o a t o f w ater glass, about as th ick place which som etim e* develop Into aylvama. Showing How It Appeared with the W ar department In tearing a * heavy ayrup. Hot w ater and chem - j a01-'" 11* tfu M e . Before and A fter It W a t Improved : Gullies Cause of Considerable Loss by various gas*** on Insect peats o f grow­ Icals will remove this paint. . Melancholia nervouane*#. irrita b ility d e s t r o y in g it It U p a la - PO R T L A N D , O REG O N by a Concrete Road-Bed. headache and dizain-ea are Borne o f tho ing plants and those thnt Infest stored W ashing A «ay F ertile S o i l - rZ 2 d ‘ r|V S A N IT A R Y B E A U T Y P A R L O R ■ | symptom*. Lydia E. Bm kham 's Vege- ¥*•» ! " * b*.p In . .p p -.rS r.-S -,f » I U H grain, but It has not yet been found tim es the inform ation ha* been ob- j Ways to Reclaim . T he T raged y of A nkles. j tablo Compound Is a natural reatora- _ Jo ltd no S i l r f - r « « t r .a r f o r r r ^ . ndvHnhle to recommend anything to tained only n fter personal Ytslts. In w ith E u s in e e e o r s o c ia l * -n rm g e m e n u I U on* v a iu J 9 r} ? * 45. "D oro pointed a t tho women moving , « » l^ ia lly adapted to asxiat nature ♦v-j to 412 D ekurn B ld g T he gully Is one of the things thnt tak e the plnce of hydrocyanic-acid gas r g u u & a r ra a n t te e e a _________ cu re o r w _____________, ill re ¡fund fu n d y ____ o u r _____ fe e . , . . _ . in rurrvfnff y m MT*ty f*i*t th l* tlmi*. j one sta te l,bUU qaentIonnaires had to C x ll o r w r it« fo r b o o k le t. M e n tio n th is , S H O E R E P A I R I N G IN P O R T L A N D or carbon bisulphide. by them . B oem i In shoe cra ft, trag Why not glvo it a fa ir trial T be #»ent out to brDig in the needed keep rain from I -Ing an unmixed bless­ M od e l b hoe R e p a ir , 171 W a s n n - g i o n S L p a p e r w h e n w ritin g . The serious disadvantages o f many edles in ankles, and m elodram a* In ing to th e farm er. T h a t tt Is an In­ ! D a v is B r o s ., A m e ric a n S h u c m a k t r i figu res and In some it has he*»n found _______ To T all Cow’s Ago. that practically no records have been convenience ami rauotm dnmnge Is of these new gases I* th at they are leg*,' he announced.” — From " E r ie i /E T E R I N A R A N —C a t t l e a S p e c ¿ 't y Secon d and M orriaon S t* .. P o rtlan d , Ora, - I D r. C n as. M. A nderson, K e n to n . P o rtla n d . kept. F o r some o f the counties In New obvious, but In F arm ers' Bulletin 1214, dangerous or very Irritating to men. Dorn,” by B en Hecht. It Is m ore d ifficu lt to determ ine tha M exico qu estionnaire* had tu l»e trans­ “Gulllea— How to Control and It.-claim horses, and mule«, and require the use age of a row than a horse, say the lated Into Spanish before the road oftt- T hem ," hy C. K. Itam ser, Just Issued , of m asks nnd great ca re In handling. A ncient Su perstition. by the L'nltc-d Sta tes im part men t of livestock men s t the R isto ro lle « » at i cials could understand them. T h e ancien t Egyptians bolleved th at Ithaca, ,V. Y- T hey agree that som e ea- Agriculture, It I* shown ttmt loss Is HOT FORMALDEHYDE IS BEST produced In 10 different w ay*, and that epidem ic* were brought by flying aor tím ate of a cow 's a s s may be made Embellishments Pixy an Im portant '-olnred ratin e arifi polka dot im ­ BRIDGES ON IMPROVED ROADS the most Imp* riant Is the wnshlng Potato G rowers Interested In Method penta. In consequenco thuy paid great from lior tueth and horn*. T h e num- p art in the W ardrobe of All ! broidery In color. T hese little round away of fertile soil that can never be Because It Sav e* T im s and hom age to the Ibis, a bird which gavo j |„.r ,,f "„„m ial rings ' on the horns, c o lla ri a re distinctly sm art If ther Few Stru ctures Less Than 18 Feet Are returned. Well Dressed Women. Is Effective. useful serv ice by d estroying sn ak es. I plus two, for exam ple, usually gives Now Being Constructed, Say fram e fa ce s that are youthful, but the A fter dlacusslug the different types I Engineers. lir e * * accessories play an Increasing- line Is a try ing one for a woman wbuse the anim al's ego, but rem em bering that of gulllea und their eausea. the hulle- | Many M innesota potato grower» »re "H lg h Noon.” ly im portant part every season in a first yottth I* gone. the pairs of perm anent teeth com e tin, whlrh Is Illustrated with photo­ Interested In the hot form aldehyde well dressed woman's wardrobe. T h e ' A very tailored collar and cuff set 1 1**w highway bridges .vith a width graphs and drawings, goes on tc de- j "H igh noon" la exactly at 12 o'clock, nino muntha apart will help to verify method o f treatin g potato aped be­ sim plest suit or dress may be made | might be made o f linen, pique or ° f roadway less than 18 feet are now S> rlbe In detail method* o f controlling en use It saves tim e. Is less poisonous o r apparent noon, as distinguished It. sm art and distinctive If the right ac- ratine, bound with a lighter weight being constructed on Improved ruudo, erosion, such a* plowing In and seed­ than corrosive sublim ate, does not cor­ from the hour betw een 12 o'clo ck und le ss ries are worn with It, and cer- 1 m aterial In contrasting color, and bav-1 according to engineers of the bureau ing. planting trees, and building dams rode m etals, and Is effective for both 1 o'clock, generally designated ns "th a lofi lianza. lalniy very charm ing things are avail- | Ing a touch o f colored em broidery. Public roads o f th e 1'mted S la te s o f various kinds. By follow ing the ' scab nnd rhlzoctonln. noon hour.” able this spring. Any of these sets Such a aet might be roade of organdie, i Departm ent o f Agriculture. In the suggestions and plans fa n n e rs should 1 T h e solution Is mude by m ixing two T his word orlglnutPd about IC57; may be purchased In the shops, or ! if preferred, with binding of colored I Past *,,,ne * - feet and a good many of be able to prevent fu rth e r erosion In pints o f 40 per cent form aldehyde to It occur» In n play acted about that *Jud Tunklns. they may be made at bomt w ith com- linen or self fabric, and colored etn- 1 f ,sit width have been constructed most case s anil to reclaim badly gul- | 80 gallons o f w ater. T h is Is heated to tim e, culled "T h a Lam e la iv e r." In In an effort to economize, but It has lied land. parntlvely trifling expenditure of time ' broidery. In some cases expensive | a tem perature between 118 degrees K. Ju d T unklns says It'a all wrong to which a ch a ra cte r sta te s that he "w as Only and money. Of course fluffy, frilly neckwear, proved «hörtsighted economy. at m et ure« such as concrete walls are nnd 122 degree* E. T h e potntoe* are A very snmrt v erfc* with cuffs to vesteea, gnlmpes. etc., are shown, but one line o f traffic can pass over a 12- needed, but usually Inexpensive tna- dipped In the solution for two m inutes think th at In business friendship confined lu bed two days with the new cea ses. T h e fact th a t they a rc obliged Influenza.” mutch la of finely corded white pique -he rather tailored effects seem to be foot roadway, und 10 feet of width feriáis— brush, straw and stones— nre nnd then dumped In a pile nnd cov­ to tra n sa ct business with one nnolher embroidered In w hite or color, a large holding first [,lace at the present tim e will not acronimi «Iute two lines in recommended. ered with n canvas cover or snrka for ornam ental pearl button serving as a Gingham and cretonne are playing safety. Many of th e stares, such as T he bulletin may be obtained free one honr. T hey e«n then he dried or Is all th at keeps a lot of people even P e rfe ct L ittle G entlem an. fastening as well as trimming for vest quire a role In spring and summer T nsylvanln. New Jersey , Ohio and o f charge hy addressing the depart­ cut and pianteli Immediately. F o r­ a little hit friendly. A little E nglish lad of five a t hi* and cuffs. T his set would be sm art neckw ear development. Linens also M assachusetts, have found It advisable ment at W ashington, D. C. maldehyde, when used without hent- prayers one night solem nly said : " I f in replacing old bridge* on linportunl with n dark tailored (mi* or wdtb a are to th e fore. T he E lep h ant's Foot. ----------------------------- - Ing, will not control rhlznctonla and I die tonight, please, Ood, excuse nia frock ot the redlngote type. roads tn m ake them wide enough to PLAN TO ERADICATE SORREL requires one nnd a hnlf h-urs' soaking T h e elephant Is a good traveler. On coming to Heaven In my pajnm ns." Another e -fly made set consists of T h e la test list o f b a rristers In accomm odate th ree and four lines of for beat resulta In control of arnb. puritan collar and novel rnffs <,f F ran ce shows ohl.v 14 women lawyera truffle. level ground a fa st horse can outrun About 8impleat Way Is to Spray With heavy linen, finished with a bund o f | and MT probationers. him , but on rough ground he would A stonishing Indeed. Solution of Coppsras— Quick­ GARDENING ON VACANT LOTS leave the horse behind. I lls foot Is M aterial for Good Roads. lime Also Kilts. K ennelh recently sen t his Grand­ F ederal aid riaids, eith er completed encased In a hag-llke akin, with a Sm all Space, Properly Managed, Will m other G ray tho follow ing birthday or under construction In the United heavy padded bottom . About the sim plest way o f killing Supply Fam ily With V egetables S ta te * at the end o f the present fiscal greeting on thnt lady's eightieth birth ­ All Bummer. year, will require approxim ately 10,. sorrel. If you do not want to cultivate day. K enneth v u horn on tho sam e Police Commissioner of New York the land, la to spray It with a solution 8 ta rs In Daylight. l ie stated that In the event fha 000,000 ton* o f stone and gravel for Asks Appropriation to Hire Twen­ month, so this Is whnt ho w rote: copperas (sulphate o f Iron), mnde It Is possible to m ake the garden money was granted for the employ, the making o f 28,w to Milkt» n S u it » .« of Ih» R.«| Entat« te r and sprinkling the w ater and lime resu lts are expected from experim ents. On S ï î i r f î '.__ i - ortli-ulai-fi. — — .....", Mai-iloI,xi,I maiu'iilSHI Cnoparattv» u "sp e cialists In designated channels of work was not excessive and was 17 mu) an-hour truck t o haul grain or h o g s over the plants, repenting a s often as except potntoe* nnd n few other Hoaliy I omuany. San I Sago. ('»Iltornla. In, the fnrm er will begin to compete ronrtw! vegetables, for a family of four crim e," which was referred to a spe­ a year less than Is paid to crim e spe­ necessary. with rail and w ater transportation. the whole year. It must be rich soil, On S trik e . cial .sitnmittee. cialists by Scotland Yard. well cultivated, and a plan followed pportunity— I'm perfectly willing R estrict Motor Vehicle. PLAN FOR GREASING WAGONS thnt will use the space all the growing to O knock on every door once, but I'll B ecause of r the (lines* of his mother. And M ott Husbands. Own Life. A wagon can he greased with one A ssociate H orticulturist, University Moses Is alleged to have asked Mr*. April. E v ery m illiner knows how much a h a lf the liftin g usually done hy re­ Fnnn. Fiern to elo|>e with him. She refused Arc Yon Satisfied? m œ W B B o . Lenii, S. I>.—Joh n Mose», a farm wom an'» vanity goes to her head.— Profit In Hog Pasture. moving tlie b.irra from both wheels lie threatened her with s shotgun »? *1^* blrg**t, moat p*rf#rtlir «qulDn«4 band eniplnyed on thè ni.umtaln ranch Boaton T ra n scrip t. T here's proflt ln hog pnstures. In on one side of the wagon, then grease Maks B sst Gardeners. She replied shp preferred denth to dis­ » M L T i t w,!,"r',n.L ’J'-*"’" 12 » tha N O Tti of Itnlph Fiero. '.V mlles west of bere, «H h m ori T°"Ç»eif for a higher position honor. Moses then fired two shots and sbout rill* order: A lfalfs, cluver, ra|ie, them, leaving the w heel* bang about T he best gardeners sre usually the with morn money r*rra a n « n t Doaltlon« shot and klllcd Mrs. Fiero and then blue «rasa, sorghmn. two Inches out, go to the opposite aide people who la k e Ihe greatest Interest " ■ • I ""1 *>»»r MmdiiAtM. P -------- she died Instantly. Dally Thought. kllled hitoself. T u e sliootlngs were o f the wagon, remove both bu rrs nnd In the plnnts and thus like to cu ltivate Boritomi ^ c* u , °k—^Foiirth and TamhllL Men s r e but child ren of s large « lliicsscd by C. N. l'nrka. fath er of T he F.nilisli language contains ha- give the wagon a above tow ards the them. Go>*l gardeners are often good Makes W sak Concrst«. grow th.— Dryden. Uro. Fiero, and twu little clilldren. f i c e n liyiuuu and KSI.ISIU word*. D irty gruvel m akes » ea k euueret«. louse wheel*. P. N. U. farm ers. No. 27, 1822 FORTUNO HIOE & WOOL CO. aa*I8 » R a d io Dyeing 4 Cleaning our Beck und Cull INCO TAX $ 12 . 5 « $ 19.95 $ 22.45 $ 23.75 $ 29.95 $ 30.95 $ 37.75 $ 39.95 $ 40.25 American Tire & Rubber 2300 Co. R IT Z H O TE L INFORMATION DEPARTM ENT,, RADIO H otel QUEER FEELINGS AT MIDDLE AGE H oyt USED TRUCK BARGAINS & I PILES INTELLIGENT PRODUCE MARKETING S L T S S 'L 'If.fiS S ft i RUBY & COMPANY, 165 FRONT ST. DR. C. J. D E A N WARDROBE ACCESSORIES NEEDED SEEKS WOMEN AS DETECTIVES FREE A D V IC E - SLAIN FOR REFUSAL TO ELOPE