_L_ THE TURNER TRIBUNE Railroad T ravel Costsare Down I'HAKl, t*. HAS.HL.hK, Kl'ITOK Issued Kvery Thu rada» it Turaar. Marion County, Oregon S U M M O N S A d m in istra trix Notice oooooooooooeoooooooooooou u In Tho Circuit Court Of The Stati N o T It 'K IN II K ltK IlY t llV F X , Of Oregon For The County Of To w limn It may enticen», Hint tin Marion, Department No. I. t'minty Court of Marlon taiunly, lia» T h e Stovcbuildcrs* M asterpiece John lliirrls, Plaintiff'. ; duly appointed It.-an Marklvvtlrh Ad X - m lui.lratilx of Ilio Faint» of Adolph Frank Orimes, IH-fcmhiiit Markier lleli, Deems, il I lid »II im r- SUBSCRIPTION «I Ï .X PKR YEAR I'o Frank Orlino., I W ind.m l : sons linvllig l'Ialina sgnlnsl said K.tnlr Kuicrvtl si ike Toaiuffiee ai Turner, IN i i l i N A M K O F I'Hi'i S T A T I' are lierel.y nolllled In present said, Oregon, as seeomt-els*» matter. unJer OF OREGON, Vini are hereby rcqulr olalnis duly verllted to the undemlgii 1 ed to apix ar and answer tlifonmphdul eil Adiiiliil.lralrlx at riami Jill United the Aet of Mariti J, IST*. <> nini against you In llie a lso ..... Hilled { Stale. National Hunk llldg,, Muli ni, net Ion mi or before the Jttli day ot Oregmi, w llliin six iniintlia from the I dale o( . ________.___________ the tirsi putilleallim of Itila E D I T O R I A L June, HU'.', and If you fall so to appear _____ ml answer, snawer. for Sur want u sili thereof, th noi loe, Opinions of the riulntiir « i l i lake Judgliielil iigulnsl l'ale of II. il tee laglnnlng Muy JA, voli for Ilo* rvlk f deniauded In hi. ItlJJ, mid coiling June JA lu'JJ Tribune editor that o ioni piali, t, l o « il : for thè aulii of (J V* HUMA M A H K IK V I It H, 0 are reliable. in», and for ilio further anni of $4*.- Ailminl.t rat ria of the Kslate of 1 0 .si, and for Ilo* further aulii of (.si • Adolph MarkleVlteli, Hcecn.id. :U I; and for thè further aulii of f:UMXi; Merrill H. I.. h i .poil, Alloruey fur AlUntlo-P.clrto and for Ilo* fuilher aulii of fs.VI; alni Adiiilulstralrlx. 0 Highways-Kli etrleal 1 fot Ilo* further aulii of fi.' 00; aud tur U o x ' s U a x « o o d Kangc Kxp«*Hlon-ll>2A (he further sum of fJHtxi- and for thè Portland, Oregon further anni of f.SA 00, and for IIn* fur. Unke» mul hohl» litt* twice n» I o tlier aulii uf $73 ,10, togetlivr «U h In- lang na iiny nllter rittig» wilh o terrai theieon al ilic rale of il (wr eent The prohleui in this time today lato o per annulli frotu Oetoher JO, ItiJI, un li'sawmtil.nr yoiir inoney hack. # N O T IC K IS ItF .liK liV (ItV K N , rvwcue Oregon from the KuKluxere. o III pani; aud for thè further aulii of That puraiiant to hik I I•>* virtu«« of no I( vour Untier w ill not supply 0 Ftu.un a, reasonalde allornev’a fessi ortU r of ti «* county Court, for Mutton 1 Tlie truth Is mighty and arili pre­ he rein, aud for lite costa aud iltakurac- county, St ale nf t >n if«»»», itiidi' nil I It«* yotl, send h>r eatalogue mul I vail. hut there are* some lu Turner lueuta uf (h i. ai timi luourrrtl. o III || . \ of M r ) in ' I , \N in \Y o price hat. Vmi nrt* further notllted Ihal eer- whom it hurts. • tluriMr. AiimlnUtrator of tin* o laln pi rsonahle propert)-, to-wll ; one of Fretti ri. k W. Hiitger, tleei'iised, Nl’e w ill fa ll rangea lim i »uve g The annual soins.I meeting neat team o f horsia, Iw o ai ta o f iloulde* , » III seil al l'uldle Sate on Ille I■ dav you money. 9 Monday promises lo le i|ulle an at- « ork harnea», one t'nluinbua wagon, „ f J „„,*, IUJJ, f„r ea.li, ihr following tra, live mtalr »uriuklcd w Uh n sort of ■•>•»'* ' " « ' » t ree, mie doubl» Irr». *.... Ueaerlla.l ri al premia. . I.swll irai in e miair apritiklni » un n son . i m.,.k yo|((. , „ lr , wo |,„rw, ,|lac, ..... ! |,,,|, Nine ,#). and Tei, IO), except You may visit San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego, wonder cities • f the Pacific l > 1 SS - i » \k fa rli fig . I Kwamxui ... m .lllw .ln a .aktaa I « . ... harrow, lu... two |»towi, « ont* cultivator,olir fotirlrri) frrl (II) feci, otf of |||r Faut U'tlstt'iui, o lir l»c«i MprioR, o lir »to o l ; e ml t hen of, in Itivi« School Attilli* Coast; California’s Charming Seashore and Mount in Resorts, Thue National 1 aiks After awliiK*. prrhni a, aoitic people rung«', rooking utrn»il» ami three | imi (,» ti, ,, and scores of inviting pleasure places. her* w ill tii»co\er timi »(unti» ran not hlunkrla b« lonicing to you hu« ore» i county, Orison, o 871 N. Coui'l 8 t. SAI KM j be pulled o ff that reflecta uiton aman '*‘ la.h..l and will Ite takeu aud sot.l ( The terms of »aid aale «re la ti» fasti 9 S t i x j Eiisi lhis ra y un!» the li7ili day «*í May, IWJS, E\or\ r I iuAY m id » iduruuy W illi K »r sale dates aud other particulars ask agents and Charlie Hall should cunniuo» lo ­ the undemlgioMhave tMeii a|«|M»liit«d j writ It ft c o m p ir lo cliaii^«* o l ih o Scrambled The Whole Family Kxi'cuiur'i *»f ili«* I* »I»• if • • i K \V Plan now to make trips this summer and take ge! her. Both aru miatlla, pillllosll)'. 1 program on Sumluy. \N n 11 «er, D« <>« i»«« «J, nml Imvc «iimlllK'il advantage of gn at reductions in railroad fares Hull keeps saving iu a deranged mini! Wlion his father innnicd his w ife's iX* *u ’h. Al! p' rw iu h;«vhig «*luhn that he is governor and the Waldport mother at lM oit, Win., William agallisi said Kslat«- are hereby notitted editor praises the KuKluvkers. Fli (iriiitN wife became his ste|wister In present the same duly \rrilled,w élh For fares, reservation», train « hcdules, transit limits, stopovir Kmt'Ulor'a subjects for the attention of Din'tor and his mothrr-in law his stepmother. prtimr v*nieh«rs, ï *• privileges or beauliful folders imbuire o f ageuts. ni lmM*niti'»f II. W Maey. Attorney Steiner. N’«»w Mrs. deist husband is lier f»»r the «state, *.*o^ dray llldg . Hah ni, .... brother* her father-in-law is her Oiegoii, within six month» fr«»iii the Charles Hall, a recent cmididatv iu father, ami her mother has beeomu date of I his not tee. T U RN KH, . OKU. Dated thif» |at dav of June, UfJ*.'. the republican primaries fur the Humi­ her mothrr-in law. det some of the Hi'HI K !.. W \ 1 . 1 . At « . liation for governor. luta intimatili women folks to diactam this for you, A It UK K D. WAI.I. At K. that If lie falla iu lila coutcat hr will no man can ft|furv out relationships. ’ JO H N U . SCOTT, General l'gssenger Agent Kieeutor's probably be an independent candidate Johnny Watson w ill arrive home j In the November election. Till* threat provea tbal Hall aud tils followers are from Kugene this Friday night. •ooocoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooocooooooooooooooÇ ----- _ _ o ----------- 1 N O TIC K IS IIK ItK H Y U IV K N . poor sportsmen, and if chetiti lie J M Watson leaves next Tuesdsx That the undersigned, l.y an order of would be a “ sissy’’ In a man » Job. Il o thè oouniy t'ourt, of Marion oouuly, I measures up with his announcement fur New port to attend a .1 day sassi.m Oregon, in.uh and m ltittl up«ui Ut« 471 t*«»urt St. SALEM A. It. encampment. letter early in the campaign that lie of lì,* ¿niltUv of May, Imaiie«,n np|M>int rp , s xeaa having hit annum.o meut story « «I Auinloistrator «»f ih*- K«tut«* «»f * Krm sl W Simmons, |)«*c«*aM-d, ami \ (J j I r o u b l e put in plate form and asked the Colin Mr. and Mrs. John dower ami son, ima «| iim IiII«-«I nn Mieli A ll |M>r« 4 in» : try papers to run it, and lie would Leonard dower, of New berg, motored liuvlng «daiina agall ai swld 1 * »it.lt- ai« ; i : ! later ruu mi ad in the paper. Most to Turner Sunday and visit« d a few ht-rrhy Itotiflrd t«> prvarnt Ihe s.lit« What the probable effects will be editors fell for the “ gush,” but lie o n lulv Vel t-rilleil. a lili pr«>|M-r vuiietier» In 1 h »urs at the Il.ikrr hotel. if the Oregon and California lines of ________ _________ *«ala Adndiii»lr»tor at ti»«* oltlcv «»f 11 i V. v.-uieutly forgot lita promise. This the Southern F a rit« are sc|>arnted NV. Mae Vs Attorney f«>r tin- Kslate, Dir.’ from the Central Pacific line between I * ! » » » « M Ih . I I « . « h . w as not the Bert MeKny, Hill Hall, Jim Lyle and d r »y lliil« . Halen,. Oregon, within! its Eastern connections at Ogden and ,ua" for. P1* “ u,ui ” v" " ‘ ye editor leave Saturday h ÍH -1 noni* f«»r »I* month« from the date o f this! tidewater on San Franeiaeo boy i* a prove« iu f»« lings w*« re coir« ct. \\ «■ Titinmo 4 'k to .attempt attempt the catch «»f n«»lltt*. Dsilcd this Ni «lay of June, ln.'J. matter o f «loop eoneeni to the peoplsj need men (he men) iu ^«Million» of salmon and for an outing. J. «• D S| \| MOAH, o f this state, patrtieularly of Western such responsibility*, and lla ll is not A • 111 « 111 i»t i .% t « » r. lu d i a man.—Srio Tribune. Oregon. Mr*. An nie K. Nieln»N, the fivorlt«- That .severance of the Oregon lines Klljah Itaker. I Picture Framing o f the Southern Faci tic from other ROBBED A MAUSOLEUM f " home J - * ! In Seattle last returmd to her If ft Court 9t Salsm Ora. units o f the great tmiis|K>rtatioii sys­ N O T IC K IS H K H K IIY O IV K N • _ , , • . II- Sunday and aluo* her departure the tem as «-ontem|dated by the recent de­ Coatly jeweLx which an Indian . . . . . . Thai tlu* him hr» Ig tut!, tiy an nr>l« r of « # • * « t # « « »#«9 # « » • « « # « cree o f the supreme court o f the I ’u - 1 woman wore during life were interred , Vinc™ ll<‘ f:,,l*er has seemingly beeu th«* county Vmirt «»f Mur loti ««»iintx. a | ited State», irresjieetive o f whether 50 years ago with her body, enclosed ' n depressed niood. • Stuff of Oregon, duly mad«' hih I i i i *! t«-r«'d on (hr :ir «1 day of J Ul if, HfcTJ. wrt» * - ] the Cnion Pacific system, for example, in a metallic coffin and placed on the j ---------- ° — • o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o c o o o o g o o * aepuired the segrcgatcal line from San shelf in a brick mausoleum. In the The Misses Urrtlia Thoms« and duly ap|Mdnt«d AdnilnUtraliix « f th« ' : Kranoisco bay to Portland, would re-j year following, her husband d i d and Bernelce llriggs, and Mesdaincs L. M. Kutat«* of t 'hriii J'HN', IH tt im i ), and > From Egypt they went hack to suit unfax-orahly to the transporta -1 "his body was placd in a walnut It irxee and It. O. llriggs, are employed that »lie ha* duly iitntlifh-d aa auch Smyrna and loaded up to capacity tion interests o f the |K*onlc o f this coffin beside that of his wife. There in a cannery nt Malern. Tlie Indira All pf r*M»n» ha« mg tluiina again at -uhl Katatf are hfrehy nottfh d I«» pr«»«-nl | with Asiatic camels and set out for state is the belief o f intelligent oh- 1 they reposed undisturbed lor 5ff years travel to work by train In tfic morn- (lie oarnr, duly verified aa r« «|inr« d hy home with 33 o f the tall, awkward serx'ers who are qualitid to express a until a recent night bandits broke into law, to the iind« r»ighed at th« ofTh'e «'f rug and home by auto In the evening. creatures in tow. They found that conservative opinion. I«cfim*a ne«* urate I y dupli* •«led Jj Smith A Hhlchln, 4o;t Hith-iii Itnnk < f I the mausoleum, tore o|>eii the coffins , they had paid on an average o f about (*oii»iner«*f, .Sal* in, ( in g«in. % % it tiln »lx 1 opt leal repair« <*ar« fully 2 Fortunately the supreme court d c-. and robbed them o f their jewelry and Walter W illies, of Washington, for­ month» innii thf dale *«f lliia n««ih-r. i Away back in 1856 your I ’ nele Rain .*75 j or each camel. The ship landd cree, which is based on the Sherman | valuables. A grand jury will inveoti- nml promptly made. Dutnl and flr«t puttlUliid thla M|h set aside $30,000 to spend for raising them at Indianola on the Texas coast, aiiti-trust act o f 1S90, runs counter to gate this desecration o f the dead. Still mer resident of this community »nine ratnels! Yes. sir, he did. In those About GO miles from the city a camp the later law, the transportation act the thought occurs tlie crime wnx not JH years ago w hen he resided on the «lay of June, H AR TM A N BROS. fiU lt V JOSSK. days the maps u sd to show the states was chosen. It was nam d Camp o f congress, passed in March, 19J0, beyond reason. Locked up in these farm now occupied by lieu Knlicrf soti, Ol IF C. GEH MAH, o Adnilniatratria of (lit ««title o f l hrU o f Kansas. Missouri and on to Calif­ Verde, and it was and is the only which orders the Interstate Commerce gems, and entombed for liait a cen­ was here Wednesday greeting former J«*M , IVCfiN lJ. ornia as white and m arkd in the geo­ camel camp ever cx is td in these Commission to acquire the railroads tury, were thousands o f days o f labor. old lime friends, lie was accniiipnnii d •Smith A Hhifhl», Sah'iii, Oregon, i » • • • • • * • « • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • graphies in big letters, ‘ ‘ The Great United States. for A«lmlulatratris. of the eountry to be consolidated into apparently lost to th# world forever. I by hla urpbew, Calvert hlede uf Hurt- Attorn« American Dcnert. ” Everybody thot For some reason the camels all de- 20 major groups. According to this In rescuing the gems from their tomb, |nnd. For Oooil Noodles Sec o f this country as barren and desolate c id d that they didn't wnnt to live. procedure hearings will be conducted the theieves have done one thing, tliex * * ■ — NOTICE OF FIN AL SETTLEMENT and useless. Even the Congressman Wayne and Porter had brought back by the Interstate Commerce commis­ have restored to the world in crystal­ NOT IC* K H IIK K K U V U IV K N . belicvd this to be true, so they v o td two camel doctors, and they u sd all sion and by the publie service com­ lised form the stored up energy o f (bat th»* (Inai annulli nf Hnrnh K this money for the use o f the army to their arts, missions o f the various states dir- j many working days, J«nifav AdiiituUf ratrix nf th«* Katahof ! pit across this ‘ ‘ desert” to the smil­ Wayne was fearful that they were cctly affected by the proposed group- i H. NV. Jomn, Dri*t*n«<*d, I ih » U « u dl «I 1 Don't forget that the little cavity In lI m * couitly ( '«»uri of Marion <*ounly, ing shores of California. ■lying from eating cactus, so lie saw ings o f the railroads for a|ierating of today, If not at tended to, become« Ori’Knii, and (hat Die lodi d*y of Jul) , A young man by the name of to it that thera was no cactus to he purposes in the public interest, thcre- nl Ute Itour of len «»'cloek n. in . 8 Liberty Ht j the lar«e cavity tcinorrow. Jefferson Davis, who had a good im­ found around there. Then the baled j,y enabling all interests concerned to j Saloni agination, first thought o f the plan, liny xcos susjieeted ot being too rich, present any objection* to the grneral 2 —Don't forit»*t that the dvntal oh- Itiereof, lui» lat i» «Inly »ppo|nt«*«l h\ The Turner Alumni gathered on Ihe »uHt Court na thè Itine f«*r th« hearinK lie would have Uncle Sam use the Six died before the summer was over, coiusolidation. i banka o f the Snutiam river Htinday for • M*'M ""*y re" ult *■» the dangeious of ohjeetiona lo «alti (Ioni iic«‘f>uiit Hiid camels in trade and to chase Indians. Davis sent Porter back to Smyrna The methods o f postponing the evil ' a pjch|c The day « . . . wonderful and U m * «••(IleiiH'iit tlit-r«-of. All |>eraon« Pilone 44il ‘ -morrow. He*, hui J He planned to bring the camels from tor another load. This time Porter day to Oregon and California threat Inten at«d h* »nid «alale un* her«*!*) n*i|iilred lo ui>|M *ar in m ji i«l Court ul India and start a colony o — f them ----- — in L — — ... — .........— — --------- — - — , u h ii uv i! III > i I m i II 111 111 me bu | Ifumu I . . . . _ . . , , . | bought 41, and they were added to by application o f the supreme r.* 1 ■!,.?/ // /,! !.1 line»» » i l h your regular trips to il,« DR O A. O L S O N »nid Ilm«* und |>t.««*<* nud aliow eiiil»«*, Western Texas. those at Camp Verde. But ut nbout ««urt decree o f divorcement o f tho di,,,‘ er' * here are tweuly-elglit nieni' .... . .................. DENTIST A fter telling Congress nbout the this time polities changed at Wash- i Central Pacific from the Southern her* * l ,- P a llile » Kat rari Ion of Treib by jdan and receiving permission to ington and the new administration I*aoifie svste ... lines will he to i 1 ,d.iec!e " , f sc'P ‘ f" u ,‘ w „ » h o could not at DR. F L O Y D L. U T T E R proved t»y »nid Court. Nerve Hloekliigor Nitrone Oxide s|>end the money, he sent Captain D. forgot ail about the nen' camel camp the department o f justice to delay cx- ’ end. Ihe follow iog offlcirs wer* D E N T IS T HA KAM K. JON KM, , .. D. Porter to the Far East to buy the and slowly the homesick creatures edition o f this decree until the Inter- elected forllieenaulngymir: President, H AI.KM Adrniniktrntrix o fllie «»tu te of H. 1 M faw k! Trni| 8 le 8 UMI .Holeiu Hank of Commerce llldg. , .iiMcix. Then the trouble began, for died. NV. Jone», I )••«•«-«»ed. 1 --- - — ■ 1 state Commeree commission can pro- Kenneth W ilzel; Secretary, May H AI.KM , OREGON neither Daxis nor Porter knew any- ; However, other men tried the thing reed further with the grouping o f the Hadley. Those present were: H au l ; Mm i t li ell IMwrtaon, Glenn! Mujor 11. C. Wayne, but it seems he at ion it the government would gixx 1920. Miller, Kenneth W ilzel, A lvin Bond, Ylck So Tong knew little more o f the animal. They i him five sections of land. A Texas Under the plan which the Interstate |, ,uaM |iieh„ Karl Bear. Wallace inspected the zoo» m England and in man tries! it. A company was formed C H IN E S E M E D IC IN E A N D Comtmree commission is eon,,,I.tied to j,.,.,, Vein«.. Hv. ker, France to see just wiiat camels looked that brought the ruincLs into Balti­ follow, subject to public hearing of An Orilinnneeenlll |i d nn Ordinance , ’ TEA CO M PANY like and to find out nil about them. more, and the company tried to drive objections, the Southern Pacific sys- ' r ,ur " " ,urJ ■ In amend Heel Ion 8 o f Ordinance No. Mitt medici nn orliirh will fur« any On to Tunis, Wayne and Porter them overlnnd to the Great American tem, including the Central Pacific •81, " f the t'ity of Turner. ---------- o—— — , huiwn c|x>»||» and ship, expenditure* for all classes of analysis, posisi duties nre accommo­ they turned hack there. But first Savings Account* improvements would necessarily be! dations performed for our neighbors FO B .SALE . Nice large lion»» nnd other hour than the hour allotted lo| and friend, nnd (hoiild he to regarded, they inspected the camels that were wtapendod, except those items imme­ them, or using more than one faucet Cor. Stale and Commercial Hts, rather than ns n hired servire per­ four lots in north Turner at reasonable being used in the Crimean War, which diately iuqiortant to the operation of j at a time for Irrigating, shall have flu-1 formed for nn nhsenteo employe/**— | Hah tu Oregon was then in progress. These were the price Inquire this office for partimi. water »hut off until such u time a. the railway lines. This xiliiatien j Bnctriau style and were being used by Inflict Death Penalty on P iiM n t t Who would entnil financial loss tniongii- l'ostmnxler General Hubert Work. I lars. they are willing to comply willi the the British Army. Dodge Grain Lavy in o it the entire Pacific Coast. Ordinance, and al»o he suljeet to n The two American camel hunters Russia. During the 52 years o f common line nf $| 50 to la- collected with the! thought the Pmctrinn body style of ownership and control o f the South­ next month’s water rent. eamcl ideal. It was possessed of It os toff-on Don, Itussla.—The death ern Pacific ami Central Pacific prop­ Central Pacific from the Southern ' ninny refinements that seemed most (.enaliy la heln* Inflicted In the Kuhnn erties, main line, branch terminal [ Pacific, would be Whore tho water Is used only for lr. ! serious problem j essential. There wrre no extras to am) tion districts upon peasants xvho and other facilities have become ro nnd it may well he doubted whether rigai I og, the parly must pay for six buy. It had fxvo humps instead o f attempt to evade the grain tax which interwoven that in the event o f se|>- either the Central Pacific or the montila rent, or $fi no during the sum. one and that made a much easier the government has Instituted Instead 0 rol ion o f these projiertirs a greet Southern Pncifie would carry this iner and fall monili*. As an emer­ riding ehassis and better for baggage of money taxes. Al KrnMiodarsk, a deal o f time would lie consumed in line through f rom Eugene to Klam­ gency exists, thla O rdinaneX »III be­ and freight. So. going hack to Con peasant, and two officials xvhom lie arriving at n workable arrangi lu-nt ath Fall* nnd thence east of the come in full force and effect upon it. slantinoj.le, they sold their Tunis hrlhed to assist him In dodging the for the segregation o f the pro|ieriics mountains to a connection with the Stato A Liberty St». adoption and approval and «igniture camels for $14 and set sail for Alex­ grain levy « ' all shot, nnd radical without seriously interfering with Central Pacific at Fernley, Ncv. The Salem, Oregon of the Mayor, andria. •UT» are being taken throughout public service. Natron cut-off, built on easy grades P. « . ling 2I..H Approved June 7th, 1(122. But in Kgvnt they eouldli’t obtain •noth Itussla to check the hnmlltry Completion o f the Natron rut-off o f » “ H light curvature, would be a flirret I. !.. ItOIIKItTHON, Mayor. permission from the vieeroy to ex|ort which the Moscow government de­ the Southern Pacifie, suspended since competitor o f the Union Pacific for l j „ „ 1 T L Oregon rx i , more than two, although they wanted nounce* ns nothing more than an ef. 1913 because of business depression traffic moving between Portland ami K eE Q 1 lie l eO plö S 20. Finally they got 10 on condition fort to escape taxation. For Hale Old flr wood Iff In. and i :in<1 money stringency and later be- Salt l-nkc City. This projected line that they would not ask for more ¡ would on completion he o f vast im- cord wood length*. Do you wnnt »nine ! cause o f the commencing o f the fed­ IK>rtnnee to producers o f every com­ later. slum page? Inquire o f O. F. Booth ; '/ ' " r farm j Go to church Sunday. eral government’s suit to separate the modity in Western Oregon, Tim iii. ........... "• I and. 1 mile from runter, hnr Infor- Turner, Oregon, umlloii, cull at Tribu ne office. To San Francisco and Eastern Cities Via The Scenic Shasta Route 1 I Administrator's Notice of Sale of Real Property 25 per cent. Saving to San Francisco and return Summer Tourist Fares East Through California Costs much less this year g Round Trip Fares T O PORTLAND People’s Furniture Store o U Jl U D€U I CC € Are the lowest in years E u 'c u lo r ’s N otice ©] H. N. Gragg P h y sician an d S u rgeon jj SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES D. H. High MOSHER Claus A d m in is tra to r's Notice Supreme Court’s Decision Source la d ie s and tients - I'ailorinjc - Dr. O. L. Scott Chiropractic-Hpinologiat 4M IIW S. Hunk Building Oregon Grain Co. Salem, Ori'gnn Turner PORTER, Wall Paprr, Paints and w. Notice to C re d ito rs î When Uncle Sam Raised Camels Kyes I ested ____ G la s s e s F itte d SALIM BIN SIN BEST CHINESE DISHES Dental Dont’s Alumni Picnic Cherro Poultry Heeds Butter Wrappers at this office O rdinance No. 67 U n ited S ta te s N a tio n a l B a n k REDS SHOOT TAX EVADERS Salem H ank O f Com m erce ' G en eral B a n k in g B u sin ess Interest Paid on Time Deposits and Having Accounts Cor. Cash Store Adv. The Kodak Turner :